
A3XAI territory proximity

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Does anyone know if it is possible to get the roaming ai from a3xai to spawn closer to player's territory flags? I'm wanting some cool encounters where players will be shooting from their bases in defense from passing ai but currently it seems like the territory protection stops any ai from spawning anywhere close. I swear i saw the distance settings somewhere before but i cant seem to recall where.

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try DMS & Occupation, they sometimes spawn in your base and definitely will pay a visit although i turn these features off.

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nah man, i'm not looking to change to different mods, i just want to tweak a couple simple settings in what i have, my server right now is running smooth with no major problems and i really dont want to jinx that. There must be some lines within the sqf and cpp files that will just reduce the radius of the territory flag exclusion zone so that roaming ai dare to come a little closer, i cant see it being that hard i just need to know where it's located. Thanks for the reply anyway.

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