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Water dispenser in own base

6 posts in this topic

The following text was translated with google translator from german to english. I'am sorry for that 

Hi , finally I have registered myself here :-)

What do you think , if you could build a water dispenser for own homes ? 

That would work so:

- It would have a house account exist where voluntary money can be paid .
- The water supplier comes and fills the dispenser on , according to consumption , he then pulls the money from the house money . Of course, he checked in advance whether money is in the account . If not, then he goes back . If too little is money , then he fills up less in the dispenser , etc.

I'm actually really looking forward to the answers :-P
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great idea, i think you should be made  craft it or buy it from the trader then place it in your base then you have to take it to some where to refill it such as the trader or the sea but if you go to the sea it should take longer to refill or something like that  

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I would agree with the water barrel Idea, and it keeps with the theme. Buy the Barrel or craft from whatever. 1 barrel equals so many water bottles. Hate the trips to fill all the bottles when water runs low

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