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Ability to pick/hack code lock

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Guest Bailey

I would love to see a way that people could break into locked things as atm base raiding is pointless

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@READTHESCROLL yes 9999 combinations left... but for real exile is not a collection-simulator, they should implement something in the future cuz at the end that mod is all about clanraids ... it can be like a expensive one with a succes rate and limited for example 15 sellout per day that not every1 with money got that stuff and if they need luck to succes.

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Please no . As a father of 3 my time online is few and far between. If i smash out a weekend, then get back on the following weekend and my base has been raided, id not bother playing. The base is great as it is. 

Edited by |SW| Benlav
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@ Benlav i dont think every server will keep the pick locker so u can just search a new one or ur lucky with ur they just should make it possible for those guys like us ^^

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I have been thinking of adding a way to force a lock on our server. Would only be available in the loot table, take ~20-30 seconds to force the lock, and only have a small (maybe 10%) chance of being successful 

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I think it's fair that you'd have to figure it out yourself, it is a touchpad/PIN code. Or maybe, which I think would be awesome, is the ability to touch the touchpad and see if it's warm anywhere, and it would only be warm if the owner opened it within half an hour earlier. Then, if it was warm enough, you could figure out the code based on warmth.

However, as it is, either guess the PIN, blow up the wall, or leave and try another day.

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I both agree and disagree with the OP, I would like to see it in game, but with the current limitations on boxes, safes, etc, I dont think it should be added yet. Besides when walls are destructible, well, use explosives,  just beware, that storage boxes are fragile, so if you do blow up a base wall you might be blowing up everything you want.

The unlocking success rate for something like this would have to be extremely low if it were to be implemented, and it could only be found in military loot tables on a base of 1-5% chance of spawning, with a 1-15% success rate, otherwise it could be abused, as it currently stands I struggle with finding enough storage, because without hundreds of storage boxes, well I cant fit the materials I would need for an 8 person base without using 4-6 offroads as my storage. I also think that lock picks or what ever system (if they put any in), should have a much lower success rate if the door in question is upgraded.

On another note, I would like to see a lock system that would be much simpler, Ex: a piece of timber across gates, materials needed to craft 4x boards, 2x junk metal. (personal opinion only) But for 5k poptabs you shouldnt have to worry about raiders using a 5 poptab tool ten times or less and get into your base, otherwise I'd just replace my gates with walls when I leave my base, and use double walls for when explosives become a way to get into a base.

Overall: Yes they should be implemented, but they should not be able to be bought in the store, and have a very low chance of spawning, and/or only maybe three or four spots where they spawn at all on the map, meaning you want them, you have to fight for them.  Along side this, I feel that the success rate should be low as well, otherwise, well maybe they shouldn't be added at all.

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