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infiSTAR keybinds not working with apex preset

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infiSTAR keybinds not working with apex preset, ever since i have updated arma 3 and used A3L to connect to my own exile server (which by the way is fully functional), ive noticed i can no longer press f1 to open infistar or any other of the keybinds. I can not also change the defualt preset to arma 3 and hope to restart the game to fix it as the issue re-occurs where it resets back to apex preset. ive heard this is to do with the apex DLC but i despise not being able to use infiSTAR due to a control preset. Please help :(

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nah that's not true. I mean I believe you have an issue but it has nothing to do with Apex :)


please post your servers rpt file so we can start tracking the error/problem

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