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SemiAuto Rifles!

3 posts in this topic

Hello everyone!

Some countries have restrictions to fully automatic weapons. These weapons are only for military use. Create new class with game default weapons, but changing to semi auto will create difference between Civil loot to military loot. This will make military much more high value in game!
Sorry for my english. If you don't understand i will try to explain again.

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I endorse fully endorse this. As an American military veteran and firearm owner the major issue that I have had with survival games is the over abundance of select fire (full auto capable) weapons that are available.   

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I made that mod. Its a default MK20 with only Semi Auto mode! I hope the devs approve! :)

Weapon - fm_mk20_single
Magazine - 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (default bohemia classname)

Put this on init unit line:
removeallweapons this;
this addweapon "fm_mk20_single";
this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";

Edited by FlyMaker

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