
Thoughts on how to "fix" Exile as a whole

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Exile in its current state gets stale, and quick.  It's a never-ending cycle of kill-loot-kill-loot-die-gearup-kill-loot-kill-loot-die, etc.  That gets boring, quickly.  This isn't CoD, but many people are trying to turn it into something very similar.

I'm going to be making comparisons to Epoch here, as it is generally the closest comp to what Exile is. 


Here are some thoughts on how to liven up the mod as a whole:


1)  Overhaul the trader system as it currently exists.  Vanilla Epoch traders had the absolute perfect system in my opinion in that the only items available at a trader were the items that had been sold to them by the players.  The current system that is in place in which you have everything readily available to buy is single-handedly killing base raiding as a whole.  Why keep anything in a base when you can just sell everything to a trader and end up with an overwhelming wealth of pop tabs and just buy anything you could dream of at the trader when you die?  Why raid a base when you know that nobody is keeping anything in said base for that same reason?  If the trader system gets overhauled, and everything isn't just readily available to buy, then it will force people to store their valuable items in their base, thus opening it up to be more appealing for others to try and raid bases for said valuable gear.

As it stands now, people just do a few missions, load up their vehicles with the loot from said mission and go to the trader and sell it all and amass multiple thousands of pop tabs per run.  Do that a few times and you already have enough to buy anything you want.  If you change the system to model what Epoch did, then selling items to the trader would potentially be selling items that could kill you later.  You would think twice about that, and instead want to store items in your base, again....creating more reason for people to want to come knocking with C-4 to take it from you and arm themselves up.

Once Epoch added the HS Traders (which are the ones that have everything ready to buy all the time) is when it truly started to go downhill.  I also firmly believe it is a large part of what is holding Exile back currently.


2)  Vehicle Locks -  Another thing that Epoch did right imho.  If you want to keep your vehicle, and don't want anyone to steal it, then construct a base that can protect it.  Simple concept really.  If you want to be lazy and just park your vehicle anywhere, then there should be real consequences for it, aka someone else is going to come steal it and use it for themselves.  I think the timed locks were perfect in a video game setting.


3) Improving the Loot Tables -  If you're going to take away the traders that have everything readily available to buy, then the loot tables would need to be adjusted so that you actually have a chance to find decent things to be able to do missions to get better gear.  


4) Base Raiding Balances - It shouldn't take 20 C-4 to bust through a wall, especially since you would be taking away the ability to just buy as many as you want.  Depending on the balancing of loot tables that would be needed, you could decrease the amount of C-4 required to bust down a wall to a reasonable amount.  It should NOT be made incredibly easy, but it should be something that is do-able.  It should NOT be made incredibly hard either because you would have to keep in mind the potential trade-off of using so much C-4 in relation to what could be inside.  Would need a pretty lengthy discussion and ideas to find that perfect balancing point.


Summary:  The current trader system is the single biggest thing in need of an overhaul in my opinion.  If you take away the ability to just buy anything at anytime, then you will force people to go to different lengths to acquire better gear.  Base Building/Raiding would increase, and the PVP would increase at the missions as people will know that the missions would have the best gear since they cant just go to a trader whenever they want to buy stuff anymore.  There would be a greater sense of "survival", and not being able to just roll up to a mission all willy nilly and care free and expect to survive.  You would need to get to a mission, scout it out for other players potentially camping it and then clear it out.  You'd then need to get in and loot quickly before someone else comes along and catches you looting. 


What Exile does right currently:


Base Building - Aside from the glitching, the base building system in Exile is vastly superior to Epoch, and it really isnt even close.  

UI - Again, vastly superior to Epoch.

Edited by WeTarDidSmurf
corrected a reference to Epoch mistakenly labelled as Exile
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I dont think there really needs to be any changes to the way vehicles are locked since the thermal scanner pro AND knife exist in the mod, both allowing for relatively easy access into anyone's car or helicopter, so there are consequences for leaving these things outside of a base. As for the base building, I agree it is superior to Epochs, however, I still think it could use vector point snapping allowing for much more diversity in the bases being built. When it comes to the raiding of bases, I think a thing or two could be learned from the EXO Exile servers, which seem to have a very nice system implemented for such a thing.

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I'm with you on the trader idea. If the only things available for purchase is the already sold stuff you will force the player to be more involved in the total game than just sitting and camping spawns.

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I totaly agree with skelly,

Its basicly the chainsaw from epoch with some added hacking abilitys that totaly fit Exile.

I think the hacking of safes is also  marked on the map and has a minimum player count.

Combining a system like this with a capped bank would be a perfect balance in my opinion.

Edited by ACAB
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9 hours ago, WeTarDidSmurf said:

Exile in its current state gets stale, and quick.  It's a never-ending cycle of kill-loot-kill-loot-die-gearup-kill-loot-kill-loot-die, etc.  That gets boring, quickly.  This isn't CoD, but many people are trying to turn it into something very similar.

I'm going to be making comparisons to Epoch here, as it is generally the closest comp to what Exile is. 


Here are some thoughts on how to liven up the mod as a whole:


1)  Overhaul the trader system as it currently exists.  Vanilla Epoch traders had the absolute perfect system in my opinion in that the only items available at a trader were the items that had been sold to them by the players.  The current system that is in place in which you have everything readily available to buy is single-handedly killing base raiding as a whole.  Why keep anything in a base when you can just sell everything to a trader and end up with an overwhelming wealth of pop tabs and just buy anything you could dream of at the trader when you die?  Why raid a base when you know that nobody is keeping anything in said base for that same reason?  If the trader system gets overhauled, and everything isn't just readily available to buy, then it will force people to store their valuable items in their base, thus opening it up to be more appealing for others to try and raid bases for said valuable gear.

As it stands now, people just do a few missions, load up their vehicles with the loot from said mission and go to the trader and sell it all and amass multiple thousands of pop tabs per run.  Do that a few times and you already have enough to buy anything you want.  If you change the system to model what Epoch did, then selling items to the trader would potentially be selling items that could kill you later.  You would think twice about that, and instead want to store items in your base, again....creating more reason for people to want to come knocking with C-4 to take it from you and arm themselves up.

Once Epoch added the HS Traders (which are the ones that have everything ready to buy all the time) is when it truly started to go downhill.  I also firmly believe it is a large part of what is holding Exile back currently.


2)  Vehicle Locks -  Another thing that Epoch did right imho.  If you want to keep your vehicle, and don't want anyone to steal it, then construct a base that can protect it.  Simple concept really.  If you want to be lazy and just park your vehicle anywhere, then there should be real consequences for it, aka someone else is going to come steal it and use it for themselves.  I think the timed locks were perfect in a video game setting.


3) Improving the Loot Tables -  If you're going to take away the traders that have everything readily available to buy, then the loot tables would need to be adjusted so that you actually have a chance to find decent things to be able to do missions to get better gear.  


4) Base Raiding Balances - It shouldn't take 20 C-4 to bust through a wall, especially since you would be taking away the ability to just buy as many as you want.  Depending on the balancing of loot tables that would be needed, you could decrease the amount of C-4 required to bust down a wall to a reasonable amount.  It should NOT be made incredibly easy, but it should be something that is do-able.  It should NOT be made incredibly hard either because you would have to keep in mind the potential trade-off of using so much C-4 in relation to what could be inside.  Would need a pretty lengthy discussion and ideas to find that perfect balancing point.


Summary:  The current trader system is the single biggest thing in need of an overhaul in my opinion.  If you take away the ability to just buy anything at anytime, then you will force people to go to different lengths to acquire better gear.  Base Building/Raiding would increase, and the PVP would increase at the missions as people will know that the missions would have the best gear since they cant just go to a trader whenever they want to buy stuff anymore.  There would be a greater sense of "survival", and not being able to just roll up to a mission all willy nilly and care free and expect to survive.  You would need to get to a mission, scout it out for other players potentially camping it and then clear it out.  You'd then need to get in and loot quickly before someone else comes along and catches you looting. 


What Exile does right currently:


Base Building - Aside from the glitching, the base building system in Exile is vastly superior to Epoch, and it really isnt even close.  

UI - Again, vastly superior to Epoch.

So basically you want epoch with exile building. Gotcha

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I genuinely don't think exile needs to be "fixed" as such, particularly as it isn't a finished product yet and I for one hope it is never truly signed off as complete either. A constant  cycle of of monitoring, review & evaluation and then further development is something that I hope comes, and judging by the passion of the team behind Exile I wouldn't be surprised to see in the future. 

Reading through your suggestions i will say the traders system is interesting and I do like markets that are dominated by supply and demand. In my ideal wishlist I think I would include such a feature with the ability to fluctuate prices based on supply and demand e.g. a guy comes and sells 10 Lynx's so the buy price drops a little as there is a supply influx - as they are rapidly snapped up the price slowly starts to increase as the number dwindles.

Lock on vehicles work great in my opinion. I personal prefer to see servers using the "open vehicles after restart" option to stop players storing  safe vehicles at traders but as I;'m strongly behind Exile providing frameworks for admins to tweak settings to create their own desired environment, I am happy to see this option in there for those servers that may find this useful.  I agree that it should be the responsibility of the player to ensure their vehicle are "safe" and I see this as part of justification of base building. I don't think you need to change the way the vehicle themselves lock though, I just think it works better when the server admin forces locks to open at traders after restarts.

The loot tables are basically a placeholder - or that how I view them. Besides this fact, you can easily change them and tailor them to your own needs and most decent server owners will do this to reflect the environment they aim to create.  

In regard to base raiding, this is pretty much a feature I would expect much more development from in the future. At the moment its there to play with and experiments with but I would guess its by no means a finished article. What you are saying though particularly about C4 and base entry is yet again something that server owners already have the ability to control - for example on our server C4 is incredibly expensive (I think its about 20k per charge) so if you want to get base access you have to pay a lot of money for it and to be honest its just a waste of time and money as you are never going to be able to afford to destroy everything in the base (takes around 7 satchel charges to destroy each basic wood structures, more for reinforced ones) and most people use safes to store their Gucci gear anyway, plus it takes just minutes to replace a few blown wood panels.

Ultimately it is just not worth wasting the money on. The trolls cant do it as easily either as they have to still put all the time and effort in to actually earning the money to buy all that C4, which all but the most determined troll can do (we've yet to see it). At the moment there is just not enough incentive to base raid which is being worked on longer term, so for the moment you can easily reduce malicious/trolling of bases with good trader pricing. 





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In regards to the first 3, most of that can already be accomplished by server admins, with the exception of the traders only selling what is sold to them. I have done it on my Namalsk server. Limited item categories (no weapons or ammo) with some items not able to be bought or sold, altered loot tables, vehicles can not be bought, spawned vehicles are persistent but can not be locked (not even by admins). One of the great things about this mod is the customization that can be accomplished by created server owners.

In regards to the bases, the change log indicates they are "balancing" the base parts, so we'll have to wait and see how that's being done.

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18 hours ago, InsertCoins said:

So basically you want epoch with exile building. Gotcha

have you played Epoch?  The base raiding/defending in that mod is pretty much the gold standard.  It existed, and in bunches because of the restrictions on the traders not having everything readily available to buy, you knew that bases would have good stuff in them.  The biggest problem I think Exile has is the Traders.  Sure it can he manipulated from server to server, but each server is going to go EZ Mode to accomodate the CoD kiddies.  If they were removed altogether and the system was overhauled, you could really influence many factors in the game.  

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Epoch is a perfect guideline because it had years to develop.

Dont get why server owners have sathels for sale at 100tabs ether.

Thats just bad game mechanics.

I like removing even more stuff from traders like killingzed but thats to hardcore for most.


The best thing about Exile is that it combines HC Dayz players with cod/wastland guys.

Just have to keep the balance like  Overpoch did and hope we are all still on this forum in two years.

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