
immersive cigs

3 posts in this topic

Thought I'd dredge up an old topic instead of opening up a new one. 

I've got Immersion Cigs working in Exile via some bastardised methods. Players can light up, it plays the animation, plays the sound and the cigarette is gradually smoked. 

However, there's meant to be some smoke blown, but I can't figure out how to get it to show up. I figured it may be infiSTAR that's blocking it. 

Here's the smoke function:

murshun_cigs_fnc_smoke = {
    params ["_unit", "_type"];

    private _multiplier = 1;

    switch (_type) do {
    case "cigarette": { _multiplier = 1 };
    case "cigar": { _multiplier = 2 };

    private _source = "logic" createVehicleLocal (getPos _unit);
    private _fog = "#particleSource" createVehicleLocal getPos _source;
    _fog setParticleParams ["\A3\data_f\cl_basic",
    [0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0.1, -0.1],
    [0.1 * _multiplier, 0.2 * _multiplier, 0.1 * _multiplier],
    [[0.2 * _multiplier, 0.2 * _multiplier, 0.2 * _multiplier, 0.3 * _multiplier], [0, 0, 0, 0.01], [1, 1, 1, 0]],
    _fog setParticleRandom [2, [0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25], 0, 0.5, [0, 0, 0, 0.1], 0, 0, 10];
    _fog setDropInterval 0.005;

    _source attachTo [_unit, [0, 0.06, 0], "head"];
    sleep 0.4;

    deleteVehicle _source;

I'm still pretty nooby with this sort of stuff so that's all the info I can offer for now. If there's anything anyone can spot to help, please let me know!

Thanks in advance.

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