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A few questions about E3den editor

3 posts in this topic

HI Everybody.

First of all i want to thank everybody for the help setting up my server.

I really enjoy working and playing on it.

Since yesterday i started trying some map editing.
I use to do this for unreal tournament 4 it standard came with  UT4 editor  and with the e3den editor its kinda the same .

I was wondering ..what are the limits for editing my servermap ?
I play on Altis but im wondering how mutch can i add before it starts to make problems like serverlagg and things like that.
My idea is to add some more military bases all over the is a shooting game right...
Second i need to add triggers or spawnpoints for the weapons to spawn in the bunkers and towers  or are they initially installed when adding a building ?

last question...what mods do i need to load ?
For now i have...

Exile mod


Cheers and thanks everybody.

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Should be fine for making traders and some barracks, just don't go overboard with objects like making fences that are a hundred parts and you should be good. Depending on what building classnames you place down, you will need to source a lot of CUP or Jbad Lootpos yourself but if you go with default Arma 3 stuff you should be fine, they are most likely added. If not a program I use is this for getting loot positions . Load what ever mods your server loads + the eden stuff, that's what I do. Like if you have CUP Terrains Core or something on your server, make sure you load it, if you don't then don't. 

Edited by Pattoh

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