server crafting f.e. campfire works well if I comment out everything cdah related (config.cpp). If cdah is active I can´t craft nothing. Campfire etc... nothing.
I checked to config serval times and I compared with some files I found on github, everything correct. Its a Linux Server. CDAH_Crafting folder is on the right place in mission file.
class CfgExileAnimals
* Should animals spawn on your server? Y/N?
// SK
enabled = 1;
* Should vanilla Arma animals (fish, rabbits, bees, etc.) be disabled?
* We think it should, since it might confuse players if they cant eat them. *munches on bees*
// SK
disableVanillaAnimals = 0;
* Which animals to spawn.
* Exile automatically spawns a color variation of that animal, if variations exist.
* Each player (client) has a maximum of one animal at a time.
* Exile checks which animal type can spawn in front of the player and then
* picks a random one.
* For now it is like this:
* - Goats spawn on hill tops, but not in forests
* - Sheep spawn on meadows, but not next to forests and not on hill tops
* - Hens and roosters spawn next to buildings only
* => More animal types will follow in upcoming Exile versions, hopefully.
animalTypes[] =
* Animals are always spawned in front of the player, but
* at least a certain distance away. The radius is applied on top.
* Example:
* Distance = 150
* Radius = 50
* => Minimum Distance from Player = 150
* => Maximum Distance from Player = 150 + 50 * 2
spawnDistance = 150;
spawnRadius = 50;
* Specifies the minimum time in seconds between spawning animals.
* When the animal diededed, this time has to pass before it spawns
* a new one.
* It is a min/max setting, so the intervals will be uneven and a bit random.
* By default it will take 5 to 10 minutes to respawn a new animal.
minimumSpawnDelay = 5 * 60;
maximumSpawnDelay = 10 * 60;
* Clients will despawn animals if no player is in this radius around the animal
* This check is ran every 1 minute, so it is pretty unprecise, but performance-friendly.
keepAliveRadius = 500;
* Defines the minimum lifetime of an animal in seconds. During this time, right after spawning,
* it will not despawn. (+-0..1 minute delay)
minimumLifetime = 5 * 60;
You can overwrite every single file of our code without touching it.
To do that, add the function name you want to overwrite plus the
path to your custom file here. If you wonder how this works, have a
look at our bootstrap/fn_preInit.sqf function.
Exile_Item_ZipTie[] = {"ZIP", "TIE"};
class CfgExileLootSettings
#include "CfgLoot_Settings.h"
class CfgExileMobileXM8
// SK
* Add the 4 digit permission code here, so players can authorize
* your server to send them messages to their Mobile XM8 app.
code = "XBRQ";
class CfgExileMusic
Ambient[] = {"ExileTrack03","ExileTrack04"};
Combat[] = {"ExileTrack06","ExileTrack07"};
Intro[] = {"ExileTrack02","ExileTrack03"};
class CfgExileParty
showESP = 1;
allow3DMarkers = 1;
class CfgExileRussianRoulette
Minimum amount to join a session of
russian roulette
buyInAmount = 100;
class CfgFlags
class USA
name = "USA";
texture = "\A3\Data_F\Flags\flag_us_co.paa";
uids[] = {};
class CfgGrinding
// Enables code lock grinding on the server
enableGrinding = 1;
// Time it takes to grind a fresh lock in minutes
grindDuration = 25;
// Percentage chance the grinding will fail
failChance = 25;
// Percentage chance that failing will break your grinder (otherwise it will just remove a battery)
breakChance = 20;
// Notify the entire server if someone is hacking. 1 == notify, 0 == don't notify
notifyServer = 1;
// The cooldown time, in minutes, before another server side notification is sent out from a territory. This is on a per territory basis.
notificationCooldown = 30;
class CfgHacking
// Enables safe hacking on the server
enableHacking = 1;
// Time it takes to hack in minutes
hackDuration = 20;
// Percentage chance the hacking will fail
failChance = 50;
// Percentage chance the laptop will be removed on fail
removeChance = 5;
// Max attepts to hack a safe during one restart
maxHackAttempts = 3;
// Notify the entire server if someone is hacking. 1 == notify, 0 == don't notify
notifyServer = 1;
// The cooldown time, in minutes, before another server side notification is sent out from a territory. This is on a per territory basis.
notificationCooldown = 30;
// The minimal amount of players on the server required in order to hack a safe (set to 0 to disable)
minPlayers = 1;
// How many safe hacks are allowed to be going at one time
maxHacks = 5;
// Show a map icon where the hacking is taking place
showMapIcon = 1;
class ExileAbstractAction
title = "";
condition = "true";
action = "";
priority = 1.5;
showWindow = false;
* Sort this by probability of occurence to speed things up a bit
class CfgInteractionMenus
// Flips a vehicle so the player doesnt have to call an admin
// Check if vector up is fucked
class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Flip";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";
// Fills fuel from a can into a car
class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Refuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";
// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Drain Fuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";
class Air
target = "Air";
targetType = 2;
class Actions
class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
// SK
title = "Scan Lock";
condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
// Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape
class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Repair";
condition = "true";
action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Flips a vehicle so the player doesnt have to call an admin
// Check if vector up is fucked
class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Flip";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";
// Fills fuel from a can into a car
class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Refuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";
// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Drain Fuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";
class RotateLeft: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Rotate Left";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "[ExileClientInteractionObject,-15] call ExileClient_object_vehicle_rotate";
class RotateRight: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Rotate Right";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "[ExileClientInteractionObject,15] call ExileClient_object_vehicle_rotate";
class Safe
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Container_Abstract_Safe";
class Actions
class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Scan Lock";
condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
// Locks a vehicle
class Lock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Picks up the construction so you can move it
class Move: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Move";
condition = "call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_move";
// Removes the construction.
class Deconstruct: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Remove";
condition = "call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_deconstruct";
class AddALock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Add a Lock";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_construction_lockAddShow";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_lockAdd";
class Upgrade : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Upgrade";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_construction_upgradeShow";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_construction_upgrade";
class MakeBoom : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Plant charge";
condition = "call ExileClient_system_breaching_condition";
action = "_this call ExileClient_system_breaching_action";
// Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape
class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Repair";
condition = "true";
action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Fills fuel from a can into a car
class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Refuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";
// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Drain Fuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";
// Pushes a boat into look direction to move into water
class Push: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Fus Ro Dah!";
condition = "((crew ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo [])";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_push";
class Bikes
targetType = 2;
target = "Bicycle";
class Actions
class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Flip";
condition = "true";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";
class Player
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Unit_Player";
class Actions
class Free: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Free";
condition = "(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && (ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['ExileIsHandcuffed', false]) && !ExileClientIsHandcuffed";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_handcuffs_free";
class CfgPlayer
// In minutes ammount of time it takes to go from 100 - 0 if stationary
hungerDecay = 90;
thirstDecay = 60;
// Damage taken from 0 (health||thirst)/sec
healthDecay = 5.0;
// Health regen if over BOTH
thirstRegen = 90;
hungerRegen = 90;
// IF above meet recover HP%/MIN
recoveryPerMinute = 2;
// Set custom aim precision coefficient for weapon sway
// Set to -1 if you want to use Arma 3 default value
// setCustomAimCoef
customAimCoefficient = 0.5;
// 0 or 1
enableFatigue = 0;
enableStamina = 0;
disableMapDrawing = 1;
// Use the current gradient to affect the players movement when autorunning.
// 0 == default exile auto run
useGradientAffectedAutoRun = 0;
This config will allow you to override the default poptab storage for vehicles and containers.
The current system takes the maxLoad of a vehicle * 10, and that gives you the max poptabs that can be stored.
This will allow you to override that max with your own value.
To override, just add the vehicle/containers classname to this class, and define its max. Look at Exile_Container_Safe_Small as an example.
class CfgPoptabStorage
class Exile_Container_Safe_Small { max = 25000; };
class CfgSimulation
Use Arma built in Dynamic Simulation.
If you have any issues with players unable to get into cars, control vehicles, fly planes, etc. try turning this off
0: Use Exile's built in simulation system (Same system in 1.0.3 and below)
1: Use Dynamic Simulation
enableDynamicSimulation = 1;
// The distance, in meters, will infantry units be simulated. Default: 500m
groupSimulationDistance = 500;
// The distance, in meters, will vehicles with crew be simulated. Default: 350m
vehicleSimulationDistance = 250;
// The distance, in meters, will all vehicles without crew be simulated. Default: 250m
emptyVehicleSimulationDistance = 250;
// The distance, in meters, will static objects be simulated. This includes anything from a small tin can to a building. Default: 50m
propSimulationDistance = 50;
// Multiplies the entity activation distance by set value if the entity is moving. Default: 2
isMovingSimulationCoef = 2;
class CfgSlothMachine
spinCost = 100;
Jackpot = 10100;
class Prizes
class Level1
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_ToiletPaper.paa";
prize = 101;
class Level2
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_CockONut.paa";
prize = 110;
class Level3
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_Beer.paa";
prize = 125;
class Level4
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_Knife.paa";
prize = 150;
class Level5
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_Safe.paa";
prize = 200;
class Jackpot
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_XmasPresent.paa";
class CfgTerritories
#include "CfgTerritories.h"
class CfgTraderCategories
#include "EBM\traders.hpp"
class Community
name = "Community Items";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community2
name = "Community Items 2";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community3
name = "Community Items 3";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community4
name = "Community Items 4";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community5
name = "Community Items 5";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community6
name = "Community Items 6";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community7
name = "Community Items 7";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community8
name = "Community Items 8";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community9
name = "Community Items 9";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community10
name = "Community Items 10";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
#include "CfgTrader_Categories.h"
class CfgTraders
#include "CfgTrader_Menu.h"
* Sells Community Items
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms2
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms3
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms4
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms5
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms6
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms7
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms8
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms9
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms10
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class CfgTrading
#include "CfgTrading.h"
class CfgVehicleCustoms
class Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Abstract
skins[] =
class CfgVirtualGarage
Enable or disable virtual garage on the server
0: Disable virtual garage
1: Enable virtual garage
enableVirtualGarage = 1;
Enables or disables the ability to access virtual garage while in combat
0: Players cannot access virtual garage while they are in combat
1: Players can access virtual garage when they are in combat
canAccessGarageInCombat = 0;
When enabled, this will dump any items and money from the vehicle onto the ground where the car was.
0: Do not clear inventory and money
1: Clear inventory and money
clearInventoryOnStore = 1;
The maximum number of vehicles that can be stored in the VG for that territory.
Use -1 to disable the ability to store vehicles at that level.
Make sure to have the same number of levels here as you do in CfgTerritories!
numberOfVehicles[] =
-1, // Level 1
5, // Level 2
8, // Level 3
11, // Level 4
13, // Level 5
15, // Level 6
18, // Level 7
21, // Level 8
25, // Level 9
28 // Level 10
The allowed types of vehicles that can be stored in the garage
Available Types: "Car", "Tank", "Plane", "Air", "Ship", "Submarine"
allowedVehicleTypes[] = {"Car","Tank","Plane","Air","Ship","Submarine"};
class CfgXM8
class settings
controlID = 4070;
appID = "App01";
title = "Settings";
class healthScanner
controlID = 4120;
appID = "App02";
title = "Health Scanner";
class slothMachine
controlID = 4140;
appID = "App03";
title = "Sloth Machine";
XM8 Extra apps, the Exile way of doing it
Here is an example app layout:
class XM8_App01_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = ""; // Path to picture. This can be via mission file or client side PBO
text = ""; // The name of the app to be display on the button
onButtonClick = ""; // The code to fire when the app is clicked
resource = ""; // The name of the resource to load for the app, leave as an empty string if you just want to run code without a GUI, like BOOM or spawning a bike
class XM8_App01_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_settings_ca.paa";
text = "Settings";
onButtonClick = "['settings', 0] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
resource = "XM8SlideSettings";
class XM8_App04_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_boom_ca.paa";
text = "BOOM!";
onButtonClick = "call ExileClient_system_breaching_detonate";
resource = "";
class XM8_App05_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App06_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App07_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App08_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App09_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App10_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App11_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App12_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App13_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App14_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8SlideSettings: RscExileXM8Slide
idc = 4070;
class Controls
class GoBackButton: RscExileXM8ButtonMenu
idc = 4071;
text = "GO BACK";
x = (30 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (19 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onButtonClick = "['extraApps', 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
class 8GDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4072;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (5 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_on8GSelectionChanged";
class 8GLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Show my device in global 8G network.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (5 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class SoundDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4075;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (7 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onSoundSelectionChanged";
class SoundLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Play a beep sound on notifications.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (7 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class PartyEspDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4076;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (9 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onPartyEspSelectionChanged";
class PartyEspLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Color of 3D party icons and name tags.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (9 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class PartyEspSlider: RscExileXM8XSliderH
idc = 4078;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (11 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onSliderPosChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onPartyEspSliderChanged";
class PartyEspSliderLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Opacity of 3D party icons and name tags.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (11 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class PartyMarkerSlider: RscExileXM8XSliderH
idc = 4079;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (13 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onSliderPosChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onPartyMarkerSliderChanged";
class PartyMarkerSliderLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Opacity of 3D party markers.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (13 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class StreamModeDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4077;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (15 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onStreamModeSelectionChanged";
class StreamModeLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Masquerade PIN codes. Perfect for streamers.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (15 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class XM8SlideHealthScanner: RscExileXM8Slide
idc = 4120;
class Controls
class GoBackButton: RscExileXM8ButtonMenu
idc = 4122;
text = "GO BACK";
x = (30 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (19 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onButtonClick = "['extraApps', 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
class HealthInfoControlGroup: RscExileXM8ControlsGroupNoHScrollbars
idc = -1;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (5 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 30 * (0.025);
h = 15 * (0.04);
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.25};
class controls
class HealthInfo: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4121;
x = 0;
y = 0;
w = 29 * (0.025); // minus 1!
h = 15 * (0.04);
class XM8SlideSlothMachine: RscExileXM8Slide
idc = 4140;
class Controls
class Background: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = -1;
text = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\slothMachine\xm8_slothMachineBackground.paa";
x = -3.1 * (0.025) + (0);
y = -6 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 40 * (0.025);
h = 33 * (0.04);
class XM8SlothMachineSpinButton: RscExileXM8PictureButton
idc = 4141;
style = 0x30;
x = 14.3 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 15.9 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.7 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
text = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\slothMachine\button_off_ca.paa";
action = "[] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_slothMachine_event_onSpinButtonClick;";
class GoBackButton: RscExileXM8ButtonMenu
idc = 4148;
text = "GO BACK";
x = (30 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (19 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
sizeEx = .9 * (0.04);
onButtonClick = "['extraApps', 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
class PopTabsLabel: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4142;
text = "<t align='center'><t color='#e14141'><img image='\exile_assets\texture\ui\poptab_inline_ca.paa' size='1' shadow='true' /></t>";
x = 6.5 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 13 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
class JackpotLabel: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4143;
text = "<t align='center'><t color='#e14141'></t>";
x = 14 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 13 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
class WinningsLabel: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4144;
text = "<t align='center'><t color='#e14141'>0</t>";
x = 21.5 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 13 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
class Symbol01: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = 4145;
text = "";
x = 6.55 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 4 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.83 * (0.025);
h = 5 * (0.04);
class Symbol02: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = 4146;
text = "";
x = 14.1 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 4 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.83 * (0.025);
h = 5 * (0.04);
class Symbol03: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = 4147;
text = "";
x = 21.6 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 4 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.83 * (0.025);
h = 5 * (0.04);
#define true 1
#define false 0
// Required for the XM8, do not remove!
#include "RscDefines.hpp"
// Server Settings - Modify at will
author = "Exile Mod Team";
onLoadName = "Exile Mod";
onLoadMission= "";
loadScreen = "exile_assets\texture\mod\logo.paa";
disableChannels[] = {0, 2};
OnLoadIntro = "";
OnLoadIntroTime = false;
OnLoadMissionTime = false;
class Header
gameType = Survive; // Do NOT change this
minPlayers = 1;
maxPlayers = 100;
Hello everybody,
server crafting f.e. campfire works well if I comment out everything cdah related (config.cpp). If cdah is active I can´t craft nothing. Campfire etc... nothing.
I checked to config serval times and I compared with some files I found on github, everything correct. Its a Linux Server. CDAH_Crafting folder is on the right place in mission file.
Anybody andy idea ?
Thx Steven
* config
* normal
* Exile Mod
* © 2015 Exile Mod Team
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit
//CDAH RearmStuff
#include "CDAH_crafting\logic\CDAH_CfgExileDelayedActions.hpp"
class CfgClans
Defines the amount of pop tabs needed to register a new clan
Default: 20,000
registrationFee = 20000;
A list of all characters allowed in a clan *name*
clanNameAlphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ._-!:\\/";
Maximum markers per clan
maximumIcons = 20;
Maximum number of characters on a Marker in a presistent system
Note: MAX 255!
maximumIconText = 50;
Maximum poly markers per clan
maximumPolys = 10;
Maximum points in poly
maximumPolyNode = 10;
class Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "";
pictureItem = "";
returnedItems[] = {};
components[] = {}; // Required components
tools[] = {}; // Required tools (matches, gas cooker etc.)
requiredInteractionModelGroup = ""; // See CfgInteractionModels
requiresOcean = 0; // isSurfaceWater test
requiresFire = 0; // inflamed object nearby
requiresConcreteMixer = 0; // Check if concrete mixer is nearby
#include "CDAH_crafting\vehicleRecipes\CDAH_Vehicle_recipies_config.hpp"
class CfgCraftingRecipes
#include "EBM\recipes.hpp"
#include "CDAH_crafting\deviceRecipes\CDAH_Device_recipies.hpp"
//CDAH CRAFTING Expandedcrafting
#include "CDAH_crafting\expandedCraftingRecipes\CDAH_ExpandedCrafting_config.hpp"
// Extended Items Exile
#include "CfgExtended_Items_Exile.h"
//class BreachingChargeBigMomma: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Breaching Charge (Big Momma)";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_BreachingCharge_BigMomma";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_BreachingCharge_BigMomma"}
// };
// tools[] =
// {
// "Exile_Item_Foolbox"
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {3, "Exile_Item_BreachingCharge_Metal"},
// {1, "Exile_Item_MobilePhone"},
// {1, "Exile_Item_DuctTape"},
// {1, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}
// };
// SK Exile ORG wegen Extended Items
//class BreachingChargeMetal: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Breaching Charge (Metal)";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_BreachingCharge_Metal";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_BreachingCharge_Metal"}
// };
// tools[] =
// {
// "Exile_Item_Foolbox"
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_DuctTape"},
// {1, "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag"}
// };
// SK Exile ORG wegen Extended Items
//class BreachingChargeWood: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Breaching Charge (Wood)";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_BreachingCharge_Wood";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_BreachingCharge_Wood"}
// };
// tools[] =
// {
// "Exile_Item_Foolbox"
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_DuctTape"},
// {1, "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"}
// };
class CookBBQSandwich: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook BBQ Sandwich";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_BBQSandwich_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_BBQSandwich_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_BBQSandwich"}
class CookCatFood: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Cat Food";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_CatFood_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_CatFood_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_CatFood"}
class CookChristmasTinner: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Christmas Tinner";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner"}
class CookCoffee: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Brew Coffee";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleCoffee";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleCoffee"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_InstantCoffee"}
class CookDogFood: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Dog Food";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_DogFood_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_DogFood_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_DogFood"}
class CookGloriousKnakworst: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Glorious Knakworst";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst"}
class CookMacasCheese: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Macas Cheese";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MacasCheese_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MacasCheese_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MacasCheese"}
class CookPlasticBottleDirtyWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Dirty Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater"}
class CookPlasticBottleSaltWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Salt Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleSaltWater"}
class CookSausageGravy: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Sausage Gravy";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_SausageGravy_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SausageGravy_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SausageGravy"}
class CookSurstromming: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Surströmming";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_Surstromming_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_Surstromming_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_Surstromming"}
class CraftBandage: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Bandage";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_Bandage";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_Bandage"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}
class CraftConcreteDoorway: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Doorway";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteDoorwayKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteDoorwayKit"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{3, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{3, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcreteDrawbridge: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Drawbridge";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteDrawBridgeKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteDrawBridgeKit"},
{4, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{4, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{3, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"},
{4, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcreteFloor: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Floor";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{2, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{2, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcreteFloorPort: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Floor Port";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorPortKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorPortKit"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{3, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{3, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcreteFloorPortSmall: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Floor Port (Small)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorPortSmallKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorPortSmallKit"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{2, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcreteGate: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Gate";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteGateKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteGateKit"},
{4, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{4, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{4, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcreteLadderHatch: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Ladder Hatch";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteLadderHatchKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteLadderHatchKit"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{2, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{3, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcretStairs: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Stairs";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteStairsKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteStairsKit"},
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{1, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcretSupport: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Support";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteSupportKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteSupportKit"},
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{1, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcreteWall: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Wall";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteWallKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteWallKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{2, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{2, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftFirePlace: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Fire Place";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_CampFireKit";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_CampFireKit"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_WoodLog"}
//class CraftFloodLight: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Flood Light";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_FloodLightKit";
// requiresFire = 1;
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_FloodLightKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
// {1, "Exile_Item_LightBulb"},
// {1, "Exile_Item_ExtensionCord"}
// };
//class CraftFortificationUpgrade: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Fortification Upgrade";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"; //<< CHANGE IT
// requiresFire = 1;
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_FortificationUpgrade"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
// {4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}
// };
// tools[] = {"Exile_Item_Grinder"};
class CraftHBarrier5Kit: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft H-barrier (5 Blocks)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_HBarrier5Kit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
tools[] =
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_HBarrier5Kit"}
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_SandBagsKit_Long"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalWire"}
//class CraftMetalBoard: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Metal Board";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MetalBoard";
// requiresFire = 1;
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {2, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}
// };
// tools[] = {"Exile_Item_Grinder"};
//class CraftMetalHedgehog: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Metal Hedgehog";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MetalHedgehogKit";
// requiresFire = 1;
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_MetalHedgehogKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {4, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"}
// };
// tools[] = {"Exile_Item_Grinder"};
class CraftMetalLadder: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Metal Ladder";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MetalLadderKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalLadderKit"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}
class CraftMetalLadderDouble: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Metal Ladder (Double Tall)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MetalLadderDoubleKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalLadderDoubleKit"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalLadderKit"}
//class CraftMetalPole: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Metal Pole";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MetalPole";
// requiresFire = 1;
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {4, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}
// };
// tools[] = {"Exile_Item_Grinder"};
class CraftOldChest: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Old Chest";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_OldChestKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_OldChestKit"}
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"},
{3, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}
//class CraftPortableGenerator: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Portable Generator";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit";
// requiresFire = 1;
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"},
// {1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"},
// {1, "Exile_Item_ExtensionCord"}
// };
/*class CraftRazorWireKit: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Razor Wire Kit Kit";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_RazorWireKit_Long";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
tools[] =
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_RazorWireKit_Long"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalWire"},
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalScrews"}
class CraftRepairKitConcrete: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Repair Kit";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_Cement";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_RepairKitConcrete"},
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{2, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
//class CraftRepairKitMetal: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Metal Repair Kit";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_RepairKitMetal";
// requiresFire = 0;
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_RepairKitMetal"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}
// };
// tools[] =
// {
// "Exile_Item_Foolbox",
// "Exile_Item_Grinder"
// };
//class CraftRepairKitWood: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Wood Repair Kit";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_RepairKitWood";
// requiresFire = 0;
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_RepairKitWood"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {4, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
// tools[] =
// {
// "Exile_Item_Foolbox"
// };
class CraftSandBagsKitCorner: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Sandbags Kit (Corner)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_SandBagsKit_Corner";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SandBagsKit_Corner"}
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_Sand"}
class CraftSandBagsKitLong: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Sand Bags Kit (Long)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_SandBagsKit_Long";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SandBagsKit_Long"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_Sand"}
//class CraftStorageCrate: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Storage Crate";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_StorageCrateKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_StorageCrateKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {5, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
class CraftWaterBarrel: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Water Barrel";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WaterBarrelKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterBarrelKit"}
components[] =
{20, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}
class CraftWireFenceKit: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wire Fence Kit";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WireFenceKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
tools[] =
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WireFenceKit"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{6, "Exile_Item_MetalWire"},
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalScrews"}
//class CraftWoodDoorWay: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Wood Doorway";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodDoorwayKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodDoorwayKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
class CraftWoodDrawBridge: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Draw Bridge";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodDrawBridgeKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodDrawBridgeKit"}
components[] =
{8, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"},
{2, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalScrews"}
//class CraftWoodFloor: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Wood Floor";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodFloorKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodFloorKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {4, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
//class CraftWoodFloorPort: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Wood Floor Port";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
class CraftWoodFloorPortSmall: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Floor Port (Small)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortSmallKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortSmallKit"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"},
{2, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalScrews"}
//class CraftWoodGate: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Wood Gate";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodGateKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodGateKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {8, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
class CraftWoodLadder: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Ladder";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodLadderKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodLadderKit"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalScrews"}
class CraftWoodLadderHatch: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Ladder Hatch";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodLadderHatchKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodLadderHatchKit"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"},
{3, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}
class CraftWoodPlank: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Plank";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodPlank";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_WoodLog"}
tools[] = {"Exile_Item_Handsaw"};
//class CraftWoodStairs: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Wood Stairs";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
//class CraftWoodSupport: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Wood Support";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodSupportKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodSupportKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
//class CraftWoodWall: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Wood Wall";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodWallKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodWallKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {4, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
//class CraftWoodWallHalf: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft 1/2 Wood Wall";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodWallHalfKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodWallHalfKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {2, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
//class CraftWoodWindow: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Wood Window";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodWindowKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodWindowKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
//class CraftWorkBench: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Craft Work Bench";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WorkBenchKit";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WorkBenchKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {4, "Exile_Item_WoodLog"}
// };
class CookAlsatianSteak: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Alsatian Steak";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_AlsatianSteak_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_AlsatianSteak_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_AlsatianSteak_Raw"}
class CookCatSharkFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Cat Shark Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_CatSharkFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_CatSharkFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_CatSharkFilet_Raw"}
class CookChickenFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Chicken Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ChickenFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ChickenFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ChickenFilet_Raw"}
class CookFinSteak: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Fin Steak";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_FinSteak_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_FinSteak_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_FinSteak_Raw"}
class CookGoatSteak: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Goat Steak";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_GoatSteak_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_GoatSteak_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_GoatSteak_Raw"}
class CookMackerelFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Mackerel Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MackerelFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MackerelFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MackerelFilet_Raw"}
class CookMulletFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Mullet Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MulletFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MulletFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MulletFilet_Raw"}
class CookOrnateFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Ornate Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_OrnateFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_OrnateFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_OrnateFilet_Raw"}
class CookRabbitSteak: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Rabbit Steak";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_RabbitSteak_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_RabbitSteak_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_RabbitSteak_Raw"}
class CookRoosterFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Rooster Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_RoosterFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_RoosterFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_RoosterFilet_Raw"}
class CookSalemaFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Salema Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_SalemaFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SalemaFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SalemaFilet_Raw"}
class CookSheepSteak: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Sheep Steak";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_SheepSteak_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SheepSteak_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SheepSteak_Raw"}
class CookSnakeFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Snake Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_SnakeFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SnakeFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SnakeFilet_Raw"}
class CookTunaFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Tuna Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_TunaFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_TunaFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_TunaFilet_Raw"}
class CookTurtleFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Turtle Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_TurtleFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_TurtleFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_TurtleFilet_Raw"}
class EmptyFuelCanister: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Empty Fuel Canister";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class EmptyPlasticBottleDirtyWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Empty Dirty Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater"}
class EmptyPlasticBottleSaltWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Empty Salt Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleSaltWater"}
class FillEmptyPlasticBottleWithDirtyWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Fill Dirty Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WaterSource";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}
class FillEmptyPlasticBottleWithFreshWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Fill Fresh Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "CleanWaterSource";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}
class FillEmptyPlasticBottleWithSaltWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Fill Salt Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleSaltWater";
requiresOcean = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleSaltWater"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}
class FillEmptyWaterCanisterWithDirtyWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Fill Dirty Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WaterSource";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"}
class FillFuelCanister: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Fill Fuel Canister";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "FuelSource";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
class UpgradeToConcreteDoor: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Upgrade to Concrete Door";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteDoorKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteDoorKit"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteDoorwayKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}
class UpgradeToConcreteFloorPort: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Upgrade to Concrete Floor Port";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorPortKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorPortKit"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}
//class UpgradeToConcreteGate: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Upgrade to Concrete Gate";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteGateKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteGateKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteWallKit"},
// {2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
// {4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}
// };
class UpgradeToConcreteWindow: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Upgrade to Concrete Window";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteWindowKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteWindowKit"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteWallKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}
//class UpgradeToWoodDoor: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Upgrade to Wood Door";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodDoorKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodDoorKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodDoorwayKit"},
// {2, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
class UpgradeToWoodDrawBridge: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Upgrade to Wood Draw Bridge";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodDrawBridgeKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodDrawBridgeKit"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodGateKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"},
{2, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalScrews"}
//class UpgradeToWoodFloorPort: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Upgrade to Wood Floor Port";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodFloorKit"},
// {2, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
//class UpgradeToWoodGate: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Upgrade to Wood Gate";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodGateKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodGateKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodWallKit"},
// {4, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
//class UpgradeToWoodWall: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Upgrade to Wood Wall";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodWallHalfKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodWallKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {2, "Exile_Item_WoodWallHalfKit"}
// };
//class UpgradeToWoodWindow: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
// name = "Upgrade to Wood Window";
// pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodWindowKit";
// requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
// returnedItems[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodWindowKit"}
// };
// components[] =
// {
// {1, "Exile_Item_WoodWallKit"},
// {2, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
// };
class CfgExileAnimals
* Should animals spawn on your server? Y/N?
// SK
enabled = 1;
* Should vanilla Arma animals (fish, rabbits, bees, etc.) be disabled?
* We think it should, since it might confuse players if they cant eat them. *munches on bees*
// SK
disableVanillaAnimals = 0;
* Which animals to spawn.
* Exile automatically spawns a color variation of that animal, if variations exist.
* Each player (client) has a maximum of one animal at a time.
* Exile checks which animal type can spawn in front of the player and then
* picks a random one.
* For now it is like this:
* - Goats spawn on hill tops, but not in forests
* - Sheep spawn on meadows, but not next to forests and not on hill tops
* - Hens and roosters spawn next to buildings only
* => More animal types will follow in upcoming Exile versions, hopefully.
animalTypes[] =
* Animals are always spawned in front of the player, but
* at least a certain distance away. The radius is applied on top.
* Example:
* Distance = 150
* Radius = 50
* => Minimum Distance from Player = 150
* => Maximum Distance from Player = 150 + 50 * 2
spawnDistance = 150;
spawnRadius = 50;
* Specifies the minimum time in seconds between spawning animals.
* When the animal diededed, this time has to pass before it spawns
* a new one.
* It is a min/max setting, so the intervals will be uneven and a bit random.
* By default it will take 5 to 10 minutes to respawn a new animal.
minimumSpawnDelay = 5 * 60;
maximumSpawnDelay = 10 * 60;
* Clients will despawn animals if no player is in this radius around the animal
* This check is ran every 1 minute, so it is pretty unprecise, but performance-friendly.
keepAliveRadius = 500;
* Defines the minimum lifetime of an animal in seconds. During this time, right after spawning,
* it will not despawn. (+-0..1 minute delay)
minimumLifetime = 5 * 60;
class CfgExileArsenal
#include "EBM\prices.hpp"
#include "CfgTrader_Prices.h"
class CfgExileCustomCode
// CDAH CRAFTING Overwrite
ExileClient_object_item_craft = "CDAH_crafting\logic\CDAH_ExileClient_object_item_craft.sqf";
ExileClient_gui_crafting_show = "CDAH_crafting\logic\CDAH_ExileClient_gui_crafting_show.sqf";
ExileServer_object_vehicle_carefulCreateVehicle = "CDAH_crafting\logic\CDAH_ExileServer_object_vehicle_carefulCreateVehicle.sqf";
// CDAH Rearm Vehicles (for Vehicle rearming)
ExileClient_action_execute = "CDAH_crafting\logic\CDAH_ExileClient_action_execute.sqf";
You can overwrite every single file of our code without touching it.
To do that, add the function name you want to overwrite plus the
path to your custom file here. If you wonder how this works, have a
look at our bootstrap/fn_preInit.sqf function.
Simply add the following scheme here:
<Function Name of Exile> = "<New File Name>";
ExileClient_util_fusRoDah = "myaddon\myfunction.sqf";
class CfgExileEnvironment
#include "CfgEnviroment.h"
class CfgExileHUD
class ShortItemNames
SmokeShell[] = {"WHITE", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell[] = {"WHITE", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell[] = {"WHITE", "SMOKE"};
SmokeShellBlue[] = {"BLUE", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell[] = {"BLUE", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell[] = {"BLUE", "SMOKE"};
SmokeShellGreen[] = {"GREEN", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell[] = {"GREEN", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell[] = {"GREEN", "SMOKE"};
SmokeShellOrange[] = {"ORANGE", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell[] = {"ORANGE", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell[] = {"ORANGE", "SMOKE"};
SmokeShellPurple[] = {"PURPLE", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell[] = {"PURPLE", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell[] = {"PURPLE", "SMOKE"};
SmokeShellRed[] = {"RED", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell[] = {"RED", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell[] = {"RED", "SMOKE"};
SmokeShellYellow[] = {"YELLOW", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell[] = {"YELLOW", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell[] = {"YELLOW", "SMOKE"};
UGL_FlareCIR_F[] = {"IR", "FLARE"};
3Rnd_UGL_FlareCIR_F[] = {"IR", "FLARE"};
UGL_FlareGreen_F[] = {"GREEN", "FLARE"};
3Rnd_UGL_FlareGreen_F[] = {"GREEN", "FLARE"};
UGL_FlareRed_F[] = {"RED", "FLARE"};
3Rnd_UGL_FlareRed_F[] = {"RED", "FLARE"};
UGL_FlareWhite_F[] = {"WHITE", "FLARE"};
3Rnd_UGL_FlareWhite_F[] = {"WHITE", "FLARE"};
UGL_FlareYellow_F[] = {"YELLOW", "FLARE"};
3Rnd_UGL_FlareYellow_F[] = {"YELLOW", "FLARE"};
Chemlight_blue[] = {"BLUE", "LIGHT"};
Chemlight_green[] = {"GREEN", "LIGHT"};
Chemlight_red[] = {"RED", "LIGHT"};
Chemlight_yellow[] = {"YELLOW", "LIGHT"};
1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell[] = {"40MM"};
3Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell[] = {"40MM"};
O_IR_Grenade[] = {"IR"};
I_IR_Grenade[] = {"IR"};
B_IR_Grenade[] = {"IR"};
HandGrenade[] = {"RGO"};
MiniGrenade[] = {"RGN"};
Exile_Item_ZipTie[] = {"ZIP", "TIE"};
class CfgExileLootSettings
#include "CfgLoot_Settings.h"
class CfgExileMobileXM8
// SK
* Add the 4 digit permission code here, so players can authorize
* your server to send them messages to their Mobile XM8 app.
code = "XBRQ";
class CfgExileMusic
Ambient[] = {"ExileTrack03","ExileTrack04"};
Combat[] = {"ExileTrack06","ExileTrack07"};
Intro[] = {"ExileTrack02","ExileTrack03"};
class CfgExileParty
showESP = 1;
allow3DMarkers = 1;
class CfgExileRussianRoulette
Minimum amount to join a session of
russian roulette
buyInAmount = 100;
class CfgFlags
class USA
name = "USA";
texture = "\A3\Data_F\Flags\flag_us_co.paa";
uids[] = {};
class CfgGrinding
// Enables code lock grinding on the server
enableGrinding = 1;
// Time it takes to grind a fresh lock in minutes
grindDuration = 25;
// Percentage chance the grinding will fail
failChance = 25;
// Percentage chance that failing will break your grinder (otherwise it will just remove a battery)
breakChance = 20;
// Notify the entire server if someone is hacking. 1 == notify, 0 == don't notify
notifyServer = 1;
// The cooldown time, in minutes, before another server side notification is sent out from a territory. This is on a per territory basis.
notificationCooldown = 30;
class CfgHacking
// Enables safe hacking on the server
enableHacking = 1;
// Time it takes to hack in minutes
hackDuration = 20;
// Percentage chance the hacking will fail
failChance = 50;
// Percentage chance the laptop will be removed on fail
removeChance = 5;
// Max attepts to hack a safe during one restart
maxHackAttempts = 3;
// Notify the entire server if someone is hacking. 1 == notify, 0 == don't notify
notifyServer = 1;
// The cooldown time, in minutes, before another server side notification is sent out from a territory. This is on a per territory basis.
notificationCooldown = 30;
// The minimal amount of players on the server required in order to hack a safe (set to 0 to disable)
minPlayers = 1;
// How many safe hacks are allowed to be going at one time
maxHacks = 5;
// Show a map icon where the hacking is taking place
showMapIcon = 1;
class ExileAbstractAction
title = "";
condition = "true";
action = "";
priority = 1.5;
showWindow = false;
* Sort this by probability of occurence to speed things up a bit
class CfgInteractionMenus
#include "EBM\menus.hpp"
// CDAH CRAFTING InteractionMenus
#include "CDAH_crafting\logic\CDAH_Class_tank.hpp"
class ATM
targetType = 2;
target = "Land_Atm_01_F";
class Actions
class Locker: ExileAbstractAction
title = "ATM";
condition = "true";
action = "_this call ExileClient_gui_lockerDialog_show";
class Drawbridge
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Construction_Abstract_DrawBridge";
class Actions
class Lower: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lower";
condition = "ExileClientInteractionObject call ExileClient_object_construction_openBridgeShow";
action = "ExileClientInteractionObject animateSource ['DrawBridge_Source', 0];";
class Raise: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Raise";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject animationSourcePhase 'DrawBridge_Source') < 0.5)";
action = "ExileClientInteractionObject animateSource ['DrawBridge_Source', 2]";
class Animal
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Animal_Abstract";
class Actions
class Gut: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Gut Animal";
condition = "!(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && (ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['CanBeGutted', false])";
action = "['GutAnimal', ExileClientInteractionObject] call ExileClient_action_execute";
class Car
targetType = 2;
target = "Car";
class Actions
class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Scan Lock";
condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
// Locks a vehicle
class Lock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 0) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Unlocks a vehicle
class Unlock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unlock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape
class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Repair";
condition = "true";
action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Hot-wires a vehicle
class Hotwire: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Hotwire";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "['HotwireVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Flips a vehicle so the player doesnt have to call an admin
// Check if vector up is fucked
class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Flip";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";
// Fills fuel from a can into a car
class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Refuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";
// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Drain Fuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";
class Air
target = "Air";
targetType = 2;
class Actions
class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
// SK
title = "Scan Lock";
condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
// SK
//CDAH Rearm
class Rearm: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Rearm";
condition = "!(magazinesAllTurrets _this isEqualto [])"; //condition = "!(_this magazinesAllTurrets isEqualto [])";
action = "['RearmVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Locks a vehicle
class Lock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 0) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Unlocks a vehicle
class Unlock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unlock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Hot-wires a vehicle
class Hotwire: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Hotwire";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "['HotwireVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape
class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Repair";
condition = "true";
action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Flips a vehicle so the player doesnt have to call an admin
// Check if vector up is fucked
class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Flip";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";
// Fills fuel from a can into a car
class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Refuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";
// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Drain Fuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";
class RotateLeft: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Rotate Left";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "[ExileClientInteractionObject,-15] call ExileClient_object_vehicle_rotate";
class RotateRight: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Rotate Right";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "[ExileClientInteractionObject,15] call ExileClient_object_vehicle_rotate";
class Safe
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Container_Abstract_Safe";
class Actions
class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Scan Lock";
condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
// Locks a vehicle
class Lock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
class Unlock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unlock";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo -1)";
action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
class Pack : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Pack";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_container_pack";
class SetPinCode : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Set PIN";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_lock_setPin";
class HackLock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Hack Lock";
condition = "(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> 'CfgHacking' >> 'enableHacking') isEqualTo 1) && ('Exile_Item_Laptop' in (magazines player)) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo -1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone";
action = "['HackLock', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
class Laptop
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Construction_Laptop_Static";
class Actions
class CameraSystem: ExileAbstractAction
title = "CCTV Access";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject animationPhase 'LaptopLidRotation') >= 0.5)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_gui_baseCamera_show";
class SupplyBox
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Container_SupplyBox";
class Actions
class Mount: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Mount";
condition = "(isNull (attachedTo ExileClientInteractionObject)) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileOwnerUID',1]) isEqualTo 1)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_supplyBox_mount";
class Install: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Install";
condition = "isNull (attachedTo ExileClientInteractionObject) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileOwnerUID',1]) isEqualTo 1)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_supplyBox_install";
class Unmount: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unmount";
condition = "!(isNull (attachedTo ExileClientInteractionObject)) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileOwnerUID',1]) isEqualTo 1)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_supplyBox_unmount";
class Construction
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Construction_Abstract_Static";
class Actions
class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
// SK
title = "Scan Lock";
condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 1)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
class Unlock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unlock";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo -1)";
action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
class Lock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Picks up the construction so you can move it
class Move: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Move";
condition = "call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_move";
// Removes the construction.
class Deconstruct: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Remove";
condition = "call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_deconstruct";
class AddALock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Add a Lock";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_construction_lockAddShow";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_lockAdd";
class Upgrade : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Upgrade";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_construction_upgradeShow";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_construction_upgrade";
class MakeBoom : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Plant charge";
condition = "call ExileClient_system_breaching_condition";
action = "_this call ExileClient_system_breaching_action";
class Repair : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Repair";
condition = "(!((ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['ExileConstructionDamage',0]) isEqualTo 0)) && (call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_construction_repair";
class GrindLock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Grind Lock";
condition = "(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> 'CfgGrinding' >> 'enableGrinding') isEqualTo 1) && ('Exile_Item_Grinder' in (magazines player)) && ('Exile_Magazine_Battery' in (magazines player)) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo -1) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject animationPhase 'DoorRotation') < 0.5)";
action = "['GrindLock', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
Tent, Storage crate etc.
class Container
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Container_Abstract";
class Actions
class Pack
title = "Pack";
condition = "!((typeOf ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 'Exile_Container_SupplyBox')";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_container_pack";
// Picks up the container so you can move it
class Move: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Move";
condition = "(getNumber(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> typeOf ExileClientInteractionObject >> 'exileIsLockable') isEqualTo 0) || ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_move";
class Flag
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static";
class Actions
class Manage : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Manage";
condition = "true";
action = "_this call ExileClient_gui_baseManagement_event_show";
class StealFlag: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Steal Flag";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileFlagStolen',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
action = "['StealFlag', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
class RestoreFlag: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Restore Flag";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileFlagStolen',0]) isEqualTo 1)";
action = "['restoreFlagRequest', [netID ExileClientInteractionObject]] call ExileClient_system_network_send";
class Boat
targetType = 2;
target = "Ship";
class Actions
// Locks a vehicle
class Lock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 0) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Unlocks a vehicle
class Unlock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unlock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Hot-wires a vehicle
class Hotwire: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Hotwire";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "['HotwireVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape
class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Repair";
condition = "true";
action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Fills fuel from a can into a car
class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Refuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";
// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Drain Fuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";
// Pushes a boat into look direction to move into water
class Push: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Fus Ro Dah!";
condition = "((crew ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo [])";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_push";
class Bikes
targetType = 2;
target = "Bicycle";
class Actions
class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Flip";
condition = "true";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";
class Player
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Unit_Player";
class Actions
class Free: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Free";
condition = "(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && (ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['ExileIsHandcuffed', false]) && !ExileClientIsHandcuffed";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_handcuffs_free";
class Search: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Search Gear";
condition = "(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && (ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['ExileIsHandcuffed', false]) && !ExileClientIsHandcuffed";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_handcuffs_searchGear";
class Identify: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Identify Body";
condition = "!(alive ExileClientInteractionObject)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_player_identifyBody";
class HideCorpse: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Hide Body";
condition = "!(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && ('Exile_Melee_Shovel' isEqualTo (currentWeapon player))";
action = "['HideBody', (_this select 0)] call ExileClient_action_execute";
* Classname is used for reference
* name is displayed in crafting requirements
* models is used for crafting and interaction menus
class CfgInteractionModels
// CDAH CRAFTING InteractionModles
#include "CDAH_crafting\logic\CDAH_interactionModels.hpp"
class WaterSource
name = "Water tanks, barrels, coolers or pumps";
models[] =
// Namalsk
// SK fuer Extended Items Exile
class CleanWaterSource
name = "Water cooler";
models[] =
class WorkBench
name = "Work Bench";
models[] =
// SK Extended Items Exile
class AdvancedWorkbench
name = "Advanced Workbench";
models[] =
class ShippingContainerSource
name = "Shipping Containers";
models[] =
// Arma 3
// Namalsk
// Also allow wrecks
// TODO: Ask community for CUP/AiA model names
class WoodSource
name = "Trees";
models[] =
" t_",
" bo_t_",
// A2 trees
" str_",
" Smrk_",
" les_",
" brg_"
// TODO: Add
class FuelSource
name = "Fuel pumps, stations or barrels";
models[] =
class CfgLocker
numbersOnly = "0123456789";
// ORG: 10000
maxDeposit = 100000;
class CfgPlayer
// In minutes ammount of time it takes to go from 100 - 0 if stationary
hungerDecay = 90;
thirstDecay = 60;
// Damage taken from 0 (health||thirst)/sec
healthDecay = 5.0;
// Health regen if over BOTH
thirstRegen = 90;
hungerRegen = 90;
// IF above meet recover HP%/MIN
recoveryPerMinute = 2;
// Set custom aim precision coefficient for weapon sway
// Set to -1 if you want to use Arma 3 default value
// setCustomAimCoef
customAimCoefficient = 0.5;
// 0 or 1
enableFatigue = 0;
enableStamina = 0;
disableMapDrawing = 1;
// Use the current gradient to affect the players movement when autorunning.
// 0 == default exile auto run
useGradientAffectedAutoRun = 0;
This config will allow you to override the default poptab storage for vehicles and containers.
The current system takes the maxLoad of a vehicle * 10, and that gives you the max poptabs that can be stored.
This will allow you to override that max with your own value.
To override, just add the vehicle/containers classname to this class, and define its max. Look at Exile_Container_Safe_Small as an example.
class CfgPoptabStorage
class Exile_Container_Safe_Small { max = 25000; };
class CfgSimulation
Use Arma built in Dynamic Simulation.
If you have any issues with players unable to get into cars, control vehicles, fly planes, etc. try turning this off
0: Use Exile's built in simulation system (Same system in 1.0.3 and below)
1: Use Dynamic Simulation
enableDynamicSimulation = 1;
Simulation distance settings
For more information:
// The distance, in meters, will infantry units be simulated. Default: 500m
groupSimulationDistance = 500;
// The distance, in meters, will vehicles with crew be simulated. Default: 350m
vehicleSimulationDistance = 250;
// The distance, in meters, will all vehicles without crew be simulated. Default: 250m
emptyVehicleSimulationDistance = 250;
// The distance, in meters, will static objects be simulated. This includes anything from a small tin can to a building. Default: 50m
propSimulationDistance = 50;
// Multiplies the entity activation distance by set value if the entity is moving. Default: 2
isMovingSimulationCoef = 2;
class CfgSlothMachine
spinCost = 100;
Jackpot = 10100;
chances[] =
{85, ""}, // 85% = Nothing
{95, "Level1"}, // 10% = 1pt
{96, "Level2"}, // 1% = 10pt
{97, "Level3"}, // 1% = 25pt
{98, "Level4"}, // 1% = 50pt
{99, "Level5"}, // 1% = 100pt
{100, "Jackpot"} // 1% = Jackpot
class Prizes
class Level1
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_ToiletPaper.paa";
prize = 101;
class Level2
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_CockONut.paa";
prize = 110;
class Level3
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_Beer.paa";
prize = 125;
class Level4
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_Knife.paa";
prize = 150;
class Level5
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_Safe.paa";
prize = 200;
class Jackpot
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_XmasPresent.paa";
class CfgTerritories
#include "CfgTerritories.h"
class CfgTraderCategories
#include "EBM\traders.hpp"
class Community
name = "Community Items";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community2
name = "Community Items 2";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community3
name = "Community Items 3";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community4
name = "Community Items 4";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community5
name = "Community Items 5";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community6
name = "Community Items 6";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community7
name = "Community Items 7";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community8
name = "Community Items 8";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community9
name = "Community Items 9";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community10
name = "Community Items 10";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
#include "CfgTrader_Categories.h"
class CfgTraders
#include "CfgTrader_Menu.h"
* Sells Community Items
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms2
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms3
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms4
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms5
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms6
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms7
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms8
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms9
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms10
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class CfgTrading
#include "CfgTrading.h"
class CfgVehicleCustoms
class Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Blue", 100, "Blue", {"\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_CIV_BLUE_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_CIVBLUE_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Red", 100, "Red", {"\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_CIV_RED_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_CIVRED_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_White", 100, "White", {"\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_CIV_WHITE_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_CIVWHITE_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Nato", 150, "NATO", {"\A3\Soft_F\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Csat", 150, "CSAT", {"\A3\Soft_F\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_OPFOR_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_OPFOR_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Fia", 150, "FIA", {"\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_INDP_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_INDP_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Guerilla01", 150, "Guerilla 01", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_IG_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_IG_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Guerilla02", 150, "Guerilla 02", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_INDP_Hunter_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_INDP_Hunter_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Black", 100, "Black", {"\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_CIV_BLACK_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_CIVBLACK_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Black", 100, "Hex", {"\A3\Soft_f_Exp\Quadbike_01\data\Quadbike_01_ghex_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_f_Exp\Quadbike_01\data\Quadbike_01_wheel_ghex_CO.paa"}}
class Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_Police", 350, "Police", {"\a3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_ext_police_co.paa","\a3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_int_police_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_Orange", 300, "Orange", {"\a3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_ext_rescue_co.paa","\a3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_int_rescue_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_White", 300, "White", {"\a3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_ext_co.paa","\a3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_int_co.paa"}}
class Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_CSAT", 200, "CSAT", {"\A3\boat_F\Boat_Transport_01\data\Boat_Transport_01_OPFOR_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Digital", 200, "Digital",{"\A3\boat_F\Boat_Transport_01\data\Boat_Transport_01_INDP_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Orange", 150, "Orange", {"\A3\boat_F\Boat_Transport_01\data\Boat_Transport_01_rescue_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Blue", 150, "Blue", {"\A3\boat_F\Boat_Transport_01\data\Boat_Transport_01_civilian_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Black", 150, "Black", {"\A3\boat_F\Boat_Transport_01\data\boat_transport_01_co.paa"}}
// SDV
class Exile_Boat_SDV_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Boat_SDV_CSAT", 200, "CSAT", {"\A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\SDV_ext_opfor_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_SDV_Digital", 200, "Digital", {"\A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\SDV_ext_INDP_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_SDV_Grey", 100, "Grey", {"\A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\SDV_ext_CO.paa"}}
// Hellcat
class Exile_Chopper_Hellcat_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Hellcat_Green", 350, "Green", {"\A3\Air_F_EPB\Heli_Light_03\data\Heli_Light_03_base_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hellcat_FIA", 500, "FIA", {"\A3\Air_F_EPB\Heli_Light_03\data\heli_light_03_base_indp_co.paa"}}
// Karts
class Exile_Car_Kart_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Kart_BluKing", 100, "Bluking", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_blu_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_logos_blu_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_RedStone", 100, "RedStone", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_black_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_logos_black_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_Vrana", 100, "Vrana", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_vrana_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_logos_vrana_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_Green", 100, "Green", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_base_green_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_logos_blu_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_Blue", 100, "Blue", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_base_blue_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_logos_blu_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_Orange", 100, "Orange", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_base_orange_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_logos_blu_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_White", 100, "White", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_base_white_CO.paa","","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_Yellow", 100, "Yellow", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_base_yellow_CO.paa","","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_Black", 100, "Black", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_base_black_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_logos_black_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}}
// Hummingbird (Civillian)
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Blue", 350, "Blue", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\heli_light_01_ext_blue_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Red", 350, "Red", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\heli_light_01_ext_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_ION", 350, "ION", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\heli_light_01_ext_ion_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_BlueLine", 350, "BlueLine", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_blueLine_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Digital", 350, "Digital", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_digital_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Elliptical", 350, "Elliptical", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_elliptical_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Furious", 350, "Furious", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_furious_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_GrayWatcher", 350, "GrayWatcher", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_graywatcher_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Jeans", 350, "Jeans", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_jeans_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Light", 350, "Light", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_light_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Shadow", 350, "Shadow", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_shadow_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Sheriff", 350, "Sheriff", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_sheriff_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Speedy", 350, "Speedy", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_speedy_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Sunset", 350, "Sunset", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_sunset_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Vrana", 350, "Vrana", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_vrana_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Wasp", 350, "Wasp", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_wasp_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Wave", 350, "Wave", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_wave_co.paa"}}
// Huron
class Exile_Chopper_Huron_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Huron_Black", 450, "Black", {"\A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_03\Data\Heli_Transport_03_ext01_black_CO.paa","\a3\air_f_heli\heli_transport_03\data\heli_transport_03_ext02_black_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Huron_Green", 450, "Green", {"\a3\air_f_heli\heli_transport_03\data\heli_transport_03_ext01_co.paa","\a3\air_f_heli\heli_transport_03\data\heli_transport_03_ext02_co.paa"}}
// Orca
class Exile_Chopper_Orca_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Orca_CSAT", 350, "CSAT", {"\A3\Air_F\Heli_Light_02\Data\Heli_Light_02_ext_OPFOR_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Orca_Black", 350, "Black", {"\A3\Air_F\Heli_Light_02\Data\Heli_Light_02_ext_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Orca_BlackCustom", 350, "Black Custom", {"\A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Light_02\Data\Heli_Light_02_ext_OPFOR_V2_CO.paa"}}
// Taru
class Exile_Chopper_Taru_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Taru_CSAT", 500, "CSAT", {"A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_01_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_02_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Taru_Black", 500, "BLACK", {"A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_01_black_CO.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_02_black_CO.paa"}}
// Taru (Transport)
class Exile_Chopper_Taru_Transport_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Taru_Transport_CSAT", 500, "CSAT", {"A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_01_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_02_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Taru_Transport_Black", 500, "Black", {"A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_01_black_CO.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_02_black_CO.paa"}}
// Taru (Covered)
class Exile_Chopper_Taru_Covered_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Taru_Covered_CSAT", 500, "CSAT", {"A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_01_CO.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_02_CO.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_Pod_Ext01_CO.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_Pod_Ext02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Taru_Covered_Black", 500, "Black", {"A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\heli_transport_04_base_01_black_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\heli_transport_04_base_02_black_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\heli_transport_04_pod_ext01_black_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\heli_transport_04_pod_ext02_black_co.paa"}}
// Hatchback
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Rusty1", 50, "Rusty White", {"\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_Car_Hatchback_01_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Rusty2", 50, "Rusty Red", {"\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_Car_Hatchback_02_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Rusty3", 50, "Rusty Yellow", {"\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_Car_Hatchback_03_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Beige", 100, "Beige", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Green", 100, "Green", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Blue", 100, "Blue", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_BlueCustom", 100, "Blue Custom", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_BeigeCustom", 100, "Beige Custom", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Yellow", 100, "Yellow", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE06_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Grey", 100, "Grey", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE07_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Black", 100, "Black", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE08_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Dark", 100, "Dark", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE09_CO.paa"}}
// Hatchback (Sport)
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Red", 100, "Red", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_SPORT01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Blue", 100, "Blue", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_SPORT02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Orange", 100, "Orange", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_SPORT03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_White", 100, "White", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_SPORT04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Beige", 100, "Beige", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_SPORT05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Green", 100, "Green", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_SPORT06_CO.paa"}}
// Offroad
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Rusty1", 50, "Rusty White", {"\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_offroad_03_co.paa","\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_offroad_03_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Rusty2", 50, "Rusty Red", {"\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_offroad_01_co.paa","\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_offroad_01_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Rusty3", 50, "Rusty Blue", {"\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_offroad_02_co.paa","\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_offroad_02_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Red", 500, "Red", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Beige", 500, "Beige", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_White", 500, "White", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Blue", 500, "Blue", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed", 500, "Dark Red", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_BlueCustom", 500, "Blue Custom", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla01", 700, "Guerilla 01", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla02", 700, "Guerilla 02", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla03", 700, "Guerilla 03", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla04", 700, "Guerilla 04", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla05", 700, "Guerilla 05", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla06", 700, "Guerilla 06", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla07", 700, "Guerilla 07", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla08", 700, "Guerilla 08", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla09", 700, "Guerilla 09", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_09_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_09_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla10", 700, "Guerilla 10", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_10_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_10_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla11", 700, "Guerilla 11", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_11_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_11_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla12", 700, "Guerilla 12", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_12_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_12_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed", 700, "Exile Black", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Offroad_Black_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed", 700, "Exile Light Blue", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Offroad_LightBlue_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed", 700, "Exile Orange",{"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Offroad_Orange_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed", 700, "Exile Pink", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Offroad_Pink_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed", 700, "Exile White", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Offroad_White_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed", 700, "Exile Yellow",{"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Offroad_Yellow_co.paa"}}
// Land Rover
class Exile_Car_LandRover_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Red", 250, "Red", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\r_lr_base_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\r_lr_special_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Urban", 250, "Urban", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\textures\lr_base_urbancamo_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\textures\lr_special_urbancamo_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Green", 250, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acr_base_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acr_spec_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Sand", 250, "Sand", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acr_sand_base_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_special_acr_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Desert", 250, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acrs_base_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_special_acr_co.paa"}}
// Land Rover (Ambulance)
class Exile_Car_LandRover_Ambulance_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Ambulance_Green", 250, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acr_base_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_amb_ext_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acr_spec_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Ambulance_Desert", 250, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acrs_base_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_amb_ext_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_special_acr_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Ambulance_Sand", 250, "Sand", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acr_sand_base_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_amb_ext_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_special_acr_co.paa"}}
// Octavius
class Exile_Car_Octavius_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Octavius_White", 250, "White", {"exile_psycho_Octavia\Data\car_body_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Octavius_Black", 250, "Black", {"exile_psycho_Octavia\Data\car_body_bl_co.paa"}}
// UH-1H Huey
class Exile_Chopper_Huey_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Huey_Green", 700, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1h_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1h_in_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\default_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\alpha_ca.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Huey_Desert", 700, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1d_tka_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1d_in_tka_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\default_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\alpha_ca.paa"}}
// UH-1H Huey (Armed)
class Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Green", 700, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1h_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1h_in_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\default_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\alpha_ca.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Desert", 700, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1d_tka_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1d_in_tka_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\default_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\alpha_ca.paa"}}
// Offroad (Armed)
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla01", 250, "Guerilla 01", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla02", 250, "Guerilla 02", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla03", 250, "Guerilla 03", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla04", 250, "Guerilla 04", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla05", 250, "Guerilla 05", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla06", 250, "Guerilla 06", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla07", 250, "Guerilla 07", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla08", 250, "Guerilla 08", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla09", 250, "Guerilla 09", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_09_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_09_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla10", 250, "Guerilla 10", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_10_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_10_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla11", 250, "Guerilla 11", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_11_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_11_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla12", 250, "Guerilla 12", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_12_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_12_CO.paa"}}
// Offroad (Repair)
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Civillian", 150, "Civillian", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\Offroad_01_ext_repair_CIV_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\Offroad_01_ext_repair_CIV_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Red", 150, "Red", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Beige", 150, "Beige", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_White", 150, "White", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Blue", 150, "Blue", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_DarkRed", 150, "DarkRed", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_BlueCustom", 150, "BlueCustom", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla01", 250, "Guerilla 01", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla02", 250, "Guerilla 02", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla03", 250, "Guerilla 03", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla04", 250, "Guerilla 04", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla05", 250, "Guerilla 05", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla06", 250, "Guerilla 06", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla07", 250, "Guerilla 07", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla08", 250, "Guerilla 08", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla09", 250, "Guerilla 09", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_09_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_09_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla10", 250, "Guerilla 10", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_10_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_10_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla11", 250, "Guerilla 11", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_11_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_11_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla12", 250, "Guerilla 12", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_12_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_12_CO.paa"}}
// SUV
class Exile_Car_SUV_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_SUV_Red", 100, "Red", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\SUV_01\Data\SUV_01_ext_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUV_Black", 150, "Black", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\SUV_01\Data\SUV_01_ext_02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUV_Grey", 100, "Grey", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\SUV_01\Data\SUV_01_ext_03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUV_Orange", 100, "Orange", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\SUV_01\Data\SUV_01_ext_04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUV_Black", 150, "Snow Camo", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_SUV_Snow_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUV_Black", 150, "Leaf Camo", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_SUV_Leaf_Light_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUV_Black", 150, "Leaf Camo (Dark)", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_SUV_Leaf_Dark_co.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_SUVXL_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 100, "Black", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\suv_body_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 150, "Blue White", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_bluewhite.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 150, "Charcoal", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_charcoal_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 150, "Orange", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_orange_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 200, "Hello Kitty", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_Pink_hello_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 150, "Red", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_red_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 150, "Silver", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_silver_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 100, "White", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_white_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 150, "Yellow", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_yellow_co.paa"}}
// Van
class Exile_Car_Van_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Van_Black", 100, "Black", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_black_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_White", 100, "White", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_ext_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Red", 100, "Red", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_red_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla01", 150, "Guerilla 01", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla02", 150, "Guerilla 02", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla03", 150, "Guerilla 03", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla04", 150, "Guerilla 04", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla05", 150, "Guerilla 05", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla06", 150, "Guerilla 06", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_06_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla07", 150, "Guerilla 07", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_07_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla08", 150, "Guerilla 08", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_08_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Black", 150, "Brown", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_brn_co.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_int_base_2_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Black", 150, "Olive", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_oli_co.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_int_base_3_CO.paa"}}
// Van (Box)
class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Black", 100, "Black", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_black_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_White", 100, "White", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_ext_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Red", 100, "Red", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_red_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla01", 150, "Guerilla 01", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla02", 150, "Guerilla 02", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla03", 150, "Guerilla 03", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla04", 150, "Guerilla 04", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla05", 150, "Guerilla 05", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla06", 150, "Guerilla 06", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_06_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla07", 150, "Guerilla 07", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_07_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla08", 150, "Guerilla 08", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_08_CO.paa"}}
// Van (Fuel)
class Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Black", 100, "Black", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_black_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\Van_01\Data\Van_01_tank_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_White", 100, "White", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_ext_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\Van_01\Data\Van_01_tank_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Red", 100, "Red", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_red_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\Van_01\Data\Van_01_tank_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Guerilla01", 150, "Guerilla 01", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_tank_IG_01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Guerilla02", 150, "Guerilla 02", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_tank_IG_02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Guerilla03", 150, "Guerilla 03", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_tank_IG_03_CO.paa"}}
// Tempest
class Exile_Car_Tempest_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Tempest", 200, "Green Hex", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Truck_03\Data\Truck_03_ext01_ghex_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Truck_03\Data\Truck_03_ext02_ghex_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Truck_03\Data\Truck_03_cargo_ghex_CO.paa"}}
// Ikarus
class Exile_Car_Ikarus_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Ikarus_Blue", 200, "Blue", {"Exile_psycho_Ikarus\Data\bus_exterior_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ikarus_Red", 200, "Red", {"Exile_psycho_Ikarus\Data\bus_exterior_eciv_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ikarus_Party", 500, "Party", {"Exile_psycho_Ikarus\Data\bus_exterior_eciv_co.paa"}}
// Ural (Open)
class Exile_Car_Ural_Open_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Open_Blue", 300, "Blue", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\Ural_kabina_civil_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_plachta_civil_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Open_Yellow", 300, "Yellow", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_kabina_civ1_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_plachta_civ1_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Open_Worker", 300, "Worker", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_kabina_civ2_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\Ural_plachta_civil_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Open_Military", 300, "Military", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_kabina_khk_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_plachta_co.paa"}}
// Ural (Covered)
class Exile_Car_Ural_Covered_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Covered_Blue", 300, "Blue", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_kabina_civil_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_plachta_civil_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Covered_Yellow", 300, "Yellow", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_kabina_civ1_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_plachta_civ1_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Covered_Worker", 300, "Worker", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_kabina_civ2_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\Ural_plachta_civil_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Covered_Military", 300, "Military", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_kabina_khk_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_plachta_co.paa"}}
// Lada
class Exile_Car_Lada_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Lada_Green", 100, "Green", {"exile_psycho_lada\data\lada_eciv1_co.paa","exile_psycho_lada\data\Lada_glass_ECIV1_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Lada_Taxi", 100, "Taxi", {"exile_psycho_lada\data\Lada_red_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Lada_Red", 100, "Red", {"exile_psycho_lada\data\Lada_red_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Lada_Hipster", 100, "Hipster", {"exile_psycho_lada\data\lada_eciv2_co.paa","exile_psycho_lada\data\Lada_glass_ECIV2_CA.paa"}}
// Volha
class Exile_Car_Volha_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Volha_Blue", 100, "Blue", {"Exile_psycho_Gaz_volha\data\Volha_ECIV_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Volha_White", 100, "White", {"Exile_psycho_Gaz_volha\data\Volha_Gray_ECIV_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Volha_Black", 100, "Black", {"Exile_psycho_Gaz_volha\data\Volha_Black_ECIV_CO.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_Hunter_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Hunter", 1000, "Exile White Edition", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Hunter_Snow_co.paa","exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Hunter_Snow_Back_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hunter", 1000, "Exile Hex", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Hunter_Hex_co.paa","exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Hunter_Black_Back_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hunter", 1000, "Exile Black", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Hunter_Black_co.paa","exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Hunter_Black_Back_co.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_Ifrit_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Ifrit", 1000, "Green Hex", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\MRAP_02\data\MRAP_02_ext_01_ghex_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\MRAP_02\data\MRAP_02_ext_02_ghex_CO.paa","\A3\Data_F_Exp\Vehicles\Turret_ghex_CO.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_M2_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_M2_Green", 1000, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\hmmwv_body_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_M2_Desert", 1000, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\des\hmmwv_body_co.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_M134_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_M134_Green", 1000, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\hmmwv_body_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_M134_Desert", 1000, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\des\hmmwv_body_co.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_MEV_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_MEV_Green", 1000, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\hmmwv_body_cm.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_MEV_Desert", 1000, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\des\hmmwv_body_cm.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_UNA_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_UNA_Green", 1000, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\hmmwv_body_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_UNA_Desert", 1000, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\des\hmmwv_body_co.paa"}}
// BTR40
class Exile_Car_BTR40_MG_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_BTR40_MG_Green", 1000, "Green", {"exile_psycho_btr40\data\btr40ext_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_BTR40_MG_Camo", 1000, "Camo", {"exile_psycho_btr40\data\btr40extcamo_co.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_BTR40_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_BTR40_Green", 1000, "Green", {"exile_psycho_btr40\data\btr40ext_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_BTR40_Camo", 1000, "Camo", {"exile_psycho_btr40\data\btr40extcamo_co.paa"}}
// Golf
class Exile_Car_Golf_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Golf_Red", 1000, "Red", {"exile_psycho_VWGolf\data\vwgolf_body_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Golf_Black", 1000, "Black", {"exile_psycho_VWGolf\data\texture\black_co.paa"}}
// AN-2
class Exile_Plane_AN2_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Plane_AN2_Green", 700, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_An2\data\an2_1_co.paa","Exile_psycho_An2\data\an2_2_co.paa","Exile_psycho_An2\data\an2_wings_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Plane_AN2_White", 700, "Red, White & Blue", {"Exile_psycho_An2\data\an2_1_a_co.paa",
{"Exile_Plane_AN2_Stripe", 700, "Green Stripe", {"Exile_psycho_An2\data\an2_1_b_co.paa","Exile_psycho_An2\data\an2_2_b_co.paa","Exile_psycho_An2\data\an2_wings_b_co.paa"}}
class B_G_Boat_Transport_02_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Boat_RHIB", 150, "Blue", {"\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Boat_Transport_02\Data\Boat_Transport_02_exterior_civilian_CO.paa","\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Boat_Transport_02\Data\Boat_Transport_02_interior_2_civilian_CO.paa"}}
// Water Scooter
class Exile_Boat_WaterScooter_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Boat_WaterScooter", 150, "Blue", {"\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_Blue_co.paa","\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_VP_Blue_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_WaterScooter", 150, "Grey", {"\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_Grey_co.paa","\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_VP_Grey_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_WaterScooter", 150, "Lime", {"\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_Lime_co.paa","\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_VP_Lime_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_WaterScooter", 150, "Red", {"\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_Red_CO.paa","\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_VP_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_WaterScooter", 150, "White", {"\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_CO.paa","\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_VP_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_WaterScooter", 150, "Yellow", {"\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_Yellow_CO.paa","\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_VP_Yellow_CO.paa"}}
// Ceasar BTT
class C_Plane_Civil_01_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Plane_Ceasar", 150, "Racing (Tan Interior)", {"A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_01_Racer_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_02_Racer_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_01_tan_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_02_tan_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Plane_Ceasar", 150, "Racing", {"A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_01_Racer_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_02_Racer_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_01_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_02_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Plane_Ceasar", 150, "Red Line (Tan Interior)", {"A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_01_RedLine_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_02_RedLine_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_01_tan_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_02_tan_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Plane_Ceasar", 150, "Tribal (Tan Interior)", {"A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_01_Tribal_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_02_Tribal_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_01_tan_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_02_tan_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Plane_Ceasar", 150, "Tribal", {"A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_01_Tribal_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_02_Tribal_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_01_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_02_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Plane_Ceasar", 150, "Blue Wave (Tan Interior)", {"A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_01_Wave_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_02_Wave_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_01_tan_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_02_tan_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Plane_Ceasar", 150, "Blue Wave", {"A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_01_Wave_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_02_Wave_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_01_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_02_co.paa"}}
// V-44 X Blackfish (Infantry Transport)
class B_T_VTOL_01_infantry_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Plane_BlackfishInfantry", 150, "Blue", {"\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT01_blue_CO.paa","\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT02_blue_CO.paa","\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT03_blue_CO.paa","\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT04_blue_CO.paa"}}
// V-44 X Blackfish (Vehicle Transport)
class B_T_VTOL_01_vehicle_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Plane_BlackfishVehicle", 150, "Blue", {"\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT01_blue_CO.paa","\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT02_blue_CO.paa","\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT03_blue_CO.paa","\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT04_blue_CO.paa"}}
// Prowler (Light)
class B_CTRG_LSV_01_light_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_ProwlerLight", 150, "Black", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_01_black_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_02_black_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_03_black_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_Adds_black_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_ProwlerLight", 150, "Dazzle", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_01_dazzle_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_02_olive_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_03_olive_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_Adds_olive_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_ProwlerLight", 150, "Sand", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_01_sand_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_02_sand_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_03_sand_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_Adds_sand_CO.paa"}}
// Prowler (Unarmed)
class B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_black_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_ProwlerUnarmed", 150, "Olive", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_01_olive_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_02_olive_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_03_olive_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_Adds_olive_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_ProwlerUnarmed", 150, "Dazzle", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_01_dazzle_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_02_olive_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_03_olive_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_Adds_olive_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_ProwlerUnarmed", 150, "Sand", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_01_sand_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_02_sand_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_03_sand_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_Adds_sand_CO.paa"}}
// Qilin (Unarmed)
class O_T_LSV_02_unarmed_black_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_QilinUnarmed", 150, "Arid", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_02\Data\CSAT_LSV_01_arid_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_02\Data\CSAT_LSV_02_arid_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_02\Data\CSAT_LSV_03_arid_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_QilinUnarmed", 150, "Green Hex", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_02\Data\CSAT_LSV_01_ghex_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_02\Data\CSAT_LSV_02_ghex_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_02\Data\CSAT_LSV_03_ghex_CO.paa"}}
// MB 4WD
class C_Offroad_02_unarmed_orange_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_MB4WD", 150, "Black", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_black_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_black_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_black_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_black_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WD", 150, "Blue", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_blue_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_blue_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_blue_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_blue_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WD", 150, "Brown", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_brown_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_brown_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_brown_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_brown_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WD", 150, "Green", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_green_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_green_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_green_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_green_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WD", 150, "Olive", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_olive_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_olive_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_olive_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_olive_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WD", 150, "Red", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_red_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_red_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_red_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_red_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WD", 150, "White", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_white_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_white_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_white_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_white_co.paa"}}
// SK
class MRAP_03_hmg_base_F
skins[] =
{"I_MRAP_03_hmg_F", 1000, "NATO", {"\A3\soft_f_beta\mrap_03\data\mrap_03_ext_co.paa","\A3\data_f\vehicles\turret_co.paa"}},
{"I_MRAP_03_hmg_F", 1000, "HEX", {"A3\soft_f_beta\mrap_03\data\mrap_03_ext_indp_co.paa", "A3\data_f\vehicles\turret_indp_co.paa"}}
class I_C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "Black", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_black_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_black_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_black_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_black_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "Blue", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_blue_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_blue_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_blue_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_blue_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "Brown", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_brown_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_brown_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_brown_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_brown_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "Green", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_green_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_green_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_green_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_green_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "Orange", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_orange_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_orange_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_orange_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_orange_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "Red", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_red_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_red_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_red_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_red_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "White", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_white_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_white_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_white_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_white_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "Olive", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_olive_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_olive_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_olive_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_olive_co.paa"}}
class CfgVehicleTransport
class Exile_Container_SupplyBox
vehicles[] = {"Exile_Car_Van_Abstract", "Exile_Car_Offroad_Abstract", "Exile_Car_Zamak_Abstract", "Exile_Car_HEMMT_Abstract", "Exile_Car_Tempest_Abstract"};
class Exile_Car_Van_Abstract
attachPosition[] = {0, -1.1, 0.2};
cargoIndizes[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
detachPosition[] = {0, -4.4};
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Abstract
attachPosition[] = {0, -1.6, 0.4};
cargoIndizes[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
detachPosition[] = {0, -4};
class Exile_Car_Zamak_Abstract
attachPosition[] = {0.03, 0.3, 0};
cargoIndizes[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
detachPosition[] = {0.03, -4.8};
class Exile_Car_HEMMT_Abstract
attachPosition[] = {0.05, -0.1, 0.3};
cargoIndizes[] = {1, 2, 8, 9};
detachPosition[] = {0.05, -6.1};
class Exile_Car_Tempest_Abstract
attachPosition[] = {0.08, -0.85, 0.4};
cargoIndizes[] = {1, 6, 7, 9};
detachPosition[] = {0.08, -6};
class CfgVirtualGarage
Enable or disable virtual garage on the server
0: Disable virtual garage
1: Enable virtual garage
enableVirtualGarage = 1;
Enables or disables the ability to access virtual garage while in combat
0: Players cannot access virtual garage while they are in combat
1: Players can access virtual garage when they are in combat
canAccessGarageInCombat = 0;
When enabled, this will dump any items and money from the vehicle onto the ground where the car was.
0: Do not clear inventory and money
1: Clear inventory and money
clearInventoryOnStore = 1;
The maximum number of vehicles that can be stored in the VG for that territory.
Use -1 to disable the ability to store vehicles at that level.
Make sure to have the same number of levels here as you do in CfgTerritories!
numberOfVehicles[] =
-1, // Level 1
5, // Level 2
8, // Level 3
11, // Level 4
13, // Level 5
15, // Level 6
18, // Level 7
21, // Level 8
25, // Level 9
28 // Level 10
The allowed types of vehicles that can be stored in the garage
Available Types: "Car", "Tank", "Plane", "Air", "Ship", "Submarine"
allowedVehicleTypes[] = {"Car","Tank","Plane","Air","Ship","Submarine"};
class CfgXM8
class settings
controlID = 4070;
appID = "App01";
title = "Settings";
class healthScanner
controlID = 4120;
appID = "App02";
title = "Health Scanner";
class slothMachine
controlID = 4140;
appID = "App03";
title = "Sloth Machine";
XM8 Extra apps, the Exile way of doing it
Here is an example app layout:
class XM8_App01_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = ""; // Path to picture. This can be via mission file or client side PBO
text = ""; // The name of the app to be display on the button
onButtonClick = ""; // The code to fire when the app is clicked
resource = ""; // The name of the resource to load for the app, leave as an empty string if you just want to run code without a GUI, like BOOM or spawning a bike
class XM8_App01_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_settings_ca.paa";
text = "Settings";
onButtonClick = "['settings', 0] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
resource = "XM8SlideSettings";
class XM8_App02_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_health_scanner_ca.paa";
text = "Health Scanner";
onButtonClick = "['healthScanner', 0] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
resource = "XM8SlideHealthScanner";
class XM8_App03_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_slothMachine_ca.paa";
text = "Sloth Machine";
onButtonClick = "['slothMachine', 0] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
resource = "XM8SlideSlothMachine";
class XM8_App04_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_boom_ca.paa";
text = "BOOM!";
onButtonClick = "call ExileClient_system_breaching_detonate";
resource = "";
class XM8_App05_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App06_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App07_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App08_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App09_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App10_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App11_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App12_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App13_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App14_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8SlideSettings: RscExileXM8Slide
idc = 4070;
class Controls
class GoBackButton: RscExileXM8ButtonMenu
idc = 4071;
text = "GO BACK";
x = (30 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (19 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onButtonClick = "['extraApps', 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
class 8GDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4072;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (5 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_on8GSelectionChanged";
class 8GLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Show my device in global 8G network.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (5 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class SoundDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4075;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (7 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onSoundSelectionChanged";
class SoundLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Play a beep sound on notifications.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (7 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class PartyEspDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4076;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (9 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onPartyEspSelectionChanged";
class PartyEspLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Color of 3D party icons and name tags.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (9 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class PartyEspSlider: RscExileXM8XSliderH
idc = 4078;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (11 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onSliderPosChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onPartyEspSliderChanged";
class PartyEspSliderLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Opacity of 3D party icons and name tags.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (11 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class PartyMarkerSlider: RscExileXM8XSliderH
idc = 4079;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (13 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onSliderPosChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onPartyMarkerSliderChanged";
class PartyMarkerSliderLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Opacity of 3D party markers.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (13 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class StreamModeDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4077;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (15 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onStreamModeSelectionChanged";
class StreamModeLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Masquerade PIN codes. Perfect for streamers.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (15 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class XM8SlideHealthScanner: RscExileXM8Slide
idc = 4120;
class Controls
class GoBackButton: RscExileXM8ButtonMenu
idc = 4122;
text = "GO BACK";
x = (30 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (19 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onButtonClick = "['extraApps', 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
class HealthInfoControlGroup: RscExileXM8ControlsGroupNoHScrollbars
idc = -1;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (5 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 30 * (0.025);
h = 15 * (0.04);
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.25};
class controls
class HealthInfo: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4121;
x = 0;
y = 0;
w = 29 * (0.025); // minus 1!
h = 15 * (0.04);
class XM8SlideSlothMachine: RscExileXM8Slide
idc = 4140;
class Controls
class Background: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = -1;
text = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\slothMachine\xm8_slothMachineBackground.paa";
x = -3.1 * (0.025) + (0);
y = -6 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 40 * (0.025);
h = 33 * (0.04);
class XM8SlothMachineSpinButton: RscExileXM8PictureButton
idc = 4141;
style = 0x30;
x = 14.3 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 15.9 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.7 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
text = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\slothMachine\button_off_ca.paa";
action = "[] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_slothMachine_event_onSpinButtonClick;";
class GoBackButton: RscExileXM8ButtonMenu
idc = 4148;
text = "GO BACK";
x = (30 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (19 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
sizeEx = .9 * (0.04);
onButtonClick = "['extraApps', 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
class PopTabsLabel: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4142;
text = "<t align='center'><t color='#e14141'><img image='\exile_assets\texture\ui\poptab_inline_ca.paa' size='1' shadow='true' /></t>";
x = 6.5 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 13 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
class JackpotLabel: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4143;
text = "<t align='center'><t color='#e14141'></t>";
x = 14 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 13 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
class WinningsLabel: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4144;
text = "<t align='center'><t color='#e14141'>0</t>";
x = 21.5 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 13 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
class Symbol01: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = 4145;
text = "";
x = 6.55 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 4 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.83 * (0.025);
h = 5 * (0.04);
class Symbol02: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = 4146;
text = "";
x = 14.1 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 4 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.83 * (0.025);
h = 5 * (0.04);
class Symbol03: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = 4147;
text = "";
x = 21.6 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 4 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.83 * (0.025);
h = 5 * (0.04);
#define true 1
#define false 0
// Required for the XM8, do not remove!
#include "RscDefines.hpp"
// Server Settings - Modify at will
author = "Exile Mod Team";
onLoadName = "Exile Mod";
onLoadMission= "";
loadScreen = "exile_assets\texture\mod\logo.paa";
disableChannels[] = {0, 2};
OnLoadIntro = "";
OnLoadIntroTime = false;
OnLoadMissionTime = false;
class Header
gameType = Survive; // Do NOT change this
minPlayers = 1;
maxPlayers = 100;
// Exile Settings - Do not change these!
forceRotorLibSimulation = 2;
skipLobby = 1;
joinUnassigned = 1;
respawn = "BASE";
respawnDelay = 120;
respawnDialog = 0;
respawnOnStart = 0;
respawnButton = 1;
respawnTemplates[] = {"Exile"};
corpseManagerMode = 0;
corpseLimit = 20;
corpseRemovalMinTime = 1800;
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 3600;
wreckManagerMode = 0;
wreckLimit = 2;
wreckRemovalMinTime = 60;
wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360;
scriptedPlayer = 1;
disabledAI = 1;
enableItemsDropping = 0;
briefing = 0;
debriefing = 0;
allowFunctionsLog = 1;
enableDebugConsole = 0;
allowFunctionsRecompile = 0;
showSquadRadar = 0;
showUAVFeed = 0;
reviveDelay = 6;
reviveForceRespawnDelay = 3;
reviveBleedOutDelay = 120;
showHUD[] =
true, // Scripted HUD (same as showHUD command)
true, // Vehicle + soldier info
true, // Vehicle radar
true, // Vehicle compass
true, // Tank direction indicator
false, // Commanding menu
false, // Group Bar
true, // HUD Weapon Cursors
true // Vehicle Panel (Required for GPS)
#include "config.cpp"
class RscTitles
#include "addons\statusBar\statusBar.hpp"
class CfgRemoteExec
class Functions
mode = 1;
jip = 0;
class fnc_AdminReq { allowedTargets=2; };
class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=2; };
class CDAH_fnc_CDAH_Workshop_Gui {allowedTargets=0;};
class ExileClient_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=1; };
class Commands
mode = 0;
jip = 0;
Thx again
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