
Linux HELP

7 posts in this topic

Hi, I am having issues installing the final part of the server

unzip @ExileServer-1.0.0.zip
Archive:  @ExileServer-1.0.0.zip
  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
  the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of @ExileServer-1.0.0.zip or
        @ExileServer-1.0.0.zip.zip, and cannot find @ExileServer-1.0.0.zip.ZIP, period.


Having read through there are issues with this zip file. Can someone link to a version that will unzip correctly in Linux so I can get my install sorted.


Thank you

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https://www.dropbox.com/s/abqc94kvqal2xtk/%40ExileServer-1.0.0.zip?dl=0 this link dl

wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/abqc94kvqal2xtk/%40ExileServer-1.0.0.zip?dl=0

mv @ExileServer-1.0.0.zip?dl=0 @ExileServer-1.0.0.zip   (property file name @ExileServer-1.0.0.zip?dl=0 or other name)

unzip @ExileServer-1.0.0.zip 






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[arma3]# dir
addons                  expansion                libvstdlib_s.so
arma3server             heli                     mark
Arma\ 3\ Server         kart                     mpmissions
arma3server_readme.txt  keys                     MySQL
battleye                libPhysX3Common_x86.so   openssl_license.txt
curator                 libPhysX3Cooking_x86.so  readme_jemalloc.txt
dta                     libPhysX3_x86.so         steam_appid.txt
@Exile                  libsteam_api.so          steamapps
@Exile-1.0.0.zip        libsteam.so              steamclient.so
@ExileServer-1.0.0.zip  libtier0_s.so


Not sure this is looking right tho, shouldn't is expand and create an @ExileServer folder?

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No, it should not. This is why you should always check the content of a ZIP file, and preferably unzip to a temporary directory.

The extracted folders are Arma 3 Server and MySQL.

Also the download link is just file, the reason why it doesn't work for you is because of hotlinking restrictions you know, to avoid people linking directly to the file externally.
If you run wget --referer=http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/downloads/ '' it will download just fine.

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9 hours ago, warchild2k said:

No, it should not. This is why you should always check the content of a ZIP file, and preferably unzip to a temporary directory.

The extracted folders are Arma 3 Server and MySQL.

Also the download link is just file, the reason why it doesn't work for you is because of hotlinking restrictions you know, to avoid people linking directly to the file externally.
If you run wget --referer=http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/downloads/ '' it will download just fine.

your file gave the same issues everything unzips to Arma\ 3\ Server not directly into the folder

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