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Mafia Base Selling/Bidding

6 posts in this topic

My idea is, after 30 days without paying protection money the Mafia will sell/bid off your base. You can go to the office and and scroll and hit Territory's For Sale or something like that. It will bring up a menu with a drop down option showing the current bases that are for sale: Base Name - Amount of PopTabs - Coordinates. You could go check out the base location, see if you like and then go back to office and have a place to bid/buy the territory. After 5 days of nobody buying/bidding on the Territory it will be deleted. 

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if this was implemented  for me personally ifthere was anything in there like safes they would just get deleted and only the base itself would be put up for aucton

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As much as I want to see territory trading and the possibility of a kind of player based real estate market, I cant honestly see that idea working in it's current format. As I discussed on the pinned suggestions thread;


Also you have to think that that "protection" is actually just a way to disguise the clean up procedure and tie it in with the scenario. So the two main issue I can see with this suggestion are:

1) It's not really cleaning any unused building/bases up, it' recycling them. While this may be good on the face of things as it's encouraging players buying unused player/group buildings rather than building their own base, it may actually not help the situation as by the time they have enough money to buy a base, chances are they have already built their own base anyway. So effectively they are buying a second base and a base that would have been deleted and improved server performance will in fact be continued and possibly even expanded. The likelihood is most people will continue to develop these bases too, so you are actually encouraging players to own more bases and bigger bases, which is a greater drain on server resources. 


2) Can you imagine the amount of arguments this will cause? I can see some group/player being really pissed off when they inadvertently forget or cant protect their base and then to have someone else step in and buy it. It will only result in bad blood and ill feeling. Also not to mention The fact that other players probably have logged out of the base (and therefore already have access to it) or know the layout/secrets of the base so may still be able to gain access to it. Just seems like more effort that it's worth.


I do like where you're coming from with the idea though, and I would like to see some kind of territory control market to implement with a grid/tile based territory system whereby territories give the owners some kind of resource reward (pop tabs per hour/day or whatever) based on what structures are built on them. That way players could compete either in the marketplace or through hostile take over for key areas of the map to control some incomes .


This is obviously a massive system though and would rely on an expansion on the building system  and the ability to build "business" structures - not necessarily for players to use but basically a building that you can produce and then generates money based on it's purpose.

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