[16:08:13:461246 +01:00] [Thread 3036] extDB3: Locked
[17:52:43:328533 +01:00] [Thread 5932] extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Input String setAccountMoney:5400:76561197977653720
[17:52:43:328589 +01:00] [Thread 5932] extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Callname setAccountMoney
[18:26:48:374902 +01:00] [Thread 5932] extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Input String setAccountMoney:5800:76561198154560994
[18:26:48:374954 +01:00] [Thread 5932] extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Callname setAccountMoney
[18:34:44:773598 +01:00] [Thread 3036] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`exile_altis_pve`.`construction`, CONSTRAINT `construction_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`territory_id`) REFERENCES `territory` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
[18:34:44:773622 +01:00] [Thread 3036] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Input: insertConstruction:Exile_Construction_WoodDoorway_Static:76561198066356881:14574.143555:18030.867188:0.160927:0.0467433:0.0153724:-0.998789:-0.725029:-0.687279:-0.0445093:NULL
[18:34:44:776061 +01:00] [Thread 3036] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`exile_altis_pve`.`construction`, CONSTRAINT `construction_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`territory_id`) REFERENCES `territory` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
[18:34:44:776077 +01:00] [Thread 3036] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Input: insertConstruction:Exile_Construction_WoodDoorway_Static:76561198066356881:14574.143555:18030.867188:0.160927:0.0467433:0.0153724:-0.998789:-0.725029:-0.687279:-0.0445093:NULL
[18:34:44:776161 +01:00] [Thread 3036] extDB3: SQL: Error Max Retrys Reached
[18:34:44:776170 +01:00] [Thread 3036] extDB3: SQL: Error Max Retrys Reached
but i think this have nothing to do with the VG
How does the new exile VG working? Are the vehicles completley "safe" or is the "unused vehicle despawn time" still running even if they are in the VG?
It feels like that the vehicles get deleted if the (on my server) 7 Days expired
If anyone has an Idea pls anwere Would be great if I can fix that issue...
I have a problem with my virtal garage. The Veicles disapear after XX Days (Im not sure). But not immediately. It must be a logicla day value.
My Unused vehicle despawn time is on 7 Days
The protection time of the base is 30 Days
1 example:
Vehicle X was deleted at 11.11.18 from database (column "deleted_at" in database) but the column "last_updated_at" has the value 16.11.18
In my Exileserver database are showing random 2 errors
extDB3: https://bitbucket.org/torndeco/extdb3/wiki/Home
extDB3: Version: 1.032
extDB3: Windows Version
Message: All development for extDB3 is done on a Linux Dedicated Server
Message: If you would like to Donate to extDB3 Development
Message: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2SUEFTGABTAM2
Message: Also leave a message if there is any particular feature you would like to see added.
Message: Thanks for all the people that have donated.
Message: Torndeco: 18/05/15
extDB3: Found extdb3-conf.ini
extDB3: Detected 8 Cores, Setting up 6 Worker Threads
extDB3: ...
extDB3: ...
extDB3: ...
extDB3: ...
extDB3: ...
extDB3: ...
[16:08:13:461246 +01:00] [Thread 3036] extDB3: Locked
[17:52:43:328533 +01:00] [Thread 5932] extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Input String setAccountMoney:5400:76561197977653720
[17:52:43:328589 +01:00] [Thread 5932] extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Callname setAccountMoney
[18:26:48:374902 +01:00] [Thread 5932] extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Input String setAccountMoney:5800:76561198154560994
[18:26:48:374954 +01:00] [Thread 5932] extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Callname setAccountMoney
[18:34:44:773598 +01:00] [Thread 3036] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`exile_altis_pve`.`construction`, CONSTRAINT `construction_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`territory_id`) REFERENCES `territory` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
[18:34:44:773622 +01:00] [Thread 3036] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Input: insertConstruction:Exile_Construction_WoodDoorway_Static:76561198066356881:14574.143555:18030.867188:0.160927:0.0467433:0.0153724:-0.998789:-0.725029:-0.687279:-0.0445093:NULL
[18:34:44:776061 +01:00] [Thread 3036] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`exile_altis_pve`.`construction`, CONSTRAINT `construction_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`territory_id`) REFERENCES `territory` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
[18:34:44:776077 +01:00] [Thread 3036] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Input: insertConstruction:Exile_Construction_WoodDoorway_Static:76561198066356881:14574.143555:18030.867188:0.160927:0.0467433:0.0153724:-0.998789:-0.725029:-0.687279:-0.0445093:NULL
[18:34:44:776161 +01:00] [Thread 3036] extDB3: SQL: Error Max Retrys Reached
[18:34:44:776170 +01:00] [Thread 3036] extDB3: SQL: Error Max Retrys Reached
but i think this have nothing to do with the VG
How does the new exile VG working? Are the vehicles completley "safe" or is the "unused vehicle despawn time" still running even if they are in the VG?
It feels like that the vehicles get deleted if the (on my server) 7 Days expired
If anyone has an Idea pls anwere
Would be great if I can fix that issue...
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