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[Solved]Interaction menu Please HELP


Hi i try add new interaction menu for vehicles but if i add new interaction menu server kicked me out.. no error in rpt no errors in db log. Please help to fix this. Thanks

Edited by NeverAgain

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I try add this :

class CfgInteractionMenus
    class Weed
        targetType = 2;
        target = "CUP_p_fiberPlant_EP1";

        class Actions 
            class HarvestWeed: ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Harvest the Weed";
                condition = "('Exile_Item_Knife' in (magazines player) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone)";
                action = "Custom\WEED\weed.sqf";
    class Mushrooms
        targetType = 2;
        target = "DDR_Mushrooms";

        class Actions 
            class HarvestMushrooms: ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Harvest the Mushrooms";
                condition = "('Exile_Item_Knife' in (magazines player) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone)";
                action = "_this call DDR_fnc_Mushrooms";
    class Ore_Mining
        targetType = 2;
        target = "DDR_Ore_Rock";

        class Actions 
            class materials1: ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Mining";
                condition = "('DDR_Item_Pickaxe' in (magazines player) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone)";
                action = "_this call DDR_fnc_Ore_Mining";
	class Car 
		targetType = 2;
		target = "Car";

		class Actions 
            // Salvage a vehicle for bodies
            class Salvage: ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Salvage Vehicle";
                condition = "(!(alive (ExileClientInteractionObject)))";
                action = "_this call SV_fnc_SalvageVehicle";
            class ClaimVehicle: ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Claim Ownership";
                condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 1) && ('Exile_Item_Codelock' in (magazines player))";
                action = "call ExileClient_ClaimVehicles_network_claimRequestSend";
            class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
            	title = "Repair/Salvage menu";
            	condition = "true";
            	action = "_this call Bones_fnc_salvageAndRepairMenuCar";
			// Bones Custom Air Repairs
			class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Repair/Salvage";
				condition = "true";
				action = "_this call Bones_fnc_salvageAndRepairMenuHelo";


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And here is my interactio menu.

class CfgInteractionMenus
	class Car 
		targetType = 2;
		target = "Car";

		class Actions 
            // Salvage a vehicle for bodies
            class Salvage: ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Salvage Vehicle";
                condition = "(!(alive (ExileClientInteractionObject)))";
                action = "_this call SV_fnc_SalvageVehicle";
			class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Scan Lock";
				condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";

            class ClaimVehicle: ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Claim Ownership";
                condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 1) && ('Exile_Item_Codelock' in (magazines player))";
                action = "call ExileClient_ClaimVehicles_network_claimRequestSend";
			// Locks a vehicle
			class Lock: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Lock";
				condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 0) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
				action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";

			// Unlocks a vehicle
			class Unlock: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Unlock";
				condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
				action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";

/*    		// Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape
			class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Repair";
				condition = "('Exile_Item_DuctTape' in (magazines player))";
				action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
            class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
            	title = "Repair/Salvage menu";
            	condition = "true";
            	action = "_this call Bones_fnc_salvageAndRepairMenuCar";

			// Hot-wires a vehicle
			class Hotwire: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Hotwire";
				condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
				action = "['HotwireVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";

			// Flips a vehicle so the player doesnt have to call an admin
			// Check if vector up is fucked
			class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Flip";
				condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";

			// Fills fuel from a can into a car
			class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Refuel";
				condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";

			// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
			class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Drain Fuel";
				condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";

	class Air
		target = "Air";
		targetType = 2;

		class Actions
			class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Scan Lock";
				condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";

            class ClaimVehicle: ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Claim Ownership";
                condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 1) && ('Exile_Item_Codelock' in (magazines player))";
                action = "call ExileClient_ClaimVehicles_network_claimRequestSend";
			// Locks a vehicle
			class Lock: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Lock";
				condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 0) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
				action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";

			// Unlocks a vehicle
			class Unlock: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Unlock";
				condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
				action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";

			// Hot-wires a vehicle
			class Hotwire: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Hotwire";
				condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
				action = "['HotwireVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";

			// Bones Custom Air Repairs
			class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Repair/Salvage";
				condition = "true";
				action = "_this call Bones_fnc_salvageAndRepairMenuHelo";

			// Flips a vehicle so the player doesnt have to call an admin
			// Check if vector up is fucked
			class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Flip";
				condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";

			// Fills fuel from a can into a car
			class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Refuel";
				condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";

			// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
			class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Drain Fuel";
				condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";

			class RotateLeft: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Rotate Left";	
				condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
				action = "[ExileClientInteractionObject,-15] call ExileClient_object_vehicle_rotate";

			class RotateRight: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Rotate Right";
				condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
				action = "[ExileClientInteractionObject,15] call ExileClient_object_vehicle_rotate";

	class Safe
		targetType = 2;
		target = "Exile_Container_Abstract_Safe";

		class Actions 
			class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Scan Lock";
				condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";

			// Locks a vehicle
			class Lock : ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Lock";
				condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
				action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";

			class Unlock : ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Unlock";
				condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo -1)";
				action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";

			class Pack : ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Pack";
				condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
				action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_container_pack";

			class SetPinCode : ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Set PIN";
				condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
				action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_lock_setPin";
			class HackLock: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Hack Lock";
				condition = "(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> 'CfgHacking' >> 'enableHacking') isEqualTo 1) && ('Exile_Item_Laptop' in (magazines player)) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo -1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone";
				action = "['HackLock', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";

	class Laptop
		targetType = 2;
		target = "Exile_Construction_Laptop_Static";

		class Actions
			class CameraSystem: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "CCTV Access";
				condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject animationPhase 'LaptopLidRotation') >= 0.5)";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_gui_baseCamera_show";

	class SupplyBox
		targetType = 2;
		target = "Exile_Container_SupplyBox";

		class Actions
			class Mount: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Mount";
				condition = "(isNull (attachedTo ExileClientInteractionObject)) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileOwnerUID',1]) isEqualTo 1)";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_supplyBox_mount";

			class Install: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Install";
				condition = "isNull (attachedTo ExileClientInteractionObject) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileOwnerUID',1]) isEqualTo 1)";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_supplyBox_install";

			class Unmount: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Unmount";
				condition = "!(isNull (attachedTo ExileClientInteractionObject)) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileOwnerUID',1]) isEqualTo 1)";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_supplyBox_unmount";
	class Drawbridge
		targetType = 2;
		target = "Exile_Construction_Abstract_DrawBridge";

		class Actions
			class Lower: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Lower";
				condition = "ExileClientInteractionObject call ExileClient_object_construction_openBridgeShow";
				action = "ExileClientInteractionObject animateSource ['DrawBridge_Source', 0];";
			class Raise: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Raise";
				condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject animationSourcePhase 'DrawBridge_Source') < 0.5)";
				action = "ExileClientInteractionObject animateSource ['DrawBridge_Source', 2]";

	class Construction
		targetType = 2;
		target = "Exile_Construction_Abstract_Static";

		class Actions 
			class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Scan Lock";
				condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 1)";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";

			class Unlock : ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Unlock";
				condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo -1)";
				action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";

			class Lock : ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Lock";
				condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
				action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";

			// Picks up the construction so you can move it
			class Move: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Move";
				condition = "call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory";
				action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_move";

			// Removes the construction.
			class Deconstruct: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Remove";
				condition = "call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory";
				action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_deconstruct";

			class AddALock : ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Add a Lock";
				condition = "call ExileClient_object_construction_lockAddShow";
				action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_lockAdd";

			class Upgrade : ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Upgrade";
				condition = "call ExileClient_object_construction_upgradeShow";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_construction_upgrade";

			class MakeBoom : ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Plant charge";
				condition = "call ExileClient_system_breaching_condition";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_system_breaching_action";

			class Repair : ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Repair";
				condition = "(!((ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['ExileConstructionDamage',0]) isEqualTo 0)) && (call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory)";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_construction_repair";

			class GrindLock : ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Grind Lock";
				condition = "(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> 'CfgGrinding' >> 'enableGrinding') isEqualTo 1) && ('Exile_Item_Grinder' in (magazines player)) && ('Exile_Magazine_Battery' in (magazines player)) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo -1) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject animationPhase 'DoorRotation') < 0.5)";
				action = "['GrindLock', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";

		Tent, Storage crate etc.
	class Container
		targetType = 2;
		target = "Exile_Container_Abstract";

		class Actions 
			class Pack 
				title = "Pack";
				condition = "!((typeOf ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 'Exile_Container_SupplyBox')";
				action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_container_pack";
			// Picks up the container so you can move it
			class Move: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Move";
				condition = "(getNumber(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> typeOf ExileClientInteractionObject >> 'exileIsLockable') isEqualTo 0) || ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
				action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_move";
	class Flag
		targetType = 2;
		target = "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static";

		class Actions
			class Manage : ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Manage";
				condition = "true";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_gui_baseManagement_event_show";
			class StealFlag: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Steal Flag";
				condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileFlagStolen',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
				action = "['StealFlag', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
			class RestoreFlag: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Restore Flag";
				condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileFlagStolen',0]) isEqualTo 1)";
				action = "['restoreFlagRequest', [netID ExileClientInteractionObject]] call ExileClient_system_network_send";

	class Boat 
		targetType = 2;
		target = "Ship";

		class Actions
            class ClaimVehicle: ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Claim Ownership";
                condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 1) && ('Exile_Item_Codelock' in (magazines player))";
                action = "call ExileClient_ClaimVehicles_network_claimRequestSend";
			// Locks a vehicle
			class Lock: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Lock";
				condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 0) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
				action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";

			// Unlocks a vehicle
			class Unlock: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Unlock";
				condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
				action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";

			// Hot-wires a vehicle
			class Hotwire: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Hotwire";
				condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
				action = "['HotwireVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";

			// Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape
			class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Repair";
				condition = "true";
				action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";

			// Fills fuel from a can into a car
			class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Refuel";
				condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";

			// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
			class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Drain Fuel";
				condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";

			// Pushes a boat into look direction to move into water
			class Push: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Fus Ro Dah!";
				condition = "((crew ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo [])";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_push";

	class Bikes
		targetType = 2;
		target = "Bicycle";

		class Actions
			class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Flip";
				condition = "true";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";

	class Player 
		targetType = 2;
		target = "Exile_Unit_Player";

		class Actions 
			class Free: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Free";
				condition = "(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && (ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['ExileIsHandcuffed', false]) && !ExileClientIsHandcuffed";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_handcuffs_free";
			class Search: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Search Gear";
				condition = "(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && (ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['ExileIsHandcuffed', false]) && !ExileClientIsHandcuffed";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_handcuffs_searchGear";

			class Identify: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Identify Body";
				condition = "!(alive ExileClientInteractionObject)";
				action = "_this call ExileClient_object_player_identifyBody";
			class HideCorpse: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Hide Body";
				condition = "!(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && ('Exile_Melee_Shovel' isEqualTo (currentWeapon player))";
				action = "['HideBody', (_this select 0)] call ExileClient_action_execute";
	class Animal
		targetType = 2;
		target = "Exile_Animal_Abstract";

		class Actions 
			class Gut: ExileAbstractAction
				title = "Gut Animal";
				condition = "!(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && (ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['CanBeGutted', false])";
				action = "['GutAnimal', ExileClientInteractionObject] call ExileClient_action_execute";


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