Hello everyone , in need of some technical assistance . In my server i only have the ability to flip , refuel , drain fuel , lock and unlock certain vehicles . In my Mission.PBO in config.cpp i see this for cars and Air . I'm assuming this doesn't apply to Tanks . Should i just copy and paste the line and add tanks where cars is ??? Thank you in advance . wish me luck
class Car
targetType = 2;
target = "Car";
class Actions
class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Scan Lock";
condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
// Locks a vehicle
class Lock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 0) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Unlocks a vehicle
class Unlock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unlock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape
class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Repair";
condition = "true";
action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Hot-wires a vehicle
class Hotwire: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Hotwire";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "['HotwireVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Flips a vehicle so the player doesnt have to call an admin
// Check if vector up is fucked
class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Flip";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";
// Fills fuel from a can into a car
class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Refuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";
// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Drain Fuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";
class PackDeployedVehicle: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Pack Vehicle";
condition = "call ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_canPack";
action = "call ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_pack";
Hello everyone , in need of some technical assistance . In my server i only have the ability to flip , refuel , drain fuel , lock and unlock certain vehicles . In my Mission.PBO in config.cpp i see this for cars and Air . I'm assuming this doesn't apply to Tanks . Should i just copy and paste the line and add tanks where cars is ??? Thank you in advance . wish me luck
class Car { targetType = 2; target = "Car"; class Actions { class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Scan Lock"; condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)"; action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan"; }; // Locks a vehicle class Lock: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Lock"; condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 0) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)"; action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle"; }; // Unlocks a vehicle class Unlock: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Unlock"; condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)"; action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle"; }; // Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape class Repair: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Repair"; condition = "true"; action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute"; }; // Hot-wires a vehicle class Hotwire: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Hotwire"; condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)"; action = "['HotwireVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute"; }; // Flips a vehicle so the player doesnt have to call an admin // Check if vector up is fucked class Flip: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Flip"; condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show"; action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip"; }; // Fills fuel from a can into a car class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Refuel"; condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show"; action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel"; }; // Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Drain Fuel"; condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show"; action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain"; }; class PackDeployedVehicle: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Pack Vehicle"; condition = "call ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_canPack"; action = "call ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_pack"; }; }; };
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