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Loot performance theory

6 posts in this topic

Hello I was wondering about different loot settings and how it can affect performance. How do you think these settings compare to each other?

spawnInterval = 15;  spawnRadius = 50;

spawnInterval = 30;  spawnRadius = 100;

spawnInterval = 60;  spawnRadius = 200;

Do you think you can get equal performance with a big radius if the interval is long enough? Or would there be a small or big performance hit, too many objects?

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It's all very dependant on how many people you have on your server. Just think about this - the more players, the more often or not the check has to be done for loot spawning in that area, I would say it's bad to have a high interval because it would take ages to spawn loot if you were to let's say just roll in to a town in a vehicle, you may have to wait a while before loot spawns. Efficiency wise it's better to keep the interval at default and radius small, this way it's not creating as many objects.

Also, with a bigger radius it is creating loot in a much larger area (duh) and this could be unnecessarily tolling, it also will have to check a much larger area which will have the same negative effect. All in all unless you go crazy with the values you shouldn't see too much of a difference when you change these options, but what is wrong with default? I find it to be just right

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Yea I was thinking maybe a higher interval, less checking, more performance to allow for farther loot. Even if you have to wait longer at the start 200m radius of loot gives a lot of loot, by the time you get to the outside of that more loot would have spawned you might hardly ever notice the spawning except when you drive up on a place. But I guess the number of objects the server has to keep track of is the main hitter of the performance? Well I might just try out some different settings and see if I notice any difference maybe even a very fast interval and close distance to see what happens. Edit: Oh yea the minimum says 50m not sure if they mean that well I'll find out...

Edited by Emton

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A loot "check" is run client side, the client sends a message to the server if the building he is near is valid.

The smallest radius with a logical check is the best for performance.

Think of it this way, if you are spawning loot out to 200m away from the player, that is a bunch of simulated objects that have been unnecessarily created.

You want to keep your simulated objects as low as possible on the server, so use the smallest acceptable radius to spawn. The spawn interval, is marginal for server performance as it is a client side loop / task.

With a 50m spawn radius and a 20 second interval I think you cant go wrong.


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Ohkay see I use 15 secs and 50m and I feel it could be a little faster, I'll see later if it lets me use less than 50m radius

Edit: I tested it you CAN set it lower than 50m, the devs lie.... Lie......LIEEEEEE

Edited by Emton

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