Rasphelt 21 Report post Posted June 22, 2016 (edited) Firstly, this is not a duplicate thread to the Loot WIP as I think that this is directly related to the latest DEV update - if however, people would like me to post in that thread regardless, I will of course! I have not changed anything and now the super config shared by the equally super @CEN has broken, albeit with a familiar message: 11:59:33 Link cannot be resolved 11:59:33 Object id ac4606c3 (1731) not found in slot 192,354 Here is my RPT: Spoiler 10:52:50 Global namespace not passed during: 1.#QNAN 10:52:50 Global namespace not passed during: 1.#QNAN 10:52:50 Global namespace not passed during: 1.#QNAN 10:52:50 Global namespace not passed during: 1.#QNAN 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:52:52 Server error: Player without identity Rasphelt (id 1921921472) 10:53:04 Starting mission: 10:53:04 Mission file: Exile (__cur_mp) 10:53:04 Mission world: Tanoa 10:53:04 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\ 10:53:09 No more slot to add connection at 015030 (1523.6,3012.8) 10:53:13 Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionbegin2) in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\shop_city_01\shop_city_01_f.p3d 10:53:13 Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionbegin2) in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\shop_city_01\shop_city_01_f.p3d 10:53:13 Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend2) in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\shop_city_01\shop_city_01_f.p3d 10:53:13 Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend2) in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\shop_city_01\shop_city_01_f.p3d 10:53:16 Unknown hit sound type in A3\data_f\Penetration\tyre.bisurf.soundHit 10:53:27 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list 10:53:27 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit 10:53:27 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit 10:53:27 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile 10:53:27 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [BIS_fnc_preload] ----- Initializing scripts in Exile -----" 10:53:27 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [recompile] recompile BIS_fnc_missionTasksLocal" 10:53:27 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal 10:53:27 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [recompile] recompile BIS_fnc_missionConversationsLocal" 10:53:27 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal 10:53:27 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [recompile] recompile BIS_fnc_missionFlow" 10:53:27 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow 10:53:27 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] BIS_fnc_feedbackMain (0 ms)" 10:53:27 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] BIS_fnc_missionHandlers (0 ms)" 10:53:27 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_parsenumber 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - checking for EXILE_SERVER.." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - EXILE_SERVER has been found, STARTING" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - checking for Cfg_infiSTAR_settings.." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Cfg_infiSTAR_settings has been found, STARTING" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - STARTUP - including AdminTools" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - STARTUP - AdminTools included!" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - STARTUP - including AntiHack" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - VERSION: 14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - adding valid admin uid 76561197972004157" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - removing invalid admin uid UID1" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - removing invalid admin uid UID2" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - removing invalid admin uid UID3" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - removing invalid admin uid ..." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - removing invalid admin uid UID1" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - removing invalid admin uid UID2" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - removing invalid admin uid UID3" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - removing invalid admin uid ..." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - TESTING IF serverCommandPassword IS SET PROPERLY" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - serverCommandPassword IS FINE" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_RandomGen: { private '_gen'; _fnc_actualGen = { _start = ['z','y','x','w','v','u','t','s','r','q','p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i','h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a']; _main = ['A','K','T','H','G','S','H','T','X','B','l','Y','o','Z','Q','U','j','x','7','P','0','6','6','W','b','a','s','5','b','q']; _filler = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','_','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z']; _gen = selectRandom _start; _randmax = {((round(random _randminval)) + (round(random _randmaxval))) max _randminval}; for '_i' from 0 to (call _randmax)do { _gen = _gen + (selectRandom _filler) + (selectRandom _main); }; _gen }; for '_i' from 0 to 10000 do { _gen = call _fnc_actualGen; _index = _allRandomGenVars pushBackUnique _gen; if(_index > -1)exitWith{_gen}; }; _gen }" 10:53:27 Unable to get file version size: .\ARMA_LOG.dll 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| ----START-LINE---- (14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B) [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _fnc_server_handle_mpmessage: e0QoHtagam5vXoH_UuHtlaS [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _fnc_AdminReqReal: hhZ0Srx4H9Kk6wHj7vs [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _fnc_server_handle_pre_mpmessage: vaq8UnZ1SgTdBy6dBk6 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _RATING_CHECK_LOOPS: zxZpB1Qas5WjTfAdQpl [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _token_by_uid: rqqa0r7rbajc0xHiP2Y35yK2T00rGdqnA2q5H859qhqcojq [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _uid_by_token: nvonj5WjWxb3blZyKc6 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _name_by_uid: q8avaiT4B36aGjslHvleTkS [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _owner_by_uid: jaUtT4A6TjW57h59o0Q6sd0lbeAc6iZ2TjHjq [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _uid_by_owner: tlWkT9aq5xB9oilsGeU [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _object_by_uid: qhS0PxQfa8Hy76UdPdanGlH4X_Zd64TwxsY [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _onPlayerConnected: v_sw7bx_HtTsUwbu71snAkGvxb60Q [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _server_setTokenR: bdTyAi7rsz65oyHvTrT [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _FN_INJECT_ON_CLIENT: vkBdSdS0q_A4HfTtl6o1ac5xW6o3Tga6HcWvs1qvK_K06 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _fnc_l_on_c: bpxjopb5QeK2T6Ge5vBnToseHsB30aAzUrA0Tex [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _TokenCT: egx0lsAol8TkTllo78Yll7P0a169xb0s7fb27wB [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _adminStartupCode: k_H96_AcHcj2azlqxbX [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _AHKickOFF: gf6g6njt7gbiPnqsT_H4U0YfjyU9YuTexvbklgj [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _AHKickLog: z_bjPulxYcTe78lkTl5caaWzb1SsqxWeGnBjHwbkaxaqW [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _AH_RunCheckENDVAR: tab4ab5_SpW9TzahQ9KuThHnK2qkX7Ke01TnUlAwaqA [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _AH_RunCheck: w8Zn5oHdbaBsbz5ulzS [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _AH_HackLogArrayRND: yzH7XiHsap6kawTlX067G [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _AH_SurvLogArrayRND: vtbeTaZlAz5ibbA6QtYlWfT3Qra0A [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND: yq08TgHeolTq0fj7K6WuloZ87eUwsiZtq0Hr5oX [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _TMPBAN: snTlT8sybxZnS_ZvA5q [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _fn_getTempBans: h8Ttb6H079Z7KpQmYuZ [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _fnc_addTempBan: taB3bjxnTyA4AlKgX0aoYybmbgS2ssbdo8YvbuSgxvS_Q [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _fnc_removeTempBan: mnUbqsXm5rbrqm65anT [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _AHpos: dkx0ZtQo6e03GgasjlW [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _adminsA: gebs6n6sxkawH9K2X45 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _MCS: ybGr606kKeT3o2KpH3obY_HoB9Tso_QlZkQ4xcT [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _LogicVariable: lia9q1X7Kn6hB20rjdKzH6Kl6iT556Z [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _vehicle_needs_check: baxrHnxaA7X7BcH4TqP [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _fnc_infiSTAR_PlayerLog: o_G2HcPb0tYcTcZ_j0biKc5yj2T56eT [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _antidupePVResVar: ndTpj16fY8QlWu6d0u0 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _runcheck_thread: bv70WoqlT7XiZwT3Y8l2KvX60zT5T [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _timealive: os5i6uSg74HuxmHfxzxqb8ZeThx8jgT07b5va [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _fnc_check_type_allowed: e8Ti73PsA1apoyXmGbP [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _fnc_remove_badvehicle: bdA9Xk0ubjKsH1Thjfa8YvYx00XqqcZw7gK [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| _fnc_vehicle_check: szSxG8GujoK_Ywo1b_TdoqU86fxt68Y0YiTgTqb [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de>RANDOMVAR| ----END-LINE---- (14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B) [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - loading AntiHack.." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread MAIN: none-threaded code compiled and/or sent!" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread BEFORE MAIN: adding to main string.." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread BEFORE MAIN: added !" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - infiSTAR_PlayerLog: adding to main string.." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - infiSTAR_PlayerLog: added !" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - fnc_server_handle_mpmessage: adding to main string.." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - fnc_server_handle_mpmessage: added !" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - fnc_AdminReqReal: adding to main string.." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - fnc_AdminReqReal: added !" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - fnc_server_handle_pre_mpmessage: adding to main string.." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - fnc_server_handle_pre_mpmessage: added !" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - adminStartupCode: adding to main string.." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - adminStartupCode: added !" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread #1: Preparing Server Loop #1.." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread #1: added !" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - compiling AntiHack" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread BEFORE MAIN: still compiling..." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - infiSTAR_PlayerLog: still compiling..." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - fnc_server_handle_mpmessage: still compiling..." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - fnc_AdminReqReal: still compiling..." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - fnc_server_handle_pre_mpmessage: still compiling..." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - adminStartupCode: still compiling..." 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread MAIN: compiling adminStartupCode" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - AntiHack loaded!" 10:53:27 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - STARTUP - AntiHack included!" 10:53:27 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] a3_infiSTAR_Exile_fnc_preInit (314.941 ms)" 10:53:27 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] BIS_fnc_getServerVariable (0 ms)" 10:53:27 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] ExileClient_fnc_preInit (159.18 ms)" 10:53:27 "ExileServer - Server is loading..." 10:53:27 Wrong init state 10:53:28 Client: Nonnetwork object 1e653700. 10:53:28 "ExileServer - Installed extDB2 version: 70" 10:53:28 "ExileServer - Connected to database!" 10:53:28 "ExileServer - Database protocol initialized!" 10:53:28 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] ExileServer_fnc_preInit (129.883 ms)" 10:53:28 "DMS :: Initializing Static Mission Variables" 10:53:28 "DMS :: Initializing Dynamic Mission Variables" 10:53:28 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] DMS_fnc_DMS_preInit (10.9863 ms)" 10:53:28 Loading movesType CfgGesturesMale 10:53:28 MovesType CfgGesturesMale load time 301 ms 10:53:28 Loading movesType CfgMovesMaleSdr 10:53:28 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/UnconsciousReviveMedic.InterpolateTo: item count not multiple of 2 (is 11) 10:53:31 Animation a3\cargoposes_f\anim\passenger_flatground_leanleft_kia.rtm not found or empty 10:53:31 Animation a3\cargoposes_f\anim\passenger_flatground_leanright_kia.rtm not found or empty 10:53:32 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\vehicle_passenger_stand_2aimtopistol_end.rtm not found or empty 10:53:32 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\vehicle_passenger_stand_2aimunarmed_tobinoc_end.rtm not found or empty 10:53:32 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\vehicle_passenger_stand_2aimunarmed_frombinoc_end.rtm not found or empty 10:53:32 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\vehicle_passenger_stand_2aimlauncher1.rtm not found or empty 10:53:32 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\vehicle_passenger_stand_2idlelauncher1.rtm not found or empty 10:53:32 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\vehicle_passenger_stand_2aimlauncher_reload.rtm not found or empty 10:53:32 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:32 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 10:53:33 Animation exile_psycho_tractor\anim\exile_psycho_tractor.rtm not found or empty 10:53:39 MovesType CfgMovesMaleSdr load time 11135 ms 10:53:40 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread #1: Server Loop #1 starting" 10:53:40 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread #1: Server Loop #1 - waiting for Logic #0" 10:53:40 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread #1: Server Loop #1 - waiting for Logic #1" 10:53:40 "<infiSTAR.de>CONNECTLOG| infiSTAR_PlayerConnected_id: 0 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:40 "<infiSTAR.de>CONNECTLOG| infiSTAR_PlayerDisconnected_id: 0 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:40 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - Thread #1: Server Loop #1 looping now!" 10:53:40 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [script] initServer.sqf" 10:53:40 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_missionFlow (0.976563 ms)" 10:53:40 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_initParams (0 ms)" 10:53:40 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_initRespawn (0 ms)" 10:53:40 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_reviveInit (0 ms)" 10:53:40 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] ExileClient_fnc_postInit (0 ms)" 10:53:40 "Sending information to exile.majormittens.co.uk (If config file exists!)..." 10:53:40 "Result: " 10:53:40 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10000 added." 10:53:40 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10001 added." 10:53:40 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10002 added." 10:53:40 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10003 added." 10:53:40 Weather was forced to change 10:53:40 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10004 added." 10:53:40 "ExileServer - Initializing game world..." 10:53:40 "ExileServer - Loading territories from database..." 10:53:40 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#kick 0' by server. 10:53:40 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#kick 0' by server. 10:53:40 c:\w\dev\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing! 10:53:40 "ExileServer - Done loading territories!" 10:53:40 "ExileServer - Loading constructions from database..." 10:53:40 "ExileServer - Done loading constructions!" 10:53:40 "ExileServer - Loading vehicles from database..." 10:53:41 "ExileServer - Done loading vehicles!" 10:53:41 "ExileServer - Loading containers from database..." 10:53:41 "ExileServer - Done loading containers!" 10:53:41 "ExileServer - Creating spawn zone vehicles..." 10:53:43 Strange convex component70 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire 10:53:43 Strange convex component75 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire 10:53:43 Strange convex component76 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire 10:53:43 Strange convex component77 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire 10:53:43 Strange convex component78 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire 10:53:44 "ExileServer - Spawning Dynamic Vehicles. GridSize: 2200 Vehs/Grid : 2" 10:53:45 Exile_Car_Octavius_White: IndicatorOil - unknown animation source oilTemp 10:53:45 Exile_Car_Octavius_White: fuel - unknown animation source fuel_1 10:53:45 Exile_Car_Octavius_White: gearbox - unknown animation source gearbox 10:53:45 Exile_Car_Octavius_White: Trunk2 - unknown animation source trunk 10:53:45 Cannot load surface info ca\data\Penetration\mattress.bisurf 10:53:46 Exile_Car_UAZ_Open_Green: wiper_1_loop - unknown animation source wipers 10:53:46 Exile_Car_UAZ_Open_Green: wipers - unknown animation source wiper 10:53:46 Exile_Car_UAZ_Green: wiper_1_loop - unknown animation source wipers 10:53:46 Exile_Car_UAZ_Green: wipers - unknown animation source wiper 10:53:46 TowingTractor: Invalid parent bone 'wheel_1_2' for 'wheel_1_2_hide' 10:53:46 TowingTractor: Invalid parent bone 'wheel_2_2' for 'wheel_2_2_hide' 10:53:46 Render target memory points PIP1_pos & PIP1_dir not found. 10:53:46 Render target memory points PIP2_pos & PIP2_dir not found. 10:53:47 Render target memory points PIP0_pos & PIP0_dir not found. 10:53:47 Render target memory points PIP1_pos & PIP1_dir not found. 10:53:47 Render target memory points PIP2_pos & PIP2_dir not found. 10:53:48 "ExileServer - Player Rasphelt (UID 76561197972004157) connected!" 10:53:48 "<infiSTAR.de>CONNECTLOG| #0 Connected: Rasphelt(76561197972004157) ID: 3 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:48 "<infiSTAR.de>TOKENLOG| TOKEN [xxrxqkyy32zzyfvmtv] FOR Rasphelt(76561197972004157) - 3 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:48 Mission id: 42e4e846d9e59d8739b7de113d68408284248fd7 10:53:48 "<infiSTAR.de>CONNECTLOG| #0 Connected: __SERVER__() ID: 2 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:53:53 "ExileServer - Dynamic vehicles spawned. Count : 97" 10:53:53 "ExileServer - Game world initialized! Let the fun begin!" 10:53:53 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10005 added." 10:53:53 "ExileServer - Server is up and running! Version: 0.9.61" 10:53:53 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] ExileServer_fnc_postInit (13377 ms)" 10:53:53 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10006 added." 10:53:53 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10007 added." 10:53:53 "DMS_DEBUG :: DMS post-init complete. productVersion: ["Arma 3","Arma3",163,137060,"Development",true,"Windows"] | infiSTAR version: 14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B |::|::| (DMS_Version: "June 12, 2016 (RC1.2)" | time: 4.715 | diag_tickTime: 2328.96 | 13.1148 FPS)" 10:53:53 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] DMS_fnc_DMS_postInit (3.90625 ms)" 10:53:53 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] yorkshire_fnc_YORKS_init (0 ms)" 10:53:53 "ExileServer - Main thread started" 10:53:53 "[OCCUPATION]:: Occupation v48 (16-06-2016) Giving the server time to start before starting [OCCUPATION] (4.748)" 10:53:53 "DMS :: Initializing FSM mission script" 10:53:54 "Godlike_Tanoa_Dev/BIS_fnc_log: [BIS_fnc_preload] ----- Scripts initialized at 26615 ms -----" 10:54:00 "<infiSTAR.de>CONNECTLOG| #1 Connected: Rasphelt(76561197972004157) ID: 3 SteamName: Rasphelt [UpTime: 0h 0min 12s | - ServerFPS: 49.6894] [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:01 "ExileServer - Starting session for 'Rasphelt' with ID 'LbmRAARw'..." 10:54:04 "[OCCUPATION MOD]:: Occupation v48 (16-06-2016) Loading Config at 14.754" 10:54:04 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) ============================================================================================================= [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:04 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION MOD]:: Occupation v48 (16-06-2016) Initialised at 14.814 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:04 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) ============================================================================================================= [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:04 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:Traders] starting @ 14.834 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:05 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Fort_Crate_wood, 10:54:05 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Fort_Crate_wood, 10:54:05 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Fort_Crate_wood, 10:54:05 Cannot create non-ai vehicle AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Medium, 10:54:05 Cannot create non-ai vehicle AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Small, 10:54:05 Cannot create non-ai vehicle AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Large, 10:54:05 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_Misc_GContainer_Big, 10:54:05 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Garbage_container, 10:54:05 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:Traders] Created trader base Lifou Traders @ [7317,7217,0] [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:06 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_AircraftCustoms with head GreekHead_A3_08 at [7296.41,7213.87,0.000808001] facing -121.228" 10:54:06 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_Aircraft with head WhiteHead_10 at [7297.41,7208.72,0.00110078] facing -91.8635" 10:54:06 Backpack with given name: [] not found 10:54:06 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_Armory with head WhiteHead_01 at [7301.02,7214.61,0.00335741] facing 62.3028" 10:54:06 Ref to nonnetwork object 62842040# 1694430: coveralls.p3d 10:54:07 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_Hardware with head WhiteHead_14 at [7303.94,7204.34,0.00121355] facing 54.8638" 10:54:07 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_Vehicle with head AfricanHead_03 at [7296.97,7230.85,0.00193453] facing -89.4393" 10:54:07 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_VehicleCustoms with head GreekHead_A3_05 at [7296.59,7225.22,0.000852108] facing -90.8018" 10:54:08 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_WasteDump with head WhiteHead_07 at [7318.48,7198.17,0.00172949] facing -165.527" 10:54:08 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_Food with head WhiteHead_15 at [7328.69,7231.9,0.00195456] facing 169.883" 10:54:08 Ref to nonnetwork object 63348080# 1694459: b_soldier_01.p3d 10:54:08 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_SpecialOperations with head WhiteHead_06 at [7301.79,7222.39,0.00505304] facing 100.861" 10:54:09 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_Equipment with head WhiteHead_15 at [7317.79,7213.55,0.000993729] facing 60.9117" 10:54:09 Backpack with given name: [] not found 10:54:09 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_Office with head WhiteHead_10 at [7335.51,7208.61,0.00258565] facing -23.8793" 10:54:09 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Fort_Crate_wood, 10:54:09 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Fort_Crate_wood, 10:54:09 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Fort_Crate_wood, 10:54:09 Cannot create non-ai vehicle AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Medium, 10:54:09 Cannot create non-ai vehicle AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Small, 10:54:09 Cannot create non-ai vehicle AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Large, 10:54:09 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_Misc_GContainer_Big, 10:54:09 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Garbage_container, 10:54:09 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:Traders] Created trader base Lijnhaven Traders @ [11580,2051,0] [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:09 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_AircraftCustoms with head GreekHead_A3_08 at [11559.4,2047.87,0.00546551] facing -121.234" 10:54:09 Backpack with given name: [] not found 10:54:10 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_Aircraft with head WhiteHead_10 at [11560.4,2042.72,0.00335693] facing -91.7651" 10:54:10 Backpack with given name: [] not found 10:54:10 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_Armory with head WhiteHead_01 at [11564,2048.61,0.00971413] facing 62.3718" 10:54:10 Ref to nonnetwork object 6383c080# 1694572: coveralls.p3d 10:54:10 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_Hardware with head WhiteHead_14 at [11566.9,2038.34,0.00361538] facing 54.8523" 10:54:10 Backpack with given name: [] not found 10:54:10 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_Vehicle with head AfricanHead_03 at [11560,2064.85,0.0127916] facing -89.1678" 10:54:10 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_VehicleCustoms with head GreekHead_A3_05 at [11559.6,2059.22,0.00370789] facing -90.8191" 10:54:11 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_WasteDump with head WhiteHead_07 at [11581.5,2032.17,0.00552845] facing -165.535" 10:54:11 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_Food with head WhiteHead_15 at [11591.7,2065.88,0.0183249] facing 169.26" 10:54:11 Ref to nonnetwork object 63756040# 1694600: b_soldier_01.p3d 10:54:11 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_SpecialOperations with head WhiteHead_06 at [11564.8,2056.39,0.000943184] facing 100.726" 10:54:11 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_Equipment with head WhiteHead_15 at [11580.8,2047.47,0.00446796] facing 60.8237" 10:54:12 "[OCCUPATION:Traders] Created Exile_Trader_Office with head WhiteHead_10 at [11598.5,2042.61,0.0139809] facing -23.8097" 10:54:12 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [processReporter]:: Initialised at 22.068 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:12 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10008 added." 10:54:12 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION]:: Detected DMS version June 12, 2016 (RC1.2) [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:12 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION]:: Occupation v48 (16-06-2016) Adding modules to Exile system thread manager at 22.068 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:21 "[Display #24]" 10:54:27 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10009 added." 10:54:35 Object id aba5fa84 (644) not found in slot 191,349 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abe5f988 (392) not found in slot 191,351 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abc602c0 (704) not found in slot 192,350 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abc60627 (1575) not found in slot 192,350 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abe60185 (389) not found in slot 192,351 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abe60402 (1026) not found in slot 192,351 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abe60401 (1025) not found in slot 192,351 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abe60403 (1027) not found in slot 192,351 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abe6020c (524) not found in slot 192,351 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abe60400 (1024) not found in slot 192,351 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id ac0603ff (1023) not found in slot 192,352 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id ab86083c (60) not found in slot 193,348 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id aba60c0a (1034) not found in slot 193,349 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abc60c08 (1032) not found in slot 193,350 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abc60c09 (1033) not found in slot 193,350 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abc60c0e (1038) not found in slot 193,350 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abc60c11 (1041) not found in slot 193,350 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abc60e41 (1601) not found in slot 193,350 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abe60d41 (1345) not found in slot 193,351 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abe60cd1 (1233) not found in slot 193,351 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abe60cd2 (1234) not found in slot 193,351 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id aba6140b (1035) not found in slot 194,349 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id aba6140f (1039) not found in slot 194,349 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id aba6164a (1610) not found in slot 194,349 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abc615ed (1517) not found in slot 194,350 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abc615ec (1516) not found in slot 194,350 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abc6140c (1036) not found in slot 194,350 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abc6140d (1037) not found in slot 194,350 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abc61410 (1040) not found in slot 194,350 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abe6152b (1323) not found in slot 194,351 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:35 Object id abe6153f (1343) not found in slot 194,351 10:54:35 Link cannot be resolved 10:54:42 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:LootCrates]:: Starting Occupation Loot Crates [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:42 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:LootCrates]:: worldname: Tanoa crates to spawn: 6 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:43 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10010 added." 10:54:43 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10011 added." 10:54:43 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10012 added." 10:54:43 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10013 added." 10:54:43 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10014 added." 10:54:43 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10015 added." 10:54:43 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10016 added." 10:54:43 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:LootCrates]:: Creating crate 1 at drop zone [9069.24,9896.16,0] with 7 guards [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:45 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10017 added." 10:54:45 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10018 added." 10:54:45 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10019 added." 10:54:45 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10020 added." 10:54:45 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10021 added." 10:54:45 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10022 added." 10:54:45 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10023 added." 10:54:45 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:LootCrates]:: Creating crate 2 at drop zone [7575.53,11927.6,0] with 7 guards [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:46 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10024 added." 10:54:46 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10025 added." 10:54:46 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10026 added." 10:54:46 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10027 added." 10:54:46 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10028 added." 10:54:46 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10029 added." 10:54:46 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10030 added." 10:54:46 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:LootCrates]:: Creating crate 3 at drop zone [6388.06,12277.6,0] with 7 guards [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:48 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10031 added." 10:54:48 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10032 added." 10:54:48 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10033 added." 10:54:48 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10034 added." 10:54:48 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10035 added." 10:54:48 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10036 added." 10:54:48 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10037 added." 10:54:49 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:LootCrates]:: Creating crate 4 at drop zone [5366.15,4362.6,0] with 7 guards [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:49 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10038 added." 10:54:50 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10039 added." 10:54:50 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10040 added." 10:54:50 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10041 added." 10:54:50 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10042 added." 10:54:50 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10043 added." 10:54:50 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10044 added." 10:54:50 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:LootCrates]:: Creating crate 5 at drop zone [2624.21,12565.2,0] with 7 guards [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:54:51 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10045 added." 10:54:51 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10046 added." 10:54:51 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10047 added." 10:54:51 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10048 added." 10:54:51 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10049 added." 10:54:51 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10050 added." 10:54:51 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10051 added." 10:54:51 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:LootCrates]:: Creating crate 6 at drop zone [3508.81,6209.36,0] with 7 guards [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:05 Object id ac45fee5 (1765) not found in slot 191,354 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac65fd1b (1307) not found in slot 191,355 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac65fd3d (1341) not found in slot 191,355 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac65fd3e (1342) not found in slot 191,355 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac65fd19 (1305) not found in slot 191,355 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac85fc8b (1163) not found in slot 191,356 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac85fc88 (1160) not found in slot 191,356 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac4606e6 (1766) not found in slot 192,354 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac4606c3 (1731) not found in slot 192,354 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac4606c4 (1732) not found in slot 192,354 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac46037f (895) not found in slot 192,354 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac660361 (865) not found in slot 192,355 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac660360 (864) not found in slot 192,355 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac660362 (866) not found in slot 192,355 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac860363 (867) not found in slot 192,356 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id aca6035e (862) not found in slot 192,357 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id aca6035d (861) not found in slot 192,357 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id aca6035f (863) not found in slot 192,357 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id aca60460 (1120) not found in slot 192,357 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac460935 (309) not found in slot 193,354 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac460a7e (638) not found in slot 193,354 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac660936 (310) not found in slot 193,355 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac660960 (352) not found in slot 193,355 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:05 Object id ac860961 (353) not found in slot 193,356 10:55:05 Link cannot be resolved 10:55:06 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:HeliCrashes]:: Initialised at 75.996 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:06 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:HeliCrashes]:: worldname: Tanoa crashes to spawn: 5 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:08 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:HeliCrashes] Crash 1 : Location [6676.95,13378.9,0] [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:09 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:HeliCrashes] Crash 2 : Location [1871.5,8054,0] [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:11 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:HeliCrashes] Crash 3 : Location [2974.73,3218.92,0] [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:14 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_PROCESSREPORTER| v48 (16-06-2016) ======================================================================================================= [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:14 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_PROCESSREPORTER| v48 (16-06-2016) [processReporter] Started @ 82.771 : [FPS: 38.835|PLAYERS: 1|THREADS: 3] [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:14 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_PROCESSREPORTER| v48 (16-06-2016) ======================================================================================================= [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:14 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_PROCESSREPORTER| v48 (16-06-2016) [processReporter] ["<spawn>","",true,4136] @ 82.771 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:14 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_PROCESSREPORTER| v48 (16-06-2016) [processReporter] ["DMS_fnc_HeliParatroopers_Monitor","x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\extras\processReporter.sqf",true,12] @ 82.771 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:14 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_PROCESSREPORTER| v48 (16-06-2016) [processReporter] ["BIS_fnc_selectRandom","A3\functions_f\misc\fn_findSafePos.sqf",true,108] @ 82.771 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:14 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_PROCESSREPORTER| v48 (16-06-2016) [processReporter] Ended @ 82.771 [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:14 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:HeliCrashes] Crash 4 : Location [7090.23,4032.81,0] [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:16 "<infiSTAR.de>A3_EXILE_OCCUPATION| v48 (16-06-2016) [OCCUPATION:HeliCrashes] Crash 5 : Location [2643.5,13427.8,0] [14-Jun-2016 08-57-32 - v0050B]" 10:55:31 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10052 added." 10:55:46 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10053 added." 10:56:01 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10054 added." And here is my config.cpp: Spoiler /** * config * * Exile Mod * exile.majormittens.co.uk * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. */ //Tanoa Loot Positions (CEN) class Tourist { table = "Tourist"; }; class Military { table = "Military"; }; class Medical { table = "Medical"; }; class VehicleService { table = "VehicleService"; }; class CivillianLowerClass { table = "CivillianLowerClass"; }; class CivillianUpperClass { table = "CivillianUpperClass"; }; class Shop { table = "Shop"; }; class Industrial { table = "Industrial"; }; class Factories { table = "Industrial"; }; class CfgPatches { class exile_server_config { requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; magazines[] = {}; ammo[] = {}; }; }; class CfgBuildings { class Land_Slum_01_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {3.26367,2.34332,0.707191}, {2.22949,-0.516968,0.707191}, {0.987305,-1.87183,0.70719}, {-0.216797,2.25079,0.707191}, {-2.12109,2.00781,0.707191}, {4.84668,1.79462,0.707189}, {4.79785,-1.78418,0.707189}, {-0.662109,0.0213623,0.707191} }; }; class Land_Shed_03_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {0.902344,-0.807037,-0.722934}, {2.50879,-1.20007,-0.722934}, {2.51172,-0.0995789,-0.722934}, {-1.66992,-0.745911,-0.722934}, {-1.66113,1.20316,-0.722934} }; }; class Land_Slum_02_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {1.73145,-0.59375,0.214598}, {-0.788086,-2.35303,0.214598}, {2.05273,3.92041,0.214606}, {2.02051,-3.75684,0.0169148}, {1.65039,-1.93311,0.214598}, {-2.13867,4.20898,0.214606} }; }; class Land_House_Native_02_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-0.900391,0.708374,-2.40823}, {1.36914,-2.11584,-2.40823}, {-1.01563,-0.980164,-2.40823}, {-2.4707,-1.05408,-2.40823}, {0.989258,1.78796,-2.40823}, {-2.32031,2.23254,-2.40823}, {-4.01953,-2.66907,-2.40823}, {-2.73633,1.04944,-2.40823}, {-3.70898,1.95447,-2.40823} }; }; class Land_House_Small_03_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-6.06055,3.49146,-1.34591}, {-5.04785,5.0144,-1.34469}, {2.7334,-0.411133,-1.34591}, {2.8125,1.54224,-1.34591}, {-0.00195313,0.433838,-1.34591}, {1.08398,-2.15259,-1.34591}, {-4.34863,-1.89771,-1.34591}, {-6.22754,-0.492432,-1.34591}, {-1.65918,4.7981,-1.34591}, {-3.03223,4.97583,-1.37415} }; }; class Land_House_Native_01_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-0.829102,0.559814,-3.09339}, {1.41406,-0.0996094,-3.09339}, {1.94434,-2.66895,-3.09339}, {-0.813477,-0.966797,-3.09339}, {-2.41211,-2.69922,-3.09339}, {3.74902,2.63086,-3.09339}, {1.06152,2.03809,-3.09339}, {-2.41992,2.58154,-3.09339}, {-3.79688,-2.52686,-3.09339} }; }; class Land_Shed_05_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-2.30957,-0.747253,-0.861991}, {2.26855,-0.431091,-0.861991}, {1.11719,1.07288,-0.861991}, {-0.620117,-1.88739,-0.861991}, {2.09961,-2.15027,-0.861991}, {-2.19434,0.79425,-0.861991} }; }; class Land_i_Shed_Ind_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-7.70996,0.239258,-1.35013}, {-7.8125,4.19092,-1.35013}, {1.01465,2.74023,-1.35013}, {-3.50879,-0.180664,-1.35013}, {-6.17725,6.41553,-1.35013}, {5.35303,4.77344,-1.35013}, {4.82227,-0.0332031,-1.35013}, {10.4585,1.28809,-1.35013}, {14.2334,2.59521,-1.35013}, {14.5918,-0.997559,-1.35013} }; }; class Land_House_Small_04_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {3.25342,-7.94434,-0.885878}, {0.998535,-8.03174,-0.791645}, {-0.728516,-4.72363,-0.791647}, {3.91357,-3.62549,-0.791645}, {4.03809,-1.43213,-0.791647}, {-0.564453,0.119629,-0.791645}, {-0.666504,-5.97168,-0.885878} }; }; class Land_House_Small_01_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-5.22998,3.33447,-0.675475}, {-2.44971,-3.63232,-0.675475}, {-0.441406,3.33057,-0.675477}, {-6.12305,-1.89502,-0.675475}, {-4.68945,-3.44873,-0.675475}, {5.91553,1.45361,-0.675475}, {5.77686,2.98682,-0.675475}, {5.84326,-1.57373,-0.675478}, {5.69922,-3.36475,-0.675478}, {-0.139648,0.783691,-0.675475}, {1.48926,3.31543,-0.675477}, {2.31787,0.597168,-0.675475}, {2.37402,-3.56982,-0.675475} }; }; class Land_Shop_Town_01_F: Shop { positions[] = { {-3.99951,-2.7168,-3.13325}, {-3.87158,0.913574,-3.13325}, {-2.59961,-3.60938,-3.13325}, {-3.87646,-6.07178,-3.13325}, {-0.989258,-5.81396,-3.13325}, {4.15723,-6.06738,-3.13325}, {-2.0752,3.8584,-3.13325}, {-4.0625,4.57373,-3.13325}, {-1.08203,0.682129,-3.13325}, {0.679688,-2.07373,-3.13325}, {2.6499,-3.81592,-3.13325}, {3.77979,-2.61572,-3.13325} }; }; class Land_House_Small_05_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-1.36914,4.61011,-1.05181}, {1.05615,4.33667,-1.05059}, {-3.30371,2.97339,-1.05181}, {-1.45605,-0.564453,-1.05181}, {-2.10352,-2.5188,-1.05483}, {-3.54834,-3.92773,-1.05181} }; }; class Land_Shed_02_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {1.57178,1.875,-0.815156}, {-1.59766,2.10742,-0.815156}, {-1.49609,-0.802246,-0.815156}, {0.564453,2.20166,-0.815156}, {1.63867,-0.5,-0.815156} }; }; class Land_House_Small_06_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {1.70703,4.40088,-1.1923}, {0.300781,-0.787109,-1.19215}, {-3.91992,0.435547,-1.19246}, {-3.771,-3.8501,-1.19124}, {-2.00879,1.0498,-1.19246}, {1.64453,1.11279,-1.19246}, {0.539063,-4.40381,-1.19185}, {0.396484,4.45996,-1.19548}, {-3.81934,4.07568,-1.19246} }; }; class Land_Shop_Town_02_F: Shop { positions[] = { {1.81982,-5.45728,-2.09321}, {-1.88379,-5.27783,-2.09321} }; }; class Land_House_Small_02_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.354492,-3.94092,-0.683728}, {-1.55225,-5.60547,-0.68373}, {-3.97461,2.92188,-0.683729}, {0.266602,1.92334,-0.683728}, {-1.89893,-2.82129,-0.683728}, {-3.26074,-1.51172,-0.683728}, {-3.39209,-5.38477,-0.683728}, {-4.0542,5.51074,-0.682512}, {-1.56152,5.89478,-0.682512} }; }; class Land_Shop_Town_03_F: Shop { positions[] = { {-5.96094,-3.22656,-2.99989}, {-5.97705,0.00244141,-2.99989}, {-4.8457,-5.74121,-2.99989}, {-6.17188,-7.84326,-2.99989}, {-3.76807,-8.56934,-2.99989}, {1.89258,-7.91895,-2.99989}, {-1.27295,-8.95996,-2.99989}, {6.36816,-7.51855,-2.99989}, {4.47266,-8.56934,-2.99989}, {5.52295,-5.78662,-2.99989}, {-0.41748,-2.8291,-2.99989}, {0.0507813,-5.86768,-2.99989}, {-2.94287,0.442871,-2.99989}, {-0.376465,-0.0302734,-2.99989}, {5.95508,-0.327148,-2.99989}, {5.84619,1.99756,-2.99989}, {5.79199,6.19775,-2.99989}, {-5.77734,7.31885,-2.99989}, {-2,5.88672,-2.99989}, {0.886719,7.41748,-2.99989} }; }; class Land_Slum_03_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-2.19043,7.33496,-0.552468}, {-2.63281,2.06909,-0.552468}, {-4.62646,6.87769,-0.552468}, {-3.45215,-2.64575,-0.552468}, {1.41162,-3.34253,-0.552468}, {-1.09326,-3.61426,-0.552468}, {-0.92041,-1.18823,-0.552468}, {1.95459,0.376709,-0.552468}, {-4.53125,-1.17993,-0.552468}, {-4.17676,0.755859,-0.552468}, {-4.51563,2.89868,-0.552468}, {-4.63428,5.04004,-0.552468}, {-0.0585938,2.53931,-0.552468}, {-0.0561523,7.11182,-0.552468}, {3.4043,2.77319,-0.552468}, {4.9917,7.04761,-0.552468}, {5.26025,2.46484,-0.552468}, {1.60596,1.98315,-0.552468}, {1.8252,4.63306,-0.552468}, {1.88281,7.03687,-0.552468}, {5.28613,-0.341553,-0.552468}, {1.32568,-1.18774,-0.552468}, {-6.10254,-3.46802,-0.552468}, {-5.90869,-1.0647,-0.552468}, {-6.20215,1.06665,-0.552468}, {4.93018,-2.89624,-0.552468} }; }; class Land_Supermarket_01_F: Shop { positions[] = { {0.597656,8.64551,-1.48124}, {-4.22998,9.87012,-1.48124}, {3.73584,11.4316,-1.48124}, {7.10596,7.479,-1.48124}, {2.32471,7.83496,-1.48125}, {7.27832,9.73047,-1.48124}, {1.04541,-8.29443,-1.49845}, {7.35938,-5.73096,-1.49845}, {7.04395,-2.65479,-1.49845}, {7.35938,0.373535,-1.49845}, {-4.77051,-1.92578,-1.49845}, {-4.91992,1.80322,-1.49845}, {-4.80273,-8.35742,-1.49845}, {4.27051,-4.0166,-1.49845}, {-0.633789,-2.51172,-1.49845}, {1.09814,1.9668,-1.49845}, {-1.66504,12.228,-1.48124} }; }; class Land_Shop_City_04_F: Shop { positions[] = { {1.20605,10.0869,4.27283}, {7.07129,10.0249,4.27283}, {4.2168,9.89795,4.27283}, {6.43262,1.47461,4.27283}, {1.20264,1.40723,4.27283}, {7.16943,5.68213,4.27283}, {7.34326,7.73682,4.27283}, {1.2168,3.9502,4.27283}, {-0.40918,10.0688,7.07956}, {-6.27393,10.0063,7.07955}, {-5.98242,1.78662,7.07956}, {-6.1748,7.71875,7.07956}, {-0.419922,3.93164,7.07956}, {-5.68311,-0.331543,7.07955}, {-6.00293,-4.19287,7.07956}, {-5.94873,-9.45752,7.07956}, {-3.58154,-9.64453,7.07956}, {1.29297,-1.81787,7.07956}, {-2.13477,-0.0610352,7.07956}, {7.02197,-4.68311,7.07956}, {4.09814,-4.99561,7.07956}, {7.1123,-0.427734,7.07956}, {1.13428,-9.38574,7.07956}, {7.24951,-9.1499,7.07956}, {7.13525,-10.562,3.65565}, {1.86279,-10.7339,3.65565}, {-1.57422,-10.3628,3.65565}, {-6.30176,-10.5615,3.65565} }; }; class Land_Addon_04_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-3.46631,-7.09326,0.409497}, {-0.555176,-4.75195,0.409497}, {-0.471191,-2.53418,0.409497}, {-3.49561,-4.15869,0.409497}, {0.123535,1.7832,0.409497}, {-2.15967,1.70898,0.409497}, {-3.40869,-0.333008,0.409497}, {2.96387,-5.4165,0.409497}, {3.36426,1.13916,0.409497}, {-3.42041,1.34229,0.409497}, {5.74951,4.52539,0.409498}, {5.41699,-1.75,0.409497}, {5.84326,0.771973,0.409497}, {1.02881,3.79834,0.409498}, {-3.57178,4.13086,0.409497}, {-5.94922,0.265625,0.409497}, {-5.41943,-7.66504,0.408797}, {-5.87646,-5.87695,0.409497} }; }; class Land_Shop_City_07_F: Shop { positions[] = { {1.03174,2.16602,0.27572}, {1.28418,6.94531,0.27572}, {-0.750488,0.27832,3.842}, {-1.0957,4.33496,3.842}, {2.58691,-3.62744,3.842}, {-0.780273,-6.82617,3.842}, {-4.11523,-2.96436,3.842}, {-4.08447,4.42969,3.842}, {-3.70654,7.5791,3.842} }; }; class Land_House_Big_03_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {10.5908,5.79004,-2.96363}, {9.1875,3.4375,-2.94347}, {1.81201,0.304688,-3.13443}, {7.60889,0.475586,0.188355}, {5.78174,-2.4165,0.188355}, {5.82471,2.83789,0.188355}, {10.7256,5.84668,0.187449}, {10.7251,-5.19043,0.187449}, {-12.7451,6.04883,0.188235}, {-13.687,-5.48779,0.188463}, {4.39746,3.24023,-2.94347}, {9.1875,3.4375,-2.94347}, {-7.56494,-4.61475,0.188463}, {3.09912,4.99023,0.188339}, {-7.72168,5.25732,0.188463}, {3.3374,-4.57617,0.188339}, {7.54004,-2,0.188355}, {7.52051,2.60059,0.188355}, {9.74854,1.25586,-2.94347}, {10.2183,0.328125,0.186843}, {6.03076,5.63818,-3.00851}, {8.15967,-2.70264,-2.94811} }; }; class Land_House_Big_01_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.510254,1.10693,-0.990179}, {3.69922,1.48877,-0.990179}, {7.13965,3.5498,-0.990179}, {5.28271,-0.919434,-0.990179}, {7.13818,0.750977,-0.990179}, {2.53174,5.49023,-0.99018}, {1.01758,-1.0127,-0.990179}, {-6.99121,-2.44727,-0.990181}, {3.08984,3.26025,-0.990181}, {-1.7876,-3.65332,-0.990181}, {1.66748,-2.59033,-0.990181}, {7.07422,-3.80859,-0.968834}, {3.34717,-3.73584,-0.990181} }; }; class Land_Hotel_02_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-2.00098,-8.68213,-3.36623}, {-1.75586,-5.8584,-3.36623}, {-2.12646,-3.71338,-3.36623}, {-0.991211,2.75439,-3.36623}, {-1.51221,6.78613,-3.36623}, {-2.36035,10.1021,-3.36623}, {-1.86523,14.9785,-3.36624}, {-0.741699,-1.50098,-3.36623}, {3.19385,-1.28516,-3.36623}, {7.625,-0.319336,-3.36624}, {5.24609,-0.279785,-3.36623}, {7.62158,-1.69727,-3.36623}, {2.47998,1.71436,-3.36623}, {-8.48584,0.0507813,0.083919}, {-7.39844,0.0219727,0.083919}, {-8.42676,1.86865,0.083919}, {-7.43652,1.94287,0.083919}, {-3.0498,-1.25293,0.0839195}, {-0.0996094,-0.849121,0.083919}, {2.22559,-0.864746,0.311098}, {-3.11523,3.05469,0.08392}, {-0.034668,2.5874,0.0839195}, {2.29102,2.57178,0.311098}, {4.3335,0.240723,0.311098}, {4.28027,1.88037,0.311098}, {-6.4707,1.41553,-3.36623}, {-8.37744,-0.510742,-3.36623}, {-3.3877,-0.0385742,-3.36624}, {6.88428,1.72168,-3.36624}, {0.70166,0.872559,0.0839181}, {7.52783,3.5415,-3.36624} }; }; class Land_GarageShelter_01_F: VehicleService { positions[] = { {-2.95557,2.96191,-1.15422}, {3.96826,0.938477,-1.15492}, {2.62109,-2.23877,-1.15492}, {1.2666,0.252441,-1.15492}, {-1.31738,-2.35596,-1.15492}, {-0.87793,1.1333,-1.15492}, {3.6875,3.36865,-1.15492} }; }; class Land_School_01_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {6.37598,3.37988,-1.2109}, {8.07129,3.74609,-1.2109}, {9.30371,2.48291,-1.2109}, {-13.7637,3.49805,-1.2109}, {-10.6377,3.75684,-1.2109}, {-12.1758,-2.00928,-1.2109}, {-13.791,-2.03955,-1.2109}, {-9.29492,3.65088,-1.2109}, {-7.83203,-2.2041,-1.2109}, {-2.53711,2.05811,-1.2109}, {-2.89648,-2.28564,-1.2109}, {0.99707,2.07422,-1.2109}, {0.639648,-2.26953,-1.2109}, {-1.47168,4.10986,-1.2109}, {1.77637,4.10352,-1.2109}, {5.67578,1.67725,-1.2109}, {5.61426,-2.39307,-1.2109}, {7.70801,-2.38086,-1.2109}, {13.418,3.72998,-1.2109}, {12.6289,-2.18066,-1.2109}, {10.8418,3.75195,-1.2109} }; }; class Land_Temple_Native_01_F: Medical { positions[] = { {-2.58252,-7.81348,-7.3498}, {-6.19434,-4.20801,-7.3498}, {-5.79736,-7.68555,-7.3498}, {-6.18213,3.01465,-7.3498}, {-4.60645,8.63428,-7.3498}, {-2.57861,4.28174,-5.84171}, {2.44629,4.2334,-5.84171}, {-2.56348,0.413086,-5.84171}, {2.61475,0.303711,-5.84171}, {2.60107,-7.81348,-7.3498}, {6.21289,-4.20801,-7.3498}, {5.81641,-7.68555,-7.3498}, {6.20068,3.01465,-7.3498}, {4.625,8.63477,-7.3498} }; }; class Land_Shop_City_06_F: Shop { positions[] = { {-3.89844,-7.93164,-4.15449}, {-4.34473,-4.05713,-4.15449}, {-4.92871,4.56104,-4.15449}, {1.45117,3.09082,-0.189994}, {6.5459,3.35889,-0.189994}, {-1.46289,3.13086,-0.189994}, {-1.37305,8.07568,-0.19662}, {10.9844,-1.72314,4.26591}, {9.72559,-6.65283,4.71768}, {-3.05957,-7.21533,4.71768}, {-10.457,-6.82861,4.71768}, {-11.7471,-1.72266,4.26591}, {-4.41602,6.05566,3.3872}, {-11.7764,8.24854,3.24862}, {-11.6045,3.9668,3.69172}, {-5.61035,2.20898,3.82282}, {0.993164,-1.72266,4.26591}, {3.82617,-4.30664,4.49078} }; }; class Land_Shop_Town_05_F: Shop { positions[] = { {-7.24609,-6.50391,-2.70134}, {7.18262,-6.70313,-2.70134}, {1.88477,-6.66797,-2.70133}, {-1.81738,-6.48877,-2.70133} }; }; class Land_Warehouse_03_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-5.61133,-0.475586,-2.3315}, {-4.3125,-4.42822,-2.3315}, {-2.85742,4.01367,-2.3315}, {0.243164,4.59766,-2.3315}, {-8.96582,1.15479,-2.3315}, {-10.1221,-4.78027,-2.3315}, {-10.4785,4.95605,-2.3315}, {7.70508,-2.73291,0.391296}, {6.32715,-5.05127,0.391296}, {7.67773,-0.0805664,0.391296}, {7.15625,4.83984,0.391296}, {7.68555,2.83447,0.391296}, {-0.744141,-0.0424805,-2.3315}, {-0.505859,-4.62109,-2.3315}, {2.99707,-4.91992,-2.3315}, {3.31641,1.72363,-2.3315}, {6.64453,-1.59326,-2.3315}, {7.1084,4.95459,-2.3315}, {6.51465,1.21094,-2.3315}, {-7.41797,-2.01172,-2.3315} }; }; class Land_FireEscape_01_short_F: VehicleService { positions[] = { {-1.26416,-2.61035,-1.13053}, {-1.23193,1.27051,0.630774}, {-1.26416,-2.61035,2.36329}, {-1.23193,1.27051,4.13418}, {-1.26416,-2.61035,5.94354}, {0.15625,-2.1875,5.94354} }; }; class Land_House_Big_04_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-1.44971,-3.29102,-2.92423}, {-3.80957,-4.76074,-2.92423}, {-6.06299,-3.29688,-2.92423}, {4.29688,-4.82227,-2.9242}, {4.18945,-1.8457,-2.9242}, {10.001,-7.3584,0.292556}, {1.62842,-7.35938,0.292556}, {-6.63574,-7.3584,0.292556}, {-2.56348,6.8457,0.292556}, {-8.48047,-3.18457,0.292556}, {-7.98486,5.08008,0.292556}, {4.00195,6.35156,0.292546}, {-0.888672,1.23047,0.292556}, {-5.96191,2.68359,0.292545}, {-3.7666,4.39258,0.292545}, {2.21826,4.49023,0.292545}, {2.56836,1.22363,0.292546}, {4.30811,3.20703,0.292546}, {-8.65527,-2.37305,-2.92556}, {-8.84521,-7.32129,-2.92696}, {-8.13428,1.92285,-2.92448}, {-8.62109,6.76465,-2.92448}, {1.45068,-6.71094,-2.92448}, {0,6.81836,-2.92556} }; }; class Land_Shop_City_02_F: Shop { positions[] = { {7.98389,-2.78125,-4.17017} }; }; class Land_Shop_City_01_F: Shop { positions[] = { {6.69922,4.67676,-4.62633}, {2.37891,-1.40332,-4.62633}, {4.5498,0.78125,-4.62633} }; }; class Land_Hotel_01_F: Tourist { positions[] = { {-8.27441,7.86133,-1.45977}, {-2.23145,7.4126,-1.45979}, {3.80176,7.84814,-1.45979}, {6.37598,4.82959,-1.45978}, {6.37598,-1.20361,-1.45978}, {-2.23145,-5.78662,-1.45979}, {3.80176,-5.78662,-1.45979}, {-7.61133,-4.53369,-1.45977}, {-7.70605,0.942871,1.77361}, {6.07422,7.521,4.59575}, {5.94141,0.876465,4.59575}, {0.775391,-5.78662,4.59575}, {6.04688,-5.95459,4.59575}, {-7.47852,-5.79248,4.59575}, {-6.35938,7.69482,4.59575}, {3.22461,6.55664,7.76375}, {5.09375,1.59814,7.68684}, {3.22363,-4.97021,7.76375}, {-6.625,-4.97461,7.68684}, {-6.63867,-0.382324,7.68684}, {-6.66602,6.65674,7.68684}, {-2.04395,6.4751,8.03044}, {-4.09375,3.91064,-5.28813}, {1.07031,5.30469,-5.28813}, {-0.549805,-1.43164,-5.28813}, {2.62109,0.542969,-5.28813} }; }; class Land_FuelStation_01_shop_F: VehicleService { positions[] = { {1.71191,-0.20105,-1.68928}, {1.52832,-4.46411,-1.68929}, {-0.649414,-0.246582,-1.68928}, {-2.06055,-4.51563,-1.68929}, {-4.96875,4.31897,-1.68928}, {-0.283203,4.45508,-1.68928}, {-2.87598,1.73853,-1.68928}, {1.32715,1.4043,-1.68928} }; }; class Land_FuelStation_01_workshop_F: VehicleService { positions[] = { {1.48633,0.521179,-2.03293}, {5.37207,-0.0810547,-2.03294}, {3.31836,-3.28149,-2.03293}, {-4.93457,3.47021,-2.03293}, {-0.829102,2.65002,-2.03293}, {-1.52344,-1.34161,-2.03293}, {-0.369141,-4.35901,-2.03293}, {-3.49512,-2.76538,-2.03293}, {-4.50488,-1.28864,-2.03293} }; }; class Land_FuelStation_02_workshop_F: VehicleService { positions[] = { {4.50488,-1.33252,-0.776812}, {0.564941,0.919434,-0.776249}, {0.594727,3.33008,-0.776249}, {3.4502,9.71191,-0.876999}, {-4.67529,0.347168,-0.7775}, {-2.87695,-1.77002,-0.775499}, {-1.09521,-1.32275,-0.775249} }; }; class Land_Mausoleum_01_F: Medical { positions[] = { {-2.03418,2.01709,-1.7768}, {-2.03223,-2.03271,-1.7768}, {2.02246,-2.03271,-1.7768}, {2.02246,2.01758,-1.7768} }; }; class Land_Barracks_01_grey_F: Military { positions[] = { {-5.00977,-3.11133,1.03564}, {-7.24121,-0.0332031,0.94227}, {0.174805,3.59375,0.942272}, {15.8623,3.51855,3.94871}, {4.09961,3.34863,3.94871}, {-4.2207,2.11035,0.942272}, {-5.52832,4.19824,0.942272}, {3.14258,3.65918,0.942272}, {6.72559,3.66309,0.942272}, {13.5303,3.61914,0.8354}, {2.6748,-3.49219,0.94227}, {6.40234,-3.54297,0.94227}, {13.1611,-3.53516,0.942272}, {10.1348,-3.5791,0.942272}, {0.626953,-1.89551,2.54108}, {-11.7598,-3.5,0.942272}, {-8.7959,-3.46387,0.942272}, {11.8477,-0.0537109,3.9487}, {-5.26465,-1.125,3.94871}, {-2.59375,4.05273,3.9487}, {-11.8672,3.66406,3.9487}, {-8.86816,3.60059,3.94871}, {0.174805,3.59375,3.9487}, {-4.92773,1.87109,3.9487}, {6.72559,3.66309,3.9487}, {12.9463,3.65234,3.9487}, {2.6748,-3.49219,3.94871}, {6.40234,-3.54297,3.94871}, {13.1611,-3.53516,3.9487}, {10.1348,-3.5791,3.9487}, {-11.7598,-3.49902,3.9487}, {-8.7959,-3.46387,3.9487}, {-2.74805,-5.49707,3.9487}, {-5.5498,-5.44629,3.94871}, {-12.6426,5.69727,3.9487}, {1.4541,5.88184,3.9487}, {12.9434,5.59766,3.94871}, {8.53613,5.68066,3.94871}, {-8.12207,-2.85742,7.79798}, {-8.01367,4.2959,7.6265}, {-11.0127,4.2334,7.62651}, {-11.085,-2.73633,7.81849}, {-3.58398,-2.91895,8.10554}, {0.167969,2.91309,7.83841}, {5.625,-3.00684,7.7723}, {6.44824,2.98926,7.8245}, {13.1133,-3.26563,7.7283}, {12.9238,3.22266,7.78225}, {-9.62695,3.33496,0.942272}, {-11.8672,3.66406,0.942272} }; }; class Land_Airport_01_controlTower_F: Military { positions[] = { {-4.53809,-4.1123,-2.8767}, {-4.53418,2.45605,4.26126}, {-3.4502,-0.618164,4.29328}, {1.09668,-2.55078,4.29328}, {3.1377,-0.651367,4.29328}, {1.86816,4.40137,4.29328}, {-3.42578,4.51074,4.29328}, {-2.44629,0.180664,8.00399}, {1.00488,-1.32715,8.00399}, {2.46289,0.268555,8.00399}, {0.761719,2.75391,8.00399}, {0.404297,1.79883,4.69172}, {-1.5791,-0.183594,4.69172}, {0.483398,0.117188,4.69172} }; }; class Land_Hangar_F: Military { positions[] = { {-9.83301,-12.4092,-5.21881}, {10.5488,-12.1328,-5.21881}, {13.002,0.0214844,-5.21881}, {-13.3877,0.25,-5.21881}, {13.3213,20.5166,-5.21881}, {-13.1865,19.9834,-5.21881}, {0.0195313,21.5078,-5.21881}, {0.49707,11.5469,-5.21881}, {-0.836914,-0.635742,-5.21881}, {0.177734,-11.6816,-5.21881} }; }; class Land_MilOffices_V1_F: Military { positions[] = { {16.0908,5.45313,-2.66934}, {-0.87207,9.02832,-2.66934}, {-14.5674,-4.59277,-2.66934}, {-16.042,5.07617,-2.66934}, {-4.19824,-3.79883,-2.66934}, {-3.25098,9.19434,-2.66934}, {6.30176,10.877,-2.66934}, {-12.4404,-5.24121,-2.66934}, {-7.50684,-2.98242,-2.66934} }; }; class Land_Barracks_01_camo_F: Military { positions[] = { {-5.00977,-3.11133,1.03564}, {-7.24023,-0.0322266,0.94227}, {0.173828,3.59375,0.94227}, {15.8623,3.51758,3.9487}, {4.10059,3.34863,3.9487}, {-4.2207,2.11035,0.942269}, {-5.52734,4.19824,0.942271}, {3.14355,3.65918,0.94227}, {6.72559,3.66309,0.94227}, {13.5313,3.62012,0.8354}, {2.67578,-3.49219,0.94227}, {6.40234,-3.54297,0.94227}, {13.1611,-3.53418,0.94227}, {10.1357,-3.57813,0.94227}, {0.626953,-1.89453,2.54108}, {-11.7588,-3.49902,0.94227}, {-8.79492,-3.46387,0.94227}, {11.8486,-0.0537109,3.9487}, {-5.26465,-1.12402,3.9487}, {-2.59375,4.05273,3.9487}, {-11.8662,3.66406,3.9487}, {-8.86719,3.60156,3.9487}, {0.173828,3.59375,3.9487}, {-4.92773,1.87207,3.9487}, {6.72559,3.66309,3.9487}, {12.9463,3.65234,3.9487}, {2.67578,-3.49316,3.9487}, {6.40234,-3.54297,3.9487}, {13.1611,-3.53418,3.9487}, {10.1357,-3.5791,3.9487}, {-11.7588,-3.49902,3.9487}, {-8.79492,-3.46387,3.9487}, {-2.74707,-5.49609,3.9487}, {-5.54883,-5.44629,3.9487}, {-12.6426,5.69824,3.9487}, {1.4541,5.88184,3.9487}, {12.9443,5.59863,3.9487}, {8.53711,5.67969,3.9487}, {-8.12012,-2.85645,7.79797}, {-8.0127,4.2959,7.62651}, {-11.0117,4.2334,7.62651}, {-11.084,-2.7373,7.81849}, {-3.58496,-2.91895,8.10554}, {0.168945,2.91211,7.83841}, {5.625,-3.00684,7.7723}, {6.44824,2.98926,7.8245}, {13.1143,-3.26563,7.7283}, {12.9248,3.22266,7.78225}, {-9.62695,3.33496,0.94227}, {-11.8662,3.66406,0.942271} }; }; class Land_House_Big_02_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {7.18994,-6.62354,-1.38605}, {8.71582,-3.14844,-1.38528}, {7.27539,0.523926,-1.38605}, {-5.11963,-0.542969,-1.38558}, {-7.18457,3.49512,-1.38546}, {-9.875,3.0105,-1.38546}, {-3.57324,6.37256,-1.38522}, {4.68799,3.44897,-1.38552}, {0.294434,1.77173,-1.38552}, {0.25,8.86426,-1.38538}, {-3.90283,8.95801,-1.38551}, {2.37305,6.36133,-1.38624}, {6.00244,5.44019,-1.38605}, {4.46143,8.61011,-1.38538} }; }; class Land_PierWooden_02_16m_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {0.667236,-1.13867,19.7765}, {-1.10376,2.53564,19.7765}, {0.943115,6.15039,19.7765}, {-0.747314,-4.92041,19.7765} }; }; class Land_PierWooden_02_30deg_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {0.631348,-0.261719,19.8761} }; }; class Land_PierWooden_02_hut_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {2.24365,-1.71289,17.6251}, {1.87988,0.774414,17.6251}, {-2.64539,-0.878418,17.6251}, {-2.6698,0.354492,17.6251}, {-2.6698,2.3291,17.6251} }; }; class Land_PierWooden_02_barrel_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {0.831665,-2.71191,19.8757}, {-0.356812,0.223633,19.0068}, {0.385864,2.8584,17.6386} }; }; class Land_PierWooden_02_ladder_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {0.0413818,0.927246,16.1455}, {0.072998,0.385742,19.74}, {0.0101318,-0.541504,19.74} }; }; class Land_u_Shed_Ind_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-7.65527,0.241211,-1.34898}, {-7.75684,4.19238,-1.34898}, {1.06934,2.74219,-1.34898}, {-3.4541,-0.178711,-1.34898}, {-6.12207,6.41699,-1.34898}, {5.40723,4.77539,-1.34898}, {4.87793,-0.03125,-1.34898}, {10.5146,1.29004,-1.34898}, {14.2881,2.59668,-1.34898}, {14.6465,-0.996094,-1.34898} }; }; class Land_Track_01_bridge_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-0.0302734,-8.17163,10.7639}, {-0.0302734,8.06348,10.7639}, {0.140625,0.583252,10.7639} }; }; class Land_Offices_01_V1_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {12.0996,-6.91113,-6.71243}, {7.93457,-6.87598,-6.71243}, {5.62891,-7.12109,-6.71243}, {2.97754,-6.72217,-6.69459}, {0.708008,-6.93066,-6.71243}, {-1.23926,-6.6084,-6.71243}, {5.64355,7.57422,-6.71243}, {0.602539,7.60938,-6.71243}, {-4.42383,7.68311,-6.71243}, {-9.40137,7.53955,-6.71243}, {-0.370117,-6.98926,-2.95243}, {1.80957,-6.98926,-2.95243}, {4.08984,-6.67529,-2.95243}, {6.63965,-6.9873,-2.95243}, {-0.370117,-6.73926,0.997573}, {1.80957,-6.73926,0.997573}, {4.08984,-6.67529,1.00757}, {6.63965,-6.9873,1.00757}, {-0.370117,-6.73926,4.95757}, {1.80957,-6.73926,4.95757}, {4.08984,-6.67529,4.96757}, {5.80273,-7.08105,4.96757}, {10.2646,-7.09131,4.96757}, {12.3896,-6.93604,4.96757}, {12.0977,-3.63574,4.96757}, {12.1826,-1.73633,4.96757}, {12.167,-0.254883,4.96757}, {-5.81543,7.30957,10.2426}, {-10.0732,7.54492,10.2426}, {-15.7793,7.33008,10.2426}, {-16.2666,3.30029,10.2426}, {-16.1621,-0.667969,10.2426}, {-16.2295,-5.09033,10.2426}, {-16.0557,-10.6479,10.2426}, {-12.8555,-10.9951,10.2426}, {-9.45996,-10.708,10.2426}, {-2.72754,-10.9502,10.2426}, {-2.51465,-7.05566,10.2426}, {4.5625,-6.54541,10.2426}, {12.3467,-7.17383,10.2426}, {12.4229,-0.948242,10.2426}, {12.2471,-3.74805,10.2426}, {12.1104,3.06055,10.2426}, {12.248,7.57324,10.2426}, {7.2666,-1.0083,10.2426} }; }; class Land_ContainerLine_01_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-13.0601,5.38379,2.65782}, {-9.31104,5.88379,2.65782}, {-19.1826,5.88379,2.65782}, {-13.0601,2.47266,2.65782}, {-9.31104,2.97266,2.65782}, {-19.1826,2.97266,2.65782}, {-15.4341,3.47266,2.65782}, {4.78857,-0.0175781,5.29054}, {-5.08301,-0.0175781,5.29054}, {-1.33398,-0.517578,5.29054}, {1.04004,-2.42773,5.29054}, {4.78857,-2.92871,5.29054}, {-5.08301,-2.92773,5.29054}, {-9.21826,-0.0126953,5.29054}, {-19.0898,-0.0126953,5.29054}, {-15.3408,-0.512695,5.29054}, {-12.9668,-3.42383,5.29054}, {-9.21826,-2.92383,5.29054}, {-19.0898,-2.92383,5.29054}, {-9.21777,-5.85449,5.29054}, {-19.0898,-5.85449,5.29054}, {-15.3413,-5.35449,5.29054}, {15.2246,6.37891,5.29054}, {18.9731,5.87988,5.29054}, {9.10156,5.87988,5.29054}, {12.8506,5.37988,5.29054}, {15.2246,2.46777,5.29054}, {18.9731,2.96875,5.29054}, {9.10156,2.96875,5.29054}, {12.8506,3.46875,5.29054}, {18.9731,0.0380859,5.29054}, {9.10156,0.0380859,5.29054}, {12.8501,-0.461914,5.29054}, {15.2329,-2.43457,0.0125303}, {18.9819,-2.93359,0.0125303}, {9.10986,-2.93359,0.0125303}, {12.8589,-3.43359,0.0125303}, {15.2334,-5.3457,0.0125303}, {18.9819,-5.84473,0.0125303}, {9.11035,-5.84473,0.0125303}, {12.8594,-6.34473,0.0125303}, {1.13281,3.49316,2.65782}, {4.88135,2.99316,2.65782}, {-4.99023,2.99316,2.65782}, {4.88135,-6.00195,2.65782}, {-4.99023,-6.00098,2.65782}, {-1.2417,-5.50195,2.65782}, {4.88135,5.90137,5.29054}, {-4.99023,5.90137,5.29054}, {-1.24121,5.40137,5.29054} }; }; class Land_ContainerLine_03_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-13.3799,2.41309,1.32889}, {-9.63086,2.91309,1.32889}, {-19.5024,2.91309,1.32889}, {-13.3799,-0.498047,1.32889}, {-9.63086,0.00195313,1.32889}, {-19.5024,0.00195313,1.32889}, {-15.7539,0.501953,1.32889}, {4.46875,2.95605,-1.26027}, {-5.40283,2.95605,-1.26027}, {-1.65381,2.45605,-1.26027}, {0.720215,0.544922,-1.26027}, {4.46875,0.0449219,-1.26027}, {-5.40283,0.0449219,-1.26027}, {-13.2866,-3.43652,3.97418}, {-9.5376,-2.93652,3.97418}, {-19.4097,-2.93652,3.97418}, {-9.5376,-5.86719,3.97418}, {-19.4097,-5.86719,3.97418}, {-15.6606,-5.36719,3.97418}, {14.9048,6.36719,3.97418}, {18.6533,5.86719,3.97418}, {8.78174,5.86719,3.97418}, {12.5308,5.36719,3.97418}, {14.9048,2.45605,1.32889}, {18.6533,2.95605,1.32889}, {8.78174,2.95605,1.32889}, {12.5308,3.45605,1.32889}, {18.6533,0.0253906,1.32889}, {8.78174,0.0253906,1.32889}, {12.5308,-0.474609,1.32889}, {14.9131,-2.44629,3.97418}, {18.6621,-2.94629,3.97418}, {8.79053,-2.94629,3.97418}, {12.5391,-3.44629,3.97418}, {0.812988,-2.36719,1.32889}, {4.56152,-2.86719,1.32889}, {-5.31006,-2.86719,1.32889} }; }; class Land_StorageTank_01_small_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-16.5801,1.02295,-0.546169}, {0.0195313,2.26807,5.11843}, {1.50977,0.588379,5.20343}, {0,-1.21191,5.13343}, {-1.54004,0.587891,5.16468} }; }; class Land_MobileCrane_01_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {6.54785,5.54395,-19.3761}, {12.3477,5.55859,-19.3774}, {6.70703,2.51855,-18.9568}, {6.75195,0.672852,-18.9568}, {6.69775,-2.47461,-18.9568}, {6.54785,-5.66699,-19.3761}, {12.3477,-5.65332,-19.3774}, {8.09033,-2.7207,-13.9284}, {14.0444,-2.76074,-13.9284}, {13.0498,2.98828,-13.9284}, {8.18701,2.72852,-13.9284}, {9.66797,-3.3418,-8.1254}, {7.78174,-3.30664,-8.1254} }; }; class Land_ContainerLine_02_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-13.1011,5.3584,-2.5755}, {-9.35156,5.8584,-2.5755}, {-19.2241,5.8584,-2.5755}, {-13.1001,2.44727,2.65782}, {-9.35156,2.94727,2.65782}, {-19.2236,2.94727,2.65782}, {-15.4746,3.44727,2.65782}, {4.74756,-0.0429688,-2.5755}, {-5.12354,-0.0429688,-2.5755}, {-1.375,-0.542969,-2.5755}, {0.999512,-2.4541,-2.5755}, {4.74805,-2.9541,-2.5755}, {-5.12402,-2.9541,-2.5755}, {-9.35156,0.0351563,2.65782}, {-19.2236,0.0351563,2.65782}, {-15.4746,-0.464844,2.65782}, {-13.1006,-3.375,2.65782}, {-9.35156,-2.875,2.65782}, {-19.2236,-2.875,2.65782}, {-9.35107,-5.80566,2.65782}, {-19.2236,-5.80566,2.65782}, {-15.4746,-5.30566,2.65782}, {15.1841,6.35352,2.65782}, {18.9326,5.85352,2.65782}, {9.06104,5.85449,2.65782}, {12.8101,5.35449,2.65782}, {15.1841,2.44336,0.0125303}, {18.9326,2.94336,0.0125303}, {9.06104,2.94336,0.0125303}, {12.8101,3.44336,0.0125303}, {18.9326,0.0117188,5.29054}, {9.06104,0.0117188,5.29054}, {12.8101,-0.488281,5.29054}, {15.1924,-2.45996,2.65782}, {18.9409,-2.95996,2.65782}, {9.06982,-2.95996,2.65782}, {12.8184,-3.45996,2.65782}, {15.1924,-5.37109,0.0125303}, {18.9414,-5.87109,0.0125303}, {9.06982,-5.87109,0.0125303}, {12.8188,-6.37109,0.0125303}, {4.84082,-6.02832,0.0125303}, {-5.03076,-6.02832,0.0125303}, {-1.28174,-5.52832,0.0125303} }; }; class Land_FireEscape_01_tall_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-1.396,3.39746,-2.71655}, {-1.42822,-0.669678,-0.955238}, {-1.396,3.39746,0.777277}, {-1.42822,-0.669678,2.54817}, {-1.39648,3.39746,4.35753}, {-1.42871,-0.669678,6.10642}, {-0.0078125,-0.247559,6.10642} }; }; class Land_MobileCrane_01_hook_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {6.54712,5.54395,-19.3761}, {12.3472,5.55762,-19.3774}, {6.70581,2.51855,-18.9568}, {6.75171,0.673828,-18.9568}, {6.69727,-2.47461,-18.9568}, {6.54712,-5.66699,-19.3761}, {12.3472,-5.65234,-19.3774}, {8.09009,-2.71973,-13.9284}, {14.0444,-2.76074,-13.9284}, {13.0498,2.98926,-13.9284}, {8.18701,2.72754,-13.9284}, {9.66821,-3.34082,-8.12539}, {7.78125,-3.30664,-8.12539} }; }; class Land_dp_bigTank_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {6.4397,-0.0722656,3.6625}, {3.70117,4.9209,3.6625}, {-2.19458,5.68408,3.6625}, {-6.34985,-0.591797,3.6625}, {-3.70117,-5.90283,3.6625}, {3.21509,-6.22559,3.6625}, {0.156006,-0.441406,3.6625} }; }; class Land_Shop_City_05_F: Shop { positions[] = { {-0.35498,2.63867,4.1624}, {-5.39795,-12.5986,7.47995}, {4.9917,-10.9326,7.4386}, {0.53418,-4.83496,7.30723}, {0.196777,-1.20703,7.17219}, {7.71973,-5.99121,7.30268}, {9.05908,2.47949,4.1624}, {4.18213,5.85645,4.1624}, {-2.18359,9.08691,4.1624}, {6.90088,13.6875,4.1624}, {0.407715,13.2842,4.1624}, {-6.15625,13.9092,4.1624}, {-8.32471,10.1621,4.1624}, {-8.62842,-12.0303,7.48878} }; }; class Land_MultistoryBuilding_01_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-6.67139,10.4297,19.6504}, {-12.6699,8.61328,19.6504}, {-13.2539,-2.21582,19.6504}, {-10.8564,-11.2939,19.6504}, {-2.6001,-10.7012,19.6505}, {5.83496,-11.2949,19.6504}, {18.292,-11.2852,19.6504}, {5.79199,12.4805,19.6504}, {15.4937,11.3057,19.6504}, {20.1807,8.61328,19.6504}, {20.1909,-2.21484,19.6504}, {-15.2246,-20.377,-14.5346}, {-15.4644,-17.123,-14.5346}, {-13.6313,-18.373,-14.5346}, {-7.00488,-7.28125,19.6504}, {1.62451,-4.79297,19.6504}, {11.7119,-3.6875,19.6504} }; }; class Land_MultistoryBuilding_03_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-9.05664,-5.90283,26.2604}, {-7.47168,-10.6416,26.2604}, {2.01465,-11.1646,26.2604}, {9.97168,-9.07324,26.2604}, {9.98828,3.3501,26.2604}, {9.99316,14.2642,26.2604}, {-9.58301,3.33643,26.2604}, {-9.80176,11.835,26.2604}, {-7.43848,15.939,26.2604}, {2.04785,15.9365,26.2604}, {6.46094,-6.21387,26.2604}, {5.72656,-0.331543,26.2604}, {6.28809,7.73975,26.2604}, {-5.41602,-5.07422,26.2604}, {-0.774414,-1.05518,26.2604}, {-1.05957,11.9463,26.2604}, {2.36816,7.22754,26.2604} }; }; class Land_MultistoryBuilding_04_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-4.85742,-6.81152,22.7257}, {4.25049,-7.31348,22.7257}, {11.6162,2.08398,22.7257}, {11.9043,-0.0283203,22.7257}, {11.9082,10.4492,22.7257}, {-6.54199,1.51172,22.7257}, {-6.88525,-0.0410156,22.7257}, {-7.09424,8.11719,22.7257}, {-4.82568,12.0576,22.7257}, {4.896,12.0547,22.7257}, {6.23877,6.03809,22.7257}, {11.9038,-4.24805,22.7257}, {-6.88525,-4.26074,22.7257}, {-1.1626,0.563477,22.7257} }; }; class Land_Cathedral_01_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {1.20801,-18.6577,-13.1724}, {3.82813,-16.5491,-12.7303}, {2.06152,-14.8018,-12.7303}, {12.5459,-18.158,-11.1449}, {12.8125,-13.8618,-9.9793}, {8.8125,-8.13013,-9.07454}, {8.73242,-0.906006,-9.01766}, {8.47559,-3.83423,-9.01847}, {8.24805,-15.6575,-8.67552}, {2.45605,-13.394,-7.72213}, {0,-15.2427,-7.72052}, {3.7168,-14.6377,-7.72133}, {-3.82813,-16.5496,-12.7303}, {-2.06055,-14.8015,-12.7303}, {-0.47168,-16.0637,-12.7303}, {-12.5459,-18.1577,-11.1449}, {-12.8125,-13.8616,-9.9793}, {-8.81152,-8.13037,-9.07454}, {-8.73145,-0.90625,-9.01767}, {-8.47559,-3.83447,-9.01847}, {-8.24805,-15.657,-8.67552}, {-2.45605,-13.3938,-7.72213}, {-3.7168,-14.6377,-7.72133}, {-11.0762,-9.61816,-11.144}, {11.0762,-9.61816,-11.144} }; }; class Land_PierWooden_01_hut_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-1.17041,-1.50391,18.7167}, {1.42676,-0.786133,18.7167} }; }; class Land_PierWooden_01_16m_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {0.605957,-1.13867,19.5458}, {-1.16455,2.53613,19.5458}, {0.882324,6.14941,19.5458}, {-0.808594,-4.9209,19.5458} }; }; class Land_PierWooden_01_10m_noRails_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-0.718262,-1.93555,20.0887}, {0.672852,3.16406,20.0888} }; }; class Land_PierWooden_01_dock_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-5.1748,2.12793,17.8699}, {-4.13379,-0.644531,17.8699}, {-5.17529,-2.69336,17.8699}, {5.04297,5.86035,17.8699}, {3.98633,-1.10059,17.8699}, {4.87744,-5.375,17.8699}, {1.39551,-5.46484,17.8699}, {-0.950684,-6.3291,17.8699}, {-3.36865,-5.5166,17.8699} }; }; class Land_PierWooden_01_platform_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-1.51514,2.48633,19.5831}, {1.64307,2.46582,19.5831}, {1.97852,-0.078125,19.5831}, {-1.7041,-0.229492,19.5831} }; }; class Land_Airport_01_hangar_F: Military { positions[] = { {8.95801,-9.79834,-2.52517}, {12.0176,13.4722,-2.52518}, {-10.208,-9.12842,-2.52517}, {5.81445,13.769,-2.52518}, {-1.56055,-9.01416,10.0354}, {1.97949,-9.09961,9.89562}, {1.59082,14.9136,10.0523}, {-1.62012,14.9648,10.0106}, {-12.5693,14.4248,5.62685}, {12.4443,14.3677,5.66134}, {12.3232,-8.29736,5.70957}, {-11.4619,-8.40479,6.07055}, {6.85645,11.564,7.92273}, {-12.0488,12.9082,5.8361}, {-12.082,7.2959,5.82304}, {-6.69238,11.6963,7.98124}, {-12.0576,0.285645,5.83291}, {-6.74023,2.85547,7.96203}, {-11.9668,-5.21729,5.86893}, {13.1426,-5.25684,5.37797}, {6.71973,2.83105,7.97777}, {-6.91406,-9.40186,7.89165}, {6.7041,-9.34863,7.98395}, {13.3623,-0.268555,5.28921}, {13.1973,6.90918,5.35578}, {6.82129,-5.91943,7.93639}, {-6.72949,-5.88086,7.96628} }; }; class Land_Airport_02_controlTower_F: Military { positions[] = { {3.85645,0.729492,2.43534}, {-3.91113,1.21484,2.43534}, {-4.03564,5.89746,2.43534}, {1.23926,8.78613,2.43534}, {3.89551,8.63281,2.43534}, {4.00928,3.15332,2.43534}, {0.915039,5.53809,2.48857}, {-0.600586,5.51367,2.43534} }; }; class Land_Airport_02_terminal_F: Military { positions[] = { {-20.5215,-10.0713,-1.20307}, {-3.74561,-6.38184,-1.20307}, {9.94824,-6.34326,-1.20307}, {10.6797,-4.19482,-1.20307}, {10.6133,4.53613,-1.20307}, {4.42969,4.58643,-1.20307}, {21.9429,10.9526,-1.20307}, {22.647,-10.2969,-1.20307}, {3.54004,10.3926,-1.20307}, {-1.00146,10.4902,-1.20307} }; }; class Land_Airport_02_hangar_right_F: Military { positions[] = { {4.18848,-25.0645,-1.12019}, {10.2212,-15.0649,-1.23188}, {7.01025,-12.7388,-0.492813}, {9.52588,-10.4277,-1.10355}, {10.2212,-1.14893,-1.23188}, {7.00977,5.82617,-0.492813}, {12.5195,-3.65479,-1.77336}, {12.5225,-22.3442,-1.77188}, {4.13477,-17.2271,-1.20879}, {4.51709,-7.02979,-1.2088}, {4.19727,2.86719,-1.20879}, {4.48975,11.1885,-1.2088}, {0.0913086,19.7183,-1.2088}, {-10.4087,20.0112,-1.2088}, {-16.5259,19.7183,-1.2088}, {-4.75684,19.9194,-4.64074}, {-8.47266,19.7183,-4.64074}, {-15.4048,20.0112,-4.64074}, {7.30615,-12.2847,-4.80359}, {1.92383,-10.189,3.02762}, {5.59473,-14.9009,2.00657}, {5.59521,-4.75781,2.00657}, {5.59473,5.18457,2.00657}, {2.87109,19.0161,2.76612}, {4.64111,12.9893,2.26557}, {-3.51025,-8.78076,4.66912}, {-3.51025,6.2749,4.66912}, {-0.801758,-15.1069,3.86662}, {-0.801758,0.0654297,3.86662}, {-0.801758,8.48193,3.86662}, {-2.56348,19.2837,4.39322}, {-5.86426,-22.7666,5.44232}, {-8.93311,5.40381,6.27212}, {-6.21631,-4.6958,5.51002}, {-7.98584,19.5522,6.01052}, {-6.21631,13.5264,5.51002}, {-11.3062,-24.5068,7.03802}, {-17.8433,-13.8267,8.95819}, {-17.8438,1.3457,8.95819}, {-11.6621,-7.07959,7.11132}, {-11.6587,9.01904,7.11102}, {-11.6616,-18.5249,7.11132}, {-13.4204,19.8208,7.63772}, {-10.563,19.0176,-4.64074}, {-14.7778,18.7485,-1.20811}, {-15.3652,18.7305,-1.2088}, {-12.438,18.4927,-3.55458} }; }; class Land_Airport_02_hangar_left_F: Military { positions[] = { {-12.3735,-24.8779,-1.75422}, {-6.86084,-17.3867,-0.475158}, {-6.86182,-8.01172,-0.475158}, {-6.86133,1.17773,-0.475158}, {-12.3735,-12.9473,-1.75423}, {-12.3701,-3.65479,-1.7557}, {-12.3667,5.63818,-1.75718}, {-12.3735,-22.3438,-1.75423}, {-1.7749,-10.1885,3.04527}, {-5.4458,-14.9004,2.02422}, {-5.4458,-4.75732,2.02422}, {-5.4458,5.18457,2.02422}, {-2.72217,19.0161,2.78377}, {-4.49219,12.9897,2.28322}, {3.65967,-8.78027,4.68677}, {3.65967,6.27539,4.68677}, {0.950195,-15.1069,3.88427}, {0.950684,0.0654297,3.88427}, {0.950684,8.48242,3.88427}, {2.71338,19.2847,4.41087}, {6.01221,-22.7666,5.45997}, {9.08203,5.4043,6.28977}, {6.36523,-4.69531,5.52767}, {8.13525,19.5527,6.02817}, {6.36523,13.5269,5.52767}, {11.4551,-24.5063,7.05567}, {18.0327,-13.8262,8.94053}, {18.0327,1.3457,8.94053}, {11.811,-7.07861,7.12897}, {11.8076,9.01904,7.12867}, {11.811,-18.5249,7.12897}, {13.5698,19.8218,7.65537}, {-4.04053,-21.3706,-1.19114}, {-4.40283,-17.168,-1.19115}, {-3.9917,-12.1963,-1.19114}, {-4.36865,-7.02979,-1.19114}, {-4.04834,-2.04541,-1.19114}, {-4.34082,2.90869,-1.19114}, {-4.04834,7.00684,-1.19114}, {-4.34082,11.1885,-1.19114}, {-4.04785,16.6338,-1.19114}, {0.0917969,20.0112,-1.19114}, {5.05371,19.7178,-1.19114}, {10.5581,20.0117,-1.19114}, {15.5186,19.7183,-1.19114}, {0.0571289,19.7183,-4.62309}, {-2.76221,19.9766,-4.62308}, {5.08789,20.0117,-4.62308}, {10.5234,19.7183,-4.62309}, {15.5537,20.0112,-4.62308} }; }; class Land_DPP_01_mainFactory_F: Factories { positions[] = { {-21.8496,4.75537,-8.44121}, {-21.9268,-14.5186,-8.32946}, {-19.6328,-8.31738,-3.87446} }; }; class Land_SCF_01_heap_bagasse_F: Factories { positions[] = { {-0.459473,-12.5,2.63194}, {-1.64307,-6.93848,4.13074}, {-0.0322266,5.96387,3.36145}, {-1.93994,11.2451,3.36145}, {-6.24756,14.2617,1.55437}, {-4.76074,5.89063,1.55437}, {-5.23633,12.1064,1.54368}, {-4.89355,-15.3652,0.0905781}, {-6.07031,-9.89258,1.51957}, {-6.12598,-2.29297,1.6616}, {6.24805,14.2617,1.55437}, {4.76221,5.89063,1.55437}, {5.23682,12.1064,1.54368}, {4.89404,-15.3652,0.0905743}, {6.0708,-9.89258,1.51957}, {5.16602,-2.2207,1.65091} }; }; class Land_SCF_01_washer_F: Factories { positions[] = { {-4.64648,8.03711,-1.71139}, {3.00781,9.43555,-1.71432}, {6.27344,6.28564,-1.70672}, {5.23242,2.1499,-1.72455}, {6.25781,-1.62744,-1.707}, {5.10059,-5.93848,-1.72551}, {-1.17773,7.39648,-1.72593}, {-5.27441,5.39746,-1.70672}, {-6.31641,2.14941,-1.72455}, {-5.29102,-1.62793,-1.707}, {-6.44727,-5.93896,-1.72551}, {-5.1875,-11.2803,-1.70722}, {3.57422,1.20068,2.26178}, {-0.09375,1.28613,2.28078}, {-4.62891,1.33838,2.26498}, {-6.31152,6.90723,2.26361}, {6.85742,4.72363,2.24578} }; }; class Land_SCF_01_feeder_F: Factories { positions[] = { {3.25684,1.604,-3.29044}, {3.35938,-9.7627,1.2}, {-3.04102,-5.19287,-0.634878}, {2.69043,-14.7461,3.13379}, {-3.11914,-14.1997,2.90212}, {-4.70313,17.4214,-2.98094}, {0.0908203,17.7114,-2.96497}, {4.95117,17.5029,-2.9664} }; }; class Land_SCF_01_chimney_F: Factories { positions[] = { {-2.98047,-3.95215,-8.09588}, {-5.26855,0.513184,-8.09587}, {-2.81348,3.60498,-8.09588}, {1.32227,-2.58447,-8.09588}, {-3.01758,-2.98535,24.3436}, {-4.58887,0.63916,24.3435}, {-2.41504,2.68213,24.3435}, {0.176758,2.05273,24.3436}, {0.878906,-1.89014,24.3435} }; }; class Land_SCF_01_boilerBuilding_F: Factories { positions[] = { {19.8848,13.1465,-12.9886}, {21.4648,1.63721,-12.9886}, {11.585,4.43018,-12.9886}, {13.3047,12.2881,-12.9886}, {18.4736,11.731,-8.5904}, {21.8359,0.998047,-8.59039}, {12.4854,-8.78027,-5.05878}, {8.11133,-21.1831,1.07098}, {4.39453,-14.792,1.82748}, {5.81348,-12.5425,1.53853}, {5.05078,-5.70752,1.6938}, {4.39355,-4.27051,1.82748}, {5.81348,-2.4292,1.53853}, {10.252,-0.29834,0.635353}, {21.0605,8.24854,-15.4019}, {-4.12012,-14.791,1.92002}, {-4.14844,-13.3125,1.91123}, {-5.57031,-12.5425,1.63942}, {-9.22656,-0.207031,0.665638}, {-4.12109,-4.27148,1.92002}, {-5.56934,-2.4292,1.63942}, {-3.9707,9.33154,7.61287}, {4.55664,1.49805,7.77713}, {-3.16504,3.68408,7.82582}, {3.74805,6.6123,7.97952}, {9.70996,10.8643,0.745411}, {4.37305,15.8223,1.83194}, {5.89844,15.416,1.52102}, {4.10156,16.8584,1.88683}, {8.11133,20.9897,1.07097}, {-9.05762,10.5444,0.763393}, {-5.55469,15.416,1.44428}, {-3.72266,16.8579,1.79831}, {-4.77246,18.3555,1.56736}, {-12.5049,20.2007,-4.42101}, {-17.373,-14.2212,-3.91705}, {-17.373,-10.9004,-3.91705}, {-10.791,-17.9478,-4.93779}, {-12.9727,-2.08008,-4.2336}, {-13.6787,7.86426,-3.96637}, {-10.791,-21.3076,-4.93779}, {-1.90723,23.667,-13.1675} }; }; class Land_Radar_F: Military { positions[] = { {8.60449,8.64111,-10.2806}, {6.71094,10.4863,-5.87634}, {11.1289,4.03906,-5.87637}, {11.1621,-4.02002,-5.87637}, {6.76953,-10.3354,-5.87634}, {-1.32324,-13.415,-5.87448}, {-9.67285,-10.4116,-5.87448}, {-14.585,-2.79932,-5.87451}, {-13.5049,6.01465,-5.87448}, {-7.02051,12.1509,-5.87448} }; }; class Land_Airport_01_terminal_F: Tourist { positions[] = { {-6.146,5.125,-3.87517}, {-14.8628,1.26563,-3.87517}, {-1.07031,-1.44531,-3.87517}, {-1.07031,-1.44531,-3.87517}, {-0.832031,2.08887,-3.87517}, {8.65137,5.64355,-3.87517}, {6.0498,-7.27344,-3.87517}, {-3.12158,-1.40332,-3.87517} }; }; class Land_SM_01_shed_unfinished_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-7.6543,0.241211,-1.34898}, {-7.75781,4.19189,-1.34897}, {1.06934,2.74219,-1.34897}, {-3.45313,-0.179199,-1.34897}, {-6.12207,6.4165,-1.34897}, {5.4082,4.77539,-1.34897}, {4.87695,-0.0317383,-1.34897}, {10.5137,1.28955,-1.34897}, {14.2881,2.59717,-1.34897}, {14.6465,-0.996094,-1.34898} }; }; class Land_ContainerCrane_01_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {21.8926,11.4355,-21.3564}, {22.0098,10.3672,-10.2501} }; }; class Land_SM_01_shed_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-7.71094,0.239258,-1.35013}, {-7.8125,4.18994,-1.35013}, {1.01367,2.73975,-1.35013}, {-3.50781,-0.181641,-1.35013}, {-6.17773,6.41553,-1.35013}, {5.35156,4.77393,-1.35013}, {4.82227,-0.0332031,-1.35013}, {10.459,1.28857,-1.35013}, {14.2324,2.5957,-1.35013}, {14.5918,-0.998535,-1.35013} }; }; class Land_Crane_F: Industrial { positions[] = { {-9.01855,-0.00195313,-16.8252}, {-10.3096,-0.0449219,5.76295}, {-8.71094,1.60547,5.76295}, {-7.19336,-1.44922,5.76295}}; }; class Land_aif_strazni_vez: Military { positions[] = { {2.41309, -1.81787, -1.36115}, {2.41309, 1.73438, 1.30743}, {0.890137, 1.63574, 1.38933}, {-1.27002, 2.07227, 1.43516}, {-2.48047, 0.109863, 1.43513}, {-1.06836, -2.18066, 1.43513}, {0.765625, 0.0229492, 0.821358}}; }; class Land_Dulni_bs: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-0.443359, 1.62305, -1.77849}, {-0.219238, -1.35156, -1.77849}, {1.00049, -2.78271, -1.77849}, {0.925781, 2.89258, -1.77849}, {2.50635, 1.74756, -1.77849}, {2.71387, -1.21387, -1.75349}}; }; class Land_Sara_domek_podhradi_1: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-2.12207, -2.90723, -2.78452}, {3.6416, -3.54004, -2.78452}, {-5.19189, -0.773438, -2.78452}, {-5.50684, -3.32178, -2.78452}, {-5.54102, 1.54883, -2.81084}}; }; class Land_aif_zluty_statek_in: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {3.66211, -1.63965, -2.73451}, {6.28418, -2.45947, -2.74342}, {2.0498, -2.35547, -2.73772}, {3.21875, 3.75928, -2.71006}, {-1.58691, 3.77393, -2.70389}, {-1.49609, -0.0161133, -2.70956}, {-1.60352, 5.97021, -2.70065}, {-4.13574, 3.71484, -2.69983}, {-4.06787, 1.16064, -2.70367}, {3.64404, 5.92285, -2.70222}, {8.05518, 3.55176, -2.71443}, {8.33252, 3.30176, -2.71575}, {8.76025, 0.0258789, -2.72837}, {-8.46533, 3.91699, -2.74529}, {-6.81543, 1.56006, -2.74529}}; }; class Land_MBG_GER_PUB_2: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3371}, {2.45313, 6.77441, -3.5573}, {3.5376, 5.79639, -3.55729}, {6.37012, 6.33008, -3.5573}, {5.21533, 4.58105, -3.55729}, {3.5376, 3.35107, -3.55729}, {5.49414, 2.22314, -3.55729}, {6.36865, 0.555664, -3.5573}, {4.60107, -1.34912, -3.55729}, {2.50879, 0.512695, -3.55729}, {0.688965, 2.271, -3.32586}, {-2.07178, 0.500977, -3.55729}, {-1.43848, -1.30664, -3.55729}, {0.224121, -2.82275, -3.55729}, {1.64258, -2.88428, -3.55729}, {-3.63135, -0.311035, -3.55729}, {-3.58154, 2.03223, -3.55729}, {-1.18311, 2.07471, -3.55729}, {-5.49561, 1.94678, -3.55729}, {-6.81592, -2.11475, -3.55727}, {-6.45996, -4.30908, -3.55729}, {4.28223, -4.09277, -3.55729}, {5.93896, -4.45898, -3.55729}, {1.52051, -5.2998, -3.55729}, {1.25488, -4.23291, -3.55727}, {-0.0566406, -4.25244, -3.55728}, {-1.80078, -4.47461, -3.41656}, {-2.66748, -4.49658, -3.55724}, {-4.30469, -3.77393, -3.55729}, {-4.1416, -5.45752, -3.55729}, {8.16162, -0.39209, -0.7145}, {8.23682, 0.473145, -0.711342}, {6.1416, 0.513672, -0.65728}, {3.37256, 0.177246, -0.65728}, {2.65527, -1.47021, -0.657288}, {4.93994, -1.75439, -0.657288}, {2.0459, 0.462402, -0.657288}, {3.20801, 2.04492, -0.657288}, {3.80908, 4.52686, -0.657288}, {6.63623, 5.17188, -0.657295}, {6.45947, 7.31494, -0.657295}, {4.46729, 7.11328, -0.657295}, {1.64063, 7.07373, -0.657288}, {2.02393, -4.88428, -0.657288}, {3.65918, -5.5835, -0.657288}, {5.32324, -5.76025, -0.657288}, {4.80078, -3.65918, -0.657288}, {-1.27637, 1.7876, -0.657288}, {-1.75537, -0.58252, -0.657288}, {-0.166504, -3.15479, -0.657288}, {-1.43457, -5.65918, -0.657288}, {-3.40137, -5.5332, -0.657288}, {-3.95605, -3.33936, -0.657288}, {-3.84814, -0.431152, -0.657288}, {-3.34375, 1.81299, -0.657288}, {-5.76709, 1.74805, -0.657295}, {-6.84814, 0.291504, -0.657288}, {-6.85156, -1.58057, -0.657288}, {-6.82617, -4.22803, -0.657295}, {-5.36816, -5.55859, -0.657288}}; }; class land_mbg_brickhouse_01: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {1.06348, -2.22363, -0.100296}, {3.26758, -2.32324, -1.56963}, {3.44336, -1.54639, -1.68687}, {-2.91504, -2.77881, -0.0779419}, {-5.21875, -2.896, -0.0779419}, {-6.97168, -2.729, -0.0779419}, {-7.01514, -1.14111, -0.0779495}, {-4.81836, -1.15967, -0.0779419}, {-1.86328, -0.759277, -0.0779419}, {-7.01416, 2.28076, -0.0779495}, {-4.93506, 1.82813, -0.0779419}, {-1.78027, 1.82813, -0.0779419}, {-4.88672, 4.01318, -0.0779419}, {-6.89697, 4.16309, -0.0779419}, {-1.84717, 4.03809, -0.0779419}, {1.16797, 4.06348, -0.0779419}, {5.06201, 4.08838, -0.0779419}, {3.30322, 3.88721, -0.0779419}, {5.27197, 1.3042, -0.0779419}, {2.91797, 1.35107, -0.0779419}, {0.305176, -0.80957, -0.0779419}, {3.04346, -0.684082, -0.0779419}, {5.05322, -0.684082, -0.0779419}, {-2.46143, -2.63281, -3.38296}, {-5.37012, -1.86035, -3.38297}, {-6.85156, -2.73291, -3.38297}, {-6.96875, -1.14697, -3.38297}, {-4.71484, -0.712891, -3.38297}, {-1.74365, -0.763184, -3.38297}, {-7.00195, 2.27539, -3.38297}, {-4.81543, 1.82422, -3.38297}, {-4.76709, 4.00879, -3.38296}, {-6.77686, 4.15918, -3.38296}, {-1.72705, 4.03369, -3.38296}, {1.2876, 4.05908, -3.38296}, {5.18164, 4.08398, -3.38296}, {3.42285, 3.88281, -3.38296}, {5.25879, 1.31885, -3.38297}, {3.021, 1.79785, -3.38296}, {0.399902, 1.37207, -3.38296}, {0.424805, -0.813477, -3.38296}, {3.16357, -0.687988, -3.38296}, {4.2168, -0.40332, -3.15162}, {5.25635, -0.42334, -3.38296}}; }; class Land_MBG_GER_ESTATE_2: Military { positions[] = { {1.73828, -5.875, -2.1583}, {2.1792, -3.07373, -2.1583}, {1.38721, -2.34766, -2.1583}, {-1.69238, -3.30176, -2.1583}, {-1.84668, -5.77686, -2.1583}, {-4.18213, -6.23242, -2.1583}, {-5.9458, -3.63867, -2.1583}, {-8.0918, -3.12549, -2.1583}, {-7.81348, -5.16895, -2.1583}, {1.11426, -1.04102, -2.1583}, {4.62549, -2.83105, -2.15829}, {8.03564, -2.95557, -2.15831}, {8.03564, -4.86768, -2.1583}, {7.30762, -6.46582, -2.15829}, {5.25879, -6.15479, -2.1583}, {5.51807, -0.137207, -2.1583}, {8.05225, -0.661621, -2.1583}, {1.64551, 2.75, -2.1583}, {3.26855, 3.69629, -2.1583}, {7.97705, 2.47559, -2.15831}, {3.03516, 6.70508, -2.1583}, {7.87158, 4.99268, -2.15831}, {7.87158, 7.0415, -2.1583}, {5.36963, 6.91211, -2.15831}, {-0.428223, 7.0415, -2.15831}, {-2.69727, 6.5752, -2.15831}, {-1.90674, 4.62988, -2.15831}, {-1.7251, 2.89209, -2.1583}, {-1.91797, 0.491211, -2.1583}, {-0.109863, 0.491699, -2.1583}, {-5.19385, -0.0336914, -2.1583}, {-8.01416, 2.68457, -2.1583}, {-4.83154, 5.12109, -2.1583}, {-6.8208, 6.80859, -2.1583}}; }; class Land_MBG_GER_HUS_4: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}, {-4411.89, -4567.69, -75.3233}}; }; class Land_MBG_GER_RHUS_2: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-2.47363, -4.12158, -3.39212}, {-0.133301, -3.74854, -3.39213}, {2.57568, -4.31934, -3.39213}, {2.90771, -0.713379, -3.39213}, {1.28174, 4.3501, -3.39213}, {-1.79297, 2.23438, -3.39213}, {-2.34082, 4.52393, -0.492134}, {1.28174, 4.40527, -0.492126}, {2.57568, -4.26465, -0.492126}, {2.90771, -0.658691, -0.492126}, {-0.527344, -4.15186, -0.492126}, {-2.47363, -4.06738, -0.492126}}; }; class Land_Sara_domek_vilka: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {4.49561, 6.16309, -4.18636}, {0.780273, 5.68164, -4.18634}, {-5.52051, -0.251953, -4.20002}, {-5.57275, -2.58691, -4.2}, {0.114746, 8.05127, -4.18634}, {6.85645, -3.35645, -5.32746}, {6.1792, 6.34912, -5.33239}}; }; class Land_MBG_GER_RHUS_5: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-2.47363, -4.12158, -3.39213}, {-0.133301, -3.74854, -3.39213}, {2.57568, -4.31934, -3.39213}, {2.90771, -0.713379, -3.39213}, {1.28174, 4.3501, -3.39213}, {-1.79297, 2.23438, -3.39213}, {-2.34082, 4.52393, -0.492134}, {1.28174, 4.40527, -0.492126}, {2.57568, -4.26465, -0.492126}, {2.90771, -0.658691, -0.492126}, {-0.527344, -4.15186, -0.492126}, {-2.47363, -4.06738, -0.492126}}; }; class Land_aif_kasarna_prujezd: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-1.56299, 5.90527, -8.74864}, {-1.72998, 0.543457, -8.73947}, {-1.88232, -5.61914, -8.73947}, {1.79004, -5.36084, -8.73948}, {1.78223, 0.800293, -8.73947}, {1.68652, 6.09131, -8.74911}}; }; class land_mbg_apartments_big_04: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-0.746582, 4.37695, -7.54064}, {0.579102, 4.23975, -7.54028}, {-0.0449219, 2.18213, -7.46221}, {-0.90918, 2.43311, -7.47538}, {1.01514, 1.64746, -7.45919}, {1.0127, -0.724121, -7.49262}, {1.0083, -2.80615, -7.46017}, {1.02344, -4.11279, -7.46017}, {0.991211, -5.34863, -7.53537}, {-0.860352, -5.39844, -3.42862}, {-3.0791, -4.94629, -3.22543}, {-3.83496, -6.2627, -3.22542}, {-7.91797, -6.21729, -3.22542}, {-10.0225, -6.14453, -3.22542}, {-8.68848, -5.20508, -3.22542}, {-6.70361, -5.15869, -3.22542}, {-4.76563, -5.15771, -3.22542}, {-10.3242, -4.80518, -3.22542}, {-10.3374, -2.14063, -3.22542}, {-8.62744, -1.90625, -3.22542}, {-5.14404, -1.94629, -3.22541}, {-2.8916, -1.86182, -3.22542}, {-3.80078, -3.50781, -3.22542}, {-5.39355, -3.58154, -3.22542}, {-8.92334, -3.56396, -3.22542}, {-6.93213, -0.907227, -3.21403}, {-6.81982, 1.01465, -3.22542}, {-6.37842, 3.0752, -3.22542}, {-6.00244, 4.7085, -3.22542}, {-3.37988, 4.55127, -3.22543}, {-2.97754, 2.48486, -3.17295}, {-4.22266, -0.785645, -3.22542}, {-2.8999, -0.866699, -3.22542}, {-2.8916, 0.699219, -3.22542}, {-4.75732, 3.58691, -3.22542}, {-8.5874, 3.58447, -3.22542}, {-10.8584, 3.1875, -3.22542}, {-10.8579, -0.435059, -3.22542}, {-9.1001, -0.689453, -3.22542}, {-8.53223, 1.56494, -3.22542}, {-10.0591, 1.23682, -3.22542}, {-10.3447, 6.40723, -3.22533}, {-9.05078, 6.3833, -3.21738}, {-7.42969, 6.32666, -3.22498}, {-6.12256, 6.31885, -3.22523}, {-5.60449, 5.54004, -2.79393}, {-5.70703, -0.481445, -3.22545}, {-2.75, 6.18604, -3.14956}, {0.925293, -5.49463, -3.42862}, {3.00244, -5.40283, -3.22542}, {3.87939, -6.42676, -3.22542}, {5.86963, -6.39648, -3.22542}, {7.96191, -6.4751, -3.22542}, {8.75586, -5.48096, -3.22542}, {6.77246, -5.38867, -3.22542}, {4.83496, -5.34375, -3.22542}, {10.2402, -4.80566, -3.22542}, {10.4746, -2.45508, -3.22542}, {8.77051, -2.18164, -3.22542}, {7.11426, -3.75488, -3.22542}, {5.28711, -2.1416, -3.22542}, {2.9126, -1.99902, -3.22542}, {3.9082, -3.67188, -3.22542}, {5.49902, -3.78223, -3.22542}, {9.02832, -3.8457, -3.22542}, {6.76758, -1.0166, -3.22542}, {6.71924, 0.783691, -3.22542}, {6.48584, 2.54004, -3.22542}, {6.29785, 4.49121, -3.22543}, {10.7476, 4.34766, -3.22542}, {3.67285, 4.39453, -3.22542}, {4.10205, 0.952148, -3.22542}, {4.12988, -1.00537, -3.22159}, {2.8291, -0.993164, -3.2254}, {4.87695, 3.08936, -3.22542}, {8.85693, 3.30859, -3.22542}, {10.7007, 2.80811, -3.22542}, {10.709, -0.803711, -3.22543}, {8.95996, -0.972168, -3.22542}, {8.75537, 1.29102, -3.22542}, {10.2739, 0.927734, -3.22542}, {10.6899, 6.10791, -3.21462}, {9.40088, 6.10254, -3.22527}, {7.58447, 6.10889, -3.22543}, {4.04541, 6.18896, -3.22542}, {5.68408, -0.607422, -3.22542}, {2.69336, 6.07617, -3.22542}, {-3.09619, -4.89258, -0.177414}, {-3.85254, -6.20898, -0.177414}, {-7.93555, -6.16357, -0.177414}, {-8.70605, -5.15137, -0.177414}, {-6.72119, -5.10498, -0.177422}, {-4.7832, -5.104, -0.177422}, {-10.3418, -4.75146, -0.177422}, {-10.355, -2.08691, -0.177414}, {-8.64502, -1.85254, -0.177414}, {-7.02539, -3.46338, -0.177422}, {-5.16162, -1.89258, -0.177414}, {-2.89209, -1.80762, -0.177414}, {-3.81836, -3.4541, -0.177414}, {-5.41113, -3.52783, -0.177414}, {-8.94092, -3.51074, -0.177422}, {-6.92676, -0.72998, -0.177422}, {-6.83691, 1.06836, -0.177414}, {-6.39551, 3.12842, -0.177414}, {-6.01953, 4.76221, -0.177414}, {-3.39697, 4.60498, -0.177422}, {-2.45361, 3.52393, -0.177422}, {-3.90576, 1.17334, -0.177414}, {-4.22266, -0.730469, -0.177414}, {-2.90186, -0.813477, -0.177414}, {-2.89209, 0.753418, -0.177422}, {-8.60498, 3.63818, -0.177422}, {-10.8574, 3.24268, -0.177422}, {-10.8574, -0.379883, -0.177399}, {-9.11768, -0.635742, -0.177422}, {-8.5498, 1.61865, -0.177414}, {-10.0762, 1.29004, -0.177429}, {-10.3384, 6.34619, -0.177437}, {-8.74121, 5.91455, -0.177414}, {-7.35791, 6.40332, -0.177361}, {-6.16357, 6.30664, -0.110153}, {-5.54834, 5.3833, 0.249771}, {-5.76563, -0.399902, -0.177422}, {-2.75439, 6.23389, -0.0965729}, {1.28418, 3.66162, -0.245667}, {2.98535, -5.34961, -0.177422}, {3.86182, -6.37305, -0.177414}, {5.85205, -6.34277, -0.177414}, {7.94482, -6.42139, -0.177422}, {10.0503, -6.39697, -0.177414}, {8.73828, -5.42725, -0.177422}, {6.75537, -5.33545, -0.177414}, {4.81787, -5.29004, -0.177414}, {10.2227, -4.75195, -0.177422}, {10.4575, -2.40137, -0.177422}, {8.75342, -2.12793, -0.177414}, {7.09717, -3.70117, -0.177414}, {5.27002, -2.08789, -0.177422}, {2.89502, -1.94531, -0.177422}, {3.89111, -3.61816, -0.177422}, {5.48145, -3.72852, -0.177414}, {6.75049, -0.962891, -0.177422}, {6.70166, 0.837402, -0.177414}, {6.46826, 2.59375, -0.177422}, {6.28076, 4.54492, -0.177429}, {10.7466, 4.40234, -0.177422}, {4.08496, 1.00586, -0.177422}, {4.13818, -0.958984, -0.174652}, {2.83496, -0.938965, -0.177269}, {2.82861, 0.306641, -0.177345}, {4.85938, 3.14258, -0.177414}, {8.83936, 3.3623, -0.177414}, {10.6973, 2.86182, -0.177422}, {10.7109, -0.757324, -0.177422}, {8.94287, -0.918945, -0.177414}, {8.73779, 1.34473, -0.177422}, {10.2563, 0.980957, -0.177414}, {10.6704, 6.16162, -0.165977}, {9.38135, 6.15869, -0.176842}, {7.56689, 6.1626, -0.177422}, {5.7749, 6.24561, -0.177422}, {4.02832, 6.24268, -0.177422}, {5.68457, -0.554199, -0.177414}, {2.67627, 6.12988, -0.177414}, {-0.835938, -5.51807, 2.66738}, {-3.08447, -4.87402, 2.87058}, {-3.84082, -6.18994, 2.87058}, {-7.92383, -6.14453, 2.87058}, {-8.69434, -5.13232, 2.87058}, {-6.70947, -5.08594, 2.87058}, {-4.77148, -5.08496, 2.87058}, {-10.3301, -4.73242, 2.87058}, {-10.3433, -2.06787, 2.87058}, {-8.6333, -1.83398, 2.87058}, {-5.1499, -1.87354, 2.8706}, {-2.89355, -1.78857, 2.87058}, {-3.80664, -3.43506, 2.87058}, {-5.39941, -3.50879, 2.87058}, {-8.9292, -3.4917, 2.87058}, {-6.91504, -0.710938, 2.87058}, {-6.38379, 3.14746, 2.87058}, {-6.00781, 4.78125, 2.87058}, {-3.38525, 4.62354, 2.87057}, {-3.2207, 2.19629, 2.92305}, {-3.89404, 1.19238, 2.87058}, {-4.2207, -0.712402, 2.87059}, {-2.89697, -0.784668, 2.87058}, {-2.89355, 0.771973, 2.87067}, {-4.76318, 3.65918, 2.87058}, {-8.59326, 3.65674, 2.87058}, {-10.8564, 3.26123, 2.87058}, {-10.8564, -0.361816, 2.87058}, {-8.53809, 1.6377, 2.87058}, {-10.3276, 6.31104, 2.87058}, {-8.67871, 5.8208, 2.87058}, {-7.25635, 6.38623, 2.87058}, {-5.46387, 6.32666, 2.87058}, {-5.77783, -0.381348, 2.87058}, {-2.71436, 6.24463, 2.87057}, {0.950684, -5.59375, 2.66738}, {2.99707, -5.33057, 2.87058}, {3.87354, -6.354, 2.87058}, {5.86377, -6.32373, 2.87058}, {7.95654, -6.40283, 2.87058}, {8.75, -5.4082, 2.87058}, {6.76709, -5.31641, 2.87058}, {4.82959, -5.271, 2.87058}, {10.2344, -4.7334, 2.87058}, {10.4692, -2.38232, 2.87058}, {8.76514, -2.10938, 2.87058}, {7.10889, -3.68213, 2.87058}, {5.28174, -2.06934, 2.87058}, {2.90674, -1.92676, 2.87058}, {3.90283, -3.59912, 2.87058}, {5.49316, -3.70996, 2.87058}, {9.02246, -3.77344, 2.87058}, {6.71338, 0.856445, 2.87058}, {6.47998, 2.6123, 2.87058}, {10.7466, 4.4209, 2.87058}, {3.66699, 4.4668, 2.87058}, {4.09668, 1.0249, 2.87058}, {4.12793, -0.943359, 2.87553}, {2.82959, -0.919922, 2.87062}, {2.82959, 0.325195, 2.87058}, {4.87109, 3.16211, 2.87058}, {8.85107, 3.38086, 2.87058}, {10.688, 2.88184, 2.8706}, {10.7017, -0.743652, 2.87058}, {8.95459, -0.899902, 2.87058}, {8.74951, 1.36377, 2.87058}, {10.2681, 1, 2.87058}, {9.42139, 6.17285, 2.87059}, {7.57861, 6.18164, 2.87057}, {5.78662, 6.26416, 2.87057}, {4.04004, 6.26172, 2.87058}, {5.68555, -0.535156, 2.87058}, {2.68799, 6.14893, 2.87058}, {-1.06641, 1.93506, -0.310371}, {0.972168, 1.81738, -0.380524}, {-1.0874, 5.51563, -0.337074}, {0.92627, 5.55859, -0.380623}, {1.00928, 0.090332, -0.380394}, {-0.855469, 0.57373, -0.380424}, {-1.07422, -4.33789, 2.66738}, {0.985352, -4.46875, 2.66738}, {0.98584, 0.73584, 2.66738}, {1.00879, 2.18994, 2.66738}, {-1.12451, 2.59619, 2.66737}, {1.00098, 3.63281, 2.66737}, {-0.774414, 4.6792, 2.66738}, {1.01514, 6.12744, 2.66738}, {-0.601074, 6.30957, 2.66738}, {-10.8457, -6.03857, 5.9186}, {-8.13965, -6.02197, 5.91858}, {-4.70898, -5.97803, 5.91858}, {-1.54248, -5.89014, 5.91858}, {1.66797, -5.93408, 5.91858}, {6.06592, -5.93408, 5.91858}, {10.8433, -5.7207, 6.312}, {-8.13965, -2.45605, 5.91858}, {-5.01367, -2.35107, 5.91858}, {-1.84717, -2.26318, 5.91858}, {1.66797, -2.36816, 5.91858}, {5.76123, -2.30713, 5.91858}, {10.8403, -2.15869, 6.30986}, {-10.8467, 0.790527, 5.91858}, {-8.44434, 0.868164, 5.91858}, {-4.70898, 0.851074, 5.91858}, {-1.54248, 0.938965, 5.91858}, {1.36328, 0.956055, 5.91858}, {10.8408, 1.10498, 6.31001}, {10.7861, 4.35547, 6.2771}, {6.69678, 4.27539, 5.91858}, {3.354, 4.31982, 5.91858}, {-2.71484, 4.5835, 5.91857}, {-7.0249, 4.62744, 5.91858}, {-10.8618, 4.62988, 5.91858}, {0.807129, 6.38428, 5.91858}, {-0.294922, 3.06543, 5.91858}}; }; class Land_MBG_Killhouse_3: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {3.63135, -3.80811, -4.14999}, {5.58301, -1.54297, -2.875}, {8.0376, -1.3042, -2.7657}, {8.61963, -3.66699, -2.875}, {4.63525, -2.56299, -2.875}, {5.63672, 3.29199, -2.875}, {4.23438, 4.02588, -2.875}, {9.8291, -2.1709, -2.51498}, {7.31299, 3.95313, 0.425056}, {7.86475, 2.48389, 0.425003}, {5.80518, 2.77148, 0.425003}, {4.97217, 4.10352, 0.425003}, {1.88281, -0.166992, 0.425003}, {3.08105, 4.01563, 0.425003}, {2.45605, -1.51904, 0.425003}, {1.08496, 4.03174, 0.425003}, {2.40576, 2.68848, 0.425789}, {3.48975, 2.25537, -2.875}, {0.915527, 2.32324, -2.875}, {1.14844, 3.51172, -2.875}, {8.98779, 1.06836, -2.87505}, {11.6167, 2.56787, -2.875}, {3.95752, 2.64453, 0.425003}, {1.8667, 2.44141, 0.424698}, {-11.7485, 4.16406, 0.425003}, {-12.2568, 3.81348, 0.425362}, {-12.8926, 3.49951, 0.432281}, {-13.1021, 2.02002, 0.424995}, {-11.1079, 2.0957, 0.425003}, {-9.85156, 3.25293, 0.425003}, {-9.5083, 1.82324, 0.425003}, {-9.12354, 4.21094, -2.875}, {-1.61621, -0.162109, -2.875}, {-5.39551, 0.196777, -2.84413}, {-5.88086, 2.52197, -2.875}, {-2.42188, -2.54199, -2.875}, {-4.61475, 3.50293, -2.875}, {-3.88818, 0.19043, -2.84461}, {-4.09326, -4.18555, -4.14999}, {-1.12939, 2.00879, -2.875}, {-1.68799, 3.48975, -2.875}, {-6.39453, 2.85791, 0.425003}, {8.73047, -2.69727, -2.81281}, {5.73145, -0.637695, 0.425003}, {7.79932, 3.93213, -2.87501}, {8.2749, 1.41797, -2.82246}, {8.29053, 2.55225, -2.875}, {9.05322, 2.26221, -2.87499}, {11.0654, 3.35205, -2.875}, {12.6035, 3.45605, -2.875}, {12.9922, 2.7207, -2.875}, {12.6724, -2.07422, -1.06303}, {8.68018, 0.14502, 0.425003}, {11.7314, 0.458008, -0.433823}, {12.8306, 0.597168, -1.06303}, {9.19775, -1.72754, 0.708687}, {7.8125, 0.70752, 0.424995}, {8.51758, 3.90088, 0.485329}, {9.39307, 2.76709, 0.425003}, {10.0977, 3.67432, 0.425003}, {-7.66748, 4.16064, -2.875}, {-5.58691, -0.984863, -2.875}, {-4.99219, -2.14697, -2.875}}; }; class Land_aif_watertower1: Military { positions[] = { {3.05908, -6.1377, 5.70909}, {-1.38477, -7.58838, 5.70908}, {-7.53809, -4.49268, 5.70906}, {-8.99805, -0.0214844, 5.70905}, {-5.85938, 6.1377, 5.70906}, {0.973633, 7.23779, 5.70905}, {4.80078, 4.47314, 5.70903}}; }; class Land_Misc_CargoMarket1a_EP1: Industrial { positions[] = { {-0.523926, -2.05371, -1.11868}, {-0.396484, 0.524902, -1.11868}, {0.25293, -1.65381, -1.11868}, {0.252441, 2.09131, -1.11868}}; }; class Land_MBG_Killhouse_4: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.458496, -4.94971, -3.86961}, {0.854492, -2.36963, -3.76112}, {-2.11377, -4.44922, -3.86961}, {-4.13721, -4.44922, -3.86961}, {-6.23438, -4.49854, -3.86961}, {-6.46875, -1.74023, -3.86961}, {-4.21387, -1.6582, -3.86961}, {-1.7876, 0.46582, -3.86961}, {-6.4751, -0.0351563, -3.86961}, {-4.3335, -0.122559, -3.86961}, {-6.01221, 1.74365, -3.86961}, {-1.8916, 1.79297, -3.86961}, {-1.78223, 3.6958, -3.86961}, {-4.19287, 4.2417, -3.86961}, {-6.03467, 4.51025, -3.77994}, {-6.43555, 6.54443, -3.86961}, {-3.91016, 6.46338, -3.86962}, {-1.73926, 5.72266, -3.86961}, {-8.35205, 4.57373, -3.86816}, {0.32373, 6.94775, -3.86961}, {0.141113, 5.74463, -3.7879}, {0.970215, 3.95459, -3.86961}, {0.177734, 2.42041, -3.86933}, {1.48096, 2.44141, -3.86707}, {3.54395, 2.21436, -3.86961}, {1.28125, 0.639648, -3.75803}, {-0.175293, 0.610352, -3.86962}, {1.05615, -0.891602, -3.83375}, {-0.18457, -0.867676, -3.86889}, {2.55273, -2.16504, -3.86961}, {2.76025, -4.26611, -3.68981}, {3.83691, -4.54785, -3.83032}, {5.104, -4.6499, -3.86964}, {7.24121, -4.49023, -3.77819}, {7.20313, -1.9834, -3.86954}, {6.29736, -1.94141, -3.75282}, {7.1084, 0.537598, -3.79405}, {7.09814, 1.92578, -3.86961}, {7.31299, 3.18604, -3.86962}, {7.2793, 4.35059, -3.86962}, {5.93359, 4.35059, -3.86961}, {4.50244, 3.99219, -3.86959}, {3.01172, 3.79785, -3.86961}, {2.95801, 6.57471, -3.71537}, {4.98242, 6.70654, -3.86962}, {2.28223, 5.86279, -3.67395}, {7.25, 6.37451, -3.78884}, {0.426758, -6.07764, -0.450829}, {0.65918, -4.59473, -0.483612}, {0.615723, -3.23193, -0.569611}, {-0.181152, -2.69727, -0.56707}, {1.12012, -2.68408, -0.569641}, {-1.9624, -2.54688, -0.477295}, {-2.11377, -4.44922, -0.569611}, {-4.13721, -4.44922, -0.569611}, {-6.23438, -4.49854, -0.569611}, {-6.46826, -1.74023, -0.569618}, {-4.21387, -1.6582, -0.569611}, {-6.47412, -0.0351563, -0.569611}, {-4.13232, 0.220215, -0.569611}, {-1.98291, 0.295898, -0.569611}, {1.06104, -0.789063, -0.569633}, {-0.200195, -0.733398, -0.537773}, {-0.175293, 0.610352, -0.569618}, {1.29541, 0.63916, -0.569611}, {1.47949, 2.44141, -0.564491}, {0.177734, 2.41992, -0.569611}, {-0.175293, 4.08887, -0.569595}, {1.0498, 4.08789, -0.527245}, {1.14502, 5.43311, -0.496468}, {-0.106445, 5.40479, -0.569611}, {0.32373, 6.94775, -0.569611}, {-1.90918, 5.37988, -0.480057}, {-1.78125, 3.69531, -0.569611}, {-1.8916, 1.79297, -0.569611}, {-4.40869, 1.79297, -0.569611}, {-6.01221, 1.74365, -0.569611}, {-6.01514, 4.51074, -0.569611}, {-3.9917, 4.58496, -0.569618}, {-3.91016, 6.46289, -0.569618}, {-6.39551, 6.20459, -0.569611}, {2.97412, 6.30615, -0.503952}, {4.98242, 6.70654, -0.569618}, {2.02783, 6.0542, -0.446609}, {7.24854, 6.38477, -0.487358}, {7.2793, 4.35059, -0.569618}, {7.31299, 3.18701, -0.569618}, {6.89697, 1.58301, -0.569618}, {6.16992, 4.01953, -0.569611}, {4.50244, 3.99219, -0.569603}, {3.01172, 3.79785, -0.569611}, {7.10742, 0.512695, -0.569611}, {5.98096, -1.97705, -0.569519}, {7.32275, -4.12256, -0.569588}, {5.39893, -4.1958, -0.569611}, {4.68262, -1.94141, -0.563736}, {2.97119, -2.1499, -0.492836}, {2.90625, -4.37354, -0.569611}}; }; class Land_MBG_Killhouse_2: Military { positions[] = { {-5.20557, -5.65723, -2.74295}, {-6.97363, -5.57959, -2.825}, {-6.48682, -3.2998, -2.825}, {-3.62695, -4.68994, -2.75099}, {-2.03174, -5.1001, -2.74591}, {0.842773, -4.83252, -2.825}, {-0.521484, -2.91064, -2.825}, {-1.15039, -1.29932, -2.825}, {3.94922, 4.40137, -2.825}, {4.40918, 2.52295, -2.825}, {2.34082, 4.26123, -2.81078}, {1.15234, 4.06494, -2.69303}, {-0.52002, 2.90381, -2.825}, {0.410156, 5.14404, -2.72577}, {-1.4209, 4.1123, -2.825}, {-3.87305, 3.89111, -2.74725}, {-3.75195, 1.91504, -2.825}, {-3.6792, 0.0600586, -2.72495}, {-4.94336, -0.330078, -2.71674}, {-6.99219, 0.059082, -2.825}, {-6.36719, 2.04688, -2.825}, {-6.0835, 3.68604, -2.76453}, {-1.86133, 1.41504, 0.475014}, {-1.38916, 0.760254, 0.474998}, {-2.19727, 0.426758, 0.475006}, {-1.32764, -1.51807, 0.474998}, {0.0161133, -1.39502, 0.475006}, {0.740234, 0.0864258, 0.474998}, {1.61621, -1.66797, 0.474998}, {-1.29395, -2.81201, 0.540825}, {0.69043, -3.40723, 0.474998}, {3.60986, -1.59082, 0.475006}, {3.57373, 0.308594, 0.474998}, {3.02002, -3.67627, 0.474998}, {6.854, -1.4668, 0.474998}, {7.04102, -3.47412, 0.474998}, {7.03467, 0.059082, 0.475021}, {6.86963, 1.65137, 0.481445}, {7.02734, 5.94629, 0.494995}, {-3.76025, -2.8833, -2.825}, {-2.01465, 5.82373, -2.825}, {1.75, -3.02002, -2.825}, {4.58594, -3.5625, -2.825}, {0.936523, -6.07764, -2.825}, {2.44092, -6.10254, -2.825}, {4.74707, -6.05664, -2.82497}, {5.72217, -6.02734, -2.69767}, {6.92871, -5.18994, -2.825}, {7.05078, -2.99512, -2.825}, {2.49023, -1.14551, -2.825}, {-1.99805, 0.975098, -2.825}, {0.812988, 1.12305, -2.825}, {3.50098, 1.02441, -2.825}, {6.38623, 0.872559, -2.74725}, {6.38623, -1.19482, -2.825}, {5.92188, 2.67139, -2.825}, {5.3584, 4.1748, -2.825}, {6.64258, 5.88135, -2.82501}, {-0.710449, -4.29297, 0.580597}, {1.43262, -4.29248, 0.474998}, {4.83398, -4.22266, 0.474998}}; }; class Land_Budova4_in: Military { positions[] = { {6.01221, -0.429688, -1.91367}, {6.31006, -2.64307, -1.91367}, {6.1416, 2.43164, -1.91367}, {3.55273, 2.62549, -1.91367}, {2.13086, 2.5459, -1.91367}, {2.21436, -1.55322, -1.91367}, {1.10254, -2.70801, -1.91367}, {3.56543, -2.75146, -1.91367}, {-1.3877, 2.55469, -1.91367}, {-1.49805, -2.73389, -1.91367}, {-4.50293, 2.69775, -1.91367}, {-7.24268, 2.3291, -1.91367}, {-5.41016, -0.11084, -1.91367}, {-4.12842, -2.27637, -1.91367}, {-6.40283, -2.25928, -1.91367}}; }; class Land_Vysilac_FM2: Military { positions[] = { {0.0483398, 0.433594, -6.40938}, {0.0219727, 1.33545, 8.36378}, {-0.648438, 2.06201, 8.36378}, {-0.0244141, 2.99609, 8.36378}}; }; class Land_MBG_Killhouse_1: Military { positions[] = { {-3.35645, -3.9248, -1.99587}, {-4.10596, -1.62842, -2.07494}, {-0.86377, -1.6499, -2.075}, {-0.544434, -2.73486, -2.075}, {0.793945, -3.76953, -2.075}, {3.56445, -3.31787, -2.075}, {3.00586, -2.20166, -2.075}, {2.59521, -1.09326, -2.075}, {3.23193, 0.543457, -2.00092}, {1.14014, 0.244141, -2.075}, {1.81543, 2.47754, -2.075}, {3.94971, 4.28369, -2.07499}, {1.69238, 4.48926, -2.075}, {3.69824, 6.01123, -1.92464}, {1.32275, 5.82324, -2.075}, {-1.10742, 5.82324, -1.992}, {-0.86084, 4.13477, -2.075}, {-0.939941, 0.994629, -2.075}, {-2.22412, 0.609863, -2.075}, {-4.09375, 1.03076, -2.075}, {-2.35059, 3.27832, -2.075}, {-2.19482, 5.33008, -1.97111}, {-3.37695, 6.17139, -2.075}, {-4.09961, -0.910645, 1.28526}, {-4.09912, -3.75977, 1.22501}, {-0.535156, -4.13184, 1.225}, {0.397949, -2.96484, 1.225}, {-1.77588, -1.2085, 1.225}, {0.723633, -1.375, 1.225}, {3.59766, -4.16504, 1.22501}, {3.99072, -1.27686, 1.225}, {0.82373, 1.15771, 1.225}, {-1.60938, 1.99121, 1.225}, {3.97656, 1.94727, 1.225}, {-1.94287, 4.32471, 1.22499}, {3.9834, 6.05273, 1.225}, {0.457031, 6.19141, 1.225}, {-1.97607, 5.72461, 1.22499}, {-4.08594, 6.21582, 1.22523}}; }; class land_mbg_brickhouse_03: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {1.0625, -2.22363, -0.0996933}, {3.2666, -2.3252, -1.56889}, {3.43311, -1.55664, -1.67998}, {-2.91504, -2.77881, -0.0779419}, {-5.21875, -2.896, -0.0779419}, {-6.97168, -2.729, -0.0779419}, {-7.01514, -1.14111, -0.0779495}, {-4.81836, -1.15967, -0.0779419}, {-1.86328, -0.759277, -0.0779419}, {-7.01416, 2.28076, -0.0779495}, {-4.93506, 1.82813, -0.0779419}, {-4.88672, 4.01318, -0.0779419}, {-6.89697, 4.16309, -0.0779419}, {-1.84717, 4.03809, -0.0779419}, {1.16797, 4.06348, -0.0779419}, {5.06201, 4.08838, -0.0779419}, {3.30322, 3.88721, -0.0779419}, {5.27051, 1.31152, -0.0779419}, {2.91797, 1.35107, -0.0779419}, {0.280273, 1.37598, -0.0779343}, {0.305176, -0.80957, -0.0779419}, {3.04346, -0.684082, -0.0779419}, {5.05322, -0.684082, -0.0779419}, {-5.37012, -1.86035, -3.38297}, {-6.85156, -2.73291, -3.38297}, {-6.96875, -1.14697, -3.38296}, {-4.71484, -0.712891, -3.38297}, {-1.74365, -0.763184, -3.38297}, {-7.00195, 2.27539, -3.38297}, {-4.81543, 1.82422, -3.38296}, {-1.66016, 1.82422, -3.38297}, {-4.76709, 4.00879, -3.38296}, {-6.77686, 4.15918, -3.38296}, {-1.72705, 4.03369, -3.38296}, {5.18164, 4.08398, -3.38296}, {3.42285, 3.88281, -3.38296}, {5.26221, 1.30615, -3.38297}, {3.021, 1.79785, -3.38296}, {0.399902, 1.37207, -3.38295}, {0.424805, -0.813477, -3.38296}, {3.16357, -0.687988, -3.38296}, {4.19092, -0.407227, -3.15161}, {5.25635, -0.422363, -3.38296}}; }; class Land_aif_hotel: Military { positions[] = { {3.66357, -7.38574, 9.78915}, {3.71387, 9.32471, 6.21858}, {-16.4414, 0.439941, -7.77316}, {-16.2119, 10.2192, -7.77315}, {-16.0889, 17.0117, -7.77316}, {-12.4023, 3.57471, -7.77316}, {-16.2778, -1.37158, -7.77316}, {-7.41211, 2.80127, -7.77316}, {-15.4082, -5.71729, -7.77316}, {-17.2627, -14.2349, -7.77316}, {-12.4531, -17.7119, -7.77316}, {-12.3975, -0.964844, -7.77316}, {-10.5313, -10.4624, -7.77316}, {-10.4814, 16.4556, -7.77316}, {-5.71582, 6.03711, -7.77316}, {-4.65039, -0.207031, -7.77316}, {-2.10547, 0.059082, -7.77316}, {-6.00879, 10.938, -7.77316}, {-3.44629, 15.3828, -7.77316}, {-1.28027, 9.46045, -7.77316}, {4.39697, 9.38525, -7.77316}, {5.95361, 16.8452, -7.77316}, {15.6172, 16.8784, -7.77316}, {16.96, 12.4351, -7.77314}, {10.3745, 12.3223, -7.77316}, {15.5288, -1.03564, -7.77313}, {16.0405, 7.83057, -7.77313}, {10.9712, 5.62451, -7.77314}, {5.8252, -0.336914, -7.77316}, {16.8384, -3.24951, -7.77313}, {10.4658, 0.65918, -7.77316}, {9.46387, -4.88086, -7.77316}, {17.2432, -5.11621, -7.77314}, {13.6484, -9.41846, -7.77316}, {17.481, -12.9702, -7.77316}, {16.4912, -17.3135, -7.77316}, {11.6343, -16.6953, -7.77316}, {9.47021, -10.644, -7.77316}, {3.26709, -10.3994, -7.77316}, {-5.56299, -10.2173, -7.77316}, {-1.44434, -3.24854, -7.77316}, {0.938477, -6.06396, -7.63305}, {5.93066, -6.16162, -5.89893}, {5.90479, -2.95605, -5.89899}, {1.31592, -2.56543, -4.28281}, {-0.30957, -3.52344, -4.28587}, {0.992188, -5.74219, -4.1024}, {-4.24268, -6.08008, -4.28587}, {0.00292969, -9.32959, -4.28587}, {8.8501, -9.15137, -4.28587}, {18.1104, -9.22021, -4.28587}, {9.21973, -11.9868, -4.28587}, {8.875, -15.9507, -4.28587}, {9.66211, -20.2168, -4.28587}, {3.04346, -20.5381, -4.28587}, {18.0908, -20.7207, -4.28587}, {11.79, -16.3726, -4.28587}, {18.4414, -11.9814, -4.28587}, {18.5679, -18.3496, -4.28587}, {2.69092, -11.6206, -4.28587}, {2.48242, -17.1885, -4.28587}, {-4.91162, 9.23877, -4.28587}, {-18.1582, 9.50293, -4.28588}, {-8.92285, 16.2334, -4.28587}, {-9.70996, 20.4995, -4.28587}, {-3.09131, 20.8208, -4.28587}, {-18.1387, 21.0034, -4.28587}, {-11.8521, 16.7349, -4.28587}, {-18.4893, 12.2642, -4.28588}, {-18.7012, 18.7109, -4.28587}, {-2.53027, 17.4712, -4.28587}, {9.44727, 0.167969, -4.28587}, {9.26904, 9.01563, -4.28587}, {9.3374, 18.2754, -4.28587}, {16.0684, 9.04053, -4.28587}, {20.334, 9.82715, -4.28587}, {20.6553, 3.2085, -4.28587}, {20.8379, 18.2559, -4.28587}, {11.9697, 12.1948, -4.28587}, {12.0986, 18.6064, -4.28588}, {11.7378, 2.85645, -4.28587}, {17.7271, 2.64746, -4.28587}, {-7.65137, -0.231934, -4.28587}, {-9.12109, -4.74658, -4.28587}, {-9.16016, -11.8984, -4.28587}, {-13.583, 0.0893555, -4.28588}, {-18.1738, 0.463379, -4.28588}, {-13.9229, 6.48291, -4.28588}, {-16.1162, -8.75781, -4.28588}, {-20.3818, -9.54443, -4.28587}, {-20.7031, -2.92578, -4.28587}, {-20.8857, -17.9731, -4.28587}, {-16.5381, -11.6724, -4.28588}, {-12.0176, -11.9121, -4.28589}, {-12.1465, -18.3237, -4.28587}, {-18.5903, -18.6777, -4.28587}, {-11.7856, -2.57373, -4.28587}, {-18.6294, -5.51855, -4.28587}, {-12.4443, -5.87744, -4.28588}, {-7.01025, -8.79199, -4.28587}, {-8.7627, 3.64307, -4.28587}, {-8.95264, 9.17578, -4.28587}, {5.93311, -5.89844, -2.43024}, {4.89844, -3.07227, -2.40748}, {1.31836, -2.56543, -0.78492}, {-0.30957, -3.52344, -0.7855}, {0.964844, -5.74268, -0.587219}, {-4.24268, -6.08008, -0.7855}, {0.00292969, -9.32959, -0.7855}, {8.8501, -9.15137, -0.7855}, {18.1104, -9.22021, -0.7855}, {9.21973, -11.9868, -0.7855}, {8.875, -15.9507, -0.7855}, {9.66211, -20.2168, -0.785873}, {3.04346, -20.5381, -0.785873}, {18.0908, -20.7207, -0.785873}, {11.79, -16.3726, -0.7855}, {12.0298, -11.8525, -0.7855}, {18.4414, -11.9814, -0.7855}, {2.69092, -11.6206, -0.7855}, {2.48242, -17.1885, -0.7855}, {-4.91162, 9.23877, -0.7855}, {-18.1582, 9.50293, -0.785507}, {-8.92285, 16.2334, -0.7855}, {-9.70996, 20.4995, -0.785866}, {-3.09131, 20.8208, -0.785873}, {-18.1387, 21.0034, -0.785873}, {-11.8379, 16.6553, -0.7855}, {-12.0771, 12.1353, -0.785507}, {-18.4893, 12.2642, -0.785507}, {-18.7012, 18.7109, -0.7855}, {9.44727, 0.167969, -0.7855}, {9.26904, 9.01563, -0.7855}, {9.3374, 18.2754, -0.7855}, {16.0684, 9.04053, -0.7855}, {20.334, 9.82715, -0.785873}, {20.6553, 3.2085, -0.785873}, {20.8379, 18.2559, -0.785873}, {11.9697, 12.1948, -0.7855}, {12.0986, 18.6064, -0.785507}, {18.5425, 18.9604, -0.7855}, {11.7378, 2.85645, -0.7855}, {-7.65137, -0.231934, -0.7855}, {-9.12109, -4.74658, -0.7855}, {-9.16016, -11.8984, -0.7855}, {-13.583, 0.0893555, -0.785507}, {-18.1738, 0.463379, -0.785507}, {-13.9229, 6.48291, -0.785507}, {-16.1162, -8.75781, -0.785507}, {-20.3818, -9.54443, -0.785873}, {-20.7031, -2.92578, -0.785873}, {-20.8857, -17.9731, -0.785873}, {-16.5381, -11.6724, -0.785507}, {-12.0176, -11.9121, -0.785507}, {-12.1465, -18.3237, -0.7855}, {-18.5903, -18.6777, -0.785492}, {-11.7856, -2.57373, -0.7855}, {-18.6294, -5.51855, -0.7855}, {-12.4443, -5.87744, -0.785507}, {-7.01025, -8.79199, -0.7855}, {-8.7627, 3.64307, -0.7855}, {-8.95264, 9.17578, -0.7855}, {5.93311, -5.89844, 1.0887}, {4.89648, -3.07227, 1.10758}, {1.28467, -2.56543, 2.75213}, {-0.30957, -3.52344, 2.71438}, {1.01953, -5.74268, 2.8589}, {-4.24268, -6.08008, 2.71438}, {0.00292969, -9.32959, 2.71438}, {8.8501, -9.15137, 2.71438}, {18.1104, -9.22021, 2.71438}, {9.21973, -11.9868, 2.71438}, {8.875, -15.9507, 2.71438}, {9.66211, -20.2168, 2.71413}, {3.04346, -20.5381, 2.71413}, {18.0908, -20.7207, 2.71413}, {11.79, -16.3726, 2.71438}, {12.0298, -11.8525, 2.71438}, {18.4414, -11.9814, 2.71438}, {2.69092, -11.6206, 2.71438}, {2.48242, -17.1885, 2.71438}, {-4.91162, 9.23877, 2.71436}, {-18.1582, 9.50293, 2.71437}, {-8.92285, 16.2334, 2.71438}, {-9.70996, 20.4995, 2.71413}, {-3.09131, 20.8208, 2.71413}, {-18.1387, 21.0034, 2.71413}, {-11.8379, 16.6553, 2.71438}, {-12.0771, 12.1353, 2.71437}, {-18.4893, 12.2642, 2.71437}, {-18.7012, 18.7109, 2.71439}, {-2.53027, 17.4712, 2.71438}, {9.44727, 0.167969, 2.71438}, {9.26904, 9.01563, 2.71438}, {9.3374, 18.2754, 2.71438}, {16.0684, 9.04053, 2.71438}, {20.334, 9.82715, 2.71413}, {20.6553, 3.2085, 2.71413}, {20.8379, 18.2559, 2.71413}, {11.9697, 12.1948, 2.71438}, {12.0986, 18.6064, 2.71437}, {18.5425, 18.9604, 2.71438}, {11.7378, 2.85645, 2.71438}, {-7.65137, -0.231934, 2.71438}, {-9.12109, -4.74658, 2.71438}, {-9.16016, -11.8984, 2.71438}, {-13.583, 0.0893555, 2.71437}, {-18.1738, 0.463379, 2.71437}, {-17.9409, 5.64502, 2.71438}, {-13.9229, 6.48291, 2.71437}, {-16.1162, -8.75781, 2.71437}, {-20.3818, -9.54443, 2.71413}, {-20.7031, -2.92578, 2.71413}, {-20.8857, -17.9731, 2.71413}, {-16.5381, -11.6724, 2.71437}, {-12.0176, -11.9121, 2.71437}, {-18.5903, -18.6777, 2.71438}, {-11.7856, -2.57373, 2.71438}, {-18.6294, -5.51855, 2.71438}, {-12.4443, -5.87744, 2.71437}, {-7.01025, -8.79199, 2.71438}, {-8.7627, 3.64307, 2.71438}, {-8.95264, 9.17578, 2.71438}, {5.93311, -5.89844, 4.57499}, {4.896, -3.07324, 4.59366}, {1.31104, -2.56543, 6.22686}, {5.85107, 1.28564, 6.21841}, {2.31641, 5.84912, 6.21841}, {6.33398, 6.05225, 6.21841}, {0.791504, -6.36279, 6.21841}, {-2.64941, -6.28906, 6.2184}, {-5.76514, -5.70166, 6.21841}, {-18.0923, 17.6333, 6.21841}, {-0.124023, 18.2393, 6.21841}, {18.3804, 18.4702, 6.21841}, {17.9746, 1.70703, 6.21841}, {18.4741, -18.3325, 6.21841}, {-0.325195, -18.2578, 6.21841}, {-18.0254, -17.7988, 6.21841}, {-18.3442, 0.730957, 6.21841}, {-9.95605, 8.66797, 6.21841}, {11.2202, 9.71094, 6.21841}, {11.8794, -10.2925, 6.21841}, {-9.90674, -10.272, 6.21841}, {-14.3271, -13.645, 6.2184}, {-13.9634, 13.7183, 6.2184}, {13.6382, 13.4478, 6.21841}, {9.9541, -0.0512695, 6.21841}, {15.0669, -13.5898, 6.21841}, {0.158691, -8.84229, 6.21841}, {0.276855, 8.95166, 6.29669}, {5.90869, 1.33887, -4.28587}, {5.90869, 1.33887, -0.7855}, {5.90869, 1.33887, 2.71438}, {0.027832, -13.418, -4.28587}, {-0.346191, -18.0088, -4.28587}, {-5.90332, -17.8779, -4.28587}}; }; class Land_aif_tovarna1: VehicleService { positions[] = { {-1.47021, -8.98193, -6.35645}, {-7.78564, -8.4917, -6.35645}, {-8.95801, -3.9458, -6.35644}, {-6.47803, 0.00341797, -6.35644}, {3.44141, 0.310547, -6.35644}, {4.04248, -7.95654, -6.35645}, {-10.7876, 1.6792, -6.35645}, {-10.1045, 6.05957, -6.35645}, {-3.64404, 6.29053, -6.35645}, {2.17871, 5.99854, -6.35644}, {-9.8042, -3.7959, -3.11845}, {-9.94531, -8.729, -0.3787}, {-12.3271, 1.40674, -0.378708}, {0.0932617, -8.65869, -0.3787}, {-2.08105, 3.55273, -0.378708}, {-2.04346, 5.63379, -0.378708}, {6.09131, 2.70752, -0.3787}, {-10.1206, -0.455078, 2.37733}, {-4.55273, -1.7373, 2.46917}, {-4.16357, 3.67236, 2.37138}, {-10.2402, -8.65479, 2.37138}, {2.86328, -7.85059, 2.3714}, {3.81201, -2.3833, 2.37138}, {-0.897949, -1.93848, 5.30003}, {1.43799, -3.09229, 5.28621}, {3.96631, -7.86133, 5.91837}, {-12.1318, -8.69141, 5.68689}, {-12.2886, 3.64404, 5.68803}, {4.04395, 2.47607, 5.68797}}; }; class Land_MBG_ATC_Tower: Military { positions[] = { {3.79443, -1.71094, -16.4368}, {4.13965, 2.04541, -16.4367}, {-0.350098, 2.3623, -16.4367}, {-0.563965, -0.262695, -16.3367}, {-0.422363, -0.15332, -13.8367}, {-0.33252, -1.48779, -13.8367}, {-0.632813, -1.04736, 4.56327}, {-0.890137, -3.31836, 4.56327}, {1.86377, -3.04688, 4.56327}, {2.11914, 3.02051, 7.56327}, {-0.631348, 3.17285, 7.56327}, {-1.01074, 4.43701, 7.56327}, {-2.52295, 3.56641, 7.56326}, {-4.40918, 2.00098, 7.56328}, {-4.68604, 0.104004, 7.89428}, {-2.89844, 0.438965, 7.56326}, {-1.6709, 1.72119, 7.56326}, {-2.66455, -1.3335, 7.56327}, {-4, -3.07275, 7.56329}, {-2.15479, -4.19385, 7.56327}, {1.52734, -4.30713, 7.56327}, {3.96191, -1.47949, 7.79461}, {3.93457, -0.0302734, 7.62668}, {3.80811, 2.24951, 7.56326} }; }; class Land_aif_hlaska: Military { positions[] = { {-0.00927734, -1.33789, -3.93633}, {-0.0078125, -0.460449, 3.74448}, {-0.904297, 0.0673828, 3.74448}, {-0.905762, 1.42334, 3.74451}, {0.816895, 1.41895, 3.74448}, {0.816895, 0.0629883, 3.74448}}; }; class Land_aif_hotel_bio: Military { positions[] = { {-18.0859, 0.439941, -8.54798},{-17.8335, 10.2188, -8.54797},{-17.6978, 17.0117, -8.54797},{-13.6426, 3.57471, -8.54797},{-17.9053, -1.37158, -8.54798},{-8.15332, 2.80078, -8.54797},{-16.9492, -5.71729, -8.54797},{-18.9888, -14.2354, -8.54797}, {-13.6987, -17.7119, -8.54797},{-13.6372, -0.964844, -8.54798},{-11.5845, -10.4624, -8.54797},{-11.5293, 16.4556, -8.54797},{-10.7412, 11.0034, -8.54797},{-6.28711, 6.03662, -8.54797},{-5.11523, -0.207031, -8.54797},{-2.31592, 0.059082, -8.54797}, {-6.60938, 10.9375, -8.54798},{-3.79102, 15.3828, -8.54797},{-1.40869, 9.45996, -8.54797},{4.83643, 9.38525, -8.54798},{6.54883, 16.8447, -8.54798},{17.1792, 16.8779, -8.54798},{18.6558, 12.4346, -8.54796},{11.4116, 12.3223, -8.54797}, {17.0815, -1.03564, -8.54795},{17.6445, 7.83057, -8.54795},{12.0684, 5.62451, -8.54796},{6.40771, -0.336914, -8.54797},{18.5225, -3.24951, -8.54794},{10.4106, -4.88086, -8.54797},{18.9678, -5.11621, -8.54795},{15.0132, -9.41846, -8.54797}, {19.229, -12.9702, -8.54797},{18.1401, -17.3135, -8.54797},{12.7979, -16.6953, -8.54797},{10.4175, -10.644, -8.54797},{3.59375, -10.3994, -8.54797},{-6.11914, -10.2173, -8.54797},{-1.58887, -3.24854, -8.54797},{1.05908, -6.06445, -8.41193}, {6.52344, -6.16162, -6.48631},{6.49463, -2.95605, -6.48638},{1.44775, -2.56543, -4.70865},{-0.340332, -3.52344, -4.71196},{1.10645, -5.73975, -4.53049},{-4.66699, -6.08008, -4.71196},{0.00292969, -9.32959, -4.71196},{9.73535, -9.15137, -4.71196}, {19.9214, -9.22021, -4.71196},{10.1421, -11.9868, -4.71196},{9.7627, -15.9507, -4.71196},{10.6284, -20.2168, -4.71196},{3.34766, -20.5381, -4.71196},{19.8999, -20.7207, -4.71196},{12.9688, -16.3726, -4.71196},{13.2324, -11.8525, -4.71196}, {20.2856, -11.9814, -4.71196},{20.4248, -18.3496, -4.71196},{2.95996, -11.6206, -4.71196},{2.73047, -17.1885, -4.71196},{-5.40283, 9.23877, -4.71196},{-9.81543, 16.2334, -4.71196},{-10.6807, 20.4995, -4.71196},{-3.40039, 20.8208, -4.71196}, {-19.9521, 21.0034, -4.71196},{-13.0376, 16.7339, -4.71196},{-13.2852, 12.1353, -4.71197},{-20.3379, 12.2646, -4.71197},{-20.6313, 18.7095, -4.71196},{-2.7832, 17.4712, -4.71196},{10.1958, 9.01563, -4.71196},{10.2715, 18.2759, -4.71196}, {17.6753, 9.04053, -4.71196},{22.3677, 9.82715, -4.71195},{22.7207, 3.2085, -4.71196},{22.9219, 18.2563, -4.71197},{13.167, 12.1948, -4.71196},{12.9116, 2.85645, -4.71196},{19.4995, 2.64746, -4.71196},{-8.4165, -0.231934, -4.71196},{-10.0332, -4.74658, -4.71196},{-10.0762, -11.8984, -4.71196},{-14.9414, 0.0893555, -4.71198},{-19.9912, 0.463379, -4.71197},{-19.7349, 5.64502, -4.71196},{-15.3154, 6.4834, -4.71197},{-17.7275, -8.75781, -4.71197}, {-22.4199, -9.54443, -4.71197},{-22.7734, -2.92578, -4.71196},{-22.9746, -17.9731, -4.71196},{-18.1919, -11.6719, -4.71196},{-13.2192, -11.9121, -4.71197},{-13.3613, -18.3237, -4.71196},{-20.4497, -18.6777, -4.71196},{-12.9644, -2.57373, -4.71197},{-20.4927, -5.51855, -4.71196},{-13.6885, -5.87744, -4.71197},{-7.71094, -8.79199, -4.71195},{-9.63867, 3.64355, -4.71196},{-9.84814, 9.17627, -4.71196},{6.52637, -5.89844, -2.67077},{5.37305, -3.07275, -2.67076},{1.4502, -2.56543, -0.860992},{-0.340332, -3.52344, -0.861549},{1.0835, -5.74316, -0.661201},{-4.66699, -6.08008, -0.861549},{0.00292969, -9.32959, -0.861549},{9.73535, -9.15137, -0.861549},{19.9214, -9.22021, -0.861549},{10.1421, -11.9868, -0.861549},{9.7627, -15.9507, -0.861549},{10.6284, -20.2168, -0.861961},{3.34766, -20.5381, -0.861961},{19.8999, -20.7207, -0.861961},{12.9688, -16.3726, -0.861549},{13.2324, -11.8525, -0.861549},{20.2856, -11.9814, -0.861549},{2.95996, -11.6206, -0.861549},{2.73047, -17.1885, -0.861549},{-5.40283, 9.23877, -0.861542},{-19.9736, 9.50293, -0.861549},{-9.81543, 16.2334, -0.861549},{-10.6807, 20.4995, -0.861954},{-3.40039, 20.8208, -0.861961},{-19.9521, 21.0034, -0.861961},{-13.2852, 12.1353, -0.861557},{-20.3379, 12.2646, -0.861557},{-20.6309, 18.7095, -0.861549},{-2.7832, 17.4712, -0.861549},{10.3916, 0.167969, -0.861549},{10.1958, 9.01563, -0.861549},{10.2715, 18.2759, -0.861549},{17.6753, 9.04053, -0.861549},{22.7207, 3.2085, -0.861961},{22.9219, 18.2563, -0.861969},{13.167, 12.1948, -0.861549},{13.3086, 18.6069, -0.861557},{20.397, 18.9609, -0.861549},{12.9116, 2.85645, -0.861549},{-8.4165, -0.231934, -0.861549},{-10.0332, -4.74658, -0.861549},{-10.0762, -11.8984, -0.861549},{-14.9414, 0.0893555, -0.861549},{-19.9912, 0.463379, -0.861557},{-19.7349, 5.64502, -0.861549},{-15.3154, 6.4834, -0.861557},{-17.7275, -8.75781, -0.861557},{-22.4199, -9.54443, -0.861969},{-22.7734, -2.92578, -0.861961},{-22.9746, -17.9731, -0.861961},{-18.1919, -11.6719, -0.861549},{-13.2192, -11.9121, -0.861557},{-20.4497, -18.6777, -0.861549},{-12.9644, -2.57373, -0.861557},{-20.4927, -5.51855, -0.861549},{-13.6885, -5.87744, -0.861557},{-7.71094, -8.79199, -0.861549},{-9.63867, 3.64355, -0.861549},{-9.84814, 9.17627, -0.861549},{6.52637, -5.89844, 1.20007},{1.41357, -2.56543, 3.02898},{-0.340332, -3.52344, 2.98832},{1.13867, -5.74268, 3.12616},{-4.66699, -6.08008, 2.98832},{0.00292969, -9.32959, 2.98832},{9.73535, -9.15137, 2.98832},{19.9214, -9.22021, 2.98832},{10.1421, -11.9868, 2.98832},{9.7627, -15.9507, 2.98832},{10.6284, -20.2168, 2.98804},{3.34766, -20.5381, 2.98804},{19.8999, -20.7207, 2.98804},{12.9688, -16.3726, 2.98832},{13.2324, -11.8525, 2.98832},{20.2856, -11.9814, 2.98832},{2.95996, -11.6206, 2.98832},{2.73047, -17.1885, 2.98832},{-5.40283, 9.23877, 2.98831},{-9.81543, 16.2334, 2.98832},{-10.6807, 20.4995, 2.98804},{-3.40039, 20.8208, 2.98804},{-19.9521, 21.0034, 2.98804},{-13.0215, 16.6553, 2.98832},{-13.2852, 12.1353, 2.9883},{-20.3379, 12.2646, 2.98831},{-20.6309, 18.7095, 2.98832},{-2.7832, 17.4712, 2.98832},{10.3916, 0.167969, 2.98832},{10.1958, 9.01563, 2.98831},{17.6753, 9.04053, 2.98832},{22.3677, 9.82715, 2.98804},{22.7207, 3.2085, 2.98804},{22.9219, 18.2563, 2.98804},{13.167, 12.1948, 2.98832},{13.3086, 18.6069, 2.98831},{20.397, 18.9609, 2.98832},{12.9116, 2.85645, 2.98832},{-8.4165, -0.231934, 2.98832},{-10.0332, -4.74658, 2.98832},{-10.0762, -11.8984, 2.98832},{-14.9414, 0.0893555, 2.98831},{-19.9912, 0.463379, 2.9883},{-19.7349, 5.64502, 2.98831},{-15.3154, 6.4834, 2.98831},{-17.7275, -8.75781, 2.9883},{-22.4199, -9.54443, 2.98803},{-22.7734, -2.92578, 2.98804},{-22.9746, -17.9731, 2.98804},{-18.1919, -11.6719, 2.98832},{-13.2192, -11.9121, 2.9883},{-13.3613, -18.3237, 2.98832},{-20.4497, -18.6777, 2.98832}, {-12.9644, -2.57373, 2.9883},{-20.4927, -5.51855, 2.98831},{-13.6885, -5.87744, 2.9883},{-7.71094, -8.79199, 2.98831},{-9.63867, 3.64355, 2.98832},{-9.84814, 9.17627, 2.98832},{6.52637, -5.89844, 5.03499},{5.37451, -3.07275, 5.03499},{1.44238, -2.56543, 6.85188},{-1.72998, -2.90283, 6.84275},{6.43604, 1.28564, 6.84275},{2.54785, 5.84912, 6.84275},{6.96777, 6.05225, 6.84274},{0.870605, -6.36279, 6.84275},{-2.91455, -6.28906, 6.84276},{-6.34131, -5.70166, 6.84275},{-19.9014, 17.6333, 6.84275},{-0.136719, 18.2393, 6.84275},{20.2183, 18.4702, 6.84274},{19.772, 1.70703, 6.84275},{20.3213, -18.3325, 6.84275},{-0.357422, -18.2578, 6.84275},{-19.8281, -17.7988, 6.84275},{-10.9517, 8.66797, 6.84275},{12.3423, 9.71094, 6.84275},{13.0674, -10.2925, 6.84275},{-10.8975, -10.272, 6.84275},{-15.7603, -13.645, 6.84274},{-15.3594, 13.7183, 6.84275},{15.002, 13.4478, 6.84274},{10.9492, -0.0512695, 6.84275},{16.5737, -13.5898, 6.84275},{0.174316, -8.84229, 6.84275},{0.308105, 9.47021, 6.84275}, {6.5, 1.33887, -4.71196},{6.5, 1.33887, -0.861549},{0.0307617, -13.418, -4.71196},{-0.380859, -18.0088, -4.71196},{-6.49365, -17.8779, -4.71196},{-7.00195, -13.7578, -4.71196}}; }; class land_1: Industrial { positions[] = {{14.0977, 9.27832, -5.30631},{-6.3584, 8.4375, -5.30632},{-14.2788, 8.0957, -5.30632}}; }; class land_2: Industrial { positions[] = {{-8.04541, 6.65527, 4.21223},{-10.0181, -6.0498, 4.38565},{-2.16016, -6.75195, 3.90532},{11.9395, -2.30762, 4.40326}}; }; class Land_A_Crane_02a: Industrial { positions[] = {{3.62939, -0.0185547, 1.38779},{-0.175293, 1.78906, 3.10723},{-2.67627, -0.696289, 3.10723}}; }; class Land_A_Crane_02b: Industrial { positions[] = {{-8.95557, 1.5498, -7.84474},{-8.51416, -1.5332, -7.84474},{-7.96924, -0.438477, -4.98164}}; }; class land_AII_last_floor: Military { positions[] = {{-1.42236, 5.96289, 4.6129},{-4.45508, 3.43555, 5.46183},{-9.89795, 16.1748, 4.61091},{-14.2314, 22.249, 4.61073},{-23.418, -7.18457, 5.45109},{-10.5127, -16.2051, 5.44856},{4.02783, -21.3271, 5.51657},{5.60254, -11.5703, 6.08711},{-10.6987, 10.3369, 5.43586}}; }; class land_AII_upper_part: Military { positions[] = {{-0.750488, -3.58496, -2.31057},{-1.50635, -1.92773, -2.32196},{-3.05322, 2.05176, -2.32196},{0.378418, 3.15332, -2.58292}}; }; class land_cast2: Factories { positions[] = {{1.37793, 13.9932, -4.38393},{-3.45752, 9.15234, -4.38393},{-1.4082, 1.34863, -4.38393},{-4.85156, -8.19824, -4.38392},{1.20654, -10.6094, -4.35677}}; }; class land_chat_tr: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-2.32764, -2.27051, -2.43594},{-2.16992, 2.02734, -2.44564},{1.8208, 1.6084, -2.43839},{1.31689, -2.08301, -2.42417}}; }; class land_dlouhy1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{5.70068, -2.35059, -9.5115},{5.49121, 3.41992, -9.51136},{0.822266, -2.20508, -9.50821},{-1.96729, -5.15625, -9.61368},{-6.39014, -0.860352, -9.50334},{-13.3608, -5.13965, -9.63223},{-15.8569, 0.00292969, -9.49695},{-15.5884, 2.50098, -9.49713},{-3.16211, 2.76758, -9.50551},{-16.2661, 5.7041, -9.49667},{-13.0146, 11.2822, -9.64676},{-11.2837, 9.32715, -9.50003},{-6.62061, 8.62012, -9.50318},{-2.92334, 11.3408, -9.6426},{-6.5415, 6.89844, -9.50323},{-1.61914, 8.95215, -9.50656},{-3.27881, 5.42578, -9.50544},{7.02686, 9.4043, -4.98993},{3.95801, 9.46191, -4.98993},{4.04297, -1.94531, -4.98993},{4.23047, -3.57031, -4.98993},{7.09863, -3.58887, -4.98993},{-2.54053, -2.91406, -4.9898},{-1.96533, -5.15332, -4.99091},{-2.11963, -0.246094, -4.98847},{-9.86523, -1.53223, -4.98911},{-13.3618, -5.04688, -4.99086},{-16.5234, -3.20801, -4.98994},{-15.563, 0.476563, -4.98811},{-15.835, 2.96875, -4.98687},{-8.98828, 2.89844, -4.9869},{-16.7842, 8.56934, -4.98408},{-21.0645, 9.25879, -5.083},{-21.124, -2.26172, -9.49339},{-13.2056, 11.2344, -4.98275},{-11.3857, 9.54883, -4.98359},{-11.3604, 6.49414, -4.98511},{-6.69189, 6.5332, -4.98509},{-3.00049, 11.5479, -4.98259},{-1.6626, 9.27246, -4.98373},{-3.08301, 4.99023, -4.98586},{-3.1626, 2.7666, -4.98697},{11.1074, -1.90234, -4.98936},{13.8535, 2.19141, -4.98732},{16.3271, -2.69238, -4.98975},{24.4204, -2.52832, -4.98967},{26.0439, -5.43164, -4.99111},{28.8101, -0.598633, -4.9887},{18.2666, -0.443359, -4.98863},{11.2856, 2.38184, -4.98722},{11.2876, 6.40527, -4.98521},{11.2593, 9.49609, -4.98367},{14.6904, 9.21094, -4.98382},{15.7583, 11.3447, -4.98275},{19.2959, 9.25195, -4.9838},{19.1582, 6.39746, -4.98522},{19.207, 2.26758, -4.98728},{14.8828, 6.12207, -4.98535},{26.2935, 2.10645, -4.98736},{22.2964, 1.99121, -4.98742},{22.1465, 5.72754, -4.98555},{22.1973, 9.5625, -4.98368},{26.4482, 9.35254, -4.98378},{26.3408, 11.5605, -4.98265},{29.5107, 9.34082, -4.98375}}; }; class land_dr_1: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{0.147461, -0.493164, -1.07508},{-0.343262, 1.92383, -1.08438},{-2.8457, 1.74316, -1.08788},{-2.74463, -0.714844, -1.08217}}; }; class land_dr_2: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-2.56934, 1.46094, -0.997974},{-0.309082, 1.42676, -0.994301},{4.38867, 1.53711, -0.98571},{3.71338, -1.39453, -0.973618},{-0.55957, -2.23242, -0.978878}}; }; class Land_dum_zboreny: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-2.14941, -4.11914, -2.37675},{1.11865, -0.722656, -2.37675},{6.43115, -3.39746, -2.37675},{-5.66455, 4.21875, 1.40812},{-2.62988, -3.42188, 1.40902},{1.98584, -0.769531, 1.39545},{-5.13135, -3.81738, 1.41562}}; }; class Land_dum_zboreny_total: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-4.48975, -2.46582, -2.23949},{-4.82227, 2.27539, -2.31548},{4.70947, 2.34668, -2.33912}}; }; class Land_Fuel_tank_stairs: Industrial { positions[] = {{2.56934, -0.169922, 0.806641}}; }; class land_fuelstation_w: VehicleService { positions[] = {{-0.119141, 1.2666, -2.28589},{4.01611, -3.81641, -2.25437}}; }; class land_hala1: Industrial { positions[] = {{-0.166504, -5.2832, -4.00997},{-0.201172, -0.611328, -4.00996},{0.69873, 4.97949, -4.00997},{5.45996, -3.13867, -3.98352},{-5.16455, 1.19238, -3.98352}}; }; class land_hlaska: Military { positions[] = {{-0.668945, 0.740234, 3.77092}}; }; class land_p1_v1: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-9.48145, 0.251953, 15.7814},{0.390625, 1.25781, 15.7191},{15.5005, 1.01953, 15.7191},{21.3237, 1.90137, 15.7191},{8.04443, 0.874023, 15.7191}}; }; class land_p1_v2: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{13.4614, -0.0595703, 15.8593},{1.31055, 0.222656, 15.8421},{-9.30908, 0.395508, 15.8421},{-22.5, 0.293945, 15.8421}}; }; class land_panelova2: Industrial { positions[] = {{-6.35107, 0.430664, 0.5737},{-6.94727, 4.40137, 0.573704},{-3.82031, 6.3252, 0.573708},{8.93311, 7.03906, 5.67995},{9.54736, 0.0117188, 5.67995},{9.4751, -6.79688, 5.67995},{4.10596, -8.95605, 5.67995},{0.784668, 0.615234, 5.67995}}; }; class land_part1: Factories { positions[] = {{4.9751, 1.4082, -9.1134},{-2.62598, 6.85938, -9.1134},{-3.95654, 0.295898, -9.1134},{0.0849609, 1.74512, -8.23541},{2.55811, -3.95996, -8.23301},{0.67627, -6.23047, -9.26768},{1.84277, 3.89648, -4.40201},{0.464355, 1.73926, -4.402},{-3.25732, 3.24512, -4.402},{4.19775, 6.86621, 1.93876},{4.68311, 1.04492, 1.93857},{1.90576, -2.84375, 1.93798},{-3.38428, -3.04883, 1.93808},{-4.19727, 5.19922, 1.93821},{4.229, 6.31934, 6.62016},{-0.125977, 6.64355, 6.59703},{5.11279, -1.55957, 6.60015},{-0.223145, -1.92969, 6.57503}}; }; class land_part2: Factories { positions[] = {{-2.98682, 4.24805, -9.86775},{-2.99121, -4.69824, -9.86775},{1.0835, -4.15332, -9.86775},{0.568848, 1.96582, -9.86775},{4.81738, 0.119141, -9.86775},{-4.07275, -0.433594, -9.86775}}; }; class land_part3: Industrial { positions[] = {{4.30029, 3.23242, -9.7823},{-3.11182, -2.9668, -9.7823},{-0.620117, -6.25684, -9.7823},{-2.61475, 3.61328, -9.12671},{4.63379, -3.71582, -9.27485}}; }; class land_provoz1: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{4.17432, 3.20996, -2.30756},{0.660156, 3.69727, -2.30756},{-2.80078, 3.64648, -2.30756},{-1.63428, 1.08496, -2.30756},{-3.64258, -3.09863, -2.30756},{2.36084, -3.6875, -2.30756},{1.75781, -1.48926, -2.30756},{-3.27539, -0.850586, -2.30756}}; }; class land_provoz2: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-2.72998, -1.48828, -2.51849},{-6.00488, 2.05078, -2.51849},{-1.47021, 2.41113, -2.51849},{3.66016, 2.57715, -2.51849},{6.47559, -1.25293, -2.51849},{1.4043, -0.520508, -2.51849}}; }; class Land_Rail_Semafor: Industrial { positions[] = {{-1.13672, -2.11914, -3.09424}}; }; class Land_Rail_Zavora: Industrial { positions[] = {{0.853516, 1.24902, -3.00996}}; }; class Land_sara_domek_ruina: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{3.23682, -3.85547, -1.6696},{-2.26611, -3.51855, -1.69232},{5.66895, 1.35547, -1.68663}}; }; class Land_seb_bouda_plech: VehicleService { positions[] = {{0.272949, 1.15723, -1.14411},{0.612793, -1.32129, -1.13259}}; }; class land_seb_main_fac: Industrial { positions[] = {{20.2397, -6.28809, -6.0019},{20.1323, -0.277344, -6.0019},{14.7222, -0.286133, -6.00189},{8.71826, -3.16699, -6.0019},{2.87354, -6.94336, -6.0019},{3.64453, 15.7803, 8.63872},{8.84375, 11.8525, 8.63873},{20.7271, 13.3164, 8.63872},{22.0767, 5.18555, 8.63872},{12.668, 4.78711, 8.63873},{3.85889, 3.99121, 8.63872},{9.89307, 16.2549, 4.16873},{14.1387, 17.6328, 4.16873},{20.1953, 21.2832, 4.16873},{-2.13281, 4.35645, 4.16873},{-7.08203, 3.02637, 4.16873},{-5.4502, 11.6123, 4.16873},{-26.3335, -2.50879, 5.78507},{-21.8853, -21.4766, 6.62068},{-11.1016, -7.77637, 5.5584}}; }; class land_seb_mine_near_bordel: Industrial { positions[] = {{-2.35742, 1.12402, -1.5913},{2.18848, 1.50977, -1.58464}}; }; class land_seb_nadrze: Industrial { positions[] = {{-1.71924, 7.23828, -1.99941},{0.884766, 7.42383, -1.99976},{1.90088, 2.84473, -1.98533},{2.104, -2.93262, -1.96194},{-1.94531, -7.37988, -1.96484}}; }; class Land_vys_budova_p1: Military { positions[] = {{4.67285, -9.89844, -2.95578},{2.59277, -11.4277, -2.9579},{1.34326, -4.62988, -2.95771},{-1.03125, -10.8135, -2.96087},{0.00537109, 3.47266, -2.96087},{3.87695, -1.25293, -2.96087},{2.09131, 9.34766, -2.96236},{0.953125, 6.55859, -2.96087},{-5.84521, 9.24023, -2.96087},{-5.76367, 2.80469, -2.96087},{-6.62109, -2.30859, -2.97414},{-2.52734, -6.43262, -2.96087},{-5.80176, -11.4531, -2.96087},{-3.37793, -3.25098, -2.96087},{-1.10059, 4.71582, -0.407818},{-1.08496, -1.66895, -0.407818},{-0.66748, 4.49902, 2.12336},{1.89697, -1.58594, 2.12336},{0.874512, -0.941406, 5.54735},{-3.29443, -1.69629, 5.59869},{2.32715, -8.84766, 5.59121},{3.23828, 1.57617, 5.59121},{-0.154297, 8.67871, 5.59121},{-5.93896, 2.6543, 5.59121},{-6.43848, -11.2549, 5.59121},{-2.58008, 3.24707, 5.59869}}; }; class land_Mi8_Crashed: Military { positions[] = {{1.96582, -5.91016, -1.93351},{2.27588, -3.44238, -1.94127},{-0.348633, -4.37793, -1.73772},{-2.43164, -3.96484, -1.96016}}; }; class Land_ns_jbad_A_GeneralStore_01: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-1.95898, 3.79395, -1.20155},{0.864746, 3.93359, -1.20155},{3.40576, 3.81543, -1.20155},{5.2002, 3.82813, -1.20155},{10.1587, 3.05371, -1.20155},{10.1592, 0.866211, -1.20154},{5.89063, 0.604492, -1.20155},{3.96387, 0.604492, -1.20155},{1.83594, 0.631836, -1.20155},{-0.505371, 0.662109, -1.20155},{5.79248, -4.14746, -1.20155},{12.71, -3.49316, -1.20155},{2.54541, -6.17969, -1.20155},{-1.36865, -5.91016, -1.20155},{-5.46875, -5.92871, -1.20154},{-9.01465, -6.27441, -1.20155},{0.26123, -7.33691, -1.20155},{12.2588, -7.87207, -1.20155},{-9.2002, -3.20605, -1.20155},{0.37207, -1.16309, -1.20155}}; }; class Land_ns_Jbad_A_Stationhouse: Military { positions[] = {{-6.93945, -7.13867, -9.46536},{-12.9404, 0.662109, -9.46536},{-6.33008, 1.7041, -9.46536},{-5.67383, -1.94531, -9.46537},{-7.77002, -4.62207, -9.46536},{-6.93506, 4.94922, -9.46536},{-5.90967, 7.74707, -9.46536},{-11.2642, 8.73242, -9.46536},{-12.208, 5.63574, -9.46536},{-14.3066, 6.98828, -9.46536},{-16.7954, 2.97461, -9.46536},{-17.332, -5.8457, -9.46536},{-14.6265, -5.30664, -9.46536},{-2.13672, -3.03613, -9.46536},{-2.03516, 2.78516, -9.46536},{-1.91406, 7.15527, -9.46536},{-8.48096, -6.48535, -6.77364},{-15.7749, -7.71777, -6.77364},{-17.375, -3.10254, -6.77364},{-17.0884, 6.61523, -6.77364},{-12.9873, 6.54883, -6.77364},{-9.61328, 6.80469, -6.77364},{-5.8584, 6.69141, -6.77364},{-2.31299, 6.87305, -6.77364},{-1.86133, -3.58105, -6.77364},{-7.43652, -3.58691, -6.77364},{-14.3545, -7.84277, -3.6493},{-16.6865, -7.78711, -3.6493},{-16.7388, 7.72949, -3.6493},{-13.9004, 7.69336, -3.6493},{-9.65723, 8.08789, -3.6493},{-6.38184, 7.78809, -3.6493},{-3.146, 8.21387, -3.6493},{-9.59473, -3.41113, -3.6493},{-6.93213, -3.34473, -3.6493},{-16.2041, 0.322266, -3.6493},{1.34912, -2.77832, -4.50294},{4.82324, -0.526367, -4.50294},{2.17676, -7.55664, -4.50269},{12.9829, -7.05371, -4.50269},{-9.396, -6.19141, -0.502689},{-15.7285, -6.89355, -0.502689},{-16.8872, 1.82227, -0.502689},{-11.0439, 2.58887, -0.502689},{-4.49365, 2.33301, -0.502686},{-1.93701, -7.98535, 8.49731},{-3.91748, -7.66309, 8.49731}}; }; class Land_ns_jbad_hangar_2: Industrial { positions[] = {{12.8218, -8.23438, -2.56319},{13.3193, -2.53516, -2.56318},{13.2275, 3.03223, -2.56319},{13.4185, 9.16797, -2.56319},{1.84619, 4.42578, -2.56319},{0.273438, -1.96875, -2.56319},{0.223633, -7.3418, -2.56319},{-12.1475, -4.97363, -2.56319},{-12.7822, 0.652344, -2.56319},{-12.5186, 5.44141, -2.56319},{0.0429688, 9.13281, -2.56319}}; }; class Land_ns_Jbad_Ind_Garage01: Industrial { positions[] = {{-1.56641, 2.76855, -0.70237},{-1.72363, -1.36328, -0.71067},{0.694824, 0.235352, -0.710865}}; }; class Land_ns_Jbad_Ind_PowerStation: Industrial { positions[] = {{3.79004, 7.35742, -0.0734406},{3.93555, 2.98242, -0.0776749},{3.91504, -1.97852, -0.0574455}}; }; class Land_ns_Jbad_Mil_Barracks: Military { positions[] = {{6.04395, -3.20898, -1.9798},{2.90332, -3.1416, -1.9798},{-0.803223, -2.35547, -1.9798},{-4.16357, -2.34473, -1.9798},{-7.53955, -2.92383, -1.9798},{-7.5293, 3.27734, -1.9798},{-4.19482, 3.24609, -1.9798},{-0.518066, 3.81543, -1.9798},{2.29834, 3.09668, -1.9798},{5.45459, 3.01172, -1.9798},{-5.80371, 0.0537109, -1.9798}}; }; class Land_ns_Jbad_Mil_ControlTower: Military { positions[] = {{8.93896, -2.4834, -9.58517},{3.74316, -2.73535, -9.58517},{4.68555, 1.06152, -9.58517},{9.20117, 5.04199, -9.62869},{4.0332, 4.7168, -5.4637},{3.02783, -0.135742, -1.0687},{6.95605, -1.1377, -1.0687},{6.04004, 2.51367, -1.0687},{3.03564, 1.75488, -1.0687},{0.952148, 5.11426, -9.6287},{-9.42725, -0.114258, -9.58517},{0.900391, 2.07813, -9.60597},{8.31592, 0.0869141, -9.58517},{0.416504, -3.0166, -1.05692},{6.09424, -3.65527, -1.05692},{9.68945, 0.405273, -1.05692},{6.51074, 5.625, -1.05692},{6.03662, 3.22949, 2.80917},{3.48291, -0.34375, 2.87234}}; }; class Land_ns_Jbad_Mil_Guardhouse: Military { positions[] = {{-2.66943, 3.2793, -1.66939},{4.04395, 3.66309, -1.66939},{2.69775, 0.196289, -1.66939},{-1.37598, 3.42188, -1.66939}}; }; class Land_ns_Jbad_Mil_Guardhouse_winter: Military { positions[] = {{-3.30664, 2.98242, -1.66938},{3.49316, 3.70313, -1.66939},{-0.645996, 3.14551, -1.66939},{3.88818, 0.946289, -1.66939},{-0.267578, -0.269531, -1.66939}}; }; class Land_ns_Jbad_Mil_House: Military { positions[] = {{-1.65674, -5.99219, -5.01462},{8.46973, 4.03516, -5.01462},{7.90967, -5.97266, -5.01463},{5.9165, -7.05273, -5.01463},{2.89111, -6.42676, -5.01462},{1.23682, -5.16504, -5.01462},{1.60205, -2.2207, -5.01462},{1.66943, 3.78125, -5.01463},{13.2617, -0.860352, -5.01462},{13.748, -2.25781, -5.01462},{5.44238, -2.89844, -5.01462},{-1.61182, 3.02344, -0.672493},{-13.0781, 1.9209, -0.696548},{-12.4023, -1.39258, -0.696548},{-13.8862, -4.80859, -0.696548},{-5.20605, -5.17773, -0.696548},{-5.49072, -2.76758, -0.696552},{-5.40479, 0.0078125, -0.696552},{-6.08154, 4.5918, -0.696545},{-4.62744, 0.244141, -5.01463},{-4.49658, -2.52246, -5.01463},{-4.56055, -4.71387, -5.01462},{-4.76465, -7.3584, -5.01462},{-13.5967, -7.61621, -5.01462},{-13.7686, -4.79199, -5.01462},{-13.9316, -1.64355, -5.01462},{-14.3921, 1.50488, -5.01462},{-5.47559, 4.78711, -5.01462},{-8.73828, -3.43945, -5.01462}}; }; class Land_UWreck_Heli_Attack_02_F: Military { positions[] = {{-1.17383, 8.0918, -2.79785}, {2.92285, -9.17188, -2.77692}, {3.7041, 0.40918, -2.84418}, {-0.260742, -9.69434, -2.67627}, {2.69434, 7.49609, -2.72632}, {1.69922, 10.1006, -2.71313}, {6.04102, 1.19434, -2.90607}, {4.15332, -3.63574, -2.86328}, {0.224609, 4.14941, -2.80768}, {-1.55957, 1.5957, -2.79156}, {-3.49121, 5.05664, -2.82739}, {2.37891, -5.42676, -2.78564}, {-4.07129, -2.78711, -2.71198}, {-1.16895, -6.24023, -2.71613}, {6.19141, -1.70313, -2.93707}, {2.27148, 3.82129, -2.76392}, {-0.84082, -0.824219, -2.7915}, {-4.71973, 1.80469, -2.78058}, {2.14648, -1.65723, -2.79163}}; }; class Land_LifeguardTower_01_F: Tourist { positions[] = {{-0.498047, -0.222656, 1.13312}}; }; class Land_LightHouse_F: Tourist { positions[] = {{-5.74805, 11.0859, -3.75002}, {0.789063, -2.94336, -11.0953}, {1.07813, -2.83008, 5.39755}}; }; class Land_Lighthouse_small_F: Tourist { positions[] = {{-0.369141, 1.18555, -3.39546}, {4.32617, -0.462891, -3.39546}}; }; class Land_Castle_01_tower_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-1.66602, 0.603516, 7.94255}, {-1.99023, -1.70508, -1.0866}, {-2.14453, 2.73633, -3.95897}, {0.164063, 1.33203, -9.47995}, {1.14844, -1.18359, 7.94255}, {2.06641, 2.66992, -6.67494}, {2.15039, -1.89063, 1.70487}, {2.27344, 2.70703, 4.42336}}; }; class Land_TentHangar_V1_F: Military { positions[] = {{-8.1582, -2.20703, -4.08853}, {-8.1582, 6.85547, -4.08853}, {-8.52734, -7.57227, -4.08853}, {7.76953, -7.64453, -4.08853}, {8.16016, 1.89453, -4.08853}, {8.57617, 7.48438, -4.08853}}; }; class Land_Airport_Tower_F: Military { positions[] = {{-0.363281, 6.25586, -10.4415}, {-0.636719, -2.08203, -1.4408}, {-0.638672, 2.21875, -4.44063}, {-0.705078, 1.94336, -7.44128}, {-0.751953, 5.2793, 1.55464}, {-1.10742, -4.67578, 2.25613}}; }; class Land_Cargo_House_V1_F: Military { positions[] = {{-1.38281, 3.12109, 0.040287}, {1.24805, 2.54102, 0.0402873}}; }; class Land_Cargo_House_V3_F: Military { positions[] = {{-2.0918, 1.58984, -0.0957484}, {1.11914, 3.17969, 0.0402873}}; }; class Land_Cargo_House_V4_F: Military { positions[] = {{-1.38281, 3.12109, 0.040287}, {1.24805, 2.54102, 0.0402873}}; }; class Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F: Military { positions[] = {{-0.294922, -3.42188, -3.27229}, {-1.46484, 3.26172, -3.27229}, {-2.02734, -2.62891, -0.747443}, {4.24609, 1.51758, -0.747443}, {4.98633, 3.64844, -3.27229}}; }; class Land_Cargo_HQ_V2_F: Military { positions[] = {{-1.25586, 1.48828, -0.747442}, {-1.50391, -2.52148, -3.27229}, {-1.50391, 2.67773, -3.27229}, {-1.9043, -4.61133, -0.747442}, {5.35156, 1.64648, -0.747442}, {5.5332, 3.30859, -3.27229}}; }; class Land_Cargo_HQ_V3_F: Military { positions[] = {{-1.56641, -2.93164, -0.747444}, {-1.81641, -4.90234, -3.27229}, {-1.89648, 0.654297, -3.27229}, {4.65234, 2.41602, -3.27229}, {5.24805, 1.60742, -0.747444}}; }; class Land_Cargo_HQ_V4_F: Military { positions[] = {{-1.56641, -2.93164, -0.747444}, {-1.81641, -4.90234, -3.27229}, {-1.89648, 0.654297, -3.27229}, {4.65234, 2.41602, -3.27229}, {5.24805, 1.60742, -0.747444}}; }; class Land_u_Barracks_V2_F: Military { positions[] = {{9.75244, -1.66211, 1.43508}, {9.70215, -1.77148, -1.89791}, {-5.31592, -2.94531, -1.89791}, {-16.0903, 1.21094, -1.8979}, {6.95557, 4.13867, -1.89791}, {-14.6865, -2.08008, -1.89791}, {-3.89746, 3.95898, -1.89791}, {0.0639648, -2.16406, 1.43507}, {2.74951, 4.44336, 1.43507}, {2.84521, 4.22461, -1.89791}, {-12.3584, 4.30469, 1.43508}, {-12.1733, 4.46875, -1.89791}, {-16.123, 1.125, 1.43507}, {0.137695, -1.90625, -1.89791}, {-14.585, -1.94336, 1.43508}, {-5.88818, -3.99609, 1.43507}, {-3.96143, 4.37109, 1.43508}, {6.89014, 4.32227, 1.43507}}; }; class Land_i_Barracks_V2_F: Military { positions[] = {{-0.505859, 3.2168, 0.605521}, {-0.601563, 3.07617, 3.9395}, {-11.0234, -2.65625, 0.60552}, {-11.1328, -3.58398, 3.9395}, {-12.377, 0.271484, 3.9395}, {-2.39453, -3.92773, 0.605342}, {-5.09766, -4.89844, 3.93943}, {-8.69922, 3.24414, 3.9395}, {-9.12695, 3.73047, 0.60552}, {10.3711, 3.51367, 0.605521}, {10.6484, 2.85156, 3.9395}, {13.0684, -3.30469, 0.605521}, {13.1934, -3.42383, 3.9395}, {3.28711, -3.98633, 0.605521}, {3.4707, -3.55469, 3.9395}, {6.22852, 3.50391, 3.9395}, {6.39258, 3.05664, 0.605521}}; }; class Land_i_Barracks_V1_F: Military { positions[] = {{-0.464844, 3.49219, 0.605521}, {-0.476563, 3.95703, 3.9395}, {-10.4844, -3.32422, 3.9395}, {-11.1055, -2.92188, 0.605521}, {-12.3066, 0.222656, 0.605521}, {-2.29688, -4.23828, 0.605283}, {-3.89648, -4.80078, 3.93923}, {-8.66992, 3.86328, 0.605521}, {-9.03516, 3.31055, 3.9395}, {10.3301, 2.77734, 0.605521}, {10.4023, 3.18945, 3.9395}, {13.0352, -3.23438, 3.9395}, {13.1738, -3.31055, 0.605521}, {3.57227, -3.49414, 0.605522}, {3.61133, -2.98047, 3.9395}, {6.38281, 3.41992, 0.60552}, {6.4082, 2.87695, 3.9395}}; }; class Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F: Military { positions[] = {{-1.6875, -1.03906, -0.55952}, {1.73828, -1.17383, -0.55952}}; }; class Land_Cargo_Patrol_V2_F : Military { positions[] = {{-1.01953, -1.0918, -0.55952}, {1.82031, -0.695313, -0.55952}}; }; class Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_F : Military { positions[] = {{-3.54785, -3.01758, 2.47987},{-3.15625, -0.837891, 5.00472},{-2.0498, -3.29883, -0.120125},{4.55957, 4.39258, -0.120125},{-4.42383, 2.45117, -0.120125},{-2.87598, 2.20898, -4.2958},{-2.88281, 4.14258, 5.00472},{0.235352, -1.19727, 5.07987},{3.58105, 4.11719, 2.47988},{1.27441, 3.17773, -8.24333},{2.50488, 0.0625, 5.00472}}; }; class Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No1_F: Military { positions[] = {{-2.4668, -4.10156, 5.00471}, {-2.7168, 1.0625, -0.120123}, {-2.83984, -2.95313, 2.47987}, {-3.06641, -2.66992, -0.120123}, {-3.12109, 2.42773, -4.2958}, {-3.16211, 4.51563, 5.00471}, {1.26367, 2.49609, -8.24333}, {2.25195, 4.30664, -0.120123}, {3.34766, 3.33203, 2.47987}, {3.66797, 1.8457, 5.00471}}; }; class Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No2_F : Military { positions[] = {{-2.71289, 3.0957, -0.120123}, {-2.83203, 5.06445, 5.00472}, {-3.48633, 2.28906, -4.2958}, {-3.64844, -2.87891, 2.47988}, {-3.77344, -3.32617, 5.00472}, {-3.80664, -1.75977, -0.120123}, {0.0625, -0.287109, 5.07988}, {1.58984, -2.11523, -0.120123}, {2.13672, 2.20703, -8.24332}, {3.57422, 4.22461, 2.47988}, {3.75, 1.31055, 5.00472}, {4.98633, 3.90625, -0.120123}}; }; class Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No3_F : Military { positions[] = {{-0.214844, -0.460938, 5.07988}, {-2.33203, -2.96094, -0.120119}, {-2.89648, -4.0625, 5.00472}, {-3.08008, -2.8125, 2.47988}, {-3.28711, 2.60352, -4.2958}, {-3.61328, 4.44141, 5.00472}, {-4.01758, 1.86133, -0.120119}, {1.54688, 2.61133, -8.24332}, {3.52734, 3.8418, 2.47988}, {3.5332, -0.386719, 5.00472}, {4.88477, 4.18945, -0.120119}}; }; class Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No4_F : Military { positions[] = {{-2.68555, -3.07031, -0.120119}, {-2.93359, -4.27148, 5.00472}, {-3.22461, 4.84375, 5.00472}, {-3.6543, 1.57227, -4.2958}, {-3.70508, -3.0332, 2.47988}, {-4.26367, 0.980469, -0.120119}, {2.1543, 2.08789, -8.24332}, {3.46289, 2.25781, 2.47988}, {3.62305, 2.16797, 5.00472}, {5.10156, 4.20898, -0.120119}}; }; class Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No5_F: Military { positions[] = {{-2.25781, -2.77344, -0.120119}, {-2.375, -4.45508, 5.00472}, {-2.41602, 5.18164, 5.00472}, {-2.94922, 2.4082, -4.2958}, {-3.89648, -2.7832, 2.47988}, {-4.03906, 1.43945, -0.120119}, {0.0410156, -0.8125, 5.07988}, {1.62305, 2.55664, -8.24332}, {2.97461, -0.335938, 5.00472}, {3.90039, 3.68555, 2.47988}, {4.80859, 3.57422, -0.120117}}; }; class Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No6_F: Military { positions[] = {{-1.6875, -2.5918, -0.120119}, {-3.16992, -3.74219, 5.00472}, {-3.41797, 1.87305, -0.120119}, {-3.49805, 2.06836, -4.2958}, {-3.81055, 4.59766, 5.00472}, {-3.92969, -2.12109, 2.47988}, {1.92578, 2.27344, -8.24332}, {3.50195, 2.76563, 2.47988}, {3.64258, 0.0078125, 5.00472}, {5.19141, 4.45117, -0.120119}}; }; class Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No7_F: Military { positions[] = {{-2.59766, -3.14063, -0.120119}, {-2.7832, 1.94531, -4.2958}, {-2.83203, 1.58594, -0.120119}, {-3.20508, 4.62891, 5.00472}, {-3.29883, -2.90234, 5.00472}, {-3.87891, -3.11914, 2.47988}, {0.228516, -1.05273, 5.07988}, {1.65234, 2.58594, -8.24332}, {3.40039, 3.05859, 2.47988}, {4.18164, 0.246094, 5.00472}, {4.42578, 3.99805, -0.120119}}; }; class Land_Cargo_Tower_V2_F : Military { positions[] = {{4.29492, 3.70508, -0.120117}, {-2.5293, -3.10742, 2.47988}, {-2.6543, 2.01172, -4.2958}, {-2.66797, -3.4707, 5.00472}, {-2.67773, 4.97461, 5.00472}, {-3.06836, 1.80273, -0.120117}, {-3.25586, -3.56445, -0.120117}, {0.611328, 0.0214844, 5.07988}, {2.46094, 1.92383, -8.24332}, {2.61328, -0.296875, 2.47988}, {3.07422, 4.14063, 2.47988}, {3.50195, 1.22656, 5.00472}}; }; class Land_Cargo_Tower_V3_F: Military { positions[] = {{-1.59375, -2.7168, -0.120119}, {-2.40039, 2.39648, -4.2958}, {-3.24023, -3.17773, 5.00472}, {-3.51367, 4.57617, 5.00472}, {-3.70703, -3.60547, 2.47988}, {-4.54883, 2.47266, -0.120119}, {0.142578, -0.179688, 5.07988}, {2.2793, 2.25391, -8.24332}, {3.87109, 3.3418, 2.47988}, {4.22656, 0.390625, 5.00472}, {5.05469, 4.16406, -0.120119}}; }; class Land_Cargo_Tower_V4_F: Military { positions[] = {{-1.59375, -2.7168, -0.120119}, {-2.40039, 2.39648, -4.2958}, {-3.24023, -3.17773, 5.00472}, {-3.51367, 4.57617, 5.00472}, {-3.70703, -3.60547, 2.47988}, {-4.54883, 2.47266, -0.120119}, {0.142578, -0.179688, 5.07988}, {2.2793, 2.25391, -8.24332}, {3.87109, 3.3418, 2.47988}, {4.22656, 0.390625, 5.00472}, {5.05469, 4.16406, -0.120119}}; }; class Land_Medevac_house_V1_F: Medical { positions[] = {{-1.25, 1.01367, -0.105749}, {1.38281, 2.82227, 0.0302868}}; }; class Land_Medevac_HQ_V1_F: Medical { positions[] = {{-0.896484, 2.24219, -3.26622}, {-1.45898, -3.75391, -3.26622}, {-1.54297, 1.05469, -0.741375}, {5.17578, 2.66992, -3.26622}, {5.6875, 1.63477, -0.741374}}; }; class Land_FuelStation_Build_F: VehicleService { positions[] = {{-1.02344, -0.509766, -1.33601}, {2.07617, 0.580078, -1.3361}}; }; class Land_i_Garage_V1_F: VehicleService { positions[] = {{-0.925781, 2.05469, -0.0974805}, {-1.52539, -1.99805, -0.0974805}, {3.80273, -0.939453, -0.0974805}}; }; class Land_i_Garage_V2_F: VehicleService { positions[] = {{-0.00585938, -1.24609, -0.0974801}, {-2.16016, 1.54492, -0.0974798}, {1.60547, 2.11719, -0.0974803}, {3.2832, -1.51953, -0.0974796}}; }; class Land_CarService_F: VehicleService { positions[] = {{-0.964844, 1.77148, -1.25606}, {-3.15625, 7.39844, -1.25606}, {-4.54688, 4, -1.25606}, {0.492188, 2.8457, -1.25606}, {3.50781, -0.113281, -1.25606}, {3.74414, 6.12891, -1.25606}}; }; class Land_Chapel_Small_V1_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{0.482422, 0.65625, -0.867858}, {3.08984, -1.2832, -0.867858}}; }; class Land_Chapel_Small_V2_F : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{0.556641, -0.966797, -0.867857}, {3.54297, 0.486328, -0.867857}}; }; class Land_Chapel_V1_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-3.22852, -3.4043, -2.80848}, {-3.65625, 2.8418, -2.80848}, {-6.47266, -2.20703, -2.80848}, {3.98438, 2.72852, -2.80848}, {4.73242, -2.59375, -2.80848}, {9.35938, -0.285156, -2.60848}}; }; class Land_Chapel_V2_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-2.36523, 2.46289, -2.80848}, {-3.06445, -2, -2.80848}, {-6.61328, -1.54688, -2.80848}, {4.75781, 3.67383, -2.80848}, {4.82813, -2.96484, -2.80848}, {9.03711, 0.316406, -2.60848}}; }; class Land_Church_01_V1_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-4.36719, -5.81055, -5.46942}, {-4.46875, -2.23633, -5.74363}, {-4.54492, 1.57422, -5.74363}, {-4.8125, 5.58789, -5.49442}, {3.00781, -5.92969, -6.44017}, {4.19141, 5.77148, -6.44865}}; }; class Land_i_Addon_03_V1_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-2.98828, -0.244141, -0.0501008}, {3.53711, -0.578125, -0.0501013}}; }; class Land_i_Addon_04_V1_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-1.25, 0.0175781, 0.0796976}}; }; class Land_u_Addon_01_V1_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{1.69727, 3.04102, 0.0627024}, {4.28125, 1.1543, 0.0627022}}; }; class Land_i_Windmill01_F : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-0.585938, 0.908203, -3.53162}}; }; class Land_d_Windmill01_F : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-0.935547, 0.259766, -2.2985}, {-1.65039, 0.365234, 0.947132}}; }; class Land_Slum_House01_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{0.767578, 0.773438, -1.07847}}; }; class Land_Slum_House02_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{1.13867, 2.50391, -0.798099}, {1.59375, -0.0566406, -0.798099}}; }; class Land_Slum_House03_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-1.29688, 0.566406, -1.07377}, {2.27148, 1.125, -1.07377}}; }; class Land_cargo_house_slum_F : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-3.04688, -0.306641, -0.36025}}; }; class Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V1_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-0.777344, 2.19922, 1.21893}, {-1.33789, 0.355469, -1.65434}, {1.58594, -0.576172, 1.21893}, {3.7793, 1.48828, -1.64097}}; }; class Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V2_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-0.207031, 2.62305, 1.21893}, {-1.26953, 0.136719, -1.65416}, {2.55078, -0.556641, 1.21893}, {4.26367, 1.48828, -1.63971}}; }; class Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V3_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-0.484375, 2.57617, 1.21893}, {-0.759766, 0.404297, -1.65283}, {2.29102, -1.02539, 1.21893}, {4.02734, 1.1543, -1.64032}}; }; class Land_i_Stone_HouseSmall_V1_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-3.47656, 2.25195, -0.627007}, {-6.96094, 3.02539, -0.619827}, {3.27148, 2.02734, -0.611488}, {6.61914, 2.50977, -0.596566}}; }; class Land_i_Stone_HouseSmall_V2_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-2.41992, 1.76758, -0.632064}, {-7.00391, 1.83594, -0.633547}, {3.77148, 2.05664, -0.609262}, {7.33008, 2.02539, -0.593399}}; }; class Land_i_Stone_HouseSmall_V3_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-2.68945, 2.05664, -0.628867}, {-7.74023, 3.45313, -0.615288}, {3.60938, 1.61328, -0.609982}, {6.83984, 3.07227, -0.595582}}; }; class Land_i_Stone_Shed_V1_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-2.63867, 1.96484, -0.100502}, {1.19141, 2.16992, -0.100502}}; }; class Land_i_Stone_Shed_V2_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-2.12305, 1.86914, -0.100502}, {1.78125, 1.625, -0.100502}}; }; class Land_i_Stone_Shed_V3_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-2.3125, 2.05469, -0.100502}, {1.79297, 1.93359, -0.100502}}; }; class Land_u_House_Big_01_V1_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-1.89648, 6.0332, 0.855065}, {-2.35742, 5.4082, -2.56494}, {-2.89648, -3.33203, 0.855065}, {-3.0957, -0.896484, -2.65494}, {1.25, -1.31445, -2.56494}, {2.0293, -0.521484, 0.855065}, {2.36523, 5.47461, -2.56493}, {2.95117, 5.49609, 0.855065}, {2.99023, -5.02734, 0.855065}, {3.58789, -4.98828, -2.56494}}; }; class Land_u_House_Big_02_V1_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-2.43164, 2.83008, 0.965823}, {-2.70703, -2.07422, 0.965824}, {-2.88281, 1.88086, -2.54418}, {0.871094, -1.66016, -2.54418}, {2.41602, 3.00977, 0.965824}, {3.66992, -5.79883, -2.10418}, {3.9082, 3.56055, -2.54418}}; }; class Land_u_House_Small_01_V1_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-1.18359, 3.63281, -0.904629}, {-1.7793, -2.59961, -0.903945}, {3.25195, 3.44531, -0.904572}}; }; class Land_u_House_Small_02_V1_F: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = {{-0.916016, -2.17969, -0.71971}, {-1.49609, 0.962891, -0.714579}, {3.83203, 1.15234, -0.713537}, {5.80469, -1.7207, -0.710968}}; }; class Land_i_House_Big_01_V1_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-2.21484, 5.46875, -2.56493}, {-3.24023, -1.5918, -2.65493}, {0.558594, -0.640625, 0.855072}, {1.24023, -1.98828, -2.56493}, {1.66602, -5.2832, 0.855072}, {2.19531, 5.19922, -2.56493}, {2.4375, 5.01172, 0.855076}, {2.87305, -5.01758, -2.56493}}; }; class Land_i_House_Big_01_V2_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-2.05078, 5.41016, 0.855071}, {-2.11133, 5.51758, -2.56493}, {-3.19531, -1.45117, -2.65493}, {0.328125, 0.283203, -2.56493}, {0.759766, -1.29688, 0.855071}, {1.27539, -5.21484, 0.855071}, {2.25195, -4.56445, -2.56493}, {3.68359, 5.18359, 0.855071}}; }; class Land_i_House_Big_01_V3_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-2.78125, 5.69336, -2.56493}, {-2.7832, 5.31055, 0.855072}, {-2.78906, 0.654297, 0.855072}, {-3.03906, -1.11133, -2.65493}, {0.675781, -1.29883, -2.56493}, {1.61133, -0.865234, 0.855072}, {2.51758, 5.85938, 0.855072}, {2.65625, -4.94531, -2.56493}, {2.99414, -5.15625, 0.855073}, {3.16211, 5.16406, -2.56493}}; }; class Land_i_House_Big_02_V1_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-1.69141, -2.51172, 0.784063}, {-2.58789, 3.63672, 0.784063}, {-2.86914, 2.97266, -2.62327}, {1.15234, -1.65625, -2.62327}, {2.55273, 1.625, 0.784063}, {3.08203, 2.11914, -2.62327}, {3.33594, -5.625, -2.28594}}; }; class Land_i_House_Big_02_V2_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-2.08789, -2.46484, 0.784063}, {-2.54688, 2.53906, -2.62327}, {-3.01758, 3.12109, 0.784063}, {1.11328, -1.46289, -2.62327}, {2.68945, 2.03711, 0.784063}, {3.02734, 2.27344, -2.62327}, {3.26367, -5.55273, -2.28594}}; }; class Land_i_House_Big_02_V3_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-2.50391, -2.10742, -2.62327}, {-3.00781, 3.68164, 0.784063}, {-3.0957, 2.57227, -2.62327}, {-3.31055, -2.88867, 0.784063}, {1.26953, -1.73438, -2.62327}, {2.40234, 2.26953, -2.62327}, {2.89844, 2.11719, 0.784064}, {3.26758, -5.52734, -2.28594}}; }; class Land_i_House_Small_01_V1_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-1.2207, 3.05078, -1.0419}, {-2.74414, -0.560547, -1.04199}, {3.06641, -1.90234, -1.0404}, {3.35547, 2.94336, -1.04187}}; }; class Land_i_House_Small_01_V2_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-2.53711, -1.80664, -1.0418}, {-3.90625, 3.26367, -1.04239}, {3.31836, -1.31641, -1.04058}, {3.38672, 3.78906, -1.04213}}; }; class Land_i_House_Small_01_V3_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-0.738281, 3.17578, -1.04194}, {-2.46094, -2.16992, -1.04174}, {-2.68359, -1.76563, -1.04187}, {-2.76563, 3.31641, -1.04232}, {3.07422, -1.27539, -1.04059}, {3.08398, 3.04883, -1.0419}, {3.41406, 3.10547, -1.04192}, {3.61719, -0.394531, -1.04086}}; }; class Land_i_House_Small_02_V1_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-1.08008, -2.11133, -0.709651}, {-1.18945, 0.785156, -0.705689}, {2.64258, -2.09766, -0.704848}, {5.95313, 0.556641, -0.700583}}; }; class Land_i_House_Small_02_V2_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-1.29688, 1.06641, -0.704727}, {-1.56836, -1.83789, -0.710279}, {2.85352, -1.52148, -0.704572}, {2.88086, 1.76367, -0.702332}, {5.21289, 0.935547, -0.701534}}; }; class Land_i_House_Small_02_V3_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-1.35352, 0.873047, -0.705387}, {-1.5, -2.00781, -0.710184}, {3.49219, -1.16602, -0.703744}, {5.61328, 1.51367, -0.70101}}; }; class Land_i_House_Small_03_V1_F: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = {{-3.89648, -0.134766, -0.371629}, {0.419922, 2.68555, -0.371629}, {3.59961, 2.0918, -0.371629}, {3.70703, -4.19727, -0.371629}}; }; class Land_i_Shop_01_V1_F: Shop { positions[] = {{-0.863281, 6.10938, -2.76158}, {-1.2168, 0.232422, -2.76158}, {-1.2832, -0.884766, 1.10984}, {-2.28516, 6.1875, 1.10975}}; }; class Land_i_Shop_01_V2_F : Shop { positions[] = {{-1.17969, 5.32813, -2.76158}, {-18.127, 16.7285, -2.74088}, {-2.39258, 5.51563, 1.10978}, {-2.53906, 0.253906, -2.76158}, {-2.70703, -1.4707, 1.10992}, {-24.2051, 3.65039, 1.25308}, {1.15625, 1.20313, 1.10906}}; }; class Land_i_Shop_01_V3_F : Shop { positions[] = {{-1.5918, 5.35156, -2.76158}, {-2.39258, -0.544922, -2.76158}, {-2.73242, -1.03906, 1.10991}, {-2.98242, 5.80664, 1.10999}, {1.66016, 1.70508, 1.10901}}; }; class Land_i_Shop_02_V1_F : Shop { positions[] = {{-0.824219, 1.10742, -2.67036}, {-4.04883, -3.18555, 1.2386}, {-4.43359, -1.98242, -2.69136}, {0.78125, -2.35547, -2.66928}, {2.27734, 1.0957, 1.2386}}; }; class Land_i_Shop_02_V2_F : Shop { positions[] = {{-0.171875, -1.43359, -2.66855}, {-2.57422, -4.19336, 1.23859}, {-4.51758, 2.74023, -2.66855}, {1.61523, 0.28125, 1.23859}}; }; class Land_i_Shop_02_V3_F : Shop { positions[] = {{-1.01953, 0.71875, -2.66924}, {-2.86719, -3.83594, 1.23859}, {-4.25195, 3.58789, -2.66855}, {1.56641, 0.509766, 1.23859}}; }; class Land_u_Shop_01_V1_F : Shop { positions[] = {{-1.14258, 1.23438, -2.88084}, {-2.32422, 3.14648, 0.9905}, {-3.31836, 5.81836, 0.990853}, {0.808594, -0.544922, 0.990474}, {2.58789, 5.81641, -2.88084}}; }; class Land_u_Shop_02_V1_F : Shop { positions[] = {{-3.46484, -1.625, 1.23859}, {-3.9082, 3.0957, -2.66855}, {0.751953, -3.26563, -2.66855}, {1.71484, 0.486328, 1.23859}}; }; class Land_Kiosk_blueking_F : Shop { positions[] = {{-1.62109, 0.341797, -1.76588}, {1.36328, -0.908203, -1.76588}}; }; class Land_Kiosk_gyros_F : Shop { positions[] = {{-1.20898, -1.07813, -1.97606}, {1.26758, -0.128906, -1.97606}}; }; class Land_Kiosk_redburger_F: Shop { positions[] = {{-1.07617, -0.335938, -2.87051}, {1.42188, -0.373047, -2.87051}}; }; class Land_Unfinished_Building_01_F: Industrial { positions[] = {{-0.158203, 3.50391, 1.19791}, {-2.34375, 4.20898, -2.29709}, {-2.51563, 0.337891, 1.19791}, {-3.25391, 0.0351563, -2.29709}, {2.45508, -0.144531, -2.29709}, {3.10742, -2.34766, 1.19791}}; }; class Land_Unfinished_Building_02_F: Industrial { positions[] = {{-0.890625, -3.35742, 0.976167}, {-2.31055, -1.57227, -2.48553}, {-6.36523, 2.20898, 0.976168}, {-6.58398, 3.67383, -2.50139}, {3.58008, 3.13281, -2.49362}, {4.33594, 3.00391, 0.976168}}; }; class Land_WIP_F: Industrial { positions[] = {{-10.0645, -4.58398, 8.3499}, {-12.5254, 10.1191, 8.348}, {-13.3496, 9.04883, 12.3173}, {-14.3477, -2.64844, 0.392311}, {-15.1621, 9.90039, 0.407514}, {-15.9004, -9.26367, 12.3304}, {-16.0352, -2.52734, 4.32572}, {-16.0996, 4.24023, 0.444829}, {-16.4004, 8.88672, 4.32572}, {-16.7813, -8.80078, 0.347982}, {-17.0195, -8.72852, 4.32572}, {-3.60156, -14.6484, 4.32041}, {-4.18359, -1.03516, 0.386505}, {-6.93359, -0.988281, 12.1457}, {-7.66016, 9.24414, 0.417827}, {-7.77344, -10.4785, 0.359629}, {-8.33008, -14.7305, 12.3244}, {-8.73242, 9.51953, 4.32572}, {-8.88867, -13.3887, 0.355543}, {11.9922, -7.99219, 12.2546}, {12.9023, 9.91797, 0.448912}, {18.0801, -9.25781, 4.32428}, {19.5586, -7.8457, 8.33803}, {2.11719, 9.48438, 0.337147}, {20.6309, -9.31445, 0.329187}, {22.334, -2.5332, 4.32572}, {24.0859, -0.179688, 8.29181}, {3.30859, 6.66602, 8.36808}, {3.99219, -8.87891, 8.34295}, {4.74414, -8.89063, 4.32432}, {6.0332, -8.34961, 0.384681}, {7.08984, 10.4727, 4.32572}, {8.53906, 8.4082, 0.415831}, {9.10742, -1.40625, 0.431863}, {9.64844, 6.28906, 12.3112}}; }; class Land_dp_smallTank_F: Industrial { positions[] = {{-0.0898438, -1.58203, 5.32797}}; }; class Land_Metal_Shed_F: Industrial { positions[] = {{-3.34375, -1.80273, -1.343}, {3.52539, -2.15625, -1.343}}; }; class Land_Research_house_V1_F: Industrial { positions[] = {{-1.28516, 2.89258, 0.0302877}, {1.12305, 2.04492, -0.0384929}}; }; class Land_Research_HQ_F: Industrial { positions[] = {{-1.03125, 2.60547, -3.26622}, {-2.25195, -2.75586, -0.741376}, {-2.28711, -3.94141, -3.26622}, {4.69336, 4.01172, -3.26622}, {6.06445, 3.50391, -0.741376}}; }; class Land_Factory_Main_F: Factories { positions[] = {{-8.51953,13.5698,-6.45422}, {-8.75,10.9609,-6.41479}}; }; class Land_dp_smallFactory_F: Factories { positions[] = {{-1.97266, 3.14844, 2.62608}, {-6.49609, -4.92773, 2.82442}, {5.32422, -3.69531, 2.95848}, {9.49805, -4.71094, 1.21193}, {9.95898, 1.41211, 1.21193}}; }; class Land_dp_mainFactory_F: Factories { positions[] = {{-12.8477, -4.8457, -4.45162}, {-15.4961, 6.70703, -4.45162}, {-6.36133, -2.13477, 1.18268}, {-6.91211, -15.3555, 1.18268}, {0.736328, 8.16406, 1.18268}, {1.25391, -10.5801, 1.18268}, {12.8926, 7.0332, -5.51301}, {13.0332, -3.95117, -4.22302}, {13.1719, 4.60742, -4.22302}, {13.2676, 0.710938, -4.22302}, {14.793, -16.8613, -4.08302}, {18.1406, -9.24023, -4.08302}, {19.0566, 5.17969, -7.61482}, {19.0996, -5.68555, -5.51301}, {19.3535, 2.14844, -5.51301}, {3.43555, -2.94141, 1.18268}, {8.82617, -7.33008, -0.280016}, {8.92773, -13.9453, -0.280016}, {9.13281, 8.58203, -0.280016}}; }; class Land_Ind_Workshop01_L: VehicleService { positions[] = { {3.89073, -4.09878, -1.31289}, {1.80283, -1.88589, -1.31402}, {-0.928123, 4.50645, -1.31354} }; }; class land_r_housev2_04: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.364602, 3.06138, -4.08866}, {-4.49087, 3.29575, -4.0886}, {7.0626, -1.54043, -4.09069} }; }; class Camp: Military { positions[] = { {0.833352, -1.52236, -1.15945}, {0.38511, 0.963967, -1.15945} }; }; class CampEast: Military { positions[] = { {-1.05703, -1.80752, -1.31039}, {0.627541, 1.83408, -1.31039} }; }; class CampEast_EP1: Military { positions[] = { {-0.670798, 0.95469, -1.31039}, {1.68516, -2.43374, -1.31039}, {-1.76308, -1.62636, -1.31039} }; }; class MASH: Medical { positions[] = { {1.18223, -1.65029, -1.17783}, {0.24717, 0.799416, -1.17793} }; }; class MASH_EP1: Medical {}; class USMC_WarfareBFieldhHospital: Medical { positions[] = { {-3.52236, -5.03921, 1.14736}, {2.36631, -4.52285, 1.14796}, {1.39073, -0.522996, 1.14756}, {1.14268, 5.00962, 1.1479}, {3.7125, 1.89805, 1.14798} }; }; class land_housev_3i3: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-4.2333, 0.292092, -1.4699}, {1.10069, -2.99844, -0.7899}, {3.53037, -2.34023, -1.74255} }; }; class Land_Ind_FuelStation_Build_EP1: Industrial { positions[] = { {-1.34511, 1.40708, -1.33601}, {2.27061, -0.949851, -1.33601}, {-2.23183, -1.1459, -1.33579}, {-0.184959, 0.775246, -1.33599} }; }; class Land_ibr_FuelStation_Build: Industrial { positions[] = { {-1.34511, 1.40708, -1.33601}, {2.27061, -0.949851, -1.33601}, {-2.23183, -1.1459, -1.33579}, {-0.184959, 0.775246, -1.33599} }; }; class Land_Mil_ControlTower_EP1: Military { positions[] = { {5.53379, 3.64365, -5.46358}, {7.67246, 3.68125, -1.0686}, {7.53281, -1.70058, -1.0686}, {4.55235, 1.64121, 2.92158}, {10.1293, 3.6959, -9.62859}, {0.592043, 6.1544, -9.62859}, {7.54966, 1.74522, -0.378596}, {5.40244, -1.71279, -0.378596} }; }; class Land_Mil_hangar_EP1: Military { positions[] = { {-9.83193, -12.4096, -5.38119}, {10.5489, -12.1317, -5.38119}, {13.0021, 0.0215844, -5.38119}, {-13.3886, 0.2501, -5.38119}, {13.3204, 20.5177, -5.38119}, {-13.1864, 19.984, -5.38119}, {0.0196313, 21.5079, -5.38119}, {0.59717, 11.547, -5.38119}, {-0.836814, -0.634177, -5.38119}, {0.177834, -11.682, -5.38119} }; }; class Land_Mil_Guardhouse_EP1: Military { positions[] = { {-3.05849, 1.76524, -1.58993}, {-3.16885, 3.45371, -1.58993}, {-3.19912, -0.323142, -1.58993} }; }; class Land_Mil_Repair_center_EP1: Industrial { positions[] = { {-2.42422, -0.73574, -1.52837}, {-2.43008, 2.83994, -1.52837} }; }; class Land_Ind_PowerStation_EP1: Industrial { positions[] = { {4.04258, -3.4916, -1.26537}, {3.8646, 3.525, -1.28102} }; }; class Land_A_Mosque_big_hq_EP1: Tourist { positions[] = { {4.06602, -6.90664, -9.31989}, {5.25205, 4.07676, -9.31989}, {5.70274, 7.5377, -4.04742}, {-4.78847, -7.00674, -4.04743}, {3.93272, 9.41856, 0.567387}, {0.882424, -0.134666, -9.31989} }; }; class Land_A_Mosque_big_addon_EP1: Tourist { positions[] = { {-5.10781, -1.75088, -6.4123}, {6.30918, -3.39785, -6.38544}, {6.87119, 2.81944, -6.38544}, {2.14121, -4.38076, -6.35453}, {4.86485, 4.65586, -6.38544}, {-4.72011, -10.5126, -1.15595} }; }; class Land_A_Mosque_big_wall_EP1: Tourist { positions[] = { {2.81553, 3.9459, -2.02834}, {-4.94521, 3.6001, 5.18175} }; }; class Land_A_Mosque_small_1_EP1: Tourist { positions[] = { {2.45127, 3.39073, -2.04594}, {0.183205, 0.826272, -2.04595}, {6.66416, 4.11729, -1.9436}, {0.59717, -1.33291, -1.69593} }; }; class Land_A_Mosque_small_2_EP1: Tourist { positions[] = { {1.33506, -0.7259, -2.48525}, {-0.794822, -1.74404, -2.48528} }; }; class Land_Mil_Barracks_i_EP1: Military { positions[] = { {5.15635, -2.30361, -1.09814}, {1.05674, -2.45498, -1.09814}, {-0.841697, -2.36123, -1.09814}, {-4.03506, -2.31826, -1.09814}, {-8.49599, -2.33828, -1.09814} }; }; class Land_fortified_nest_big_EP1: Military { positions[] = { {0.663186, 1.06748, -0.7399}, {0.513284, -1.3622, -0.7399}, {-0.991111, 1.11631, -0.7399}, {-2.87099, -3.94228, -0.7399} }; }; class Land_Mil_House_EP1: Military { positions[] = { {11.795, 4.3148, -5.81429} }; }; class Land_Misc_Cargo1Bo_EP1: Industrial { positions[] = { {-0.0169898, -0.331321, -1.09215} }; }; class Land_vez: Military { positions[] = { {-0.0584938, 1.51377, 1.36341} }; }; class Land_Ind_Oil_Pump_EP1: Industrial { positions[] = { {1.49058, -1.99599, -1.9999} }; }; class Land_IndPipe2_bigL_L_EP1: Industrial { positions[] = { {1.09971, 1.11582, 2.0324} }; }; class Land_House_C_1_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-3.62466, -1.83291, -0.967644}, {3.19273, -2.92666, -0.937644}, {7.94834, -1.15371, -0.957644} }; }; class Land_House_C_2_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-3.63467, 2.83408, -2.27881}, {5.94126, 1.08701, -2.30259}, {0.387307, 1.1937, -1.47772}, {5.49448, -1.47378, 1.56878}, {-2.24477, -1.44009, 0.547603}, {-2.01333, 3.41563, 0.547603}, {5.06919, 1.22007, 0.746394}, {5.75474, -4.69033, 0.794352} }; }; class Land_House_C_3_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {6.61997, -1.8666, -3.91473}, {5.80503, 1.2101, -3.91473}, {-7.11513, 2.78428, -3.86858}, {-6.45864, -0.578171, -3.86858}, {-6.37588, -2.27334, -3.86858}, {-4.84511, -2.55654, 0.576236}, {-1.21596, -1.24624, 1.96118} }; }; class Land_House_C_4_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {5.38462, -0.364646, -3.48345}, {3.16099, 2.81626, -3.48345}, {-3.36489, 2.44639, -3.48345}, {-4.60464, 0.0484398, -3.48345}, {4.34995, -0.835105, -0.35136}, {1.84678, -3.7167, -0.352323}, {-1.23086, -5.15298, -0.27851}, {-4.16592, 2.48032, -0.348863} }; }; class Land_House_C_5_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {3.15, 2.39512, -1.36682}, {-1.80117, -2.98012, -1.36682} }; }; class Land_House_C_5_V2_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {3.42539, 1.77842, -1.36682}, {-3.6686, 1.98789, -1.36682}, {-2.027, -2.9125, -1.36682}, {-1.2709, -3.94375, 1.33339} }; }; class Land_House_C_5_V3_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {2.43809, 1.03672, 2.2606}, {-1.00381, -3.9247, 1.22742}, {0.83384, 4.91709, -0.671398}, {-1.63027, 3.66709, -1.4814}, {-1.24453, -3.43691, -1.4814} }; }; class Land_House_C_5_V1_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {1.01035, 4.85191, -1.4814}, {3.42783, 1.4249, -1.4914}, {-1.62929, -4.69326, -1.4814}, {-1.56972, 3.66343, -1.4914}, {2.28428, 1.03086, 2.2606}, {-0.941795, -3.75942, 1.16361} }; }; class Land_House_K_6_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {2.36118, 1.41319, -1.60787}, {-2.57168, 1.42295, -1.59415}, {-4.81435, 2.98203, 1.48649}, {-0.122947, 3.83213, 1.47154}, {2.7064, 0.193459, 4.42155}, {-4.3583, -2.99599, 4.33163}, {-0.0887672, 3.0294, 4.42153}, {2.10874, 0.180764, 1.47086}, {-4.10073, -2.09072, 1.55561} }; }; class Land_House_C_9_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-3.47329, 2.13096, -3.74716}, {-3.17763, 4.19859, -3.74827}, {-0.839744, 5.7042, -3.74934}, {4.67539, 1.19907, -3.74822}, {4.20518, -1.85219, -3.74795}, {1.0101, -0.609519, -0.152066}, {0.213479, 1.56626, -0.152066}, {1.66148, 4.33482, -0.152066}, {4.38218, -5.14126, -0.152066} }; }; class Land_House_C_10_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.576707, -6.18398, -4.208}, {-2.19179, -2.32656, -4.19933}, {0.970559, 5.15952, -4.19884}, {2.09824, 8.11143, -4.19842}, {0.210061, 8.65513, -4.19762}, {-1.55532, -2.83584, -0.0196258}, {0.849954, -5.49209, -0.869533}, {-1.56216, 8.49571, -0.878198}, {-4.9269, 0.8397, -0.574128}, {-2.1603, 8.40684, 2.47206}, {2.02281, 5.81382, 5.22773}, {-2.17812, 1.53086, -0.878694} }; }; class Land_House_C_11_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-4.8749, -3.75576, -2.45693}, {-1.22842, -3.17519, -1.9999}, {6.55869, 0.732034, -1.9999}, {4.74082, 3.21446, -1.9999}, {4.39561, 0.559084, -1.9999}, {0.549319, -3.03847, 0.973069}, {4.8292, 3.44639, 0.973069} }; }; class Land_House_C_12_EP1: Industrial { positions[] = { {-3.27187, -1.5812, -3.50091}, {-2.09853, -6.13076, -3.52092}, {-2.9789, -8.6935, 0.141908}, {-2.66592, -3.0436, 0.140057}, {5.91026, -3.59194, 0.132726}, {2.33164, -0.9999, -3.51927} }; }; class Land_House_K_3_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.524514, 3.5167, -0.53757}, {1.53501, 0.0001, -0.790218}, {-0.887351, 0.615334, -0.790218}, {-4.46181, 1.38389, -0.795497}, {1.1002, 5.40733, 2.81729} }; }; class Land_House_K_7_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.995261, 1.8901, -0.218272}, {-4.954, 3.85264, -0.218274}, {-3.4501, 4.0377, 3.32777} }; }; class Land_House_L_7_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {3.52989, -0.34365, 0.102212}, {-0.245017, 3.1001, -0.261054}, {-5.43398, 3.36436, -0.646049}, {-4.90127, 1.19199, -0.651893}, {0.214944, -3.6999, -1.00725} }; }; class Land_House_L_6_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {5.51426, -0.64614, -1.5089}, {1.1627, 1.93687, -1.5398}, {4.21006, 1.62168, 1.28111}, {3.15391, -2.12417, 1.28109}, {-3.74258, -2.23183, -1.53728} }; }; class Land_House_K_8_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {2.94273, 2.71958, 3.35006}, {0.0001, 3.51304, 3.35006}, {-2.81264, 1.99375, 0.231233}, {-2.59243, 3.66538, -1.81547}, {-2.55483, -2.54116, -2.63665}, {2.97813, -1.89345, -2.64049} }; }; class Land_House_K_5_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-2.40371, 1.90684, 1.51899}, {-5.96767, 0.826516, 0.710216}, {-3.05801, 4.05686, 1.52175}, {1.29209, 1.85923, 1.54835}, {4.40391, 3.96629, 2.26375}, {4.17735, 0.271584, 2.401}, {1.30918, 1.50205, 1.55235} }; }; class Land_House_K_1_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.685447, 4.02171, 1.56636}, {3.71397, 5.48124, 1.56636}, {3.23448, 2.35398, 1.56636}, {-3.30556, 4.65568, 1.54939}, {-3.77529, 2.02097, 1.60873} }; }; class Land_House_L_1_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {1.63145, -1.225, -0.6189}, {-0.164939, -1.74453, -0.6113815}, {-1.18301, -0.15908, -0.596442} }; }; class Land_House_L_3_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-5.59853, -0.384666, -0.173544}, {-5.23415, 2.49619, -0.22681}, {0.75779, 2.95518, -0.222377}, {-0.387717, 0.0235375, -0.222377}, {2.11375, 2.99522, -0.222377} }; }; class Land_House_L_4_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-3.34951, -0.587022, -1.33048}, {-6.5999, 0.131448, -1.29842}, {-0.385642, -0.0550758, -1.34056}, {-0.209861, 3.14951, -1.2529}, {3.47569, 0.371072, -1.05756}, {5.42002, 3.25681, -0.9999} }; }; class Land_House_L_9_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {4.4044, 0.311135, -0.621345}, {-2.23574, 1.68614, -0.542823}, {4.0919, 0.924905, 2.60429} }; }; class LAND_ibr_bank: Tourist { positions[] = { {1.44712, -0.955, -1.60148}, {-7.3999, -4.9481, -1.60148}, {-7.50869, 3.1617, -1.60148}, {-13.193, 3.0001, -1.60148}, {-10.6315, -1.4921, -1.60148}, {-10.348, -5.663, -1.60148}, {-13.9999, -6.4652, -1.60148}, {-10.1896, -2.6591, -1.60148} }; }; class Land_House_L_8_EP1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.662698, 5.04405, -1.01195}, {0.73301, 2.59434, -1.01564}, {4.73838, 3.56846, -0.773681}, {3.76768, 3.67588, 1.73632}, {-2.51504, -2.19961, -1.55003}, {-2.51504, -2.19961, -1.55003} }; }; class Land_ibrhotel: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-8.44912, 9.08115, -7.74662}, {-0.813865, 9.1749, -7.74662}, {3.17393, 11.8731, -7.74662}, {2.74082, 2.91026, -7.74662}, {3.80235, -2.44424, -7.85934}, {-1.28701, -0.235252, -4.25933}, {17.838, -8.18886, -4.25933}, {15.4879, -11.3999, -4.25933}, {11.8404, -17.539, -4.25933}, {4.74912, -11.9018, -4.25933}, {-9.04385, -17.5999, -4.25933}, {-11.976, -15.2538, -4.25933}, {-15.9062, -12.0819, -4.25933}, {-12.2836, -4.31924, -4.25933}, {-16.7494, 9.0001, -4.25933}, {-15.7763, 11.6876, -4.25934}, {-11.955, 16.4581, -4.25934}, {-4.83193, 12.1295, -4.25933}, {-5.21426, 6.14268, -4.25933}, {3.57383, 5.38731, -4.25933}, {8.66563, 17.2418, -4.25933}, {12.2726, 16.1886, -4.25933}, {11.836, 4.06358, -4.25933}, {8.99033, 1.72959, -4.25933}, {-1.28701, -0.235252, -0.758962}, {17.838, -8.18886, -0.758962}, {15.4879, -11.3999, -0.758962}, {11.8404, -17.539, -0.758962}, {4.74912, -11.9018, -0.758962}, {-9.04385, -17.5999, -0.758962}, {-11.976, -15.2538, -0.758962}, {-15.9062, -12.0819, -0.758962}, {-12.2836, -4.31924, -0.758962}, {-16.7494, 9.0001, -0.758962}, {-15.7763, 11.6876, -4.25934}, {-11.955, 16.4581, -4.25934}, {-4.83193, 12.1295, -0.758962}, {-5.21426, 6.14268, -0.758962}, {3.57383, 5.38731, -0.758962}, {8.66563, 17.2418, -0.758962}, {12.2726, 16.1886, -0.758962}, {11.836, 4.06358, -0.758962}, {8.99033, 1.72959, -0.758962}, {-1.28701, -0.235252, 2.74092}, {17.838, -8.18886, 2.74092}, {15.4879, -11.3999, 2.74092}, {11.8404, -17.539, 2.74092}, {4.74912, -11.9018, 2.74092}, {-9.04385, -17.5999, 2.74092}, {-11.976, -15.2538, 2.74092}, {-15.9062, -12.0819, 2.74092}, {-12.2836, -4.31924, 2.74092}, {-16.7494, 9.0001, 2.74092}, {-15.7763, 11.6876, -4.25934}, {-11.955, 16.4581, -4.25934}, {-4.83193, 12.1295, 2.74092}, {-5.21426, 6.14268, 2.74092}, {3.57383, 5.38731, 2.74092}, {8.66563, 17.2418, 2.74092}, {12.2726, 16.1886, 2.74092}, {11.836, 4.06358, 2.74092}, {-1.54482, 0.158791, 6.24495}, {3.11924, 5.81455, 6.24495} }; }; class Land_MBG_Shanty_BIG: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-29.8751, -15.8056, 3.00007}, {23.4098, 11.5001, 24.9673}, {-29.3449, -16.7567, 3.04023}, {23.232, 11.6202, 27.9673}, {-33.3778, -11.3563, 5.81208} }; }; class land_mbg_ger_rhus_1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-1.85146, 3.59971, -0.0355913}, {3.04698, 1.85264, -0.565593}, {3.36338, 0.257913, -0.565593}, {-2.74013, -3.26455, -0.565593}, {1.23838, -4.19521, -2.38559}, {1.56065, 2.37022, -2.86559}, {-10.594, 3.8917, -0.554863}, {-9.91787, -4.14443, -0.554863}, {-5.84365, 0.373147, -0.174862}, {-4.50967, 0.0860375, -3.35486} }; }; class land_mbg_garage_single_b: VehicleService { positions[] = { {2.54502, 3.97617, -1.03889}, {4.13682, -0.0624, -1.03889} }; }; class Land_dum_istan3_hromada2: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {1.67637, 3.0001, -4.62593}, {-1.47353, 4.92295, -1.28507}, {6.43858, 1.93565, 2.08811} }; }; class land_army_hut_int: Military { positions[] = { {2.796, -5.07363, -1.33046}, {2.79795, -2.1625, -1.33046}, {-0.943259, -0.060691, -1.35971}, {0.689553, 1.87144, -1.36157} }; }; class Land_army_hut3_long_int: Military { positions[] = { {-2.88711, -4.36025, -1.23607}, {0.754006, -3.90029, -1.23607}, {-2.53701, -1.95107, -1.23607}, {-2.27846, -0.211814, -1.23607}, {-0.0663063, -1.70791, -1.23607}, {0.141213, 2.31114, -1.23607} }; }; class land_army_hut2_int: Military { positions[] = { {-0.521287, -0.0516578, -0.948229}, {1.80113, 0.945413, -0.948229}, {2.24595, -2.6874, -0.948229}, {-1.24551, -1.53945, -0.948229} }; }; class land_ibr_hangar: Military { positions[] = { {-5.75625, 9.95396, -3.57308}, {-8.06142, -11.4064, -3.58182}, {8.68565, -5.30361, -3.57932} }; }; class Land_MBG_Police_Station: Tourist { positions[] = { {9.81553, -4.36355, -1.59819}, {1.01182, -6.02334, -1.59819}, {-5.03359, -5.98366, -1.59819}, {-8.5414, -0.348411, -1.59819}, {-8.88564, -2.93813, -1.59819}, {-5.55508, 4.80503, -1.59819}, {-1.77236, 5.49375, -1.59819}, {2.32139, 6.33042, -1.59819}, {3.54502, 6.27342, 1.68844}, {9.88926, 4.68186, 1.68843}, {10.0567, -1.07717, 1.68843}, {6.65, 1.78306, 1.68843}, {-5.30019, -2.68716, 1.68843}, {1.25987, -1.76626, 1.68843}, {-6.56679, 1.51853, 1.68844}, {-5.33877, 3.92539, 1.68844}, {-2.3124, 6.18784, 1.68844} }; }; class Land_tovarna1: Industrial { positions[] = { {2.83897, 5.23899, -5.75432}, {-2.30764, 7.31944, -5.75432}, {-11.0907, 5.44907, -5.75432}, {-11.4745, -1.579, -5.75432}, {-5.52395, 1.69004, -5.75432}, {2.82615, 1.4802, -5.75432}, {2.44138, -6.50246, -5.75432}, {-6.68325, -0.553269, 2.18007}, {-3.81802, 0.690286, 2.18007}, {2.78745, 1.19419, 2.18007}, {1.59177, -6.06655, 2.18007}, {-2.4645, -5.63686, 2.18007}, {-5.77383, -7.28261, 2.18007}, {-0.584885, -3.14187, 4.83002} }; }; class Land_Ind_Garage01_EP1: VehicleService { positions[] = { {1.65098, 2.49058, -1.23104} }; }; class land_hut01: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.304849, -0.543113, -0.548239}, {0.885354, 2.9001, -0.54824} }; }; class land_hut02: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-0.598801, 2.9741, -0.545664}, {-1.07235, -0.756858, -0.545664} }; }; class land_hut04: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-1.07217, -0.354392, -0.537098}, {0.939797, 2.78281, -0.537098} }; }; class Land_ibr_terminal: Tourist { positions[] = { {11.1886, -13.0668, -4.04964}, {4.42393, -9.64736, -4.04964}, {-2.42812, -6.94765, -4.04964}, {-3.00527, -1.25429, -4.04964}, {0.573245, 8.72324, -4.04964}, {14.8609, 12.525, -4.04964}, {3.33848, -14.5228, 0.581666}, {-3.88418, -17.5375, 0.581666}, {-17.3681, 0.572366, -4.04991}, {-13.7938, 0.576272, -0.231242}, {-2.83535, 10.901, -0.949641}, {-2.27676, -16.4237, 3.68167} }; }; class Land_A_Villa_EP1: Tourist { positions[] = { {-23.3441, 1.71494, -3.65919}, {14.5499, -5.69765, -5.06712}, {5.8458, -2.09804, -5.06707}, {9.525, 3.76573, -5.06707}, {10.0455, 11.5094, -5.0733}, {0.268655, 8.64658, -5.06689}, {-0.378806, 15.399, -5.06714}, {-6.68496, 14.9449, -5.06712}, {-10.9643, 13.0997, -5.06709}, {11.0572, 4.48936, -1.48391}, {2.85948, 9.12949, -1.48397}, {-3.87636, 8.0001, -1.4843}, {0.0538109, 10.3985, -1.4843}, {-2.78457, 13.5904, -1.4843}, {-0.118552, 15.3395, -1.4843}, {-6.73769, 15.7721, -1.4843}, {-8.39443, 13.525, -1.4843}, {-10.5316, 9.75156, -1.4843}, {-11.8061, 14.2359, -1.4843}, {-15.577, 14.0397, -1.4843} }; }; class Land_A_Office01_EP1: Tourist { positions[] = { {-2.50381, -2.46938, -4.7279}, {4.23545, -0.336814, -4.7279}, {4.11143, 6.1124, -4.7279}, {0.242288, 6.06309, -4.7279}, {4.31651, 3.74033, -4.7279}, {5.08897, 0.219827, -4.7279}, {11.6505, -1.5646, -4.7279}, {14.5812, -4.1122, -4.7279}, {13.8546, -0.748923, -4.7279}, {-7.7626, 5.59092, -4.7279}, {1.81162, 0.993508, -2.2279}, {4.93174, 4.31992, -2.2279}, {1.18955, 6.07041, -2.2279}, {2.23155, 3.76573, -2.2279}, {-4.76357, -2.51211, -2.2279}, {-14.5595, -3.40713, -2.2279}, {-15.2704, 5.92783, -2.2279}, {-10.9062, 6.04185, 0.672108}, {-6.30752, 3.30088, 0.672106}, {7.6417, 6.38706, 0.672101}, {13.673, 6.5958, 0.672099}, {13.1925, -2.58681, 0.672098}, {3.0919, 2.4376, 6.20501}, {-1.45693, -2.28359, 6.20501}, {-2.12978, 4.51597, 0.672105}, {4.74424, -4.60146, -2.21476}, {8.3458, -1.10708, -2.2279}, {9.94737, -3.74136, -2.2279}, {7.13877, -2.50722, -2.2279}, {12.8702, 4.70933, -2.2279}, {15.3722, 3.42393, -2.2279} }; }; class land_dum_istan2b: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-6.44521, -5.13027, 3.80029}, {-6.71767, 2.81602, 3.80029}, {3.33897, -0.539207, 0.823079}, {-0.506736, -2.2228, 0.823079}, {-3.93447, 2.11411, -2.29971} }; }; class Land_dum_istan3_pumpa: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-2.14492, 3.03672, -1.86777}, {4.09629, -0.563865, 1.47495}, {0.189553, 0.540139, 1.47495}, {-1.73672, 2.44785, 1.47495} }; }; class land_dum_istan3: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-8.4916, -0.922263, 0.585244}, {5.97862, 1.38047, 0.585248}, {3.55186, -5.42812, 0.58524}, {-2.33095, 3.74815, -2.67227} }; }; class land_house_y: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.570213, -5.21377, -1.40686}, {-5.15615, -5.32265, -1.40686}, {2.34776, 4.9918, -1.40686} }; }; class land_dum_istan4_inverse: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-2.77236, -1.72939, -4.33578}, {5.30186, 5.76573, -7.28578}, {-0.282127, 5.89756, -7.28578}, {-6.5917, 5.96983, -7.28578} }; }; class Land_duala_mini: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-1.37197, 2.25498, -2.74836}, {-3.43447, -2.04922, -2.74836}, {3.82969, 0.0001, -2.74836}, {3.79112, -2.25967, -2.74836} }; }; class land_dum_istan2_02: Industrial { positions[] = { {-0.566306, -3.44765, -4.14949}, {-1.9999, 1.43614, -4.14949} }; }; class LAND_garaz_bez_tanku: Industrial { positions[] = { {-2.98037, 0.0464867, 3.41661} }; }; class land_bouda_garaz: Industrial { positions[] = { {26.1629, -12.5019, -0.952008}, {23.3087, -6.62295, -0.952008} }; }; class Land_sara_Domek_sedy: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-1.76357, -1.11318, -2.14186}, {-5.0126, 3.01963, -2.14186}, {5.41221, 2.6251, -2.14186}, {4.86045, -0.738181, -2.14186} }; }; class Land_dum_rasovna: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-1.2709, 3.38291, -2.69948}, {3.14903, 3.86265, -2.69948}, {3.30967, -4.17861, -2.69948}, {-0.936423, -1.97402, 0.242705}, {1.05528, 3.77281, 0.242705} }; }; class land_sara_domek_hospoda: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-2.14834, -3.56386, -2.74868} }; }; class LAND_shopping_sab5: Shop { positions[] = { {-21.1366, -1.94228, -2.18269}, {-22.1386, 5.40928, -2.18275}, {-5.17373, -1.17763, -2.1827}, {2.0001, -12.3974, -2.18261}, {-4.03896, -11.539, -2.18262}, {-9.62099, -11.6015, -2.18262}, {-15.1698, -11.5224, -2.18262}, {-18.5155, -12.9306, -2.18261}, {-20.3632, -10.1181, -2.18263}, {-17.1366, -6.3622, -2.18266}, {-12.0097, -3.98525, -2.18267}, {-14.1757, 4.46983, -2.18274}, {-15.7284, -1.02529, -2.1827}, {3.40635, 4.30674, -2.18274}, {6.83799, -3.75381, -1.36212}, {-1.27334, 10.9522, -1.36212}, {-22.4198, 9.1001, -1.36212}, {1.22471, 8.13682, -2.18275}, {-3.18154, 8.71494, -2.18275}, {-7.77334, 7.51573, -2.18275} }; }; class LAND_hospoda : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {3.4601, -1.42861, -1.80292}, {2.40147, -1.22646, -1.80297}, {7.81846, -1.63271, -1.80272}, {2.0401, -6.71767, -1.80279}, {-5.56631, 0.794045, -1.80285}, {-4.18154, 8.64073, -1.80276}, {1.16612, 5.0792, -1.7999}, {1.21592, 3.73252, -1.7999}, {0.248147, 5.55186, -1.80314}, {-1.84756, 3.92979, -1.80303}, {-1.85244, 0.222756, -1.80311} }; }; class LAND_Kiosk2 : Shop { positions[] = { {-20.744, 45.2879, 3.05886}, {-3.80923, -33.6327, 3.02256}, {-3.56997, -22.6659, 3.02256}, {4.76597, -24.371, -0.618823}, {-1.0999, 43.1939, -0.58253}, {8.77451, 23.7347, -0.845328}, {-9.86904, 41.6534, 3.05886}, {7.84678, 20.9911, 4.76746}, {6.91221, 27.9068, 10.1179} }; }; class LAND_shopping_sab1 : Shop { positions[] = { {-29.9999, 28.7892, -6.25653}, {-18.5609, 23.7579, -6.25653}, {1.32041, 24.588, -6.25653}, {-7.86782, 15.1183, -6.25653}, {-22.3627, 16.8829, -6.25653}, {-26.7895, -24.9423, -6.25653}, {-22.4545, -17.3329, -6.25653}, {-30.6627, -11.0194, -6.25653}, {-2.51968, -23.1718, -6.25653}, {0.889993, -14.1913, -6.25653}, {23.3016, -15.1356, -6.25653}, {42.3531, -13.5321, -6.25653}, {37.3397, -22.8999, -6.34268}, {14.5389, -26.2157, -6.25653}, {9.93101, -18.287, -6.25653}, {7.23325, 24.9835, -6.25653}, {8.8878, 16.4601, -6.25653}, {16.9698, 11.9542, -6.25653}, {27.368, 21.3858, -6.25653}, {-28.7631, 27.7228, -2.38654}, {33.5343, 16.8048, -6.25653}, {-31.0316, 12.6261, -2.38654}, {-22.1974, 16.3067, -2.38654}, {-17.7338, 21.0167, -2.38654}, {-8.78554, 27.5812, -2.38654}, {-7.71816, 15.2013, -2.38654}, {1.65781, 16.3497, -2.38654}, {-36.4098, 8.60362, -2.38654}, {-43.5999, 8.64268, -2.38654}, {-41.8217, -2.6747, -2.38654}, {-35.7853, -5.95303, -2.38654}, {-16.2726, -13.2294, -2.38654}, {-23.0031, -13.2763, -2.38654}, {-25.6713, -25.6044, -2.38654}, {-10.161, -26.0009, -2.38654}, {2.98155, -26.7118, -2.38654}, {2.59141, -13.5351, -2.38654}, {10.7914, -16.2616, -2.38654}, {17.1583, -27.3231, -2.38654}, {26.3888, -25.0985, -2.38654}, {30.889, -22.0999, -2.38654}, {42.4818, -21.6601, -2.47269}, {41.8727, -13.7372, -2.38654}, {32.7184, -12.5966, -2.38654}, {34.2242, -5.04189, -2.38654}, {40.2001, -7.14931, -2.38654}, {39.808, -0.0916969, -2.38654}, {43.506, 6.59776, -2.38654}, {33.3915, 3.02158, -2.38654}, {29.0323, 11.1026, -2.38654}, {33.1869, 17.4532, -2.38654}, {22.3229, 26.3858, -2.38654}, {7.32871, 23.8565, -2.38654} }; }; class LAND_konecna : Tourist { positions[] = { {14.8424, -0.987693, -1.59354}, {16.8731, -2.86855, -1.59354}, {13.3673, -9.11367, -1.59354}, {5.0001, -9.98672, -1.59354}, {-24.828, -1.17861, -1.59354}, {-13.9999, -7.3041, -1.59354}, {-19.0788, 0.98301, -1.59354}, {4.67954, 0.805276, -1.59354}, {-11.4638, -10.1474, -1.59354} }; }; class LAND_Big_Panelak : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {3.30576, -9.23403, -14.752}, {3.10069, -7.04995, -14.752}, {5.36924, 0.595461, -14.752}, {-0.236228, -3.16762, -14.752}, {3.05088, -0.838279, -14.752} }; }; class Land_GeneralStore_01a_PMC : Shop { positions[] = { {-8.28786, -0.535203, -1.20145}, {-4.33242, 5.51585, -1.20145}, {1.05753, 5.22801, -1.20145}, {7.36521, 2.40086, -1.20145}, {13.2914, 4.79209, -1.20145}, {3.06968, 7.47031, -1.20145}, {7.43223, -0.266624, -1.20145}, {13.5173, -1.04079, -1.20145}, {10.0658, -1.31936, -1.20145}, {3.42246, -3.46377, -1.20145}, {-1.89712, -2.65041, -1.20145}, {-7.28701, -1.95718, -1.20145} }; }; class Land_ruin_01_PMC : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-2.57558, 2.16453, -1.76348}, {-2.64162, -2.50478, -1.76348}, {0.851663, 1.67515, -1.76348} }; }; class Land_Ruin_Cowshed_a_PMC : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-3.5729, 2.80784, -2.31217}, {8.85087, -2.67861, -2.46378}, {-2.83059, -5.90603, -2.46378}, {8.89903, -5.66701, -2.46378} }; }; class Land_Ruin_Cowshed_b_PMC : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {10.5033, 2.35056, -3.14038}, {2.99217, -3.36672, -3.13984} }; }; class Land_Ruin_Cowshed_c_PMC : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {5.05747, 2.52891, -2.9999} }; }; class Land_FuelStation_Build_PMC : Industrial { positions[] = { {-1.29751, -0.527732, -1.3359}, {-1.51131, 1.30369, -1.33601}, {2.23386, 0.0711, -1.33601} }; }; class land_seb_vod_vez: Industrial { positions[] = { {2.02891, 0.0001, 15.1551} }; }; class land_seb_near_fac: Industrial { positions[] = { {-10.5115, -18.0858, 1.75562} }; }; class land_seb_rozvodna: Industrial { positions[] = { {-1.2167, 2.9669, 0.584004} }; }; class land_seb_mine_maringotka: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.523928, 0.721291, -0.612575}, {-0.976463, -1.32754, -0.612575} }; }; class Land_hut_old01: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {2.2794, -7.06338, -3.06097}, {-3.3583, -1.7333, -3.01168}, {-5.0331, -0.929588, -3.0111} }; }; class land_st_vez: Military { positions[] = { {-5.56435, 4.23985, -3.31466}, {-5.05556, -3.17617, -3.31466}, {4.12119, 3.92832, 2.42742}, {-1.73379, 2.68906, 6.40844}, {-4.23574, 1.29746, 6.40844}, {-3.80312, -1.09267, 6.40844}, {0.530764, 1.31797, 6.40844}, {-2.45156, -2.16738, 6.40844}, {-0.608298, -0.57656, -11.0949}, {-2.08681, 1.10313, -10.9999}, {0.259377, -3.89687, -3.31466}, {3.9376, 3.30967, -8.50815} }; }; class land_bunka: Tourist { positions[] = { {1.83506, 0.551272, -1.51234}, {-1.9999, 2.11387, -1.51235}, {3.07334, 2.41685, -1.51235} }; }; class land_pozorovatelna: Military { positions[] = { {-2.36318, -2.79238, -2.49757}, {3.11436, -2.92959, -2.49757}, {0.740334, 2.47862, -2.49757}, {-1.67568, -2.4999, 7.54519}, {-1.23037, 1.90293, 7.54519}, {2.88487, 2.0001, 7.54519}, {2.61436, -2.48086, 7.54519}, {0.591311, -0.290427, 7.54519} }; }; class land_panelova3: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-0.0614234, 2.92881, 0.0511063}, {6.44492, -0.967673, 0.0511063}, {6.26817, -3.85537, 0.0511063}, {-0.0326148, -5.30263, 0.0511063} }; }; class land_vysoky2: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {6.74131, -2.95498, -15.7672}, {6.63242, 4.17686, -15.7672}, {0.73008, -2.63564, -15.705}, {1.1959, 0.116311, -15.6512}, {2.84141, 2.35752, 13.1249}, {-0.51113, 2.16709, 13.1249}, {4.37022, 0.773538, 13.1249}, {9.61338, 13.2433, 13.1249}, {6.39317, -12.2919, 13.1249} }; }; class land_vysoky1: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-6.74404, 5.46885, 13.2834}, {0.54551, 4.38389, 13.2834}, {10.9001, 1.47959, 13.2834}, {6.0416, -13.4296, 13.2834}, {1.12754, -2.39248, 13.2834} }; }; class land_hotel_p2: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-3.26943, 3.02793, -7.29941}, {4.04405, -1.92178, -7.29941}, {9.48155, 0.559573, -7.32964}, {1.53721, 0.0079125, 6.06903}, {4.5333, 0.862405, 6.06903}, {4.73448, -3.63222, 6.06903} }; }; class land_hotel_p1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-12.1005, -3.29238, -4.92418}, {-3.09365, -1.66347, -4.92419}, {-1.78115, 3.53281, -4.92419}, {-5.97842, 3.80283, -4.92418}, {13.881, 1.77256, -1.39081}, {13.7511, -9.81094, -1.39081}, {12.1788, 0.0079125, -3.22913} }; }; class land_trubice: Industrial { positions[] = { {-2.36709, 2.7628, 2.59448}, {5.82725, 3.01573, 2.59448}, {1.57627, 0.710061, 2.59448} }; }; class land_dlouhy2: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {1.73057, 5.30967, -9.32304}, {-1.38857, -0.568748, -9.31464}, {-1.47451, -5.5956, -9.3144} }; }; class land_jzd_kr2: Industrial { positions[] = { {1.92149, -4.90517, -6.17311}, {0.710061, 5.0001, -6.17311}, {1.8624, 7.37119, 1.40633}, {3.00694, -3.30556, 1.41883}, {-3.0624, -3.38467, -2.05329}, {-2.62636, 10.8419, -2.05329} }; }; class land_jzd_kr1: Industrial { positions[] = { {-1.04824, -3.67568, -6.27269}, {1.63828, 0.775491, -6.27269}, {-1.41982, 5.1001, -6.27269}, {-0.993064, 2.94639, -2.15288}, {0.717385, -3.79678, -2.15288} }; }; class land_jzd_stodola2: Industrial { positions[] = { {8.15537, 11.8478, -2.0261}, {5.5128, 5.6378, -2.0261}, {-4.16103, 3.67393, -2.0261}, {7.53233, -14.474, -2.0261}, {1.17002, 0.390725, 1.31133} }; }; class land_jzd_stodola1: Industrial { positions[] = { {-3.81582, -11.4179, -2.0261}, {1.73887, -6.20595, -2.0261}, {-4.13467, -0.265525, -2.0261}, {-1.04873, 0.180764, -2.0261} }; }; class land_jzd_silo_tes: Industrial { positions[] = { {2.74912, 6.52256, 0.214848}, {11.5797, 5.20713, 0.214848}, {5.72959, 0.644631, 0.21485}, {10.672, -6.1415, 0.214848}, {0.98008, -2.64834, 0.214473}, {3.22178, -7.55654, 0.214846}, {-2.62685, -0.579978, 10.2241} }; }; class land_rozvodna: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-6.8207, -1.58779, -0.369319} }; }; class land_jzd_4silka: Industrial { positions[] = { {0.551858, -5.24209, 1.64143}, {0.224709, 1.37656, 1.64143}, {3.0001, 0.556155, 1.64143}, {4.31651, 5.94199, 5.51417}, {-3.53115, -5.80117, 5.51417} }; }; class land_jzd_bezstrechy: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-10.5613, -2.97451, -5.22494}, {0.170998, 0.177834, -5.22494}, {-0.368552, -3.34658, -5.22494}, {0.905862, 2.52354, -5.22494}, {0.802346, 2.12315, -0.50466}, {1.05625, 1.88584, -3.01169}, {8.0001, 0.787209, -5.22494} }; }; class land_AII_middle_floor: Military { positions[] = { {-7.64931, 4.97422, 0.510468}, {-7.7206, 5.10508, 0.510316}, {-7.27969, -0.931052, 0.518609}, {8.47471, -2.3251, -4.63367}, {9.20518, 0.508401, -4.63367}, {4.36778, 3.7999, -4.63367}, {-0.669334, 2.74815, -4.63367}, {-10.3593, 5.03526, -4.63367}, {-13.9765, 9.10069, -4.63367}, {-8.0209, 1.22324, -4.63367}, {6.07237, -2.64541, -4.63367}, {-8.75283, 8.79307, -2.10369} }; }; class land_x_skladiste_low_tex: Industrial { positions[] = { {-8.12344, -0.32363, -2.85022}, {-2.31582, -4.27529, -2.5974}, {8.15537, -6.89297, -2.5974}, {0.399026, 4.80039, -2.82618}, {-5.9999, -7.64345, -2.85022} }; }; class Land_budova4_winter: Military { positions[] = { {-7.73379, 0.3001, -1.09814}, {-7.7665, 1.97398, -1.09814}, {-5.85635, 1.92661, -1.09814}, {-4.82363, 0.194436, -1.09814}, {-4.82705, -1.9999, -1.09814}, {-8.09756, -2.28139, -1.09814}, {-3.06777, 2.24815, -1.09814}, {-1.65273, -1.91811, -1.09814}, {-1.41299, 0.0001, -1.09814}, {0.266702, 1.76817, -1.09814}, {1.28379, 0.289407, -1.09814}, {1.81992, -2.28677, -1.09814}, {4.37559, 2.14951, -1.09814}, {5.61875, 1.71348, -1.09814}, {5.06797, -1.74306, -1.09814}, {2.54795, 2.33726, -1.09814} }; }; class land_domek_podhradi_1: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {5.20872, 3.45225, -2.739}, {3.04771, 1.61631, -2.73902}, {2.7595, -1.33681, -2.73905}, {-3.32607, 4.14414, -2.73899} }; }; class land_b_small1: Industrial { positions[] = { {-3.14175, 1.36826, -1.50023}, {-0.0274879, -1.74697, -1.50023}, {-3.59609, -3.18935, -1.50023}, {-0.7289, -4.95986, -1.50023} }; }; class land_cast1: Industrial { positions[] = { {-5.39541, 6.56065, -4.38382}, {-5.68545, 9.04307, -4.38383}, {-5.57241, 9.08213, -4.38383}, {-3.05386, 14.5528, -4.38382}, {2.97691, 13.9001, -4.38382}, {-0.227683, 11.8419, -4.38383}, {1.45005, 3.27256, -3.50362}, {2.53208, -5.45498, -3.5117}, {-4.85586, -2.20888, -3.4265}, {1.04234, 0.729592, -1.06575} }; }; class land_vstup: Military { positions[] = { {-11.5099, -2.64834, -1.53302}, {-6.24453, -2.85049, -1.53302}, {-1.16982, -2.84951, -1.53302}, {2.70908, -2.85049, -1.53302} }; }; class land_panelova: Industrial { positions[] = { {16.0001, -14.6356, -4.04656}, {3.79112, 1.25669, -4.08956}, {-15.4638, -8.38076, -4.08956}, {-14.3534, -0.195213, -4.08956}, {-1.61709, -12.8312, -4.08956}, {15.4288, -4.25625, 3.37283}, {9.19346, -14.6271, 3.37151}, {5.80967, 9.09263, 3.37151}, {9.95518, 9.7938, 3.37151}, {-8.11513, -2.98281, 3.34411}, {-15.2597, -8.56631, 3.34411} }; }; class land_garaze: Industrial { positions[] = { {-0.00282969, -7.72915, -2.12648}, {3.7335, 1.02769, -2.12648}, {3.2794, 6.28867, -2.12648}, {6.72959, 7.34141, -2.12648}, {1.68858, -3.91469, -2.12648} }; }; class land_seb_bouda3: Industrial { positions[] = { {2.63584, -3.0331, -1.72862}, {-2.71865, -5.08681, -1.72863}, {-3.00283, -1.50771, -1.72867}, {-2.91347, 3.86338, -1.72866}, {3.12901, 3.01573, -1.72869} }; }; class Land_bouda2_vnitrek: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {2.33506, 0.372659, -0.610408}, {-0.845603, 2.32139, -0.610406}, {-3.27334, -2.27285, -0.610408} }; }; class land_f_b2: Industrial { positions[] = { {1.58408, 0.899514, -4.24137}, {-1.33291, -0.991111, -4.24137}, {1.91123, -1.68252, -4.24137} }; }; class land_bud2: Industrial { positions[] = { {-2.32021, -1.2499, -1.76804}, {-1.57998, -2.3124, -1.77474} }; }; class land_senik: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-4.56435, -2.97695, -4.13711}, {13.1642, -6.80117, -4.28012}, {-4.23232, -0.213279, -4.1314}, {-3.44033, 4.7999, -4.12105}, {-7.64443, 3.81455, -4.12309}, {-14.0888, -5.66592, -4.14266}, {-1.25967, -3.44326, -4.13807} }; }; class land_zd_1: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {2.14268, 3.37412, -3.67245}, {-1.5999, -3.25088, -3.67245}, {0.650002, -2.38076, -3.67245}, {-1.16103, 1.41416, -3.67245}, {2.88731, -2.80068, -3.67245}, {-4.45107, -3.0126, -4.04215}, {-5.94375, 3.13877, -4.04215} }; }; class Land_dum_ras: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-1.53213, 3.34434, -2.66948}, {1.36631, -0.507713, -2.66948}, {0.860452, 3.72715, 0.272704}, {-0.767478, -1.96279, 0.272704}, {-0.27822, -3.96035, 0.272704} }; }; class land_kostelik_final_2122: Tourist { positions[] = { {5.42002, -3.45693, -5.57908}, {-0.963279, 4.74424, -5.57909}, {1.09092, -2.79287, -5.57909}, {-1.39053, -5.18545, -5.57908} }; }; class land_plynom: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {1.07578, -0.65615, 2.21939}, {-0.183982, -1.46963, 2.21939}, {-1.24844, -0.0125953, 2.21939}, {1.1378, -0.887595, -2.60294}, {-1.3876, 0.386819, -2.60294}, {-0.822654, -1.33388, -2.60294} }; }; class land_seb_mine_main_opt: Industrial { positions[] = { {0.590432, 4.68125, -0.991321}, {-1.86758, 4.13535, -0.992332}, {0.14219, 2.53281, -0.995307}, {-3.43447, 2.68125, -0.995036}, {-2.9999, 2.59531, -4.9999}, {0.776955, -2.89199, -5.11476}, {-6.06875, 3.33848, 7.8685}, {-6.38076, -1.9999, 7.8685}, {-1.725, -3.09658, 7.8685}, {-5.64101, -0.92324, 14.6914}, {-6.23574, 2.76475, 14.6914} }; }; class land_seb_mine_near: Industrial { positions[] = { {7.87656, -5.52871, -8.8978}, {9.02989, -5.5917, -8.8978}, {4.37461, -7.10146, -8.8978} }; }; class land_x_vez_tex: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.533205, -1.02724, -0.273826}, {1.00401, 3.02207, -0.272613}, {1.36436, 0.549319, -0.273471}, {-1.89785, 3.22178, -0.27222}, {-5.00527, -3.64297, -0.274028} }; }; class land_marsh1: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {3.76963, -5.73183, -3.95887}, {-0.986716, -4.2599, -3.95887}, {2.52647, 0.376565, -3.95887}, {4.78965, 2.92979, -3.95887}, {4.56553, 6.82237, -3.95887}, {-2.88174, 4.24131, -4.01674} }; }; class land_molovabud1: Industrial { positions[] = { {-2.4457, 2.20713, 1.28005}, {-4.68154, 1.95518, 1.28005}, {-7.92812, 6.29209, 1.28005}, {-1.81045, -1.29189, 1.56755} }; }; class land_f_b1: VehicleService { positions[] = { {-4.45986, -2.84609, -2.21523}, {-1.81142, -5.01113, -2.21523}, {-5.32217, -5.21865, -2.21523} }; }; class land_seb_bouda1: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {2.49326, -2.44228, 1.13077}, {-0.645896, -2.44814, 1.13077}, {-0.924216, -0.560838, 0.574063}, {-2.89687, 1.9044, 0.571816}, {2.80576, 1.2335, -3.28979}, {-2.38662, -0.893455, -3.28979}, {-2.7665, 2.41709, -3.28979} }; }; class Land_sara_stodola: Industrial { positions[] = { {5.01377, 3.33128, -2.19513}, {2.51768, 1.05747, -2.19513}, {-1.30947, -1.02944, -2.19513}, {-4.24404, 4.0239, -2.19513}, {5.16221, -0.661521, -2.19513} }; }; class land_cihlovej_dum_mini: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-2.4645, -0.78408, -2.86932}, {-1.75576, 2.88535, -2.86932}, {2.76597, 2.08164, -2.86932}, {1.96275, -1.98867, -2.86932}, {0.0110863, 0.876565, -2.86932}, {0.116555, 3.05772, -2.86932} }; }; class Land_hruzdum: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-1.67178, 3.71836, -4.72837}, {-2.52285, -1.02236, -1.16857}, {-1.94961, 1.22031, 1.5984} }; }; class Land_cihlovej_dum_in: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-0.0116188, 0.0001, -1.81463}, {-1.76748, 2.24815, -1.8146}, {-2.88955, -1.64785, -1.8146}, {1.84287, -2.07973, -1.81461}, {1.58701, -1.3373, -5.27578}, {1.22862, 2.57334, -5.27578} }; }; class land_smd_hlaska: Military { positions[] = { {-0.724509, 0.822366, 3.77102} }; }; class land_smd_cihlovej_dum_mini: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.623147, 2.39756, -2.58932}, {0.0997, 0.995217, -2.86932}, {-4.05947, -1.01943, -2.86932}, {-8.86318, 2.89463, -2.86932} }; }; class land_smd_dum_istan4: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {2.6001, -2.42178, -4.35227} }; }; class land_smd_dum_olez_istan2_open2: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-0.162009, 4.91856, -0.531401}, {3.25401, 2.52256, -0.521401}, {-3.51943, -3.80166, 0.128599}, {-1.56924, 0.389748, -0.511401} }; }; class land_smd_dum_olez_istan2_open: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.0186547, 4.61143, 0.0585984}, {0.512698, -4.66201, 0.338598}, {-5.71572, 5.63487, -0.531401}, {-4.5126, -4.87685, -0.531401} }; }; class land_smd_dum_olez_istan1_open: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-5.4374, -4.38369, 1.35507}, {5.75791, -3.31924, 1.35507}, {1.53526, -2.0624, 1.35507}, {-2.14931, -4.56435, -1.85388}, {-6.79678, 2.14463, -1.84388}, {3.61533, -0.3709, -1.8239} }; }; class land_smd_dum_istan3_hromada: CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.294045, -1.60146, -3.3279}, {-1.91396, -1.65322, -3.3279} }; }; class land_smd_army_hut2: Military { positions[] = { {0.547366, -4.6542, -1.33318} }; }; class land_smd_ss_hangard_withdoor: Military { positions[] = { {0.236428, 3.421, -5.87244}, {-14.0731, 22.4991, -5.87244}, {13.1896, 22.2032, -5.87244}, {-13.8876, -10.5458, -5.87244}, {2.1001, -19.8495, -5.87244} }; }; class land_smd_army_hut2_int: Military { positions[] = { {-0.848533, -1.24306, -0.948234}, {-1.92373, -0.00380625, -0.948234}, {2.796, 0.0001, -0.948234} }; }; class land_smd_strazni_vez: Military { positions[] = { {-1.68056, -1.30263, 2.00309} }; }; class land_smd_army_hut3_long_int: Military { positions[] = { {0.643655, 5.24229, -0.0738136}, {-2.78799, 3.13682, -1.27381}, {-2.80947, 5.27451, -0.863807}, {-3.13076, -3.3583, -1.27381}, {-0.875877, -0.6874, -1.27381} }; }; class Land_Airport_left_F : Tourist { positions[] = { {-16.5194, -13.5341, -6.88865}, {-24.6757, 12.6837, -6.88866}, {-9.53115, -4.69228, -6.88865}, {-6.53896, 10.7501, -6.88866}, {-2.29678, -8.06045, -6.88865}, {4.6001, -14.0858, -6.88865}, {-4.24599, -13.4892, -6.87616}, {5.09385, 2.68565, -6.88865}, {18.3458, 10.5562, -6.88855}, {9.78135, -10.5624, -6.88865}, {11.2032, -10.2401, -6.88857}, {14.4864, 7.65049, -6.8885}, {-26.578, -4.84267, -6.88865}, {0.668069, -16.6503, -6.88865}, {0.726663, 16.5616, -6.88866}, {14.4884, 0.839944, -6.88856}, {-12.039, 2.6001, -6.88865}, {-23.8905, -4.61806, -6.88865}, {-16.4179, -4.97939, -6.88865}, {-13.0858, -5.0165, -6.88865} }; }; class Land_Airport_right_F : Tourist { positions[] = { {-16.5194, -13.5341, -6.88865}, {-24.6757, 12.6837, -6.88866}, {-9.53115, -4.69228, -6.88865}, {-6.53896, 10.7501, -6.88866}, {-2.29678, -8.06045, -6.88865}, {4.6001, -14.0858, -6.88865}, {-4.24599, -13.4892, -6.87616}, {5.09385, 2.68565, -6.88865}, {18.3458, 10.5562, -6.88855}, {9.78135, -10.5624, -6.88865}, {11.2032, -10.2401, -6.88857}, {14.4864, 7.65049, -6.8885}, {-26.578, -4.84267, -6.88865}, {0.668069, -16.6503, -6.88865}, {0.726663, 16.5616, -6.88866}, {14.4884, 0.839944, -6.88856}, {-12.039, 2.6001, -6.88865}, {-23.8905, -4.61806, -6.88865}, {-16.4179, -4.97939, -6.88865}, {-13.0858, -5.0165, -6.88865} }; }; class Land_Cargo_House_V2_F : Tourist { positions[] = { {-2.24306, 0.535647, -0.761344} }; }; class Land_Cargo_Patrol_V3_F : Tourist { positions[] = { {2.12119, 0.769631, -4.96504}, {-2.3456, 0.823342, -5.12327} }; }; class Land_d_Stone_Shed_V1_F : Tourist { positions[] = { {-0.545554, -1.31924, -0.24958} }; }; class Land_Hospital_main_F : Medical { positions[] = { {-4.15517, 15.8712, -8.2037}, {-4.15493, 7.5101, -8.19463}, {-4.06924, 0.34092, -8.19323}, {-2.89785, -14.4706, -8.18318}, {6.77476, 4.6124, -8.18752}, {13.0597, -6.12881, -8.17853}, {13.3568, -0.709861, -8.18186}, {-5.27212, -6.91592, -8.19109}, {-2.62588, -19.8944, -8.18276}, {-5.2875, -6.89248, -8.19111}, {2.60264, 14.5206, -8.18964} }; }; class Land_Hospital_side1_F : Medical { positions[] = { {-3.01308, 9.2628, -8.13372}, {-3.00893, 9.2628, -8.13366}, {4.19029, 9.27842, -7.9999}, {4.18638, 9.2794, -7.9999}, {-2.52553, -1.4833, -7.9999}, {7.95176, -7.83779, -8.06603} }; }; class Land_Hospital_side2_F : Medical { positions[] = { {-4.2206, 2.19053, -8.26667}, {12.3004, 0.893655, -8.27503}, {2.55747, 1.37803, -8.28025}, {-1.46108, -9.52041, -8.27408}, {10.8392, -3.37783, -8.27}, {-1.47646, -9.49697, -8.27411}, {-7.27407, -9.95888, -8.27687} }; }; class Land_i_Addon_02_V1_F : Tourist { positions[] = { {2.69737, 1.71714, -0.227275}, {-1.33877, 3.51109, -0.162833}, {-1.32217, 0.150979, -0.346736} }; }; class Land_i_Addon_03mid_V1_F : Tourist { positions[] = { {-3.74111, -0.282127, -1.0765}, {0.34092, 0.131936, -1.00317}, {4.03135, 0.774514, -0.618798} }; }; class Land_spp_Tower_F : Tourist { positions[] = { {0.0001, 0.544045, -24.3791}, {-0.0111305, -3.53603, -24.3573}, {0.297463, 0.537209, -24.3793}, {-4.89883, -0.907127, -24.3658}, {-4.33779, -3.00674, -24.3567}, {-1.53554, 0.546389, -24.3775}, {4.85557, -1.5999, -24.3795}, {4.26231, -3.08193, -24.3634} }; }; class Land_u_Addon_02_V1_F : Tourist { positions[] = { {2.67002, 1.7169, -0.255813}, {-1.36904, 3.51011, -0.21902}, {-1.35049, 0.150491, -0.226223} }; }; class Land_NavigLight : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.35498, -0.533203, -4.87848} }; }; class Land_Runway_PAPI : Industrial { positions[] = { {-0.573242, 0.429688, -0.311005}, {0.019043, 0.0136719, 0.224335} }; }; class Land_Runway_PAPI_2 : Shop { positions[] = { {-0.436035, 0.869141, -0.310974}, {0.503906, -1.10254, -0.311035} }; }; class Land_Shed_W03 : Industrial { positions[] = { {-3.06201, -1.1416, -0.860992}, {1.04395, -2.29883, -0.860962}, {3.36768, 1.22266, -0.860992}, {-0.601074, 2.02051, -0.860992}, {3.40527, -3.14453, -0.860962} }; }; class Land_Ind_Workshop01_03 : Shop { positions[] = { {-3.30957, 4.15918, -1.48181}, {3.32324, 3.80957, -1.48178}, {2.99902, -0.226563, -1.48175} }; }; class Land_Ind_Workshop01_01 : Industrial { positions[] = { {-1.47852, -0.0175781, -0.714417}, {-0.92041, 1.26758, -0.837128}, {-1.20557, 2.0498, -0.228088}, {-1.479, 1.19238, 0.375549}, {2.07861, -2.64648, -0.442322}, {1.83984, -3.35449, -0.714417}, {2.05566, -0.707031, -1.4379}, {1.14404, -2.6582, -1.43793}, {-0.790527, 0.299805, -1.43784} }; }; class Land_Ss_hangar : Military { positions[] = { {14.1494, -20.0303, -5.95197}, {-13.6045, -19.3486, -5.95193}, {-14.0459, -9.9873, -5.95187}, {-13.999, 9.22852, -5.952}, {-13.6313, 22.0117, -5.95197}, {12.6553, 22.0684, -5.95197}, {8.00342, 7.51074, -5.95197}, {-1.08301, 0.00488281, -5.95197}, {3.71289, -11.5088, -5.95197}, {14.6089, -1.51172, -5.95197}, {-2.92627, 13.1201, -5.95197}, {10.2236, -21.8711, -5.95197}, {-13.6182, -22.1016, -5.952} }; }; class Land_Shed_M03 : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-0.28418, 2.23047, -1.03253}, {1.77588, -0.592773, -1.03256} }; }; class Land_a_stationhouse : Military { positions[] = { {14.8188, 3.60059, -9.50491}, {15.605, 3.60352, -9.50497}, {19.1025, -6.63867, -9.50497}, {19.1943, -7.48438, -9.50497}, {19.1162, -6.01758, -9.50494}, {7.91602, 2.99805, -9.50491}, {3.78857, 3.3252, -9.50494}, {1.44775, 0.977539, -9.50494}, {1.28906, -2.08008, -9.505}, {6.40625, -7.1543, -9.50494}, {12.6821, -7.14746, -9.50491}, {14.0737, -2.36328, -9.50491}, {7.32324, -2.13281, -9.50494}, {-4.09424, -6.30664, -4.65033}, {-2.40283, -5.63281, -4.65033}, {-1.19629, -8.64063, -4.65033}, {-0.723145, -8.26563, -0.0452271}, {-4.2373, -8.74219, -0.0452271}, {-2.31396, -5.74805, -0.0452271}, {-1.19043, -8.17188, -9.50497}, {-3.7085, -7.90039, -9.50497}, {-4.17627, -6.73438, -9.50491}, {-1.05664, -5.39453, -9.50494}, {13.2212, 2.69531, -9.50494}, {18.7139, 0.556641, -9.50494}, {-1.43311, -5.80469, 4.40994}, {-1.5874, -8.4668, 4.40994}, {-1.88135, -7.25781, 4.40994}, {-4.14453, -8.40137, 4.40994}, {-3.75586, -7.3252, 4.40994}, {-2.29639, -5.9668, 4.40994}, {-3.08252, -8.63965, 4.40994}, {-3.62549, -6.61035, 4.40994}, {-6.33643, -9.54102, -9.50494}, {-19.1406, 7.27539, -9.50494}, {-6.84717, 5.4375, -0.509338}, {-8.40527, -3.30273, -0.509338}, {-15.3975, -2.98926, -0.509338}, {-12.4292, 3.04102, -0.509338}, {-1.45166, -4.01465, -0.509338}, {3.22412, 2.99414, -0.509338}, {4.81543, -0.885742, -0.509338}, {-13.1504, 7.72168, -0.509338}, {-1.50635, -8.0752, 8.49066}, {-3.13037, -7.1875, 8.49066}, {-1.91309, -5.48926, 8.49066}, {-3.93262, -5.05762, 8.49066}, {6.37061, -9.45313, -9.50494}, {18.9063, -9.94043, -9.50494} }; }; class Land_Hut06 : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.877441, 1.79199, -1.56042}, {-1.20947, 0.443359, -1.56039}, {0.449707, -0.803711, -1.56042} }; }; class Land_Shed_Ind02 : Industrial { positions[] = { {-0.811523, -8.80273, -4.63742}, {2.46729, -0.362305, -4.63742}, {-2.89355, 7.04785, -4.63742}, {3.979, 9.4707, -4.63742}, {2.54541, -9.43945, -1.28958}, {4.8418, 3.05664, -1.28958}, {3.65625, 9.95605, -1.28958}, {-3.94287, 7.24219, -1.28958}, {-4.10107, -1.11133, -1.28958}, {-3.87256, -9.08301, -1.28958}, {-3.72461, 11.835, -1.28958}, {-2.0874, 11.1943, -1.28958}, {-0.0986328, 12.2021, -1.28958}, {5.05664, -11.7793, -4.86472}, {-5.70117, -8.76367, -4.1059}, {-5.63379, -1.40137, -4.1059}, {-5.65674, 7.36133, -4.1059}, {-5.59326, 12.5117, -4.86472}, {2.69678, 12.1357, -4.86472} }; }; class Land_Ind_Workshop01_04 : Industrial { positions[] = { {-1.54102, -3.06152, -1.43896}, {-1.24463, -3.08301, -0.68399}, {-1.66162, -3.12598, -0.303986}, {1.32568, -3.62109, -1.66913}, {1.40283, -6.75098, -1.66913}, {-1.77051, -6.42383, -1.6691}, {-0.0947266, -4.93066, -1.66913}, {-0.341797, 1.91602, -1.43896}, {-0.35791, 1.75977, -0.68399}, {-0.361816, 2.1709, -0.303986}, {1.55469, 4.77832, -1.6691}, {-0.989746, 2.86035, -1.66913}, {-1.66504, 4.57227, -1.66913} }; }; class Land_Barn_W_01 : Industrial { positions[] = { {4.76855, -17.8125, -2.65195}, {-4.40527, -17.6914, -2.65195}, {-0.290039, -13.0615, -2.65277}, {-3.75537, -4.45313, -2.65427}, {4.59033, 0.530273, -2.65512}, {0.177734, 6.58301, -2.65619}, {-4.74902, 10.9336, -2.65695}, {-2.36035, 17.4775, -2.65808}, {5.11182, 17.9434, -2.65817}, {-1.48584, 21.0732, -2.91336} }; }; class Land_Misc_deerstand : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.455566, -0.673828, -2.14459}, {-2.75928, 1.50195, -2.14465}, {0.780273, -1.00684, 0.960571}, {0.53125, 0.200195, 0.960571}, {-0.502441, -0.853516, 0.960571} }; }; class Land_Ind_Workshop01_02 : Industrial { positions[] = { {-1.5376, -0.777344, -1.47028}, {1.53223, -0.579102, -1.47034}, {-0.133301, 1.05469, -1.47034}, {1.63086, 1.69434, -1.47031} }; }; class Land_KBud : Tourist { positions[] = { {0.11084, -0.540039, -0.127808}, {0.868164, -0.586914, -1.2316} }; }; class Land_houseV_2T2 : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-3.16699, -4.15137, -4.83649}, {-4.5459, 0.290039, -4.07288}, {-5.67188, 1.90332, -4.55487}, {-3.66406, 1.51367, -4.07288}, {-5.03418, 4.58691, -4.83649}, {6.26221, 5.10742, -4.55609}, {6.99805, -4.06543, -4.83649} }; }; class Land_Komin : Tourist { positions[] = { {1.56592, 1.41797, 12.4547}, {-1.46289, 1.27832, 12.4547}, {0.313477, 2.8418, 12.4547}, {-3.46045, -1.63867, -15.8055}, {3.69482, 1.01074, -15.8055}, {0.229492, 4.65234, -15.8055} }; }; class Land_HouseV_1I4 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-1.1792, 4.28418, -2.74744}, {0.589355, 4.01172, -2.74747}, {-4.04883, -4.13965, -2.74664}, {-3.79834, -2.07227, -2.74683}, {-2.0293, -2.70996, -2.06064}, {-1.82666, -5.12598, -2.14166}, {-3.93457, -1.00195, -2.74005}, {0.620605, -1.46484, -2.74704}, {2.38623, 1.63672, -2.71722}, {2.63574, -0.134766, -2.82703} }; }; class Land_HouseV2_01A : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.748047, -3.4541, -5.54184}, {-2.87891, -3.57227, -5.62329}, {-6.06592, -4.3125, -6.04913}, {1.10254, -4.05371, -6.04904} }; }; class Land_HouseV_2L : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-4.02686, -3.71094, -4.05673}, {5.15186, 0.0566406, -4.12302}, {4.1875, 2.3584, -3.99744}, {4.28564, 1.2793, -3.99744} }; }; class Land_HouseV_3I4 : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-4.50195, 4.50293, -2.76901}, {5.42578, 2.73242, -2.60297} }; }; class Land_HouseV2_01B : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-4.23242, -2.51172, -5.18509}, {-2.61475, -3.43652, -5.59604}, {9.77393, 3.54004, -6.10773} }; }; class Land_HouseV_1T : Tourist { positions[] = { {-4.90088, 6.44824, -3.06537}, {-7.10986, -2.16113, -3.22665}, {3.35791, -1.67578, -3.06537}, {5.86328, -3.11426, -3.22665}, {2.33643, -4.4541, -3.22659} }; }; class Land_HouseV_1I2 : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.960938, -4.24707, -2.18909}, {2.33984, -3.39453, -2.23044}, {-3.41992, 2.54492, -2.23044} }; }; class Land_houseV_2T1 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {5.33057, -3.23438, -3.23032}, {2.38379, -4.52051, -3.23032}, {5.51025, 3.91016, -3.23032}, {-4.69238, 4.96289, -3.23035} }; }; class Land_Church_01 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-7.18799, -0.201172, -6.46631}, {-7.08984, -0.188477, -4.2269}, {4.13477, -3.89453, -6.36041}, {7.29004, 4.09766, -6.46631}, {8.14258, 2.82422, -6.46625}, {0.840332, 4.39355, -6.46631} }; }; class Land_HouseV_1I1 : Tourist { positions[] = { {-0.655273, -2.04297, -2.8573}, {0.678223, -2.33496, -2.8573}, {-3.23633, -1.9873, -2.96014}, {3.16016, -2.8252, -2.96014} }; }; class Land_HouseV_1L2 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.365723, 4.23145, -3.01556}, {-2.76221, 6.37109, -3.01556}, {-5.08154, 3.35547, -3.01553}, {-0.148438, -5.80957, -1.11783}, {-2.72363, -5.83008, -2.64917}, {2.9751, -6.11914, -3.01556} }; }; class Land_HouseV_3I2 : Tourist { positions[] = { {4.17236, 2.44824, -2.18082}, {5.32617, -2.26758, -2.52814}, {2.05859, -6.27344, -2.52817} }; }; class Land_Nasypka : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-1.34814, -0.236328, -5.92822}, {-2.46191, 0.388672, 6.5668}, {-1.32715, -0.879883, 6.5668}, {-0.786133, 0.504883, 6.5668} }; }; class Land_HouseV2_02_Interier : Shop { positions[] = { {-1.08545, -7.61133, -6.43289}, {-0.776855, -3.9873, -5.57187}, {0.970215, 0.508789, -5.57187}, {-1.0791, -0.374023, -5.57187}, {0.960938, 5.66211, -6.0275}, {6.75781, 1.75977, -4.61929}, {6.3208, 1.30078, -4.61929}, {5.99756, 1.68262, -5.57187}, {3.13721, 5.91113, -5.57187}, {7.90234, 6.10352, -5.57187}, {5.01172, 4.59082, -5.57187}, {9.00488, -2.23926, -4.73184}, {8.75879, -1.9873, -4.73184}, {5.02979, -1.80176, -5.57187}, {2.61963, 1.18848, -5.57187}, {-4.97119, -2.15234, -5.19708}, {-8.229, -1.80273, -5.57187}, {-2.76465, 5.31738, -5.57187}, {-3.28418, 1.36133, -5.57187}, {-5.07227, 4.02832, -5.57187}, {-6.5498, 0.936523, -5.57187}, {-10.519, -1.61719, -6.50235}, {1.38525, 9.27051, -6.50238}, {-0.281738, 7.66602, -6.45331} }; }; class Land_HouseV_1I3 : Tourist { positions[] = { {2.17432, -1.09375, -2.29471}, {2.37793, 0.62793, -2.46329}, {-4.42334, -9.16309, -2.46332}, {3.70752, -9.24902, -2.46329} }; }; class Land_HouseV_3I1 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {5.15625, -1.76563, -2.0498}, {-5.4541, -2.49805, -2.04623}, {7.28613, 4.57813, -2.80362}, {2.41309, -2.70801, -2.80362} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_A3 : Tourist { positions[] = { {0.809082, -3.68262, -5.44064}, {-0.618652, -0.414063, -5.44064}, {0.671875, 3.78223, -5.44064}, {3.85107, 5.48633, -5.44064}, {3.15527, -7.21484, -5.44064} }; }; class Land_HouseV2_03B : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.399902, -9.05762, -5.50803}, {0.639648, -9.91797, -5.93018}, {8.80371, -9.97266, -6.05109}, {7.93066, 1.10547, -5.49982}, {-0.438477, 12.0127, -6.05106}, {-8.04541, 3.70898, -5.50803}, {-8.52002, 1.8418, -5.67029}, {-8.0293, -0.566406, -4.46933}, {-8.0293, -4.59473, -4.53424}, {-4.69189, -8.94238, -4.6618}, {4.2832, -8.97363, -4.59927}, {7.86572, 7.08496, -4.54236} }; }; class Land_A_GeneralStore_01a : Shop { positions[] = { {4.65381, -5.00098, -0.727783}, {4.48389, -4.97266, -0.347809}, {4.89746, -4.99609, 0.417206}, {4.1333, -4.24707, -1.20499}, {1.87939, -2.91504, -1.20499}, {-0.65918, -2.27539, -1.20499}, {-2.53906, -4.60449, -1.20499}, {0.771973, -4.0625, -1.20499}, {-5.58643, -4.67773, -1.20499}, {-3.43555, -3.01074, -1.20499}, {-5.6875, -2.33301, -1.20499}, {-8.50293, -2.50879, -0.935181}, {-8.50293, -2.55273, 0.410065}, {-6.97168, -1.84766, -1.20499}, {-8.43848, -4.17383, -1.20499}, {-4.93945, -1.42773, -1.10278}, {-5.73291, -1.38574, -0.727783}, {-4.95117, -1.42676, 0.032196}, {-3.99561, -1.34277, -1.10278}, {-3.28369, -1.39355, -0.347809}, {-2.5625, -1.40039, -0.347809}, {-3.33105, -1.31445, 0.417206}, {-4.14209, -1.41699, 0.032196}, {-2.8125, -1.42773, -1.10278}, {-0.925781, -1.36035, -0.727783}, {-0.146973, -1.46191, -1.10278}, {-1.08691, -1.3125, 0.032196}, {-0.100586, -1.41016, 0.032196}, {0.59082, -1.39648, -0.347809}, {1.57715, -1.37012, -1.10278}, {1.21143, -1.36621, -0.347809}, {1.57324, -1.31836, 0.417206}, {3.08594, -1.44238, 0.417206}, {2.27734, -1.37988, -0.347809}, {2, -1.46484, -1.10278}, {3.14355, -1.37891, -1.10278}, {2.77783, -1.34473, -0.347809}, {4, -1.3916, -0.347809}, {4.02686, -3.06641, -0.347809}, {3.94141, -3.11523, -1.10278}, {4.01611, -2.85547, 0.417206}, {2.77051, -3.02441, 0.417206}, {2.75391, -3.12891, -0.347809}, {2.73096, -3.24512, -1.10278}, {1.17773, -3.34277, -0.347809}, {1.14502, -3.04395, -1.10278}, {1.16357, -3.17969, 0.417206}, {-0.346191, -3.38672, -0.347809}, {-0.38916, -3.04297, -0.727783}, {-2.29492, -3.59473, -0.347809}, {-2.44775, -3.82617, 0.417206}, {-2.19092, -3.41602, -0.727783}, {-1.51514, -5.03223, -0.727783}, {-0.92334, -4.95801, -0.347809}, {-1.43408, -4.97363, 0.032196}, {-0.60791, -4.95801, -1.10278}, {0.0864258, -4.98633, -0.347809}, {-0.114258, -4.93457, -0.727783}, {-0.00439453, -5.00879, 0.417206}, {-0.546387, -5.01074, 0.417206}, {1.00244, -4.96973, -0.727783}, {0.630859, -4.95313, -1.10278}, {0.697754, -5.00977, -0.347809}, {1.01123, -5.05957, 0.032196}, {1.66113, -5.00488, -0.727783}, {2.23193, -4.93555, -0.727783}, {2.46582, -4.95996, 0.032196}, {2.17822, -4.97168, 0.417206}, {1.55859, -4.97852, 0.417206}, {2.5, -4.98535, -1.10278}, {1.4624, -4.91016, -1.10278}, {6.47119, -3.12988, -0.347809}, {6.3125, -3.27832, -1.10278}, {4.8208, -3.23828, -0.680176}, {3.85693, -5.00977, 0.032196}, {8.01611, -1.51367, -0.727783}, {7.52979, -5.28516, 1.24457}, {8.28711, -1.49023, 0.032196}, {12.5703, 0.556641, -0.912231}, {14.0947, 0.0322266, -1.20499}, {14.5967, -1.53223, -0.727783}, {14.6245, -0.673828, 0.032196}, {14.5854, -2.31543, -1.10278}, {14.5396, -0.769531, -1.10278}, {14.604, -0.575195, -0.727783}, {14.5352, -2.19336, 0.032196}, {9.59961, -4.50684, -1.20499}, {13.5942, -3.69531, -1.20499}, {11.1357, -1.61035, -1.20499}, {11.9482, -1.96387, -1.20499}, {-7.5083, -0.03125, -1.20499}, {-0.80957, 3.37402, -0.6539}, {0.191895, 3.32715, -0.303619}, {0.278809, 3.32031, -1.0126}, {1.79004, 3.36133, -0.303619}, {2.71436, 3.34375, -0.6539}, {1.50342, 3.35254, -1.0126}, {3.90186, 3.35059, -0.303619}, {4.87109, 3.37207, -0.6539}, {4.25635, 3.38867, -1.0126}, {5.97363, 0.957031, -0.514893}, {5.36572, 1.08398, -0.514893}, {4.13965, 1, -0.514893}, {3.56592, 1.16797, -0.514923}, {2.37939, 0.818359, -0.514893}, {1.96289, 1.09277, -0.514893}, {1.26367, 0.956055, -0.514893}, {0.244629, 0.972656, -0.514893}, {-0.666504, 0.976563, -0.514893}, {8.15234, 1.22949, -0.514923}, {7.99609, 0.891602, -0.514893}, {7.58691, 1.05859, -0.514893}, {7.08252, 0.90625, -0.514893}, {11.7598, 3.68457, -0.303619}, {11.7251, 4.77539, -0.303619}, {11.7368, 4.21582, -0.6539}, {11.7656, 3.64844, -1.0126}, {11.8638, 5.74707, -0.6539}, {11.8315, 6.78027, -0.6539}, {11.8687, 6.32813, -1.0126}, {12.2866, 5.63184, -0.6539}, {12.2197, 6.40527, -0.303619}, {12.1943, 6.42773, -1.0126}, {12.2393, 4.23828, -1.0126}, {12.2412, 3.44531, -0.6539}, {12.187, 4.50098, -0.303619}, {12.2031, 3.8291, 0.0515137}, {7.17334, 6.8584, 0.0515137}, {6.4585, 6.73242, -0.6539}, {7.48779, 6.84277, -0.303619}, {5.29395, 6.72559, -0.6539}, {4.4082, 6.76465, -1.0126}, {4.57959, 6.69922, 0.0515137}, {2.81689, 6.35156, -0.303619}, {2.16016, 6.71387, -0.6539}, {0.793945, 6.74512, -1.0126}, {-0.169922, 6.64355, 0.0515137}, {-0.0297852, 6.74512, -0.6539}, {-0.457031, 7.05762, -1.20499}, {3.29834, 6.82422, -1.20499}, {1.79639, 6.44238, -0.6539}, {2.66699, 5.91211, -0.303619}, {2.29053, 6.09375, 0.0515137}, {2.02295, 6.22852, -1.0126}, {-0.520996, 6.28027, -0.303619}, {0.446289, 6.20996, 0.0515137}, {0.536133, 6.26855, -0.6539}, {-0.0947266, 6.25684, -1.0126}, {6.57031, 3.55469, -0.822632}, {6.99609, 4.05371, -0.833069}, {6.35303, 4.15137, -0.823608}, {6.60059, 6.41113, -0.303619}, {6.93652, 6.30664, -1.0126}, {5.17188, 6.24023, 0.0515137}, {4.40918, 6.29492, -0.303619}, {4.64111, 6.29102, -1.0126}, {5.34717, 3.78125, -0.303619}, {4.52832, 3.875, -0.6539}, {3.82275, 3.73047, -0.303619}, {3.08545, 3.7666, -0.6539}, {2.44922, 3.86523, -1.0126}, {4.09717, 4.54785, -1.20499}, {-0.311035, 5.10352, -1.20499}, {0.612793, 3.77734, 0.0515137}, {-0.200195, 3.82129, -0.303619}, {0.224609, 3.7627, -1.0126}, {-3.38037, 4.75195, -0.408783}, {-4.18994, 4.75195, -0.372833}, {-4.00635, 4.75195, -0.994781}, {-4.30859, 6.2627, -0.549866}, {-3.68408, 6.2627, -0.950897}, {-5.24365, 2.11426, -1.20499}, {-8.06396, 8.03418, -1.20499}, {13.21, 3.7334, -1.20499}, {13.5469, 6.74219, -1.20499}, {7.51172, -0.306641, -1.20499} }; }; class Land_Kulna : Tourist { positions[] = { {0.496094, 1.60156, -1.14435}, {-0.482422, -0.510742, -1.14435} }; }; class Land_A_Office01 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-3.06689, -4.13477, -4.53223}, {1.72998, 2.16602, -4.53223}, {2.46875, 5.90137, -4.53223}, {2.03662, 4.2832, -4.53223}, {-0.925293, 3.47363, -4.53223}, {5.56641, 5.65723, -4.53223}, {5.15234, -0.888672, -4.53223}, {-4.68408, 3.04297, -4.53223}, {-12.2583, 1.95313, -4.53223}, {10.3569, 6.35352, -4.53223}, {9.18652, 3.48633, -4.53223}, {6.64795, 7.1416, -4.53223}, {7.66895, 3.10352, -4.53223}, {13.7236, -2.48926, -4.53223}, {15.624, -1.87598, -4.53223}, {12.9985, -0.854492, -4.53223}, {12.1157, -4.18848, -4.53223}, {15.4756, -4.32031, -4.53223}, {15.126, 1.6543, -4.53223}, {4.6582, -3.80176, -4.53223}, {1.93994, 3.31543, -2.03223}, {-0.709473, 7.06738, -2.03223}, {3.875, 6.96973, -2.03223}, {5.48145, 6.93848, -2.03223}, {2.96143, 4.97168, -2.03223}, {1.05322, 5.30664, -2.03223}, {-1.56592, 0.480469, -2.03223}, {-6.34473, 2.11621, -2.03223}, {-8.18506, 3.28418, -2.03223}, {-7.77344, 6.94238, -2.03223}, {-4.54199, 6.32422, -2.03223}, {-6.33594, 6.63965, -2.03223}, {-5.77148, 3.2959, -2.03223}, {-5.00244, -4.01855, -2.03223}, {-8.13867, -1.12207, -2.03223}, {-13.5732, -3.5459, -2.03223}, {-15.1123, 3.55176, -2.03223}, {15.3198, 6.35254, -2.03223}, {15.1885, 3.49609, -2.03223}, {12.0146, 5.46973, -2.03223}, {12.832, 3.42871, -2.03223}, {14.1646, 6.6875, -2.03223}, {15.0117, 1.7832, -2.03223}, {13.5039, 0.658203, -2.03223}, {9.54736, -1.00977, -2.03223}, {9.98535, -4.35938, -2.03223}, {6.93799, -4.3877, -2.03223}, {8.20508, -3.05469, -2.03223}, {7.78857, -0.508789, -2.03223}, {-2.60693, -6.12012, -2.02676}, {-0.120605, -6.60742, -2.02676}, {4.78564, -6.22754, -2.02676}, {0.36377, 4.71484, 0.467773}, {-2.95703, 3.08594, 0.467773}, {-2.73779, 4.39258, 0.467773}, {0.110352, 3.4082, 0.467773}, {-3.08496, 0.651367, 0.467773}, {15.3179, 4.05859, 0.467773}, {11.1948, 1.84766, 0.467773}, {8.67188, -3.25684, 0.467773}, {14.6567, -3.00488, 0.467773}, {1.86914, 6.64258, 0.467773}, {-7.1377, 5.14258, 0.467773}, {-12.3105, 5.89648, 0.467773}, {-12.3652, 1.0459, 0.467773}, {-6.3501, 3.0166, 0.467773} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_A1_1 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-3.53125, -1.29883, -4.64233}, {-4.96191, -4.24609, -4.64233}, {-4.67822, 3.39063, -4.64233}, {-0.205566, 4.90918, -4.64233}, {6.89746, -5.74512, -4.95648}, {5.07959, -4.91797, -4.67917} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_C4 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.57666, -5.50195, -5.74133}, {-5.29688, 6.99707, -5.74133}, {-1.20654, 5.94141, -5.74136}, {5.94824, 0.318359, -5.74133} }; }; class Land_Hangar_2 : VehicleService { positions[] = { {4.41602, -11.5488, -2.70184}, {13.7231, -7.37598, -2.56808}, {7.03174, 0.158203, -2.56808}, {10.6089, 7.32227, -2.56808}, {1.90771, 8.25586, -2.56808}, {-3.59521, 0.0888672, -2.56808}, {-2.68652, -6.90332, -2.56808}, {-10.5674, -7.15137, -2.56808}, {-13.4326, -0.368164, -2.56808}, {-12.9087, 8.01758, -2.56808}, {-6.44287, 8.05273, -2.56808}, {0.729004, 4.18457, -2.56808}, {11.6191, 2.9541, -2.56808}, {3.28174, -6.58203, -2.56808}, {-6.95898, -2.74316, -2.56808}, {-0.533203, 10.7441, -2.56808}, {10.0005, 10.9248, -2.56808}, {14.4771, 9.09082, -2.56808}, {14.0713, -1.62207, -2.56808}, {4.55859, -2.59277, -2.56808}, {-12.9209, 3.89355, -2.56808} }; }; class Land_A_statue01 : Military { positions[] = { {-1.27148, -2.58594, -3.06183}, {-1.54004, -3.45898, -3.69531}, {1.88135, -2.82617, -3.69559}, {4.03223, 1.96094, -3.69406}, {0.721191, 2.74414, -3.69327}, {-1.50342, 2.55176, -3.06058}, {-4.7041, 3.71973, -3.91473}, {-3.28027, -0.00390625, -3.06122}, {-4.23633, -3.01465, -3.69473} }; }; class Land_Church_02 : Tourist { positions[] = { {-4.54102, 7.63574, -11.6679}, {-11.3262, 0.464844, -11.6679}, {-11.7744, 2.34863, -11.6679}, {-3.64404, -4.94727, -11.6679}, {-0.877441, -7.34473, -11.668} }; }; class Land_Church_02a : Tourist { positions[] = { {9.66748, -7.34668, -11.5627}, {-4.80859, 7.79492, -11.5627}, {-11.4722, 2.52051, -11.5628}, {-11.5132, 0.637695, -11.5627}, {-10.812, -5.47559, -11.5627}, {-0.647461, -7.35254, -11.5628}, {-4.60986, -5.39746, -11.5627} }; }; class Land_Misc_Cargo1C : VehicleService { positions[] = { {1.9458, 3.31836, -1.26733}, {-1.29688, 4.40332, -1.26727}, {-0.0263672, -3.80371, -1.26733} }; }; class Land_Ind_TankBig : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-1.29346, 1.64063, 5.31479}, {1.32959, -3.51172, 5.31479}, {-4.70215, -3.37793, 5.31479}, {2.43164, 4.29883, 5.31479}, {-6.10791, 1.72656, 5.31479}, {3.01709, -0.145508, 5.31479} }; }; class Land_ruin_01 : Tourist { positions[] = { {-4.65332, 1.9541, -1.57095}, {-0.498047, 1.67578, -1.28055}, {3.52295, 0.963867, -1.21445}, {6.2627, -0.688477, -1.63867}, {3.57666, -1.73242, -1.43866}, {-3.58887, -1.94824, -1.63101}, {-5.19824, -1.89453, -1.71967}, {0.454102, -3.00293, -1.37805} }; }; class Land_A_Castle_Gate : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {4.18799, 3.85645, -3.08603}, {7.6709, 3.06836, -3.08603}, {7.22803, 0.360352, -3.08606}, {4.82178, -2.85254, -3.08606}, {-0.783203, 5.10254, -3.08609}, {-0.753418, -3.41016, -3.08606}, {-11.1289, -0.854492, -3.08606} }; }; class Land_A_Castle_Donjon : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-8.71484, -7.39844, -9.34744}, {7.91943, -8.25684, -9.34741}, {8.18701, 5.83105, -9.34756}, {-5.8916, 8.05859, -9.34744} }; }; class Land_A_Castle_Wall2_30 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-7.13525, -0.263672, -6.09454} }; }; class Land_A_Castle_Stairs_A : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.636719, -1.36426, 0.731842}, {-0.0380859, 1.42285, 0.933868}, {2.2002, 2.5293, 1.00937}, {8.28564, 2.37891, 0.981628}, {6.46289, 0.432617, 0.888824}, {8.60645, 0.894531, 7.03702}, {7.91797, 2.35645, 7.0506} }; }; class Land_A_Castle_Bergfrit : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-1.99854, -3.15137, -2.7305}, {0.378418, 2.43262, -2.7305}, {2.5542, -0.771484, -2.73053}, {2.54443, 1.58301, 1.82468}, {2.04199, 4.13281, 1.82468}, {2.12354, -3.75879, 3.84039}, {-2.38281, -3.56152, 6.30399}, {-2.36182, 4.15039, 8.76547}, {1.78271, 3.70703, 8.76547}, {0.699707, 0.275391, 8.76547}, {-0.0722656, -1.68262, 8.76547}, {-2.7373, -4.28027, 13.4688}, {-3.38818, 4.76465, 16.8546}, {2.22363, 4.5791, 16.8546}, {-0.0439453, 1.53027, 16.8546}, {2.23877, -1.58496, 16.8546}, {-3.07275, -4.15234, 16.8546}, {0.901855, -4.50586, 16.8546} }; }; class Land_Sara_domek_zluty : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {6.71582, 3.46387, -2.51434}, {6.63818, 1.42676, -2.5144}, {2.43311, 3.44434, -2.51443}, {7.41309, 0.223633, -2.5144}, {6.96777, -0.94043, -2.51437}, {5.2793, -0.496094, -2.51431}, {-0.139648, -0.738281, -2.5144}, {-0.945801, 1.65332, -2.51437}, {0.650391, 2.99414, -2.51456}, {-6.3916, 2.91113, -2.51453}, {-2.86963, 2.50391, -2.5144}, {-5.85205, -0.481445, -2.5144}, {-6.70654, -4.07031, -2.5144}, {-3.87891, -2.88867, -2.51437} }; }; class Land_A_TVTower_Base : Military { positions[] = { {1.30859, -0.330078, -22.3907}, {-2.40039, 0.796875, -22.3939}, {-2.44482, -0.419922, -2.31299}, {-2.07471, 3.40137, -2.31299}, {-0.850098, -1.94434, -2.31299}, {-2.2124, -4.14258, -2.31299}, {-4.88428, -6.86523, -2.31299}, {0.25, -7.26855, -2.31299}, {5.55322, -2.78027, -2.31299}, {4.06445, 2.30859, -2.31299}, {-1.48926, 7.2168, -2.31299}, {-7.42236, 3.03906, -2.31299}, {-8.05176, -4.60352, -2.31299}, {5.80859, -0.476563, -22.3903} }; }; class Land_Misc_PowerStation : VehicleService { positions[] = { {4.56396, -4.08496, -1.2644}, {3.84521, 1.45117, -1.26593}, {4.43701, 7.3457, -1.29517}, {-5.77832, 3.70313, -2.05154}, {4.97803, -4.54395, -2.05157}, {5.17627, 2.27051, -2.05157} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_C5 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {2.15381, -5.38672, -5.55646}, {6.05957, -4.60645, -5.55646}, {1.76904, 5.73242, -5.55646} }; }; class Land_Church_05R : Industrial { positions[] = { {6.5957, 8.37012, -7.98993}, {2.55078, 1.96484, -7.98996}, {15.4019, 4.43945, -7.98996}, {14.4336, 0.443359, -7.98993}, {8.3252, -2.11035, -7.98993}, {8.16162, -6.66797, -7.98999}, {3.60645, -7.40527, -7.98996}, {-5.85889, -2.90625, -7.98996}, {-10.3428, 2.9043, -7.98993} }; }; class Land_Misc_Cargo1Ao : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.686035, -2.26953, -1.09848}, {0.67627, 2.07324, -1.09848}, {-0.496094, 0.27832, -1.09848} }; }; class Land_Lampa_ind_zebr : Medical { positions[] = { {0.101074, -0.203125, -4.67615} }; }; class Land_A_BuildingWIP : Industrial { positions[] = { {-3.14844, -5.58789, -5.65518}, {-1.85938, -5.81152, -5.63141}, {4.09717, -5.40234, -6.53845}, {-2.20605, -9.73926, -6.53842}, {15.7676, -9.83789, -6.53851}, {13.5439, -2.83203, -6.53848}, {17.6421, -1.3916, -6.54041}, {13.8086, 2.7334, -6.53848}, {7.00244, 8.17773, -6.53845}, {11.314, 2.68555, -6.53848}, {4.07764, -3.68945, -5.44043}, {-7.43945, 0.371094, -5.65155}, {-14.062, 0.277344, -5.62378}, {-14.2495, 1.77344, -5.70969}, {-14.812, 5.09375, -6.53839}, {-15.583, -2.84961, -6.53839}, {-3.61963, 1.87109, -6.53842}, {0.979004, 6.09277, -6.53845}, {-0.723633, 1.63965, -6.53842}, {-10.311, -8.09375, -6.53839}, {-10.563, -9.71875, -6.53839}, {-15.5586, -8.02344, -6.53839}, {-15.856, -6.28516, -6.53839}, {-15.687, -9.82422, -6.53839}, {-13.0762, -5.97363, -5.7627}, {-23.3647, 2.91895, -5.44043}, {-24.146, 11.1084, -6.53833}, {-19.6914, 1.83008, -6.53836}, {-20.6816, 0.0703125, -6.53836}, {-24.0474, -0.428711, -6.53833}, {-20.4473, -3.46387, -6.53836}, {-24.0986, -9.08594, -6.53833}, {-24.4155, -6.00391, -6.53833}, {-20.5938, -6.2373, -6.53836}, {-15.4238, -14.1152, -6.53854}, {-16.5015, -16.1924, -6.53745}, {-15.7754, -12.0322, -2.53946}, {-12.0918, -15.3262, -2.54871}, {-2.55957, -11.5225, -2.54626}, {14.9517, -12.8408, -2.54712}, {-20.2593, -9.42871, -2.53836}, {-20.3716, -6.05664, -1.50925}, {-20.3267, -4.92676, -2.24194}, {-24.0122, 6.24805, -2.24194}, {-22.0762, 4.8877, -2.53836}, {-23.3174, 1.74219, -2.53836}, {-20.1558, -3.00293, -2.53836}, {-23.5562, 8.0957, -2.53836}, {-23.2588, 11.2002, -2.53836}, {-20.4937, 11.4336, -2.53836}, {-14.7183, 11.8477, -2.53836}, {-7.63477, 11.7461, -2.53836}, {-12.3115, 11.5293, -2.53836}, {-6.10547, 11.8447, -1.50925}, {-6.36719, 12.1943, -1.50925}, {3.75732, 7.59277, -1.67697}, {0.422852, 7.47168, -1.70831}, {6.26514, 7.7627, -2.24194}, {9.79248, 7.80566, -1.70178}, {15.2832, 11.4229, -2.53836}, {15.0947, 2.58887, -2.53836}, {15.7603, -7.47852, -2.24194}, {-8.40771, -9.50781, -1.71759}, {-5.11719, -9.9209, -1.67697}, {-12.1167, -9.67676, -2.53836}, {20.4683, 2.01953, -0.522827}, {17.0225, -0.373047, 1.36566}, {15.6196, -2.2207, 2.39447}, {15.4482, -1.30371, 3.43604}, {4.53467, -0.344727, 2.1727}, {4.93066, -9.22461, 2.49985}, {3.80762, -9.92578, 1.46878}, {-5.08057, -10.0117, 2.33212}, {-11.5029, -2.50488, 2.49985}, {-10.1919, -2.4043, 2.23288}, {-11.1997, -1.53711, 1.46982}, {-13.3809, 6.15527, 1.46548}, {-23.0327, 7.13281, 1.46921}, {-23.5771, 11.1602, 1.46667}, {-6.48535, 12.2539, 2.49985}, {-5.90674, 11.6865, 2.49985}, {7.15771, 10.6523, 1.71719}, {8.11377, 10.3662, 2.2601}, {8.2959, 9.55273, 1.45319}, {3.88965, 7.45508, 2.31458}, {0.878418, 7.35352, 1.4581}, {-0.586426, 1.18262, 1.46307}, {-3.2998, -4.45996, 1.46823}, {-14.3936, -13.1406, 1.47403}, {-14.7944, -16.7051, -0.521057}, {-13.9106, -11.4658, 5.46036}, {-20.3994, -11.5693, 5.46036}, {-23.5679, -9.23633, 5.29898}, {-20.9424, -2.02734, 5.26999}, {-15.8379, 3.77148, 5.23944}, {-23.791, 11.7197, 5.23376}, {-10.79, 5.51563, 6.36908}, {-11.2134, 4.70117, 6.36908}, {-11.2139, 3.77051, 6.36908}, {-8.74023, -2.16406, 6.36908}, {-1.16406, -2.23145, 5.22269}, {0.992188, -0.121094, 5.21082}, {1.82422, 9.36816, 5.17905}, {-6.10986, 8.35742, 5.20145}, {-0.334961, -8.71875, 5.24103}, {8.00879, -8.95996, 5.68362}, {9.82324, -9.67578, 5.90091}, {10.0347, -8.60547, 5.63202}, {14.4648, -8.46582, 1.4556} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_B4 : Medical { positions[] = { {0.119629, -5.29004, -7.58163}, {-1.11182, 4.96582, -7.25513} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_B3 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-3.33594, -4.60938, -7.07993}, {2.20068, 5.25, -6.95102}, {0.970215, 5.30273, -6.95102}, {5.37305, -5.19043, -7.25769} }; }; class Land_Shed_wooden : Shop { positions[] = { {2.23389, 0.805664, -1.39355}, {-0.723145, -1.10254, -1.17932}, {0.40332, -0.420898, -1.39352}, {-1.00928, 1.1543, -1.39349} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_B5 : Tourist { positions[] = { {-0.421875, -5.92969, -7.25623}, {-7.21631, 6.28613, -7.58228}, {6.57031, 0.537109, -7.58224} }; }; class Land_Panelak : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.695313, -1.97363, 0.0449829}, {-3.15918, -6.12695, 0.0449829}, {-6.61133, -6.2002, 0.0450134}, {-6.85156, 0.30957, 0.0449829}, {-3.06006, 3.98047, 0.0449829}, {-6.38916, 3.99023, 0.0449829}, {0.600586, 4.1377, 1.30222}, {0.0566406, -2.86621, 2.74503}, {3.0293, -6.15723, 2.74503}, {6.78955, -6.23828, 2.74503}, {6.83789, 0.304688, 2.74503}, {6.54834, 3.99023, 2.74503}, {3.21875, 3.98047, 2.74503}, {0.0527344, -3.2666, 5.59943}, {-6.73535, -6.1416, 5.59943}, {-6.87012, 4.09766, 5.65814}, {6.82373, 3.94531, 5.64639}, {6.96924, -6.29395, 5.68484}, {-0.766113, 4.78906, -1.38019} }; }; class Land_A_Office02 : Medical { positions[] = { {5.18066, -4.73828, -8.16971}, {4.71875, -6.9502, -8.16971}, {-0.684082, -6.63672, -8.16971}, {0.969727, -4.79199, -8.16971}, {-2.16553, -4.94922, -8.16971}, {-1.6167, -8.62695, -8.16971}, {4.24658, -8.46191, -8.16971}, {6.85059, -5.94629, -8.16971}, {-23.6113, 2.84961, -8.14496}, {-21.3701, 0.183594, 5.33957}, {-16.7915, 6.58984, 5.33957}, {-9.13721, 2.84961, 5.33957}, {-1.12061, 6.50391, 5.33957}, {7.49609, 4.35352, 5.33957}, {14.4438, 7.34277, 5.33957}, {20.1865, 3.21289, 5.33957}, {19.7627, -2.50586, 5.33957}, {11.1973, -1.59473, 5.33957}, {3.24707, 0.482422, 5.33957}, {1.29785, 2.41309, 6.58099}, {3.11816, 2.31445, 6.58099}, {8.62744, 1.87109, 6.25775}, {-4.78467, -2.81738, 5.33957}, {-12.1602, -0.84082, 5.33957}, {-19.8037, -2.12012, 5.33957}, {-18.9834, 3.85254, 8.67267}, {-17.6201, 0.985352, 8.67267} }; }; class Land_Ind_Pec_02 : Industrial { positions[] = { {-0.494629, 25.0469, -6.66043}, {4.01465, 22.7803, -6.66037}, {9.86865, 12.0186, -6.66037}, {1.77148, -25.29, -6.66037}, {-10.4658, -3.21094, -6.66037} }; }; class Land_Panelak2 : Military { positions[] = { {-0.887207, 4.33105, -4.07584}, {-0.688965, -2.00684, -2.655}, {0.575195, 4.10352, -1.3978}, {0.575195, 4.10254, 1.30222}, {0.574707, 4.10254, 4.026}, {3.29248, -6.16211, 5.41022}, {6.73242, -6.23535, 5.51483}, {6.26465, 3.82422, 5.41022}, {3.44922, 3.80957, 5.41022}, {0.00488281, -2.80176, 5.41022}, {-0.0117188, -3.29883, 8.29944}, {-6.1416, -6.66504, 8.29944}, {-6.8252, 4.11133, 8.32935}, {6.14404, -6.59961, 8.29944} }; }; class Land_A_statue02 : Military { positions[] = { {4.6875, -1.99219, -1.64734}, {-1.84863, -2.69336, -1.01364}, {-4.91846, 1.02148, -1.64496}, {-0.44873, 3.22754, -1.64468}, {-2.77588, 2.58203, -1.01236}, {4.89502, 3.14746, -1.64539} }; }; class Land_ind_silomale : VehicleService { positions[] = { {7.63379, 0.967773, 12.9326}, {8.98438, 8.66992, 12.9326}, {3.48145, 13.9512, 12.9326}, {7.27686, -10.5098, 12.9326}, {0.306152, -11.2744, 12.9326}, {-6.56836, -12.8818, 12.9326}, {-5.18164, 1.20605, 12.9326}, {-7.52979, -3.12891, 12.9326}, {-9.1709, 8.49219, 12.9326}, {-6.08594, 13.2295, 12.9326} }; }; class Land_Ind_Mlyn_01 : Industrial { positions[] = { {7.09424, 7.50977, 14.9454}, {-3.8291, 1.71484, 14.9454}, {-8.36621, 8.01563, 14.9454}, {-8.78223, -8.28906, 14.9454}, {0.115234, -7.45508, 14.9454}, {6.40869, -1.94336, 14.9454}, {-9.00635, 3.05664, -14.9099}, {-6.83301, 8.63965, -5.85223}, {-8.90186, 3.23535, -2.84933}, {-6.92041, 8.5, 0.201904}, {-3.30908, 8.6748, 0.201904}, {-9.06836, 3.04785, 3.14133}, {-6.98975, 8.46191, 6.25504}, {-3.30664, 8.53418, 6.25504}, {-8.98682, 8.5625, -5.85223}, {-9, 2.83594, 9.19446}, {-6.60107, 2.77539, 9.19446} }; }; class Land_A_Pub_01 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {3.22461, -1.87988, -4.76923}, {1.4624, -6.48145, -5.0239}, {1.73291, -5.78809, -5.0239}, {4.19873, -6.24121, -5.0239}, {6.61328, -3.82324, -5.0239}, {6.33203, -1.78223, -5.0239}, {2.81201, 0.899414, -5.77264}, {6.88135, 0.508789, -5.29327}, {5.38379, 6.33887, -5.0239}, {5.6123, 5.12109, -5.29327}, {1.52979, 7.79395, -5.0239}, {2.3208, 7.94043, -5.29327}, {1.34961, 5.33887, -5.0239}, {2.06104, 2.06445, -5.1058}, {-0.59375, 2.63281, -5.37604}, {-7.55957, -0.80957, -5.29303}, {-7.43164, -1.76855, -5.29303}, {-6.42676, -0.933594, -5.39212}, {-7.39795, -2.74707, -5.39169}, {-7.3877, -6.25, -5.77264}, {-4.25342, 0.808594, -5.77264}, {-0.8125, -3.2373, -1.78778}, {2.31982, 0.291016, -1.31177}, {2.78809, 0.956055, -0.702728}, {1.53125, 0.28125, -1.31177}, {0.643066, 0.401367, -1.78778}, {4.83887, -0.350586, -1.17645}, {4.56543, -2.89063, -0.916901}, {4.27295, -3.64453, -1.18909}, {2.9834, -4.35254, -1.78778}, {3.86523, 0.0810547, -1.78778}, {6.30127, 4.83789, -1.78778}, {5.83057, 5.6582, -1.34134}, {1.70508, 6.37988, -1.31857}, {2.36084, 6.5332, -1.31857}, {2.85693, 7.1123, -1.38351}, {-0.217285, 2.08203, -1.78778}, {0.283203, 7.86719, -1.78778}, {6.63232, 6.18066, -1.78778}, {-5.60693, -2.49219, -1.78778}, {-6.06787, -3.03711, -1.78778}, {-3.44189, 1.02051, -1.78778}, {-7.104, -0.279297, -1.78778}, {-7.10986, -6.05371, -1.78778}, {-5.18018, -3.18848, -1.78778}, {-0.736328, 1.16699, -1.78778} }; }; class Land_Vez_Silo : Industrial { positions[] = { {-2.146, -2.03027, -20.9858}, {0.999023, -1.48926, -20.9858}, {-2.13818, 2.75, -20.9858} }; }; class Land_Ind_SiloVelke_02 : Industrial { positions[] = { {-11.0107, -5.73438, 17.7242}, {-15.0825, 0.322266, 17.7242}, {-13.4976, 5.84863, 17.7242}, {-0.658203, 6.1543, 17.7242}, {1.89307, -3.0332, 17.7242}, {12.0781, 7.0957, 17.7242}, {7.06641, 0.401367, 19.2471}, {15.7896, -1.86914, 17.7242}, {11.3975, -7.58789, 17.7242}, {-8.57178, 0.179688, 19.2471} }; }; class Land_Ind_Pec_01 : Industrial { positions[] = { {-4.90186, 12.6875, -22.5782}, {-6.47607, -14.1914, -17.6016}, {6.7002, -14.2002, -17.5467}, {-3.79102, -1.63477, -17.6016}, {5.42188, -1.09082, -17.6016}, {9.84229, -7.72559, -17.531}, {9.50977, -9.37988, -4.00089}, {-7.40576, -13.3838, -3.98999}, {-2.27637, -1.14453, 1.00241}, {0.0834961, -7.85938, 1.00241}, {6.21191, -1.23047, 6.0614}, {6.2041, -8.16113, 14.5456}, {6.00488, -1.3916, 14.5175}, {-6.62744, 9.9043, -22.6032}, {4.13721, -4.20117, -22.5782}, {-0.104004, -12.4063, -22.5782}, {-3.44971, -14.7217, -22.5782}, {4.26709, 9.91699, -22.5782} }; }; class Land_Ind_Vysypka : Industrial { positions[] = { {9.56641, -19.4424, -5.84882}, {5.20508, -13.7656, -5.02081}, {10.3291, -9.0957, -5.03427}, {9.60156, -4.32227, -5.84882}, {5.03906, 2.13867, -5.02405}, {9.89453, 6.38184, -5.02646}, {9.38672, 9.99219, -5.84882}, {5.71924, 18.001, -5.02646}, {-6.66895, 26.6113, -5.03616}, {-6.4834, 19.6582, -5.02875}, {0.44873, 13.3975, -5.02579}, {-8.34961, 9.18555, -5.0239}, {0.0336914, 6.54688, -5.02435}, {1.30859, -1.09473, -5.02292}, {-6.50635, -4.54004, -5.0213}, {-8.95703, -19.9473, -5.01785}, {-2.93115, -18.0049, -5.01898}, {1.00684, -22.4971, -5.01852} }; }; class Land_Tovarna2 : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-4.99072, 4.79199, -5.58575}, {-11.5728, 7.3916, -5.58575}, {-7.07666, 2.79004, -5.53329}, {-9.60596, -5.52344, -5.59189}, {-0.0732422, 7.36914, -5.58575}, {5.5249, -7.36426, -4.64523}, {8.88721, 0.771484, -4.64236}, {4.31592, 5.39258, -4.64621}, {2.17822, -8.97852, 3.39786}, {-13.0327, -9.03711, 3.39789}, {-13.0366, 0.3125, 3.39783}, {-6.72803, -4.06348, 6.64453}, {-10.8623, -7.86621, 6.65506}, {-11.5908, 8.61035, 6.65506}, {-0.141602, -7.69727, 6.65506}, {1.93359, 8.27832, 6.65506}, {-0.000976563, 4.07813, 6.65506}, {-2.93018, 0.329102, 3.5015}, {-4.11914, 2.67578, 3.23691}, {-7.1626, 1.72949, 1.72263}, {-6.68164, 3.12891, 1.629}, {-6.68555, 2.99023, -2.25687}, {-12.0625, 1.71191, -2.25778}, {-4.07813, 3.00391, -3.92108}, {-4.45752, 1.7168, -0.388306}, {-6.68018, 3.12793, 1.83762}, {-4.01221, 8.85547, 1.59531}, {-3.99512, 9.05762, -2.258}, {-10.6387, 8.00195, -2.25778}, {2.20898, -0.830078, 0.642212}, {2.1582, 8.7666, 0.397919}, {-13.0415, 0.37793, 0.398254}, {-6.31982, -1.17676, 0.371613}, {-0.538574, -8.97656, 0.397858}, {-13.0327, -9.03711, 0.397888}, {-0.809082, 0.886719, -5.61963}, {-5.46387, -0.672852, -5.61078}, {-8.44531, 5.81055, -5.61078}, {-12.4858, 5.35254, -2.28647}, {-4.70703, 5.76855, -2.30893}, {-12.4614, 7.60938, 1.60446}, {-9.17725, 7.32129, 1.5799}, {-12.5249, 2.20605, 1.60495}, {-10.8521, 4.58984, 1.59244}, {-6.33936, 7.33984, 1.57031}, {-5.33398, 5.24316, 1.57031}, {-4.37207, -2.87109, 6.50354}, {-6.6167, -0.145508, 6.25092}, {-10.3784, -0.827148, 6.63007}, {1.3999, -0.579102, 6.63007} }; }; class Land_rail_station_big : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {2.47656, 0.793945, -4.04599}, {7.3374, -5.61035, -5.0708}, {8.49023, -0.517578, -5.0708}, {0.0200195, -5.60742, -5.0708}, {-8.93408, -5.3291, -5.0708}, {-3.67285, -5.05566, -5.07083}, {-2.68555, -2.44824, -5.07083}, {-0.766113, -2.42871, -5.0708}, {-1.91016, 1.07715, -5.0708}, {1.53369, 1.88379, -5.0708}, {-4.9209, 4.17188, -5.0708}, {7.92578, 3.53418, -5.04584}, {-1.63281, 6.91309, -4.98178}, {-11.395, 0.431641, -5.13232}, {-3.72656, -8.86816, -5.13235}, {14.3916, -5.64746, -5.13239} }; }; class Land_A_GeneralStore_01 : Shop { positions[] = { {-13.3101, 3.20117, -1.23798}, {-9.16162, 2.50488, -1.228}, {-1.13672, 0.826172, -1.22797}, {-7.88672, 4.5293, -1.22797}, {9.32617, 4.65039, -1.22797}, {4.04639, -3.09082, -1.22797}, {-9.04492, -2.98047, -1.22797}, {4.17285, -6.54688, -1.22797}, {12.7817, -7.33203, -1.22797}, {10.7261, -4.93164, -1.22797}, {6.22461, -9.91504, -1.23724}, {3.24072, -8.69727, -1.22797}, {-1.67334, -6.95996, -1.22797}, {-5.55176, -10.1152, -1.23724}, {-9.31641, -5.94727, -1.22797}, {-11.9355, 6.26953, -1.23798}, {-6.14404, 11.1709, -1.23798}, {7.99512, 6.61523, -1.23798}, {0.684082, -9.78418, -1.23724}, {-11.7915, -10.1006, -1.23724}, {-9.66748, -6.20801, 0.435211}, {-9.66748, -6.19727, -0.656158}, {-3.97559, -8.40723, -1.20499}, {-5.37646, -6.54102, -1.10422}, {-5.34277, -6.4873, 0.0307617}, {-6.93701, -5.10352, 0.0307617}, {-6.7749, -5.04102, -0.729218}, {-5.96191, -5.05469, -0.349243}, {-5.26172, -5.04492, 0.0307617}, {-5.96143, -5.08594, 0.415771}, {-5.29199, -5.17285, -1.10422}, {-4.37988, -5.12598, -0.729218}, {-4.66504, -5.10645, 0.0307617}, {-3.5127, -5.02051, -0.349243}, {-3.67725, -6.8623, -0.729218}, {-3.54248, -7.15625, 0.0307617}, {-1.67578, -6.76563, 0.0307617}, {-2.00977, -5.04492, 0.0307617}, {-2.22949, -5.0625, -0.729218}, {-1.3877, -5.10742, -0.729218}, {-1.18066, -5.04395, 0.0307617}, {-1.57373, -5.10547, -1.10422}, {0.367188, -5.07813, -0.349243}, {-0.543945, -5.13672, -0.729218}, {-0.702637, -5.07422, 0.0307617}, {0.0297852, -5.16113, -0.729218}, {0.408691, -5.11719, -1.10422}, {0.875, -5.08008, 0.0307617}, {1.18018, -5.10645, -0.729218}, {1.71338, -5.06641, -1.10422}, {2.01416, -4.97852, 0.0307617}, {2.43604, -5.08496, -0.349243}, {2.76709, -5.16504, -0.729218}, {2.68457, -5.03516, 0.415771}, {1.53711, -6.85156, -0.349243}, {1.57568, -6.53516, -1.10422}, {2.83057, -6.70996, 0.415771}, {2.85254, -6.71777, -0.349243}, {2.83496, -7.06055, -1.10422}, {2.79199, -6.66016, -1.10422}, {0.0151367, -6.90137, 0.415771}, {-0.0283203, -7.08008, 0.0307617}, {0.0454102, -6.84277, -0.729218}, {1.08545, -8.62695, -0.349243}, {1.00049, -8.6377, -0.729218}, {2.08838, -8.65332, -0.729218}, {3.70947, -8.66309, 0.415771}, {3.44434, -8.70898, 0.0307617}, {2.71484, -8.72266, -0.349243}, {2.73828, -8.58398, -1.10422}, {1.29443, -8.73926, -1.10422}, {1.96729, -8.70605, 0.415771}, {0.485352, -8.70898, 0.0307617}, {-0.36084, -8.69238, -0.729218}, {0.479004, -8.61914, -1.10422}, {-1.0498, -8.66309, 0.0307617}, {-1.36279, -8.65918, 0.0307617}, {-1.14355, -8.57227, -0.729218}, {-1.93311, -8.61914, -0.729218}, {-2.72852, -8.68652, -0.729218}, {-2.13379, -8.61523, 0.0307617}, {-2.60889, -8.64063, 0.415771}, {-4.49512, -7.83789, -1.20499}, {8.29395, -5.15039, -1.20499}, {13.3711, -5.05664, -0.349243}, {13.3755, -4.55273, 0.415771}, {13.356, -4.3418, -0.729218}, {13.3521, -5.30859, -1.10422}, {13.4194, -5.90723, -0.349243}, {13.3989, -6.1543, -1.10422}, {8.2583, -8.45117, -1.20499}, {7.0874, -5.18359, -0.349243}, {6.76758, -5.17188, 0.415771}, {6.75342, -5.15137, -0.729218}, {7.02734, -5.12109, -1.10422}, {-3.49365, -1.1543, -1.20499}, {2.21777, 3.11523, -1.20499}, {13.4824, -0.791016, -1.20499}, {11.9946, 2.30469, -1.20499}, {11.0723, -0.202148, -0.655334}, {11.0625, 0.982422, -1.01404}, {11.1279, 0.472656, 0.0500793}, {11.0059, 1.93457, -0.655334}, {11.0576, 3.1123, 0.0500793}, {10.6011, 2.53613, -0.655334}, {10.623, 0.62207, -0.305054}, {-13.3101, 3.20117, -1.23798}, {-9.16162, 2.50488, -1.22797}, {-1.13672, 0.826172, -1.22797}, {-7.88672, 4.5293, -1.22797}, {9.32617, 4.65039, -1.22797}, {4.04639, -3.09082, -1.22797}, {4.17285, -6.54688, -1.22797}, {12.7817, -7.33203, -1.22797}, {10.7261, -4.93164, -1.22797}, {6.22461, -9.91504, -1.23724}, {3.24072, -8.69727, -1.22797}, {-1.67334, -6.95996, -1.22797}, {-5.55176, -10.1152, -1.23724}, {-9.31641, -5.94727, -1.22797}, {-11.9355, 6.26953, -1.23798}, {-1.71533, 6.63965, -1.23798}, {-6.14404, 11.1709, -1.23798}, {7.99512, 6.61523, -1.23798}, {0.684082, -9.78418, -1.23724}, {10.5649, 1.10352, -1.01404}, {5.54736, 0.446289, -0.830597}, {5.56445, 2.67188, -0.655334}, {3.71973, 2.53613, 0.0500793}, {3.98047, 2.57715, -0.655334}, {4.33154, 2.51563, -1.01404}, {5.77832, 3.08887, -0.305054}, {3.51904, 3.09082, -0.305054}, {4.37451, 3.11426, -0.655334}, {1.38135, 2.72168, 0.0500793}, {-1.18213, 3.02637, 0.0500793}, {-0.571289, 3.08398, -0.655334}, {0.92334, 3.08887, -0.305054}, {1.46094, 2.86816, -0.655334}, {-1.65576, 3.06934, -0.655334}, {-5.32324, 2.57422, -0.609589}, {-4.94385, 2.57422, -0.976898}, {-5.28857, 1.06348, -0.3909}, {-4.7627, 1.06348, -0.918457}, {-5.94287, 0.75293, -0.202515}, {-4.646, 2.90723, -0.202515}, {-1.21484, 0.126953, -0.305054}, {-0.455566, 0.111328, -0.655334}, {1.81055, 0.148438, -0.655334}, {0.51416, 0.135742, 0.0500793}, {1.0376, 0.113281, -0.305054}, {0.53125, 0.0976563, -1.01404}, {3.7998, 0.09375, 0.0500793}, {3.12012, 0.21875, 0.0500793}, {2.84424, 0.126953, -0.305054}, {3.73389, 0.124023, -0.655334}, {6.14697, -2.63965, -0.516327}, {6.87646, -2.68945, -0.516327}, {4.99414, -2.71387, -0.516327}, {2.84082, -2.65234, -0.516327}, {1.11328, -2.6875, -0.516327}, {-0.125488, -2.72852, -0.516327}, {-1.29639, -2.60547, -0.516327}, {6.3501, -3.82813, -1.20499}, {10.605, 3.16699, -1.01404} }; }; class Land_HouseB_Tenement : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {13.3071, 1.02539, -20.3477}, {14.1714, 0.811523, -20.3477}, {13.1489, 0.203125, -20.404}, {14.2246, 4.88379, -20.4013}, {13.5869, 6.11133, -20.3477}, {12.2959, 5.93359, -20.4026}, {12.9209, 11.541, -20.3477}, {13.835, 11.7441, -20.3477}, {12.7612, 12.4277, -20.4017}, {7.78613, 12.6826, -20.4008}, {9.14209, 11.4707, -20.4008}, {7.34033, 11.6465, -20.3477}, {2.42334, 4.85059, -19.8298}, {4.91895, -2.07031, -20.3477}, {3.22949, -1.96094, -20.3477}, {2.51611, -1.98633, -20.3477}, {0.978516, -1.94141, -20.4018}, {-1.32373, 4.60547, -19.8298}, {-2.49316, 5.26074, -20.3592}, {-4.56592, 5.22852, -19.8298}, {-10.1519, -0.389648, -20.3477}, {-10.9326, -0.477539, -20.3477}, {-12.0352, -0.331055, -20.4015}, {-10.604, 0.804688, -20.4013}, {-9.92334, -1.39844, -20.4014}, {-12.7275, 6.22754, -20.6581}, {4.78223, -2.01563, -20.7185}, {14.5693, -1.96191, -20.7185}, {4.24707, 13.3066, -20.7185}, {14.3647, 13.9014, -20.7185}, {1.271, -4.39063, -20.8423}, {-8.09033, -7.86914, -20.8423}, {11.4175, -7.80566, -20.8423} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_A1 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {5.04736, -4.9502, -8.82462}, {-4.93018, -3.30469, -8.86441}, {-3.62305, -1.03027, -8.86441}, {-4.65576, 4.18262, -8.86441}, {0.869141, 4.83203, -8.72595}, {-0.486816, 4.83496, -8.72595} }; }; class Land_wagon_box : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-0.109375, 1.81445, -0.778046}, {0.503418, 0.226563, -0.778076}, {0.242676, -1.95508, -0.778107}, {1.29541, -5.2627, -1.86343}, {0.339844, -2.57617, -1.86343}, {0.440918, 4.12988, -1.86343} }; }; class Land_NAV_Lighthouse : Tourist { positions[] = { {-0.366699, 0.342773, -6.98819}, {-0.0991211, -1.49414, 2.39767}, {-0.79248, 0.450195, 2.39767}, {-1.08936, 1.44141, 2.39767}, {1.86621, 0.395508, 2.39767} }; }; class Land_NAV_Lighthouse2 : Tourist { positions[] = { {-0.213867, 0.183594, -6.98819}, {-0.430664, 0.835938, 2.39767}, {0.923828, -0.0410156, 2.39767}, {-1.79102, -0.793945, 2.39767}, {1.04541, -1.37695, 2.39767}, {0.257813, 1.88184, 2.39767} }; }; class Land_Nav_Boathouse : Tourist { positions[] = { {-5.02783, 1.48438, 3.67209}, {-5.83203, -2.34082, 3.67212}, {-5.81348, 7.08008, 3.6792}, {0.224609, 7.41504, 3.6792}, {5.21533, 6.02051, 3.6792}, {5.72363, -0.203125, 3.6792}, {0.27002, 3.19336, 3.6163}, {6.45313, 8.62012, 3.67917}, {7.24072, -1.50781, 3.6792}, {-2.0376, 9.26758, 3.6792}, {-6.46338, 9.25586, 3.6792}, {-7.48926, 3.61621, 3.67685}, {-7.46143, -1.61035, 3.67685} }; }; class Land_tav_guardhouse : Military { positions[] = { {-0.255859, 3.1875, -1.71678}, {4.42773, 3.47754, -0.474033}, {4.51367, -0.658203, -1.71678}, {1.87891, -0.623047, -0.761715}, {2.80078, 2.08887, -1.71678}, {4.41797, 0.606445, -1.71678}, {3.30859, -0.0839844, -1.71678}, {-2.38281, -3.42676, -1.02485}, {-2.34961, -2.72266, -1.02485}, {-2.32031, -1.62793, -1.10086}, {-0.875, -1.50293, -1.10086}, {-1.5332, -1.59277, -0.501465}, {1.81055, -1.50293, -1.10086}, {2.45508, -1.53027, -0.501465}, {3.14063, -1.52344, -1.10086}, {4.76953, -1.60059, -1.6021}, {4.78516, -2.02148, -0.847099}, {4.76367, -1.65039, -0.467098}, {4.83984, -3.42578, -0.0820999}, {4.85938, -3.7207, -0.467098}, {4.82617, -3.41895, -0.847099}, {4.82617, -3.5791, -1.2271}, {4.42969, -4.17383, -1.6021}, {4.19141, -4.14648, -1.2271}, {4.48438, -4.07813, -0.467098}, {4.48828, -4.12402, -0.0820999}, {4.11719, -4.13086, -0.0820999}, {-2.29688, -2.96875, -1.71678}, {2.42383, -3.47266, -1.71678} }; }; class Land_kamaz_hasic : VehicleService { positions[] = { {1.07422, 0.171875, -1.61908}, {1.34961, -4.26953, -0.45977}, {-0.900391, 3.54395, -1.61908}, {-0.730469, -0.0908203, -1.61908} }; }; class Land_cisterna : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.724609, 0.410156, -1.40556}, {0.173828, -3.37793, 0.435944}, {-1.00781, -1.92969, -1.40555}, {-1.07031, 1.32422, -1.40556} }; }; class LAND_Domek_zluty_BEZ : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {7.24609, 3.9209, -1.28442}, {5.4082, 1.89063, -2.51566}, {3.08984, -0.210938, -2.46019}, {6.54102, -0.444336, -2.46014}, {3.24609, 2.79297, -2.46016}, {6.89258, 2.96875, -2.46016}, {0.0410156, -0.206055, -2.46029}, {-3.09375, -0.269531, -2.46004}, {-2.95703, -3.94336, -2.46022}, {-3.31641, 1.13574, -2.45998}, {-6.92578, 3.03223, -2.45987}, {-6.82031, -3.96289, -2.46018}, {2.13867, 3.85742, -2.51567}, {-0.392578, 2.80762, -2.51567}, {-5.39648, 3.41406, -1.54228}, {-2.42578, 3.50488, -1.49031}, {-5.65039, -0.791016, -2.51567}, {-6.21484, -2.39941, -2.11784} }; }; class Land_Garaz_mala : VehicleService { positions[] = { {1.41211, -2.87109, -1.13185}, {-1.66602, -1.98047, -1.13183}, {1.67773, 0.707031, -1.13188}, {-0.773438, 1.81445, -1.13186}, {1.22461, 3.13965, -1.13186}, {-0.0664063, -1.10645, -1.13185}, {-1.6582, 3.31348, -1.13188} }; }; class Land_tav_HouseV_2L : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.509766, 2.54297, -3.3011}, {-1.07617, -3.6084, -4.09653}, {1.98633, -4.04688, -4.09714}, {1.09375, -2.84375, -4.09671}, {1.79883, -1.71191, -4.09652}, {1.78711, 1.43945, -4.0957}, {1.76758, 3.69141, -4.09509}, {-0.330078, 3.69141, -4.095}, {-3.34766, 4.11328, -4.095}, {-3.42969, 2.2959, -4.095}, {2.83008, 4.56152, -3.56163}, {-1.38477, 2.70703, -3.11964}, {-0.875, 1.57422, -4.25328}, {0.255859, -1.54102, -3.05836}, {0.328125, -0.300781, -3.05836}, {3.00977, -3.2207, -3.05836}, {3.06836, -4.57324, -3.05836}, {-2.91992, -4.64453, -4.25329}, {1.33008, -4.43262, -0.516983}, {0.210938, -3.19043, -0.531216}, {-2.82617, -3.76953, -0.190578}, {-0.726563, -4.52344, -0.19128}, {-2.76953, -3.82324, -1.12984}, {2.58398, 0.046875, 0.0899887}, {3.23047, -1.49316, 0.0899887}, {3.21094, -2.32324, 0.0899887}, {0.900391, -1.3916, -1.12984}, {2.69141, -4.24805, -1.12984}, {2.51563, 3.67871, -0.382099}, {1.45898, 3.9248, -0.388851}, {-0.759766, 4.83691, 0.0145035}, {0, 4.85742, 0.0145035}, {-4.09961, 3.3457, -0.593716}, {-3.13281, 2.52734, -0.593716}, {-1.96289, 2.39258, -0.445015}, {-1.95898, 3.29688, -0.445015}, {-0.0351563, 1.00488, -0.22617}, {-3.76563, 1.1084, -1.12984}, {0.128906, 2.63184, -1.12984}, {-3.75195, 4.65137, -1.12984}, {2.87695, 0.761719, -1.12984}, {4.53906, 1.84766, -4.0147} }; }; class Land_Pumpa : Shop { positions[] = { {0.865234, 0.0410156, -0.36047}, {-0.689453, -0.351563, -0.36047} }; }; class LAND_hokej_stadion : Tourist { positions[] = { {-12.209, -6.20703, -1.19563}, {-12.2422, -3.66113, -1.19563}, {-12.2598, -1.30762, -1.19563}, {-12.2539, 5.18262, -1.19563}, {-12.2676, 3.38086, -1.19563}, {-12.1758, 0.762695, -1.19563}, {-12.3223, 4.65527, -1.76003}, {-12.3926, 1.54492, -1.76001}, {-12.4629, -5.16797, -1.76003}, {-12.2422, -2.05176, -1.76001}, {-7.33594, -0.0546875, -1.76003}, {-7.20313, -5.47461, -1.76002}, {-7.16992, 4.09473, -1.76003} }; }; class LAND_semafor : Medical { positions[] = { {-0.552734, -0.266602, 1.14441e-005} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_B1 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-4.25, -5.30957, -7.38276}, {3.23242, -5.3877, -7.38274}, {-5.4668, 4.83105, -7.25275}, {-3.92188, 4.99023, -7.25275} }; }; class Land_Piskoviste : Medical { positions[] = { {-1.19531, 0.851563, 0.449871}, {-0.0273438, 0.185547, 0.449871}, {1.0918, -1.05566, 0.449871}, {1.25977, 1.17578, 0.449871}, {-1.10547, -0.87793, 0.449871} }; }; class Land_zygul_wrecked : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-0.458984, 1.62695, -0.286472}, {-0.619141, 0.143555, -1.15263}, {0.734375, -1.11133, -1.15263} }; }; class Land_tav_houseblock_b4_in : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.654297, -1.4082, -7.20002}, {-1.26953, -1.37891, -7.19998}, {-1.18164, 1.84961, -7.19999}, {0.599609, 3.76563, -5.36472}, {0.130859, -0.078125, -3.34279}, {-4.11523, 0.854492, -3.34279}, {-2.79297, 2.99121, -3.34279}, {-5.44922, -1.64648, -3.34279}, {-4.79102, -3.19824, -3.34279}, {-1.21484, -3.91406, -3.3428}, {3.42578, -0.852539, -3.34279}, {1.17383, -3.64258, -3.34279}, {3.69922, -3.81055, -3.34279}, {0.0898438, 0.71875, -7.20004}, {-1.37109, -4.02344, -7.20003}, {0.236328, 1.11816, -1.97366}, {-4.02539, 3.15039, -2.55888}, {-1.45703, 3.2168, -2.2967}, {-1.54688, 1.9375, -2.2967}, {-1.55078, 4.30273, -1.92715}, {-5.50391, 4.04492, -2.43641}, {-3.03125, -3.85449, -2.68925}, {-4.12695, -4.04492, -2.7}, {-4.95508, -4.01074, -2.7098}, {-4.43359, -1.13867, -2.08951}, {-5.31445, -1.18164, -2.08951}, {-0.595703, -3.69336, -2.37229}, {2.0293, -1.49707, -2.37229}, {1.46875, -4.26855, -2.26984}, {5.75977, -3.02539, -2.76886}, {4.48047, -2.10352, -2.76886}, {5.92383, -4.10156, -2.1566} }; }; class Land_houpacka : Medical { positions[] = { {-0.046875, -0.214844, -0.612495} }; }; class Land_kolotoc : Medical { positions[] = { {0.621094, -1.38867, -0.753216}, {-0.839844, 1.06934, -0.753212} }; }; class Land_Trabant_wreck : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-0.119141, 1.28125, -0.194134}, {-0.404297, -1.34473, -0.286736}, {-0.650391, -0.834961, -0.953648}, {0.679688, 0.329102, -0.978317} }; }; class Land_buchanka : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-0.472656, 1.99316, 0.380177}, {-0.828125, -0.69043, -1.11296}, {0.646484, -0.672852, -1.11295}, {1.07031, 1.30566, -1.11293} }; }; class LAND_zastavka2 : Tourist { positions[] = { {-0.00390625, -3.91699, -2.42756}, {0.261719, 0.649414, -2.42756}, {0.257813, 4.92773, -2.42756} }; }; class LAND_zastavka : Tourist { positions[] = { {-0.107422, -4.26563, -2.42756}, {-0.429688, 0.277344, -2.42756}, {-0.0917969, 4.64063, -2.42756} }; }; class LAND_skola_res : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-1.02344, -6.46094, -5.95209}, {1.06836, -6.74512, -5.95209}, {-0.486328, 5.27637, -4.46754} }; }; class LAND_Cinzak_corner : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.480469, -13.5781, -11.5875}, {-13.4297, 0.485352, -11.4073} }; }; class Land_tav_houseblock_b1 : Shop { positions[] = { {3.19531, -4.16992, -7.31324}, {9.51953, -3.77051, -7.31321}, {7.06836, -1, -7.31324}, {9.28125, 2.62598, -7.31324}, {9.51953, -3.77148, -7.10467}, {3.72852, -1.50781, -7.31324}, {2.55859, 2.14941, -7.3108}, {-2.67383, 2.59473, -7.30553}, {0.0390625, 1.91895, -7.30553}, {-6.1543, 2.32227, -7.29474}, {3.96484, 0.981445, -7.2835}, {3.375, 1.33789, -6.8392}, {4.51758, -2.2793, -7.29474}, {6.23438, -2.0918, -6.03507}, {5.96289, -2.6543, -6.03507}, {5.71484, -3.45605, -6.03507}, {8.45313, -1.82813, -6.03507}, {8.54688, -2.7168, -6.03507}, {8.96094, -2.85352, -6.03507}, {8.9043, -1.98145, -6.03507}, {9.5, -0.597656, -7.29474}, {8.46484, 0.957031, -7.29474}, {7.48828, -4.19434, -7.29474}, {6.53125, 2.21191, -7.29474} }; }; class LAND_Cinzak_long : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.0625, -6.40918, -11.5867}, {0.0527344, 6.39551, -11.5867} }; }; class Land_tav_Ind_Pec_03 : Industrial { positions[] = { {-3.10352, -23.4639, -4.22795}, {-3.36523, -10.249, -4.22794}, {-4.64258, 1.99414, -4.22794}, {-3.12695, 15.7031, -4.22792}, {-2.79688, 22.751, -4.22799}, {-2.08984, 26.5762, -4.22795}, {4.34375, 26.2891, -4.22789}, {4.07031, 19.2227, -4.22792}, {3.5957, 8.80273, -4.22794}, {7.81445, 16.501, -4.22795}, {14.3672, 14.5518, -4.22794}, {12.7246, 4.91113, -4.22795}, {9.49805, -3.54688, -4.22795}, {13.0156, -14.3945, -4.22793}, {9.66992, -20.3652, -4.22795}, {12.1797, -25.3057, -4.22795}, {3.27734, -24.9492, -4.22792}, {3.34766, -16.4336, -4.22796}, {4.83008, -10.9805, -4.22794}, {2.95898, -6.6084, -3.11886}, {6.93945, -5.63965, -3.11886}, {4.49219, -2.23047, -4.22794}, {2.89063, 2.04785, -3.11886}, {6.79297, 1.77539, -3.11886}, {8.62109, 8.48145, -4.22793}, {-2.96484, 8.1416, -4.22794}, {-7.38086, -10.1289, -4.2279}, {-9.42969, -8.73047, -4.22795}, {-12.0527, -8.41309, -4.22794}, {-14.0742, -9.97363, -4.22794}, {-7.80859, -12.3691, -4.22794}, {-14.7461, -12.2969, -4.22794}, {-8.46875, -15.3174, -3.11835}, {-12.873, -15.625, -1.58689}, {-9.47461, -16.627, 2.08146}, {-13.2734, -14.6709, 2.08146}, {-8.92773, -9.84375, 2.08146}, {-12.9766, -10.3076, 2.08146}, {3.70313, 20.3408, 5.14167}, {-2.08398, 20.835, 5.14167}, {-0.634766, 24.9639, 5.14167}, {4.10156, 25.9707, 5.14167}, {1.51172, 22.9443, 5.14167} }; }; class Land_zaporozec : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.636719, 1.78125, 0.24334}, {-0.490234, -1.77344, 0.24334}, {0.130859, -0.0351563, 0.83823}, {0.775391, -0.975586, -0.83662}, {-0.818359, 0.823242, -0.83662}, {-0.00390625, 2.17773, -0.836628} }; }; class Land_sedan_weck : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-0.291016, 1.69434, -0.127514}, {0.566406, -1.52148, -0.127514}, {0.208984, -0.0712891, 0.331413}, {0.791016, -1.20801, -0.856251} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_B6 : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {3.63867, -5.33789, -7.42029}, {-4.92188, -3.95215, -7.42033}, {-2.81445, -0.788086, -7.4203}, {-4.97266, 3.57813, -7.42031} }; }; class Land_buchankamil : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.291016, 1.99609, 0.272045}, {0.796875, 0.363281, -1.22099}, {0.423828, -1.93066, -1.22098}, {-0.939453, 0.65625, -1.221} }; }; class Land_tahac : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.804688, -3.89941, -0.668999}, {-1.03516, -3.96191, -0.668999}, {-1.00781, 1.48926, -0.746613}, {-0.166016, 3.54199, -0.668999}, {1.06641, 1.59375, -0.746613}, {1.0918, 3.12207, -0.746613}, {0.867188, -0.177734, -0.442062}, {0.683594, -3.4707, -1.8676}, {0.197266, 0.419922, -1.86757}, {-0.921875, -1.30762, -1.8676} }; }; class Land_prives : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-0.482422, 5.69336, -2.13327}, {-0.626953, 1.69434, -2.13326}, {-0.375, -1.66406, -2.13327}, {-0.765625, -4.62207, -2.13327}, {0.916016, 1.97949, -2.13324}, {1.375, 5.26367, -2.13326} }; }; class LAND_Cinzak_long_centr : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.0488281, 6.39551, -11.171}, {-0.0214844, -6.46191, -11.6008} }; }; class Land_BoatSmall_1 : Shop { positions[] = { {-0.595703, -0.541016, -0.333603}, {0.544922, 0.394531, -0.00259781} }; }; class Land_BoatSmall_2a : Military { positions[] = { {0.0761719, 0.470703, -0.270863} }; }; class Land_BoatSmall_2b : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-1.06641, -0.314453, -0.35984}, {1.04297, -0.349609, -0.359848} }; }; class Land_Misc_GContainer_Big : Industrial { positions[] = { {2.6543, -1.51367, -0.620827}, {-3.1543, -1.02051, -0.78363}, {-1.58203, 1.57617, -0.583252} }; }; class Land_A_CraneCon : Industrial { positions[] = { {-9.05859, 0.494141, -16.8311}, {-7.59766, -0.404297, -16.8311} }; }; class Land_buchankamedi : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-0.412109, 2.01367, 0.272129}, {0.84375, 0.606445, -1.22099}, {-0.826172, -0.638672, -1.22099}, {-0.0917969, -2.24414, -1.22098} }; }; class Land_Leseni4x : Industrial { positions[] = { {-3.35938, 0.213867, -1.60521}, {1.99023, 0.25, 0.693302}, {1.46094, 0.599609, 0.586521}, {0.476563, 0.360352, 2.79241}, {-1.50781, 0.413086, 2.79241}, {-0.921875, 0.0410156, 5.01496}, {1.39258, -0.0302734, 5.01495} }; }; class Land_ruin_rubble : Industrial { positions[] = { {-2.50781, 0.204102, 0.327824}, {1.56445, 3.59473, 0.111416}, {1.69727, -2.58203, 0.261204} }; }; class Land_Dirthump01 : Industrial { positions[] = { {1.0625, -4.19824, -0.803329}, {2.7832, 4.34277, -0.803322}, {-7.77539, 1.99707, -0.803329} }; }; class LAND_dum_patrovy03 : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {3.91406, -3.99707, -4.11154}, {-2.02344, 4.29297, -4.11153} }; }; class LAND_spital : Medical { positions[] = { {-4.92773, -15.6074, -20.3951}, {-6.03516, -9.49512, -20.3951}, {-5.75195, -4.42188, -20.3951}, {5.54492, -15.6387, -20.3951}, {17.8086, -15.9434, -20.3951}, {17.9863, -10.0293, -20.395}, {18.5645, -2.87695, -20.3951}, {12.4805, 0.914063, -20.395}, {15.2813, 2.16895, -20.3951}, {3.76758, 1.29688, -20.3951}, {-2.22852, 1.28027, -20.3951}, {9.54492, -3.62402, -20.3951}, {2.1543, -9.21582, -20.3951}, {11.5488, -10.7891, -20.395}, {0.777344, -3.97363, -20.3951}, {-3.78516, 2.49023, -20.3951}, {-9.7168, -0.207031, -20.3951}, {-10.0098, 1.31543, -20.3951}, {-15.209, -0.357422, -20.3951}, {-17.8477, 1.19629, -20.3951}, {-13.4355, 3.04785, -20.3951}, {-13.3438, 6.91406, -20.3951}, {-16.7168, 7.84082, -20.3951}, {-17, 3.32617, -20.395}, {-15.0859, 5.16699, -20.3951}, {18.7441, 0.918945, -20.3951}, {23.1504, -0.164063, -20.3951}, {26.4297, 1.1123, -20.3951}, {30.7949, 0.104492, -20.3951}, {29.0488, 4.02148, -19.3514}, {27.6875, 3.9873, -19.3514}, {25.834, 2.76172, -20.3951}, {25.6035, 8.36914, -20.3951}, {29.1094, 6.96387, -19.3514}, {27.8535, 6.94629, -19.3514}, {28.4258, 5.33301, -20.3951}, {31.002, 8.54102, -20.395}, {31.2207, 2.53418, -20.3951}, {26.5977, -2.12598, -20.3951}, {29.3984, -1.88672, -20.3951}, {27.041, -5.43359, -20.3951}, {29.3008, -7.63574, -20.3951}, {26.5449, -11.1143, -20.395}, {29.4141, -12.499, -20.3951}, {26.5938, -6.13281, -19.6703} }; }; class LAND_dum_patrovy06 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.0371094, 2.52344, -2.93425} }; }; class LAND_HouseBlock_D1_ex1 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {2.63867, 5.02051, -9.80004}, {-6.10352, -4.60645, -8.51663}, {-1.82227, -4.60645, -8.40248}, {2.48633, -4.60645, -8.37962} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_D1 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {5.93555, 1.43066, -9.6998}, {-10.3223, 7.18848, -9.69979} }; }; class Land_Ind_SawMill : Industrial { positions[] = { {5.39648, -11.9912, -5.8354}, {0.935547, -14.0352, -5.83539}, {0.322266, -11.0732, -5.8354}, {5.11914, -14.0244, -5.8354}, {2.86133, -12.2783, -5.83539}, {-7.62305, -5.13672, -5.83538}, {-4.40234, -5.89746, -5.83539}, {-12.4883, 7.55762, -5.83539}, {-4.78711, 7.99121, -5.8354}, {1.44727, 16.3516, -5.83538}, {4.33984, 16.2051, -5.83538}, {13.6348, 13.5078, -5.8354} }; }; class LAND_Podloubi_double_low : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {4.61914, -0.480469, -4.29782}, {0.914063, -1.18945, -4.29782}, {8.45508, -1.32715, -4.29783}, {0.646484, 0.982422, -4.29782}, {4.76367, 0.660156, -4.29782}, {9.96875, 0.853516, -4.29782} }; }; class Land_Leseni2x : Industrial { positions[] = { {-3.47461, -0.0859375, 0.522243}, {1.6875, -0.178711, 2.52806}, {1.33984, 0.0888672, 2.53952} }; }; class Land_Ind_SawMillPen : Industrial { positions[] = { {-2.66992, 11.1973, -3.06335}, {3.07227, 10.3535, -3.06333}, {3.49609, 2.89844, -3.06331}, {-3.27734, 1.30176, -3.06334}, {-3.46875, -8.78711, -3.06333}, {3.97266, -11.168, -3.06333}, {0.636719, -4.78613, -3.06335}, {0.46875, 6.28223, -3.06334} }; }; class Land_Lampa_sidl_2 : Medical { positions[] = { {-0.287109, -0.582031, -5.39421} }; }; class Land_water_tank : Industrial { positions[] = { {0.644531, 1.09961, -5.23476}, {-1.48242, 0.383789, 1.84961}, {1.49023, 0.373047, 1.84957}, {1.66211, -2.75293, 1.84961}, {-1.55273, -2.70605, 1.84961} }; }; class LAND_domek_hospoda : Tourist { positions[] = { {4.14844, -3.72559, -2.1529}, {1.35742, -3.63867, -2.1529}, {-3.36914, -3.60059, -2.1529} }; }; class Land_Ind_IlluminantTower : Military { positions[] = { {0, -0.494141, 10.3248} }; }; class Land_Mil_ControlTower : Military { positions[] = { {4.39844, 3.42383, -9.69014}, {-3.2168, 4.23535, -10.1801}, {1.89453, 6.2666, -9.65514}, {9.77539, 4.95215, -7.39737}, {3.7168, 5.81152, -5.49014}, {-0.0878906, 4.50098, -5.49014}, {5.83203, 3.47754, -1.09514}, {2.46289, -1.08398, -1.09513}, {4.04883, 0.53418, -1.09514}, {6.03125, 0.919922, -1.09512}, {-0.263672, 6.00977, -1.08316}, {-0.117188, -3.99609, -1.08337}, {9.88672, -4.10449, -1.08337}, {1.44531, 2.51074, 2.73776}, {7.29688, 3.6875, 2.75343}, {7.44336, -1.47754, 2.92546}, {1.80664, -1.40234, 2.75583}, {7.39063, -4.2666, -9.61161}, {2.57422, -4.2168, -9.61161}, {0.316406, -1.4707, -9.61161}, {-3.45117, -3.98242, -9.61161}, {-3.45117, 0.401367, -9.61161}, {-8.35352, -3.62891, -9.61161}, {7.39063, -4.2666, -5.49014}, {2.57422, -4.2168, -5.49014}, {7.55078, 3.74707, -9.69014}, {10.0742, 6.03906, -9.69014}, {5.41797, 3.89063, -5.50014}, {2.25391, 3.96289, -5.50014}, {7.69141, 3.79883, -0.305576}, {7.66211, 2.38379, -0.305492}, {7.60742, 0.536133, -0.306351}, {7.77539, -1.61719, -0.407818}, {7.11328, -1.66699, -1.07983}, {6.14063, -1.77539, -0.305614}, {4.64844, -1.66602, -0.305523}, {2.89258, -1.82813, -0.305515}, {1.77148, 2.29102, -1.07983}, {1.64844, -0.480469, -1.07983}, {4.82227, 0.78125, 2.70016} }; }; class Land_Mil_House : Military { positions[] = { {11.1914, 4.44531, -5.67466}, {11.4766, 1.25, -5.67466}, {14.6191, 4.27637, -5.67466}, {15.5625, 1.20605, -5.67468}, {12.9141, 2.9502, -5.67466}, {-0.646484, 4.5918, -5.03292}, {-2.55273, 1.10645, -5.03292}, {-0.566406, -6.52539, -5.03292}, {-2.80859, -4.7002, -5.03292}, {-2.79688, -1.53516, -5.03292}, {-2.98047, 4.33594, -5.03292}, {-1.5957, -4.01367, -2.81012}, {-2.89453, 0.368164, -0.725117}, {-0.541016, 0.682617, -0.725117}, {-1.66406, 2.80273, -0.725117}, {-3.19531, 4.98633, -0.725117}, {-0.201172, 4.55078, -0.725117}, {9.23828, 2.4375, -4.26904}, {9.25195, -0.183594, -4.26904}, {6.53516, -0.0419922, -4.26904}, {4.13867, 0.0126953, -4.26904}, {1.79102, -0.0595703, -4.26904}, {1.01563, 4.49316, -5.03292}, {5.49805, 2.18652, -5.03292}, {9.57227, 4.98047, -5.03292}, {7.69727, -2.0791, -5.03292}, {3.63867, -2.12598, -5.03292}, {8.0957, -5.35156, -5.03292}, {3.32031, -5.39551, -5.03292}, {4.11719, -3.8418, -4.26904}, {6.5918, -3.99219, -4.26904}, {9.25391, -4.02637, -4.26904}, {9.0625, -6.44141, -4.26904}, {6.47852, -6.42676, -4.26904}, {3.98047, -6.38281, -4.26904}, {1.72852, -6.29688, -4.26904}, {1.76563, -3.92383, -4.26904}, {12.709, -0.0449219, -4.18455}, {12.2461, 0.0107422, -4.18455}, {11.7695, 0.0498047, -4.18455}, {11.2988, 0.0322266, -4.18455}, {11.8125, -3.77441, -4.18455}, {11.3008, -3.7666, -4.18455}, {12.2813, -3.78125, -4.18455}, {12.7734, -3.72168, -4.18455}, {14.1719, -3.76367, -3.64689}, {14.668, -3.7832, -3.64689}, {15.2871, -3.79004, -3.64689}, {15.7891, -3.81738, -3.64689}, {14.6855, 0.0244141, -3.64689}, {15.2891, -0.00878906, -3.64689}, {15.7793, -0.0371094, -3.64689}, {15.8652, -0.886719, -5.03294}, {14.9648, -2.80957, -5.03294}, {13.8203, -1.31055, -5.03294}, {11.6152, -2.47168, -5.03294}, {10.8145, -1.02246, -5.03294} }; }; class Land_Hlidac_budka : Military { positions[] = { {-2.67578, 2.24707, -0.812443}, {1.61133, 2.29785, -0.812443}, {2.85547, 2.32617, -0.812443}, {2.72266, 0.172852, -0.812443}, {-0.273438, 0.0683594, -0.812443}, {1.37109, 0.175781, -0.812443}, {-0.435547, 1.20605, -0.812443}, {-2.66016, 0.169922, -0.812443} }; }; class Land_A_FuelStation_Build : Shop { positions[] = { {-1.4707, 1.23242, -1.57573}, {-2.09961, -1.28223, -1.57573}, {2.03906, -1.16699, -1.57573}, {2.1582, 1.0957, -1.57573}, {-0.150391, 0.750977, -1.57573}, {-0.916016, 0.432617, -0.599789}, {-1.95898, 0.232422, -0.599789}, {-0.431641, -0.919922, -1.57573} }; }; class Land_moskvic : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-0.654297, -0.977539, -0.76392}, {-0.351563, 0.535156, -0.763912}, {-0.175781, 2.01074, 0.306313}, {0.5625, -0.21875, -0.649094}, {0.693359, -1.92188, 0.0160561} }; }; class Land_Skola : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {16.6113, 21.0938, -2.01201}, {9.8457, 21.2002, -2.01201}, {10.0254, 14.748, -2.01201}, {17.0117, 7.35254, -2.01201}, {7.65625, 9.28027, -2.01201}, {5.73438, 21.5693, -2.01201}, {-5.30273, 19.9922, -2.01201}, {-0.0507813, 12.8223, -2.01201}, {-5.32813, 5.34082, -2.01201}, {3.69922, 5.43164, -2.01201}, {-4.9707, 0.665039, -2.01201}, {-0.994141, 2.41895, -2.01201}, {4.0957, 0.141602, -2.01201}, {5.36523, 2.18359, -2.01201}, {0.867188, 0.186523, -2.01201}, {16.248, -0.822266, -2.01201}, {8.2168, -2.13574, -2.01201}, {16.623, -15.1719, -2.01201}, {7.72852, -15.7344, -2.01201}, {12.5605, -11.2061, -2.01201}, {12.7637, 0.459961, -2.01201}, {18.416, -24.6348, -2.01201}, {29.457, -23.9395, -2.01201}, {29.9277, -8.52832, -2.01201}, {18.6641, -8.63477, -2.01201}, {25.0645, -15.2148, -2.01201}, {18.6172, 19.7666, -2.01201}, {29.2344, 20.9443, -2.01201}, {30.3711, 5.74512, -2.01201}, {19.3359, 5.49512, -2.01201}, {24.3516, 11.7422, -2.01201}, {5.35547, -8.07422, -2.01201}, {-6.00781, -8.01172, -2.01201}, {-6.25586, -24.542, -2.01201}, {4.64844, -24.6709, -2.01201}, {-0.892578, -17.7207, -2.01201}, {15.8867, -15.748, 1.2164}, {7.44922, -15.6982, 1.2164}, {16.0801, -6.72363, 1.2164}, {7.45703, -2.08887, 1.2164}, {16.9453, 8.12402, 1.2164}, {8.52734, 10.1357, 1.2164}, {7.60547, 20.6807, 1.2164}, {16.2871, 22.0361, 1.2164}, {12.2207, 12.0049, 1.2164}, {12.0566, 0.197266, 1.2164}, {-2.58203, 18.707, 1.88885}, {-0.310547, 18.0488, 1.88885}, {4.39258, 15.6211, 1.88885}, {5.32422, 21.7764, 1.2164}, {-4.64844, 21.3262, 1.2164}, {-6.07617, 16.2305, 1.2164}, {-6.65234, 5.7041, 1.87151}, {2.92383, 5.36328, 1.32527}, {3.02148, 11.2363, 1.2164}, {-0.763672, 13.666, 1.2164}, {-3.50195, 9.02734, 1.2164}, {28.582, 5.4541, 1.2164}, {18.5137, 5.16113, 1.2164}, {18.4824, 21.2236, 1.2164}, {29.4355, 21.1592, 1.2164}, {23.9453, 12.209, 1.2164}, {-2.27344, 2.58203, 1.2164}, {-2.51953, -5.55078, 1.2164}, {5.07813, -5.05957, 1.2164}, {5.13672, 2.96777, 1.2164}, {1.54883, -1.12305, 1.2164}, {5.65039, -8.20801, 1.2164}, {-5.2793, -8.01367, 1.2164}, {-4.83008, -22.8037, 1.2164}, {5.61523, -23.1953, 1.2164}, {0.683594, -13.9023, 1.2164}, {29.8828, -24.374, 1.2164}, {19.3867, -24.5908, 1.2164}, {18.5566, -8.27148, 1.2164}, {30.5742, -9.00195, 1.2164}, {24.8008, -17.5283, 1.2164} }; }; class Land_A_FuelStation_Shed : VehicleService { positions[] = { {6.99805, 3.47754, -2.85704}, {6.91992, -3.48242, -2.85704}, {-0.0429688, -3.37402, -2.85704}, {-0.152344, 3.47949, -2.85704}, {-6.875, 3.43457, -2.85704}, {-6.95117, -3.43359, -2.85704} }; }; class LAND_Tram_Depo : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-10.9883, 19.6055, -9.15123}, {10.5977, 19.6904, -9.15123}, {10.4902, 3.74609, -9.15123}, {9.66992, -14.6689, -9.15123}, {-0.679688, -16.5762, -9.15123}, {-10.7949, -16.5166, -9.15123}, {-10.1133, -0.0380859, -9.15123}, {0.166016, 6.18457, -9.15123}, {0.191406, -3.59082, -9.15123}, {6.46094, -3.88477, -9.15123}, {6.11719, 7.59961, -9.15123}, {-4.74805, 7.5459, -9.15123}, {-5.03906, -4.18359, -9.15123} }; }; class LAND_big_church : Military { positions[] = { {-15.2441, -0.0390625, -14.6048}, {6.9043, -0.100586, -14.3261}, {1.23047, 6.15527, -14.3333}, {2.24414, -6.71094, -14.3333}, {-7.88867, -4.61426, -14.3333}, {-2.25, -7.22266, -14.3333}, {10.4473, -0.133789, -13.7864}, {-6.93164, 4.14063, -14.3333}, {-2.16016, 8.12012, -14.3333} }; }; class Land_Misc_Scaffolding : Industrial { positions[] = { {0.648438, -2.68164, -2.24929}, {0.695313, 3.46777, 0.441006}, {0.318359, 7.73145, 0.442013}, {-0.1875, 4.97852, 0.440998}, {0.283203, -1.3291, 3.42409}, {-0.130859, 7.61328, 3.47731} }; }; class LAND_Nadrazi_sabina : Military { positions[] = { {7.77344, -31.2197, -17.9942}, {-7.19336, -30.5508, -17.9942}, {0.353516, -17.0508, -17.9942}, {-9.55859, -19.75, -17.9942}, {-19.4863, -18.9785, -17.9942}, {-19.2031, -23.3887, -17.9942}, {-17.3633, -26.7402, -17.9942}, {-1.92969, -12.5928, -17.9942}, {-29.0586, -11.0703, -17.9942}, {-27.9395, 2.27832, -17.9942}, {-11.5215, 2.8125, -17.9942}, {-28.9102, 13.8379, -17.9942}, {-18.4688, 15.4043, -17.9942}, {-27.6426, 28.0068, -17.9942}, {-9.89258, 25.7695, -17.9942}, {-7.81445, 14.5088, -17.9942}, {20.8984, 27.6006, -17.9942}, {30.0547, -8.99609, -17.9942}, {15.0625, 1.56348, -17.9942}, {30.7871, -27.7822, -17.9942}, {23.8145, -30.1094, -17.9942}, {14.1699, -29.415, -17.9942}, {19.3359, -19.5791, -17.9942} }; }; class Land_Lampa_sidl_3 : Medical { positions[] = { {0.685547, 0.167969, -4.57421} }; }; class Land_Barn_Metal : Industrial { positions[] = { {-7.10742, 20.0996, -5.44353}, {-7.58203, -2.63477, -5.44353}, {-8.67969, -24.8203, -5.23485}, {0.765625, -24.2246, -5.44353}, {10.3105, -24.832, -5.44353}, {9.41406, -5.80957, -5.44353}, {10.2676, 22.4834, -5.44353}, {-8.67969, -24.8193, -5.44348}, {-9.22266, 16.9512, 5.56142}, {-9.53516, -3.1748, 5.56143}, {10.6406, -3.18262, 5.56142}, {0.597656, -25.1963, 5.56143}, {10.9121, -26.7412, 5.56143}, {0.978516, 1.77246, -5.44357}, {1.21484, -10.0537, -5.44353}, {9.00586, -14.7197, -5.44357}, {9.15039, 5.65137, -5.44357}, {-8.66602, 10.7285, -5.44357}, {-8.42578, -12.3184, -5.44357}, {0.824219, 14.748, -5.44357}, {0.509766, -15.7373, -5.44357}, {9.41406, -25.1729, 5.58008}, {10.5742, -16.2002, 5.58008}, {10.5801, 8.33008, 5.58008}, {10.7793, 22.8242, 5.58008}, {-1.91211, 22.3096, 5.58008}, {-9.3418, 22.751, 5.58008}, {-9.13477, 5.31348, 5.58008}, {-9.50391, -13.3623, 5.58008}, {-9.48828, -24.9561, 5.58008}, {-4.38867, -25.4873, 5.58008}, {-5.07813, -3.30664, 5.58008}, {6.09766, -3.21191, 5.58008} }; }; class Land_camonet_nato_var1 : Military { positions[] = { {-3.54883, -2.99902, -1.12267}, {4.56055, 2.04004, -1.12267} }; }; class LAND_shopping_sab2 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {11.8633, -4.22949, -3.67836}, {10.3613, 2.4707, -3.68792}, {3.14453, -3.61719, -3.68792}, {1.65625, 3.07422, -3.68792}, {-10.6367, -2.92285, -3.68792}, {-11.2617, 8.26465, -3.68792}, {-9.33789, 22.7109, -3.68792}, {9.23828, 22.9199, -3.68792}, {11.6055, 8.22559, -3.68792}, {11.9043, -9.89063, -3.68792}, {-10.9609, -9.85156, -3.68792}, {-10.9609, -23.3232, -3.68792}, {11.9043, -23.3623, -3.68792}, {-3.33789, -0.0898438, -3.67836}, {-11.373, 3.59961, -3.67836}, {0.382813, -20.6387, -3.67836}, {-0.273438, -5.69238, -3.67836}, {1.06055, -13.5664, -3.67836}, {-0.318359, 22.6201, -3.67836}, {-0.339844, 6.56641, -3.67836}, {-0.0878906, 15.1982, -3.67836} }; }; class Land_Fort_Watchtower : Military { positions[] = { {-0.996094, -1.96387, 0.540428}, {1.33203, 2.55371, 0.540428}, {-0.859375, 1.7373, 0.540428}, {1.0625, -1.18848, 0.540428}, {1.11328, 2.2793, -2.2118}, {-1.10156, -2.75, -2.2118}, {-1.26953, 2.5459, -2.2118}, {0.943359, -1.85742, -2.21181}, {3.09961, 0.583984, -2.21181} }; }; class Land_Ind_Stack_Big : Industrial { positions[] = { {0.712891, -0.677734, -28.343}, {-2.94336, -1.99512, -23.2759}, {0.435547, -2.00098, -23.2759}, {-1.22266, 0.705078, -23.2759}, {-1.95703, 5.68457, -6.0293}, {-1.20508, 1.84277, 10.7456}, {-1.21875, 5.78809, 10.7456}, {0.412109, -0.362305, -23.2759} }; }; class Land_Shed_W02 : Shop { positions[] = { {0.746094, 1.86133, -0.00292206}, {-2.35156, 0.143555, -0.00291824} }; }; class Land_Garaz : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-6.87695, -2.80664, -1.22308}, {4.50977, 1.86133, -1.22301}, {2.1543, -2.05859, -1.22301}, {-0.419922, 1.76074, -1.22301}, {-2.83984, -2.05859, -1.22301}, {-4.76953, 1.58984, -0.899899}, {6.23438, -3.75293, -0.191547}, {6.83984, -3.18262, -0.191547}, {6.36914, -0.59668, -1.22306}, {-5.13477, -0.573242, -1.22306}, {-0.0175781, -0.166016, -1.22306} }; }; class Land_Ind_Garage01 : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-0.953125, -1.90039, -1.34396}, {1.9375, -0.550781, -1.26237}, {0.904297, 1.31738, -1.25854}, {2.71094, 1.61426, -1.34394}, {-1.3125, 3.36523, -1.34396}, {1.39453, 3.5918, -1.14537}, {1.74219, 3.59863, -0.770367}, {1.36133, 3.58398, -0.390366}, {1.74219, 3.57422, -0.0103645}, {1.39844, 3.58691, 0.374634}, {2.94336, 3.34668, -1.12245}, {2.98047, 2.44629, -1.12245} }; }; class LAND_Hotel_Marcomio : Tourist { positions[] = { {1.97461, -7.04883, -26.7379}, {2.50586, -0.337891, -26.7379}, {-7.64258, -13.2646, -26.7378}, {12.0039, 18.7275, -26.7378}, {-14.8965, 19.1904, -26.7378}, {2.22461, 4.77246, -26.7379}, {2.35742, 10.5781, -26.7379}, {-0.875, 12.4453, -26.7379}, {-18.5996, -6.94824, -26.7379}, {-18.498, -0.646484, -26.7379}, {-18.6504, 4.68262, -26.7379}, {-18.7578, 10.0752, -26.7379}, {-15.127, 12.2715, -26.7379}, {-14.4082, -3.14453, -25.8578}, {-14.5684, -2.31445, -25.8578}, {-14.3906, -1.07031, -25.8578}, {-14.3984, 0.973633, -25.8578}, {-14.3926, 1.82715, -25.8578}, {-15.791, -2.13477, -26.7378}, {-15.7539, 1.62012, -26.738}, {-0.185547, -3.26758, -26.7379}, {-0.654297, 9.46484, -26.7379}, {-12.4473, 10.21, -26.7379}, {-12.4414, -1.5, -26.7378}, {-6.62891, 4.1875, -26.7379} }; }; class Land_kulata_prolezacka : Medical { positions[] = { {0.046875, 0.270508, -0.962318} }; }; class Land_Climbing_Obstacle : Medical { positions[] = { {1.00781, 0.104492, -0.857422}, {-1.47656, 0.0244141, -0.857422}, {1.05078, -0.03125, 1.28973}, {-1.2832, 0.0302734, 1.28973} }; }; class LAND_small_panelak : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.130859, 2.67773, -16.2015}, {-2.24609, 5.38281, -16.2015}, {-2.12695, 2.32129, -16.2015}, {0.0625, 5.15625, -16.2015} }; }; class Land_Repair_center : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-1.21484, -0.785156, -2.49033}, {0.611328, 2.03516, -2.49033}, {2.33203, -0.723633, -2.49033}, {2.37109, 3.47656, -1.72433}, {-0.214844, 3.34766, -1.72433}, {1.48438, 4.54297, -1.62733}, {1.34766, 4.54297, -0.892864}, {1.7207, 4.54297, -0.48251}, {0.763672, 4.54297, -0.125164}, {0.572266, 4.54297, -0.46368}, {0.986328, 4.54297, -0.90509}, {0.730469, 4.54297, -1.25246}, {0.945313, 4.53906, -1.72433}, {-2.39453, -1.60059, -1.72467}, {-2.25, 1.55371, -1.72467}, {-2.46875, 4.74023, -1.72467} }; }; class LAND_domek_vilka : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.345703, 4.96582, -3.26479}, {3.25977, 3.21777, -3.26479}, {1.32617, 3.28711, -3.26479}, {-4.13086, -1.59766, -3.26479} }; }; class LAND_Cinzak_roh3 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.617188, 9.09863, -11.5875}, {-12.7969, 4.80273, -11.5875} }; }; class Land_gazik : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.623047, -1.07324, -1.52655}, {-0.414063, 1.09277, -1.52655}, {-0.140625, 3.67383, -0.461937}, {1.54492, 0.795898, -1.52655} }; }; class LAND_Garaz_velka : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-23.7637, -19.3076, -5.56435}, {-2.27148, -19.0537, -5.56434}, {23.5781, -19.3174, -5.56434}, {25.0781, -0.603516, -5.56435}, {25.1309, 16.1025, -5.56435}, {10.4043, 17.043, -5.56435}, {10.7793, 5.41895, -5.56433}, {-16.8496, 4.62695, -5.56433}, {-18.2031, 15.6885, -5.56435}, {-25.7031, 3.55273, -5.56433}, {-25.8574, -8.64355, -5.56433}, {-17.4707, -8.23926, -5.56434}, {3.99414, -8.13477, -5.56437}, {10.8262, -8.42773, -5.56433}, {4.30664, 5.48633, -5.56432} }; }; class LAND_Cinzak_trojuhlenik : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.5, -9, -11.5867}, {12.8359, -0.0947266, -11.5867} }; }; class LAND_Cinzak_roh2 : Tourist { positions[] = { {2.80664, -1.69238, -11.5875}, {-1.8457, 9.1748, -11.5875}, {-15.1328, 5.33984, -11.5875}, {-1.91016, -13.9961, -11.5875} }; }; class Land_Dum_mesto : Tourist { positions[] = { {-5.20117, -6.41113, -4.98236} }; }; class Land_radio_box : Military { positions[] = { {-0.208984, -0.580078, -0.531994}, {0.462891, 0.642578, -0.531975} }; }; class LAND_dum_patrovy02 : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.265625, -2.60938, -4.05852}, {-0.0488281, 2.58398, -4.05851} }; }; class LAND_Muzeum : Military { positions[] = { {-3.39258, -10.3047, -11.2537}, {3.64453, -11.1826, -11.2536}, {-6.07813, 6.94336, -11.2537}, {6.10742, 7.11816, -11.2536}, {11.6367, -6.74023, -11.2536}, {11.8672, -26.4346, -11.2537}, {-11.0762, -26.5723, -11.2537}, {-11.4043, -6.44531, -11.2536}, {-20.4434, -26.8398, -11.2536}, {-28.3496, -26.6611, -11.2536}, {-12.6855, -26.7383, -11.2537}, {-12.582, -7.32715, -11.2537}, {-28.4258, -7.62305, -11.2537}, {-28.4922, -13.8623, -11.2537}, {-28.4609, -20.4355, -11.2537}, {-28.2793, -5.96973, -11.2536}, {-12.7324, -6.06934, -11.2537}, {-28.5215, 1.18164, -11.2537}, {-28.5508, 7.68555, -11.2537}, {-28.4668, 14.4482, -11.2536}, {-28.5586, 20.8584, -11.2536}, {-28.3574, 27.4824, -11.2535}, {-20.3887, 27.665, -11.2536}, {-20.459, 10.6963, -11.2536}, {-11.5801, 12.5264, -11.2536}, {-2.26172, 8.43945, -11.2537}, {2.42578, 8.41211, -11.2536}, {11.7188, 12.9658, -11.2536}, {7.47852, 27.4424, -11.2537}, {-8.24609, 27.416, -11.2537}, {-0.464844, 27.6338, -11.2535}, {0.380859, 21.2764, -11.2536}, {14.6973, 27.4883, -11.2536}, {21.373, 27.5059, -11.2537}, {28.666, 27.1797, -11.2535}, {28.9473, 20.3701, -11.2536}, {28.8906, 13.7217, -11.2536}, {28.7539, 7.11621, -11.2537}, {29.0527, 0.995117, -11.2536}, {28.8203, -5.97949, -11.2536}, {13.1738, -5.98633, -11.2537}, {13.0879, 5.40918, -11.2537}, {13.2051, 0.09375, -11.2537}, {21.127, 10.4141, -11.2536}, {6.91016, 1.69043, -3.54557}, {6.92578, 5.95996, -3.54557}, {11.3242, 6.0332, -3.54557}, {11.4863, 1.60156, -3.54557}, {-6.38867, 6.04883, -3.54557}, {-6.36133, 1.63672, -3.54557}, {-10.9043, 1.57617, -3.54557}, {-10.8945, 6.06152, -3.54557}, {-16.0195, -26.7295, -4.88324}, {-28.3906, -26.7832, -4.88324}, {-28.457, -12.7236, -4.88324}, {-28.541, -0.0146484, -4.88324}, {-28.6152, 13.1992, -4.88324}, {-28.5078, 27.5674, -4.88324}, {28.5313, 27.3818, -4.88324}, {28.7715, 13.5664, -4.88324}, {28.6934, 0.768555, -4.88324}, {28.7813, -12.458, -4.88324}, {28.6738, -26.4121, -4.88324}, {15.8789, -26.7207, -4.88324}, {1.62695, -26.6367, -4.88324}, {21.1621, -10.8057, -4.88324}, {20.9844, 0.319336, -4.88324}, {20.9941, 11.8633, -4.88324}, {-12.9922, 27.334, -4.88324}, {-4.45508, 27.7529, -4.88324}, {4.09375, 27.5137, -4.88324}, {13.9023, 27.6934, -4.88324}, {-20.8047, 12.3203, -4.88324}, {-20.6289, 0.121094, -4.88324}, {-20.373, -11.1758, -4.88324} }; }; class Land_Church_03 : Shop { positions[] = { {-2.79297, -3.06152, -13.6585}, {6.9043, -0.100586, -14.3213}, {1.23047, 6.15527, -14.3285}, {2.24414, -6.71094, -14.3285}, {-7.88867, -4.61426, -14.3285}, {-2.25, -7.22266, -14.3285}, {10.4453, -0.133789, -13.7817}, {-6.93164, 4.14063, -14.3285}, {-2.16016, 8.12012, -14.3285}, {-2.66797, -1.73926, -13.6585}, {-0.917969, -2.9873, -13.6585}, {-0.916016, -1.66602, -13.6585}, {1.30859, -3.11328, -13.6585}, {1.25391, -1.75586, -13.6585}, {3.16602, -3.03809, -13.6585}, {3.00586, -1.72266, -13.6585}, {4.97852, -3.24121, -13.6585}, {4.9668, -1.83008, -13.6585}, {6.66602, -3.18359, -13.6585}, {6.67969, -1.72461, -13.6585}, {6.17578, 1.33008, -13.6585}, {6.28711, 2.93848, -13.6585}, {4.73047, 1.55371, -13.6585}, {4.7793, 3.03516, -13.6585}, {2.73633, 1.77246, -13.6585}, {2.65625, 3.12695, -13.6585}, {0.998047, 1.67578, -13.6585}, {1.05469, 3.13379, -13.6585}, {-0.769531, 1.9541, -13.6585}, {-0.800781, 3.14746, -13.6585}, {-2.44336, 1.76855, -13.6585}, {-2.48047, 3.37988, -13.6585}, {6.05664, 8.27344, -14.4043}, {9.18359, -0.0947266, -12.7779}, {6.31641, -8.32031, -14.4043}, {-4.0918, 0.0507813, -14.4043}, {0.650391, 7.37988, -12.7131}, {2.72266, 7.47852, -12.7131}, {2.54688, -7.63672, -12.7131}, {0.933594, -7.46582, -12.7131}, {1.91211, -2.06543, -14.4043}, {-2.21875, -2.14746, -14.4043}, {5.47266, -2.10156, -14.4043}, {5.15625, 2.84766, -14.4043}, {1.54297, 2.80371, -14.4043}, {-1.82227, 2.80078, -14.4043}, {-11.2969, -3.04395, -14.4043}, {-11.3711, 2.8584, -14.4043}, {-13.6152, -0.00878906, -14.4042} }; }; class LAND_Autosalon : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-21.4277, 20.8848, -7.80186}, {-21.3652, 22.6377, -7.80186}, {-9.75586, 24.2813, -8.88387}, {-9.58008, 19.9219, -8.88382}, {-19.6055, 19.1436, -8.88381}, {-19.4629, 23.9717, -8.88388}, {-14.4063, 21.5967, -8.88381}, {-15.4023, 15.5781, -8.88382}, {-4.81055, 14.0146, -7.59313}, {-4.81055, 11.8203, -7.51228}, {-4.81055, 5.99805, -7.57103}, {-2.91016, -5.88379, -8.8838}, {18.2832, -5.59375, -8.88382}, {20.1543, 22.2354, -8.88382}, {-2.2793, 23.668, -8.88381}, {7.94141, 17.1016, -8.8838}, {8.01953, 7.60938, -8.88382}, {22.6172, -17.6504, -8.88387} }; }; class LAND_Podloubi_End_Low_1 : Tourist { positions[] = { {3.81641, 1.04785, -4.32564}, {-1.03711, 0.709961, -4.32567}, {-6.32617, 1.21094, -4.32565} }; }; class LAND_Banka : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {17.7266, -14.1406, -25.6371}, {17.8359, -9.90527, -25.6371}, {17.7227, -4.29297, -25.6371}, {11.8086, -4.28223, -25.6371}, {1.92578, -4.35449, -25.6371}, {1.93359, -9.79199, -25.6371}, {1.7832, -13.5674, -25.6371}, {1.74414, -18.2041, -25.637}, {9.07422, -18.4443, -25.6371}, {14.1777, -18.127, -25.6371}, {12.6367, -13.9258, -25.6371}, {6.93359, -9.07227, -25.6371} }; }; class LAND_Cinzak_corner2 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.271484, -13.7266, -11.6154}, {-13.9082, 0.616211, -11.6154} }; }; class LAND_Stojan_Bus : Industrial { positions[] = { {-3.91211, -26.8633, -2.08479}, {-3.77539, -16.752, -2.08479}, {-3.46094, -7.08984, -2.08479}, {-3.5293, 4.21387, -2.08479}, {-3.50391, 15.3369, -2.08479}, {-3.54297, 27.8271, -2.08479} }; }; class LAND_Podloubi_End_Low_2 : Shop { positions[] = { {5.22461, 1.29297, -4.32564}, {-0.109375, 0.557617, -4.32566}, {-5.20703, 1.12988, -4.32565} }; }; class LAND_Bus_Stojan_Bud : Industrial { positions[] = { {17.5605, -3.0498, -4.91997}, {17.0215, -0.15625, -4.91997}, {17.375, 3.02734, -4.91997} }; }; class LAND_Univerzita : Tourist { positions[] = { {-18.9727, -32.1377, -10.4966}, {-43.5254, -32.0088, -10.4966}, {-43.5918, -19.2061, -10.4966}, {-43.5527, -9.74707, -10.4966}, {-43.4707, 6.73438, -10.4966}, {-43.5098, 21.8135, -10.4966}, {-30.4258, 28.1631, -10.4966}, {-14.8125, 28.083, -10.4965}, {0.306641, 28.1631, -10.4965}, {14.6035, 28.3184, -10.4966}, {27.0586, 28.2842, -10.4965}, {40.1016, 27.9844, -10.4965}, {40.3477, 18.9219, -10.4966}, {40.2559, 6.87402, -10.4965}, {40.1777, -6.23633, -10.4966}, {40.2402, -19.373, -10.4966}, {40.2031, -32.0557, -10.4966}, {26.5527, -32.0137, -10.4966}, {12.6523, -31.9961, -10.4966}, {-2.04688, -31.9707, -10.4966}, {10.1816, -19.4541, -10.4966}, {10.1387, -3.18555, -10.4965}, {-9.19141, -3.42188, -10.4965}, {-15.8594, -3.21777, -10.4966}, {-32.1035, -3.05273, -10.4966}, {-32.2715, 21.2627, -10.4965}, {0.232422, 21.415, -10.4966}, {30.5371, 20.9355, -10.4966}, {33.2656, 9.86133, -10.4966}, {33.6777, -24.7803, -10.4965}, {10.0645, -24.8145, -10.4966} }; }; class LAND_Galerie : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-3.47266, -20.624, -4.04489}, {3.66992, -20.6777, -4.04489}, {3.0625, -9.63867, -4.04489}, {-3.75195, -9.64648, -4.04489}, {3.33008, 4.94727, -4.04489}, {-3.82617, 6.25781, -4.04489}, {3.97656, 19.6045, -4.04489}, {-3.63867, 19.7207, -4.04489}, {-11.418, 14.6445, -4.04489}, {-11.4883, 21.3516, -4.04489}, {-12.9746, 21.709, -4.04489}, {-12.9531, 14.8936, -4.04489}, {-12.7871, 5.20605, -4.04489}, {-12.9492, -1.70117, -4.04489}, {-11.3574, -1.74707, -4.04489}, {-11.6055, 4.5752, -4.04489}, {-12.8984, -11.3027, -4.04489}, {-12.8848, -18.5254, -4.04489}, {-11.377, -18.7051, -4.04489}, {-11.4355, -11.3877, -4.04489}, {11.4023, 21.2773, -4.04489}, {11.5566, 14.6367, -4.04489}, {12.8574, 21.4346, -4.04489}, {12.8047, 14.5635, -4.04489}, {12.8633, 4.53809, -4.04489}, {12.9863, -1.70215, -4.04489}, {11.3516, 4.62109, -4.04489}, {11.5605, -1.53809, -4.04489}, {11.3789, -11.3506, -4.04489}, {11.4863, -18.4346, -4.04489}, {13.0391, -18.7275, -4.04489}, {12.8457, -11.2705, -4.04489}, {-0.123047, 24.9004, -2.78208}, {-0.166016, 20.1982, -1.4286}, {-3.57227, 24.8438, -0.0594521}, {3.8418, 25.2383, -0.0594521}, {0.222656, 19.0137, -0.0594521}, {4.11719, 8.13184, -0.0594521}, {-3.93945, 7.92969, -0.0594521}, {-4.03516, -7.28906, -0.0594521}, {3.7832, -10.5635, -0.0594521}, {4.24805, -22.9609, -0.0594521}, {-4.19531, -23.2539, -0.0594521}, {-11.375, -18.5293, -0.0594521}, {-11.291, -11.1816, -0.0594521}, {-12.8574, -11.5996, -0.0594521}, {-12.8887, -18.752, -0.0594521}, {-12.7988, -1.61133, -0.0594521}, {-12.9336, 4.84668, -0.0594521}, {-11.2715, -1.96777, -0.0594521}, {-11.2988, 4.96777, -0.0594521}, {-11.2188, 14.7988, -0.0594521}, {-11.4258, 21.4268, -0.0594521}, {-12.875, 21.5498, -0.0594521}, {-12.8203, 14.9941, -0.0594521}, {11.4297, 21.332, -0.0594521}, {11.2852, 15.0146, -0.0594521}, {13.127, 14.8125, -0.0594521}, {13.0234, 21.3193, -0.0594521}, {12.9805, 4.89453, -0.0594521}, {11.6406, 5.04199, -0.0594521}, {11.5469, -1.25879, -0.0594521}, {12.9727, -1.66211, -0.0594521}, {12.873, -11.2266, -0.0594521}, {13.0391, -18.499, -0.0594521}, {11.2383, -18.4863, -0.0594521}, {11.4531, -11.3975, -0.0594521} }; }; class LAND_x : Military { positions[] = { {-23.8125, 11.8984, -5.92397}, {-21.2148, 7.95898, -5.92397}, {-21.1094, -0.485352, -5.92397}, {-0.675781, 6.41211, -5.92397}, {11.1777, 6.92578, -5.92397}, {-10.8984, -10.1201, -5.92397}, {3.88086, -9.59766, -5.92397}, {22.6895, -4.41602, -5.92397}, {24.252, -13.8027, -5.92397}, {-22.543, -7.61816, -5.92397}, {-25.3008, 15.6143, -2.36729}, {15.6367, -10.2539, -2.36729} }; }; class LAND_Cinzak_long_double : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.126953, -6.63867, -11.5872}, {0.185547, 6.72559, -11.5872} }; }; class Land_Tav_Panelak : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.699219, -1.99707, 0.0449791}, {-3.16211, -6.15137, 0.0449791}, {-6.625, -6.22656, 0.0449791}, {-6.85352, 0.285156, 0.0449791}, {-3.0625, 3.95703, 0.0449791}, {-6.39258, 3.96582, 0.0449791}, {0.609375, 4.11523, 1.30221}, {0.0546875, -2.87988, 2.745}, {3.02734, -6.18164, 2.745}, {6.77148, -6.25586, 2.745}, {6.85352, 0.280273, 2.745}, {6.54492, 3.96582, 2.745}, {3.2168, 3.95703, 2.745}, {0.0507813, -3.29004, 5.59942}, {-6.73828, -6.16602, 5.59942}, {-6.87305, 4.07324, 5.65828}, {6.82227, 3.9209, 5.64686}, {6.96875, -6.31836, 5.68503} }; }; class Land_Misc_Cargo1B : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-1.95117, -2.53516, -1.26789}, {1.40039, 3.25586, -1.26789}, {1.44141, -3.16797, -1.26788} }; }; class Land_Misc_Cargo1Bo : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.564453, -1.90332, -1.09848}, {-0.544922, -0.271484, -1.09848}, {0.691406, 2.19824, -1.09848} }; }; class Land_Statek_kulna : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-3.66602, 1.45898, -2.45665} }; }; class Land_Tav_Panelak3 : Military { positions[] = { {1.13867, 1.11523, -10.825}, {-0.0507813, -0.363281, -10.5091}, {-0.015625, -0.891602, -8.65524}, {-0.162109, -0.0771484, -8.65524}, {-0.847656, -0.0917969, 12.8061}, {-7.06055, 3.89258, 12.4509}, {7.01563, 3.84082, 12.4437}, {7.02344, -6.80859, 12.4444}, {-7.17188, -6.93652, 12.4601}, {-0.982422, 2.15723, -10.825}, {0.783203, 3.3584, -10.825} }; }; class LAND_dum_patrovy01c : Shop { positions[] = { {1.11133, 1.98145, -5.67823}, {3.81445, -4.12891, -5.67823} }; }; class Land_Psi_bouda : Military { positions[] = { {0.427734, -0.0537109, -0.352425} }; }; class Land_Deutshe_mini : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {4.06641, -2.36328, -2.7749}, {1.48047, -1.83496, -2.7749}, {-1.54492, -3.10156, -2.77489}, {-4.17773, -0.293945, -2.7749}, {-1.46875, 2.6084, -2.7749}, {-3.81445, 2.61133, -2.7749}, {1.50781, 0.0800781, -2.7749}, {4.08984, -0.131836, -2.7749}, {3.74609, 2.30859, -2.7749}, {-3.5332, -2.36523, -1.98739}, {-0.470703, 0.571289, -1.80596}, {-3.91016, 1.90723, -2.25214}, {-1.56836, -0.902344, -2.81199}, {0.693359, 2.36426, -2.05188}, {2.66602, 1.17871, -2.81199} }; }; class LAND_Posta : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-17.2168, 1.03418, 0.989899}, {-17.6309, 18.2383, 0.989922}, {-9.63281, 9.9248, 0.989902}, {-0.736328, 0.230469, 0.989933}, {-1.23828, 18.4551, 0.989914}, {-0.185547, 17.873, 1.99527}, {-0.228516, 15.9043, 1.99527}, {-0.166016, 13.8721, 1.99527}, {1.75586, 8.96094, 0.989895}, {4.61523, 18.124, 0.98991}, {20.5313, 18.417, 0.989887}, {20.3789, -7.24609, 0.989887}, {-17.1094, -1.39746, 0.989899}, {-17.4082, -9.20801, 0.989899}, {0.380859, -1.58301, 0.989883}, {9.94922, -2.53711, 0.989906}, {11.4473, 8.23242, 0.989887}, {-4.51367, -6.38281, 0.989902} }; }; class LAND_dum_patrovy_bez_vylohy : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {1.08984, 2.01758, -5.67823} }; }; class LAND_Malboro : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.0976563, -4.27051, -5.67823}, {1.12891, 2.03809, -5.67823} }; }; class Land_Tav_Panelak2 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {0.496094, 2.74023, -4.07583}, {-0.697266, -1.99609, -2.65503}, {0.585938, 4.11523, -1.39752}, {0.583984, 4.11621, 1.3022}, {0.583984, 4.11426, 4.026}, {3.28906, -6.15137, 5.41021}, {6.75977, -6.23438, 5.41021}, {6.26172, 3.83496, 5.41021}, {3.44727, 3.82031, 5.41021}, {-0.015625, -3.28809, 8.29941}, {-6.14453, -6.6543, 8.29941}, {-6.82813, 4.12207, 8.32941}, {7.01563, 4.19336, 8.39032}, {6.14063, -6.58887, 8.29941} }; }; class Land_Kostel3 : Tourist { positions[] = { {-0.0976563, -17.9775, -15.7858} }; }; class Land_traktorbezkola : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.0917969, -0.973633, 0.114475}, {0.277344, -0.03125, -0.940998}, {-0.802734, -0.000976563, -1.11687} }; }; class Land_cisternickaprivez : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.724609, 0.317383, -1.51202}, {-1.42188, 0.369141, -1.51204} }; }; class Land_Farm_WTower : Military { positions[] = { {-3.05273, -7.08984, -15.7602}, {0.269531, -1.82324, -15.7602}, {4.70508, -7.9873, -15.7602}, {8.37109, -0.160156, -15.7602}, {4.25781, 8.08301, -15.7602}, {-4.04883, 6.52734, -15.7602}, {-8.03125, 0.129883, -15.7602}, {-0.078125, 2.05273, -15.7602}, {-1.92773, 0.179688, -15.7602}, {1.84766, 0.219727, -15.7602}, {4.9082, -2.41602, -15.7602}, {0.357422, -6.27246, -15.7602}, {-4.7207, -3.01855, -15.7602}, {-4.65039, 3.07031, -15.7602}, {0.570313, 5.92871, -15.7602}, {5.16602, 2.12207, -15.7602} }; }; class Land_Statek_hl_bud : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {3.42773, -1.6084, -3.10102} }; }; class Land_Farm_Cowshed_a : Industrial { positions[] = { {2.92188, -5.12402, -3.11408}, {6.00391, -6.74121, -3.11408}, {10.0371, -5.58301, -3.11408}, {-1.2832, -6.74609, -3.11408}, {-1.30664, 0.0947266, -3.11408}, {4.80469, -1.07617, -3.11407}, {3.55469, 0.830078, -3.11407}, {9.70898, 3.37988, -3.11408}, {-10.459, 0.264648, -3.1254}, {6.24609, 6.72559, -3.11408}, {-5.87305, -2.61816, -3.07907}, {-5.0918, 3.2666, -3.07907}, {8.21094, -2.66309, -3.07907} }; }; class Land_A_Hospital : Medical { positions[] = { {-0.367188, -5.35645, -7.28304}, {-4.9668, -5.62598, -7.28304}, {-16.0195, -4.5957, -7.28304}, {4.60742, -5.35645, -7.28304}, {11.6719, -5.35645, -7.28304}, {16.916, -4.73145, -7.28304}, {7.11328, -3.04492, -7.28304}, {-11.6523, -1.30469, -7.28304}, {-4.66602, -1.05273, -7.28304}, {0.00390625, -0.725586, -7.28304}, {4.60742, -0.514648, -7.28304}, {11.9961, 1.53418, -7.28304}, {4.58008, 1.63867, -7.28304}, {-4.64258, 1.49805, -7.28304}, {-14.5332, 1.71387, -7.25804}, {-5.87109, -3.75879, -3.75804}, {-14.666, -5.08887, -3.75804}, {2.01563, -5.42676, -3.75804}, {16.4375, -4.89355, -3.75804}, {10.7246, -4.85352, -3.75804}, {12.9063, 1.10156, -3.75804}, {4.63281, 1.06641, -3.75804}, {-6.10938, -1.71777, -3.75804}, {-9.81445, 2.47754, -3.75804}, {-7.59766, 4.69922, -3.75804}, {-4.13867, 4.59473, -3.75804}, {-4.5332, 1.1543, -3.75804}, {20.7168, 3.53711, -2.12304}, {15.9961, 3.17188, -0.463039}, {20.9922, 3.57129, 1.16909}, {15.9766, 2.44629, 2.82903}, {0.707031, -1.09863, 3.21196}, {-5.32422, -3.7373, 3.21196}, {-11.8906, 2.60938, 3.21196}, {-15.0059, -5.39453, 3.21196}, {5.36719, 0.212891, 3.21196}, {16.6523, -3.11133, 3.21196} }; }; class Land_Farm_Cowshed_b : Industrial { positions[] = { {6.5, -2.62012, -3.09254}, {6.2207, 3.1582, -3.09254}, {-1.0957, 1.16895, -3.12754}, {0.488281, -2.48926, -3.09254}, {-5.64648, 2.18555, -3.09254}, {-6.7168, -1.80762, -3.09254}, {-10.7188, 0.0605469, -3.09254} }; }; class Land_Farm_Cowshed_c : Industrial { positions[] = { {2.32813, -3.1377, -3.11728}, {-1.61523, -3.16992, -3.11728}, {-1.54102, 2.33398, -3.11728}, {2.625, 1.32617, -3.11728}, {0.320313, -0.557617, -3.11728} }; }; class Land_Stodola_open : Industrial { positions[] = { {-2.07031, -2.64844, -4.10017}, {-1.3418, 0.918945, -4.10017}, {1.7793, -2.51465, -4.14221}, {1.66602, 1.46289, -4.07124}, {1.77734, 5.80762, -4.13195}, {-4.00977, 6.02344, -4.12935}, {1.74609, -5.99609, -4.13121} }; }; class LAND_Bufet : Shop { positions[] = { {7.50586, -5.18262, -1.71593}, {3.11133, 6.63281, -1.71592}, {9.78711, 1.37891, -1.7159}, {-2.93359, 3.15332, -1.7159}, {8.19727, 10.6602, -1.7159}, {-3.25977, -9.77637, -1.7159}, {-11.0508, 10.3711, -1.7159}, {-10.8672, 4.08789, -1.7159}, {-9.23047, 4.08789, -1.7159}, {-10.209, 0.285156, -1.7159}, {-8.79688, 0.604492, -1.7159}, {-8.28906, -2.68457, -1.7159}, {-5.75781, -2.68945, -1.7159}, {-10.3164, -9.71094, -1.7159}, {-5.75781, -9.71582, -1.7159}, {-4.4043, 0.0419922, -0.729973}, {-4.51172, 1.79688, -0.729973}, {-5.80664, 0.467773, -1.71594}, {-11.3867, 1.12891, -0.681538}, {-11.3672, -1.66602, -0.681538}, {-7.6875, -0.172852, -0.681538}, {-7.68359, 1.99707, -0.681538}, {-11.3555, -8.55176, -0.681538}, {-11.373, -6.15625, -0.681538}, {-4.75391, -7.20996, -0.681538}, {-4.75586, -3.86426, -0.681538} }; }; class Land_HouseV2_03 : Tourist { positions[] = { {9.90039, -9.41602, -5.47189}, {1.22461, -8.64551, -5.55468}, {-14.0684, -8.62109, -5.55468}, {-18.2324, 1.8252, -5.90559}, {-18.3203, 0.34668, -5.91511}, {0.65625, 8.29199, -5.88635}, {5.36523, 10.7256, -4.7002}, {14.5254, 10.9043, -4.62944}, {18.0391, 7.14648, -4.56614}, {18.0293, 1.25293, -5.46368}, {18.0547, -4.76855, -4.617}, {14.709, -9.05273, -4.62831}, {5.3418, -9.1123, -4.49132} }; }; class LAND_bus_depo : Industrial { positions[] = { {38.1055, -9.51855, -10.9272}, {30.9375, -9.51855, -10.9272}, {23.4902, -9.51855, -10.9272}, {15.8555, -9.51855, -10.9272}, {8.64063, -9.51855, -10.9272}, {-13.8398, -9.51855, -10.9272}, {-23.1191, 5.21094, -10.9272}, {-23.1191, 12.9697, -10.9272}, {-23.1191, 31.6699, -10.9272}, {50.4375, -10.332, -10.9272}, {50.4375, -40.418, -10.9272}, {2.86914, -24.9063, -10.9272}, {-18.209, -40.418, -10.9272}, {-18.209, -10.332, -10.9272}, {-20.8477, -15.3369, -10.9272}, {-20.8477, -21.8682, -10.9272}, {-33.5176, -24.3184, -10.9272}, {-38.7441, 27.2373, -10.9272} }; }; class Land_Stodola_old_open : Industrial { positions[] = { {6.3457, -0.0566406, -5.1231}, {-4.60938, -0.273438, -5.1218}, {-2.55273, -0.128906, -5.10699}, {4.10742, -0.0566406, -5.10699}, {-2.68359, 3.03613, -5.07979}, {3.75586, 3.63867, -1.01995}, {4.19727, 4.98145, -1.01995}, {-0.00585938, 5.43262, -1.01995}, {-1.47461, 5.4668, -1.01995}, {1.13477, 11.1436, -1.01995}, {4.58594, 10.8457, -1.01996}, {-0.167969, 9.73633, 2.938}, {0.914063, 11.0781, 2.938}, {4.17969, -3.08301, -4.98685}, {-1.95313, -3.54492, -1.04054}, {-2.54688, -5.29102, -1.03752}, {1.52734, -5.3877, -1.0404}, {1.72461, -9.26758, 3.01687}, {0.832031, -11.2646, 2.938}, {-3.1543, -9.54785, -1.02468}, {3.96484, -10.918, -1.02374}, {4.39844, 10.3877, -5.12887}, {-2.50781, 8.13086, -5.12886}, {-2.30078, 10.6846, -5.12888}, {-1.70117, 7.23633, -4.11628}, {0.574219, 8.3291, -4.11628}, {2.83398, 10.6748, 2.963}, {-2.68164, -10.5742, -5.12889}, {-2.75391, -5.11035, -5.1289}, {0.457031, -4.96875, -5.12885}, {2.49023, -7.95801, -4.11628}, {2.6582, -9.06543, -4.11628}, {4.39648, -10.8057, -5.12887}, {3.87891, -9.29785, -4.11628}, {-0.839844, -10.5723, 2.963}, {2.77539, -10.8359, 2.963}, {1.82031, 3.34277, -5.12887}, {0.765625, -3.28613, -4.11614} }; }; class Land_wagon_tanker : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.148438, 2.33398, -1.75942}, {0.525391, -4.83789, -0.771843}, {-0.820313, -4.81152, -0.754723}, {-1.20313, -2.39746, -1.75942}, {-0.929688, 4.20117, -1.75942}, {-0.701172, 4.83984, -0.771843}, {0.644531, 4.9248, -0.771843} }; }; class Land_loco_742_blue : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-1.18164, -4.7168, -0.665318}, {-1.16406, 1.68262, -0.665318}, {-1.09961, 5.89551, -0.665318}, {1.22852, 4.32129, -0.665318}, {1.14648, -1.54785, -0.665318}, {1.12891, -5.95215, -0.665318} }; }; class Land_Budova1 : Military { positions[] = { {7.79102, 0.0107422, -2.01264} }; }; class Land_Ind_Quarry : Industrial { positions[] = { {1.99609, -15.7139, -7.49818}, {2.25195, -11.0039, -7.49818}, {-3.25781, -10.667, -7.49818}, {-2.71094, -15.8057, -7.49818}, {-7.64453, -6.43848, -7.49818}, {-7.58789, 1.70215, -7.49818}, {-7.53906, 12.8906, -7.49818}, {3.73047, 17.3193, -7.59818}, {6.57227, 12.3516, -7.49818}, {6.82227, 6.49414, -7.49818}, {-6.78906, 10.4775, -7.50633}, {-7.35352, 2.31445, -7.50633}, {-7.12305, -5.61914, -7.50633}, {-0.628906, -11.001, -7.50633}, {-0.628906, -15.667, -7.50633}, {7.47656, -5.36914, -7.59813}, {6.98242, 1.79395, -7.59813}, {7.39453, 10.2754, -7.50633}, {3.99023, 17.2275, -7.59813}, {2.80469, 17.209, 5.26807}, {-4.51953, 17.0283, 5.26807}, {-4.75977, 11.998, 5.26807}, {-4.65625, -1.81934, 5.26807}, {-4.32617, -7.97949, 5.26807} }; }; class Land_ZalChata : Military { positions[] = { {2.23828, -1.6084, -0.535568}, {0.0195313, -3.13184, -0.535568}, {-2.375, -2.17773, -0.535568} }; }; class Land_Vysilac_FM : Military { positions[] = { {1.48242, -2.4873, -6.20935}, {1.43945, -1.5625, 8.36378}, {0.779297, -0.839844, 8.36378}, {1.39453, 0.104492, 8.36378}, {2.90625, -1.14941, 8.16251}, {-1.42773, 4.14258, -6.2094}, {-0.978516, -0.342773, -6.20942} }; }; class Land_Budova5 : Military { positions[] = { {-2.09961, 3.57617, -1.87854}, {-2.06641, 2.05762, -1.87856}, {-2.01953, -0.0302734, -1.87859} }; }; class Land_buldozer : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-0.816406, -0.469727, -0.358395}, {0.046875, 2.60352, -0.697605}, {0.806641, -0.265625, -0.358395}, {0.132813, -2.6084, -1.48256}, {-0.798828, -2.82324, -1.48259} }; }; class Land_Ind_Coltan_Main_EP1 : Industrial { positions[] = { {-2.68945, 4.52832, -6.35812}, {-9.62695, 11.1143, -6.32811}, {-8.62695, 14.1543, -6.32812}, {6.27148, 16.6738, -3.07812}, {6.26758, 16.6738, 0.901886}, {6.26758, 16.6729, 4.82189}, {-5.63086, 8.28223, -6.32079}, {-3.87891, 6.18848, -6.35812}, {3.83984, 17.083, -6.41092}, {-4.73242, 17.0313, -6.41045} }; }; class LAND_house1 : Shop { positions[] = { {-5.28516, -0.894531, -3.71184}, {-5.37891, -3.33691, -3.7118}, {-2.4707, -1.61621, -3.7118}, {1.75195, -0.943359, -3.71181}, {1.83594, -3.87012, -3.71179}, {-0.478516, -2.24805, -3.7118}, {1.24023, 4.24121, -3.7118}, {1.2207, 0.948242, -3.7118}, {-3.2793, 1.17383, -3.7118}, {-4.44922, 4.29395, -3.71181} }; }; class LAND_Ctirglav : Military { positions[] = { {-4.1875, -10.0039, -7.24045}, {3.69922, -8.89941, -7.24045}, {11.0254, -9.21484, -7.24045}, {-11.4375, -9.15234, -7.24044}, {-12.3145, -3.17285, -7.24044}, {-11.832, 9.2373, -7.24044}, {-9.26953, 14.707, -7.24043}, {10.8164, 14.5918, -7.24044}, {12.1289, 8.80176, -7.24044}, {12.2441, -4.20996, -7.24044} }; }; class Land_Dumruina_mini : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {3.83789, 1.06348, -2.85712} }; }; class Land_Ind_Mlyn_04 : Industrial { positions[] = { {-2.25, 1.46191, 4.76857}, {-2.25, -7.13184, 4.76857}, {-2.25, -11.1992, 4.76857} }; }; class Land_Ind_Mlyn_03 : Industrial { positions[] = { {7.73047, 1.54492, -4.19863}, {-4.85156, 7.79395, -4.19863}, {-8.53906, -1.84277, -4.19863}, {-3.18945, -7.78027, -4.19864}, {-3.26563, -2.20898, -4.19864}, {8.20313, -7.94824, -4.19863}, {5.11523, -5.04395, 8.99827}, {-5.63672, -4.98828, 8.99827} }; }; class Land_Majak : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.154297, -0.930664, -8.09946}, {-0.0898438, 0.698242, -8.09946}, {-0.0117188, -0.380859, 1.69604}, {0.00195313, -1.89648, 1.69604} }; }; class Land_Ind_MalyKomin : Industrial { positions[] = { {0.976563, 1.45801, -17.2312}, {1.08203, 1.75684, -7.72576}, {0.1875, 0.608398, -7.67329}, {-0.794922, -0.794922, -7.72561}, {0.992188, -1.60547, -7.72576}, {2.23242, -0.351563, -7.09753} }; }; class Land_Ind_Pec_03a : Military { positions[] = { {0.710938, 29.2119, -5.35608}, {7.45898, 18.6543, -5.35607}, {-2.38086, 13.7715, 5.76684}, {7.5918, 11.1924, 5.76684}, {9.67188, -0.416992, 5.76684}, {2.29102, -3.5293, 5.76684}, {-2.61914, -16.2607, 5.76684}, {8.0625, -18.7529, 5.76684}, {12.3613, -24.959, 5.76684}, {-2.4043, -23.7549, 5.76684}, {-3.66992, -2.26563, 5.76684}, {4.19141, 24.9688, 4.02961}, {-0.580078, 21.7969, 4.02961}, {2.90625, 19.4893, 4.02961}, {-9.39453, -10.1826, 0.968636}, {-11.5098, -17.0791, 0.968636}, {-13.5977, -12.4277, 0.968636} }; }; class LAND_Ruske_kolo : Military { positions[] = { {-8.20508, -3.37207, -20.6243}, {7.46289, -2.39453, -20.625}, {7.4707, 2.76563, -20.6218}, {-8.25, 2.61133, -20.6064} }; }; class Land_Dum_mesto_in : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-1.9668, -1.13574, -3.99489}, {-3.73633, -1.07813, -3.99489}, {-3.85352, -3.48926, -3.99488}, {-5.74219, -0.566406, -3.99489}, {-1.88086, 3.33984, -3.99489}, {-4.67188, 3.35645, -3.99489}, {0.824219, -0.763672, -3.99576}, {0.566406, -3.55859, -3.95823}, {1.79883, -3.55273, -3.99577}, {-3.81836, -2.99805, -3.34143}, {-6.29297, -3.06348, -2.37177}, {-6.28125, 0.196289, -2.37177}, {-5.28516, 1.4834, -2.37177}, {-4.05664, 1.47949, -2.37177}, {2.70703, -2.59082, -2.81659}, {2.63477, -3.24121, -2.81659}, {2.6543, -3.8252, -2.81659}, {6.05078, -3.42871, -3.4331}, {5.23242, -2.2959, -3.4331}, {3.84766, -3.05566, -4.03709}, {4.98438, 0.422852, -4.0371}, {3.75586, 4.32324, -4.0371}, {5.99023, 3.49512, -4.03711}, {6.01563, -3.59863, 0.29604}, {5.82813, 4.60156, 0.29604}, {4.78711, 3.15625, -0.994999}, {4.74609, -1.60547, -0.994999}, {0.212891, -3.45605, -0.994999}, {-6.11523, 0.702148, 0.294849}, {-6.05078, 0.169922, 0.294849}, {-5.42578, -2.29395, -0.278492}, {-2.81055, -1.20313, -1.01634}, {-4.34375, 2.76465, -0.994999}, {-1.12305, 4.51953, -0.994999}, {-5.81055, -4.89746, -0.851059}, {-1.94727, -4.94531, -0.851059} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_C2 : Shop { positions[] = { {4.86523, -5.04688, -7.1268}, {4.73828, 5.5957, -7.12679} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_C1 : Shop { positions[] = { {7.94141, -6.79102, -9.20181}, {-2.99023, -7.02734, -9.20181}, {-3.12109, 5.25391, -9.20182} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_C3 : Shop { positions[] = { {-3.27539, 6.1543, -7.7968}, {-3.17188, -5.11328, -7.7968}, {7.99805, -5.13867, -7.7968} }; }; class Land_prives_down : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.835938, -4.17773, -2.12767}, {0.714844, 0.661133, -2.12767}, {-0.658203, 6.06836, -2.12766}, {-0.851563, 1.1748, -2.12766} }; }; class Land_Panelak3 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.0722656, -0.360352, -10.5329}, {-0.015625, -0.891602, -8.65524}, {-0.162109, -0.0771484, -8.65524}, {-0.845703, -0.03125, 12.8297}, {-7.06836, 3.89844, 12.4509}, {7.02148, 3.84277, 12.4441}, {7.02344, -6.80859, 12.4444}, {-7.17188, -6.93652, 12.4601}, {0.775391, 1.44238, -10.825}, {-0.916016, 1.45996, -10.825}, {-0.826172, 3.76758, -10.825}, {0.992188, 3.94336, -10.825}, {0.0351563, 2.71191, -10.825} }; }; class Land_PowLines_ConcL : Medical { positions[] = { {1.48047, -0.34375, -5.09441} }; }; class LAND_domek_radnice : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.279297, -9.33398, -6.48491}, {-10.5527, -7.79199, -6.48491}, {-10.998, 0.1875, -6.48491}, {-10.998, 9.00488, -6.48491}, {-0.0625, 10.1592, -6.48491}, {10.9199, 8.97559, -6.48491}, {10.9199, 0.15625, -6.48491}, {10.9414, -7.97754, -6.48491}, {-0.279297, -7.14648, -6.48491}, {0.496094, -5.63477, -6.00319}, {2.61719, -4.24609, -5.93197}, {-2.61719, -4.24609, -5.93196}, {0.21875, 7.2627, -5.93195}, {-2.28125, 0.269531, -5.93196}, {-2.63672, 6.12598, -2.13557}, {2.52734, 6.12207, -2.14054}, {2.11914, -0.0371094, -2.13807}, {2.11719, -3.32031, -2.13958}, {5.10156, -3.53906, -2.14349}, {9.28125, -3.01172, -2.14348}, {-2.61914, -4.2334, -2.14054}, {-2.63672, 6.03027, 0.40881}, {2.50195, 6.03516, 0.412376}, {2.59766, -4.09082, 0.412376}, {-2.61914, -4.00879, 0.412376}, {-2.33984, 5.57031, 3.40269}, {0.816406, 1.16309, 3.40269} }; }; class Land_Domek_rosa : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {3.38672, -1.76953, -2.93981}, {-0.439453, -1.54297, -0.715427} }; }; class Land_Bouda1 : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.0449219, -2.31445, -3.16469} }; }; class Land_Shed_M02 : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-0.816406, -0.693359, -1.53341}, {0.0996094, 2.1748, -1.5334} }; }; class Land_PowLines_WoodL : Medical { positions[] = { {0.246094, -0.883789, -3.49798} }; }; class Land_Shed_M01 : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.136719, -1.52344, -1.02575} }; }; class Land_Sara_domek_kovarna : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.00585938, -0.331055, -1.61191} }; }; class Land_Rail_House_01 : Tourist { positions[] = { {3.70508, 2.85352, -1.285}, {-0.498047, 3.06934, -1.285}, {-4.12695, 2.83203, -1.285} }; }; class Land_Sara_hasic_zbroj : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.910156, 0.121094, -2.67585}, {0.220703, -1.24512, -2.67585}, {-2.125, 2.41895, -2.67931}, {-2.38672, -2.38379, -2.67931}, {5.93359, -2.30176, -2.67931}, {6.2207, 2.19531, -2.67931}, {6.36523, -0.0996094, -2.67931}, {3.83203, -2.28418, -2.67931}, {3.58398, 2.0166, -2.67931}, {-0.705078, 1.89844, -2.67585}, {-3.63086, -0.0585938, -2.67585} }; }; class Land_Dum_mesto2 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {3.06055, 1.54395, -4.37539}, {2.61328, -1.24121, -4.37119}, {2.93359, -4.33008, -4.37119}, {0.369141, -7.55664, -4.37119}, {-2.98438, -5.56543, -4.37119}, {-3.23438, -2.62109, -4.37119}, {0.617188, 2.85352, -4.37119}, {-2.69141, 2.33008, -4.37119}, {-2.66406, 4.93359, -4.37119}, {-0.318359, 7.5957, -4.37119}, {3.13281, 5.2373, -4.37119}, {-3.04492, 0.771484, -0.972103}, {-2.95117, 2.71191, -0.971649}, {2.72656, 2.63965, -0.972069}, {2.43359, 5.22949, -0.970448}, {0.228516, 7.45117, -0.970448}, {-3.03711, 4.1543, -0.970448}, {2.61328, -1.24121, -0.970448}, {2.93359, -4.33008, -0.970448}, {0.369141, -7.55664, -0.970448}, {-2.98438, -5.56543, -0.970448}, {-3.23438, -2.62109, -0.970448}, {3.25586, 7.07813, -3.40249}, {3.29883, 7.23242, -4.34619}, {-0.164063, -3.84082, -4.34619}, {-3.00586, -7.48242, -0.25423}, {-0.113281, -1.7832, -0.945446}, {-0.822266, -5.06445, -0.945446}, {-3.10352, 6.24512, -0.945446}, {-2.42383, 7.00098, -0.459091}, {-3.26367, 6.32617, -0.459091}, {2.61719, 7.40625, -0.945446}, {0.00976563, 5.08691, -0.945446} }; }; class Land_traktorpredek : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-0.03125, -0.419922, 0.432804}, {0.414063, 0.37793, -0.692165} }; }; class Land_traktorkabina : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.443359, -0.00976563, 0.636986} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_D2 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {5.85547, 1.57617, -9.49982}, {-10.2012, 7.13672, -9.49981} }; }; class Land_Market_stalls_01_EP1 : Shop { positions[] = { {-1.43359, -0.611328, -0.202698}, {0.740234, -2.03223, -0.280529}, {0.726563, -1.82422, -0.912182}, {-1.22461, -1.85254, -0.912182}, {-4.82422, -1.86426, -0.912197}, {-8.93359, -1.50488, -0.912224}, {-7.61719, 0.670898, -0.172268}, {-9.73242, -0.427734, -0.410004}, {3.08398, -1.30176, -0.912197}, {6.12695, -1.4248, -0.912193}, {9.28711, -0.981445, -0.912197}, {6.70117, 0.948242, -0.250591}, {7.13867, -0.101563, -0.0925903}, {4.69336, 1.53711, -0.466393}, {1.8457, 1.05566, -0.912205}, {-2.06445, 2.07813, -0.912205}, {-9.71484, 1.6543, -0.912186} }; }; class Land_Ind_Expedice_1 : Industrial { positions[] = { {2.77734, 16.6436, -12.9662}, {-1.32422, 16.6436, -12.9662}, {0.90625, 9.47949, -12.9662}, {1.15234, 4.21582, -12.9662}, {4.01758, 19.2734, -3.51317}, {-2.91797, 19.1055, -3.51315}, {3.08203, 17.166, -3.28182}, {-0.216797, 16.2012, 9.68372}, {-0.115234, 0.839844, 9.68373}, {3.88867, -1.64453, -3.51316}, {-13.3281, -1.33496, -3.51317}, {-13.3438, -20.1973, -3.51317}, {3.73047, -20.6104, -3.51317}, {9.42969, -18.082, -5.78369}, {7.67969, -12.0586, -5.78369}, {3.90039, 2.7959, -5.71033}, {-2.25, 19.2002, -5.71033}, {4.00195, 18.5566, -5.71033}, {-7.99023, -24.4238, -12.9662}, {-3.47656, -22.2998, -12.9663} }; }; class Land_Ind_Expedice_3 : Industrial { positions[] = { {-6.55273, -17.3916, -4.87026}, {-3.17969, -9.41406, -1.10428}, {-3.08789, -17.6504, 2.19618}, {0.195313, -7.82227, 2.72974}, {2.39844, -7.93164, 2.63124}, {0.197266, 4.35645, 2.68287}, {2.5957, 4.43457, 2.36401}, {0.0644531, 18.873, 2.10094}, {2.41602, 18.835, 2.62143}, {-3.28516, 10.125, -1.19737}, {-0.304688, -6.91797, -4.87026}, {-7.26953, -6.52441, -4.87026}, {-3.07617, -17.6035, -4.50154}, {-7.08203, 17.7236, -4.87026} }; }; class Land_GuardShed : Military { positions[] = { {0.539063, -0.813477, -0.603832}, {-0.736328, -1.15234, -0.60384} }; }; class LAND_kanovka_budova : Tourist { positions[] = { {14.4629, -4.35449, -6.61142}, {14.5352, 3.88965, -6.61144}, {-0.232422, -6.71289, -6.61142}, {-0.716797, 6.91016, -6.61144}, {-13.4395, -11.2197, -6.61145}, {-9.19141, -5.88867, -6.61142}, {-8.90234, 6.28711, -6.61142}, {-13.3086, 11.3105, -6.61137}, {-7.82617, 0.0957031, -6.61144} }; }; class LAND_terc : Military { positions[] = { {-0.0898438, 0.621094, 7.62939e-006} }; }; class Land_Budova4_in_ori : Military { positions[] = { {6.01172, -0.429688, -1.91367}, {6.31055, -2.64355, -1.91367}, {6.14063, 2.43164, -1.91367}, {3.55273, 2.62598, -1.91367}, {2.13086, 2.5459, -1.91367}, {2.21484, -1.55273, -1.91367}, {1.10352, -2.70801, -1.91367}, {-1.38672, 2.55469, -1.91367}, {-1.49805, -2.73438, -1.91367}, {-4.50391, 2.69824, -1.91367}, {-7.25, 2.3291, -1.91357}, {-5.41016, -0.110352, -1.91367}, {-4.12891, -2.27637, -1.91367}, {-6.40234, -2.25879, -1.91367}, {3.98438, -0.208984, -1.91445}, {-1.59375, -2.62012, -0.927017}, {-2.17773, -0.224609, -1.91445}, {-7.15234, -0.0664063, -1.91445} }; }; class LAND_domek05 : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-1.77148, -1.50195, -3.22878}, {-2.20508, 2.0957, -2.82371}, {-3.43164, 1.39746, -2.82371}, {-4.67383, -1.15723, -2.82371}, {4.65234, 2.3916, -2.82371}, {4.49414, -2.20801, -2.82371} }; }; class Land_obihacka : Medical { positions[] = { {-0.113281, 0.237305, -0.315937}, {-2.35352, -2.5, -0.315914}, {-1.04102, 2.84082, -0.315914} }; }; class Land_Dum_m2 : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {3.94922, -1.20215, -2.51853} }; }; class Land_Dum_mesto3 : Shop { positions[] = { {5.16602, 0.0722656, -5.90471}, {-5.76953, -0.144531, -5.9047} }; }; class Land_Mil_Barracks_i : Military { positions[] = { {8.81055, 1.99805, -1.27973}, {5.35352, 2.6582, -1.12468}, {5.28516, -2.30371, -1.04365}, {1.98633, 2.31934, -1.12468}, {1.26172, -2.45508, -1.12468}, {-0.636719, -2.36035, -1.12468}, {-3.83008, -2.31738, -1.12468}, {-7.72852, 2.51855, -1.12468}, {-8.29102, -2.33789, -1.12468}, {4.09961, -1.13184, -0.0880241}, {4.92383, -0.0566406, -1.11452}, {0.292969, 1.14551, -1.11452}, {-2.63477, 2.71777, -1.11452}, {-3.00781, 1.25195, -1.11452}, {-6.01953, 1.31152, -1.11452}, {-9.01367, 1.16602, -1.11452}, {-8.62109, -0.435547, -1.11452}, {-6.76367, -0.901367, -0.700649}, {-6.77539, -1.94824, -0.700649}, {-6.6875, -1.96484, 0.0904732}, {-6.86523, -0.885742, 0.0891685}, {-3.55664, -0.977539, 0.0891953}, {-3.50977, -2.17773, 0.090641}, {-3.65625, -0.927734, -0.700649}, {-3.56836, -2.05371, -0.700649}, {-5.32422, -0.0908203, -1.11452}, {-5.32227, -2.22363, -1.11452}, {-1.91211, -2.19629, -1.11452}, {-2.11133, -0.263672, -1.11452}, {-0.542969, -1.06934, -0.700649}, {-0.351563, -2.08789, -0.700649}, {-0.355469, -2.02051, 0.0904503}, {-0.273438, -1.07324, 0.0893097}, {1.58008, -0.118164, -1.11452}, {2.875, -0.938477, 0.0892792}, {2.93945, -2.0332, 0.0905991}, {2.63477, -1.38477, -1.11452}, {2.84766, -0.916992, -0.700649}, {3.01172, -1.93945, -0.700649} }; }; class Land_Dum_mesto2l : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {0.546875, -6.11328, -4.64791}, {-5.96875, 3.14844, -4.6479} }; }; class Land_Hut_old02 : Industrial { positions[] = { {-6.96289, -7.99707, -3.03447}, {-5.60938, -1.90918, -3.03447}, {-8.30469, 0.984375, -3.03447}, {-5.39648, 3.49609, -3.03447}, {-7.49414, 8.12207, -3.03447}, {-3.88281, 8.75586, -3.03447}, {1.84961, 8.40039, -3.03447}, {1.88086, 4.25684, -3.03447}, {-3.96289, 2.92383, -3.03447}, {-2.52539, 0.866211, -3.03447}, {-3.7168, -2.05176, -3.03447}, {-3.80664, -4.57324, -3.03447}, {1.87305, -8.44922, -3.03447}, {1.81445, -1.64941, -3.03447}, {4.64063, -7.3623, -3.03447}, {6.25977, -3.15332, -3.03447}, {4.27734, 8.68652, -3.03447} }; }; class Land_Barn_W_02 : Industrial { positions[] = { {2.38477, 1.63379, -2.33169}, {-4.3418, 4.77441, -2.34035}, {-5.82813, -2.2832, -2.33747}, {2.91992, -3.7334, -2.33753}, {-1.72461, -0.125, -2.33835}, {-2.21289, -6.35352, -2.32843}, {1.39648, -8.17285, -2.52937} }; }; class Land_Kostel : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-1.40039, -10.3379, -7.39958}, {5.64258, -4.42773, -7.39957}, {5.46484, -7.01172, -7.39955}, {3.91797, -5.36816, -7.36305}, {4.27148, -7.10742, -0.931541}, {3.43359, -5.69336, -0.687572}, {4.2793, -4.17969, -0.931541}, {5.08984, -5.72168, -0.931541}, {3.28906, -0.410156, -7.39956}, {-1.44336, 10.7852, -7.39956}, {-6.45313, -0.649414, -7.39957} }; }; class Land_Dum_olezlina : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-1.51563, 3.76855, -3.80671}, {1.24023, 2.7002, -3.86125}, {4.33008, 3.02246, -3.86125}, {7.50195, 0.457031, -3.86125}, {5.56445, -2.89551, -3.86125}, {2.62109, -3.14648, -3.86125}, {-2.80859, 0.705078, -3.8582}, {-2.33008, -2.60449, -3.86125}, {-4.93359, -2.57617, -3.86125}, {-7.5957, -0.231445, -3.86124}, {-0.771484, -2.95801, -0.462158}, {-2.71094, -2.8623, -0.461781}, {-2.63867, 2.81348, -0.461674}, {-5.23047, 2.52051, -0.460506}, {-7.45117, 0.317383, -0.460506}, {-4.32422, -2.9541, -0.46051}, {1.24023, 2.7002, -0.460506}, {4.33008, 3.02246, -0.460506}, {7.5, 0.455078, -0.460503}, {5.56445, -2.89551, -0.460506}, {-7.74023, 3.45996, -2.89139}, {-6.68359, 3.45801, -2.89139}, {-7.17969, 3.48145, -3.83625}, {-4.92188, 3.12695, -3.83625}, {3.86523, 0.213867, -3.83625}, {0.771484, -1.17773, -3.83625}, {-7.02539, -3.33789, 0.0508499}, {-6.34766, -2.47266, 0.0508499}, {-6.55664, -3.30859, -0.435505}, {-7.4082, 2.83008, -0.435505}, {5.84766, -1.30957, -0.435505}, {7.51367, -2.8291, 0.255711}, {1.94727, -2.43555, -0.435505}, {3.01367, 0.645508, -0.435505} }; }; class Land_valec : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.244141, -0.154297, -1.71735}, {0.210938, 1.64844, 0.0482712}, {-1.41406, 1.98145, -1.71734}, {-0.904297, -2.30566, -1.71732} }; }; class Land_fortified_nest_big : Military { positions[] = { {-0.664063, 3.20801, -0.766785}, {-3.44531, 0.797852, -0.766785}, {-3.49805, 3.1123, -0.766495}, {-3.48047, -2.60059, -0.766788}, {-2.08984, -0.0390625, -0.766785}, {-3.49805, -3.93652, -0.767002}, {-0.755859, -4.19531, -0.766785}, {0.744141, -4.22461, -0.766785}, {3.45313, -4.22363, -0.766785}, {1.13867, 0.77832, -0.766785}, {3.43359, -2.13281, -0.766785}, {3.32813, 0.733398, -0.766785}, {3.41016, 2.73242, -0.766785} }; }; class Land_Ind_SiloVelke_01 : Industrial { positions[] = { {3.66406, -7.38574, -5.4789}, {3.7168, 9.33203, -5.4789}, {3.45703, -7.39551, 12.147}, {3.52539, 9.31641, 12.1568}, {0.208984, -7.30273, 21.9729}, {-12.5078, -7.86816, 21.9729}, {-12.4414, 9.46289, 21.9729}, {0.298828, 9.54492, 21.9729}, {-13.7129, 0.719727, -24.5778}, {8.22852, -8.28809, -24.5778} }; }; class Land_HouseV_2I : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-5.89648, -0.447266, -2.83997}, {-4.11133, -8.94629, -2.94324} }; }; class Land_cisterna_mleko : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.267578, 0.27832, -1.43005}, {0.720703, -2.08789, -1.43004}, {-1.12891, -2.95703, 0.274418}, {-1.20508, 3.24707, -1.43002} }; }; class LAND_kanovka_budova_snich : Tourist { positions[] = { {13.7754, -4.35254, -7.49419}, {13.7051, 4.60938, -7.49419}, {-1.42188, 8.22949, -7.49419}, {-1.22461, -7.05176, -7.49421}, {-12.3887, -10.7061, -7.49419}, {-9.85938, -5.96387, -7.49421}, {-14.3945, 11.4082, -7.49419}, {-9.84766, 6.35742, -7.49419} }; }; class LAND_HouseV_2I_snow : Tourist { positions[] = { {-4, -8.89355, -2.8231}, {-5.86719, -0.338867, -2.82278} }; }; class Land_kompresor : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-0.150391, 0.125, 0.0452385}, {0.699219, 0.884766, -0.301651}, {-0.878906, 0.198242, -1.2152} }; }; class Land_Shed_W01 : Tourist { positions[] = { {-1.11133, -0.392578, -1.41273}, {-1.88672, 0.464844, -1.41273}, {0.498047, -1.57715, -1.41274} }; }; class Land_HouseV2_05 : Shop { positions[] = { {5.39063, 7.14258, -2.56259}, {-3.16602, -0.336914, -2.46149}, {-4.625, -0.624023, -2.9515} }; }; class Land_tav_HouseV2_01B : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-8.81055, 2.03809, 1.9014}, {-3.57617, -2.16895, 1.12292}, {-6.19922, 2.28809, 2.15559}, {-6.30273, 1.14648, 2.15559}, {-8.7168, 5.25391, 2.15559}, {-9.88672, 5.25781, 2.15559}, {-6.58398, 4.3125, 2.15559}, {-9.57227, -0.941406, 1.16577}, {-8.60156, 2.06738, 1.16577}, {4.86523, 3.78809, 1.16577}, {1.64063, 5.22266, 2.19884}, {0.580078, 3.12598, 2.09199}, {0.886719, 2.45313, 2.0023}, {7.20898, 0.220703, 1.16577}, {1.97656, -1.07227, 1.16577}, {3.80078, 2.78027, 1.16577}, {-4.24805, 4.36328, 1.72928}, {-5.13867, 5.29883, 1.5333}, {-7.60352, 2.13086, 5.94978}, {-9.29688, 1.04102, 6.04285}, {-9.58008, -0.949219, 6.07867}, {-8.51367, 4.81641, 5.27428}, {-5.13281, 5.20703, 6.64504}, {-2.75586, 3.66211, 6.36312}, {-2.36133, 0.404297, 5.27428}, {4.83789, 5.25684, 6.36193}, {3.77734, 5.24805, 6.36193}, {1.52344, -0.647461, 6.16672}, {0.552734, 3.12891, 6.36312}, {0.306641, 0.19043, 5.27428}, {4.33984, 5.32324, 5.27428}, {7.23828, 4.99121, 5.27428}, {7.57813, 1.23535, 6.1169}, {7.4082, -1.08594, 5.96601}, {6.21875, -0.297852, 5.96601}, {5.19922, -0.993164, 5.27428} }; }; class Land_Watertower1 : Industrial { positions[] = { {2.78125, -5.5791, 5.18781}, {-1.25977, -6.89844, 5.18781}, {-6.85352, -4.08398, 5.18778}, {-8.17969, -0.0195313, 5.18777}, {-5.32617, 5.5791, 5.18778}, {0.884766, 6.5791, 5.18777}, {4.36328, 4.06543, 5.18775} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_A1_2 : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {4.16406, -5.81055, -6.7023}, {-4.24805, 4.55176, -6.70228} }; }; class Land_A_MunicipalOffice : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-4.24805, -7.56348, -18.4904}, {0.0917969, -5.1709, -18.4904}, {3.47656, -7.09668, -18.4904}, {0.0351563, -11.0332, -18.9295}, {-12.4434, -6.72559, -18.7508}, {12.0684, 11.5996, -18.9295}, {11.9121, 11.5977, -3.09175}, {-12.1719, -6.73438, -3.08434}, {-4.27344, -9.00391, -17.6451}, {4.02344, -8.49902, -17.6541}, {-7.15234, -6.53906, -3.13038}, {6.82031, -6.44922, -3.15655}, {-4.97656, -7.4043, -0.195465}, {-5.44531, -0.0849609, -0.195465}, {5.13086, -0.132813, 0.222725}, {-9.82617, 10.9541, -3.763}, {9.88672, 11.3613, -3.58281}, {-9.89453, -6.13965, -3.81546}, {9.875, 1.50293, -3.60263}, {9.87109, -6.09863, -3.60519}, {-0.175781, -6.45801, -18.4554}, {-9.82617, 1.29688, -3.81547}, {-0.3125, 1.64453, -0.657272} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_A2 : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-6.57031, -4.68066, -8.62051}, {6.16992, -5.09082, -8.69893}, {-2.23828, 5.31934, -8.64787} }; }; class Land_Kostel_trosky : Industrial { positions[] = { {4.10742, -7.10938, -5.32272}, {4.32227, -1.19629, -5.32272}, {4.21875, 3.61523, -5.32272}, {0.0488281, 4.00293, -5.32272}, {-4.45898, 4.23047, -5.32272}, {-3.9668, -3.91797, -5.32272}, {-4.17383, -12.1025, -5.32272} }; }; class Land_Misc_WaterStation : Industrial { positions[] = { {-0.0175781, 1.69629, -1.59156} }; }; class Land_HouseV2_04_interier_dam : Shop { positions[] = { {6.38867, -6.7002, -5.76937}, {7.36719, 0.539063, -5.76767}, {7.36719, 5.2168, -5.76572}, {4.59961, 2.58789, -5.07908}, {2.04688, 2.83887, -5.05715}, {0.585938, 2.80371, -5.28723}, {2.93945, 6.15723, -5.76133}, {0.0273438, 6.9834, -5.28723}, {-4.32422, 3.32813, -5.19487}, {-5.91211, 2.62793, -4.91204}, {-3.81641, 6.91211, -4.99553}, {-3.81055, 6.58984, -5.75945}, {-1.71484, 6.55664, -5.76001}, {-5.62109, 6.66504, -5.75896}, {-1.61133, 2.7998, -5.76102} }; }; class LAND_vokzal_big : Tourist { positions[] = { {-7.05859, -8.1748, -7.965}, {6.49609, -8.5752, -7.96499}, {-7.0293, 4.17383, -7.96497}, {6.52539, 4.6416, -7.96498}, {6.74023, 2.29883, -6.98685}, {7.00391, -0.391602, -6.98685}, {6.82227, -3.24121, -6.98685}, {-0.853516, -0.835938, -7.96501}, {-1.10742, -4.78906, -7.965}, {3.32617, -4.27246, -7.965}, {3.0293, -0.0869141, -7.96499} }; }; class Land_fortified_nest_small : Military { positions[] = { {0.810547, -0.948242, -0.965611}, {-0.724609, -0.183594, -0.965637} }; }; class Land_Barn_W_01_dam : Industrial { positions[] = { {-2.78906, -17.834, -2.65192}, {3.14648, -17.7568, -2.65194}, {0.318359, 22.0996, -3.1641}, {1.0293, -10.6016, -2.65318}, {-3.92969, -7.33691, -2.65375}, {2.30859, -2.37598, -2.65462}, {-3.48633, 1.11328, -2.65522}, {4.96289, 7.7666, -2.65638}, {0.5, 5.7373, -2.65603}, {-3.72266, 12.8242, -2.65726}, {4.63672, 15.6563, -2.65776}, {-0.115234, 15.3271, -2.6577}, {5.42969, -2.21777, -2.65464}, {4.39844, -8.78711, -2.6535}, {-3.73242, -11.2041, -2.65308}, {-4.33789, -2.42871, -2.65461}, {-4.61133, 7.37402, -2.65631}, {0.125, 9.69238, -2.65672} }; }; class Land_stan_east : Military { positions[] = { {1.35156, -0.529297, -1.35193}, {-0.859375, 0.345703, -1.35192}, {0.015625, -3.37402, -1.33693}, {-1.93164, -2.56543, -1.33693}, {-1.96094, 2.13672, -1.33693}, {1.8125, 2.10645, -1.33693}, {1.8125, -2.56543, -1.33693} }; }; class Land_HouseBlock_B2 : Shop { positions[] = { {-0.0292969, -4.87793, -7.37376}, {-1.16016, 5.02832, -7.25575}, {0.195313, 5.04004, -7.25575} }; }; class Land_Misc_Cargo1D : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-1.3457, 3.81934, -1.26788}, {1.58594, -3.11426, -1.26789}, {-0.175781, -3.35156, -1.26788} }; }; class LAND_shop : Shop { positions[] = { {3.2832, -14.2793, -2.20932}, {-10.1563, -14.0225, -2.20932}, {-23.4395, -14.332, -2.20932}, {-23.3535, -4.74219, -2.20932}, {-23.5156, 4.19434, -2.20932}, {-11.3184, 4.98242, -2.20932}, {-9.66602, 8.81836, -2.20932}, {-0.128906, 7.57617, -2.20932}, {3.50391, 4.93262, -2.20932}, {-0.484375, 1.56641, -2.20932}, {-18.1621, 1.51074, -2.20932}, {-18.4043, -9.48535, -2.20932}, {-10.9297, -5.42969, -2.20932}, {-0.564453, -9.27148, -2.20932}, {-22.0742, 7.64258, -1.37835}, {-22.3398, 14.3672, -1.37835}, {-14.4746, 7.48926, -1.37835}, {-9.86328, 14.1318, -1.37835}, {-0.03125, 10.501, -1.37835}, {6.375, 14.0146, -1.37835}, {6.20703, 8.41699, -1.37835}, {11.793, 1.6582, -1.37835}, {5.67383, -3.55371, -1.37835}, {12.2402, -11.8457, -1.37835}, {5.51758, -12.5498, -1.37835}, {22.3789, 3.44727, -1.37835}, {13.7363, 8.47363, -1.37835}, {20.0977, 8.57227, -1.37835}, {22.168, 13.1445, -1.37835}, {14.3848, -11.457, -1.5924}, {14.332, -4.70898, -1.5924}, {18.4785, 1.40723, -1.57311} }; }; class LAND_hrusevka : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {12.5898, -7.45605, -11.6801}, {-11.2637, -7.46582, -11.6801} }; }; class Land_pan_big_novi : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {5.20117, -14.7012, -8.62343}, {5.05859, -0.336914, -8.62343}, {5.20508, 14.2227, -8.62343}, {5.0918, 28.7559, -8.62343} }; }; class Land_tav_Ind_Pec_03_nov : Industrial { positions[] = { {11.1797, -24.6816, -5.59229}, {11.3867, -10.8389, -5.59231}, {11.2109, 0.146484, -5.59231}, {10.168, 12.4844, -5.59229}, {-2.63281, 19.084, -5.59229}, {-2.36523, 26.4922, -5.59232}, {4.89258, 26.6631, -5.59233}, {5.03125, 18.0811, -5.59231}, {-5.66016, 12.3164, -5.59232}, {-4.88477, 2.49414, -5.5923}, {-4.76953, -11.1162, -5.59231}, {-3.05859, -24.1123, -5.59233}, {5.29297, -20.5078, -5.59232}, {4.76367, -12.582, -5.59231}, {5.03906, -1.46875, -5.59231}, {5.04688, 8.44531, -5.59232}, {6.5625, 2.30371, -4.08323}, {3.52344, 2.5625, -4.08323}, {2.88281, -5.53613, -4.08323}, {6.18164, -5.95605, -4.08323}, {-10.0625, -12.1533, -5.5923}, {-6.875, -7.69043, -5.59229}, {-8.99805, -9.3252, -5.59232}, {-12.7539, -9.16309, -5.59234}, {-12.7109, -15.9434, -2.55126}, {-9.26172, -10.9053, 1.11709}, {-13.332, -10.6611, 1.11709}, {-13.127, -17.5322, 1.11709}, {-9.32617, -16.8828, 1.11709}, {3.67578, 24.9512, 4.1773}, {-1.70508, 23.7705, 4.1773}, {2.0957, 20.7998, 4.1773} }; }; class Land_HouseV2_04_interier : Shop { positions[] = { {5.66016, -5.13672, -5.74574}, {4.73633, 2.51563, -5.07908}, {0.544922, 1.30273, -2.94873}, {7.3457, 5.73535, -5.72927}, {7.45508, -1.44727, -5.74234}, {4.98047, 0.0654297, -5.7352}, {2.20117, 2.82813, -5.05715}, {0.785156, 2.73242, -5.28723}, {0.339844, 6.87109, -5.28723}, {0.794922, 5.5127, -5.71793}, {3.19336, 6.74414, -5.72002}, {3.2168, 2.9668, -5.72683}, {-4.04297, 3.23828, -5.19487}, {-1.22461, 3.13477, -5.71858}, {-5.65625, 2.56152, -4.91204}, {-5.30664, 6.64941, -5.70496}, {-3.79883, 6.61523, -5.70773}, {-3.64648, 6.77832, -4.99553}, {-1.42969, 6.6084, -5.71198}, {-3.04102, 4.75293, -5.71243} }; }; class Land_HouseV_1L1 : Shop { positions[] = { {0.892578, 5.98047, -1.09164}, {-4.16797, -2.77441, -3.03079} }; }; class Land_Kasarna : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {6.07422, 6.47461, -8.10241}, {-5.96094, 6.53711, -8.13948} }; }; class Land_kamaz : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-0.761719, 4.25586, -0.956909}, {-0.427734, 1.55957, -1.77743}, {-0.734375, -3.53613, -1.77745}, {1.00195, -3.10449, -1.77744} }; }; class Land_stan : Military { positions[] = { {0.832031, -1.14355, -1.161}, {0.666016, 1.60938, -1.16095}, {1.61719, 1.07227, -1.16095}, {1.63477, -1.96289, -1.16095}, {-0.380859, -1.95996, -1.16095}, {-0.251953, 1.02734, -1.16095} }; }; class Land_Hotel : Military { positions[] = { {-16.4414, 0.439453, -7.77316}, {-16.2129, 10.2188, -7.77314}, {-16.0898, 17.0117, -7.77316}, {-12.4023, 3.5752, -7.77316}, {-16.2773, -1.37109, -7.77316}, {-7.41211, 2.80078, -7.77316}, {-15.4082, -5.7168, -7.77316}, {-17.2617, -14.2354, -7.77316}, {-12.4531, -17.7119, -7.77316}, {-12.3965, -0.964844, -7.77316}, {-10.5313, -10.4629, -7.77316}, {-10.4805, 16.4561, -7.77316}, {-9.76367, 11.0029, -7.77316}, {-5.71484, 6.03711, -7.77316}, {-4.65039, -0.207031, -7.77316}, {-2.10547, 0.0595703, -7.77316}, {-6.00781, 10.9375, -7.77316}, {-3.44531, 15.3828, -7.77316}, {-1.28125, 9.45996, -7.77316}, {4.39648, 9.38574, -7.77316}, {5.95313, 16.8447, -7.77316}, {15.6172, 16.8779, -7.77316}, {16.959, 12.4346, -7.77315}, {10.375, 12.3223, -7.77316}, {16.041, 7.83105, -7.77314}, {10.9707, 5.62402, -7.77315}, {5.82422, -0.336914, -7.77316}, {16.8379, -3.24902, -7.77314}, {10.4668, 0.65918, -7.77316}, {9.46484, -4.88086, -7.77316}, {17.2441, -5.11621, -7.77314}, {17.4805, -12.9697, -7.77316}, {16.4902, -17.3135, -7.77316}, {11.6348, -16.6953, -7.77316}, {9.4707, -10.6436, -7.77316}, {3.26758, -10.3994, -7.77316}, {-5.5625, -10.2178, -7.77316}, {-1.44531, -3.24902, -7.77316}, {0.939453, -6.06152, -7.6327}, {5.93164, -6.16113, -5.89892}, {5.90625, -2.95605, -5.89898}, {1.31641, -2.56543, -4.28281}, {-0.308594, -3.52344, -4.28588}, {0.990234, -5.74121, -4.10282}, {-4.24219, -6.08008, -4.28588}, {0.00195313, -9.33008, -4.28588}, {8.84961, -9.15137, -4.28588}, {18.1094, -9.21973, -4.28588}, {9.2207, -11.9873, -4.28588}, {9.66211, -20.2168, -4.28588}, {3.04297, -20.5381, -4.28588}, {18.0898, -20.7207, -4.28588}, {11.7891, -16.373, -4.28588}, {12.0293, -11.8525, -4.28588}, {18.4414, -11.9814, -4.28588}, {18.5684, -18.3496, -4.28588}, {2.69141, -11.6201, -4.28588}, {2.48242, -17.1885, -4.28588}, {-4.91211, 9.23828, -4.28587}, {-18.1582, 9.50293, -4.28588}, {-8.92383, 16.2334, -4.28588}, {-9.70898, 20.499, -4.28587}, {-3.0918, 20.8203, -4.28588}, {-18.1387, 21.0029, -4.28588}, {-11.8359, 16.7324, -4.28588}, {-12.0781, 12.1348, -4.28588}, {-18.4883, 12.2637, -4.28588}, {-2.5293, 17.4707, -4.28588}, {9.44727, 0.167969, -4.28588}, {9.26953, 9.01563, -4.28588}, {9.33789, 18.2754, -4.28588}, {16.0684, 9.04004, -4.28588}, {20.334, 9.82715, -4.28588}, {20.6563, 3.20898, -4.28588}, {20.8379, 18.2559, -4.28588}, {12.0996, 18.6064, -4.28588}, {11.7383, 2.85645, -4.28588}, {17.7266, 2.64746, -4.28588}, {-7.65234, -0.232422, -4.28588}, {-9.12109, -4.74707, -4.28588}, {-9.16016, -11.8984, -4.28588}, {-13.582, 0.0898438, -4.28588}, {-18.1738, 0.463867, -4.28588}, {-17.9414, 5.64551, -4.28588}, {-13.9238, 6.48242, -4.28588}, {-16.1152, -8.75781, -4.28587}, {-20.3828, -9.54492, -4.28588}, {-20.7031, -2.92578, -4.28588}, {-20.8867, -17.9736, -4.28588}, {-16.5371, -11.6729, -4.28588}, {-12.0176, -11.9121, -4.28588}, {-12.1465, -18.3242, -4.28588}, {-18.5898, -18.6777, -4.28587}, {-11.7852, -2.57324, -4.28588}, {-18.6289, -5.51855, -4.28588}, {-12.4434, -5.87793, -4.28588}, {-7.00977, -8.79199, -4.28588}, {-8.76172, 3.64355, -4.28588}, {-8.95313, 9.17578, -4.28588}, {5.93359, -5.89844, -2.43024}, {4.89844, -3.07324, -2.40679}, {1.31836, -2.56543, -0.784927}, {-0.308594, -3.52344, -0.7855}, {0.964844, -5.74023, -0.586838}, {-4.24219, -6.08008, -0.785503}, {0.00195313, -9.33008, -0.785503}, {18.1094, -9.21973, -0.785503}, {9.2207, -11.9873, -0.785503}, {8.875, -15.9512, -0.785503}, {9.66211, -20.2168, -0.785877}, {18.0898, -20.7207, -0.785877}, {11.7891, -16.373, -0.785503}, {12.0293, -11.8525, -0.785503}, {18.4414, -11.9814, -0.785503}, {2.69141, -11.6201, -0.785503}, {-4.91211, 9.23828, -0.785503}, {-18.1582, 9.50293, -0.785503}, {-8.92383, 16.2334, -0.785503}, {-9.70898, 20.499, -0.785873}, {-3.0918, 20.8203, -0.785877}, {-11.8379, 16.6553, -0.785503}, {-12.0781, 12.1348, -0.785503}, {-18.4883, 12.2637, -0.785503}, {-18.6895, 18.7109, -0.7855}, {-2.5293, 17.4707, -0.785503}, {9.44727, 0.167969, -0.785503}, {9.33789, 18.2754, -0.785503}, {16.0684, 9.04004, -0.785503}, {20.6563, 3.20898, -0.785877}, {20.8379, 18.2559, -0.785877}, {11.9707, 12.1943, -0.785503}, {12.0996, 18.6064, -0.785503}, {18.543, 18.96, -0.785503}, {11.7383, 2.85645, -0.785503}, {-7.65234, -0.232422, -0.785503}, {-9.12109, -4.74707, -0.785503}, {-9.16016, -11.8984, -0.785503}, {-18.1738, 0.463867, -0.785503}, {-17.9414, 5.64551, -0.785503}, {-13.9238, 6.48242, -0.785503}, {-16.1152, -8.75781, -0.785503}, {-20.3828, -9.54492, -0.785873}, {-20.7031, -2.92578, -0.785877}, {-16.5371, -11.6729, -0.785503}, {-12.0176, -11.9121, -0.785503}, {-12.1465, -18.3242, -0.785503}, {-18.5898, -18.6777, -0.785503}, {-11.7852, -2.57324, -0.785503}, {-18.6289, -5.51855, -0.785503}, {-7.00977, -8.79199, -0.785503}, {-8.76172, 3.64355, -0.785503}, {-8.95313, 9.17578, -0.785503}, {5.93359, -5.89844, 1.08869}, {4.89648, -3.07422, 1.1081}, {1.28711, -2.56543, 2.75218}, {1.01953, -5.74121, 2.85926}, {-4.24219, -6.08008, 2.71437}, {0.00195313, -9.33008, 2.71437}, {8.84961, -9.15137, 2.71437}, {9.2207, -11.9873, 2.71437}, {8.875, -15.9512, 2.71437}, {9.66211, -20.2168, 2.71412}, {3.04297, -20.5381, 2.71412}, {18.0898, -20.7207, 2.71412}, {11.7891, -16.373, 2.71437}, {12.0293, -11.8525, 2.71437}, {18.4414, -11.9814, 2.71437}, {2.69141, -11.6201, 2.71437}, {2.48242, -17.1885, 2.71437}, {-4.91211, 9.23828, 2.71437}, {-18.1582, 9.50293, 2.71437}, {-8.92383, 16.2334, 2.71437}, {-3.0918, 20.8203, 2.71412}, {-11.8379, 16.6553, 2.71437}, {-12.0781, 12.1348, 2.71437}, {-18.4883, 12.2637, 2.71437}, {-18.6895, 18.7109, 2.71438}, {-2.5293, 17.4707, 2.71437}, {9.26953, 9.01563, 2.71437}, {9.33789, 18.2754, 2.71437}, {16.0684, 9.04004, 2.71437}, {20.334, 9.82715, 2.71413}, {20.6563, 3.20898, 2.71412}, {20.8379, 18.2559, 2.71412}, {11.9707, 12.1943, 2.71437}, {12.0996, 18.6064, 2.71437}, {18.543, 18.96, 2.71438}, {11.7383, 2.85645, 2.71437}, {-7.65234, -0.232422, 2.71437}, {-9.12109, -4.74707, 2.71437}, {-13.582, 0.0898438, 2.71437}, {-18.1738, 0.463867, 2.71437}, {-17.9414, 5.64551, 2.71437}, {-13.9238, 6.48242, 2.71437}, {-16.1152, -8.75781, 2.71437}, {-20.3828, -9.54492, 2.71412}, {-20.8867, -17.9736, 2.71412}, {-16.5371, -11.6729, 2.71437}, {-12.0176, -11.9121, 2.71437}, {-12.1465, -18.3242, 2.71437}, {-11.7852, -2.57324, 2.71437}, {-18.6289, -5.51855, 2.71437}, {-12.4434, -5.87793, 2.71437}, {-7.00977, -8.79199, 2.71437}, {-8.76172, 3.64355, 2.71437}, {-8.95313, 9.17578, 2.71437}, {5.93359, -5.89844, 4.57499}, {4.89648, -3.07324, 4.59441}, {-1.57227, -2.90332, 6.2184}, {5.85156, 1.28516, 6.2184}, {2.31641, 5.84961, 6.21841}, {6.33398, 6.05176, 6.2184}, {0.791016, -6.3623, 6.21841}, {-2.65039, -6.28906, 6.21841}, {-5.76563, -5.70215, 6.21841}, {-9.32227, -1.98633, 6.21841}, {-0.125, 18.2393, 6.21841}, {18.3809, 18.4697, 6.21841}, {17.9746, 1.70703, 6.2184}, {18.4746, -18.332, 6.2184}, {-0.324219, -18.2578, 6.2184}, {-18.0254, -17.7988, 6.2184}, {-18.3438, 0.730469, 6.2184}, {-9.95703, 8.66797, 6.21841}, {11.2207, 9.71094, 6.2184}, {-9.90625, -10.2715, 6.21841}, {-14.3281, -13.6455, 6.2184}, {-13.9629, 13.7178, 6.21841}, {-8.62891, 3.76465, 6.21841}, {9.95313, -0.0507813, 6.21841}, {15.0664, -13.5898, 6.2184}, {0.158203, -8.8418, 6.21841}, {5.9082, 1.33887, -4.28587}, {5.9082, 1.33887, -0.785503}, {5.9082, 1.33887, 2.71437}, {-0.345703, -18.0088, -4.28588}, {-5.90234, -17.8779, -4.28588}, {-6.36523, -13.7578, -4.28588} }; }; class Land_Ind_Oil_Tower_EP1 : Industrial { positions[] = { {0.8125, 1.7334, -8.02718}, {0.478516, -5.38281, -8.02723}, {7.36523, 1.08691, -7.78857}, {2.82813, 1.81738, -8.02719}, {7.28906, -6.77051, -8.02727} }; }; class LAND_domek03 : Shop { positions[] = { {3.85352, 0.521484, -0.509617}, {-0.78125, 6.54883, -2.97213} }; }; class LAND_domek02 : Shop { positions[] = { {-2.0293, 3.53711, -2.91695}, {2.68164, -0.705078, -0.269936} }; }; class LAND_huge_block : CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-0.160156, -6.30078, -11.4313}, {-21.5371, -6.37402, -11.4312}, {-43.3535, -6.33301, -11.4312}, {21.6348, -6.4668, -11.4312}, {43.6914, -6.32715, -11.4312} }; }; class LAND_domek01 : Tourist { positions[] = { {-2.1543, -3.8252, -3.70269}, {2.54492, -0.587891, -1.32084}, {-1.97852, 3.79102, -3.70267} }; }; class LAND_flowershop : Shop { positions[] = { {2.07617, -1.06738, -1.53708} }; }; class Land_Hotel_riviera2 : Tourist { positions[] = { {-12.4785, 6.41895, -3.3649}, {-9.42383, 7.10449, -3.36842}, {-5.23438, 7.32715, -3.36541}, {-1.56836, 7.70313, -3.35768}, {2.03906, 7.60449, -3.36073}, {5.375, 7.55566, -3.36765}, {9.125, 7.02832, -3.36797}, {-8.36914, -7.50293, -3.36282}, {-2.8418, -6.79785, -3.3658}, {2.52734, -6.79688, -3.36724}, {-11.8613, -8.24609, -0.348152}, {-2.90039, -6.53027, -0.347904}, {2.52734, -6.79688, -0.347904}, {11.5313, -8.39941, -3.40089}, {-10.5039, -7.07617, 3.25505}, {-0.195313, -6.64746, 3.25505}, {10.2832, -7.80469, 3.25505}, {-12.9063, 5.04492, 3.25504}, {-0.439453, 7.62793, 3.25505}, {12.7715, 6.38086, 3.25505}, {-0.488281, 0.773438, 3.25505}, {6.01953, 1.59277, 3.25505}, {-7.00781, -0.21875, 3.25504}, {-11.8516, 2.89941, 3.25505}, {-14.9258, 2.45703, -3.34842} }; }; class Land_Hotel_riviera1 : Tourist { positions[] = { {-9.60547, 7.11719, -3.3649}, {-2.36328, 8.02539, -3.36541}, {1.30469, 8.40137, -3.35768}, {4.91211, 8.30273, -3.36073}, {8.24609, 8.25391, -3.36765}, {11.998, 7.72656, -3.36797}, {15.7285, 7.07227, -3.36374}, {-5.49609, -6.80469, -3.36282}, {-0.0253906, -5.83301, -3.36546}, {5.40039, -6.09863, -3.36724}, {11.3887, -6.66309, -3.3624}, {-10.7559, -6.49414, -0.348675}, {-5.49609, -6.80469, -0.347904}, {-0.0273438, -5.83203, -0.347904}, {5.40039, -6.09863, -0.347904}, {14.2871, -7.29199, -0.348309}, {-13.0898, -0.165039, -0.348652}, {-14.666, -0.941406, 3.58188}, {-12.0176, -8.23633, 3.63756}, {-7.57617, -6.13574, 3.25481}, {2.67578, -5.94922, 3.25481}, {12.8691, -6.79199, 3.25481}, {14.0977, 4.08008, 3.25481}, {-10.0352, 5.74316, 3.25481}, {2.43164, 8.32617, 3.25481}, {16.0449, 7.26758, 3.25481}, {3.00195, 1.4707, 3.25481}, {9.10742, 1.96582, 3.25481}, {-4.13477, 0.479492, 3.25481}, {17.3711, 3.24414, -3.34843} }; }; class LAND_tv_bud : Shop { positions[] = { {-1.99805, -7.08105, -3.01176}, {2.23047, -7.49707, -3.01175}, {-13.2793, 1.82129, -3.01177}, {-1.29102, 6.7627, -3.01178}, {3.04688, 6.42383, -3.01177}, {13.2695, 3.82813, -3.01177}, {13.6367, -3.30859, -3.01174} }; }; class LAND_avtovokzal : Military { positions[] = { {7.5, 2.82813, -8.05172}, {-7.29102, -1.5625, -8.05172}, {-14.7168, -5.07129, -8.05181}, {-15.666, 9.2793, -8.05177}, {-3.16016, 10.1035, -6.9088}, {2.38477, 10.1006, -6.9088}, {15.291, 9.50977, -8.05172}, {15.4512, -5.07129, -8.05174}, {6.7832, 14.4258, -8.05173}, {6.92383, 11.5166, -8.05173}, {-2.51953, 11.3408, -8.05173}, {2.07227, 11.6279, -8.05173}, {-8.65234, 15.3682, -8.05173}, {-7.63672, 29.8584, -8.05174}, {-8.26563, 16.54, -4.53789}, {-12.2832, 9.93359, -4.53789}, {-2.10156, 10.1924, -4.53789}, {7.94727, 10.2783, -4.53789}, {15.5547, 10.1523, -4.53789} }; }; class LAND_tavi_wall_tower : Military { positions[] = { }; }; class Land_Kasarna_prujezd : Shop { positions[] = { {1.47656, 4.14355, -8.73947}, {-1.07617, 0.460938, -8.73949}, {1.32227, -3.95605, -8.73947} }; }; class Land_Mil_Guardhouse : Military { positions[] = { {-3.06836, 3.32813, -1.69584}, {-1.05273, 2.78613, -1.69584}, {0.761719, 3.27734, -1.69584}, {-0.279297, 0.25, -1.69583}, {1.21289, 1.32324, -1.69584}, {2.2793, -2.68359, -1.69583}, {-0.900391, -3.45996, -1.69584}, {-2.83008, -2.74805, -1.69584}, {-0.134766, -2.31738, -1.69584}, {-2.04297, -1.73535, -1.69584}, {2.90039, 1.59082, -0.85619}, {4.04102, 2.71289, -1.68727}, {3.98242, -1.98828, -0.631351}, {4.16602, -3.13672, -0.63274}, {3.93164, -2.01172, -1.42251}, {3.87305, -3.08887, -1.42251}, {1.14453, -3.65918, -1.68727}, {0.375, -1.64746, -1.68727}, {-2.09961, -3.1582, -1.68727}, {0.242188, -2.9502, -1.68727}, {2.9082, -1.35254, -1.68727}, {2.76563, -3.47363, -1.68727}, {-1.16797, -1.50391, -1.68727} }; }; class Land_Kasarna_brana : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {-0.146484, -7.39355, -8.33948}, {5.78711, -6.61621, -8.33946}, {0.105469, 7.13867, -8.33947}, {-5.82422, 6.64551, -8.33949} }; }; class Land_Barrack2 : Military { positions[] = { {0.708984, 5.08496, -0.275375}, {0.0664063, -4.27148, -0.826817}, {0.0292969, -3.11914, -0.720322}, {-2.19336, -3.125, -0.720325}, {-0.998047, -1.45313, -0.719341}, {-0.869141, 1.68359, -0.717495}, {-0.808594, 5.42383, -0.715294}, {1.85742, 5.10059, -0.275375}, {0.738281, 5.09668, 0.515823}, {1.68359, 5.17188, 0.514679}, {1.9707, 3.31836, 0.514469}, {0.867188, 3.22168, 0.5158}, {1.83008, 3.4834, -0.275375}, {0.998047, 3.39844, -0.275375}, {1.96875, 1.43848, 0.514492}, {0.914063, 1.59277, 0.515766}, {1.02344, 1.51563, -0.275375}, {2.03516, 1.43555, -0.275375}, {2.26172, 2.27832, -0.0180588}, {-2.07031, 0.708984, -0.0180588}, {1.92969, -0.583008, 0.5144}, {0.857422, -0.642578, 0.515694}, {2.09375, -0.668945, -0.275375}, {0.636719, -0.553711, -0.275375}, {2.10742, 0.385742, -0.0180588}, {1.57813, 4.25879, -0.816036} }; }; class Land_HouseV_1I1_dam : Shop { positions[] = { {-0.742188, -2.94922, -2.39931}, {0.529297, -2.83887, -2.3993} }; }; class Land_Shed_W4 : Shop { positions[] = { {-0.382813, -4.96777, -1.45157}, {4.35547, -2.12793, -1.45157} }; }; class Land_rails_bridge_40 : VehicleService { positions[] = { {2.36523, -14.9512, 3.98988}, {2.6582, -7.55957, 3.98988}, {-2.33008, -14.8613, 3.98988}, {-2.71484, -7.64941, 3.98988}, {0.107422, 1.17871, 3.98988}, {2.45508, 1.13379, 3.98988}, {2.87109, 8.46094, 3.98988}, {-2.24023, 1.22363, 3.98988}, {-2.5, 8.37109, 3.98988}, {2.67969, 17.1738, 3.98988}, {-2.01563, 17.2637, 3.98988} }; }; class Land_HouseV2_02_Interier_dam : Tourist { positions[] = { {0.0253906, -1.68848, -5.78086}, {0.0449219, 4.25098, -5.78086}, {-8.56836, 0.143555, -5.78086}, {-8.65234, 5.44531, -5.78086}, {-7.17578, 6.68066, -5.78085}, {8.63477, -0.00683594, -5.78086}, {8.65039, 2.87988, -5.78086}, {7.66602, 6.74609, -5.78086}, {-4.94922, 1.05273, -5.79559}, {6.47852, 1.52734, -4.84302}, {6.50195, 1.57227, -5.79559}, {8.88281, -2.10938, -4.95556}, {2.91211, 0.287109, -5.79559} }; }; class Land_HouseV2_03B_dam : Tourist { positions[] = { {-0.0703125, -9.10449, -5.48253}, {-8.03516, 3.24707, -5.40465}, {-0.0390625, 11.6875, -6.02836}, {7.98828, 1.18945, -5.47432} }; }; class Land_Ind_Pec_03b : Industrial { positions[] = { {-0.0800781, 28.8145, -5.35606}, {2.08008, 29.0361, -5.35605}, {-8.97461, -16.5781, 0.968636}, {-13.5801, -15.5244, 0.968636}, {-10.3887, -11.0615, 0.968636}, {-3.16602, -19.9326, 5.76684}, {4.96094, -21.3115, 5.76684}, {8.52539, -10.6143, 5.76684}, {1.09375, -11.627, 5.76684}, {-3.48438, -1.98047, 5.76684}, {3.58789, -3.25977, 5.76684}, {9.75781, 1.92676, 5.76684}, {0.974609, 3.50488, 5.76684}, {-3.23828, 11.2627, 5.76684}, {8.7832, 11.6182, 5.76684}, {2.6543, 14.166, 5.76684}, {3.54492, 24.4785, 4.02961}, {-1.50781, 23.749, 4.02961}, {0.986328, 19.8721, 4.02961} }; }; class Land_HouseV2_03_dam : CivillianLowerClass { positions[] = { {10.1289, 11.3457, -6.01772}, {0.857422, 8.0791, -5.88635}, {-18.373, 2.32813, -5.92075}, {-18.2363, 0.333008, -5.90599}, {-13.9551, -8.64648, -5.55468}, {1.05273, -8.7041, -5.55468}, {9.96289, -8.99512, -5.13204}, {17.9766, 1.17188, -5.46368} }; }; class Land_Wreck_BMP2_F : VehicleService { positions[] = { {1.15234, 2.29688, -0.84956}, {-1.26758, -3.67969, -0.849541}, {0.0351563, -2.66016, 0.209316} }; }; class Land_Wreck_Hunter_F : VehicleService { positions[] = { {1.48242, -2.0625, -0.816662}, {0.794922, 0.0253906, -1.87091}, {0.144531, -1.87598, -0.335655} }; }; class Land_Wreck_Ural_F : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-1.32227, -1.34668, -0.386082}, {-0.666016, -0.333984, -1.18752}, {-1.19727, -1.33984, -1.1875}, {1.15625, 1.62012, -1.18752}, {0.880859, -0.614258, -0.358406} }; }; class Land_Wreck_Truck_dropside_F : VehicleService { positions[] = { {-0.498047, 0.0292969, -0.0124512}, {-0.617188, 2.18555, -0.258408}, {-0.517578, 0.887695, -0.322792}, {0.359375, -2.6543, -1.17392} }; }; class UAZWreck : VehicleService { positions[] = { {0.164063, 1.3584, -0.422791}, {-0.623047, -0.345703, -0.846058}, {0.794922, -1.28418, 0.154572}, {1.38477, -0.996094, -0.846016} }; }; class Land_tav_tovarna2 : Industrial { positions[] = { {-4.99414, 4.80273, -5.58577}, {-11.5762, 7.40234, -5.58577}, {-7.13477, 2.79492, -5.5333}, {-9.60742, -5.51172, -5.59191}, {-0.0761719, 7.37988, -5.58577}, {5.52344, -7.35352, -4.64526}, {8.88477, 0.782227, -4.64242}, {4.3125, 5.40332, -4.64624}, {2.17383, -8.96777, 3.39786}, {-13.0352, -9.02637, 3.39786}, {-13.0371, 0.325195, 3.39787}, {-6.73047, -4.05176, 6.64452}, {-10.8652, -7.85547, 6.65506}, {-11.5938, 8.62109, 6.65506}, {-0.144531, -7.68652, 6.65506}, {1.92969, 8.28906, 6.65506}, {-0.00390625, 4.08887, 6.65506}, {-2.93359, 0.338867, 3.50216}, {-4.12305, 2.68848, 3.2366}, {-7.16406, 1.73828, 1.72262}, {-6.68555, 3.13867, 1.62891}, {-6.6875, 3.00098, -2.25687}, {-12.0645, 1.72266, -2.25779}, {-4.08008, 3.01465, -3.9212}, {-4.45898, 1.72754, -0.388321}, {-4.01563, 8.86621, 1.5953}, {-4.00781, 9.06934, -2.258}, {-10.6406, 8.0127, -2.25779}, {-9.57227, 6.72266, 1.64017}, {2.20508, -0.819336, 0.641479}, {2.1582, 8.77637, 0.397968}, {-13.0469, 0.391602, 0.397938}, {-6.32227, -1.16504, 0.371758}, {-0.541016, -8.96582, 0.397858}, {-0.810547, 0.897461, -5.62082}, {-6.73242, -0.632813, -5.61077}, {-12.8906, -8.62695, -5.61077}, {-12.623, -0.614258, -5.61077}, {1.65234, 4.74805, -5.61077}, {-12.8398, 1.88867, -5.61077}, {-8.45703, 5.71777, -5.61077}, {-12.3711, 4.31348, -2.28679}, {-8.64648, 4, -2.29654}, {-4.68164, 5.43848, -2.30893}, {-6.77734, 7.59668, -2.30893}, {-12.0508, 2.56934, 1.60137}, {-12.6699, 7.69141, 1.606}, {-9.21484, 3.75781, 1.58016}, {-4.47461, 4.88184, 1.5703}, {-6.5625, 7.15039, 1.5703}, {-6.51172, -0.365234, 6.27219}, {-4.51172, -2.30078, 6.4517} }; }; class Land_Lamp_Street2_EP1 : Medical { positions[] = { {-0.447266, 0.185547, -5.21141} }; }; class Land_Bulding_r : Military { positions[] = { {8.85742, -9.7832, 0.932999}, {6.82813, -9.60254, 0.932259}, {5.13086, -8.59277, 0.932793}, {7.95703, -4.97266, 0.932465}, {3.05273, -0.949219, 0.818279}, {4.81836, 6.52344, 0.926147}, {3.89258, 8.51367, 0.931599}, {-3.10742, 9.89941, 0.929482}, {-3.85742, 8.50293, 0.930782}, {-5.57813, 5.62012, 0.930454}, {-4.98242, -0.685547, 0.932182}, {-3.99414, -1.88965, 0.931694}, {-4.24219, -3.73438, 0.930099}, {-7.46094, -2.52734, 0.93066}, {-8.40625, -6.36426, 0.933254}, {-6.39453, -6.41211, 0.933029}, {-6.05664, -9.68848, 0.931717}, {-8.73242, -9.75, 0.931831}, {-8.83008, -9.71484, -2.69773}, {-8.4668, -6.43652, -2.69923}, {-6.39844, -6.49121, -2.69868}, {-6.01953, -9.82031, -2.69735}, {-4.26367, -3.85352, -2.69925}, {-7.53906, -2.6416, -2.69921}, {-5.05469, -0.75293, -2.70056}, {-3.93359, -1.8291, -2.69873}, {-5.72461, 5.5625, -2.69988}, {-3.91797, 8.47852, -2.70051}, {-3.18164, 10.001, -2.6996}, {3.93945, 8.52734, -2.69874}, {-0.273438, 4.22266, -2.81325}, {3.03125, -0.895508, -2.81278}, {7.91406, -4.93457, -2.69933}, {6.88672, -9.51074, -2.70061}, {5.2832, -8.375, -2.70034}, {8.88281, -9.73535, -2.69872} }; }; class Land_tav_Barrack2 : Military { positions[] = { {-2.0625, 0.575195, -0.0180588}, {-2.07813, 5.3418, -0.279301}, {0.0664063, -4.24609, -0.807156}, {0.0292969, -3.11914, -0.720322}, {-2.19336, -3.125, -0.720325}, {-0.998047, -1.45313, -0.719341}, {-0.869141, 1.68359, -0.717495}, {-0.808594, 5.42383, -0.715294}, {0.601563, 5.11621, 0.515987}, {1.96875, 5.16309, 0.514336}, {1.75195, 5.15039, -0.275375}, {0.630859, 5.03711, -0.275375}, {2.01367, 3.25293, 0.514416}, {0.699219, 3.20996, 0.516003}, {1.82227, 3.22168, -0.275375}, {0.740234, 3.28125, -0.275375}, {2.43359, 2.3252, -0.0180588}, {1.7793, 1.49023, 0.514721}, {0.828125, 1.37695, 0.515869}, {0.658203, 1.42773, -0.275375}, {1.83594, 1.48633, -0.275375}, {1.82617, -0.574219, 0.514526}, {0.775391, -0.480469, 0.515793}, {1.75781, -0.581055, -0.275375}, {0.654297, -0.636719, -0.275375}, {2.11133, 0.412109, -0.0180588}, {1.83594, -1.91699, -0.815243} }; }; class Land_wf_bunker : Military { positions[] = { {3.25781, 0.255859, -0.549755}, {-2.58398, 0.145508, -0.54977}, {-2.87109, 4.90625, -0.549759}, {2.65039, 4.97656, -0.549755}, {-3.02734, -4.00684, -0.549755}, {4.40234, -3.99219, -0.549755} }; }; class Land_wf_depot : Military { positions[] = { {-9.37109, 8.21582, -1.86629}, {-9.26758, -0.624023, -1.74087}, {-9.40234, -7.98535, -1.86999}, {-5.91602, -8.21875, -1.72655}, {-0.585938, -9.23145, -1.72194}, {4.07227, -8.21875, -1.72984}, {8.42188, -7.96973, -1.76839}, {8.57031, 0.0175781, -1.74087}, {8.96875, 8.64844, -1.91687}, {-4.13672, 9.68066, -1.72199}, {-5.75, 9.50195, -1.72322}, {-6.44531, 2.16406, -1.07059}, {-6.44531, -2.93262, -1.07059}, {-3.18555, -6.37207, -1.07059}, {1.7207, -6.37207, -1.07059}, {4.82031, -2.93262, -1.07059}, {4.82031, 2.16406, -1.07059}, {1.11719, -6.20605, 0.961025}, {4.28125, -5.63965, 0.961025}, {4.93555, -2.25195, 0.961021}, {3.64258, 5.63184, 0.961021}, {-5.2207, 5.62891, 0.961021}, {-6.56445, 3.07324, 0.961018}, {-6.71484, -2.19922, 0.961021}, {-6.03516, -5.37695, 0.961021}, {-2.75977, -6.25781, 0.961025} }; }; }; class CfgLootTables { /** Result of 100 rounds: Chemlight_green Exile_Item_Beer B_AssaultPack_khk SMG_01_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour Chemlight_green Exile_Item_PowerDrink B_HuntingBackpack B_AssaultPack_rgr muzzle_snds_L V_Rangemaster_belt Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Exile_Item_ToiletPaper 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 SMG_01_F FlareRed_F B_HuntingBackpack Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Chemlight_blue U_C_Poloshirt_stripped Exile_Item_Can_Empty H_Hat_brown H_Cap_oli H_Hat_checker Exile_Item_DsNuts FlareWhite_F U_Rangemaster U_C_Poloshirt_salmon Exile_Item_InstantCoffee H_Hat_blue Exile_Item_CanOpener FlareYellow_F hgun_PDW2000_F Exile_Item_MountainDupe Exile_Item_Noodles Exile_Item_CockONut B_Kitbag_mcamo H_Cap_tan U_C_Poloshirt_blue B_AssaultPack_rgr Exile_Item_Can_Empty hgun_Rook40_F 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green Exile_Item_Magazine03 ItemWatch Exile_Item_MountainDupe H_Cap_press 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 H_Beret_blk_POLICE ItemMap ItemMap Exile_Item_Beer 16Rnd_9x21_Mag B_Kitbag_mcamo B_AssaultPack_mcamo H_Cap_blk H_Cap_blk_Raven 11Rnd_45ACP_Mag SMG_02_F H_Hat_blue 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green Exile_Item_InstantCoffee 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green Exile_Item_Magazine01 muzzle_snds_acp H_Cap_grn FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty SMG_01_F B_AssaultPack_sgg Exile_Item_Moobar hgun_Rook40_F ItemMap U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy Exile_Item_SeedAstics V_Rangemaster_belt 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green ItemMap Chemlight_red Exile_Item_CockONut H_Cap_headphones ItemGPS 16Rnd_9x21_Mag U_C_Poor_2 Chemlight_green Exile_Item_InstantCoffee Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst U_C_Poor_1 SMG_01_F U_C_Poloshirt_salmon Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper B_AssaultPack_khk U_C_Scientist H_Cap_tan 6Rnd_GreenSignal_F */ class CivillianLowerClass { count = 124; half = 7143.29532481418; halfIndex = 62; sum = 10000; items[] = { {441.988950276243, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 4.42% {883.977900552486, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 4.42% {1325.96685082873, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 4.42% {1491.71270718232, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater"}, // 1.66% {1629.83425414365, "FlareRed_F"}, // 1.38% {1767.95580110497, "FlareGreen_F"}, // 1.38% {1906.0773480663, "Chemlight_yellow"}, // 1.38% {2044.19889502762, "Chemlight_red"}, // 1.38% {2182.32044198895, "Chemlight_green"}, // 1.38% {2320.44198895028, "Chemlight_blue"}, // 1.38% {2458.5635359116, "V_Rangemaster_belt"}, // 1.38% {2596.68508287293, "FlareWhite_F"}, // 1.38% {2734.80662983426, "FlareYellow_F"}, // 1.38% {2859.01520345203, "Exile_Item_InstantCoffee"}, // 1.24% {2981.7899118621, "ItemMap"}, // 1.23% {3104.56462027217, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 1.23% {3215.06185784123, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 1.10% {3325.55909541029, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 1.10% {3436.05633297935, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"}, // 1.10% {3546.55357054841, "Exile_Item_MountainDupe"}, // 1.10% {3648.17876714477, "Exile_Item_Raisins"}, // 1.02% {3749.80396374114, "Exile_Item_Moobar"}, // 1.02% {3848.26684870366, "U_C_Journalist"}, // 0.98% {3946.72973366619, "U_Rangemaster"}, // 0.98% {4045.19261862872, "U_C_Scientist"}, // 0.98% {4143.65550359125, "U_C_HunterBody_grn"}, // 0.98% {4242.11838855378, "U_C_Poor_2"}, // 0.98% {4340.58127351631, "U_C_Poor_1"}, // 0.98% {4439.04415847884, "U_C_Poor_shorts_1"}, // 0.98% {4532.96681041254, "Exile_Item_EnergyDrink"}, // 0.94% {4625.78448997056, "hgun_P07_F"}, // 0.93% {4717.86552127811, "ItemWatch"}, // 0.92% {4809.94655258566, "ItemRadio"}, // 0.92% {4900.28006067131, "Exile_Item_SeedAstics"}, // 0.90% {4990.61356875697, "Exile_Item_CockONut"}, // 0.90% {5079.01135881222, "hgun_ACPC2_F"}, // 0.88% {5167.40914886747, "hgun_Rook40_F"}, // 0.88% {5250.28207704426, "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01"}, // 0.83% {5333.15500522106, "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green"}, // 0.83% {5412.19682479601, "Exile_Item_BeefParts"}, // 0.79% {5491.23864437096, "Exile_Item_Dogfood"}, // 0.79% {5570.2804639459, "Exile_Item_DsNuts"}, // 0.79% {5649.32228352085, "Exile_Item_Noodles"}, // 0.79% {5728.3641030958, "Exile_Item_SausageGravy"}, // 0.79% {5807.40592267075, "Exile_Item_CatFood"}, // 0.79% {5886.4477422457, "Exile_Item_BBQSandwich"}, // 0.79% {5965.48956182065, "Exile_Item_Cheathas"}, // 0.79% {6044.5313813956, "Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner"}, // 0.79% {6123.57320097055, "Exile_Item_Surstromming"}, // 0.79% {6200.92126726889, "Exile_Item_Beer"}, // 0.77% {6277.50351112864, "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy"}, // 0.77% {6354.08575498838, "U_C_Poloshirt_blue"}, // 0.77% {6430.66799884813, "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"}, // 0.77% {6507.25024270787, "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour"}, // 0.77% {6583.83248656762, "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon"}, // 0.77% {6658.97060811458, "SMG_01_F"}, // 0.75% {6731.89878491016, "SMG_02_F"}, // 0.73% {6804.82696170574, "hgun_PDW2000_F"}, // 0.73% {6873.8877351864, "V_Press_F"}, // 0.69% {6942.94850866706, "V_TacVest_blk_POLICE"}, // 0.69% {7010.6986397313, "Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst"}, // 0.68% {7076.99698227274, "H_Hat_blue"}, // 0.66% {7143.29532481418, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"}, // 0.66% {7209.59366735561, "H_Hat_tan"}, // 0.66% {7275.89200989705, "H_StrawHat"}, // 0.66% {7342.19035243849, "H_StrawHat_dark"}, // 0.66% {7408.48869497992, "H_Cap_tan"}, // 0.66% {7474.78703752136, "H_Cap_red"}, // 0.66% {7541.0853800628, "H_Cap_press"}, // 0.66% {7607.38372260424, "H_Hat_checker"}, // 0.66% {7673.68206514567, "H_Hat_grey"}, // 0.66% {7739.98040768711, "H_Hat_brown"}, // 0.66% {7801.36776189214, "ItemGPS"}, // 0.61% {7862.75511609718, "Binocular"}, // 0.61% {7923.52859676016, "B_OutdoorPack_blk"}, // 0.61% {7983.19710504745, "muzzle_snds_L"}, // 0.60% {8042.86561333475, "muzzle_snds_acp"}, // 0.60% {8100.32417687066, "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F"}, // 0.57% {8157.78274040657, "hgun_Pistol_Signal_F"}, // 0.57% {8215.24130394248, "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F"}, // 0.57% {8271.69974649602, "Exile_Item_CanOpener"}, // 0.56% {8328.15818904955, "Exile_Item_Matches"}, // 0.56% {8383.40680783408, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}, // 0.55% {8438.65542661861, "H_Bandanna_surfer"}, // 0.55% {8493.90404540314, "H_Cap_blk_Raven"}, // 0.55% {8549.15266418767, "30Rnd_9x21_Mag"}, // 0.55% {8604.4012829722, "H_Cap_grn"}, // 0.55% {8659.64990175673, "H_Cap_headphones"}, // 0.55% {8714.89852054126, "H_Cap_oli"}, // 0.55% {8770.14713932579, "H_Beret_blk_POLICE"}, // 0.55% {8825.39575811032, "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"}, // 0.55% {8880.64437689485, "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"}, // 0.55% {8935.89299567938, "H_Cap_blu"}, // 0.55% {8991.14161446391, "H_Cap_blk"}, // 0.55% {9045.83774706059, "B_OutdoorPack_blu"}, // 0.55% {9100.53387965728, "B_OutdoorPack_tan"}, // 0.55% {9149.15266418766, "B_HuntingBackpack"}, // 0.49% {9193.35155921529, "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"}, // 0.44% {9235.89299567938, "B_AssaultPack_mcamo"}, // 0.43% {9278.43443214347, "B_AssaultPack_khk"}, // 0.43% {9320.97586860756, "B_AssaultPack_rgr"}, // 0.43% {9363.51730507165, "B_AssaultPack_sgg"}, // 0.43% {9406.05874153574, "B_AssaultPack_blk"}, // 0.43% {9448.60017799982, "B_AssaultPack_cbr"}, // 0.43% {9491.14161446391, "B_AssaultPack_dgtl"}, // 0.43% {9529.81564761308, "Exile_Item_PowerDrink"}, // 0.39% {9563.6907131452, "Exile_Item_EMRE"}, // 0.34% {9597.56577867732, "Exile_Item_CookingPot"}, // 0.34% {9630.71494994804, "optic_Aco"}, // 0.33% {9663.86412121876, "optic_ACO_grn"}, // 0.33% {9697.01329248948, "optic_Aco_smg"}, // 0.33% {9730.16246376019, "optic_ACO_grn_smg"}, // 0.33% {9763.31163503091, "optic_Holosight_smg"}, // 0.33% {9793.6983753624, "B_Kitbag_mcamo"}, // 0.30% {9824.0851156939, "B_Kitbag_cbr"}, // 0.30% {9854.47185602539, "B_Kitbag_sgg"}, // 0.30% {9882.09616541766, "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"}, // 0.28% {9905.30058530716, "optic_Yorris"}, // 0.23% {9928.50500519666, "optic_MRD"}, // 0.23% {9947.84202177124, "6Rnd_GreenSignal_F"}, // 0.19% {9967.17903834583, "6Rnd_RedSignal_F"}, // 0.19% {9978.11935889722, "U_NikosAgedBody"}, // 0.11% {9989.05967944861, "U_NikosBody"}, // 0.11% {10000, "U_OrestesBody"} // 0.11% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: U_C_HunterBody_grn Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty U_C_Poor_2 B_OutdoorPack_tan H_Hat_blue Exile_Item_ToiletPaper U_C_Poor_shorts_1 Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty H_Cap_blk Exile_Item_BBQSandwich ItemGPS H_Bandanna_surfer Exile_Item_EMRE B_Kitbag_cbr U_C_Poloshirt_salmon Exile_Item_BeefParts H_Hat_grey Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Cheathas Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Cheathas H_Cap_headphones Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_InstantCoffee B_AssaultPack_mcamo Exile_Item_DsNuts U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour FlareRed_F H_StrawHat 6Rnd_GreenSignal_F hgun_Pistol_Signal_F ItemRadio Chemlight_green Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty FlareWhite_F optic_Holosight U_C_HunterBody_grn Exile_Item_PowerDrink H_Hat_checker Exile_Item_BBQSandwich B_AssaultPack_sgg Exile_Item_Magazine01 H_Bandanna_surfer Exile_Item_ToiletPaper V_TacVest_blk_POLICE Exile_Item_Can_Empty hgun_Rook40_F Exile_Item_Can_Empty FlareWhite_F H_Beret_blk_POLICE FlareRed_F H_Cap_press Exile_Item_Moobar FlareWhite_F 30Rnd_9x21_Mag Exile_Item_MountainDupe U_C_Scientist U_C_Poloshirt_blue H_Cap_blu Exile_Item_CatFood hgun_Pistol_Signal_F B_AssaultPack_dgtl Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag U_C_Journalist H_Hat_tan H_Cap_oli Exile_Item_SeedAstics Exile_Item_SausageGravy Exile_Item_Raisins Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty hgun_PDW2000_F optic_Hamr FlareRed_F FlareRed_F arifle_Mk20C_F optic_DMS U_C_Poloshirt_stripped 9Rnd_45ACP_Mag Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Noodles Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_EMRE B_OutdoorPack_blk Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty V_Rangemaster_belt B_OutdoorPack_tan U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy Exile_Item_CanOpener Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater H_Beret_blk_POLICE arifle_SDAR_F FlareGreen_F FlareYellow_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty */ class CivillianUpperClass { count = 160; half = 7879.88239008304; halfIndex = 80; sum = 10000; items[] = { {421.052631578947, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 4.21% {842.105263157895, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 4.21% {1263.15789473684, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 4.21% {1421.05263157895, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater"}, // 1.58% {1552.63157894737, "Chemlight_yellow"}, // 1.32% {1684.21052631579, "FlareWhite_F"}, // 1.32% {1815.78947368421, "Chemlight_red"}, // 1.32% {1947.36842105263, "Chemlight_green"}, // 1.32% {2078.94736842105, "FlareRed_F"}, // 1.32% {2210.52631578947, "Chemlight_blue"}, // 1.32% {2342.1052631579, "FlareYellow_F"}, // 1.32% {2473.68421052632, "FlareGreen_F"}, // 1.32% {2605.26315789474, "V_Rangemaster_belt"}, // 1.32% {2723.58816749904, "Exile_Item_InstantCoffee"}, // 1.18% {2840.54723182653, "ItemMap"}, // 1.17% {2957.50629615401, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 1.17% {3062.76945404875, "Exile_Item_MountainDupe"}, // 1.05% {3168.03261194348, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"}, // 1.05% {3273.29576983822, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 1.05% {3378.55892773296, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 1.05% {3475.37029922739, "Exile_Item_Raisins"}, // 0.97% {3572.18167072182, "Exile_Item_Moobar"}, // 0.97% {3665.98052429138, "U_C_Scientist"}, // 0.94% {3759.77937786095, "U_C_Journalist"}, // 0.94% {3853.57823143052, "U_C_HunterBody_grn"}, // 0.94% {3947.37708500009, "U_C_Poor_shorts_1"}, // 0.94% {4041.17593856965, "U_C_Poor_2"}, // 0.94% {4134.97479213922, "U_Rangemaster"}, // 0.94% {4228.77364570879, "U_C_Poor_1"}, // 0.94% {4318.24732991932, "Exile_Item_EnergyDrink"}, // 0.89% {4406.6683825509, "hgun_P07_F"}, // 0.88% {4494.38768079651, "ItemWatch"}, // 0.88% {4582.10697904212, "ItemRadio"}, // 0.88% {4668.16153148162, "Exile_Item_SeedAstics"}, // 0.86% {4754.21608392111, "Exile_Item_CockONut"}, // 0.86% {4838.4266102369, "hgun_ACPC2_F"}, // 0.84% {4922.63713655269, "hgun_Rook40_F"}, // 0.84% {5001.58450497374, "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green"}, // 0.79% {5080.53187339479, "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01"}, // 0.79% {5155.82960677935, "Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner"}, // 0.75% {5231.12734016391, "Exile_Item_DsNuts"}, // 0.75% {5306.42507354846, "Exile_Item_Cheathas"}, // 0.75% {5381.72280693302, "Exile_Item_BeefParts"}, // 0.75% {5457.02054031758, "Exile_Item_Dogfood"}, // 0.75% {5532.31827370213, "Exile_Item_CatFood"}, // 0.75% {5607.61600708669, "Exile_Item_BBQSandwich"}, // 0.75% {5682.91374047125, "Exile_Item_Surstromming"}, // 0.75% {5758.2114738558, "Exile_Item_SausageGravy"}, // 0.75% {5833.50920724036, "Exile_Item_Noodles"}, // 0.75% {5907.19341776667, "Exile_Item_Beer"}, // 0.74% {5980.14808165412, "U_C_Poloshirt_blue"}, // 0.73% {6053.10274554156, "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy"}, // 0.73% {6126.057409429, "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"}, // 0.73% {6199.01207331644, "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour"}, // 0.73% {6271.96673720388, "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon"}, // 0.73% {6343.5456845723, "SMG_01_F"}, // 0.72% {6413.01936878283, "hgun_PDW2000_F"}, // 0.69% {6482.49305299336, "SMG_02_F"}, // 0.69% {6548.28252667757, "V_Press_F"}, // 0.66% {6614.07200036178, "V_TacVest_blk_POLICE"}, // 0.66% {6678.6129146914, "Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst"}, // 0.65% {6741.77080942824, "H_Cap_press"}, // 0.63% {6804.92870416508, "H_Cap_red"}, // 0.63% {6868.08659890193, "H_Hat_checker"}, // 0.63% {6931.24449363877, "H_Hat_blue"}, // 0.63% {6994.40238837561, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"}, // 0.63% {7057.56028311245, "H_StrawHat_dark"}, // 0.63% {7120.7181778493, "H_StrawHat"}, // 0.63% {7183.87607258614, "H_Cap_tan"}, // 0.63% {7247.03396732298, "H_Hat_tan"}, // 0.63% {7310.19186205982, "H_Hat_grey"}, // 0.63% {7373.34975679667, "H_Hat_brown"}, // 0.63% {7431.82928896041, "ItemGPS"}, // 0.58% {7490.30882112415, "Binocular"}, // 0.58% {7548.20355796626, "B_OutdoorPack_blk"}, // 0.58% {7605.04566322941, "muzzle_snds_acp"}, // 0.57% {7661.88776849257, "muzzle_snds_L"}, // 0.57% {7716.62461059784, "hgun_Pistol_Signal_F"}, // 0.55% {7771.3614527031, "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F"}, // 0.55% {7826.09829480836, "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F"}, // 0.55% {7879.88239008304, "Exile_Item_Matches"}, // 0.54% {7933.66648535773, "Exile_Item_CanOpener"}, // 0.54% {7986.2980643051, "H_Beret_blk_POLICE"}, // 0.53% {8038.92964325246, "H_Cap_blk"}, // 0.53% {8091.56122219983, "H_Cap_blk_Raven"}, // 0.53% {8144.1928011472, "H_Cap_blu"}, // 0.53% {8196.82438009457, "H_Cap_grn"}, // 0.53% {8249.45595904194, "H_Cap_headphones"}, // 0.53% {8302.08753798931, "H_Cap_oli"}, // 0.53% {8354.71911693667, "H_Bandanna_surfer"}, // 0.53% {8407.35069588404, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}, // 0.53% {8459.98227483141, "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"}, // 0.53% {8512.61385377878, "30Rnd_9x21_Mag"}, // 0.53% {8565.24543272615, "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"}, // 0.53% {8617.35069588404, "B_OutdoorPack_tan"}, // 0.52% {8669.45595904194, "B_OutdoorPack_blu"}, // 0.52% {8715.77174851562, "B_HuntingBackpack"}, // 0.46% {8757.87701167352, "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"}, // 0.42% {8798.40332746299, "B_AssaultPack_mcamo"}, // 0.41% {8838.92964325246, "B_AssaultPack_cbr"}, // 0.41% {8879.45595904194, "B_AssaultPack_blk"}, // 0.41% {8919.98227483141, "B_AssaultPack_sgg"}, // 0.41% {8960.50859062088, "B_AssaultPack_rgr"}, // 0.41% {9001.03490641036, "B_AssaultPack_dgtl"}, // 0.41% {9041.56122219983, "B_AssaultPack_khk"}, // 0.41% {9078.40332746299, "Exile_Item_PowerDrink"}, // 0.37% {9110.6737846278, "Exile_Item_EMRE"}, // 0.32% {9142.94424179261, "Exile_Item_CookingPot"}, // 0.32% {9174.52318916103, "optic_Aco"}, // 0.32% {9206.10213652945, "optic_ACO_grn"}, // 0.32% {9237.68108389787, "optic_Holosight_smg"}, // 0.32% {9269.2600312663, "optic_Aco_smg"}, // 0.32% {9300.83897863472, "optic_ACO_grn_smg"}, // 0.32% {9329.78634705577, "B_Kitbag_cbr"}, // 0.29% {9358.73371547682, "B_Kitbag_mcamo"}, // 0.29% {9387.68108389788, "B_Kitbag_sgg"}, // 0.29% {9413.99687337156, "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"}, // 0.26% {9438.927621294, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"}, // 0.25% {9463.85836921644, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"}, // 0.25% {9486.18691786078, "acc_flashlight"}, // 0.22% {9508.29218101867, "optic_Yorris"}, // 0.22% {9530.39744417657, "optic_MRD"}, // 0.22% {9548.81849680814, "6Rnd_RedSignal_F"}, // 0.18% {9567.23954943972, "6Rnd_GreenSignal_F"}, // 0.18% {9585.52209791618, "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag"}, // 0.18% {9601.47106123356, "acc_pointer_IR"}, // 0.16% {9617.42002455095, "muzzle_snds_H"}, // 0.16% {9633.36898786833, "optic_Arco"}, // 0.16% {9649.31795118571, "optic_Hamr"}, // 0.16% {9665.2669145031, "optic_Holosight"}, // 0.16% {9681.21587782048, "optic_DMS"}, // 0.16% {9697.16484113786, "optic_MRCO"}, // 0.16% {9713.11380445525, "muzzle_snds_M"}, // 0.16% {9728.90327813946, "arifle_Katiba_F"}, // 0.16% {9743.86172689292, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red"}, // 0.15% {9758.82017564638, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"}, // 0.15% {9773.77862439985, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Yellow"}, // 0.15% {9788.73707315331, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Green"}, // 0.15% {9803.69552190677, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer"}, // 0.15% {9818.65397066023, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer"}, // 0.15% {9831.2855496076, "arifle_MX_F"}, // 0.13% {9843.91712855497, "arifle_MXC_F"}, // 0.13% {9856.54870750234, "arifle_Katiba_GL_F"}, // 0.13% {9869.18028644971, "arifle_TRG21_F"}, // 0.13% {9881.81186539708, "arifle_TRG20_F"}, // 0.13% {9892.86449697602, "arifle_Mk20C_F"}, // 0.11% {9903.91712855497, "arifle_Mk20_F"}, // 0.11% {9914.33922339603, "U_NikosAgedBody"}, // 0.10% {9924.7613182371, "U_NikosBody"}, // 0.10% {9935.18341307816, "U_OrestesBody"}, // 0.10% {9944.65709728869, "arifle_SDAR_F"}, // 0.09% {9954.13078149921, "arifle_MXM_F"}, // 0.09% {9962.10526315791, "optic_NVS"}, // 0.08% {9968.42105263159, "arifle_Mk20_GL_F"}, // 0.06% {9974.73684210528, "arifle_TRG21_GL_F"}, // 0.06% {9981.05263157896, "arifle_MX_GL_F"}, // 0.06% {9985.78947368422, "arifle_MXC_Black_F"}, // 0.05% {9990.52631578949, "arifle_MXM_Black_F"}, // 0.05% {9995.26315789475, "arifle_MX_GL_Black_F"}, // 0.05% {10000, "arifle_MX_Black_F"} // 0.05% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Magazine02 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 Exile_Item_Raisins Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Melee_Axe FlareWhite_F Exile_Item_CatFood SmokeShellYellow B_AssaultPack_khk V_TacVest_blk_POLICE Exile_Item_InstantCoffee hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F Exile_Item_BeefParts Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Beer hgun_Pistol_Signal_F Exile_Item_ToiletPaper hgun_Pistol_Signal_F SmokeShellBlue Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ZipTie 11Rnd_45ACP_Mag hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F Chemlight_red Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Exile_Item_CockONut H_Cap_red Exile_Item_Surstromming hgun_PDW2000_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty H_Hat_blue Exile_Item_Magazine01 B_AssaultPack_cbr Exile_Item_PowerDrink FlareWhite_F Exile_Item_Handsaw hgun_P07_F SmokeShellYellow Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Can_Empty ItemMap Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Exile_Item_Heatpack hgun_ACPC2_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty V_Rangemaster_belt Exile_Item_EnergyDrink hgun_Rook40_F Chemlight_blue SmokeShellGreen FlareYellow_F Exile_Item_Surstromming muzzle_snds_L Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Chemlight_blue H_Cap_blk_Raven hgun_Rook40_F ItemGPS SmokeShellOrange hgun_PDW2000_F Chemlight_yellow hgun_P07_F Exile_Item_ToiletPaper ItemWatch H_Hat_brown Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Exile_Item_MetalBoard H_StrawHat Chemlight_green Exile_Item_CanOpener Exile_Item_Can_Empty FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_Can_Empty B_AssaultPack_khk Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_MountainDupe 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 Chemlight_blue Exile_Item_Dogfood Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst U_Rangemaster Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Exile_Item_ToiletPaper */ class Shop { count = 149; half = 8855.65852456148; halfIndex = 74; sum = 9999.99999999999; items[] = { {666.666666666667, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 6.67% {1333.33333333333, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 6.67% {2000, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 6.67% {2375, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater"}, // 3.75% {2625, "Exile_Item_MountainDupe"}, // 2.50% {2875, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}, // 2.50% {3087.5, "Exile_Item_EnergyDrink"}, // 2.13% {3262.5, "Exile_Item_Beer"}, // 1.75% {3437.5, "hgun_P07_F"}, // 1.75% {3604.16666666667, "hgun_ACPC2_F"}, // 1.67% {3770.83333333333, "hgun_Rook40_F"}, // 1.67% {3937.5, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 1.67% {4104.16666666667, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 1.67% {4270.83333333333, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"}, // 1.67% {4420.83333333333, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"}, // 1.50% {4562.5, "SMG_01_F"}, // 1.42% {4700, "hgun_PDW2000_F"}, // 1.38% {4837.5, "SMG_02_F"}, // 1.38% {4967.12962962963, "ItemMap"}, // 1.30% {5096.75925925926, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 1.30% {5205.09259259259, "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F"}, // 1.08% {5313.42592592593, "hgun_Pistol_Signal_F"}, // 1.08% {5421.75925925926, "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F"}, // 1.08% {5525.92592592593, "FlareYellow_F"}, // 1.04% {5630.09259259259, "FlareWhite_F"}, // 1.04% {5734.25925925926, "Chemlight_yellow"}, // 1.04% {5838.42592592593, "FlareGreen_F"}, // 1.04% {5942.59259259259, "FlareRed_F"}, // 1.04% {6046.75925925926, "Chemlight_blue"}, // 1.04% {6150.92592592593, "Chemlight_green"}, // 1.04% {6255.09259259259, "Chemlight_red"}, // 1.04% {6355.45755609624, "Exile_Item_InstantCoffee"}, // 1.00% {6452.67977831847, "ItemWatch"}, // 0.97% {6549.90200054069, "ItemRadio"}, // 0.97% {6642.49459313328, "Exile_Item_Vishpirin"}, // 0.93% {6735.08718572587, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 0.93% {6822.58718572587, "Exile_Item_PowerDrink"}, // 0.88% {6904.70397404704, "Exile_Item_Moobar"}, // 0.82% {6986.82076236821, "Exile_Item_Raisins"}, // 0.82% {7059.81346309814, "Exile_Item_SeedAstics"}, // 0.73% {7132.80616382806, "Exile_Item_CockONut"}, // 0.73% {7197.62097864288, "ItemGPS"}, // 0.65% {7262.43579345769, "Binocular"}, // 0.65% {7326.30440659638, "Exile_Item_BeefParts"}, // 0.64% {7390.17301973506, "Exile_Item_Cheathas"}, // 0.64% {7454.04163287375, "Exile_Item_CatFood"}, // 0.64% {7517.91024601244, "Exile_Item_BBQSandwich"}, // 0.64% {7581.77885915112, "Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner"}, // 0.64% {7645.64747228981, "Exile_Item_SausageGravy"}, // 0.64% {7709.51608542849, "Exile_Item_Surstromming"}, // 0.64% {7773.38469856718, "Exile_Item_Noodles"}, // 0.64% {7837.25331170586, "Exile_Item_DsNuts"}, // 0.64% {7901.12192484455, "Exile_Item_Dogfood"}, // 0.64% {7955.866450392, "Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst"}, // 0.55% {8009.78801901945, "Exile_Melee_Axe"}, // 0.54% {8057.40706663849, "SmokeShell"}, // 0.48% {8105.02611425754, "SmokeShellRed"}, // 0.48% {8152.64516187659, "SmokeShellGreen"}, // 0.48% {8200.26420949564, "SmokeShellPurple"}, // 0.48% {8247.88325711469, "SmokeShellBlue"}, // 0.48% {8295.50230473373, "SmokeShellOrange"}, // 0.48% {8343.12135235278, "SmokeShellYellow"}, // 0.48% {8389.41764864908, "Exile_Item_Bandage"}, // 0.46% {8435.03808660528, "Exile_Item_Matches"}, // 0.46% {8480.65852456148, "Exile_Item_CanOpener"}, // 0.46% {8522.32519122815, "V_Rangemaster_belt"}, // 0.42% {8563.99185789482, "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green"}, // 0.42% {8605.65852456148, "B_OutdoorPack_blk"}, // 0.42% {8647.32519122815, "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01"}, // 0.42% {8684.82519122815, "B_OutdoorPack_blu"}, // 0.38% {8722.32519122815, "B_OutdoorPack_tan"}, // 0.38% {8755.65852456148, "B_HuntingBackpack"}, // 0.33% {8788.99185789482, "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"}, // 0.33% {8822.32519122815, "30Rnd_9x21_Mag"}, // 0.33% {8855.65852456148, "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"}, // 0.33% {8887.52126965952, "Exile_Item_Pliers"}, // 0.32% {8919.38401475756, "Exile_Item_Handsaw"}, // 0.32% {8949.38401475756, "muzzle_snds_acp"}, // 0.30% {8979.38401475756, "muzzle_snds_L"}, // 0.30% {9008.55068142423, "B_AssaultPack_mcamo"}, // 0.29% {9037.71734809089, "B_AssaultPack_blk"}, // 0.29% {9066.88401475756, "B_AssaultPack_cbr"}, // 0.29% {9096.05068142423, "B_AssaultPack_rgr"}, // 0.29% {9125.21734809089, "B_AssaultPack_khk"}, // 0.29% {9154.38401475756, "B_AssaultPack_sgg"}, // 0.29% {9183.55068142422, "B_AssaultPack_dgtl"}, // 0.29% {9210.92294419795, "Exile_Item_CookingPot"}, // 0.27% {9238.29520697167, "Exile_Item_EMRE"}, // 0.27% {9265.25599128539, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}, // 0.27% {9291.92265795206, "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"}, // 0.27% {9313.98148148147, "Exile_Item_LightBulb"}, // 0.22% {9334.81481481481, "V_TacVest_blk_POLICE"}, // 0.21% {9355.64814814814, "B_Kitbag_sgg"}, // 0.21% {9376.48148148147, "B_Kitbag_cbr"}, // 0.21% {9397.31481481481, "B_Kitbag_mcamo"}, // 0.21% {9418.14814814814, "V_Press_F"}, // 0.21% {9437.7559912854, "Exile_Item_ExtensionCord"}, // 0.20% {9456.27450980392, "Exile_Item_InstaDoc"}, // 0.19% {9472.94117647058, "optic_Aco"}, // 0.17% {9489.60784313725, "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"}, // 0.17% {9506.27450980391, "optic_ACO_grn"}, // 0.17% {9522.94117647058, "optic_Aco_smg"}, // 0.17% {9539.60784313725, "optic_ACO_grn_smg"}, // 0.17% {9556.27450980391, "optic_Holosight_smg"}, // 0.17% {9571.27450980391, "H_Cap_red"}, // 0.15% {9586.27450980391, "H_StrawHat_dark"}, // 0.15% {9601.27450980391, "H_Hat_tan"}, // 0.15% {9616.27450980391, "H_Hat_grey"}, // 0.15% {9631.27450980391, "H_Hat_checker"}, // 0.15% {9646.27450980391, "H_Hat_brown"}, // 0.15% {9661.27450980391, "H_Hat_blue"}, // 0.15% {9676.27450980391, "H_Cap_tan"}, // 0.15% {9691.27450980391, "H_StrawHat"}, // 0.15% {9706.27450980391, "H_Cap_press"}, // 0.15% {9718.77450980391, "H_Cap_blu"}, // 0.13% {9731.27450980391, "H_Cap_headphones"}, // 0.13% {9743.77450980391, "H_Cap_grn"}, // 0.13% {9756.27450980391, "H_Cap_blk_Raven"}, // 0.13% {9768.77450980391, "H_Cap_blk"}, // 0.13% {9781.27450980391, "H_Beret_blk_POLICE"}, // 0.13% {9793.77450980391, "H_Bandanna_surfer"}, // 0.13% {9806.27450980391, "H_Cap_oli"}, // 0.13% {9818.5294117647, "Exile_Item_Grinder"}, // 0.12% {9830.19607843136, "optic_MRD"}, // 0.12% {9841.86274509803, "optic_Yorris"}, // 0.12% {9853.5294117647, "6Rnd_GreenSignal_F"}, // 0.12% {9865.19607843136, "6Rnd_RedSignal_F"}, // 0.12% {9874.99999999999, "Exile_Item_CamoTentKit"}, // 0.10% {9884.80392156862, "Exile_Item_Rope"}, // 0.10% {9894.60784313724, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}, // 0.10% {9902.0335857115, "U_C_Poor_1"}, // 0.07% {9909.45932828576, "U_C_Poor_shorts_1"}, // 0.07% {9916.88507086002, "U_C_HunterBody_grn"}, // 0.07% {9924.31081343428, "U_C_Poor_2"}, // 0.07% {9931.73655600853, "U_C_Journalist"}, // 0.07% {9939.16229858279, "U_C_Scientist"}, // 0.07% {9946.58804115705, "U_Rangemaster"}, // 0.07% {9953.94098233352, "Exile_Item_FloodLightKit"}, // 0.07% {9961.29392350999, "Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit"}, // 0.07% {9967.06950106775, "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour"}, // 0.06% {9972.8450786255, "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon"}, // 0.06% {9978.62065618326, "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"}, // 0.06% {9984.39623374101, "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy"}, // 0.06% {9990.17181129877, "U_C_Poloshirt_blue"}, // 0.06% {9995.07377208308, "Exile_Item_Knife"}, // 0.05% {9997.52475247524, "Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro"}, // 0.02% {9998.34983498349, "U_OrestesBody"}, // 0.01% {9999.17491749174, "U_NikosBody"}, // 0.01% {9999.99999999999, "U_NikosAgedBody"} // 0.01% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Magazine03 FlareYellow_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Item_Handsaw FlareRed_F Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_CamoTentKit Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_Handsaw FlareRed_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Melee_Axe FlareYellow_F Exile_Item_Rope FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_MetalBoard Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Magazine01 FlareWhite_F Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty FlareWhite_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Melee_Axe FlareWhite_F Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_DuctTape Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_Handsaw FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_FloodLightKit Exile_Item_ToiletPaper FlareRed_F Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_MetalBoard Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit Exile_Item_MetalBoard Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_DuctTape Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Magazine01 FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Item_Knife Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty */ class Industrial { count = 28; half = 8101.44927536232; halfIndex = 14; sum = 10000; items[] = { {1086.95652173913, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}, // 10.87% {1956.52173913043, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}, // 8.70% {2706.73486786019, "Exile_Melee_Axe"}, // 7.50% {3402.38704177323, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 6.96% {4098.03921568627, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 6.96% {4793.69138959932, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 6.96% {5236.99914748508, "Exile_Item_Pliers"}, // 4.43% {5680.30690537084, "Exile_Item_Handsaw"}, // 4.43% {6115.0895140665, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}, // 4.35% {6490.19607843137, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}, // 3.75% {6816.28303495311, "FlareWhite_F"}, // 3.26% {7142.36999147485, "FlareYellow_F"}, // 3.26% {7468.45694799659, "FlareRed_F"}, // 3.26% {7794.54390451833, "FlareGreen_F"}, // 3.26% {8101.44927536232, "Exile_Item_LightBulb"}, // 3.07% {8374.25404944586, "Exile_Item_ExtensionCord"}, // 2.73% {8591.64535379369, "Exile_Item_DuctTape"}, // 2.17% {8765.55839727195, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"}, // 1.74% {8939.47144075021, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 1.74% {9113.38448422847, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 1.74% {9283.88746803069, "Exile_Item_Grinder"}, // 1.71% {9420.28985507246, "Exile_Item_CamoTentKit"}, // 1.36% {9556.69224211423, "Exile_Item_Rope"}, // 1.36% {9693.09462915601, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}, // 1.36% {9795.39641943734, "Exile_Item_FloodLightKit"}, // 1.02% {9897.69820971867, "Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit"}, // 1.02% {9965.89940323955, "Exile_Item_Knife"}, // 0.68% {10000, "Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro"} // 0.34% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_BaseCameraKit Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Rope Exile_Item_CamoTentKit Exile_Item_Laptop Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Grinder Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_Laptop Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_BaseCameraKit Exile_Item_MetalBoard Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Rope Exile_Item_BaseCameraKit Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_Grinder Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Laptop Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_BaseCameraKit Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_Rope Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_FloodLightKit Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Laptop Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Knife Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Rope Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_Knife Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Melee_Axe */ class Factories { count = 22; half = 8192.1568627451; halfIndex = 11; sum = 10000; items[] = { {1078.43137254902, "Exile_Melee_Axe"}, // 10.78% {2145.09803921569, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 10.67% {3211.76470588235, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 10.67% {4278.43137254902, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 10.67% {4915.6862745098, "Exile_Item_Pliers"}, // 6.37% {5552.94117647059, "Exile_Item_Handsaw"}, // 6.37% {6092.1568627451, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}, // 5.39% {6592.1568627451, "Exile_Item_Laptop"}, // 5.00% {7092.1568627451, "Exile_Item_BaseCameraKit"}, // 5.00% {7533.33333333333, "Exile_Item_LightBulb"}, // 4.41% {7925.49019607843, "Exile_Item_ExtensionCord"}, // 3.92% {8192.1568627451, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 2.67% {8458.82352941176, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 2.67% {8725.49019607843, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"}, // 2.67% {8970.58823529412, "Exile_Item_Grinder"}, // 2.45% {9166.66666666667, "Exile_Item_Rope"}, // 1.96% {9362.74509803922, "Exile_Item_CamoTentKit"}, // 1.96% {9558.82352941176, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}, // 1.96% {9705.88235294118, "Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit"}, // 1.47% {9852.94117647059, "Exile_Item_FloodLightKit"}, // 1.47% {9950.98039215686, "Exile_Item_Knife"}, // 0.98% {10000, "Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro"} // 0.49% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_LightBulb FlareRed_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Melee_Axe FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_DuctTape Exile_Melee_Axe FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_DuctTape Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull FlareRed_F Exile_Item_Rope FlareYellow_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_MetalBoard Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Magazine01 FlareRed_F Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty FlareWhite_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull FlareWhite_F Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Melee_Axe FlareYellow_F Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_CamoTentKit Exile_Item_Can_Empty FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_DuctTape Exile_Item_Rope Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_FloodLightKit Exile_Item_MetalBoard Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Magazine02 FlareYellow_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_Knife Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty */ class VehicleService { count = 28; half = 8561.8073316283; halfIndex = 14; sum = 10000; items[] = { {1739.13043478261, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}, // 17.39% {3130.4347826087, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}, // 13.91% {3826.08695652174, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 6.96% {4521.73913043478, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 6.96% {5217.39130434783, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 6.96% {5686.27450980392, "Exile_Melee_Axe"}, // 4.69% {6121.05711849957, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}, // 4.35% {6468.8832054561, "Exile_Item_DuctTape"}, // 3.48% {6794.97016197783, "FlareWhite_F"}, // 3.26% {7121.05711849957, "FlareRed_F"}, // 3.26% {7447.14407502131, "FlareGreen_F"}, // 3.26% {7773.23103154305, "FlareYellow_F"}, // 3.26% {8050.29838022165, "Exile_Item_Handsaw"}, // 2.77% {8327.36572890025, "Exile_Item_Pliers"}, // 2.77% {8561.8073316283, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}, // 2.34% {8753.6231884058, "Exile_Item_LightBulb"}, // 1.92% {8927.53623188406, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"}, // 1.74% {9101.44927536232, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 1.74% {9275.36231884058, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 1.74% {9445.86530264279, "Exile_Item_ExtensionCord"}, // 1.71% {9552.42966751918, "Exile_Item_Grinder"}, // 1.07% {9637.68115942029, "Exile_Item_Rope"}, // 0.85% {9722.93265132139, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}, // 0.85% {9808.1841432225, "Exile_Item_CamoTentKit"}, // 0.85% {9872.12276214833, "Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit"}, // 0.64% {9936.06138107417, "Exile_Item_FloodLightKit"}, // 0.64% {9978.68712702472, "Exile_Item_Knife"}, // 0.43% {10000, "Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro"} // 0.21% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine01 V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr B_Carryall_khk Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty U_I_GhillieSuit arifle_MX_SW_F SmokeShellYellow 1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell bipod_01_F_mtp V_BandollierB_khk U_IG_Guerilla1_1 MiniGrenade B_Carryall_mcamo Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty ItemCompass Exile_Item_Can_Empty HandGrenade srifle_DMR_05_tan_F Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer ItemCompass U_IG_Guerilla2_2 Exile_Item_ToiletPaper UGL_FlareRed_F srifle_DMR_06_olive_F arifle_Katiba_GL_F Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper H_MilCap_oucamo Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty 3Rnd_UGL_FlareGreen_F B_FieldPack_cbr LMG_Mk200_F srifle_DMR_04_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty optic_Hamr Exile_Item_Can_Empty IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Mag Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper 7Rnd_408_Mag Exile_Item_ToiletPaper 10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper V_PlateCarrier3_rgr Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty ItemMap muzzle_snds_B APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag arifle_TRG21_F bipod_02_F_tan Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Heatpack U_I_FullGhillie_ard Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag 1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell Exile_Item_Magazine02 APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Heatpack H_MilCap_dgtl Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_ToiletPaper H_Cap_khaki_specops_UK H_MilCap_blue srifle_DMR_01_F arifle_MXM_F Exile_Item_Can_Empty LMG_Zafir_F Exile_Item_Can_Empty bipod_01_F_mtp SmokeShellPurple Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper 20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag H_HelmetIA_net Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Can_Empty */ class Military { count = 345; half = 9033.88557112878; halfIndex = 172; sum = 9999.99999999992; items[] = { {1320.13201320132, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 13.20% {2640.26402640264, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 13.20% {3960.39603960396, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 13.20% {4290.42904290429, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 3.30% {4620.46204620462, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 3.30% {4950.49504950495, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"}, // 3.30% {5050, "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell"}, // 1.00% {5149.0099009901, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}, // 0.99% {5248.0198019802, "ItemCompass"}, // 0.99% {5322.27722772277, "HandGrenade"}, // 0.74% {5396.53465346535, "MiniGrenade"}, // 0.74% {5447.0297029703, "150Rnd_93x64_Mag"}, // 0.50% {5496.53465346535, "APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag"}, // 0.50% {5546.03960396039, "arifle_MX_SW_Black_F"}, // 0.50% {5595.54455445544, "arifle_MX_SW_F"}, // 0.50% {5645.04950495049, "LMG_Mk200_F"}, // 0.50% {5694.55445544554, "APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag"}, // 0.50% {5744.05940594059, "NVGoggles"}, // 0.50% {5793.56435643564, "Rangefinder"}, // 0.50% {5843.06930693069, "LMG_Zafir_F"}, // 0.50% {5892.57425742574, "APERSMine_Range_Mag"}, // 0.50% {5941.58415841584, "3Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.49% {5985.58855885588, "ItemMap"}, // 0.44% {6029.59295929593, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 0.44% {6071.17711771177, "srifle_DMR_01_F"}, // 0.42% {6112.76127612761, "srifle_EBR_F"}, // 0.42% {6152.36523652365, "U_IG_Guerilla2_3"}, // 0.40% {6191.96919691969, "U_IG_Guerilla2_2"}, // 0.40% {6231.57315731573, "U_IG_Guerilla2_1"}, // 0.40% {6271.17711771177, "U_IG_Guerilla1_1"}, // 0.40% {6308.30583058306, "U_IG_Guerilla3_2"}, // 0.37% {6345.43454345434, "U_IG_Guerilla3_1"}, // 0.37% {6382.10487715438, "Exile_Item_Vishpirin"}, // 0.37% {6418.77521085442, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 0.37% {6451.77851118445, "ItemWatch"}, // 0.33% {6484.78181151448, "ItemRadio"}, // 0.33% {6517.45507884122, "srifle_GM6_F"}, // 0.33% {6550.12834616795, "srifle_LRR_F"}, // 0.33% {6579.83131646498, "IEDLandSmall_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.30% {6609.53428676201, "IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.30% {6639.23725705904, "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.30% {6667.45507884122, "B_Carryall_cbr"}, // 0.28% {6695.24733175072, "10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag"}, // 0.28% {6723.03958466022, "10Rnd_338_Mag"}, // 0.28% {6750.76235693745, "B_FieldPack_ocamo"}, // 0.28% {6778.48512921467, "B_FieldPack_oucamo"}, // 0.28% {6806.2079014919, "10Rnd_762x51_Mag"}, // 0.28% {6833.93067376913, "B_FieldPack_cbr"}, // 0.28% {6861.65344604636, "20Rnd_762x51_Mag"}, // 0.28% {6889.37621832358, "B_FieldPack_blk"}, // 0.28% {6916.65445635147, "optic_DMS"}, // 0.27% {6943.38712961879, "B_Carryall_khk"}, // 0.27% {6970.11980288612, "B_Carryall_oli"}, // 0.27% {6996.38773580186, "optic_SOS"}, // 0.26% {7022.6556687176, "optic_LRPS"}, // 0.26% {7047.90319347008, "UGL_FlareGreen_F"}, // 0.25% {7073.15071822255, "UGL_FlareRed_F"}, // 0.25% {7098.39824297503, "UGL_FlareYellow_F"}, // 0.25% {7123.6457677275, "UGL_FlareWhite_F"}, // 0.25% {7148.39824297503, "arifle_Katiba_F"}, // 0.25% {7172.71646427084, "10Rnd_127x54_Mag"}, // 0.24% {7196.16617766323, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"}, // 0.23% {7219.61589105563, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"}, // 0.23% {7241.8931187784, "B_Carryall_ocamo"}, // 0.22% {7264.17034650117, "B_Carryall_oucamo"}, // 0.22% {7286.44757422394, "B_Carryall_mcamo"}, // 0.22% {7308.44977444396, "Binocular"}, // 0.22% {7330.45197466399, "ItemGPS"}, // 0.22% {7352.23415288181, "B_Bergen_blk"}, // 0.22% {7374.01633109963, "B_Bergen_rgr"}, // 0.22% {7395.79850931745, "B_Bergen_mcamo"}, // 0.22% {7417.58068753527, "B_Bergen_sgg"}, // 0.22% {7438.79709489029, "SmokeShellYellow"}, // 0.21% {7460.01350224532, "SmokeShellRed"}, // 0.21% {7481.22990960034, "SmokeShellGreen"}, // 0.21% {7502.44631695536, "SmokeShellOrange"}, // 0.21% {7523.66272431038, "SmokeShellBlue"}, // 0.21% {7544.8791316654, "SmokeShellPurple"}, // 0.21% {7566.09553902042, "SmokeShell"}, // 0.21% {7587.09763923044, "acc_flashlight"}, // 0.21% {7606.89961942846, "arifle_TRG20_F"}, // 0.20% {7626.70159962648, "arifle_MX_F"}, // 0.20% {7646.5035798245, "arifle_MXC_F"}, // 0.20% {7666.30556002252, "arifle_Katiba_GL_F"}, // 0.20% {7686.10754022054, "arifle_TRG21_F"}, // 0.20% {7705.30333735128, "muzzle_snds_B"}, // 0.19% {7724.41051122656, "20Rnd_762x51_Mag"}, // 0.19% {7742.9748676622, "V_PlateCarrierGL_mtp"}, // 0.19% {7761.53922409784, "V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr"}, // 0.19% {7780.10358053349, "V_PlateCarrierIAGL_dgtl"}, // 0.19% {7798.66793696913, "V_PlateCarrierSpec_blk"}, // 0.19% {7817.23229340477, "V_PlateCarrierSpec_mtp"}, // 0.19% {7835.79664984042, "V_PlateCarrierGL_blk"}, // 0.19% {7854.36100627606, "V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr"}, // 0.19% {7872.9253627117, "V_PlateCarrierIAGL_oli"}, // 0.19% {7891.26052956172, "Exile_Item_Bandage"}, // 0.18% {7908.58726223499, "arifle_Mk20_F"}, // 0.17% {7925.91399490826, "arifle_Mk20C_F"}, // 0.17% {7943.11045139601, "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag"}, // 0.17% {7959.94213456433, "5Rnd_127x108_Mag"}, // 0.17% {7976.77381773265, "7Rnd_408_Mag"}, // 0.17% {7993.27546789766, "V_RebreatherB"}, // 0.17% {8009.77711806268, "U_I_GhillieSuit"}, // 0.17% {8026.27876822769, "V_RebreatherIA"}, // 0.17% {8042.78041839271, "V_RebreatherIR"}, // 0.17% {8059.28206855773, "U_B_GhillieSuit"}, // 0.17% {8075.78371872274, "muzzle_snds_93mmg_tan"}, // 0.17% {8092.28536888776, "U_O_GhillieSuit"}, // 0.17% {8108.78701905277, "muzzle_snds_338_black"}, // 0.17% {8125.28866921779, "muzzle_snds_338_green"}, // 0.17% {8141.79031938281, "muzzle_snds_B"}, // 0.17% {8158.29196954782, "muzzle_snds_338_sand"}, // 0.17% {8174.79361971284, "muzzle_snds_93mmg"}, // 0.17% {8190.84927933286, "srifle_DMR_05_blk_F"}, // 0.16% {8206.90493895287, "srifle_DMR_05_hex_F"}, // 0.16% {8222.96059857289, "srifle_DMR_05_tan_F"}, // 0.16% {8238.11517525505, "1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.15% {8253.26975193721, "1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.15% {8268.42432861936, "1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.15% {8283.57890530152, "1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.15% {8298.73348198368, "1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.15% {8313.88805866584, "1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.15% {8329.042635348, "1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.15% {8344.04413549801, "optic_Hamr"}, // 0.15% {8359.04563564802, "optic_Arco"}, // 0.15% {8374.04713579804, "muzzle_snds_M"}, // 0.15% {8389.04863594805, "muzzle_snds_H"}, // 0.15% {8404.05013609807, "optic_DMS"}, // 0.15% {8419.05163624808, "optic_MRCO"}, // 0.15% {8434.0531363981, "acc_pointer_IR"}, // 0.15% {8449.05463654811, "optic_Holosight"}, // 0.15% {8463.90612169662, "arifle_MXM_F"}, // 0.15% {8478.75760684514, "arifle_SDAR_F"}, // 0.15% {8493.60909199365, "V_PlateCarrier1_blk"}, // 0.15% {8508.46057714217, "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr"}, // 0.15% {8523.31206229068, "V_PlateCarrier3_rgr"}, // 0.15% {8538.1635474392, "V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr"}, // 0.15% {8553.01503258771, "V_PlateCarrierIA1_dgtl"}, // 0.15% {8567.86651773622, "V_PlateCarrierIA2_dgtl"}, // 0.15% {8582.71800288474, "V_PlateCarrierIAGL_dgtl"}, // 0.15% {8597.56948803325, "V_PlateCarrier2_rgr"}, // 0.15% {8612.42097318177, "V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr"}, // 0.15% {8626.56524475178, "optic_KHS_old"}, // 0.14% {8640.70951632179, "optic_KHS_hex"}, // 0.14% {8654.85378789181, "optic_KHS_blk"}, // 0.14% {8668.99805946182, "optic_AMS_snd"}, // 0.14% {8683.14233103184, "optic_KHS_tan"}, // 0.14% {8697.28660260185, "optic_AMS_khk"}, // 0.14% {8711.43087417187, "optic_AMS"}, // 0.14% {8725.5007022073, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Green"}, // 0.14% {8739.57053024274, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red"}, // 0.14% {8753.64035827817, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Yellow"}, // 0.14% {8767.71018631361, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer"}, // 0.14% {8781.78001434904, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"}, // 0.14% {8795.84984238448, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer"}, // 0.14% {8809.91374877512, "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt"}, // 0.14% {8823.97765516575, "U_B_CTRG_2"}, // 0.14% {8838.04156155639, "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest"}, // 0.14% {8852.10546794703, "U_B_CTRG_3"}, // 0.14% {8866.16937433767, "U_B_CTRG_1"}, // 0.14% {8880.23328072831, "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"}, // 0.14% {8894.29718711895, "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn"}, // 0.14% {8908.34588928646, "srifle_DMR_04_Tan_F"}, // 0.14% {8922.39459145397, "srifle_DMR_04_F"}, // 0.14% {8934.95554904227, "bipod_01_F_snd"}, // 0.13% {8947.51650663057, "bipod_02_F_blk"}, // 0.13% {8960.07746421886, "bipod_01_F_blk"}, // 0.13% {8972.63842180716, "bipod_03_F_oli"}, // 0.13% {8985.19937939545, "bipod_02_F_tan"}, // 0.13% {8997.76033698375, "bipod_03_F_blk"}, // 0.13% {9009.80208169876, "srifle_DMR_02_sniper_F"}, // 0.12% {9021.84382641377, "srifle_DMR_02_F"}, // 0.12% {9033.88557112878, "srifle_DMR_02_camo_F"}, // 0.12% {9045.7667592476, "150Rnd_762x54_Box"}, // 0.12% {9057.64794736641, "3Rnd_UGL_FlareGreen_F"}, // 0.12% {9069.52913548522, "3Rnd_UGL_FlareYellow_F"}, // 0.12% {9081.41032360403, "3Rnd_UGL_FlareWhite_F"}, // 0.12% {9093.29151172284, "100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"}, // 0.12% {9105.17269984166, "3Rnd_UGL_FlareRed_F"}, // 0.12% {9116.99477757182, "bipod_01_F_mtp"}, // 0.12% {9128.81685530198, "bipod_02_F_hex"}, // 0.12% {9140.06798041449, "U_I_HeliPilotCoveralls"}, // 0.11% {9151.319105527, "U_B_PilotCoveralls"}, // 0.11% {9162.57023063951, "U_O_PilotCoveralls"}, // 0.11% {9173.82135575202, "U_B_HeliPilotCoveralls"}, // 0.11% {9185.07248086453, "U_I_CombatUniform_shortsleeve"}, // 0.11% {9196.32360597704, "U_I_CombatUniform_tshirt"}, // 0.11% {9207.57473108955, "U_I_CombatUniform"}, // 0.11% {9218.82585620206, "U_I_pilotCoveralls"}, // 0.11% {9229.22189580602, "V_HarnessOGL_gry"}, // 0.10% {9239.61793540998, "V_HarnessO_brn"}, // 0.10% {9250.01397501394, "V_HarnessOGL_brn"}, // 0.10% {9260.4100146179, "V_HarnessO_gry"}, // 0.10% {9270.80605422186, "V_HarnessOSpec_brn"}, // 0.10% {9281.20209382582, "V_BandollierB_rgr"}, // 0.10% {9291.59813342978, "V_BandollierB_oli"}, // 0.10% {9301.99417303375, "V_BandollierB_blk"}, // 0.10% {9312.39021263771, "V_BandollierB_cbr"}, // 0.10% {9322.78625224167, "V_BandollierB_khk"}, // 0.10% {9333.18229184563, "V_HarnessOSpec_gry"}, // 0.10% {9343.08328194464, "arifle_MX_GL_F"}, // 0.10% {9352.98427204364, "arifle_TRG21_GL_F"}, // 0.10% {9362.88526214265, "arifle_Mk20_GL_F"}, // 0.10% {9372.78625224166, "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag"}, // 0.10% {9382.68724234067, "150Rnd_762x54_Box_Tracer"}, // 0.10% {9392.58823243968, "100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer"}, // 0.10% {9402.48922253869, "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.10% {9412.3902126377, "U_IG_leader"}, // 0.10% {9420.82855647208, "U_B_SpecopsUniform_sgg"}, // 0.08% {9428.32930654709, "optic_NVS"}, // 0.08% {9435.75504912135, "arifle_MX_GL_Black_F"}, // 0.07% {9443.18079169561, "arifle_MX_Black_F"}, // 0.07% {9450.60653426987, "arifle_MXC_Black_F"}, // 0.07% {9458.03227684412, "arifle_MXM_Black_F"}, // 0.07% {9465.45801941838, "V_PlateCarrierL_CTRG"}, // 0.07% {9472.88376199264, "V_Chestrig_oli"}, // 0.07% {9480.3095045669, "V_Chestrig_blk"}, // 0.07% {9487.73524714116, "V_Chestrig_rgr"}, // 0.07% {9495.16098971541, "V_Chestrig_khk"}, // 0.07% {9502.58673228967, "V_PlateCarrierH_CTRG"}, // 0.07% {9509.92079902968, "Exile_Item_InstaDoc"}, // 0.07% {9515.98262970254, "3Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.06% {9522.04446037541, "3Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.06% {9528.10629104827, "3Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.06% {9534.16812172113, "3Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.06% {9540.22995239399, "3Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.06% {9546.29178306686, "3Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.06% {9552.35361373972, "3Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.06% {9558.37448609723, "srifle_DMR_06_olive_F"}, // 0.06% {9564.39535845473, "srifle_DMR_06_camo_F"}, // 0.06% {9570.41623081224, "srifle_DMR_03_F"}, // 0.06% {9576.43710316974, "srifle_DMR_03_khaki_F"}, // 0.06% {9582.45797552725, "srifle_DMR_03_tan_F"}, // 0.06% {9588.47884788475, "srifle_DMR_03_woodland_F"}, // 0.06% {9594.19095755726, "Exile_Headgear_GasMask"}, // 0.06% {9599.90306722976, "H_Booniehat_indp"}, // 0.06% {9605.61517690227, "H_Booniehat_khk"}, // 0.06% {9611.32728657477, "Exile_Headgear_GasMask"}, // 0.06% {9617.03939624728, "H_Booniehat_dgtl"}, // 0.06% {9622.75150591979, "H_Booniehat_dirty"}, // 0.06% {9628.46361559229, "H_Booniehat_tan"}, // 0.06% {9634.1757252648, "H_Booniehat_khk_hs"}, // 0.06% {9639.8878349373, "H_MilCap_dgtl"}, // 0.06% {9645.59994460981, "H_MilCap_rucamo"}, // 0.06% {9651.31205428232, "H_Booniehat_grn"}, // 0.06% {9657.02416395482, "H_MilCap_oucamo"}, // 0.06% {9662.73627362733, "H_MilCap_mcamo"}, // 0.06% {9668.44838329983, "H_MilCap_ocamo"}, // 0.06% {9674.16049297234, "H_Booniehat_mcamo"}, // 0.06% {9679.87260264485, "H_MilCap_blue"}, // 0.06% {9685.4981652011, "U_I_OfficerUniform"}, // 0.06% {9691.12372775736, "U_B_Wetsuit"}, // 0.06% {9696.74929031361, "U_O_Wetsuit"}, // 0.06% {9702.37485286987, "U_O_OfficerUniform_ocamo"}, // 0.06% {9708.00041542612, "U_I_Wetsuit"}, // 0.06% {9713.62597798238, "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo"}, // 0.06% {9719.25154053863, "U_O_CombatUniform_oucamo"}, // 0.06% {9724.87710309489, "U_O_SpecopsUniform_ocamo"}, // 0.06% {9730.50266565114, "U_O_SpecopsUniform_blk"}, // 0.06% {9736.00321570615, "U_O_FullGhillie_sard"}, // 0.06% {9741.50376576115, "U_B_FullGhillie_sard"}, // 0.06% {9747.00431581616, "U_O_FullGhillie_ard"}, // 0.06% {9752.50486587116, "U_O_FullGhillie_lsh"}, // 0.06% {9758.00541592617, "U_I_FullGhillie_ard"}, // 0.06% {9763.50596598117, "U_B_FullGhillie_ard"}, // 0.06% {9769.00651603618, "U_I_FullGhillie_sard"}, // 0.06% {9774.50706609118, "U_B_FullGhillie_lsh"}, // 0.06% {9780.00761614619, "U_I_FullGhillie_lsh"}, // 0.06% {9784.95811119569, "U_I_G_resistanceLeader_F"}, // 0.05% {9789.9086062452, "130Rnd_338_Mag"}, // 0.05% {9794.36405178975, "V_I_G_resistanceLeader_F"}, // 0.04% {9798.64813404413, "H_Bandanna_gry"}, // 0.04% {9802.93221629851, "H_Hat_camo"}, // 0.04% {9807.21629855289, "H_Bandanna_khk"}, // 0.04% {9811.50038080727, "H_Bandanna_khk_hs"}, // 0.04% {9815.78446306165, "H_Cap_brn_SPECOPS"}, // 0.04% {9820.06854531602, "H_Bandanna_cbr"}, // 0.04% {9824.3526275704, "H_Bandanna_sgg"}, // 0.04% {9828.63670982478, "H_Bandanna_camo"}, // 0.04% {9832.92079207916, "H_Cap_tan_specops_US"}, // 0.04% {9837.20487433354, "H_HelmetIA"}, // 0.04% {9841.48895658792, "H_Watchcap_blk"}, // 0.04% {9845.7730388423, "H_Watchcap_khk"}, // 0.04% {9850.05712109667, "H_HelmetB"}, // 0.04% {9854.34120335105, "H_HelmetB_paint"}, // 0.04% {9858.62528560543, "H_HelmetB_light"}, // 0.04% {9862.90936785981, "H_HelmetB_plain_blk"}, // 0.04% {9867.19345011419, "H_HelmetSpecB"}, // 0.04% {9871.47753236857, "H_HelmetSpecB_paint1"}, // 0.04% {9875.76161462294, "H_HelmetSpecB_paint2"}, // 0.04% {9880.04569687732, "H_HelmetSpecB_blk"}, // 0.04% {9884.3297791317, "H_Bandanna_mcamo"}, // 0.04% {9888.61386138608, "H_Cap_khaki_specops_UK"}, // 0.04% {9892.89794364046, "H_BandMask_blk"}, // 0.04% {9895.75399847671, "H_Shemag_olive_hs"}, // 0.03% {9898.61005331296, "H_HelmetB_light_snakeskin"}, // 0.03% {9901.46610814922, "H_BandMask_demon"}, // 0.03% {9904.32216298547, "H_BandMask_reaper"}, // 0.03% {9907.17821782172, "H_BandMask_khk"}, // 0.03% {9910.03427265798, "H_HelmetB_light_sand"}, // 0.03% {9912.89032749423, "H_HelmetB_light_black"}, // 0.03% {9915.74638233048, "H_HelmetB_light_desert"}, // 0.03% {9918.60243716674, "H_HelmetB_light_grass"}, // 0.03% {9921.45849200299, "H_HelmetB_sand"}, // 0.03% {9924.31454683924, "H_HelmetB_black"}, // 0.03% {9927.17060167549, "H_HelmetB_desert"}, // 0.03% {9930.02665651175, "H_HelmetB_snakeskin"}, // 0.03% {9932.882711348, "H_HelmetB_grass"}, // 0.03% {9935.73876618425, "H_HelmetIA_camo"}, // 0.03% {9938.59482102051, "H_ShemagOpen_tan"}, // 0.03% {9941.45087585676, "H_HelmetIA_net"}, // 0.03% {9944.30693069301, "H_Shemag_olive"}, // 0.03% {9947.16298552926, "H_Shemag_tan"}, // 0.03% {9950.01904036552, "H_Shemag_khk"}, // 0.03% {9952.87509520177, "H_TurbanO_blk"}, // 0.03% {9955.73115003802, "H_Watchcap_sgg"}, // 0.03% {9958.58720487428, "H_Watchcap_camo"}, // 0.03% {9961.44325971053, "H_ShemagOpen_khk"}, // 0.03% {9962.87128712866, "H_HelmetLeaderO_oucamo"}, // 0.01% {9964.29931454678, "H_HelmetO_oucamo"}, // 0.01% {9965.72734196491, "H_PilotHelmetFighter_I"}, // 0.01% {9967.15536938303, "H_PilotHelmetHeli_B"}, // 0.01% {9968.58339680116, "H_PilotHelmetHeli_O"}, // 0.01% {9970.01142421928, "H_CrewHelmetHeli_I"}, // 0.01% {9971.43945163741, "H_HelmetB_camo"}, // 0.01% {9972.86747905553, "H_CrewHelmetHeli_B"}, // 0.01% {9974.29550647366, "H_CrewHelmetHeli_O"}, // 0.01% {9975.72353389179, "H_PilotHelmetHeli_I"}, // 0.01% {9977.15156130991, "H_HelmetSpecO_ocamo"}, // 0.01% {9978.57958872804, "H_Beret_red"}, // 0.01% {9980.00761614616, "H_HelmetO_ocamo"}, // 0.01% {9981.43564356429, "H_HelmetLeaderO_ocamo"}, // 0.01% {9982.86367098241, "H_HelmetCrew_I"}, // 0.01% {9984.29169840054, "H_HelmetCrew_O"}, // 0.01% {9985.71972581866, "H_HelmetCrew_B"}, // 0.01% {9987.14775323679, "H_Beret_blk"}, // 0.01% {9988.57578065492, "H_PilotHelmetFighter_B"}, // 0.01% {9990.00380807304, "H_Beret_Colonel"}, // 0.01% {9991.43183549117, "H_Beret_02"}, // 0.01% {9992.85986290929, "H_Beret_ocamo"}, // 0.01% {9994.28789032742, "H_Beret_brn_SF"}, // 0.01% {9995.71591774554, "H_Beret_grn_SF"}, // 0.01% {9997.14394516367, "H_Beret_grn"}, // 0.01% {9998.57197258179, "H_HelmetSpecO_blk"}, // 0.01% {9999.99999999992, "H_PilotHelmetFighter_O"} // 0.01% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_InstaDoc Exile_Item_InstaDoc Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_InstaDoc Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_InstaDoc Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_InstaDoc Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_InstaDoc Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin */ class Medical { count = 10; half = 8881.48148148148; halfIndex = 5; sum = 10000; items[] = { {2592.59259259259, "Exile_Item_Vishpirin"}, // 25.93% {5185.18518518519, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 25.93% {6481.48148148148, "Exile_Item_Bandage"}, // 12.96% {7281.48148148148, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 8.00% {8081.48148148148, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 8.00% {8881.48148148148, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 8.00% {9400, "Exile_Item_InstaDoc"}, // 5.19% {9600, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 2.00% {9800, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 2.00% {10000, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"} // 2.00% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: srifle_DMR_04_F srifle_LRR_F srifle_DMR_04_Tan_F H_MilCap_mcamo APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag srifle_EBR_F srifle_DMR_04_Tan_F srifle_EBR_F optic_LRPS B_Carryall_mcamo 20Rnd_762x51_Mag ItemGPS H_HelmetSpecB_paint2 optic_AMS_snd ItemMap srifle_DMR_02_sniper_F 10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag srifle_DMR_01_F MiniGrenade srifle_DMR_02_sniper_F srifle_EBR_F srifle_DMR_02_sniper_F IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Mag srifle_DMR_01_F srifle_DMR_05_hex_F 7Rnd_408_Mag srifle_DMR_02_F Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_Bandage H_HelmetB_snakeskin U_O_FullGhillie_ard U_I_GhillieSuit srifle_GM6_F srifle_EBR_F srifle_GM6_F H_HelmetB_light_snakeskin srifle_DMR_04_Tan_F H_HelmetB_paint APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag B_Carryall_mcamo muzzle_snds_338_sand HandGrenade ItemGPS srifle_EBR_F srifle_DMR_03_woodland_F srifle_DMR_01_F srifle_DMR_02_camo_F srifle_DMR_01_F srifle_GM6_F optic_DMS Exile_Item_ZipTie srifle_DMR_03_khaki_F B_Carryall_cbr srifle_GM6_F Exile_Headgear_GasMask srifle_DMR_05_tan_F B_Carryall_cbr Exile_Item_Heatpack 10Rnd_127x54_Mag B_Carryall_ocamo U_B_FullGhillie_sard muzzle_snds_338_green srifle_EBR_F Exile_Item_Vishpirin H_BandMask_demon srifle_DMR_04_F ItemWatch DemoCharge_Remote_Mag U_I_GhillieSuit B_Carryall_oucamo HandGrenade srifle_LRR_F srifle_DMR_03_F H_HelmetB_light_grass Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_ZipTie H_CrewHelmetHeli_B H_HelmetB_light_desert Exile_Item_Vishpirin 20Rnd_762x51_Mag srifle_DMR_01_F Exile_Item_Heatpack srifle_DMR_01_F H_HelmetSpecB_paint2 U_O_FullGhillie_sard srifle_EBR_F srifle_EBR_F srifle_DMR_01_F srifle_DMR_05_blk_F H_MilCap_mcamo Exile_Item_Vishpirin U_I_FullGhillie_sard srifle_EBR_F srifle_LRR_F U_I_FullGhillie_ard H_PilotHelmetFighter_I Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_ZipTie srifle_EBR_F */ class Tourist { count = 132; half = 8581.75498575499; halfIndex = 66; sum = 10000; items[] = { {560, "srifle_DMR_01_F"}, // 5.60% {1120, "srifle_EBR_F"}, // 5.60% {1560, "srifle_LRR_F"}, // 4.40% {2000, "srifle_GM6_F"}, // 4.40% {2400, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}, // 4.00% {2616.21621621622, "srifle_DMR_05_blk_F"}, // 2.16% {2832.43243243243, "srifle_DMR_05_hex_F"}, // 2.16% {3048.64864864865, "srifle_DMR_05_tan_F"}, // 2.16% {3248.64864864865, "MiniGrenade"}, // 2.00% {3448.64864864865, "HandGrenade"}, // 2.00% {3638.64864864865, "B_Carryall_cbr"}, // 1.90% {3827.83783783784, "srifle_DMR_04_F"}, // 1.89% {4017.02702702703, "srifle_DMR_04_Tan_F"}, // 1.89% {4197.02702702703, "B_Carryall_khk"}, // 1.80% {4377.02702702703, "B_Carryall_oli"}, // 1.80% {4543.69369369369, "U_O_GhillieSuit"}, // 1.67% {4710.36036036036, "U_I_GhillieSuit"}, // 1.67% {4877.02702702703, "U_B_GhillieSuit"}, // 1.67% {5039.18918918919, "srifle_DMR_02_camo_F"}, // 1.62% {5201.35135135135, "srifle_DMR_02_F"}, // 1.62% {5363.51351351352, "srifle_DMR_02_sniper_F"}, // 1.62% {5513.51351351352, "B_Carryall_ocamo"}, // 1.50% {5663.51351351352, "B_Carryall_mcamo"}, // 1.50% {5813.51351351352, "B_Carryall_oucamo"}, // 1.50% {5961.66166166166, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 1.48% {6109.80980980981, "Exile_Item_Vishpirin"}, // 1.48% {6198.6986986987, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 0.89% {6287.58758758759, "ItemMap"}, // 0.89% {6368.66866866867, "srifle_DMR_06_olive_F"}, // 0.81% {6449.74974974975, "srifle_DMR_03_F"}, // 0.81% {6530.83083083083, "srifle_DMR_06_camo_F"}, // 0.81% {6611.91191191191, "srifle_DMR_03_woodland_F"}, // 0.81% {6692.99299299299, "srifle_DMR_03_khaki_F"}, // 0.81% {6774.07407407407, "srifle_DMR_03_tan_F"}, // 0.81% {6854.07407407407, "APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag"}, // 0.80% {6934.07407407407, "APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag"}, // 0.80% {7014.07407407407, "APERSMine_Range_Mag"}, // 0.80% {7088.14814814815, "Exile_Item_Bandage"}, // 0.74% {7154.81481481481, "ItemRadio"}, // 0.67% {7221.48148148148, "ItemWatch"}, // 0.67% {7277.62183235867, "10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag"}, // 0.56% {7333.76218323587, "10Rnd_338_Mag"}, // 0.56% {7389.76218323587, "10Rnd_762x51_Mag"}, // 0.56% {7445.76218323587, "20Rnd_762x51_Mag"}, // 0.56% {7501.31773879142, "U_I_FullGhillie_lsh"}, // 0.56% {7556.87329434698, "U_O_FullGhillie_sard"}, // 0.56% {7612.42884990253, "U_O_FullGhillie_lsh"}, // 0.56% {7667.98440545809, "U_O_FullGhillie_ard"}, // 0.56% {7723.53996101364, "U_B_FullGhillie_sard"}, // 0.56% {7779.0955165692, "U_B_FullGhillie_lsh"}, // 0.56% {7834.65107212476, "U_B_FullGhillie_ard"}, // 0.56% {7890.20662768031, "U_I_FullGhillie_sard"}, // 0.56% {7945.76218323587, "U_I_FullGhillie_ard"}, // 0.56% {8000.86422405219, "optic_DMS"}, // 0.55% {8053.92544854199, "optic_LRPS"}, // 0.53% {8106.98667303179, "optic_SOS"}, // 0.53% {8156.10948004933, "10Rnd_127x54_Mag"}, // 0.49% {8204.10948004933, "IEDLandSmall_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.48% {8252.10948004933, "IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.48% {8300.10948004933, "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.48% {8344.55392449378, "ItemGPS"}, // 0.44% {8388.99836893822, "Binocular"}, // 0.44% {8427.7738791423, "muzzle_snds_B"}, // 0.39% {8466.37037037037, "20Rnd_762x51_Mag"}, // 0.39% {8504.83190883191, "H_MilCap_blue"}, // 0.38% {8543.29344729345, "Exile_Headgear_GasMask"}, // 0.38% {8581.75498575499, "H_MilCap_oucamo"}, // 0.38% {8620.21652421653, "H_MilCap_mcamo"}, // 0.38% {8658.67806267807, "H_MilCap_ocamo"}, // 0.38% {8697.13960113961, "H_MilCap_dgtl"}, // 0.38% {8735.60113960115, "H_MilCap_rucamo"}, // 0.38% {8769.60113960115, "5Rnd_127x108_Mag"}, // 0.34% {8803.60113960115, "7Rnd_408_Mag"}, // 0.34% {8836.93447293448, "muzzle_snds_93mmg_tan"}, // 0.33% {8870.26780626781, "muzzle_snds_338_black"}, // 0.33% {8903.60113960115, "muzzle_snds_93mmg"}, // 0.33% {8936.93447293448, "muzzle_snds_338_sand"}, // 0.33% {8970.26780626782, "muzzle_snds_B"}, // 0.33% {9003.60113960115, "muzzle_snds_338_green"}, // 0.33% {9033.23076923078, "Exile_Item_InstaDoc"}, // 0.30% {9062.07692307693, "H_HelmetB_paint"}, // 0.29% {9090.92307692309, "H_HelmetB_plain_blk"}, // 0.29% {9119.76923076924, "H_HelmetSpecB_paint2"}, // 0.29% {9148.6153846154, "H_HelmetB_light"}, // 0.29% {9177.46153846155, "H_HelmetB"}, // 0.29% {9206.3076923077, "H_HelmetSpecB_blk"}, // 0.29% {9235.15384615386, "H_HelmetIA"}, // 0.29% {9264.00000000001, "H_HelmetSpecB"}, // 0.29% {9292.84615384617, "H_HelmetSpecB_paint1"}, // 0.29% {9321.4175824176, "optic_AMS_snd"}, // 0.29% {9349.98901098903, "optic_AMS_khk"}, // 0.29% {9378.56043956046, "optic_KHS_blk"}, // 0.29% {9407.13186813188, "optic_KHS_hex"}, // 0.29% {9435.70329670331, "optic_KHS_old"}, // 0.29% {9464.27472527474, "optic_KHS_tan"}, // 0.29% {9492.84615384617, "optic_AMS"}, // 0.29% {9512.84615384617, "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag"}, // 0.20% {9532.07692307694, "H_HelmetB_light_black"}, // 0.19% {9551.30769230771, "H_HelmetB_grass"}, // 0.19% {9570.53846153848, "H_HelmetB_snakeskin"}, // 0.19% {9589.76923076925, "H_HelmetB_desert"}, // 0.19% {9609.00000000002, "H_HelmetB_black"}, // 0.19% {9628.23076923079, "H_HelmetB_sand"}, // 0.19% {9647.46153846156, "H_HelmetB_light_grass"}, // 0.19% {9666.69230769233, "H_HelmetB_light_snakeskin"}, // 0.19% {9685.9230769231, "H_HelmetB_light_desert"}, // 0.19% {9705.15384615387, "H_HelmetB_light_sand"}, // 0.19% {9724.38461538464, "H_BandMask_khk"}, // 0.19% {9743.61538461541, "H_BandMask_reaper"}, // 0.19% {9762.84615384618, "H_BandMask_demon"}, // 0.19% {9782.07692307695, "H_HelmetIA_camo"}, // 0.19% {9801.30769230772, "H_HelmetIA_net"}, // 0.19% {9817.30769230772, "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.16% {9826.9230769231, "H_HelmetCrew_B"}, // 0.10% {9836.53846153848, "H_HelmetO_ocamo"}, // 0.10% {9846.15384615387, "H_HelmetLeaderO_ocamo"}, // 0.10% {9855.76923076925, "H_HelmetLeaderO_oucamo"}, // 0.10% {9865.38461538464, "H_HelmetO_oucamo"}, // 0.10% {9875.00000000002, "H_CrewHelmetHeli_I"}, // 0.10% {9884.61538461541, "H_CrewHelmetHeli_O"}, // 0.10% {9894.23076923079, "H_CrewHelmetHeli_B"}, // 0.10% {9903.84615384618, "H_HelmetSpecO_ocamo"}, // 0.10% {9913.46153846156, "H_HelmetB_camo"}, // 0.10% {9923.07692307695, "H_PilotHelmetHeli_O"}, // 0.10% {9932.69230769233, "H_PilotHelmetHeli_B"}, // 0.10% {9942.30769230772, "H_PilotHelmetFighter_I"}, // 0.10% {9951.9230769231, "H_PilotHelmetFighter_O"}, // 0.10% {9961.53846153849, "H_PilotHelmetFighter_B"}, // 0.10% {9971.15384615387, "H_HelmetCrew_I"}, // 0.10% {9980.76923076926, "H_HelmetCrew_O"}, // 0.10% {9990.38461538464, "H_PilotHelmetHeli_I"}, // 0.10% {10000, "H_HelmetSpecO_blk"} // 0.10% }; }; }; class CfgSettings { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GARBAGE COLLECTOR /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class GarbageCollector { /* Remark: In 0.9.35 and below, Exile has checked if a player was nearby and then delayed the deletion. This check has been removed to save server performance. Do NOT touch these if you are not 10000% sure what you do! */ class Ingame { // Dropped items without fissix class GroundWeaponHolder { lifeTime = 10; interval = 5; }; // Dropped items with fissix class WeaponHolderSimulated { lifeTime = 10; interval = 5; }; // Corpses and wrecks class AllDead { lifeTime = 15; interval = 5; }; // Loot spawned inside a building class Loot { lifeTime = 8; interval = 1; }; // Never touch this or you will break your sever! class Groups { interval = 0.5; }; }; class Database { // Remove all territories (and contructions + containers in it) that were not paid after X days territoryLifeTime = 7; // Remove all containers outside of territories that have not been used for X days // Example: Tents containerLifeTime = 10; // Remove all constructions outside of territories that are older than X days or not moved for X days // Example: Work Benches constructionLifeTime = 2; // Remove all vehicles that were not moved/used for X days vehicleLifeTime = 3; // Set safe as abandoned abandonedTime = 7; }; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RESPECT, YO /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Respect { /** * Defines the factor of respect you gain for every pop tab in revenue * * Default: Get 1 respect for every 10 pop tabs */ tradingRespectFactor = 0.1; /** * Defines the amount of respect earned/lost for certain types of frags */ class Frags { bambi = -500; // Bambi slayers friendlyFire = -1000; // For party members standard = 100; // Normal kill domination = 80; // Keeps killing the same guy letItRain = 150; // MG, also vehicle MGs humiliation = 300; // Axe passenger = 400; // Out of car/chopper/boat roadKill = 200; // bigBird = 600; // Roadkill, but with chopper/plane chuteGreaterChopper = 1000; // Someone flies into chute and chopper/plane explodes }; class Handcuffs { trapping = -50; // A handcuffs B breakingFree = 100; // B broke free releasedByHero = 100; // C releases B releasedByHostageTaker = 50; // A releases B }; class Bonus { // Bonus per full 100m per100mDistance = 10; // First blood after server restart firstBlood = 100; // If you kill someone while you are in your own territory homie = 20; // If you kill someone who is in his own territory raid = 20; /* Example with killstreak = 50 Frag Factor Bonus 2 * 50 +100 3 * 50 +150 4 * 50 +200 5 * 50 +250 */ killStreak = 50; // Kills within this amount of seconds stack (default: 2 minutes) killStreakTimeout = 120; }; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // KILLFEED MAN! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class KillFeed { // Shows a kill feed for well kills showKillFeed = 1; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PLAYER SPAWN CONFIGURATION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class BambiSettings { /** * Loadout of new bambi players * * (They will always spawn with a bambi overall - you cannot * change the loadout uniform) */ loadOut[] = { "ItemCompass", "Exile_Item_XM8", "ItemRadio", "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater" }; /** * Enables or disables parachute spawning. * * 1 = On * 0 = Off */ parachuteSpawning = 1; /** * Enables or disables halo jumping. Only applies * if parachute spawning is enabled. * * Remember that if you enable halo jump, it is adviced * to adjust the parachuteDropHeight to something around * 1km or so. * * 1 = On * 0 = Off */ haloJump = 1; /** * Parachute drop height in meters. */ parachuteDropHeight = 1000; /** * Number of minutes where a fresh spawned player remains in the * bambi state. It will end the bambi state after this timeout * expired or when they pick up their first weapon. Whatever * happens first. */ protectionDuration = 5; /** * Radius of spawn zones around the center of spawn zone markers. */ spawnZoneRadius = 500; /** * These vehicles spawn on server restart close to spawn zones. * They are non-persistent and will despawn on server restart. * Basically they are just used to get away from the spawn zone * faster. * * {Number of vehicles *per* spawn zone, vehicle class name} */ spawnZoneVehicles[] = { {5, "Exile_Bike_OldBike"}, {5, "Exile_Bike_MountainBike"} }; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // VEHICLE SPAWN CONFIGURATION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class VehicleSpawn { /** * Grid Size for vehicle spawning, * smaller the number more vehicles, * you get the point */ vehiclesGridSize = 2200; /** * Vehicle ammount per grid * kinda self explanitory */ vehiclesGridAmount = 2; /** * Creates global markers for vehicle spawn tweeking, * after you are satisfied with vehicle ammount and spread set this to 0. */ vehiclesDebugMarkers = 0; /** * The server will apply random damage up to this value when spawning a vehicle. */ damageChance = 20; // 20% chance for a vehicle HITPOINT to be damaged maximumDamage = 0.9; // Stuff to spawn on water water[] = { "Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_Police", "Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_Orange", "Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_White", "Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_CSAT", "Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Digital", "Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Orange", "Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Blue", "Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Black", "Exile_Boat_SDV_CSAT", "Exile_Boat_SDV_Digital", "Exile_Boat_SDV_Grey" }; // Stuff to spawn on roads ground[] = { "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Black", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Blue", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Red", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_White", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Nato", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Csat", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Fia", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Guerilla01", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Guerilla02", "Exile_Car_Volha_Blue", "Exile_Car_Volha_White", "Exile_Car_Lada_Green", "Exile_Car_Lada_Taxi", "Exile_Car_TowTractor_White", "Exile_Car_UAZ_Open_Green", "Exile_Car_UAZ_Green", "Exile_Car_LandRover_Ambulance_Desert", "Exile_Car_Tractor_Red", "Exile_Car_OldTractor_Red", "Exile_Car_Octavius_White" }; /** * Enables or disables nightvision optics on ALL vehicles * * 0 = off * 1 = on */ nightVision = 1; /** * Enables or disables thermal optics on ALL vehicles * * 0 = off * 1 = on */ thermalVision = 0; /** * Set this to 1 to unlock vehicles on server boot if they are in safe zones * * 0 = off * 1 = on */ unlockInSafeZonesAfterRestart = 1; }; class Weather { /* You can define multiple "keyframes" for the weather to change. The server will pick a keyframe randomly to simulate the weather. It will change the weather-keyframes based on the following interval */ interval = 30; /* Add the keyframes here. The server will pick one random, so if you want one weather type of be more dominant compared to others, add it multiple times */ keyframes[] = {"Sunny", "Cloudy", "Thunderstorm"}; /* This is a keyframe. Look up the BIKI to get more details about the parameters Be sure to design the fog settings at a view distance of 1,600m as this is the limit in multiplayer by default https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/fogParams https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/overcast https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setWaves https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setWindStr https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setGusts https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setRain https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setLightnings https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setRainbow */ class Sunny { fogValue = 0.1; fogDecay = 0.2; fogBase = 5; overcast = 0.2; waves = 0.2; wind = 0.25; gusts = 0.1; rain = 0; lightnings = 0; rainbows = 0; }; class Cloudy { fogValue = 0.2; fogDecay = 0.1; fogBase = 5; overcast = 0.4; waves = 0.4; wind = 0.25; gusts = 0.5; rain = 0.1; lightnings = 0.1; rainbows = 1; }; class Thunderstorm { fogValue = 0.7; fogDecay = 0.2; fogBase = 5; overcast = 1; waves = 1; wind = 0.25; gusts = 0.5; rain = 1; lightnings = 1; rainbows = 0.5; }; }; class Time { // Uses Dedicated Server time as ingame Time useRealTime = 0; // Will overide RealTime useStaticTime = 1; // time in ARMA FORMAT << CONFIG // https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setDate staticTime[] = {2039,10,24,15,30}; }; class RCON { /* Note that for this to work you need to have serverCommandPassowrd defined in config.cfg and BE enabled */ // This needs to match config.cfg serverCommandPassword serverPassword = ""; // Autolocks server until its ready to accept players useAutoLock = 0; // Server will autoLock at that time before restart (minutes) restartAutoLock = 3; /* Number of hours and minutes of your restart period. Examples: {4, 0} = Every 4 hours {1, 30} = Every one and a half hour (who the hell would do this?) */ restartTimer[] = {3, 0}; /* Kicks players before restart to prevent gear loss. We strongely recommend to use this! 0 = off 1 = on */ useAutoKick = 0; /* Number of minutes before the server kicks players that did not disconnect before the restart. Should at least be two minutes! */ kickTime = 2; /* Self-explanatory 0 = off 1 = on */ useRestartMessages = 0; /* Number of minutes before the restart to inform your players. Only use full minutes here. Value like 5.5 have not been tested. */ restartWarningTime[] = {15, 10, 5, 3}; /* If set to 1 server will execute '#shutdown', to try to shutdown the server */ useShutdown = 0; }; class ServerSettings { /* Support for custom server FSM if wanted */ serverFSM = "exile_server\fsm\main.fsm"; /* If this is enabled, Exile developers will spawn with a ton of pop tabs. We will have a hard time debugging things if you disable this. */ devFriendyMode = 1; devs[] = { "76561197985241690", // Eichi "76561198022879703", // Grim "76561197968999666", // Mr.White^ex "76561198075905447" // Vishpala }; }; class Events { /* A list of events that are active */ enabledEvents[] = {"SupplyBox","AbandonedSafe"}; class SupplyBox // DONT USE IT: WIP BROKEN { /* Drops a supply box on a parachute next to a random airport on the map. The box may contain items. The box can be transported to a territory and installed to become a normal storage container. */ type = "spawn"; function = "ExileServer_system_event_supplyBox_start"; minTime = 15; // minutes maxTime = 30; // minutes minimumPlayersOnline = 0; dropRadius = 500; // 500m around an airport (including the main airport on Altis!) dropAltitude = 100; // altitude of the drop markerTime = 10; // minutes /* These are different types of boxes can be dropped. You can specify the cargo a box should contain. The type of box is chosen randomly from the following list. Add a type multiple times to increase the chance of being used. */ types[] = {"Beer", "Beer", "Tools", "Food", "Food", "RepairParts", "Nades"}; class BoxTypes { class Beer { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_Beer", 24} }; }; class Nades { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_Beer", 10} }; }; class Food { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_BBQSandwich", 5}, {"Exile_Item_Catfood", 5}, {"Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner", 5}, {"Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst", 5}, {"Exile_Item_SausageGravy", 5}, {"Exile_Item_Surstromming", 5}, {"Exile_Item_CanOpener", 1}, {"Exile_Item_CookingPot", 1}, {"Exile_Item_Matches", 1} }; }; class Tools { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_Wrench", 1}, {"Exile_Item_Shovel", 1}, {"Exile_Item_Screwdriver", 1}, {"Exile_Item_Pliers", 1}, {"Exile_Item_Handsaw", 1}, {"Exile_Item_FireExtinguisher", 1}, {"Exile_Item_DuctTape", 1} }; }; class RepairParts { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_CarWheel", 8}, {"Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull", 4}, {"Exile_Item_OilCanister", 1}, {"Exile_Item_Grinder", 1}, {"Exile_Item_CordlessScrewdriver", 1} }; }; }; }; class AbandonedSafe { type = "spawn"; function = "ExileServer_system_event_abandonedSafe_start"; minTime = 60; // minutes maxTime = 120; // minutes minimumPlayersOnline = 0; markerTime = 15; // minutes }; }; }; Any suggestions very much welcomed! Cheers, Ras Edited June 22, 2016 by Rasphelt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fivenine 5 Report post Posted June 22, 2016 same here, and reports of less/broken loot. Could it be caused by this entry from changelog? Quote Tweaked: Geometric occluders for several Tanoa structures were improved Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TMHackSaW 63 Report post Posted June 22, 2016 +1 Bump! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S.L.Y.Toxin 1 Report post Posted June 22, 2016 Same issues here, tried to rollback to vanilla loot settings but nothing happens. any ideas? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rasphelt 21 Report post Posted June 23, 2016 At least at least it's not just me! Has anyone got any idea how to fix this for good? Cheers! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fivenine 5 Report post Posted June 23, 2016 (edited) i just validated server files in steamcmd and it seems to have fixed it, no rpt spam and loot is normal. peeking at almighty @CEN's mission file, it seems he's using a workaround, so no, we are not alone =P Edited June 23, 2016 by Fivenine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TMHackSaW 63 Report post Posted June 23, 2016 3 hours ago, Fivenine said: i just validated server files in steamcmd and it seems to have fixed it, no rpt spam and loot is normal. peeking at almighty @CEN's mission file, it seems he's using a workaround, so no, we are not alone =P How you done it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{ALFA}FSB_RU 1 Report post Posted June 24, 2016 (edited) Spoiler IT WORKS ===================================================================================================== /** * config * * Exile Mod * exile.majormittens.co.uk * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. */ class CfgPatches { class exile_server_config { requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; magazines[] = {}; ammo[] = {}; }; }; class CfgBuildings { class Land_GuardHouse_01_F { table = "Military"; positions[] = {{-6.4729, -6.78223, -0.623522}, {-0.212646, -6.75, -0.623522}, {-6.69873, -1.80469, -0.623522}, {-2.48682, -1.70996, 0.404057}, {-6.25879, -1.6123, 0.400002}, {-2.43555, -2.22363, -0.623522}, {-4.30469, -1.71387, 0.398012}, {-3.32593, -6.51074, -0.623522}, {-4.73584, -2.36621, -0.623522}, {0.0136719, -4.5498, -0.623522}, {-1.60425, -4.4873, -0.623522}}; }; class Land_Shop_Town_01_F { table = "Shop"; positions[] = {{3.55322, -1.54785, -3.24511}, {4.16675, -4.05371, -3.24511}, {-0.406494, 1.60449, -3.24511}, {-3.70898, 2.08984, -3.24511}, {-4.04004, 1.01855, -3.24511}, {-3.00757, -2.9751, -3.24511}, {-3.43042, 5.54541, -3.24511}, {-3.98315, 5.10986, -3.24511}, {-4.07568, 3.30664, -3.24511}, {-0.3479, 5.62256, -3.24511}, {-0.422852, 3.23145, -3.24511}, {-2.47363, -0.0644531, -3.24511}, {0.168457, 12.1387, -5.31843}, {4.28491, -6.87256, -3.24511}, {1.25732, -6.65723, -3.24511}, {-4.40137, -5.25635, -3.24511}, {-4.71509, -6.83984, -3.24511}, {-2.46265, -6.31543, -3.24511}, {-1.30127, 6.58643, -3.24511}}; }; class Land_Shop_Town_03_F { table = "CivillianUpperClass"; positions[] = {{-6.08557, 7.77246, -3.10164}, {-6.24646, 5.04785, -3.10164}, {-0.357178, 7.79004, -3.10164}, {1.11853, 5.17383, -3.10164}, {6.12817, 7.76758, -3.10164}, {6.15955, 1.70703, -3.10164}, {2.49866, 1.83203, -3.10164}, {1.97839, 2.3418, -3.10164}, {6.14722, -5.79297, -3.10164}, {3.13416, -5.60352, -3.10164}, {5.81128, -0.120117, -3.10164}, {1.56311, -0.193359, -3.10164}, {0.474121, -1.25781, -3.10164}, {0.840454, -4.80273, -3.10164}, {-6.00281, -5.74609, -3.10164}, {-4.99548, 0.0107422, -3.10164}, {-5.50684, -0.40918, -3.10164}, {-2.48425, -0.123047, -3.10164}, {-1.98145, -5.71777, -3.10164}, {2.5282, -7.50586, -3.10665}, {-2.74072, -7.65625, -3.10671}}; }; class Land_Shop_Town_04_F { table = "Shop"; positions[] = {{-4.271, -6.58789, -2.43639}, {-2.08765, -6.86523, -2.43639}, {-0.387695, -6.00488, -2.43639}, {3.82544, -6.32227, -2.43639}, {2.31177, -6.5625, -2.43639}, {4.0896, -7.50391, -2.43639}}; }; class Land_Shop_Town_05_F { table = "Shop"; positions[] = {{-7.31812, -6.3457, -2.70163}, {-4.28271, -5.76709, -2.70163}, {0.159912, -5.52246, -2.70163}, {-0.596191, -5.97803, -2.70163}, {3.7561, -5.96924, -2.70163}, {6.52783, -6.48486, -2.70163}, {7.80762, -7.4248, -2.70163}}; }; class Land_FuelStation_02_workshop_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{-0.746704, 7.75488, -1.2575}, {-4.87061, 7.86914, -1.2575}, {-0.752808, -0.219727, -1.2575}, {-2.79639, 1.09473, -1.33811}, {-2.67651, 4.77246, -1.34152}, {-4.58301, -0.145508, -1.2575}, {4.32666, 7.86621, -1.2575}, {0.540283, -0.974609, -1.2575}, {3.2616, 1.43555, -1.2575}, {0.563843, 7.81934, -1.2575}}; }; class Land_Shed_03_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{-1.40601, 1.1875, -0.707935}, {-1.61731, -1.0957, -0.707935}, {2.4491, -0.895508, -0.707935}, {0.0316162, -1.39063, -0.571819}, {0.849365, 1.06934, -0.707935}, {2.09302, 1.1543, -0.707935}, {2.10925, 1.3125, 0.0775452}, {0.706909, 1.24219, 0.0643654}}; }; class Land_House_Small_06_F { table = "CivillianUpperClass"; positions[] = {{2.01978, 1.80859, -1.00212}, {1.18762, -4.6748, -1.00212}, {1.67285, -3.70508, -1.00212}, {-4.05127, -4.46582, -1.00212}, {-3.95984, 1.84082, -1.00212}, {-3.91589, -0.374023, -1.00212}, {-3.77563, 2.88184, -1.00212}, {-3.86584, 4.77539, -1.00212}, {-0.858887, 4.10352, -1.00212}, {1.89844, 2.75781, -1.00212}, {-1.31665, -0.338867, -1.00212}, {-1.78577, -3.53613, -1.00212}}; }; class Land_House_Small_03_F { table = "CivillianUpperClass"; positions[] = {{-3.28223, -1.97412, -1.32402}, {-5.89063, -1.64355, -1.32402}, {-5.76416, 4.60352, -1.32402}, {-3.29199, 3.60889, -1.32402}, {2.13428, 4.63965, -1.32402}, {-1.69409, 3.5542, -1.32402}, {-0.909424, 4.4375, -1.32402}, {-0.585205, -1.69824, -1.32402}, {2.18018, -1.20215, -1.32402}, {0.232666, 1.93311, -1.32402}}; }; class Land_Slum_03_F { table = "CivillianLowerClass"; positions[] = {{-0.0144043, 2.60205, -0.649454}, {-0.0761719, 7.11523, -0.649454}, {-4.4646, 6.53418, -0.649454}, {-4.08423, 7.06445, -0.649454}, {5.0498, 7.30029, -0.649454}, {1.4126, 6.8042, -0.649454}, {1.37109, -0.976563, -0.649454}, {4.86279, -1.17529, -0.649454}, {5.21094, 0.198242, -0.649454}, {3.20142, 3.23633, -0.649454}, {-4.43213, -1.26514, -0.649454}, {-4.03491, 0.771484, -0.649454}, {-0.0783691, -1.20654, -0.649454}, {0.0229492, 1.46582, -0.649454}, {4.29565, -2.54297, -0.649454}, {4.59351, -3.64795, -0.649454}, {-5.19434, -3.76611, -0.649454}, {-6.08496, -2.25049, -0.649454}, {-6.24707, 0.34082, -0.649454}}; }; class Land_Slum_02_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{1.09351, 3.95654, 0.183216}, {2.07837, 3.63184, 0.183216}, {-2.10547, 3.70459, 0.183216}, {-2.1665, -2.37891, 0.183216}, {-2.16748, -3.49121, 0.183216}, {1.8269, -3.38965, 0.183216}, {-0.488281, 0.250488, 0.183216}, {-3.55005, 0.812988, 0.183216}, {3.44409, -0.640625, 0.183216}}; }; class Land_House_Small_05_F { table = "CivillianLowerClass"; positions[] = {{-3.60693, -0.808594, -1.08628}, {1.16772, -0.724609, -1.08667}, {-2.72925, 4.84668, -1.08763}, {-3.39697, 4.11768, -1.08735}, {0.803467, 4.63867, -1.08755}, {-2.40527, -4.48682, -1.08628}, {-2.43921, -2.17773, -1.08627}, {0.877197, -4.69238, -1.08627}}; }; class Land_House_Small_01_F { table = "CivillianLowerClass"; positions[] = {{2.33667, -3.46338, -0.7008}, {1.81274, -2.71973, -0.7008}, {5.70972, -3.24414, -0.700802}, {5.34326, -0.0683594, -0.700801}, {6.17871, 3.28027, -0.700802}, {1.92261, 3.21143, -0.700801}, {1.65381, 2.2959, -0.7008}, {-4.83057, -2.95459, -0.700801}, {-5.55786, -2.45361, -0.7008}, {-5.36719, 2.93506, -0.700802}, {-2.89453, 0.273926, -0.700801}, {0.0129395, -2.48877, -0.700801}, {0.0778809, 2.88281, -0.7008}}; }; class Land_Slum_01_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{3.15576, 0.09375, 0.668514}, {4.90112, -1.42285, 0.668514}, {4.40454, 1.68848, 0.668514}, {0.156494, 1.75586, 0.668515}, {-0.597412, 1.3833, 0.668515}, {1.29199, -1.50635, 0.668514}}; }; class Land_House_Big_01_F { table = "CivillianLowerClass"; positions[] = {{7.04346, -2.25879, -1.01286}, {7.31372, -4.09473, -1.01286}, {4.99683, -3.27393, -1.01287}, {-0.167236, -3.14795, -1.01286}, {-2.15601, -3.65234, -1.01287}, {-7.1106, -4.1958, -1.01286}, {-5.97656, -2.13184, -1.01286}, {0.197021, 4.41162, -1.01287}, {0.518555, 5.31055, -1.01286}, {6.93701, 5.0874, -1.01286}, {2.63892, 2.72461, -1.01287}, {4.20679, 1.1416, -1.01286}, {6.02563, -1.00439, -1.01287}, {7.48022, -0.573242, -1.01286}, {0.504639, -0.665527, -1.01286}}; }; class Land_House_Big_03_F { table = "CivillianUpperClass"; positions[] = {{3.70166, -1.35352, -3.17496}, {2.75317, -1.63428, -3.17496}, {2.64575, -5.13818, -3.17496}, {9.02075, -3.83643, -3.17496}, {8.15771, -2.09082, -3.17496}, {5.51807, -3.1084, -3.17496}, {10.364, 0.452637, -3.17496}, {10.5693, 3.49023, -3.17496}, {5.1311, 2.13525, -3.17496}, {1.87866, 3.48486, -3.17496}, {4.86597, 0.508789, -3.17496}, {-11.9456, -5.63525, -0.111647}, {-9.28564, -4.12061, -0.111647}, {-6.46948, -5.62891, -0.111647}, {-12.6267, -2.0293, -0.111647}, {-11.2593, -0.172852, -0.111647}, {-11.3154, 3.16357, -0.111647}, {-12.8171, 5.07129, -0.111647}, {-12.2981, 6.13672, -0.111647}, {-6.99951, 6.27148, -0.111647}, {-8.85083, 5.05078, -0.111647}, {-4.62695, 4.84619, -0.111647}, {-1.74854, 4.78174, -0.111647}, {10.6353, 5.12256, -0.111647}, {8.76978, 4.68213, -0.111647}, {2.69629, 6.32129, -0.111647}, {6.32275, 5.44092, -0.111647}, {10.4875, 0.36377, -0.111647}, {9.16211, -3.43359, -0.111647}, {10.6365, -4.45996, -0.111647}, {6.2854, -4.26709, -0.111647}, {5.05103, -5.229, -0.111647}, {-1.55347, -4.38428, -0.111647}, {2.4126, -1.0249, -0.090538}, {2.34717, -2.96924, -0.090538}, {5.99829, -1.94873, -0.090538}, {7.37891, -0.456055, -0.090538}, {7.30396, 2.37451, -0.090538}, {4.25562, 1.86523, -0.090538}, {2.79541, 3.3501, -0.090538}, {10.6575, 4.97266, -3.20496}, {7.94629, 6.24365, -3.20496}, {4.12646, 4.70117, -3.20496}, {1.81421, 6.03271, -3.20496}}; }; class Land_House_Big_05_F { table = "CivillianUpperClass"; positions[] = {{-8.95288, -5.52734, -1.50791}, {-8.83948, -4.35938, -1.50791}, {-4.01025, -5.74561, -1.50986}, {2.75012, -5.67334, -1.50986}, {-2.81836, -4.32666, -1.50986}, {-1.53357, -5.23438, -1.50986}, {8.49512, -4.07178, -1.10227}, {4.82849, -5.27051, -1.10227}, {3.91382, -4.39795, -1.10227}, {5.74927, -4.05029, -1.10227}, {4.77527, 4.8335, -1.11541}, {4.84717, 6.1001, -1.11541}, {2.68542, 6.5625, -1.50986}, {-2.92773, 4.78906, -1.50986}, {-1.89612, 5.91357, -1.50986}, {-3.84973, 6.42383, -1.50986}, {-4.05066, 4.82617, -1.50986}, {-8.33398, 5.5542, -1.50889}}; }; class Land_Warehouse_03_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{4.78613, 2.24512, -2.3641}, {4.85083, -0.297363, -2.36194}, {4.88794, -5.33154, -2.35767}, {-9.62817, 5.14404, -2.36656}, {-10.4541, 4.50928, -2.36602}, {-9.80249, -5.28369, -2.35771}, {-10.49, -4.80518, -2.35812}, {-7.44214, -1.5459, -2.36088}, {-3.87427, 2.03369, -2.36392}, {0.0302734, -1.84717, -2.36063}, {4.72656, -0.0195313, 0.127092}, {4.69336, -5.25977, 0.144127}, {7.875, -5.24854, 0.144682}, {7.9917, 4.60303, 0.125759}, {6.13037, 3.62256, 0.12764}, {6.59644, -1.12402, 0.136759}, {6.04639, -5.15479, 0.144501}, {6.90649, -4.95752, -2.35799}, {5.77515, -4.92041, -2.35802}, {6.69263, -1.57764, -2.36086}, {5.87378, 0.773438, -2.36285}, {7.02271, 4.44629, -2.36596}, {5.65991, 5.17627, -2.36658}}; }; class Land_Airport_02_controlTower_F { table = "Military"; positions[] = {{-0.429688, -1.96875, -10.7892}, {-0.326172, 0.284668, -10.7892}, {1.25537, -2.19531, -10.7892}, {1.51953, -4.55469, -10.7892}, {-1.19678, 0.783691, -7.55552}, {0.82666, 0.466309, -7.55552}, {1.12402, -3.61768, -7.55552}, {-0.554199, -4.54639, -7.55552}, {-0.984863, 0.419922, -4.3219}, {0.989746, 0.48291, -4.3219}, {1.10547, -1.75928, -4.3219}, {0.363281, 0.518066, -1.08827}, {1.13574, -1.47266, -1.08827}, {1.15088, -4.3042, -1.08827}, {2.43896, 1.75439, 2.14536}, {3.90576, 0.437012, 2.14536}, {-1.30566, 0.905273, 2.14536}, {-2.5625, 2.23193, 2.14536}, {-3.99756, 0.565918, 2.14536}, {-4.11035, 7.87793, 2.14536}, {2.16064, 5.15527, 2.14536}, {2.2583, 4.22363, 2.14536}, {2.18164, 4.17529, 2.62866}, {2.18311, 5.49756, 2.63117}, {2.37549, 5.59814, 3.08886}, {1.75098, 6.45166, 3.09734}, {2.16162, 4.56787, 3.08514}, {-0.760254, 6.57764, 2.14536}, {0.76709, 6.47705, 2.14536}, {-2.13428, 5.54004, 2.63848}, {-2.10986, 4.90381, 2.14536}, {-2.05713, 6.16162, 2.14536}, {-2.1333, 4.52148, 2.61281}, {-1.99951, 6.19092, 3.10232}, {-2.1123, 4.11572, 3.08173}, {-2.15479, 5.229, 3.09281}, {0.00292969, 6.54736, 3.11131}}; }; class Land_Airport_01_hangar_F { table = "Military"; positions[] = {{-11.3301, -8.72363, -2.67854}, {-13.248, -6.14844, -2.67854}, {-13.9067, -2.40381, -2.67854}, {-12.707, 4.36914, -2.67854}, {-13.7236, 12.9863, -2.67854}, {-1.58838, 15.1011, -2.67854}, {9.07275, 15.1919, -2.67854}, {14.1782, 15.3516, -2.67854}, {14.585, 13.6147, -2.67854}, {12.3237, -8.86377, -2.67854}, {13.4214, -1.55762, -2.67854}, {12.9424, 5.5376, -2.67854}, {4.46533, 6.51953, -2.67854}, {-1.73828, -3.08789, -2.67854}, {3.59229, -4.25781, -2.67854}, {-7.16016, 6.4126, -2.67854}}; }; class Land_Airport_02_hangar_right_F { table = "Military"; positions[] = {{-16.2373, 17.2637, -7.73318}, {-9.04443, 19.2329, -7.73318}, {-12.8008, 19.2485, -7.73318}, {3.86523, 18.9385, -7.73318}, {11.8101, 6.46729, -7.73318}, {5.13086, 5.84326, -7.73318}, {11.2583, 3.25049, -7.73318}, {10.8652, -11.853, -7.73318}, {7.34424, -12.3013, -4.92663}, {10.1089, -12.438, -4.92663}, {11.6875, -12.1294, -4.92663}, {7.95215, -12.3911, -7.73318}, {5.32715, -19.1304, -7.25663}, {4.96484, -25.3257, -7.25663}, {-4.95996, 19.9692, -4.69663}, {-10.7378, 18.8066, -4.69663}, {-16.5405, 20.0557, -4.69663}, {-15.6768, 19.0874, -1.29663}, {-16.7349, 20.0645, -1.29663}, {-9.58105, 20.1123, -1.29663}, {-2.9292, 20.0938, -1.29663}, {4.71826, 20.2236, -1.29663}, {4.47949, 15.6196, -1.29663}, {4.27002, 9.32422, -1.29663}, {4.34229, 0.256348, -1.29663}, {4.39697, -9.84375, -1.29666}, {4.34961, -15.0371, -1.2967}, {4.38623, -23.9995, -1.29686}, {-4.84863, -14.355, -7.73318}, {-6.12256, -6.03076, -7.73318}, {-10.666, 4.30762, -7.73318}}; }; class Land_Airport_02_hangar_left_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{17.0986, 20.084, -4.67979}, {12.5278, 20.1421, -4.67979}, {6.95068, 20.1387, -4.67979}, {-1.32715, 19.9556, -4.67979}, {-3.21826, 20.249, -1.26053}, {6.09814, 20.1445, -1.26053}, {12.5967, 20, -1.26053}, {-1.58008, 18.7856, -7.71553}, {-2.72461, 15.1431, -7.71553}, {-11.0146, 5.85889, -7.71553}, {-11.3511, 2.50488, -7.71553}, {-7.69189, 6.10791, -7.71553}, {-8.57959, -6.24219, -7.71553}, {-5.12842, -5.7915, -7.23979}, {-5.1499, 0.726074, -7.23979}, {-5.771, -23.9902, -7.71553}, {-4.88525, -25.6055, -7.23979}, {-12.3647, -21.9063, -7.23979}, {-12.4644, -13.9072, -7.23979}, {-12.4458, -2.44189, -7.23979}, {-5.84082, -12.1401, -7.23979}, {7.24072, 2.5332, -7.71553}, {3.55225, -6.19385, -7.71553}, {4.61377, -14.5024, -7.71553}, {-7.61719, -24.9385, -0.735795}, {-9.70508, -10.9678, -1.20645}, {-11.8389, 0.195313, -1.68745}, {-9.4834, 1.9502, -1.15648}, {-4.8457, -23.2188, -1.26053}, {-4.23535, -14.0894, -1.26053}, {-4.19189, -6.74414, -1.26053}, {-4.2793, -0.050293, -1.26053}, {-4.42725, 10.7524, -1.26053}, {12.0488, 8.58545, -7.71553}}; }; class Land_Airport_01_controlTower_F { table = "Military"; positions[] = {{3.12891, 3.44019, 4.21085}, {-3.29883, 3.6521, 4.2096}, {2.72852, -1.95508, 4.21085}, {-0.290039, -2.03296, 4.20925}, {-3.24121, -0.573242, 4.20719}, {-2.28613, -2.09937, 4.20935}, {-4.50586, -4.09521, -2.98227}, {-4.45898, 2.44092, 4.20401}, {1.65039, -0.758545, 7.91645}, {1.86133, 3.05347, 7.91645}, {-1.99805, 0.14502, 7.91645}, {0.398438, -0.871826, 4.65663}, {0.283203, -0.931885, 5.56568}, {-0.827148, -0.865479, 5.59235}, {-0.699219, -0.927979, 4.65663}, {-0.220703, -0.995361, 5.13354}, {1.60059, 0.147705, 4.65663}, {-1.55957, 2.1958, 4.65663}, {1.65527, 1.14844, 5.57225}, {-0.918945, 2.82593, 5.57962}, {-0.801758, 2.73633, 4.65663}, {0.484375, 2.73364, 4.65663}, {0.425781, 2.81714, 5.59937}, {-0.0976563, 2.8689, 5.14259}}; }; class Land_Airport_01_terminal_F { table = "Military"; positions[] = {{8.75781, 8.57056, -4.01484}, {7.00488, 4.35425, -3.57394}, {5.87891, 4.33643, -3.57394}, {9.45605, 4.21777, -4.01237}, {8.59082, 4.34668, -3.57394}, {8.71094, 4.21118, -4.01546}, {6.61914, 4.26587, -4.02287}, {-1.80176, -4.76538, -4.1052}, {-1.02051, -4.7417, -4.10831}, {1.6084, -4.72559, -4.11732}, {-1.86719, -3.1958, -4.1054}, {1.14063, -2.23096, -4.11529}, {2.32227, -3.22192, -4.11977}, {-8.25391, 4.63403, -3.98237}, {-8.71973, 5.46045, -3.98237}, {-9.12402, 8.72852, -3.98237}, {-4.79883, 8.51099, -3.98237}, {8.08008, -6.14819, -4.00997}, {5.92676, -6.07056, -4.00997}, {5.16895, -6.08984, -4.00997}, {7.24414, -8.24707, -4.00997}, {8.44531, -8.33423, -4.00997}, {8.32715, -8.23218, -3.57168}, {2.19238, -2.13135, -3.66685}, {1.4209, -2.19775, -3.66685}, {1.5752, -0.675537, -3.66685}, {-0.673828, -0.708252, -3.66685}, {-1.75195, -0.638184, -3.66685}, {-1.18066, -2.14111, -3.66685}, {-1.37988, -1.58569, -4.10707}, {0.0361328, -2.75098, -4.11193}, {2.15039, -4.69092, -3.66685}, {1.15332, -4.72119, -3.66685}, {-1.29004, -4.70557, -3.66685}, {1.21484, -3.29663, -3.66685}, {-1.21191, -3.32544, -3.66685}, {4.6748, 8.74097, -4.02977}, {4.80078, 4.45215, -4.02932}, {8.48535, -6.37744, -3.57548}, {7.4707, -6.38843, -3.57548}, {4.98145, -6.29736, -3.57283}, {5.11719, -8.20264, -3.57168}, {5.92578, -8.17554, -3.57168}, {5.63184, -9.41211, -3.57168}, {5.1084, -9.29883, -4.00997}, {7.96777, -9.4231, -3.57283}, {8.48242, -9.38452, -4.00997}, {7.31543, -9.34302, -4.00997}, {5.22363, -10.8567, -4.00997}, {9.77734, -6.36621, -4.00997}, {-13.1787, 0.232666, -4.02741}, {-14.9287, 2.73755, -4.02741}, {-15.1641, -1.63232, -4.04361}, {-10.8916, -1.88086, -4.05472}}; }; class Land_Shed_07_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{2.90381, 1.52686, -1.39403}, {3.84326, 1.24365, -1.39403}, {4.04736, -1.8999, -1.39403}, {1.04004, -1.02637, -1.39403}, {-2.24463, -1.53833, -1.39403}, {-4.42725, -1.08008, -1.39403}, {-4.2915, 1.37915, -1.39403}, {-0.127197, 1.55103, -1.39403}}; }; class Land_Addon_04_F { table = "CivillianUpperClass"; positions[] = {{6.08008, -1.55371, 0.328293}, {4.72803, -1.16602, 0.333342}, {5.91943, 1.73926, 0.331083}, {5.43799, 6.34473, 0.352705}, {4.03613, 3.27344, 0.333342}, {0.870605, 4.46875, 0.333342}, {-3.01221, 2.9873, 0.333342}, {-5.51221, 4.73438, 0.333342}, {3.5376, -6.31152, 0.333342}, {0.933594, -6.47363, 0.333342}, {2.17725, -2.31738, 0.333342}, {-1.90381, -0.450195, 0.333342}, {-3.3501, 2.02832, 0.333342}, {1.18555, 0.706055, 0.333342}, {3.19287, 1.55469, 0.333342}, {-1.68652, -4.55371, 0.333342}, {-2.66846, -2.58789, 0.333342}, {-4.75586, -7.16699, 0.333342}, {-5.74365, -5.19238, 0.333342}, {-5.56299, -2.03906, 0.333342}, {-5.08643, 0.508789, 0.333342}, {-4.86963, -0.192383, -3.12923}, {-5.02979, 2.9043, -3.12943}, {5.08984, 0.238281, -3.13096}}; }; class Land_MobileCrane_01_hook_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{10.4067, -5.92578, -19.4707}, {7.99512, -3.83496, -19.6385}, {6.6875, 2.80762, -19.0873}, {6.7373, -1.28906, -19.0873}, {10.1455, -2.37793, -19.0873}, {10.3223, 2.59766, -19.0873}, {11.2314, 4.34375, -19.6385}, {8.0918, 5.35254, -19.4707}, {12.1216, 5.69141, -19.4707}, {13.7627, 2.5127, -14.0242}, {13.8828, -1.28711, -14.0242}, {8.28613, -2.58496, -14.0242}, {15.103, -0.131836, -12.802}, {9.63574, 0.213867, -14.0242}, {7.81104, 2.22559, -14.0242}, {7.82813, 3.19629, -14.0242}}; }; class Land_Shop_City_02_F { table = "Shop"; positions[] = {{-10.3462, -2.58887, -4.36204}, {-8.44727, -3.45313, -4.36204}, {-8.49121, -7.74219, -4.36204}, {-2.82861, -6.38086, -4.36296}, {-2.3501, -5.35352, -4.36327}, {0.0229492, -5.03613, -4.36337}, {1.73584, -7.52441, -4.36261}, {4.26025, -8.08008, -4.36231}, {3.75879, -2.16309, -4.36349}, {1.70947, -2.09766, -4.36389}, {8.08008, -4.23828, -4.36229}, {7.56299, -2.72559, -4.36244}, {5.22461, -6.04004, -4.3625}, {1.4248, -0.462891, -4.36425}, {1.39014, 2.41797, -4.36431}, {4.44434, 0.821289, -4.36338}, {6.93896, 1.59473, -4.36263}, {4.69482, 7.69043, -4.36818}, {4.87354, 9.95117, -4.36795}, {6.88623, 9.28125, -4.36506}}; }; class Land_Shop_City_06_F { table = "CivillianUpperClass"; positions[] = {{7.74902, 3.85254, -0.319889}, {6.6958, 2.48633, -0.319988}, {1.03174, 3.14844, -0.320154}, {-4.5127, 2.52344, -0.319836}, {-1.44141, 8.125, -0.319977}, {-4.06104, 7.47363, -0.32004}, {-3.57471, -3.52734, -4.04827}, {-5.4458, 3.56738, -4.0485}, {-4.08203, 7.62012, -4.04863}, {-5.22656, 8.53906, -4.04866}, {-6.54639, -0.0927734, -4.04838}, {11.0625, -4.94727, 4.35543}, {7.18457, -6.57715, 4.50556}, {0.263184, -5.79785, 4.433}, {-10.603, -6.78125, 4.52288}, {-4.17041, 3.03027, 3.6176}, {2.55762, 2.02637, 3.71089}, {-9.40723, 8.06152, 3.15264}, {-1.23828, 8.79004, 3.08611}, {2.62354, 2.875, -4.38203}, {2.94189, 8.16406, -2.34277}, {0.72168, 8.2373, -2.34277}, {0.591797, 5.72754, -4.37926}, {-5.2417, -6.38379, -4.04818}}; }; class Land_FireEscape_01_tall_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{-0.638184, 3.12012, 4.23783}, {-1.96387, 3.19922, 4.23783}, {-0.783203, -0.561523, 2.48033}, {-1.83203, -0.787109, 2.48033}, {-0.69873, 2.94531, 0.730329}, {-1.67725, 2.93457, 0.730329}, {-0.657715, 2.86816, -2.77967}, {-1.63574, 2.84766, -2.77967}, {-1.95752, -0.21582, 5.98783}, {-0.708496, -0.522461, 5.98783}, {-0.693359, -0.44043, -1.02967}, {-1.8335, -0.480469, -1.02967}}; }; class Land_Hotel_01_F { table = "Tourist"; positions[] = {{5.81836, -5.41309, -3.06397}, {5.96631, 4.70801, -2.90175}, {6.24121, 7.9209, -2.87463}, {1.21582, 7.53223, -2.62544}, {-5.47656, 7.34375, -2.28687}, {-7.65186, 4.41016, -2.20259}, {-7.22656, -3.28223, -2.35497}, {-7.55078, -4.26855, 1.36996}, {-3.19043, -6.20313, 1.11567}, {3.22021, -6.09668, 0.776737}, {5.97998, -5.6582, 0.648781}, {5.9624, -1.72656, 0.717218}, {5.91357, 6.8418, 0.856628}, {1.3418, 7.42969, 1.093}, {-8.49121, 7.93945, 1.60076}, {-5.1333, 7.58398, 1.42019}, {-7.34082, 2.70215, 1.48211}, {-7.59766, 6.78613, 4.7948}, {-7.74414, 8.47559, 4.8088}, {-4.34229, 7.46582, 4.63043}, {-1.33984, 7.97852, 4.47863}, {6.25244, 7.97656, 4.10006}, {6.35791, 4.64844, 4.05271}, {6.12744, 0.932617, 4.00882}, {6.20459, -3.66797, 3.92453}, {6.39746, -6.55273, 3.86205}, {4.1582, -6.22461, 3.97682}, {0.42627, -5.9873, 4.17702}, {-7.1377, -6.39844, 4.56384}, {-7.71631, 0.834961, 4.72307}, {-6.11133, 7.51855, 7.54562}, {-7.99707, 7.94434, 7.64884}, {-7.71875, 3.96191, 7.59719}, {-7.63574, -0.422852, 7.52102}, {1.21582, 7.54785, 7.17542}, {6.21289, 7.82129, 6.92729}, {6.11865, 5.45605, 6.90131}, {5.9292, 1.40723, 6.85237}, {5.83643, -5.29004, 6.7383}, {1.91602, -6.0332, 6.92258}, {-3.17432, -5.93457, 7.19489}, {-7.52539, -5.78027, 7.42011}, {3.40381, -1.66992, 6.92299}, {4.18701, -4.52148, 6.83291}, {-2.4082, -1.82129, 7.22051}, {-4.96924, -4.14258, 7.31444}, {-5.46436, -2.19434, 7.37528}, {-0.777344, 0.992188, 7.1842}, {-0.696289, 5.09668, 7.24175}, {-0.209473, 5.82031, 4.40107}, {-1.25977, 2.875, 4.41312}, {-0.84082, 0.610352, 4.35566}, {4.02979, 1.32324, 4.11424}, {1.5791, 1.0498, 4.23811}, {-5.40576, 1.25684, 4.60395}, {-3.71729, 0.428711, 4.50065}, {-0.333984, -3.96387, 0.999922}, {-1.00781, -1.48242, 1.07708}, {3.27832, 0.720703, 0.892225}, {-1.24316, 3.98438, 1.17898}, {-0.182129, 5.92578, 1.15111}, {-5.79102, 1.24707, 1.37436}, {-2.53418, 2, -2.51141}, {-0.459961, 0.535156, -2.63993}, {1.08105, 2.35254, -2.68958}, {-1.61816, -3.91895, -2.65595}, {2.75879, -4.1416, -2.88847}, {4.39893, -3.30859, -2.9571}, {4.24121, 5.33105, -2.80604}, {-5.48633, 5.11133, -2.31328}, {-5.85449, -1.13965, -2.38603}, {-5.75244, -4.0918, -2.44583}, {-2.95215, -3.93945, -2.58527}}; }; class Land_House_Big_02_F { table = "CivillianUpperClass"; positions[] = {{-5.38965, -0.0117188, -1.4429}, {-5.92383, -0.867188, -1.4429}, {-9.96143, 3.0752, -1.4429}, {-9.85547, -0.262695, -1.4429}, {-0.147949, 8.71582, -1.44289}, {-1.56982, 5.40137, -1.44289}, {-5.88135, 8.43652, -1.44289}, {4.69141, 1.66406, -1.4429}, {3.33691, 3.34473, -1.4429}, {0.278809, 1.78711, -1.4429}, {8.93945, -7.57129, -1.4429}, {6.57324, -7.45508, -1.4429}, {8.21191, -3.38867, -1.4429}, {8.51514, 1.82617, -1.4429}, {9.44727, 6.59082, -1.4429}, {5.25684, 8.20215, -1.4429}}; }; class Land_House_Big_04_F { table = "CivillianUpperClass"; positions[] = {{3.46924, -6.83691, -2.94859}, {4.19141, -2.40527, -2.94859}, {-2.6543, -6.9834, -2.94859}, {-9.19629, -7.30273, -2.94958}, {-8.33594, -4.74609, -2.95113}, {-8.25928, 7.22852, -2.94941}, {-9.02588, 5.85352, -2.94988}, {-4.96777, 5.89746, -2.9521}, {2.12842, 6.45801, -2.94978}, {-9.18555, 1.36816, -2.9496}, {-7.50244, -1.25, -2.95263}, {12.2466, -7.49707, 0.281517}, {9.75488, -6.30859, 0.273285}, {4.80566, -6.81641, 0.275465}, {-0.527832, -7.18066, 0.277033}, {-8.43652, -7.87793, 0.280037}, {0.922852, 0.0712891, 0.301416}, {-5.82275, 4.2832, 0.301416}, {-4.8418, 1.57422, 0.301416}, {-1.12598, 3.03711, 0.301416}, {4.41357, 1.1582, 0.301416}, {3.97168, 4.16797, 0.301416}, {4.44922, 5.92871, 0.284479}, {2.39844, 7.09766, 0.288185}, {-3.16455, 6.68848, 0.295219}, {-8.15674, 7.03711, 0.289227}, {-7.95068, 0.640625, 0.276619}, {-5.11914, -0.322266, -2.94859}}; }; class Land_School_01_F { table = "Tourist"; positions[] = {{3.63867, -2.31543, -1.24016}, {2.27197, 3.30664, -1.25486}, {-1.625, 0.362305, -1.24878}, {-3.81543, 3.77637, -1.25486}, {-3.74854, -1.69922, -1.25304}, {-2.78271, -2.45801, -1.25085}, {-5.12451, 4.30078, -1.25486}, {-5.49561, -0.926758, -1.24511}, {-9.35254, 1.3877, -1.25251}, {-13.0352, -1.79785, -1.25278}, {-14.0796, 3.96191, -1.25486}, {13.8433, -2.17383, -1.25211}, {13.8872, 3.78809, -1.25338}, {6.13135, -2.33105, -1.24912}, {5.47266, -1.83789, -1.2513}, {5.12646, 4.08105, -1.25402}, {-11.4565, -5.02539, -1.3499}, {-3.29639, -5.37305, -1.3499}, {2.88965, -4.8457, -1.3499}, {7.22705, -4.50098, -1.3499}, {13.1548, -5.2627, -1.3499}}; }; class Land_FuelStation_01_pump_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{1.15674, 0.0078125, -1.36108}, {-1.07373, -0.0351563, -1.39795}}; }; class Land_FuelStation_01_shop_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{-4.69727, -2.14453, -2.01301}, {-2.59766, -2.2002, -2.01301}, {2.01807, -0.581055, -2.01301}, {1.02441, 0.138672, -2.01301}, {2.10059, -4.86719, -2.01301}, {-4.71338, -0.104492, -2.01301}, {-2.8501, -0.0498047, -2.01301}, {-4.16309, -0.983398, -0.973061}, {-2.09229, -1.22461, -0.972653}, {5.63916, -6.1709, -2.01301}, {1.1958, -6.08301, -2.01301}}; }; class Land_FuelStation_01_workshop_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{-4.69287, 3.0791, -2.35666}, {-4.97607, -5.20996, -2.35666}, {4.99707, 2.0918, -2.35666}, {4.37695, 3.00195, -2.35666}, {4.49023, -4.72461, -2.35666}, {-0.0332031, -0.231445, -2.35666}}; }; class Land_Addon_01_F { table = "Medical"; positions[] = {{0.304199, 2.24414, 0.140453}, {-0.147461, 2.9834, 0.0387487}, {0.157227, 4.22852, -0.109662}, {0.282715, -2.23535, 0.421037}, {-0.514648, -3.12402, 0.355199}, {0.273926, -4.48047, 0.426419}}; }; class Land_Hotel_02_F { table = "Tourist"; positions[] = {{-2.73584, -12.7578, -3.38828}, {-1.29248, -8.97559, -3.38828}, {-2.54492, -5.15234, -3.38828}, {-1.68164, 0.816406, -3.38828}, {-7.29639, 3.52539, -3.38828}, {-8.03369, 2.27832, -3.38828}, {-8.36279, -1.96484, -3.38828}, {5.52832, 3.78613, -3.38828}, {6.68457, 0.34668, -3.38828}, {4.51123, 0.333008, -3.38828}, {4.56934, -0.608398, -3.38828}, {5.51514, 0.443359, -2.55228}, {7.60449, 0.43457, -2.55228}, {6.70605, 0.693359, -2.30189}, {4.38428, -0.487305, -2.55228}, {-2.51514, 14.3379, -3.38828}, {-1.55908, 10.5371, -3.38828}, {-2.20215, 7.38086, -3.38828}, {4.2749, 3.19434, 0.226006}, {2.79004, -0.918945, 0.226006}, {4.53125, -0.235352, 0.226006}, {0.655762, 2.92383, 0.107925}, {-7.02832, 3.03906, 0.107925}, {-7.92725, 2.25391, 0.107925}, {-8.27148, -1.31445, 0.107933}, {-1.37646, -0.891602, 0.107925}, {-8.80811, 14.5732, -3.38828}, {-8.64307, 10.9297, -3.38828}, {-8.62158, 8.83301, -3.38828}, {-8.63379, 6.19629, -3.38828}, {-8.5376, -3.22852, -3.38828}, {-8.63574, -4.65137, -3.38828}, {-8.69238, -7.95703, -3.38828}, {-8.50635, -10.7744, -3.38828}, {-8.62158, -13.2773, -3.38828}, {-9.96729, 3.60059, -3.39285}, {-9.979, -2.0957, -3.39284}, {-10.144, -0.491211, -3.39284}, {5.45117, -8.99121, -3.2175}, {5.20654, -6.60254, -3.38828}, {5.21484, -3.40918, -3.38828}, {5.2373, -13.4609, -3.38828}, {9.2876, -1.94629, -3.38828}, {9.20752, 4.11816, -3.38828}, {8.93848, 4.70996, -3.38828}, {5.22852, 5.30078, -3.38828}, {5.21826, 6.89063, -3.38828}, {5.2334, 9.39648, -3.38828}, {5.2124, 15.0771, -3.38828}}; }; class Land_Offices_01_V1_F { table = "Medical"; positions[] = {{7.89746, -8.59473, -7.06043}, {11.9399, -8.49023, -7.06043}, {12.3022, -0.46875, -7.06043}, {-0.706543, -6.36035, -7.06043}, {1.44092, -1.39453, -7.06043}, {0.419922, 3.62793, -7.06043}, {7.17578, 6.82617, -7.06043}, {-15.0703, 4.96191, -7.06043}, {-8.02393, 7.33203, -7.06043}, {-3.05469, 5.62012, -7.06043}, {6.97852, 2.81055, -3.16086}, {6.96436, -4.83398, -3.16087}, {3.99561, -6.39063, -3.16043}, {-0.182617, 2.94629, -3.16441}, {6.40381, -6.88184, 0.740059}, {4.79883, -1.41211, 0.746223}, {6.93799, 2.86816, 0.752487}, {-0.567383, 3.24902, 0.752846}, {5.87207, -6.60938, 4.66267}, {11.6812, -6.46484, 4.66428}, {8.75781, -0.666016, 4.66355}, {3.62305, -1.02832, 4.66319}, {12.2109, -0.321289, 4.66441}, {3.9248, 3.78613, 4.66439}, {7.08838, 2.75684, 4.66413}, {-14.1367, 7.06836, 9.84457}, {-12.9414, -0.146484, 9.84457}, {-8.78955, -0.470703, 9.84457}, {-3.88379, -9.95801, 9.84457}, {10.0752, -4.93945, 9.84457}, {9.80322, 6.58789, 9.84457}, {-2.14844, -0.257813, 9.84457}}; }; class Land_i_Shed_Ind_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{-2.7876, -0.868164, -1.41121}, {-8.48779, 8.51563, -1.41121}, {-3.61426, 8.57031, -1.41121}, {1.50049, 8.46289, -1.41121}, {15.0688, 8.30176, -1.41121}, {11.7773, 8.51367, -1.41121}, {10.6572, 8.51074, -1.41121}, {6.35986, 8.59863, -1.41121}, {5.625, 8.58105, -1.41121}, {0.336426, 8.50195, -1.41121}, {-4.83594, 8.5293, -1.41121}, {-3.72705, -1.53125, -1.41121}, {0.557129, -1.47266, -1.41121}, {1.30078, -1.54102, -1.41121}, {5.47217, -1.52148, -1.41121}, {6.48779, -1.55176, -1.41121}, {10.5698, -1.40039, -1.41121}, {15.5, -1.29785, -1.41121}, {-5.55127, -1.46289, -1.41121}, {-5.03223, -0.697266, -1.41121}, {-8.3457, 1.99902, -1.41121}, {-5.09082, 1.8457, -1.41121}, {0.958008, 4.28125, -1.41121}, {8.10938, 4.57227, -1.6962}, {-3.13672, 2.25488, -1.41121}}; }; class Land_Cathedral_01_F { table = "Military"; positions[] = {{-4.34082, -14.1218, -12.8157}, {4.45898, -14.1274, -12.8157}, {-12.1318, -18.0562, -11.2572}, {12.127, -18.0066, -11.2572}, {12.5264, -14.6289, -10.1463}, {12.3779, -13.0964, -10.1463}, {11.9795, -9.37939, -11.2862}, {6.68945, -11.9595, -8.83364}, {9.82715, -12.0715, -8.83382}, {6.58203, -15.7104, -8.83364}, {9.8877, -15.6169, -8.83313}, {7.36133, -0.947754, -9.41574}, {8.96387, -6.38379, -9.41574}, {-3.88672, -15.437, -7.8356}, {1.23145, -13.051, -7.8356}, {4.45898, -15.3723, -7.8356}, {-10.0801, -15.7937, -8.83284}, {-9.92773, -11.9407, -8.8339}, {-6.31738, -15.7854, -8.83364}, {-6.57715, -12.0193, -8.83364}, {-7.64355, -8.78638, -9.41574}, {-9.13574, -1.32593, -9.41574}, {-7.91895, -3.96948, -9.41574}, {-12.3994, -13.1277, -10.1463}, {-12.1074, -14.8564, -10.1463}, {-11.1758, -9.67212, -11.2862}, {-12.6689, -8.9668, -11.2862}}; }; class Land_PierConcrete_01_16m_F { table = "CivillianLowerClass"; positions[] = {{1.81348, 4.6377, 9.65428}, {-2.97217, 4.5918, 9.65428}, {-2.81592, -5.22949, 9.65428}, {2.43457, -5.15332, 9.65428}, {-0.364258, 1.85352, 9.65428}, {-0.322266, -1.99902, 9.65428}}; }; class Land_Mausoleum_01_F { table = "Tourist"; positions[] = {{1.49365, 1.62305, -1.90157}, {1.3335, -0.351563, -1.90005}, {-0.10498, 2.4707, -1.90872}, {-2.12061, 1.81348, -1.90234}, {-2.52393, -1.64844, -1.90773}, {1.75586, -2.50098, -1.90771}}; }; class Land_House_Small_04_F { table = "CivillianUpperClass"; positions[] = {{-1.68848, -5.91309, -0.866206}, {-1.67236, -8.25195, -0.866206}, {3.82275, -8.60059, -0.866206}, {1.14893, -8.18457, -0.866206}, {-1.06201, -4.6084, -0.866206}, {-1.81006, -3.80371, -0.866205}, {3.77344, -4.39063, -0.866206}, {3.85693, -0.549805, -0.866206}, {0.609375, 3.60449, -0.866207}, {-0.633301, 0.290039, -0.866207}, {0.448242, -2.04688, -0.866207}, {-4.32959, 3.49023, -0.866206}, {-3.0625, 3.87402, -0.866205}, {-4.67627, -3.46777, -0.866206}, {-4.0083, -2.20508, -0.866207}}; }; class Land_SCF_01_warehouse_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{5.64746, -1.42871, 6.35505}, {5.52246, 1.07715, 6.30599}, {5.5415, 3.63965, 6.31342}, {5.56055, 6.59863, 6.32087}, {0.605469, -5.13867, 3.53}, {4.7832, -7.54395, 5.0955}, {5.17773, 17.1719, 5.24449}, {-2.1543, 12.8828, 2.86622}, {-8.01953, 12.4287, 2.66011}, {-1.97705, -9.18555, 2.56227}, {-2.03906, 2.09668, 2.54717}, {7.21973, -0.974609, 6.17683}, {7.62451, 2.99902, 6.02115}, {7.36816, 6.38965, 6.11976}, {14.1685, -8.28906, 2.64989}, {14.5454, 15.7363, 2.50928}, {7.91406, 16.0166, 4.94738}, {10.1812, 5.06543, 4.11532}}; }; class Land_StorageTank_01_small_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{9.33545, 11.2529, 0.123444}, {-1.51172, 11.2725, 2.28095}, {4.00977, 6.23242, 3.65322}, {-9.95947, 5.18066, 2.25264}, {-0.689453, -0.884766, 4.88674}, {1.0874, 0.75, 4.88674}, {-10.1851, -3.75684, 2.27525}, {-13.9302, 2.41797, 0.519463}, {-16.4307, 0.84668, -1.05007}, {-6.12744, -9.93848, 1.69502}, {5.67822, -7.27246, 2.79579}}; }; class Land_WaterTower_01_F { table = "CivillianLowerClass"; positions[] = {{0.783691, -0.460938, 3.76693}, {-0.86377, -0.539063, 3.76693}, {0.325195, 0.704102, 3.85298}}; }; class Land_House_Small_02_F { table = "CivillianLowerClass"; positions[] = {{-0.0625, -5.54102, -0.715641}, {-0.12207, -1.00098, -0.715641}, {-4.02344, -1.12891, -0.715645}, {-1.92969, -3.21094, -0.715641}, {-3.84668, -4.79004, -0.715641}, {-3.24316, -5.45605, -0.715641}, {-1.96289, -0.692383, -0.715641}, {0.0869141, 5.00293, -0.715641}, {-3.8252, 5.39551, -0.715641}, {-3.73828, 1.06055, -0.715637}, {-0.75293, 3.15527, -0.715641}, {-0.973633, 1.08496, -0.715641}}; }; class Land_FuelStation_02_pump_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{-0.621094, -0.03125, -0.667332}, {0.495117, 0.0166016, -0.644726}}; }; class Land_Shed_01_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{1.2793, 1.6543, -0.914465}, {2.13867, 1.28711, -0.914465}, {1.72852, 0.255859, -0.914465}, {-0.462891, -0.0654297, -0.914465}, {0.742188, 1.50391, -0.914465}, {0.71875, -0.0625, -0.914465}, {-2.27051, -0.349609, -0.914465}, {-1.12598, -0.310547, -0.914465}, {-2.25293, 1.57227, -0.914465}, {-1.21094, 0.609375, -0.914465}}; }; class Land_SCF_01_storageBin_medium_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{9.71289, 0.665039, 6.69516}, {6.09375, -3.25684, 6.76519}, {-2.3877, -7.42871, 6.73744}, {-5.41602, 1.17969, 6.82536}, {0.493164, 5.69922, 6.81027}, {-0.0175781, -0.0800781, 7.18149}, {6.8125, 2.66309, 6.74541}}; }; class Land_SCF_01_clarifier_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{5.66699, 0.677734, -5.05255}, {6.79883, 0.681641, -5.05255}, {4.48438, -5.76367, -2.02836}, {6.72754, -5.97949, -2.02836}, {5.42773, 0.664063, 0.396124}, {-0.0449219, -4.74512, 0.396124}, {3.34082, 3.37988, 0.396124}, {-5.38184, 5.17676, 0.396124}, {-7.18262, 0.521484, 0.396124}, {-3.41895, -4.73535, 0.396124}, {-1.58496, 0.756836, 8.53479}, {1.73438, 2.42578, 7.66367}, {-3.39844, 3.01563, 7.84367}, {-3.31543, -1.5918, 7.88482}, {0.523438, -1.08105, 7.84895}}; }; class Land_SCF_01_generalBuilding_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{11.8311, -9.71777, 7.34425}, {4.97168, -9.7334, 10.707}, {11.6748, 14.7617, 7.4184}, {5.5166, 20.0029, 10.4943}, {-1.43652, 7.55566, 10.5757}, {-2.43262, -2.91602, 9.71008}, {-2.20215, -11.8525, 9.71008}, {-2.27734, -21.3506, 9.71008}, {-0.833008, -22.1113, 3.96599}, {1.74121, -22.0898, 3.96597}, {0.0966797, -19.4355, 4.20112}, {2.30469, -17.583, 3.20667}, {2.71973, -19.4238, -0.336998}, {8.44434, 13.7744, 10.3068}, {7.95605, 1.47363, 10.4022}, {-4.48535, 19.3789, 8.23188}, {-5.60352, -11.1934, 7.64274}, {-7.50586, -8.25488, -0.325645}, {-7.43359, -24.1758, -0.327408}, {-3.80371, -15.0723, -0.336998}, {-3.97461, -21.3457, -0.332283}, {4.65137, -14.2637, -4.82014}, {-5.4707, -21.7734, -4.82014}, {-1.14453, -19.8154, -4.82014}, {1.33398, -20.8506, -4.82014}, {-4.67871, -14.0752, -4.75307}, {-1.03906, -15.3604, -4.82014}, {13.8789, -1.41406, -4.84507}, {13.4912, 3.69531, -4.84506}}; }; class Land_SCF_01_chimney_F { table = "Military"; positions[] = {{-5.43652, 0.804688, -8.19502}, {-2.21484, -4.11328, -8.19502}, {-0.124023, 3.22754, -8.19502}, {0.264648, 2.45508, 8.78218}, {1.53516, -0.282227, 8.78218}, {-4.36035, 0.918945, 24.3167}, {-0.631836, 2.55469, 24.3167}, {0.561523, -2.00879, 24.3167}}; }; class Land_Airport_02_terminal_F { table = "Tourist"; positions[] = {{9.39453, -6.40723, -1.40149}, {20.7949, -9.79785, -1.40149}, {10.9473, -10.8711, -1.40149}, {-3.25879, -7.12305, -1.40149}, {-17.7461, -10.3457, -1.40149}, {0.134766, -10.248, -1.40149}, {2.36328, 6.30566, -1.40149}, {0.719727, -4.41406, -1.40149}, {-1.10449, 10.2559, -1.40149}, {6.88574, 2.05371, -0.931515}, {6.9043, -0.93457, -0.932049}, {7.90723, -1.36621, -0.92543}, {7.90234, 1.54102, -0.925571}, {9.55762, 4.94043, -0.933411}, {6.125, 4.92676, -0.933014}, {5.56641, -4.62793, -0.925686}, {7.98047, -4.73828, -0.928883}, {9.36035, -4.6416, -1.40149}, {6.53906, -4.47754, -1.18781}, {8.26367, -0.575195, -1.12732}, {8.06934, 1.04199, -1.17025}, {8.42676, 5.00293, -1.40149}, {7.13867, 5.02051, -1.40149}, {6.88184, 0.856445, -1.40149}, {6.97559, -1.81543, -1.40149}, {5.55176, 3.14941, -1.40149}, {10.4814, -2.29883, -1.40149}, {5.08984, -2.70508, -1.40149}, {15.4307, 11.6074, -1.40149}, {20.9873, 9.80664, -1.40149}, {23.0225, 2.10254, -1.40149}, {22.5234, -8.50098, -1.40149}}; }; class Land_ReservoirTower_F { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = {{1.34985, -2.33691, -1.79432}, {-0.533447, -3.06445, -1.79432}, {-3.1001, 0.293945, -1.79432}, {1.45459, 2.70703, -1.79432}, {-1.06372, 1.94727, -1.79432}}; }; class Land_Hangar_F { table = "Military"; positions[] = {{-13.6072, 21.1221, -5.38273}, {-11.7788, 13.8594, -5.38273}, {-12.8308, 8.66113, -5.38273}, {-13.4114, 0.833984, -5.38273}, {-15.0608, -8.49805, -5.38273}, {-14.2754, -20.2539, -5.38273}, {-0.687988, -7.3125, -5.38273}, {-0.0759277, 11.1064, -5.38273}, {12.3184, 21.2051, -5.38273}, {3.78613, 22.0049, -5.38273}, {-5.27856, 21.8018, -5.38273}, {13.6924, 11.4297, -5.38273}, {13.2019, 1.15137, -5.38273}, {14.0588, -7.59863, -5.38273}, {13.7251, -13.3877, -5.38273}, {14.1958, -19.7539, -5.38273}, {-0.619141, 1.62012, -5.38273}}; }; class Land_Barracks_01_camo_F { table = "Military"; positions[] = {{-1.83276, -3.9043, 0.603929}, {-12.8032, -3.7666, 0.604081}, {-8.03589, -3.67285, 0.604081}, {-8.24634, -1.89551, 0.60408}, {-7.51001, 3.92969, 0.604081}, {-10.2246, 3.75293, 0.60408}, {-11.8723, 2.61426, 0.604081}, {-12.8835, 4.04688, 0.604081}, {1.09521, 1.56738, 0.604082}, {0.858643, 3.97168, 0.604081}, {-4.53418, 3.74316, 0.604081}, {-5.64282, 1.67773, 0.60408}, {-1.46265, 2.99902, 0.604081}, {6.95972, -1.45801, 0.604081}, {7.33716, -3.96582, 0.604081}, {4.11841, -3.35645, 0.604081}, {2.36523, -1.5293, 0.604081}, {7.78027, 1.86328, 0.604082}, {7.78955, 4.18164, 0.604081}, {4.1001, 3, 0.604081}, {13.5864, 3.9873, 0.604081}, {13.6643, 1.87891, 0.604082}, {8.8103, 4.04883, 0.604081}, {8.91553, 2.30176, 0.604081}, {9.77612, 1.80176, 0.604081}, {11.1829, 2.72266, 0.604081}, {13.6277, -3.78906, 0.604081}, {13.6345, -1.80566, 0.604082}, {9.7124, -2.63965, 0.604081}, {12.6028, 0.0615234, 3.93806}, {4.36328, -0.0742188, 3.93806}, {-9.81934, 0.0917969, 3.93806}, {13.6821, -1.60742, 3.93806}, {13.7813, -3.89453, 3.93806}, {10.8125, -2.74121, 3.93806}, {13.5215, 3.23242, 3.93806}, {13.6506, 1.55078, 3.93806}, {9.30103, 3.55469, 3.93806}, {11.3201, 2.59375, 3.93806}, {3.55493, 1.77832, 3.93806}, {2.86963, 4.11523, 3.93806}, {7.25342, 2.97363, 3.93806}, {8.01221, 4.07813, 3.93806}, {2.82959, -3.91895, 3.93806}, {2.77026, -1.53418, 3.93806}, {6.77881, -3.68945, 3.93806}, {7.37793, -3.3877, 3.93806}, {7.74487, -1.42676, 3.93806}, {-5.3396, 4.08789, 3.93806}, {-5.00244, 1.57422, 3.93806}, {-1.82495, 2.74316, 3.93806}, {1.31274, 4.00879, 3.93806}, {-5.57983, -2.04785, 3.93764}, {-5.62402, -5.67773, 3.93806}, {-2.39331, -4.52344, 3.93757}, {0.762451, -1.98242, 2.16631}, {-7.44727, 4.05859, 3.93806}, {-12.7351, 3.90039, 3.93806}, {-10.3577, 2.58594, 3.93806}, {-12.9133, -4.10254, 3.93806}, {-11.7249, -1.97168, 3.93806}, {-8.29858, -4.06641, 3.93806}, {-7.38574, -3.16504, 3.93806}, {15.821, 2.72559, 3.85223}, {12.1138, 5.57129, 3.85243}, {7.21533, 5.47852, 3.85243}, {-0.334961, 5.54883, 3.85243}, {-11.9165, 5.41895, 3.85243}, {15.8425, 5.92871, 3.85243}}; }; class Land_Barracks_01_grey_F { table = "Military"; positions[] = {{-1.83276, -3.9043, 0.603929}, {-12.8032, -3.7666, 0.604081}, {-8.03589, -3.67285, 0.604081}, {-8.24634, -1.89551, 0.60408}, {-7.51001, 3.92969, 0.604081}, {-10.2246, 3.75293, 0.60408}, {-11.8723, 2.61426, 0.604081}, {-12.8835, 4.04688, 0.604081}, {1.09521, 1.56738, 0.604082}, {0.858643, 3.97168, 0.604081}, {-4.53418, 3.74316, 0.604081}, {-5.64282, 1.67773, 0.60408}, {-1.46265, 2.99902, 0.604081}, {6.95972, -1.45801, 0.604081}, {7.33716, -3.96582, 0.604081}, {4.11841, -3.35645, 0.604081}, {2.36523, -1.5293, 0.604081}, {7.78027, 1.86328, 0.604082}, {7.78955, 4.18164, 0.604081}, {4.1001, 3, 0.604081}, {13.5864, 3.9873, 0.604081}, {13.6643, 1.87891, 0.604082}, {8.8103, 4.04883, 0.604081}, {8.91553, 2.30176, 0.604081}, {9.77612, 1.80176, 0.604081}, {11.1829, 2.72266, 0.604081}, {13.6277, -3.78906, 0.604081}, {13.6345, -1.80566, 0.604082}, {9.7124, -2.63965, 0.604081}, {12.6028, 0.0615234, 3.93806}, {4.36328, -0.0742188, 3.93806}, {-9.81934, 0.0917969, 3.93806}, {13.6821, -1.60742, 3.93806}, {13.7813, -3.89453, 3.93806}, {10.8125, -2.74121, 3.93806}, {13.5215, 3.23242, 3.93806}, {13.6506, 1.55078, 3.93806}, {9.30103, 3.55469, 3.93806}, {11.3201, 2.59375, 3.93806}, {3.55493, 1.77832, 3.93806}, {2.86963, 4.11523, 3.93806}, {7.25342, 2.97363, 3.93806}, {8.01221, 4.07813, 3.93806}, {2.82959, -3.91895, 3.93806}, {2.77026, -1.53418, 3.93806}, {6.77881, -3.68945, 3.93806}, {7.37793, -3.3877, 3.93806}, {7.74487, -1.42676, 3.93806}, {-5.3396, 4.08789, 3.93806}, {-5.00244, 1.57422, 3.93806}, {-1.82495, 2.74316, 3.93806}, {1.31274, 4.00879, 3.93806}, {-5.57983, -2.04785, 3.93764}, {-5.62402, -5.67773, 3.93806}, {-2.39331, -4.52344, 3.93757}, {0.762451, -1.98242, 2.16631}, {-7.44727, 4.05859, 3.93806}, {-12.7351, 3.90039, 3.93806}, {-10.3577, 2.58594, 3.93806}, {-12.9133, -4.10254, 3.93806}, {-11.7249, -1.97168, 3.93806}, {-8.29858, -4.06641, 3.93806}, {-7.38574, -3.16504, 3.93806}, {15.821, 2.72559, 3.85223}, {12.1138, 5.57129, 3.85243}, {7.21533, 5.47852, 3.85243}, {-0.334961, 5.54883, 3.85243}, {-11.9165, 5.41895, 3.85243}, {15.8425, 5.92871, 3.85243}}; }; class Land_GarageShelter_01_F { table = "CivillianLowerClass"; positions[] = {{3.64648, -1.47656, -1.25479}, {0.962524, 0.948242, -1.25478}, {3.67322, 3.33594, -1.25478}, {-0.675537, -1.81738, -1.25479}, {-4.0498, -2.15234, -1.25479}, {-0.691284, 3.3584, -1.25478}, {-3.32043, 3.04785, -1.25478}, {-2.52563, 1.55664, -1.25478}}; }; class Land_Radar_F { table = "Military"; positions[] = {{4.7168, 11.4912, -6.00558}, {2.87988, 12.5029, -7.7858}, {9.0791, 7.40723, -6.00552}, {11.5693, -0.864258, -6.00555}, {8.7666, -7.92383, -6.00555}, {3.34766, -12.1045, -6.00555}, {-4.70605, -12.625, -6.00555}, {-10.0146, -9.91504, -6.00555}, {-14.2139, -3.63867, -6.00552}, {-13.8184, 4.68066, -6.00555}, {-10.623, 9.47461, -6.00555}, {-5.37012, 12.6572, -6.00552}}; }; }; class CfgLootTables { /** Result of 100 rounds: Chemlight_green Exile_Item_Beer B_AssaultPack_khk SMG_01_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour Chemlight_green Exile_Item_PowerDrink B_HuntingBackpack B_AssaultPack_rgr muzzle_snds_L V_Rangemaster_belt Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Exile_Item_ToiletPaper 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 SMG_01_F FlareRed_F B_HuntingBackpack Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Chemlight_blue U_C_Poloshirt_stripped Exile_Item_Can_Empty H_Hat_brown H_Cap_oli H_Hat_checker Exile_Item_DsNuts FlareWhite_F U_Rangemaster U_C_Poloshirt_salmon Exile_Item_InstantCoffee H_Hat_blue Exile_Item_CanOpener FlareYellow_F hgun_PDW2000_F Exile_Item_MountainDupe Exile_Item_Noodles Exile_Item_CockONut B_Kitbag_mcamo H_Cap_tan U_C_Poloshirt_blue B_AssaultPack_rgr Exile_Item_Can_Empty hgun_Rook40_F 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green Exile_Item_Magazine03 ItemWatch Exile_Item_MountainDupe H_Cap_press 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 H_Beret_blk_POLICE ItemMap ItemMap Exile_Item_Beer 16Rnd_9x21_Mag B_Kitbag_mcamo B_AssaultPack_mcamo H_Cap_blk H_Cap_blk_Raven 11Rnd_45ACP_Mag SMG_02_F H_Hat_blue 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green Exile_Item_InstantCoffee 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green Exile_Item_Magazine01 muzzle_snds_acp H_Cap_grn FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty SMG_01_F B_AssaultPack_sgg Exile_Item_Moobar hgun_Rook40_F ItemMap U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy Exile_Item_SeedAstics V_Rangemaster_belt 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green ItemMap Chemlight_red Exile_Item_CockONut H_Cap_headphones ItemGPS 16Rnd_9x21_Mag U_C_Poor_2 Chemlight_green Exile_Item_InstantCoffee Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst U_C_Poor_1 SMG_01_F U_C_Poloshirt_salmon Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper B_AssaultPack_khk U_C_Scientist H_Cap_tan 6Rnd_GreenSignal_F */ class CivillianLowerClass { count = 124; half = 7143.29532481418; halfIndex = 62; sum = 10000; items[] = { {441.988950276243, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 4.42% {883.977900552486, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 4.42% {1325.96685082873, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 4.42% {1491.71270718232, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater"}, // 1.66% {1629.83425414365, "FlareRed_F"}, // 1.38% {1767.95580110497, "FlareGreen_F"}, // 1.38% {1906.0773480663, "Chemlight_yellow"}, // 1.38% {2044.19889502762, "Chemlight_red"}, // 1.38% {2182.32044198895, "Chemlight_green"}, // 1.38% {2320.44198895028, "Chemlight_blue"}, // 1.38% {2458.5635359116, "V_Rangemaster_belt"}, // 1.38% {2596.68508287293, "FlareWhite_F"}, // 1.38% {2734.80662983426, "FlareYellow_F"}, // 1.38% {2859.01520345203, "Exile_Item_InstantCoffee"}, // 1.24% {2981.7899118621, "ItemMap"}, // 1.23% {3104.56462027217, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 1.23% {3215.06185784123, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 1.10% {3325.55909541029, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 1.10% {3436.05633297935, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"}, // 1.10% {3546.55357054841, "Exile_Item_MountainDupe"}, // 1.10% {3648.17876714477, "Exile_Item_Raisins"}, // 1.02% {3749.80396374114, "Exile_Item_Moobar"}, // 1.02% {3848.26684870366, "U_C_Journalist"}, // 0.98% {3946.72973366619, "U_Rangemaster"}, // 0.98% {4045.19261862872, "U_C_Scientist"}, // 0.98% {4143.65550359125, "U_C_HunterBody_grn"}, // 0.98% {4242.11838855378, "U_C_Poor_2"}, // 0.98% {4340.58127351631, "U_C_Poor_1"}, // 0.98% {4439.04415847884, "U_C_Poor_shorts_1"}, // 0.98% {4532.96681041254, "Exile_Item_EnergyDrink"}, // 0.94% {4625.78448997056, "hgun_P07_F"}, // 0.93% {4717.86552127811, "ItemWatch"}, // 0.92% {4809.94655258566, "ItemRadio"}, // 0.92% {4900.28006067131, "Exile_Item_SeedAstics"}, // 0.90% {4990.61356875697, "Exile_Item_CockONut"}, // 0.90% {5079.01135881222, "hgun_ACPC2_F"}, // 0.88% {5167.40914886747, "hgun_Rook40_F"}, // 0.88% {5250.28207704426, "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01"}, // 0.83% {5333.15500522106, "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green"}, // 0.83% {5412.19682479601, "Exile_Item_BeefParts"}, // 0.79% {5491.23864437096, "Exile_Item_Dogfood"}, // 0.79% {5570.2804639459, "Exile_Item_DsNuts"}, // 0.79% {5649.32228352085, "Exile_Item_Noodles"}, // 0.79% {5728.3641030958, "Exile_Item_SausageGravy"}, // 0.79% {5807.40592267075, "Exile_Item_CatFood"}, // 0.79% {5886.4477422457, "Exile_Item_BBQSandwich"}, // 0.79% {5965.48956182065, "Exile_Item_Cheathas"}, // 0.79% {6044.5313813956, "Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner"}, // 0.79% {6123.57320097055, "Exile_Item_Surstromming"}, // 0.79% {6200.92126726889, "Exile_Item_Beer"}, // 0.77% {6277.50351112864, "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy"}, // 0.77% {6354.08575498838, "U_C_Poloshirt_blue"}, // 0.77% {6430.66799884813, "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"}, // 0.77% {6507.25024270787, "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour"}, // 0.77% {6583.83248656762, "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon"}, // 0.77% {6658.97060811458, "SMG_01_F"}, // 0.75% {6731.89878491016, "SMG_02_F"}, // 0.73% {6804.82696170574, "hgun_PDW2000_F"}, // 0.73% {6873.8877351864, "V_Press_F"}, // 0.69% {6942.94850866706, "V_TacVest_blk_POLICE"}, // 0.69% {7010.6986397313, "Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst"}, // 0.68% {7076.99698227274, "H_Hat_blue"}, // 0.66% {7143.29532481418, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"}, // 0.66% {7209.59366735561, "H_Hat_tan"}, // 0.66% {7275.89200989705, "H_StrawHat"}, // 0.66% {7342.19035243849, "H_StrawHat_dark"}, // 0.66% {7408.48869497992, "H_Cap_tan"}, // 0.66% {7474.78703752136, "H_Cap_red"}, // 0.66% {7541.0853800628, "H_Cap_press"}, // 0.66% {7607.38372260424, "H_Hat_checker"}, // 0.66% {7673.68206514567, "H_Hat_grey"}, // 0.66% {7739.98040768711, "H_Hat_brown"}, // 0.66% {7801.36776189214, "ItemGPS"}, // 0.61% {7862.75511609718, "Binocular"}, // 0.61% {7923.52859676016, "B_OutdoorPack_blk"}, // 0.61% {7983.19710504745, "muzzle_snds_L"}, // 0.60% {8042.86561333475, "muzzle_snds_acp"}, // 0.60% {8100.32417687066, "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F"}, // 0.57% {8157.78274040657, "hgun_Pistol_Signal_F"}, // 0.57% {8215.24130394248, "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F"}, // 0.57% {8271.69974649602, "Exile_Item_CanOpener"}, // 0.56% {8328.15818904955, "Exile_Item_Matches"}, // 0.56% {8383.40680783408, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}, // 0.55% {8438.65542661861, "H_Bandanna_surfer"}, // 0.55% {8493.90404540314, "H_Cap_blk_Raven"}, // 0.55% {8549.15266418767, "30Rnd_9x21_Mag"}, // 0.55% {8604.4012829722, "H_Cap_grn"}, // 0.55% {8659.64990175673, "H_Cap_headphones"}, // 0.55% {8714.89852054126, "H_Cap_oli"}, // 0.55% {8770.14713932579, "H_Beret_blk_POLICE"}, // 0.55% {8825.39575811032, "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"}, // 0.55% {8880.64437689485, "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"}, // 0.55% {8935.89299567938, "H_Cap_blu"}, // 0.55% {8991.14161446391, "H_Cap_blk"}, // 0.55% {9045.83774706059, "B_OutdoorPack_blu"}, // 0.55% {9100.53387965728, "B_OutdoorPack_tan"}, // 0.55% {9149.15266418766, "B_HuntingBackpack"}, // 0.49% {9193.35155921529, "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"}, // 0.44% {9235.89299567938, "B_AssaultPack_mcamo"}, // 0.43% {9278.43443214347, "B_AssaultPack_khk"}, // 0.43% {9320.97586860756, "B_AssaultPack_rgr"}, // 0.43% {9363.51730507165, "B_AssaultPack_sgg"}, // 0.43% {9406.05874153574, "B_AssaultPack_blk"}, // 0.43% {9448.60017799982, "B_AssaultPack_cbr"}, // 0.43% {9491.14161446391, "B_AssaultPack_dgtl"}, // 0.43% {9529.81564761308, "Exile_Item_PowerDrink"}, // 0.39% {9563.6907131452, "Exile_Item_EMRE"}, // 0.34% {9597.56577867732, "Exile_Item_CookingPot"}, // 0.34% {9630.71494994804, "optic_Aco"}, // 0.33% {9663.86412121876, "optic_ACO_grn"}, // 0.33% {9697.01329248948, "optic_Aco_smg"}, // 0.33% {9730.16246376019, "optic_ACO_grn_smg"}, // 0.33% {9763.31163503091, "optic_Holosight_smg"}, // 0.33% {9793.6983753624, "B_Kitbag_mcamo"}, // 0.30% {9824.0851156939, "B_Kitbag_cbr"}, // 0.30% {9854.47185602539, "B_Kitbag_sgg"}, // 0.30% {9882.09616541766, "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"}, // 0.28% {9905.30058530716, "optic_Yorris"}, // 0.23% {9928.50500519666, "optic_MRD"}, // 0.23% {9947.84202177124, "6Rnd_GreenSignal_F"}, // 0.19% {9967.17903834583, "6Rnd_RedSignal_F"}, // 0.19% {9978.11935889722, "U_NikosAgedBody"}, // 0.11% {9989.05967944861, "U_NikosBody"}, // 0.11% {10000, "U_OrestesBody"} // 0.11% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: U_C_HunterBody_grn Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty U_C_Poor_2 B_OutdoorPack_tan H_Hat_blue Exile_Item_ToiletPaper U_C_Poor_shorts_1 Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty H_Cap_blk Exile_Item_BBQSandwich ItemGPS H_Bandanna_surfer Exile_Item_EMRE B_Kitbag_cbr U_C_Poloshirt_salmon Exile_Item_BeefParts H_Hat_grey Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Cheathas Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Cheathas H_Cap_headphones Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_InstantCoffee B_AssaultPack_mcamo Exile_Item_DsNuts U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour FlareRed_F H_StrawHat 6Rnd_GreenSignal_F hgun_Pistol_Signal_F ItemRadio Chemlight_green Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty FlareWhite_F optic_Holosight U_C_HunterBody_grn Exile_Item_PowerDrink H_Hat_checker Exile_Item_BBQSandwich B_AssaultPack_sgg Exile_Item_Magazine01 H_Bandanna_surfer Exile_Item_ToiletPaper V_TacVest_blk_POLICE Exile_Item_Can_Empty hgun_Rook40_F Exile_Item_Can_Empty FlareWhite_F H_Beret_blk_POLICE FlareRed_F H_Cap_press Exile_Item_Moobar FlareWhite_F 30Rnd_9x21_Mag Exile_Item_MountainDupe U_C_Scientist U_C_Poloshirt_blue H_Cap_blu Exile_Item_CatFood hgun_Pistol_Signal_F B_AssaultPack_dgtl Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag U_C_Journalist H_Hat_tan H_Cap_oli Exile_Item_SeedAstics Exile_Item_SausageGravy Exile_Item_Raisins Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty hgun_PDW2000_F optic_Hamr FlareRed_F FlareRed_F arifle_Mk20C_F optic_DMS U_C_Poloshirt_stripped 9Rnd_45ACP_Mag Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Noodles Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_EMRE B_OutdoorPack_blk Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty V_Rangemaster_belt B_OutdoorPack_tan U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy Exile_Item_CanOpener Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater H_Beret_blk_POLICE arifle_SDAR_F FlareGreen_F FlareYellow_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty */ class CivillianUpperClass { count = 160; half = 7879.88239008304; halfIndex = 80; sum = 10000; items[] = { {421.052631578947, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 4.21% {842.105263157895, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 4.21% {1263.15789473684, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 4.21% {1421.05263157895, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater"}, // 1.58% {1552.63157894737, "Chemlight_yellow"}, // 1.32% {1684.21052631579, "FlareWhite_F"}, // 1.32% {1815.78947368421, "Chemlight_red"}, // 1.32% {1947.36842105263, "Chemlight_green"}, // 1.32% {2078.94736842105, "FlareRed_F"}, // 1.32% {2210.52631578947, "Chemlight_blue"}, // 1.32% {2342.1052631579, "FlareYellow_F"}, // 1.32% {2473.68421052632, "FlareGreen_F"}, // 1.32% {2605.26315789474, "V_Rangemaster_belt"}, // 1.32% {2723.58816749904, "Exile_Item_InstantCoffee"}, // 1.18% {2840.54723182653, "ItemMap"}, // 1.17% {2957.50629615401, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 1.17% {3062.76945404875, "Exile_Item_MountainDupe"}, // 1.05% {3168.03261194348, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"}, // 1.05% {3273.29576983822, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 1.05% {3378.55892773296, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 1.05% {3475.37029922739, "Exile_Item_Raisins"}, // 0.97% {3572.18167072182, "Exile_Item_Moobar"}, // 0.97% {3665.98052429138, "U_C_Scientist"}, // 0.94% {3759.77937786095, "U_C_Journalist"}, // 0.94% {3853.57823143052, "U_C_HunterBody_grn"}, // 0.94% {3947.37708500009, "U_C_Poor_shorts_1"}, // 0.94% {4041.17593856965, "U_C_Poor_2"}, // 0.94% {4134.97479213922, "U_Rangemaster"}, // 0.94% {4228.77364570879, "U_C_Poor_1"}, // 0.94% {4318.24732991932, "Exile_Item_EnergyDrink"}, // 0.89% {4406.6683825509, "hgun_P07_F"}, // 0.88% {4494.38768079651, "ItemWatch"}, // 0.88% {4582.10697904212, "ItemRadio"}, // 0.88% {4668.16153148162, "Exile_Item_SeedAstics"}, // 0.86% {4754.21608392111, "Exile_Item_CockONut"}, // 0.86% {4838.4266102369, "hgun_ACPC2_F"}, // 0.84% {4922.63713655269, "hgun_Rook40_F"}, // 0.84% {5001.58450497374, "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green"}, // 0.79% {5080.53187339479, "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01"}, // 0.79% {5155.82960677935, "Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner"}, // 0.75% {5231.12734016391, "Exile_Item_DsNuts"}, // 0.75% {5306.42507354846, "Exile_Item_Cheathas"}, // 0.75% {5381.72280693302, "Exile_Item_BeefParts"}, // 0.75% {5457.02054031758, "Exile_Item_Dogfood"}, // 0.75% {5532.31827370213, "Exile_Item_CatFood"}, // 0.75% {5607.61600708669, "Exile_Item_BBQSandwich"}, // 0.75% {5682.91374047125, "Exile_Item_Surstromming"}, // 0.75% {5758.2114738558, "Exile_Item_SausageGravy"}, // 0.75% {5833.50920724036, "Exile_Item_Noodles"}, // 0.75% {5907.19341776667, "Exile_Item_Beer"}, // 0.74% {5980.14808165412, "U_C_Poloshirt_blue"}, // 0.73% {6053.10274554156, "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy"}, // 0.73% {6126.057409429, "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"}, // 0.73% {6199.01207331644, "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour"}, // 0.73% {6271.96673720388, "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon"}, // 0.73% {6343.5456845723, "SMG_01_F"}, // 0.72% {6413.01936878283, "hgun_PDW2000_F"}, // 0.69% {6482.49305299336, "SMG_02_F"}, // 0.69% {6548.28252667757, "V_Press_F"}, // 0.66% {6614.07200036178, "V_TacVest_blk_POLICE"}, // 0.66% {6678.6129146914, "Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst"}, // 0.65% {6741.77080942824, "H_Cap_press"}, // 0.63% {6804.92870416508, "H_Cap_red"}, // 0.63% {6868.08659890193, "H_Hat_checker"}, // 0.63% {6931.24449363877, "H_Hat_blue"}, // 0.63% {6994.40238837561, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"}, // 0.63% {7057.56028311245, "H_StrawHat_dark"}, // 0.63% {7120.7181778493, "H_StrawHat"}, // 0.63% {7183.87607258614, "H_Cap_tan"}, // 0.63% {7247.03396732298, "H_Hat_tan"}, // 0.63% {7310.19186205982, "H_Hat_grey"}, // 0.63% {7373.34975679667, "H_Hat_brown"}, // 0.63% {7431.82928896041, "ItemGPS"}, // 0.58% {7490.30882112415, "Binocular"}, // 0.58% {7548.20355796626, "B_OutdoorPack_blk"}, // 0.58% {7605.04566322941, "muzzle_snds_acp"}, // 0.57% {7661.88776849257, "muzzle_snds_L"}, // 0.57% {7716.62461059784, "hgun_Pistol_Signal_F"}, // 0.55% {7771.3614527031, "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F"}, // 0.55% {7826.09829480836, "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F"}, // 0.55% {7879.88239008304, "Exile_Item_Matches"}, // 0.54% {7933.66648535773, "Exile_Item_CanOpener"}, // 0.54% {7986.2980643051, "H_Beret_blk_POLICE"}, // 0.53% {8038.92964325246, "H_Cap_blk"}, // 0.53% {8091.56122219983, "H_Cap_blk_Raven"}, // 0.53% {8144.1928011472, "H_Cap_blu"}, // 0.53% {8196.82438009457, "H_Cap_grn"}, // 0.53% {8249.45595904194, "H_Cap_headphones"}, // 0.53% {8302.08753798931, "H_Cap_oli"}, // 0.53% {8354.71911693667, "H_Bandanna_surfer"}, // 0.53% {8407.35069588404, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}, // 0.53% {8459.98227483141, "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"}, // 0.53% {8512.61385377878, "30Rnd_9x21_Mag"}, // 0.53% {8565.24543272615, "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"}, // 0.53% {8617.35069588404, "B_OutdoorPack_tan"}, // 0.52% {8669.45595904194, "B_OutdoorPack_blu"}, // 0.52% {8715.77174851562, "B_HuntingBackpack"}, // 0.46% {8757.87701167352, "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"}, // 0.42% {8798.40332746299, "B_AssaultPack_mcamo"}, // 0.41% {8838.92964325246, "B_AssaultPack_cbr"}, // 0.41% {8879.45595904194, "B_AssaultPack_blk"}, // 0.41% {8919.98227483141, "B_AssaultPack_sgg"}, // 0.41% {8960.50859062088, "B_AssaultPack_rgr"}, // 0.41% {9001.03490641036, "B_AssaultPack_dgtl"}, // 0.41% {9041.56122219983, "B_AssaultPack_khk"}, // 0.41% {9078.40332746299, "Exile_Item_PowerDrink"}, // 0.37% {9110.6737846278, "Exile_Item_EMRE"}, // 0.32% {9142.94424179261, "Exile_Item_CookingPot"}, // 0.32% {9174.52318916103, "optic_Aco"}, // 0.32% {9206.10213652945, "optic_ACO_grn"}, // 0.32% {9237.68108389787, "optic_Holosight_smg"}, // 0.32% {9269.2600312663, "optic_Aco_smg"}, // 0.32% {9300.83897863472, "optic_ACO_grn_smg"}, // 0.32% {9329.78634705577, "B_Kitbag_cbr"}, // 0.29% {9358.73371547682, "B_Kitbag_mcamo"}, // 0.29% {9387.68108389788, "B_Kitbag_sgg"}, // 0.29% {9413.99687337156, "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"}, // 0.26% {9438.927621294, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"}, // 0.25% {9463.85836921644, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"}, // 0.25% {9486.18691786078, "acc_flashlight"}, // 0.22% {9508.29218101867, "optic_Yorris"}, // 0.22% {9530.39744417657, "optic_MRD"}, // 0.22% {9548.81849680814, "6Rnd_RedSignal_F"}, // 0.18% {9567.23954943972, "6Rnd_GreenSignal_F"}, // 0.18% {9585.52209791618, "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag"}, // 0.18% {9601.47106123356, "acc_pointer_IR"}, // 0.16% {9617.42002455095, "muzzle_snds_H"}, // 0.16% {9633.36898786833, "optic_Arco"}, // 0.16% {9649.31795118571, "optic_Hamr"}, // 0.16% {9665.2669145031, "optic_Holosight"}, // 0.16% {9681.21587782048, "optic_DMS"}, // 0.16% {9697.16484113786, "optic_MRCO"}, // 0.16% {9713.11380445525, "muzzle_snds_M"}, // 0.16% {9728.90327813946, "arifle_Katiba_F"}, // 0.16% {9743.86172689292, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red"}, // 0.15% {9758.82017564638, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"}, // 0.15% {9773.77862439985, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Yellow"}, // 0.15% {9788.73707315331, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Green"}, // 0.15% {9803.69552190677, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer"}, // 0.15% {9818.65397066023, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer"}, // 0.15% {9831.2855496076, "arifle_MX_F"}, // 0.13% {9843.91712855497, "arifle_MXC_F"}, // 0.13% {9856.54870750234, "arifle_Katiba_GL_F"}, // 0.13% {9869.18028644971, "arifle_TRG21_F"}, // 0.13% {9881.81186539708, "arifle_TRG20_F"}, // 0.13% {9892.86449697602, "arifle_Mk20C_F"}, // 0.11% {9903.91712855497, "arifle_Mk20_F"}, // 0.11% {9914.33922339603, "U_NikosAgedBody"}, // 0.10% {9924.7613182371, "U_NikosBody"}, // 0.10% {9935.18341307816, "U_OrestesBody"}, // 0.10% {9944.65709728869, "arifle_SDAR_F"}, // 0.09% {9954.13078149921, "arifle_MXM_F"}, // 0.09% {9962.10526315791, "optic_NVS"}, // 0.08% {9968.42105263159, "arifle_Mk20_GL_F"}, // 0.06% {9974.73684210528, "arifle_TRG21_GL_F"}, // 0.06% {9981.05263157896, "arifle_MX_GL_F"}, // 0.06% {9985.78947368422, "arifle_MXC_Black_F"}, // 0.05% {9990.52631578949, "arifle_MXM_Black_F"}, // 0.05% {9995.26315789475, "arifle_MX_GL_Black_F"}, // 0.05% {10000, "arifle_MX_Black_F"} // 0.05% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Magazine02 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 Exile_Item_Raisins Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Melee_Axe FlareWhite_F Exile_Item_CatFood SmokeShellYellow B_AssaultPack_khk V_TacVest_blk_POLICE Exile_Item_InstantCoffee hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F Exile_Item_BeefParts Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Beer hgun_Pistol_Signal_F Exile_Item_ToiletPaper hgun_Pistol_Signal_F SmokeShellBlue Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ZipTie 11Rnd_45ACP_Mag hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F Chemlight_red Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Exile_Item_CockONut H_Cap_red Exile_Item_Surstromming hgun_PDW2000_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty H_Hat_blue Exile_Item_Magazine01 B_AssaultPack_cbr Exile_Item_PowerDrink FlareWhite_F Exile_Item_Handsaw hgun_P07_F SmokeShellYellow Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Can_Empty ItemMap Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Exile_Item_Heatpack hgun_ACPC2_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty V_Rangemaster_belt Exile_Item_EnergyDrink hgun_Rook40_F Chemlight_blue SmokeShellGreen FlareYellow_F Exile_Item_Surstromming muzzle_snds_L Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Chemlight_blue H_Cap_blk_Raven hgun_Rook40_F ItemGPS SmokeShellOrange hgun_PDW2000_F Chemlight_yellow hgun_P07_F Exile_Item_ToiletPaper ItemWatch H_Hat_brown Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Exile_Item_MetalBoard H_StrawHat Chemlight_green Exile_Item_CanOpener Exile_Item_Can_Empty FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_Can_Empty B_AssaultPack_khk Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_MountainDupe 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 Chemlight_blue Exile_Item_Dogfood Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst U_Rangemaster Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater Exile_Item_ToiletPaper */ class Shop { count = 149; half = 8855.65852456148; halfIndex = 74; sum = 9999.99999999999; items[] = { {666.666666666667, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 6.67% {1333.33333333333, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 6.67% {2000, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 6.67% {2375, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater"}, // 3.75% {2625, "Exile_Item_MountainDupe"}, // 2.50% {2875, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}, // 2.50% {3087.5, "Exile_Item_EnergyDrink"}, // 2.13% {3262.5, "Exile_Item_Beer"}, // 1.75% {3437.5, "hgun_P07_F"}, // 1.75% {3604.16666666667, "hgun_ACPC2_F"}, // 1.67% {3770.83333333333, "hgun_Rook40_F"}, // 1.67% {3937.5, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 1.67% {4104.16666666667, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 1.67% {4270.83333333333, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"}, // 1.67% {4420.83333333333, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"}, // 1.50% {4562.5, "SMG_01_F"}, // 1.42% {4700, "hgun_PDW2000_F"}, // 1.38% {4837.5, "SMG_02_F"}, // 1.38% {4967.12962962963, "ItemMap"}, // 1.30% {5096.75925925926, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 1.30% {5205.09259259259, "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F"}, // 1.08% {5313.42592592593, "hgun_Pistol_Signal_F"}, // 1.08% {5421.75925925926, "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F"}, // 1.08% {5525.92592592593, "FlareYellow_F"}, // 1.04% {5630.09259259259, "FlareWhite_F"}, // 1.04% {5734.25925925926, "Chemlight_yellow"}, // 1.04% {5838.42592592593, "FlareGreen_F"}, // 1.04% {5942.59259259259, "FlareRed_F"}, // 1.04% {6046.75925925926, "Chemlight_blue"}, // 1.04% {6150.92592592593, "Chemlight_green"}, // 1.04% {6255.09259259259, "Chemlight_red"}, // 1.04% {6355.45755609624, "Exile_Item_InstantCoffee"}, // 1.00% {6452.67977831847, "ItemWatch"}, // 0.97% {6549.90200054069, "ItemRadio"}, // 0.97% {6642.49459313328, "Exile_Item_Vishpirin"}, // 0.93% {6735.08718572587, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 0.93% {6822.58718572587, "Exile_Item_PowerDrink"}, // 0.88% {6904.70397404704, "Exile_Item_Moobar"}, // 0.82% {6986.82076236821, "Exile_Item_Raisins"}, // 0.82% {7059.81346309814, "Exile_Item_SeedAstics"}, // 0.73% {7132.80616382806, "Exile_Item_CockONut"}, // 0.73% {7197.62097864288, "ItemGPS"}, // 0.65% {7262.43579345769, "Binocular"}, // 0.65% {7326.30440659638, "Exile_Item_BeefParts"}, // 0.64% {7390.17301973506, "Exile_Item_Cheathas"}, // 0.64% {7454.04163287375, "Exile_Item_CatFood"}, // 0.64% {7517.91024601244, "Exile_Item_BBQSandwich"}, // 0.64% {7581.77885915112, "Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner"}, // 0.64% {7645.64747228981, "Exile_Item_SausageGravy"}, // 0.64% {7709.51608542849, "Exile_Item_Surstromming"}, // 0.64% {7773.38469856718, "Exile_Item_Noodles"}, // 0.64% {7837.25331170586, "Exile_Item_DsNuts"}, // 0.64% {7901.12192484455, "Exile_Item_Dogfood"}, // 0.64% {7955.866450392, "Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst"}, // 0.55% {8009.78801901945, "Exile_Melee_Axe"}, // 0.54% {8057.40706663849, "SmokeShell"}, // 0.48% {8105.02611425754, "SmokeShellRed"}, // 0.48% {8152.64516187659, "SmokeShellGreen"}, // 0.48% {8200.26420949564, "SmokeShellPurple"}, // 0.48% {8247.88325711469, "SmokeShellBlue"}, // 0.48% {8295.50230473373, "SmokeShellOrange"}, // 0.48% {8343.12135235278, "SmokeShellYellow"}, // 0.48% {8389.41764864908, "Exile_Item_Bandage"}, // 0.46% {8435.03808660528, "Exile_Item_Matches"}, // 0.46% {8480.65852456148, "Exile_Item_CanOpener"}, // 0.46% {8522.32519122815, "V_Rangemaster_belt"}, // 0.42% {8563.99185789482, "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green"}, // 0.42% {8605.65852456148, "B_OutdoorPack_blk"}, // 0.42% {8647.32519122815, "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01"}, // 0.42% {8684.82519122815, "B_OutdoorPack_blu"}, // 0.38% {8722.32519122815, "B_OutdoorPack_tan"}, // 0.38% {8755.65852456148, "B_HuntingBackpack"}, // 0.33% {8788.99185789482, "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"}, // 0.33% {8822.32519122815, "30Rnd_9x21_Mag"}, // 0.33% {8855.65852456148, "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"}, // 0.33% {8887.52126965952, "Exile_Item_Pliers"}, // 0.32% {8919.38401475756, "Exile_Item_Handsaw"}, // 0.32% {8949.38401475756, "muzzle_snds_acp"}, // 0.30% {8979.38401475756, "muzzle_snds_L"}, // 0.30% {9008.55068142423, "B_AssaultPack_mcamo"}, // 0.29% {9037.71734809089, "B_AssaultPack_blk"}, // 0.29% {9066.88401475756, "B_AssaultPack_cbr"}, // 0.29% {9096.05068142423, "B_AssaultPack_rgr"}, // 0.29% {9125.21734809089, "B_AssaultPack_khk"}, // 0.29% {9154.38401475756, "B_AssaultPack_sgg"}, // 0.29% {9183.55068142422, "B_AssaultPack_dgtl"}, // 0.29% {9210.92294419795, "Exile_Item_CookingPot"}, // 0.27% {9238.29520697167, "Exile_Item_EMRE"}, // 0.27% {9265.25599128539, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}, // 0.27% {9291.92265795206, "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"}, // 0.27% {9313.98148148147, "Exile_Item_LightBulb"}, // 0.22% {9334.81481481481, "V_TacVest_blk_POLICE"}, // 0.21% {9355.64814814814, "B_Kitbag_sgg"}, // 0.21% {9376.48148148147, "B_Kitbag_cbr"}, // 0.21% {9397.31481481481, "B_Kitbag_mcamo"}, // 0.21% {9418.14814814814, "V_Press_F"}, // 0.21% {9437.7559912854, "Exile_Item_ExtensionCord"}, // 0.20% {9456.27450980392, "Exile_Item_InstaDoc"}, // 0.19% {9472.94117647058, "optic_Aco"}, // 0.17% {9489.60784313725, "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"}, // 0.17% {9506.27450980391, "optic_ACO_grn"}, // 0.17% {9522.94117647058, "optic_Aco_smg"}, // 0.17% {9539.60784313725, "optic_ACO_grn_smg"}, // 0.17% {9556.27450980391, "optic_Holosight_smg"}, // 0.17% {9571.27450980391, "H_Cap_red"}, // 0.15% {9586.27450980391, "H_StrawHat_dark"}, // 0.15% {9601.27450980391, "H_Hat_tan"}, // 0.15% {9616.27450980391, "H_Hat_grey"}, // 0.15% {9631.27450980391, "H_Hat_checker"}, // 0.15% {9646.27450980391, "H_Hat_brown"}, // 0.15% {9661.27450980391, "H_Hat_blue"}, // 0.15% {9676.27450980391, "H_Cap_tan"}, // 0.15% {9691.27450980391, "H_StrawHat"}, // 0.15% {9706.27450980391, "H_Cap_press"}, // 0.15% {9718.77450980391, "H_Cap_blu"}, // 0.13% {9731.27450980391, "H_Cap_headphones"}, // 0.13% {9743.77450980391, "H_Cap_grn"}, // 0.13% {9756.27450980391, "H_Cap_blk_Raven"}, // 0.13% {9768.77450980391, "H_Cap_blk"}, // 0.13% {9781.27450980391, "H_Beret_blk_POLICE"}, // 0.13% {9793.77450980391, "H_Bandanna_surfer"}, // 0.13% {9806.27450980391, "H_Cap_oli"}, // 0.13% {9818.5294117647, "Exile_Item_Grinder"}, // 0.12% {9830.19607843136, "optic_MRD"}, // 0.12% {9841.86274509803, "optic_Yorris"}, // 0.12% {9853.5294117647, "6Rnd_GreenSignal_F"}, // 0.12% {9865.19607843136, "6Rnd_RedSignal_F"}, // 0.12% {9874.99999999999, "Exile_Item_CamoTentKit"}, // 0.10% {9884.80392156862, "Exile_Item_Rope"}, // 0.10% {9894.60784313724, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}, // 0.10% {9902.0335857115, "U_C_Poor_1"}, // 0.07% {9909.45932828576, "U_C_Poor_shorts_1"}, // 0.07% {9916.88507086002, "U_C_HunterBody_grn"}, // 0.07% {9924.31081343428, "U_C_Poor_2"}, // 0.07% {9931.73655600853, "U_C_Journalist"}, // 0.07% {9939.16229858279, "U_C_Scientist"}, // 0.07% {9946.58804115705, "U_Rangemaster"}, // 0.07% {9953.94098233352, "Exile_Item_FloodLightKit"}, // 0.07% {9961.29392350999, "Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit"}, // 0.07% {9967.06950106775, "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour"}, // 0.06% {9972.8450786255, "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon"}, // 0.06% {9978.62065618326, "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"}, // 0.06% {9984.39623374101, "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy"}, // 0.06% {9990.17181129877, "U_C_Poloshirt_blue"}, // 0.06% {9995.07377208308, "Exile_Item_Knife"}, // 0.05% {9997.52475247524, "Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro"}, // 0.02% {9998.34983498349, "U_OrestesBody"}, // 0.01% {9999.17491749174, "U_NikosBody"}, // 0.01% {9999.99999999999, "U_NikosAgedBody"} // 0.01% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Magazine03 FlareYellow_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Item_Handsaw FlareRed_F Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_CamoTentKit Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_Handsaw FlareRed_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Melee_Axe FlareYellow_F Exile_Item_Rope FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_MetalBoard Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Magazine01 FlareWhite_F Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty FlareWhite_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Melee_Axe FlareWhite_F Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_DuctTape Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_Handsaw FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_FloodLightKit Exile_Item_ToiletPaper FlareRed_F Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_MetalBoard Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit Exile_Item_MetalBoard Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_DuctTape Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Magazine01 FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Item_Knife Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty */ class Industrial { count = 28; half = 8101.44927536232; halfIndex = 14; sum = 10000; items[] = { {1086.95652173913, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}, // 10.87% {1956.52173913043, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}, // 8.70% {2706.73486786019, "Exile_Melee_Axe"}, // 7.50% {3402.38704177323, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 6.96% {4098.03921568627, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 6.96% {4793.69138959932, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 6.96% {5236.99914748508, "Exile_Item_Pliers"}, // 4.43% {5680.30690537084, "Exile_Item_Handsaw"}, // 4.43% {6115.0895140665, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}, // 4.35% {6490.19607843137, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}, // 3.75% {6816.28303495311, "FlareWhite_F"}, // 3.26% {7142.36999147485, "FlareYellow_F"}, // 3.26% {7468.45694799659, "FlareRed_F"}, // 3.26% {7794.54390451833, "FlareGreen_F"}, // 3.26% {8101.44927536232, "Exile_Item_LightBulb"}, // 3.07% {8374.25404944586, "Exile_Item_ExtensionCord"}, // 2.73% {8591.64535379369, "Exile_Item_DuctTape"}, // 2.17% {8765.55839727195, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"}, // 1.74% {8939.47144075021, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 1.74% {9113.38448422847, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 1.74% {9283.88746803069, "Exile_Item_Grinder"}, // 1.71% {9420.28985507246, "Exile_Item_CamoTentKit"}, // 1.36% {9556.69224211423, "Exile_Item_Rope"}, // 1.36% {9693.09462915601, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}, // 1.36% {9795.39641943734, "Exile_Item_FloodLightKit"}, // 1.02% {9897.69820971867, "Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit"}, // 1.02% {9965.89940323955, "Exile_Item_Knife"}, // 0.68% {10000, "Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro"} // 0.34% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_BaseCameraKit Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Rope Exile_Item_CamoTentKit Exile_Item_Laptop Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Grinder Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_Laptop Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_BaseCameraKit Exile_Item_MetalBoard Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Rope Exile_Item_BaseCameraKit Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_Grinder Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Laptop Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_BaseCameraKit Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_Rope Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_FloodLightKit Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Laptop Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Knife Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Rope Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_Knife Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Melee_Axe */ class Factories { count = 22; half = 8192.1568627451; halfIndex = 11; sum = 10000; items[] = { {1078.43137254902, "Exile_Melee_Axe"}, // 10.78% {2145.09803921569, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 10.67% {3211.76470588235, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 10.67% {4278.43137254902, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 10.67% {4915.6862745098, "Exile_Item_Pliers"}, // 6.37% {5552.94117647059, "Exile_Item_Handsaw"}, // 6.37% {6092.1568627451, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}, // 5.39% {6592.1568627451, "Exile_Item_Laptop"}, // 5.00% {7092.1568627451, "Exile_Item_BaseCameraKit"}, // 5.00% {7533.33333333333, "Exile_Item_LightBulb"}, // 4.41% {7925.49019607843, "Exile_Item_ExtensionCord"}, // 3.92% {8192.1568627451, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 2.67% {8458.82352941176, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 2.67% {8725.49019607843, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"}, // 2.67% {8970.58823529412, "Exile_Item_Grinder"}, // 2.45% {9166.66666666667, "Exile_Item_Rope"}, // 1.96% {9362.74509803922, "Exile_Item_CamoTentKit"}, // 1.96% {9558.82352941176, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}, // 1.96% {9705.88235294118, "Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit"}, // 1.47% {9852.94117647059, "Exile_Item_FloodLightKit"}, // 1.47% {9950.98039215686, "Exile_Item_Knife"}, // 0.98% {10000, "Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro"} // 0.49% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_LightBulb FlareRed_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Melee_Axe FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_ExtensionCord Exile_Item_DuctTape Exile_Melee_Axe FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_DuctTape Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull FlareRed_F Exile_Item_Rope FlareYellow_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_MetalBoard Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Magazine01 FlareRed_F Exile_Melee_Axe Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty FlareWhite_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull FlareWhite_F Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Melee_Axe FlareYellow_F Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_CamoTentKit Exile_Item_Can_Empty FlareGreen_F Exile_Item_Pliers Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_DuctTape Exile_Item_Rope Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_FloodLightKit Exile_Item_MetalBoard Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_JunkMetal Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Magazine02 FlareYellow_F Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_LightBulb Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty Exile_Item_Handsaw Exile_Item_Knife Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty */ class VehicleService { count = 28; half = 8561.8073316283; halfIndex = 14; sum = 10000; items[] = { {1739.13043478261, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}, // 17.39% {3130.4347826087, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}, // 13.91% {3826.08695652174, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 6.96% {4521.73913043478, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 6.96% {5217.39130434783, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 6.96% {5686.27450980392, "Exile_Melee_Axe"}, // 4.69% {6121.05711849957, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}, // 4.35% {6468.8832054561, "Exile_Item_DuctTape"}, // 3.48% {6794.97016197783, "FlareWhite_F"}, // 3.26% {7121.05711849957, "FlareRed_F"}, // 3.26% {7447.14407502131, "FlareGreen_F"}, // 3.26% {7773.23103154305, "FlareYellow_F"}, // 3.26% {8050.29838022165, "Exile_Item_Handsaw"}, // 2.77% {8327.36572890025, "Exile_Item_Pliers"}, // 2.77% {8561.8073316283, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}, // 2.34% {8753.6231884058, "Exile_Item_LightBulb"}, // 1.92% {8927.53623188406, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"}, // 1.74% {9101.44927536232, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 1.74% {9275.36231884058, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 1.74% {9445.86530264279, "Exile_Item_ExtensionCord"}, // 1.71% {9552.42966751918, "Exile_Item_Grinder"}, // 1.07% {9637.68115942029, "Exile_Item_Rope"}, // 0.85% {9722.93265132139, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}, // 0.85% {9808.1841432225, "Exile_Item_CamoTentKit"}, // 0.85% {9872.12276214833, "Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit"}, // 0.64% {9936.06138107417, "Exile_Item_FloodLightKit"}, // 0.64% {9978.68712702472, "Exile_Item_Knife"}, // 0.43% {10000, "Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro"} // 0.21% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine01 V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr B_Carryall_khk Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty U_I_GhillieSuit arifle_MX_SW_F SmokeShellYellow 1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell bipod_01_F_mtp V_BandollierB_khk U_IG_Guerilla1_1 MiniGrenade B_Carryall_mcamo Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty ItemCompass Exile_Item_Can_Empty HandGrenade srifle_DMR_05_tan_F Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer ItemCompass U_IG_Guerilla2_2 Exile_Item_ToiletPaper UGL_FlareRed_F srifle_DMR_06_olive_F arifle_Katiba_GL_F Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper H_MilCap_oucamo Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty 3Rnd_UGL_FlareGreen_F B_FieldPack_cbr LMG_Mk200_F srifle_DMR_04_F Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty optic_Hamr Exile_Item_Can_Empty IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Mag Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper 7Rnd_408_Mag Exile_Item_ToiletPaper 10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper V_PlateCarrier3_rgr Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty ItemMap muzzle_snds_B APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag arifle_TRG21_F bipod_02_F_tan Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Heatpack U_I_FullGhillie_ard Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag 1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell Exile_Item_Magazine02 APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Heatpack H_MilCap_dgtl Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_ToiletPaper H_Cap_khaki_specops_UK H_MilCap_blue srifle_DMR_01_F arifle_MXM_F Exile_Item_Can_Empty LMG_Zafir_F Exile_Item_Can_Empty bipod_01_F_mtp SmokeShellPurple Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_ToiletPaper 20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag H_HelmetIA_net Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Can_Empty */ class Military { count = 345; half = 9033.88557112878; halfIndex = 172; sum = 9999.99999999992; items[] = { {1320.13201320132, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 13.20% {2640.26402640264, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 13.20% {3960.39603960396, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 13.20% {4290.42904290429, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 3.30% {4620.46204620462, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 3.30% {4950.49504950495, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"}, // 3.30% {5050, "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell"}, // 1.00% {5149.0099009901, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}, // 0.99% {5248.0198019802, "ItemCompass"}, // 0.99% {5322.27722772277, "HandGrenade"}, // 0.74% {5396.53465346535, "MiniGrenade"}, // 0.74% {5447.0297029703, "150Rnd_93x64_Mag"}, // 0.50% {5496.53465346535, "APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag"}, // 0.50% {5546.03960396039, "arifle_MX_SW_Black_F"}, // 0.50% {5595.54455445544, "arifle_MX_SW_F"}, // 0.50% {5645.04950495049, "LMG_Mk200_F"}, // 0.50% {5694.55445544554, "APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag"}, // 0.50% {5744.05940594059, "NVGoggles"}, // 0.50% {5793.56435643564, "Rangefinder"}, // 0.50% {5843.06930693069, "LMG_Zafir_F"}, // 0.50% {5892.57425742574, "APERSMine_Range_Mag"}, // 0.50% {5941.58415841584, "3Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.49% {5985.58855885588, "ItemMap"}, // 0.44% {6029.59295929593, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 0.44% {6071.17711771177, "srifle_DMR_01_F"}, // 0.42% {6112.76127612761, "srifle_EBR_F"}, // 0.42% {6152.36523652365, "U_IG_Guerilla2_3"}, // 0.40% {6191.96919691969, "U_IG_Guerilla2_2"}, // 0.40% {6231.57315731573, "U_IG_Guerilla2_1"}, // 0.40% {6271.17711771177, "U_IG_Guerilla1_1"}, // 0.40% {6308.30583058306, "U_IG_Guerilla3_2"}, // 0.37% {6345.43454345434, "U_IG_Guerilla3_1"}, // 0.37% {6382.10487715438, "Exile_Item_Vishpirin"}, // 0.37% {6418.77521085442, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 0.37% {6451.77851118445, "ItemWatch"}, // 0.33% {6484.78181151448, "ItemRadio"}, // 0.33% {6517.45507884122, "srifle_GM6_F"}, // 0.33% {6550.12834616795, "srifle_LRR_F"}, // 0.33% {6579.83131646498, "IEDLandSmall_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.30% {6609.53428676201, "IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.30% {6639.23725705904, "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.30% {6667.45507884122, "B_Carryall_cbr"}, // 0.28% {6695.24733175072, "10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag"}, // 0.28% {6723.03958466022, "10Rnd_338_Mag"}, // 0.28% {6750.76235693745, "B_FieldPack_ocamo"}, // 0.28% {6778.48512921467, "B_FieldPack_oucamo"}, // 0.28% {6806.2079014919, "10Rnd_762x51_Mag"}, // 0.28% {6833.93067376913, "B_FieldPack_cbr"}, // 0.28% {6861.65344604636, "20Rnd_762x51_Mag"}, // 0.28% {6889.37621832358, "B_FieldPack_blk"}, // 0.28% {6916.65445635147, "optic_DMS"}, // 0.27% {6943.38712961879, "B_Carryall_khk"}, // 0.27% {6970.11980288612, "B_Carryall_oli"}, // 0.27% {6996.38773580186, "optic_SOS"}, // 0.26% {7022.6556687176, "optic_LRPS"}, // 0.26% {7047.90319347008, "UGL_FlareGreen_F"}, // 0.25% {7073.15071822255, "UGL_FlareRed_F"}, // 0.25% {7098.39824297503, "UGL_FlareYellow_F"}, // 0.25% {7123.6457677275, "UGL_FlareWhite_F"}, // 0.25% {7148.39824297503, "arifle_Katiba_F"}, // 0.25% {7172.71646427084, "10Rnd_127x54_Mag"}, // 0.24% {7196.16617766323, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"}, // 0.23% {7219.61589105563, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"}, // 0.23% {7241.8931187784, "B_Carryall_ocamo"}, // 0.22% {7264.17034650117, "B_Carryall_oucamo"}, // 0.22% {7286.44757422394, "B_Carryall_mcamo"}, // 0.22% {7308.44977444396, "Binocular"}, // 0.22% {7330.45197466399, "ItemGPS"}, // 0.22% {7352.23415288181, "B_Bergen_blk"}, // 0.22% {7374.01633109963, "B_Bergen_rgr"}, // 0.22% {7395.79850931745, "B_Bergen_mcamo"}, // 0.22% {7417.58068753527, "B_Bergen_sgg"}, // 0.22% {7438.79709489029, "SmokeShellYellow"}, // 0.21% {7460.01350224532, "SmokeShellRed"}, // 0.21% {7481.22990960034, "SmokeShellGreen"}, // 0.21% {7502.44631695536, "SmokeShellOrange"}, // 0.21% {7523.66272431038, "SmokeShellBlue"}, // 0.21% {7544.8791316654, "SmokeShellPurple"}, // 0.21% {7566.09553902042, "SmokeShell"}, // 0.21% {7587.09763923044, "acc_flashlight"}, // 0.21% {7606.89961942846, "arifle_TRG20_F"}, // 0.20% {7626.70159962648, "arifle_MX_F"}, // 0.20% {7646.5035798245, "arifle_MXC_F"}, // 0.20% {7666.30556002252, "arifle_Katiba_GL_F"}, // 0.20% {7686.10754022054, "arifle_TRG21_F"}, // 0.20% {7705.30333735128, "muzzle_snds_B"}, // 0.19% {7724.41051122656, "20Rnd_762x51_Mag"}, // 0.19% {7742.9748676622, "V_PlateCarrierGL_mtp"}, // 0.19% {7761.53922409784, "V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr"}, // 0.19% {7780.10358053349, "V_PlateCarrierIAGL_dgtl"}, // 0.19% {7798.66793696913, "V_PlateCarrierSpec_blk"}, // 0.19% {7817.23229340477, "V_PlateCarrierSpec_mtp"}, // 0.19% {7835.79664984042, "V_PlateCarrierGL_blk"}, // 0.19% {7854.36100627606, "V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr"}, // 0.19% {7872.9253627117, "V_PlateCarrierIAGL_oli"}, // 0.19% {7891.26052956172, "Exile_Item_Bandage"}, // 0.18% {7908.58726223499, "arifle_Mk20_F"}, // 0.17% {7925.91399490826, "arifle_Mk20C_F"}, // 0.17% {7943.11045139601, "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag"}, // 0.17% {7959.94213456433, "5Rnd_127x108_Mag"}, // 0.17% {7976.77381773265, "7Rnd_408_Mag"}, // 0.17% {7993.27546789766, "V_RebreatherB"}, // 0.17% {8009.77711806268, "U_I_GhillieSuit"}, // 0.17% {8026.27876822769, "V_RebreatherIA"}, // 0.17% {8042.78041839271, "V_RebreatherIR"}, // 0.17% {8059.28206855773, "U_B_GhillieSuit"}, // 0.17% {8075.78371872274, "muzzle_snds_93mmg_tan"}, // 0.17% {8092.28536888776, "U_O_GhillieSuit"}, // 0.17% {8108.78701905277, "muzzle_snds_338_black"}, // 0.17% {8125.28866921779, "muzzle_snds_338_green"}, // 0.17% {8141.79031938281, "muzzle_snds_B"}, // 0.17% {8158.29196954782, "muzzle_snds_338_sand"}, // 0.17% {8174.79361971284, "muzzle_snds_93mmg"}, // 0.17% {8190.84927933286, "srifle_DMR_05_blk_F"}, // 0.16% {8206.90493895287, "srifle_DMR_05_hex_F"}, // 0.16% {8222.96059857289, "srifle_DMR_05_tan_F"}, // 0.16% {8238.11517525505, "1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.15% {8253.26975193721, "1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.15% {8268.42432861936, "1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.15% {8283.57890530152, "1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.15% {8298.73348198368, "1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.15% {8313.88805866584, "1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.15% {8329.042635348, "1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.15% {8344.04413549801, "optic_Hamr"}, // 0.15% {8359.04563564802, "optic_Arco"}, // 0.15% {8374.04713579804, "muzzle_snds_M"}, // 0.15% {8389.04863594805, "muzzle_snds_H"}, // 0.15% {8404.05013609807, "optic_DMS"}, // 0.15% {8419.05163624808, "optic_MRCO"}, // 0.15% {8434.0531363981, "acc_pointer_IR"}, // 0.15% {8449.05463654811, "optic_Holosight"}, // 0.15% {8463.90612169662, "arifle_MXM_F"}, // 0.15% {8478.75760684514, "arifle_SDAR_F"}, // 0.15% {8493.60909199365, "V_PlateCarrier1_blk"}, // 0.15% {8508.46057714217, "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr"}, // 0.15% {8523.31206229068, "V_PlateCarrier3_rgr"}, // 0.15% {8538.1635474392, "V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr"}, // 0.15% {8553.01503258771, "V_PlateCarrierIA1_dgtl"}, // 0.15% {8567.86651773622, "V_PlateCarrierIA2_dgtl"}, // 0.15% {8582.71800288474, "V_PlateCarrierIAGL_dgtl"}, // 0.15% {8597.56948803325, "V_PlateCarrier2_rgr"}, // 0.15% {8612.42097318177, "V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr"}, // 0.15% {8626.56524475178, "optic_KHS_old"}, // 0.14% {8640.70951632179, "optic_KHS_hex"}, // 0.14% {8654.85378789181, "optic_KHS_blk"}, // 0.14% {8668.99805946182, "optic_AMS_snd"}, // 0.14% {8683.14233103184, "optic_KHS_tan"}, // 0.14% {8697.28660260185, "optic_AMS_khk"}, // 0.14% {8711.43087417187, "optic_AMS"}, // 0.14% {8725.5007022073, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Green"}, // 0.14% {8739.57053024274, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red"}, // 0.14% {8753.64035827817, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Yellow"}, // 0.14% {8767.71018631361, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer"}, // 0.14% {8781.78001434904, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"}, // 0.14% {8795.84984238448, "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer"}, // 0.14% {8809.91374877512, "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt"}, // 0.14% {8823.97765516575, "U_B_CTRG_2"}, // 0.14% {8838.04156155639, "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest"}, // 0.14% {8852.10546794703, "U_B_CTRG_3"}, // 0.14% {8866.16937433767, "U_B_CTRG_1"}, // 0.14% {8880.23328072831, "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"}, // 0.14% {8894.29718711895, "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn"}, // 0.14% {8908.34588928646, "srifle_DMR_04_Tan_F"}, // 0.14% {8922.39459145397, "srifle_DMR_04_F"}, // 0.14% {8934.95554904227, "bipod_01_F_snd"}, // 0.13% {8947.51650663057, "bipod_02_F_blk"}, // 0.13% {8960.07746421886, "bipod_01_F_blk"}, // 0.13% {8972.63842180716, "bipod_03_F_oli"}, // 0.13% {8985.19937939545, "bipod_02_F_tan"}, // 0.13% {8997.76033698375, "bipod_03_F_blk"}, // 0.13% {9009.80208169876, "srifle_DMR_02_sniper_F"}, // 0.12% {9021.84382641377, "srifle_DMR_02_F"}, // 0.12% {9033.88557112878, "srifle_DMR_02_camo_F"}, // 0.12% {9045.7667592476, "150Rnd_762x54_Box"}, // 0.12% {9057.64794736641, "3Rnd_UGL_FlareGreen_F"}, // 0.12% {9069.52913548522, "3Rnd_UGL_FlareYellow_F"}, // 0.12% {9081.41032360403, "3Rnd_UGL_FlareWhite_F"}, // 0.12% {9093.29151172284, "100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"}, // 0.12% {9105.17269984166, "3Rnd_UGL_FlareRed_F"}, // 0.12% {9116.99477757182, "bipod_01_F_mtp"}, // 0.12% {9128.81685530198, "bipod_02_F_hex"}, // 0.12% {9140.06798041449, "U_I_HeliPilotCoveralls"}, // 0.11% {9151.319105527, "U_B_PilotCoveralls"}, // 0.11% {9162.57023063951, "U_O_PilotCoveralls"}, // 0.11% {9173.82135575202, "U_B_HeliPilotCoveralls"}, // 0.11% {9185.07248086453, "U_I_CombatUniform_shortsleeve"}, // 0.11% {9196.32360597704, "U_I_CombatUniform_tshirt"}, // 0.11% {9207.57473108955, "U_I_CombatUniform"}, // 0.11% {9218.82585620206, "U_I_pilotCoveralls"}, // 0.11% {9229.22189580602, "V_HarnessOGL_gry"}, // 0.10% {9239.61793540998, "V_HarnessO_brn"}, // 0.10% {9250.01397501394, "V_HarnessOGL_brn"}, // 0.10% {9260.4100146179, "V_HarnessO_gry"}, // 0.10% {9270.80605422186, "V_HarnessOSpec_brn"}, // 0.10% {9281.20209382582, "V_BandollierB_rgr"}, // 0.10% {9291.59813342978, "V_BandollierB_oli"}, // 0.10% {9301.99417303375, "V_BandollierB_blk"}, // 0.10% {9312.39021263771, "V_BandollierB_cbr"}, // 0.10% {9322.78625224167, "V_BandollierB_khk"}, // 0.10% {9333.18229184563, "V_HarnessOSpec_gry"}, // 0.10% {9343.08328194464, "arifle_MX_GL_F"}, // 0.10% {9352.98427204364, "arifle_TRG21_GL_F"}, // 0.10% {9362.88526214265, "arifle_Mk20_GL_F"}, // 0.10% {9372.78625224166, "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag"}, // 0.10% {9382.68724234067, "150Rnd_762x54_Box_Tracer"}, // 0.10% {9392.58823243968, "100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer"}, // 0.10% {9402.48922253869, "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.10% {9412.3902126377, "U_IG_leader"}, // 0.10% {9420.82855647208, "U_B_SpecopsUniform_sgg"}, // 0.08% {9428.32930654709, "optic_NVS"}, // 0.08% {9435.75504912135, "arifle_MX_GL_Black_F"}, // 0.07% {9443.18079169561, "arifle_MX_Black_F"}, // 0.07% {9450.60653426987, "arifle_MXC_Black_F"}, // 0.07% {9458.03227684412, "arifle_MXM_Black_F"}, // 0.07% {9465.45801941838, "V_PlateCarrierL_CTRG"}, // 0.07% {9472.88376199264, "V_Chestrig_oli"}, // 0.07% {9480.3095045669, "V_Chestrig_blk"}, // 0.07% {9487.73524714116, "V_Chestrig_rgr"}, // 0.07% {9495.16098971541, "V_Chestrig_khk"}, // 0.07% {9502.58673228967, "V_PlateCarrierH_CTRG"}, // 0.07% {9509.92079902968, "Exile_Item_InstaDoc"}, // 0.07% {9515.98262970254, "3Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.06% {9522.04446037541, "3Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.06% {9528.10629104827, "3Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.06% {9534.16812172113, "3Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.06% {9540.22995239399, "3Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.06% {9546.29178306686, "3Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.06% {9552.35361373972, "3Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell"}, // 0.06% {9558.37448609723, "srifle_DMR_06_olive_F"}, // 0.06% {9564.39535845473, "srifle_DMR_06_camo_F"}, // 0.06% {9570.41623081224, "srifle_DMR_03_F"}, // 0.06% {9576.43710316974, "srifle_DMR_03_khaki_F"}, // 0.06% {9582.45797552725, "srifle_DMR_03_tan_F"}, // 0.06% {9588.47884788475, "srifle_DMR_03_woodland_F"}, // 0.06% {9594.19095755726, "Exile_Headgear_GasMask"}, // 0.06% {9599.90306722976, "H_Booniehat_indp"}, // 0.06% {9605.61517690227, "H_Booniehat_khk"}, // 0.06% {9611.32728657477, "Exile_Headgear_GasMask"}, // 0.06% {9617.03939624728, "H_Booniehat_dgtl"}, // 0.06% {9622.75150591979, "H_Booniehat_dirty"}, // 0.06% {9628.46361559229, "H_Booniehat_tan"}, // 0.06% {9634.1757252648, "H_Booniehat_khk_hs"}, // 0.06% {9639.8878349373, "H_MilCap_dgtl"}, // 0.06% {9645.59994460981, "H_MilCap_rucamo"}, // 0.06% {9651.31205428232, "H_Booniehat_grn"}, // 0.06% {9657.02416395482, "H_MilCap_oucamo"}, // 0.06% {9662.73627362733, "H_MilCap_mcamo"}, // 0.06% {9668.44838329983, "H_MilCap_ocamo"}, // 0.06% {9674.16049297234, "H_Booniehat_mcamo"}, // 0.06% {9679.87260264485, "H_MilCap_blue"}, // 0.06% {9685.4981652011, "U_I_OfficerUniform"}, // 0.06% {9691.12372775736, "U_B_Wetsuit"}, // 0.06% {9696.74929031361, "U_O_Wetsuit"}, // 0.06% {9702.37485286987, "U_O_OfficerUniform_ocamo"}, // 0.06% {9708.00041542612, "U_I_Wetsuit"}, // 0.06% {9713.62597798238, "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo"}, // 0.06% {9719.25154053863, "U_O_CombatUniform_oucamo"}, // 0.06% {9724.87710309489, "U_O_SpecopsUniform_ocamo"}, // 0.06% {9730.50266565114, "U_O_SpecopsUniform_blk"}, // 0.06% {9736.00321570615, "U_O_FullGhillie_sard"}, // 0.06% {9741.50376576115, "U_B_FullGhillie_sard"}, // 0.06% {9747.00431581616, "U_O_FullGhillie_ard"}, // 0.06% {9752.50486587116, "U_O_FullGhillie_lsh"}, // 0.06% {9758.00541592617, "U_I_FullGhillie_ard"}, // 0.06% {9763.50596598117, "U_B_FullGhillie_ard"}, // 0.06% {9769.00651603618, "U_I_FullGhillie_sard"}, // 0.06% {9774.50706609118, "U_B_FullGhillie_lsh"}, // 0.06% {9780.00761614619, "U_I_FullGhillie_lsh"}, // 0.06% {9784.95811119569, "U_I_G_resistanceLeader_F"}, // 0.05% {9789.9086062452, "130Rnd_338_Mag"}, // 0.05% {9794.36405178975, "V_I_G_resistanceLeader_F"}, // 0.04% {9798.64813404413, "H_Bandanna_gry"}, // 0.04% {9802.93221629851, "H_Hat_camo"}, // 0.04% {9807.21629855289, "H_Bandanna_khk"}, // 0.04% {9811.50038080727, "H_Bandanna_khk_hs"}, // 0.04% {9815.78446306165, "H_Cap_brn_SPECOPS"}, // 0.04% {9820.06854531602, "H_Bandanna_cbr"}, // 0.04% {9824.3526275704, "H_Bandanna_sgg"}, // 0.04% {9828.63670982478, "H_Bandanna_camo"}, // 0.04% {9832.92079207916, "H_Cap_tan_specops_US"}, // 0.04% {9837.20487433354, "H_HelmetIA"}, // 0.04% {9841.48895658792, "H_Watchcap_blk"}, // 0.04% {9845.7730388423, "H_Watchcap_khk"}, // 0.04% {9850.05712109667, "H_HelmetB"}, // 0.04% {9854.34120335105, "H_HelmetB_paint"}, // 0.04% {9858.62528560543, "H_HelmetB_light"}, // 0.04% {9862.90936785981, "H_HelmetB_plain_blk"}, // 0.04% {9867.19345011419, "H_HelmetSpecB"}, // 0.04% {9871.47753236857, "H_HelmetSpecB_paint1"}, // 0.04% {9875.76161462294, "H_HelmetSpecB_paint2"}, // 0.04% {9880.04569687732, "H_HelmetSpecB_blk"}, // 0.04% {9884.3297791317, "H_Bandanna_mcamo"}, // 0.04% {9888.61386138608, "H_Cap_khaki_specops_UK"}, // 0.04% {9892.89794364046, "H_BandMask_blk"}, // 0.04% {9895.75399847671, "H_Shemag_olive_hs"}, // 0.03% {9898.61005331296, "H_HelmetB_light_snakeskin"}, // 0.03% {9901.46610814922, "H_BandMask_demon"}, // 0.03% {9904.32216298547, "H_BandMask_reaper"}, // 0.03% {9907.17821782172, "H_BandMask_khk"}, // 0.03% {9910.03427265798, "H_HelmetB_light_sand"}, // 0.03% {9912.89032749423, "H_HelmetB_light_black"}, // 0.03% {9915.74638233048, "H_HelmetB_light_desert"}, // 0.03% {9918.60243716674, "H_HelmetB_light_grass"}, // 0.03% {9921.45849200299, "H_HelmetB_sand"}, // 0.03% {9924.31454683924, "H_HelmetB_black"}, // 0.03% {9927.17060167549, "H_HelmetB_desert"}, // 0.03% {9930.02665651175, "H_HelmetB_snakeskin"}, // 0.03% {9932.882711348, "H_HelmetB_grass"}, // 0.03% {9935.73876618425, "H_HelmetIA_camo"}, // 0.03% {9938.59482102051, "H_ShemagOpen_tan"}, // 0.03% {9941.45087585676, "H_HelmetIA_net"}, // 0.03% {9944.30693069301, "H_Shemag_olive"}, // 0.03% {9947.16298552926, "H_Shemag_tan"}, // 0.03% {9950.01904036552, "H_Shemag_khk"}, // 0.03% {9952.87509520177, "H_TurbanO_blk"}, // 0.03% {9955.73115003802, "H_Watchcap_sgg"}, // 0.03% {9958.58720487428, "H_Watchcap_camo"}, // 0.03% {9961.44325971053, "H_ShemagOpen_khk"}, // 0.03% {9962.87128712866, "H_HelmetLeaderO_oucamo"}, // 0.01% {9964.29931454678, "H_HelmetO_oucamo"}, // 0.01% {9965.72734196491, "H_PilotHelmetFighter_I"}, // 0.01% {9967.15536938303, "H_PilotHelmetHeli_B"}, // 0.01% {9968.58339680116, "H_PilotHelmetHeli_O"}, // 0.01% {9970.01142421928, "H_CrewHelmetHeli_I"}, // 0.01% {9971.43945163741, "H_HelmetB_camo"}, // 0.01% {9972.86747905553, "H_CrewHelmetHeli_B"}, // 0.01% {9974.29550647366, "H_CrewHelmetHeli_O"}, // 0.01% {9975.72353389179, "H_PilotHelmetHeli_I"}, // 0.01% {9977.15156130991, "H_HelmetSpecO_ocamo"}, // 0.01% {9978.57958872804, "H_Beret_red"}, // 0.01% {9980.00761614616, "H_HelmetO_ocamo"}, // 0.01% {9981.43564356429, "H_HelmetLeaderO_ocamo"}, // 0.01% {9982.86367098241, "H_HelmetCrew_I"}, // 0.01% {9984.29169840054, "H_HelmetCrew_O"}, // 0.01% {9985.71972581866, "H_HelmetCrew_B"}, // 0.01% {9987.14775323679, "H_Beret_blk"}, // 0.01% {9988.57578065492, "H_PilotHelmetFighter_B"}, // 0.01% {9990.00380807304, "H_Beret_Colonel"}, // 0.01% {9991.43183549117, "H_Beret_02"}, // 0.01% {9992.85986290929, "H_Beret_ocamo"}, // 0.01% {9994.28789032742, "H_Beret_brn_SF"}, // 0.01% {9995.71591774554, "H_Beret_grn_SF"}, // 0.01% {9997.14394516367, "H_Beret_grn"}, // 0.01% {9998.57197258179, "H_HelmetSpecO_blk"}, // 0.01% {9999.99999999992, "H_PilotHelmetFighter_O"} // 0.01% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_InstaDoc Exile_Item_InstaDoc Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Magazine01 Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_InstaDoc Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_InstaDoc Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_InstaDoc Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Can_Empty Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_Magazine02 Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_InstaDoc Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty Exile_Item_Bandage Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_ToiletPaper Exile_Item_Magazine03 Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin Exile_Item_Vishpirin */ class Medical { count = 10; half = 8881.48148148148; halfIndex = 5; sum = 10000; items[] = { {2592.59259259259, "Exile_Item_Vishpirin"}, // 25.93% {5185.18518518519, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 25.93% {6481.48148148148, "Exile_Item_Bandage"}, // 12.96% {7281.48148148148, "Exile_Item_Can_Empty"}, // 8.00% {8081.48148148148, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}, // 8.00% {8881.48148148148, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}, // 8.00% {9400, "Exile_Item_InstaDoc"}, // 5.19% {9600, "Exile_Item_Magazine01"}, // 2.00% {9800, "Exile_Item_Magazine02"}, // 2.00% {10000, "Exile_Item_Magazine03"} // 2.00% }; }; /** Result of 100 rounds: srifle_DMR_04_F srifle_LRR_F srifle_DMR_04_Tan_F H_MilCap_mcamo APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag srifle_EBR_F srifle_DMR_04_Tan_F srifle_EBR_F optic_LRPS B_Carryall_mcamo 20Rnd_762x51_Mag ItemGPS H_HelmetSpecB_paint2 optic_AMS_snd ItemMap srifle_DMR_02_sniper_F 10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag srifle_DMR_01_F MiniGrenade srifle_DMR_02_sniper_F srifle_EBR_F srifle_DMR_02_sniper_F IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Mag srifle_DMR_01_F srifle_DMR_05_hex_F 7Rnd_408_Mag srifle_DMR_02_F Exile_Item_Heatpack Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_Bandage H_HelmetB_snakeskin U_O_FullGhillie_ard U_I_GhillieSuit srifle_GM6_F srifle_EBR_F srifle_GM6_F H_HelmetB_light_snakeskin srifle_DMR_04_Tan_F H_HelmetB_paint APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag B_Carryall_mcamo muzzle_snds_338_sand HandGrenade ItemGPS srifle_EBR_F srifle_DMR_03_woodland_F srifle_DMR_01_F srifle_DMR_02_camo_F srifle_DMR_01_F srifle_GM6_F optic_DMS Exile_Item_ZipTie srifle_DMR_03_khaki_F B_Carryall_cbr srifle_GM6_F Exile_Headgear_GasMask srifle_DMR_05_tan_F B_Carryall_cbr Exile_Item_Heatpack 10Rnd_127x54_Mag B_Carryall_ocamo U_B_FullGhillie_sard muzzle_snds_338_green srifle_EBR_F Exile_Item_Vishpirin H_BandMask_demon srifle_DMR_04_F ItemWatch DemoCharge_Remote_Mag U_I_GhillieSuit B_Carryall_oucamo HandGrenade srifle_LRR_F srifle_DMR_03_F H_HelmetB_light_grass Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_ZipTie H_CrewHelmetHeli_B H_HelmetB_light_desert Exile_Item_Vishpirin 20Rnd_762x51_Mag srifle_DMR_01_F Exile_Item_Heatpack srifle_DMR_01_F H_HelmetSpecB_paint2 U_O_FullGhillie_sard srifle_EBR_F srifle_EBR_F srifle_DMR_01_F srifle_DMR_05_blk_F H_MilCap_mcamo Exile_Item_Vishpirin U_I_FullGhillie_sard srifle_EBR_F srifle_LRR_F U_I_FullGhillie_ard H_PilotHelmetFighter_I Exile_Item_ZipTie Exile_Item_ZipTie srifle_EBR_F */ class Tourist { count = 132; half = 8581.75498575499; halfIndex = 66; sum = 10000; items[] = { {560, "srifle_DMR_01_F"}, // 5.60% {1120, "srifle_EBR_F"}, // 5.60% {1560, "srifle_LRR_F"}, // 4.40% {2000, "srifle_GM6_F"}, // 4.40% {2400, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}, // 4.00% {2616.21621621622, "srifle_DMR_05_blk_F"}, // 2.16% {2832.43243243243, "srifle_DMR_05_hex_F"}, // 2.16% {3048.64864864865, "srifle_DMR_05_tan_F"}, // 2.16% {3248.64864864865, "MiniGrenade"}, // 2.00% {3448.64864864865, "HandGrenade"}, // 2.00% {3638.64864864865, "B_Carryall_cbr"}, // 1.90% {3827.83783783784, "srifle_DMR_04_F"}, // 1.89% {4017.02702702703, "srifle_DMR_04_Tan_F"}, // 1.89% {4197.02702702703, "B_Carryall_khk"}, // 1.80% {4377.02702702703, "B_Carryall_oli"}, // 1.80% {4543.69369369369, "U_O_GhillieSuit"}, // 1.67% {4710.36036036036, "U_I_GhillieSuit"}, // 1.67% {4877.02702702703, "U_B_GhillieSuit"}, // 1.67% {5039.18918918919, "srifle_DMR_02_camo_F"}, // 1.62% {5201.35135135135, "srifle_DMR_02_F"}, // 1.62% {5363.51351351352, "srifle_DMR_02_sniper_F"}, // 1.62% {5513.51351351352, "B_Carryall_ocamo"}, // 1.50% {5663.51351351352, "B_Carryall_mcamo"}, // 1.50% {5813.51351351352, "B_Carryall_oucamo"}, // 1.50% {5961.66166166166, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 1.48% {6109.80980980981, "Exile_Item_Vishpirin"}, // 1.48% {6198.6986986987, "Exile_Item_Heatpack"}, // 0.89% {6287.58758758759, "ItemMap"}, // 0.89% {6368.66866866867, "srifle_DMR_06_olive_F"}, // 0.81% {6449.74974974975, "srifle_DMR_03_F"}, // 0.81% {6530.83083083083, "srifle_DMR_06_camo_F"}, // 0.81% {6611.91191191191, "srifle_DMR_03_woodland_F"}, // 0.81% {6692.99299299299, "srifle_DMR_03_khaki_F"}, // 0.81% {6774.07407407407, "srifle_DMR_03_tan_F"}, // 0.81% {6854.07407407407, "APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag"}, // 0.80% {6934.07407407407, "APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag"}, // 0.80% {7014.07407407407, "APERSMine_Range_Mag"}, // 0.80% {7088.14814814815, "Exile_Item_Bandage"}, // 0.74% {7154.81481481481, "ItemRadio"}, // 0.67% {7221.48148148148, "ItemWatch"}, // 0.67% {7277.62183235867, "10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag"}, // 0.56% {7333.76218323587, "10Rnd_338_Mag"}, // 0.56% {7389.76218323587, "10Rnd_762x51_Mag"}, // 0.56% {7445.76218323587, "20Rnd_762x51_Mag"}, // 0.56% {7501.31773879142, "U_I_FullGhillie_lsh"}, // 0.56% {7556.87329434698, "U_O_FullGhillie_sard"}, // 0.56% {7612.42884990253, "U_O_FullGhillie_lsh"}, // 0.56% {7667.98440545809, "U_O_FullGhillie_ard"}, // 0.56% {7723.53996101364, "U_B_FullGhillie_sard"}, // 0.56% {7779.0955165692, "U_B_FullGhillie_lsh"}, // 0.56% {7834.65107212476, "U_B_FullGhillie_ard"}, // 0.56% {7890.20662768031, "U_I_FullGhillie_sard"}, // 0.56% {7945.76218323587, "U_I_FullGhillie_ard"}, // 0.56% {8000.86422405219, "optic_DMS"}, // 0.55% {8053.92544854199, "optic_LRPS"}, // 0.53% {8106.98667303179, "optic_SOS"}, // 0.53% {8156.10948004933, "10Rnd_127x54_Mag"}, // 0.49% {8204.10948004933, "IEDLandSmall_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.48% {8252.10948004933, "IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.48% {8300.10948004933, "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.48% {8344.55392449378, "ItemGPS"}, // 0.44% {8388.99836893822, "Binocular"}, // 0.44% {8427.7738791423, "muzzle_snds_B"}, // 0.39% {8466.37037037037, "20Rnd_762x51_Mag"}, // 0.39% {8504.83190883191, "H_MilCap_blue"}, // 0.38% {8543.29344729345, "Exile_Headgear_GasMask"}, // 0.38% {8581.75498575499, "H_MilCap_oucamo"}, // 0.38% {8620.21652421653, "H_MilCap_mcamo"}, // 0.38% {8658.67806267807, "H_MilCap_ocamo"}, // 0.38% {8697.13960113961, "H_MilCap_dgtl"}, // 0.38% {8735.60113960115, "H_MilCap_rucamo"}, // 0.38% {8769.60113960115, "5Rnd_127x108_Mag"}, // 0.34% {8803.60113960115, "7Rnd_408_Mag"}, // 0.34% {8836.93447293448, "muzzle_snds_93mmg_tan"}, // 0.33% {8870.26780626781, "muzzle_snds_338_black"}, // 0.33% {8903.60113960115, "muzzle_snds_93mmg"}, // 0.33% {8936.93447293448, "muzzle_snds_338_sand"}, // 0.33% {8970.26780626782, "muzzle_snds_B"}, // 0.33% {9003.60113960115, "muzzle_snds_338_green"}, // 0.33% {9033.23076923078, "Exile_Item_InstaDoc"}, // 0.30% {9062.07692307693, "H_HelmetB_paint"}, // 0.29% {9090.92307692309, "H_HelmetB_plain_blk"}, // 0.29% {9119.76923076924, "H_HelmetSpecB_paint2"}, // 0.29% {9148.6153846154, "H_HelmetB_light"}, // 0.29% {9177.46153846155, "H_HelmetB"}, // 0.29% {9206.3076923077, "H_HelmetSpecB_blk"}, // 0.29% {9235.15384615386, "H_HelmetIA"}, // 0.29% {9264.00000000001, "H_HelmetSpecB"}, // 0.29% {9292.84615384617, "H_HelmetSpecB_paint1"}, // 0.29% {9321.4175824176, "optic_AMS_snd"}, // 0.29% {9349.98901098903, "optic_AMS_khk"}, // 0.29% {9378.56043956046, "optic_KHS_blk"}, // 0.29% {9407.13186813188, "optic_KHS_hex"}, // 0.29% {9435.70329670331, "optic_KHS_old"}, // 0.29% {9464.27472527474, "optic_KHS_tan"}, // 0.29% {9492.84615384617, "optic_AMS"}, // 0.29% {9512.84615384617, "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag"}, // 0.20% {9532.07692307694, "H_HelmetB_light_black"}, // 0.19% {9551.30769230771, "H_HelmetB_grass"}, // 0.19% {9570.53846153848, "H_HelmetB_snakeskin"}, // 0.19% {9589.76923076925, "H_HelmetB_desert"}, // 0.19% {9609.00000000002, "H_HelmetB_black"}, // 0.19% {9628.23076923079, "H_HelmetB_sand"}, // 0.19% {9647.46153846156, "H_HelmetB_light_grass"}, // 0.19% {9666.69230769233, "H_HelmetB_light_snakeskin"}, // 0.19% {9685.9230769231, "H_HelmetB_light_desert"}, // 0.19% {9705.15384615387, "H_HelmetB_light_sand"}, // 0.19% {9724.38461538464, "H_BandMask_khk"}, // 0.19% {9743.61538461541, "H_BandMask_reaper"}, // 0.19% {9762.84615384618, "H_BandMask_demon"}, // 0.19% {9782.07692307695, "H_HelmetIA_camo"}, // 0.19% {9801.30769230772, "H_HelmetIA_net"}, // 0.19% {9817.30769230772, "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag"}, // 0.16% {9826.9230769231, "H_HelmetCrew_B"}, // 0.10% {9836.53846153848, "H_HelmetO_ocamo"}, // 0.10% {9846.15384615387, "H_HelmetLeaderO_ocamo"}, // 0.10% {9855.76923076925, "H_HelmetLeaderO_oucamo"}, // 0.10% {9865.38461538464, "H_HelmetO_oucamo"}, // 0.10% {9875.00000000002, "H_CrewHelmetHeli_I"}, // 0.10% {9884.61538461541, "H_CrewHelmetHeli_O"}, // 0.10% {9894.23076923079, "H_CrewHelmetHeli_B"}, // 0.10% {9903.84615384618, "H_HelmetSpecO_ocamo"}, // 0.10% {9913.46153846156, "H_HelmetB_camo"}, // 0.10% {9923.07692307695, "H_PilotHelmetHeli_O"}, // 0.10% {9932.69230769233, "H_PilotHelmetHeli_B"}, // 0.10% {9942.30769230772, "H_PilotHelmetFighter_I"}, // 0.10% {9951.9230769231, "H_PilotHelmetFighter_O"}, // 0.10% {9961.53846153849, "H_PilotHelmetFighter_B"}, // 0.10% {9971.15384615387, "H_HelmetCrew_I"}, // 0.10% {9980.76923076926, "H_HelmetCrew_O"}, // 0.10% {9990.38461538464, "H_PilotHelmetHeli_I"}, // 0.10% {10000, "H_HelmetSpecO_blk"} // 0.10% }; }; }; class CfgSettings { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GARBAGE COLLECTOR /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class GarbageCollector { /* Remark: In 0.9.35 and below, Exile has checked if a player was nearby and then delayed the deletion. This check has been removed to save server performance. Do NOT touch these if you are not 10000% sure what you do! */ class Ingame { // Dropped items without fissix class GroundWeaponHolder { lifeTime = 10; interval = 5; }; // Dropped items with fissix class WeaponHolderSimulated { lifeTime = 10; interval = 5; }; // Corpses and wrecks class AllDead { lifeTime = 15; interval = 5; }; // Loot spawned inside a building class Loot { lifeTime = 8; interval = 1; }; // Never touch this or you will break your sever! class Groups { interval = 0.5; }; }; class Database { // Remove all territories (and contructions + containers in it) that were not paid after X days territoryLifeTime = 7; // Remove all containers outside of territories that have not been used for X days // Example: Tents containerLifeTime = 10; // Remove all constructions outside of territories that are older than X days or not moved for X days // Example: Work Benches constructionLifeTime = 2; // Remove all vehicles that were not moved/used for X days vehicleLifeTime = 3; // Set safe as abandoned abandonedTime = 7; }; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RESPECT, YO /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Respect { /** * Defines the factor of respect you gain for every pop tab in revenue * * Default: Get 1 respect for every 10 pop tabs */ tradingRespectFactor = 0.1; /** * Defines the amount of respect earned/lost for certain types of frags */ class Frags { bambi = -500; // Bambi slayers friendlyFire = -1000; // For party members standard = 100; // Normal kill domination = 80; // Keeps killing the same guy letItRain = 150; // MG, also vehicle MGs humiliation = 300; // Axe passenger = 400; // Out of car/chopper/boat roadKill = 200; // bigBird = 600; // Roadkill, but with chopper/plane chuteGreaterChopper = 1000; // Someone flies into chute and chopper/plane explodes }; class Handcuffs { trapping = -50; // A handcuffs B breakingFree = 100; // B broke free releasedByHero = 100; // C releases B releasedByHostageTaker = 50; // A releases B }; class Bonus { // Bonus per full 100m per100mDistance = 10; // First blood after server restart firstBlood = 100; // If you kill someone while you are in your own territory homie = 20; // If you kill someone who is in his own territory raid = 20; /* Example with killstreak = 50 Frag Factor Bonus 2 * 50 +100 3 * 50 +150 4 * 50 +200 5 * 50 +250 */ killStreak = 50; // Kills within this amount of seconds stack (default: 2 minutes) killStreakTimeout = 120; }; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // KILLFEED MAN! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class KillFeed { // Shows a kill feed for well kills showKillFeed = 1; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PLAYER SPAWN CONFIGURATION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class BambiSettings { /** * Loadout of new bambi players * * (They will always spawn with a bambi overall - you cannot * change the loadout uniform) */ loadOut[] = { "ItemCompass", "ItemMap", "Exile_Item_XM8", "ItemRadio", "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater" }; /** * Enables or disables parachute spawning. * * 1 = On * 0 = Off */ parachuteSpawning = 1; /** * Enables or disables halo jumping. Only applies * if parachute spawning is enabled. * * Remember that if you enable halo jump, it is adviced * to adjust the parachuteDropHeight to something around * 1km or so. * * 1 = On * 0 = Off */ haloJump = 1; /** * Parachute drop height in meters. */ parachuteDropHeight = 1000; /** * Number of minutes where a fresh spawned player remains in the * bambi state. It will end the bambi state after this timeout * expired or when they pick up their first weapon. Whatever * happens first. */ protectionDuration = 5; /** * Radius of spawn zones around the center of spawn zone markers. */ spawnZoneRadius = 500; /** * These vehicles spawn on server restart close to spawn zones. * They are non-persistent and will despawn on server restart. * Basically they are just used to get away from the spawn zone * faster. * * {Number of vehicles *per* spawn zone, vehicle class name} */ spawnZoneVehicles[] = { {5, "Exile_Bike_OldBike"}, {5, "Exile_Bike_MountainBike"} }; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // VEHICLE SPAWN CONFIGURATION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class VehicleSpawn { /** * Grid Size for vehicle spawning, * smaller the number more vehicles, * you get the point */ vehiclesGridSize = 2200; /** * Vehicle ammount per grid * kinda self explanitory */ vehiclesGridAmount = 2; /** * Creates global markers for vehicle spawn tweeking, * after you are satisfied with vehicle ammount and spread set this to 0. */ vehiclesDebugMarkers = 0; /** * The server will apply random damage up to this value when spawning a vehicle. */ damageChance = 20; // 20% chance for a vehicle HITPOINT to be damaged maximumDamage = 0.9; // Stuff to spawn on water water[] = { "Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_Police", "Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_Orange", "Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_White", "Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_CSAT", "Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Digital", "Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Orange", "Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Blue", "Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Black", "Exile_Boat_SDV_CSAT", "Exile_Boat_SDV_Digital", "Exile_Boat_SDV_Grey" }; // Stuff to spawn on roads ground[] = { "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Black", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Blue", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Red", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_White", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Nato", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Csat", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Fia", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Guerilla01", "Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Guerilla02", "Exile_Car_Volha_Blue", "Exile_Car_Volha_White", "Exile_Car_Lada_Green", "Exile_Car_Lada_Taxi", "Exile_Car_TowTractor_White", "Exile_Car_UAZ_Open_Green", "Exile_Car_UAZ_Green", "Exile_Car_LandRover_Ambulance_Desert", "Exile_Car_Tractor_Red", "Exile_Car_OldTractor_Red", "Exile_Car_Octavius_White" }; /** * Enables or disables nightvision optics on ALL vehicles * * 0 = off * 1 = on */ nightVision = 1; /** * Enables or disables thermal optics on ALL vehicles * * 0 = off * 1 = on */ thermalVision = 0; /** * Set this to 1 to unlock vehicles on server boot if they are in safe zones * * 0 = off * 1 = on */ unlockInSafeZonesAfterRestart = 1; }; class Weather { /* You can define multiple "keyframes" for the weather to change. The server will pick a keyframe randomly to simulate the weather. It will change the weather-keyframes based on the following interval */ interval = 30; /* Add the keyframes here. The server will pick one random, so if you want one weather type of be more dominant compared to others, add it multiple times */ keyframes[] = {"Sunny", "Cloudy", "Thunderstorm"}; /* This is a keyframe. Look up the BIKI to get more details about the parameters Be sure to design the fog settings at a view distance of 1,600m as this is the limit in multiplayer by default https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/fogParamshttps://community.bistudio.com/wiki/overcasthttps://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setWaveshttps://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setWindStrhttps://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setGustshttps://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setRainhttps://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setLightningshttps://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setRainbow */ class Sunny { fogValue = 0.1; fogDecay = 0.2; fogBase = 5; overcast = 0.2; waves = 0.2; wind = 0.25; gusts = 0.1; rain = 0; lightnings = 0; rainbows = 0; }; class Cloudy { fogValue = 0.2; fogDecay = 0.1; fogBase = 5; overcast = 0.4; waves = 0.4; wind = 0.25; gusts = 0.5; rain = 0.1; lightnings = 0.1; rainbows = 1; }; class Thunderstorm { fogValue = 0.7; fogDecay = 0.2; fogBase = 5; overcast = 1; waves = 1; wind = 0.25; gusts = 0.5; rain = 1; lightnings = 1; rainbows = 0.5; }; }; class Time { // Uses Dedicated Server time as ingame Time useRealTime = 0; // Will overide RealTime useStaticTime = 1; // time in ARMA FORMAT << CONFIG // https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setDate staticTime[] = {2039,10,24,15,30}; }; class RCON { /* Note that for this to work you need to have serverCommandPassowrd defined in config.cfg and BE enabled */ // This needs to match config.cfg serverCommandPassword serverPassword = "umiy86tmdfn7"; // Autolocks server until its ready to accept players useAutoLock = 0; // Server will autoLock at that time before restart (minutes) restartAutoLock = 3; /* Number of hours and minutes of your restart period. Examples: {4, 0} = Every 4 hours {1, 30} = Every one and a half hour (who the hell would do this?) */ restartTimer[] = {3, 0}; /* Kicks players before restart to prevent gear loss. We strongely recommend to use this! 0 = off 1 = on */ useAutoKick = 0; /* Number of minutes before the server kicks players that did not disconnect before the restart. Should at least be two minutes! */ kickTime = 2; /* Self-explanatory 0 = off 1 = on */ useRestartMessages = 0; /* Number of minutes before the restart to inform your players. Only use full minutes here. Value like 5.5 have not been tested. */ restartWarningTime[] = {15, 10, 5, 3}; /* If set to 1 server will execute '#shutdown', to try to shutdown the server */ useShutdown = 0; }; class ServerSettings { /* Support for custom server FSM if wanted */ serverFSM = "exile_server\fsm\main.fsm"; /* If this is enabled, Exile developers will spawn with a ton of pop tabs. We will have a hard time debugging things if you disable this. */ devFriendyMode = 1; devs[] = { "76561197985241690", // Eichi "76561198022879703", // Grim "76561197968999666", // Mr.White^ex "76561198075905447" // Vishpala }; }; class Events { /* A list of events that are active */ enabledEvents[] = {"SupplyBox","AbandonedSafe"}; class SupplyBox // DONT USE IT: WIP BROKEN { /* Drops a supply box on a parachute next to a random airport on the map. The box may contain items. The box can be transported to a territory and installed to become a normal storage container. */ type = "spawn"; function = "ExileServer_system_event_supplyBox_start"; minTime = 15; // minutes maxTime = 30; // minutes minimumPlayersOnline = 0; dropRadius = 500; // 500m around an airport (including the main airport on Altis!) dropAltitude = 100; // altitude of the drop markerTime = 10; // minutes /* These are different types of boxes can be dropped. You can specify the cargo a box should contain. The type of box is chosen randomly from the following list. Add a type multiple times to increase the chance of being used. */ types[] = {"Beer", "Beer", "Tools", "Food", "Food", "RepairParts", "Nades"}; class BoxTypes { class Beer { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_Beer", 24} }; }; class Nades { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_Beer", 10} }; }; class Food { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_BBQSandwich", 5}, {"Exile_Item_Catfood", 5}, {"Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner", 5}, {"Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst", 5}, {"Exile_Item_SausageGravy", 5}, {"Exile_Item_Surstromming", 5}, {"Exile_Item_CanOpener", 1}, {"Exile_Item_CookingPot", 1}, {"Exile_Item_Matches", 1} }; }; class Tools { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_Wrench", 1}, {"Exile_Item_Shovel", 1}, {"Exile_Item_Screwdriver", 1}, {"Exile_Item_Pliers", 1}, {"Exile_Item_Handsaw", 1}, {"Exile_Item_FireExtinguisher", 1}, {"Exile_Item_DuctTape", 1} }; }; class RepairParts { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_CarWheel", 8}, {"Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull", 4}, {"Exile_Item_OilCanister", 1}, {"Exile_Item_Grinder", 1}, {"Exile_Item_CordlessScrewdriver", 1} }; }; }; }; class AbandonedSafe { type = "spawn"; function = "ExileServer_system_event_abandonedSafe_start"; minTime = 60; // minutes maxTime = 120; // minutes minimumPlayersOnline = 0; markerTime = 15; // minutes }; }; }; Spoiler it works Edited June 24, 2016 by {ALFA}FSB_RU Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CEN 449 Report post Posted June 24, 2016 18 hours ago, Fivenine said: i just validated server files in steamcmd and it seems to have fixed it, no rpt spam and loot is normal. peeking at almighty @CEN's mission file, it seems he's using a workaround, so no, we are not alone =P I haven't used Exile's way of spawning loot for about 4-5 months now. I use a custom loot spawning system. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites