
CUP Super Stallion

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Anyone notice a bug where the CUP super stallion is repaired after taking damage and the voice warnings (ie: "hydraulic failure" , "Engine failure")  continue even when everything is at 100%

If there is no way to fix the bug, is there a way to disable the voice warnings?

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Hmm thats pretty interesting!

Do the warnings persist over restarts? (I would imagine not).


Now I do beleive that there is a way to disable the voice warnings. I think if you go into your audio settings there should be some sort of option like "Voice" just turn that all the way down and you shouldnt experience it anymore. (If it isnt voice, try music). 


I'll update the post when I am on my main PC ;)

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Sorry, I didnt have notification on this post. I did more testing and yes, oddly enough the warnings do persist over restarts, so its not like an Exile sound glitch. It's more of a CUP config issue, so I posted in the CUP bug tracker, see what they do with it. 

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