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20+ good Idea's

9 posts in this topic

Here are the thoughts.....


Ability to purchase the Exile mod Leather Outfit the Paintjob trader is wearing.

Wood floor port (hole center)

Wood floor port (hole side)

Wood floor port with door, lock and upgrade ability

1/2 Wood floor

Craftable carpet

Rope walkway about the size of a 1/2 wall

Wood window (hole center)

Wood window (hole side)

Windows a little higher and not at players knees

Doors can be locked while in open position and remain open with no close door ability

Indestructible floors/doors


Stairs with a railing

Add one more step for the stairs  fixing the gap (quick fix is place a workbench over the hole)

Ability to rotate/flip all items up/down/left/right in build mode  (vector build)

Repair shot out flood light with light bulb

Flood light placement not sinking the light into floor underneath

Indestructible shelving unit

Bricks/Stone/Cinder that you can not shoot through

No chopping tree's in safe zone or other players flag radius

CTTV mod incorporation (had to mention one thing that's not likely)

Flashlight, water and a 40% meal for fresh spawns

Bambi status eliminated altogether. No points for shooting someone in a parachute

Edited by JµdgεMεŋtλl
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I'm confused by you saying "the way the mod is heading" - it's very early days and the fact the base building is already implemented and working (all be it not to it's full extend) and working relatively bug free is a good thing. That to me indicates it's heading in teh right direction and very much looking to expand upon the base building and making it a key point of the game. in fact I see lots of evidence within the development to indicate base building is going to be  central part of Exile.  


As for base destruction, I agree. Base destruction is only abused and used as a feature that actually supports trolls. However I do think that there should be viable ways for players to launch assaults on bases and to be able to gain entry one way or another. Some of the best ideas i've read usually revolve around some kind of rare/very expensive lock picking kits. I also like how in A2 Overpoch some servers opted to have describable materials that are cheap or easy to obtain, with more rare/expensive items such as cinder and metal being indestructible. It is an issue that the community need to think about how to tackle though.

I also agree that the building module needs to be expanded to include more materials for custom bases, such as the half and quarter floors and many other things we've seen in various other mods, as well as some larger hanger doors (vertical and horizontal!).  And yes, more flexibility and control over the position of these building items is also needed, but my impression was that the mod was still going to implement these once the game was working properly and stable.  

Additional storage has also been suggested many times and again my impression is the devs are taking this on board for future releases. 

i have seen the CCTV mod on other A2 servers and it's pretty good. It would work nice as a base mod to add to Exile. It's another little improvement on the base building module. 


The starting load out should just be a server admin issue, let server admins decide what to give new spawns.


Bambi status is not irrelevant! I coudlnt disagree more. It needs further development but it's there to tackle people killing new spawns as it is detrimental to the game. It's not a mechanic that prevents it but it's something that encourages better game play. More needs to be built into the mod to have better rewards or more consequences depending upon you respect levels. 

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Says there is no point in base raiding yet fails to realize there is a point. If you can find this part somewhere then yes there is a point, but without it there is no point. This magical part is a Thermal Scanner.

Edited by Phantomz

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I said there is not point in base "destroying" Raiding is fine. Use scan tool or go old school like me and camp outside and wait for someone to open a door.

Every populated server I've visited has two doors, sort of like a floodgate. They open, enter, close and lock the first one, then open the second one.


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There is totally a point to base demolition.  I know someone is in there accessing their gear, I kill them, drop a wall or two and thermal scan their safes taking everything I can and loading them into the truck I drive through the hole I opened up.   You don't like them being destroyed, upgrade and secondary barricade them to force them to use more than they want to get where they want.......Wood is destroyable, and should remain so. 

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I believe in getting gear the ole fashion way, killing for it, Thus haven't felt the need to burgle anyone. Are the fortification upgrades (or multiple fortified walls)not a solution? Safe rooms for safes etc... The Air lock entrance I would think is the standard these days.


I would have to agree with FluffyBunnyFee Make it not worth the cost demolishing several walls to stealing you gear.  Don't make it impossible just make it economically undesirable.


Don't really care where anyone chops down trees.

I'm eating cat food and not really worrying about carpet

Would like to see a floor port with a door or the ability to use a wall w/door as a floor port.

Stack some half walls next to the stairs slanted with the stairs- not pretty but its safer

Bambi Status is here to stay I hope, no point in shooting some one in there orange jumper anyway

Just stick stuff in crates- they are indestructible so far

My doors can be locked in the open position and then closed- not sure if its by design or flaw I like it 

LOL the traders outfit.. there are Barbie games on steam that have many fashion choices

CCTV- hover a UAV at 500m

I'm surprised there was no heart shaped bed request

Edited by tom4

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