I hope someone has an Idea what can be the reason for this problem.
Problem description:
If you purchase a Vehicle on the Trader and you try to make mission with it an one AI hit's you with an RPG your Vehicle will explode. (Depends on the vehicle for exampe you buy a Strider or hunter...) If you drive over an AI will the tires be damaged and you have to repair your vehicle.
If you wait 1 Restart with your vehicle, the Vehicle will get something like an god mode VS AI. I drove with an f.e. marrid into a ZCP with 100 bots all shoting there rockets but nothing happens with the vehicle. But if you drive on a Wall your front tires are destroyed .
Same problems with DMS and Vemf missions. No AI can deal any damage. So the players can simple drive over all AI's or drive into mission and clear them easy because the AT mines dosent have any effects, too. An this fucks me off... And I have no idea what are the problem can be.
BUT if you take a rocket launcher and shot on your vehicle it will explode without problems (testet with RPG-42 Alamut on marrid) (Vehicle was empty)
but this
No AI can deal any damage.
is not 100% true it feels like that the vehicle armor get 100x of the normal value. So the ai needs 50-60 to get the marrid down (or more). I try the "explode" button of infistar at one test player wich was in his marrid. After the explode the vehicle has 69% healh an the player was still alive. Only the tires of the Vehicle was destroyed.
If i doing the same with an fresh purchased Vehicle, the Vehicle will explode instant if I using explode from infistar. I must say thats really insane and makes not sense.
Server Mods/ Scripts
So I dont think that the reason for this are mods like CBA or CUP wich I'm using.
But futher i use the BloodLust mod wich affects the AI and some eventhandlers, and I use a script/overwrite that give vehicles God mode after restart until a player is unlocking them (so that no one can random destroy other player vehicles because he is retarded)
therefor I'm using
_vehicleObject allowDamage true; and _vehicleObject allowDamage false;
I hope someone has an Idea what can be the reason for this problem.
Problem description:
If you purchase a Vehicle on the Trader and you try to make mission with it an one AI hit's you with an RPG your Vehicle will explode. (Depends on the vehicle for exampe you buy a Strider or hunter...) If you drive over an AI will the tires be damaged and you have to repair your vehicle.
If you wait 1 Restart with your vehicle, the Vehicle will get something like an god mode VS AI. I drove with an f.e. marrid into a ZCP with 100 bots all shoting there rockets but nothing happens with the vehicle. But if you drive on a Wall your front tires are destroyed
Same problems with DMS and Vemf missions. No AI can deal any damage. So the players can simple drive over all AI's or drive into mission and clear them easy because the AT mines dosent have any effects, too. An this fucks me off... And I have no idea what are the problem can be.
BUT if you take a rocket launcher and shot on your vehicle it will explode without problems (testet with RPG-42 Alamut on marrid) (Vehicle was empty)
but this
is not 100% true it feels like that the vehicle armor get 100x of the normal value. So the ai needs 50-60 to get the marrid down (or more). I try the "explode" button of infistar at one test player wich was in his marrid. After the explode the vehicle has 69% healh an the player was still alive. Only the tires of the Vehicle was destroyed.
If i doing the same with an fresh purchased Vehicle, the Vehicle will explode instant if I using explode from infistar. I must say thats really insane and makes not sense.
Server Mods/ Scripts
So I dont think that the reason for this are mods like CBA or CUP wich I'm using.
But futher i use the BloodLust mod wich affects the AI and some eventhandlers, and I use a script/overwrite that give vehicles God mode after restart until a player is unlocking them (so that no one can random destroy other player vehicles because he is retarded)
therefor I'm using
_vehicleObject allowDamage true; and _vehicleObject allowDamage false;
see below
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