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Safe Chargers

1 post in this topic

Hello Everyone,

As I've been raiding more and more in Exile Mod I've come across what I feel like is a bit of an imbalance. 

Base raiding wood bases is relatively cheap to do and for good reason I know, but in some ways the reward is far greater because it usually only takes a few walls max to access everything you need. 

If you're to buy all the materials for a wood charger that's 1k. Now a concrete base is going to cost you closer to 7k. That's 21k to get into the base. On top of that chances are that someone who has built a concrete base will also have been able to afford safes, so all in all you are looking at basically an assault for the flag which still could be very low level and therefore the reward far less than the cost.

How about making safes breachable? Maybe they need a special charge that only drops in certain locations and / or is as difficult to construct as a metal / concrete charge. Let's face it, this is where the reward is really going to be on higher tier bases. If not, all you are going to get is players like me blowing open low level bases because the reward is greater!

I'd be interested to know what other people thought.

Edited by Caatalyst

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