
loot table compiler error

3 posts in this topic

Hey guys, so normally i use the loot table compiler with no issues, but today when i used it, im getting "Unknown Item Group: CUPPointerAttachments" in the cmd window. if i delete all instances of CUP pointer attachments, i get the same error with the muzzle attachments. any ideas as to what has happened?

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thats the thing, ive done nothing different to the last few times ive used it, copied the loottable into loottables.h and dragged that along with the group tables to compile, but it errors out. ill attach the loot table im trying to compile



    // Class Names

    Remember that item class names, group names and loot table names cannot 
    contain spaces. Also be 100% sure to have the exact same name as in Arma,
    as they are *case sensive*.

    // Item Groups

    You can link one group of items to loot tables.
    One item should only be in one group.

    = <Group Name>
    <Spawn Chance Within Group>,<Item Class Name>

    // Propability

    <Spawn Chance>,<Item>

    10, Banana
    20, Tomato
    30, Cherry

    Sum of chances:
    10 + 20 + 30 = 60 = 100%

    Spawn chances:
    Banana    10 : 60 = 10 * 100 / 60 = 16.67%
    Tomato    20 : 60 = 20 * 100 / 60 = 33.33%
    Cherry    30 : 60 = 30 * 100 / 60 = 50%

    In words: 
    If Exile should spawn an item of the above group, it has a 33.33%
    chance to spawn a Banana.

    // Loot Tables

    Defines which item group spawns in which building type. The loot table itself
    is linked with a building in exile_server_config.pbo/config/CfgBuildings. Spawn
    chances work like for items.

    > <Loot Table Name>
    <Spawn Chance Within Loot Table>,<Group Name>

    Loot Tables

// Slums/Ghetto, Farms, Village Houses, Castle etc.
// Spawn Guerilla things :)
> CivillianLowerClass
30, Trash
300, Food
300, Drinks
8, Pistols
5, PistolAmmo
3, PistolAttachments
4, SMG
3, SMGAmmo
3, SMGAttachments
300, CivilianClothing
300, CivilianBackpacks
300, CivilianVests
300, CivilianHeadgear
300, CivilianItems
1, Restraints
10, Chemlights
10, RoadFlares
50, CUPPointerAttachments
50, CUPMuzzleAttachments
50, CUPOpticAttachments
150, CUPAmmunition
50, CUPPistols
50, CUPSubMachineGuns
50, CUPLightMachineGuns
50, CUPAssaultRifles
50, CUPSniperRifles
50, MASHeadgear
50, MASPointerAttachments
50, MASMuzzleAttachments
50, MASOpticAttachments
50, MASBackpacks
150, MASAmmunition
50, MASPistols
50, MASSubMachineGuns
50, MASLightMachineGuns
50, MASAssaultRifles
50, MASSniperRifles

// Apartments, Offices etc.
> CivillianUpperClass
30, Trash
300, Food
300, Drinks
8, Pistols
5, PistolAmmo
3, PistolAttachments
4, SMG
3, SMGAmmo
3, SMGAttachments
3, Rifles
3, RifleAmmo
3, RifleAttachments
300, CivilianClothing
300, CivilianBackpacks
300, CivilianVests
300, CivilianHeadgear
300, CivilianItems
10, Chemlights
10, RoadFlares
1, Restraints
50, CUPPointerAttachments
50, CUPMuzzleAttachments
50, CUPOpticAttachments
150, CUPAmmunition
50, CUPPistols
50, CUPSubMachineGuns
50, CUPLightMachineGuns
50, CUPAssaultRifles
50, CUPSniperRifles
50, MASHeadgear
50, MASPointerAttachments
50, MASMuzzleAttachments
50, MASOpticAttachments
50, MASBackpacks
150, MASAmmunition
50, MASPistols
50, MASSubMachineGuns
50, MASLightMachineGuns
50, MASAssaultRifles
50, MASSniperRifles

// Kiosks, Supermarkets etc.
> Shop
30, Trash
300, Food
300, Drinks
10, Pistols
2, PistolAmmo
1, PistolAttachments
5, SMG
1, SMGAmmo
1, SMGAttachments
300, CivilianBackpacks
300, CivilianClothing
300, CivilianHeadgear
300, CivilianVests
300, CivilianItems
5, Chemlights
5, RoadFlares
4, SmokeGrenades
50, IndustrialItems
3, Restraints
100, MedicalItems
50, CUPPointerAttachments
50, CUPMuzzleAttachments
50, CUPOpticAttachments
150, CUPAmmunition
50, CUPPistols
50, CUPSubMachineGuns
50, CUPLightMachineGuns
50, CUPAssaultRifles
50, CUPSniperRifles
300, MASHeadgear
50, MASPointerAttachments
50, MASMuzzleAttachments
50, MASOpticAttachments
300, MASBackpacks
150, MASAmmunition
50, MASPistols
50, MASSubMachineGuns
50, MASLightMachineGuns
50, MASAssaultRifles
50, MASSniperRifles

// Construction Sites, Warehouses, Research etc.
> Industrial
30, Trash
300, IndustrialItems
25, Vehicle
15, RoadFlares
5, Restraints
50, CUPPointerAttachments
50, CUPMuzzleAttachments
50, CUPOpticAttachments
150, CUPAmmunition
50, CUPPistols
50, CUPSubMachineGuns
50, CUPLightMachineGuns
50, CUPAssaultRifles
50, CUPSniperRifles
50, MASHeadgear
50, MASPointerAttachments
50, MASMuzzleAttachments
50, MASOpticAttachments
50, MASBackpacks
150, MASAmmunition
50, MASPistols
50, MASSubMachineGuns
50, MASLightMachineGuns
50, MASAssaultRifles
50, MASSniperRifles

// Factories
> Factories
100, Electronics
40, Trash
300, IndustrialItems
50, CUPPointerAttachments
50, CUPMuzzleAttachments
50, CUPOpticAttachments
150, CUPAmmunition
50, CUPPistols
50, CUPSubMachineGuns
50, CUPLightMachineGuns
50, CUPAssaultRifles
50, CUPSniperRifles
50, MASHeadgear
50, MASPointerAttachments
50, MASMuzzleAttachments
50, MASOpticAttachments
50, MASBackpacks
150, MASAmmunition
50, MASPistols
50, MASSubMachineGuns
50, MASLightMachineGuns
50, MASAssaultRifles
50, MASSniperRifles

// Fuel Stations, Garages, Workshops etc.
> VehicleService
30, Trash
100, IndustrialItems
40, Vehicle
15, RoadFlares
5, Restraints
50, CUPPointerAttachments
50, CUPMuzzleAttachments
50, CUPOpticAttachments
150, CUPAmmunition
50, CUPPistols
50, CUPSubMachineGuns
50, CUPLightMachineGuns
50, CUPAssaultRifles
50, CUPSniperRifles
50, MASHeadgear
50, MASPointerAttachments
50, MASMuzzleAttachments
50, MASOpticAttachments
50, MASBackpacks
150, MASAmmunition
50, MASPistols
50, MASSubMachineGuns
50, MASLightMachineGuns
50, MASAssaultRifles
50, MASSniperRifles

// Towers, Barracks, Hangars etc.
> Military
100, Trash
50, CivilianItems
150, GuerillaItems
300, MilitaryItems
3, HEGrenades
3, UGLFlares
3, UGLSmokes
3, HandGrenades
3, SmokeGrenades
2, Restraints
150, MedicalItems
150, GuerillaClothing
300, MilitaryClothing
150, GuerillaBackpacks
300, MilitaryBackpacks
150, GuerillaVests
300, MilitaryVests
300, DLCVests
150, GuerillaHeadgear
300, MilitaryHeadgear
300, Ghillies
300, DLCGhillies
50, Rebreathers
5, Rifles
3, RifleAmmo
3, RifleAttachments
4, LMG
2, LMGAmmo
3, Snipers
2, SniperAmmo
2, SniperAttachments
3, DLCRifles
2, DLCAmmo
2, DLCOptics
2, DLCSupressor
2, Bipods
5, Explosives
300, CUPPointerAttachments
300, CUPMuzzleAttachments
300, CUPOpticAttachments
300, CUPAmmunition
300, CUPPistols
300, CUPSubMachineGuns
300, CUPLightMachineGuns
300, CUPAssaultRifles
300, CUPSniperRifles
300, CUPExplosive
300, CUPLaunchers
300, CUPLauncherAmmo
300, MASHeadgear
300, MASPointerAttachments
300, MASMuzzleAttachments
300, MASOpticAttachments
300, MASTools
300, MASBackpacks
300, MASAmmunition
300, MASPistols
300, MASSubMachineGuns
300, MASLightMachineGuns
300, MASAssaultRifles
300, MASSniperRifles
300, MASExplosive
300, MASLaunchers
300, MASLauncherAmmo

// Hospital, Medevac etc.
> Medical
30, Trash
300, MedicalItems
50, CUPPointerAttachments
50, CUPMuzzleAttachments
50, CUPOpticAttachments
150, CUPAmmunition
50, CUPPistols
50, CUPSubMachineGuns
50, CUPLightMachineGuns
50, CUPAssaultRifles
50, CUPSniperRifles
50, MASHeadgear
50, MASPointerAttachments
50, MASMuzzleAttachments
50, MASOpticAttachments
50, MASTools
50, MASBackpacks
150, MASAmmunition
50, MASPistols
50, MASSubMachineGuns
50, MASLightMachineGuns
50, MASAssaultRifles
50, MASSniperRifles

// Light Houses + Life Guard Towers + Castles
> Tourist
100, MilitaryBackpacks
100, MilitaryHeadgear
50, Ghillies
50, DLCGhillies
20, Snipers
2, SniperAmmo
2, SniperAttachments
20, DLCRifles
2, DLCAmmo
2, DLCOptics
2, DLCSupressor
4, CivilianItems
4, HandGrenades
4, Restraints
4, MedicalItems
4, Explosives
50, CUPPointerAttachments
50, CUPMuzzleAttachments
50, CUPOpticAttachments
150, CUPAmmunition
50, CUPPistols
50, CUPSubMachineGuns
50, CUPLightMachineGuns
50, CUPAssaultRifles
50, CUPSniperRifles
150, MASHeadgear
50, MASPointerAttachments
50, MASMuzzleAttachments
50, MASOpticAttachments
50, MASBackpacks
150, MASAmmunition
50, MASPistols
50, MASSubMachineGuns
50, MASLightMachineGuns
50, MASAssaultRifles
50, MASSniperRifles

also: 03adad6cba.png

Edited by DCactivity

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