
Safe zone Size

10 posts in this topic


   class Sensors
        items = 1;
        class Item0
            position[] = {1951.4102,250.14449,10657.033};
            a = 250;
            b = 250;
            rectangular = 1;
            activationBy = "ANY";
            repeating = 1;
            interruptable = 1;
            age = "UNKNOWN";
            name = "ExileTrader";
            expCond = "(vehicle player) in thisList";
            expActiv = "call ExileClient_object_player_event_onEnterSafezone";
            expDesactiv = "call ExileClient_object_player_event_onLeaveSafezone";
            class Effects{};

Edited by Santa

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Step 1: Copy your Mission File over to [C:\Users\Jawdan\Documents\Arma 3\missions]

Step 2: De-PBO the Mission File so it's in a folder not a PBO.

Step 3: Download; Eliteness, DPbo and DOgg from the link below and obviously install them all.

Step 4: Open Eliteness and navigate to your [C:\Users\Jawdan\Documents\Arma 3\missions] using the file explorer

Step 5: RightClick your Mission.SQM and select De-Rapify

Step 6: Go into the Arma 3 Editor and load your Mission File

Step 7: Once loaded press F6 and you should now be able to see markers on the map.

Step 8: Double Click the center of the safe zone circles and change the A and B Axis (I think it is, doing this from memory)  

Step 9: Change the Size as you need, save and then use Eliteness to Rapify the SQM file and repack the Mission to a PBO and you're set.

Step 10: Profit.'

Note: You could just edit the sizes via the Mission.SQM file itself but you won't really get a feel for how big your input was comapared to the map so I'd say it's easier and probably overall quicker to use the Arma 3 Editor.


Edited by Jawdan
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Step 1: Copy your Mission File over to [C:\Users\Jawdan\Documents\Arma 3\missions]

Step 2: De-PBO the Mission File so it's in a folder not a PBO.

Step 3: Download; Eliteness, DPbo and DOgg from the link below and obviously install them all.

Step 4: Open Eliteness and navigate to your [C:\Users\Jawdan\Documents\Arma 3\missions] using the file explorer

Step 5: RightClick your Mission.SQM and select De-Rapify

Step 6: Go into the Arma 3 Editor and load your Mission File

Step 7: Once loaded press F6 and you should now be able to see markers on the map.

Step 8: Double Click the center of the safe zone circles and change the A and B Axis (I think it is, doing this from memory)  

Step 9: Change the Size as you need, save and then use Eliteness to Rapify the SQM file and repack the Mission to a PBO and you're set.

Step 10: Profit.'

Note: You could just edit the sizes via the Mission.SQM file itself but you won't really get a feel for how big your input was comapared to the map so I'd say it's easier and probably overall quicker to use the Arma 3 Editor.


Thanks so much for this. I tried to change the values but when I save it, it says variable name used. When I change the variable name then just the outline of the ellipse changes. If I change this in the mission.sqm, will it update the map picture in game?


I changed item0 and the map still shows the same radius before and after the changes.

class Sensors
  items = 3;
  class Item0
   position[] = {14694.9,17.91,16727.4};
   a = 275;
   b = 275;
   angle = 45;
   rectangular = 1;
   activationBy = "ANY";
   repeating = 1;
   interruptable = 1;
   age = "UNKNOWN";
   name = "ExileTrader";
   expCond = "(vehicle player) in thisList";
   expActiv = "call ExileClient_object_player_event_onEnterSafezone";
   expDesactiv = "call ExileClient_object_player_event_onLeaveSafezone";
   class Effects{};
  class Item1
   position[] = {2998.06,3.7756,18175.5};
   a = 175;
   b = 175;
   rectangular = 1;
   activationBy = "ANY";
   repeating = 1;
   interruptable = 1;
   age = "UNKNOWN";
   name = "ExileTrader";
   expCond = "(vehicle player) in thisList";
   expActiv = "call ExileClient_object_player_event_onEnterSafezone";
   expDesactiv = "call ExileClient_object_player_event_onLeaveSafezone";
   class Effects{};
  class Item2
   position[] = {23334.6,4.00956,24188.9};
   a = 175;
   b = 175;
   rectangular = 1;
   activationBy = "ANY";
   repeating = 1;
   interruptable = 1;
   age = "UNKNOWN";
   name = "ExileTrader";
   expCond = "(vehicle player) in thisList";
   expActiv = "call ExileClient_object_player_event_onEnterSafezone";
   expDesactiv = "call ExileClient_object_player_event_onLeaveSafezone";
   class Effects{};


Edited by Ericode
added code

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Variable Name Used means that you've got two or more triggers, markers etc... named the same thing so just change the name of your markers so they differ.

Class Sensors is your triggers so you're nearly there, the Trader marker is made up of two parts, the Trigger and the Marker and you've only edited the Trigger so players will be recieving God Mode when they enter a 275m radius of the center of your marker. 

Changing the map marker (blue circle) is just the same, move your trigger out the way and then you should be able to get the option for the marker, just change the A and B value to match those of your trigger and then the map marker will change and you can save it and Rapify it and all that, just make sure you've move your trigger back and it's the same size as the marker first.

Visual Tutorial Here:

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Variable Name Used means that you've got two or more triggers, markers etc... named the same thing so just change the name of your markers so they differ.

Class Sensors is your triggers so you're nearly there, the Trader marker is made up of two parts, the Trigger and the Marker and you've only edited the Trigger so players will be recieving God Mode when they enter a 275m radius of the center of your marker. 

Changing the map marker (blue circle) is just the same, move your trigger out the way and then you should be able to get the option for the marker, just change the A and B value to match those of your trigger and then the map marker will change and you can save it and Rapify it and all that, just make sure you've move your trigger back and it's the same size as the marker first.

Visual Tutorial Here:

Thank you so much. I don't know how I missed that.

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Ok with the update and all.

How can I make the Radius of the traders smaller.  I can see the Radius size of the Markers.

   a=175;      <--------------------------------------- Marker size
   b=175;     <---------------------------------------  Marker size


Can anyone point me to the right position, Please. All I want is a smaller Radius of SafeZone.


Thank you


Ooh Rahh

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i cant find "class Sensors" in my mission.sqm. only the option for editing the marker. marker is still fine, but the godmode for all players is not available when the safezones start. godmode still starts at the old radius  :/



ok nevermind. i just have bad eyes. safezones works perfectly ^^

Edited by Ronnie_McLovin

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