
Chernarus 2035 Loot Buildings / Posistions

22 posts in this topic

This file includes loot posistions for nearly all buildings in Chernarus 2035. This is not complete. Will do updates as time goes on.

It is available here:

The file is named "cfgBuildings.hpp", place it in "@exile_server_config\addons\exile_server_config" add this to "config.cpp"

#include "cfgBuildings.hpp"

If cfgBuildings is already present in "config.cpp" then copy the contents of "cfgBuildings.hpp" and replace it.

THIS IS ONLY FOR Chernarus 2035!

If you have any questions, please ask them :)

Edited by NoFocksGiven
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Great stuff, I love this map. If only I could get it to load.

Just a quick question, I noticed the mission  pbo of this map is still called  Sz_fall, yet the folder is called Chernarus 2035. Any idea what the start up parameters are meant to be for the bat file?
Thanks in advance

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There is a folder called "@Chernaros 2035" copy that to your root server folder where "arma3server.exe" or "arma3server_x64.exe" are. Add "@Chernarus 2035" to your parameters in "-servermod" 

"-mod=@Exile;CUP Terrains - Core;@Chernarus 2035"
Add ";" if there are more client side mods

If you have any server mod files like infiSTAR Exile
Add that to servermod


same thing if ";"

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Yeah I have done all that before. I am running Exile on cherno redux map on my local server just fine . I have tried to set up cherno2035 the same way, it just doesn't find the mission. >:(

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You have gonna have to create it yourself, or find someone elses. This only includes loot posistions. Should be easy to do, you could try and rename the current PBO to "Exile.Chernarus_2035.pbo" it is not guarenteed to work though. Remember to install Chernarus 2035 from the workshop.

Edited by NoFocksGiven

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if you have this trader setup then it's because the airflied trader is too close to the hangars.

You have to move the airfield trader with the editor or you must shorten the range where no loot spawns around the traderzones.

edit your mission.pbo\config.cpp: 

		 * Defines the radius around trader cities where the system should
		 * not spawn loot. Set this to 0 if you want to have loot spawning
		 * in trader citites, ugh.
		minimumDistanceToTraderZones = 250;

But beware that this is for all traderzones!

Edited by Anamy

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How do you find the locations for the building?
Because I have found some that are implemented into the buildings able to spawn loot and I wanted to create its class, but I cant find out how to get that format for location.

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1 hour ago, SonGoku said:
15:57:10 Warning Message: Addon 'map_sz_fall' requires addon 'CARoads2'

can you help me ?:/

Add to mission.sqm this :

	//Chernarus 2035


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