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ExAd - Craft Vehicle


Hi! ExAd Mod.

Quad Bike or any other vehicle doesn't spawn!

This stopped working after update 1.68 i think!

Help me please!

Here's spawn script:



ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_itemsInCargo = {
	params ["_container","_itemArray","_item","_amount","_response"];

	_item = toLower (_itemArray select 0);
	_amount = _itemArray select 1;

	_response = false;
		if(_item == toLower _x)then{
			_amount = _amount - 1;
		if(_amount <= 0)exitWith{_response = true}
	}forEach magazines player;


ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_itemsMissing = {
	_recipeStr = "";
		_amount = if(count _x > 1)then{_x select 1}else{1};
		_text = [_x select 0] call ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_getDisplayName;
		_recipeStr = _recipeStr + format["%1x : %2<br />",(if(_amount < 0)then{((-1) * _amount)}else{_amount}), _text];
	}forEach _recipe;
	_response = format["You need <br />%1",_recipeStr];


ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_getDisplayName = {
	_configName = _class call ExileClient_util_gear_getConfigNameByClassName;
	_displayName = getText(configFile >> _configName >> _class >> "displayName");
	_text = if(count _displayName > 0)then{_displayName}else{_class};


ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_canPack = {
	( ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable["ExAd_DV_Packable", false] )

ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_pack = {
	[ExileClientInteractionObject] spawn {
		disableUserInput true;
		player playActionNow "Medic";

		uiSleep 3;
		["despawnDeployableVehicle", [netId _obj]] call ExAd_fnc_serverDispatch;
		uiSleep 1;

		["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Quad Bike Packed."]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
		disableUserInput false;

ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_spawnVehicle = {

		_bambiState = if(isNumber(missionConfigFile >> "CfgXM8" >> _slideClass >> "bambiState")) then
			if(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "CfgXM8" >> _slideClass >> "bambiState") > 0)then{true}else{false}
		} else {true};

		if(_bambiState && !ExileClientPlayerIsBambi) then { throw "You can only spawn vehicles as a bambi!"};

		_delopyRecipe = getArray(missionConfigFile >> "CfgXM8" >> _slideClass >> "recipe");
		if(count _delopyRecipe > 0) then
				if(count _x > 1) then
					_amount = if(_x select 1 == -1)then{1}else{_x select 1};
					if!([player, [_x select 0, _amount]] call ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_itemsInCargo) then 
						throw ([_delopyRecipe] call ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_itemsMissing);
				} else {
					if!([player, _x select 0] call ExileClient_util_playerEquipment_contains) then 
						throw ([_delopyRecipe] call ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_itemsMissing);
			}forEach _delopyRecipe;

				_count = if(count _x > 1)then{(_x select 1)}else{1};
				for "_i" from 1 to _count do {
					[player, _x select 0] call ExileClient_util_playerCargo_remove
			}forEach _delopyRecipe;

		_vehicleClass = getText(missionConfigFile >> "CfgXM8" >> _slideClass >> "vehicleClass");
		if!(isClass(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehicleClass ))then { throw "The vehicle class doesn't exist"};

		[_slideClass] spawn {
			disableUserInput true;
			player playActionNow "Medic";

			uiSleep 3;
			["spawnDeployableVehicle", [netId player, _slideClass]] call ExAd_fnc_serverDispatch;
			uiSleep 1;
			["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Quad Bike Deployed."]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
			ExileClientXM8CurrentSlide = "extraApps";
			disableUserInput false;

		["extraApps", 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide;
		closeDialog 0;

		[_exception] spawn {
			UISleep 0.5; 
			["ErrorTitleAndText", ["Deploy Vehicle", _this select 0]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
			["extraApps", 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide;


Big thanks who can help!


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9 answers to this question

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Anything in the config you have changed?  Trying to think where else might stop it....


Config.cpp in mission pbo

Edited by Razor77

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If it worked before you added other other things to the server then you have messed it up when adding them. I have already said this, you need to undo the changes you made or the changes you made. With out pastebins of your files you changed or your rpt nobody can help you, we are not mind readers. :)

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