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Kappa Slappa

Exile vanilla Virtual Garage

4 posts in this topic

Good afternoon,

I'm wondering if there is anyone who has managed to get vehicle Pins to show within the vanilla exile VG UI and is willing to share how?

This is a request from a few players.

I mentioned they could always store the vehicle and use the pin as the Vehicle Nickname but this isn't good enough and it appears they struggle to remember 4 numbers xD

Thanks =]



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I think it was Geekmonkey and another guy who talked about this when the update first came out. They customized it a lot and pin codes were one of the things they changed about the Vanilla VG system. Not sure what thread it was in, it's been so long.

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5 hours ago, Kappa Slappa said:

I mentioned they could always store the vehicle and use the pin as the Vehicle Nickname but this isn't good enough and it appears they struggle to remember 4 numbers xD


lol, Sadly your average pvp players don't know their ass from their elbow, so this is not surprising

Hope find what you're looking for

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On 10/24/2018 at 3:15 PM, Sgt Smash said:

lol, Sadly your average pvp players don't know their ass from their elbow, so this is not surprising

Hope find what you're looking for

@Sgt Smash This isn't an issue for just the dumbasses.  I use this feature for enemy intel as well.  I steal their vic, take it back to my base and VG it to get their pin codes.  Then I try those pin codes on any of their known vics and doors to their bases etc.  You will be surprised at how many people use the same code for doors and vics and safes etc.

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