
How to change base maintenance/territory protection period?

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How do you adjust how long players need to pay for territory protection before their base disappears? I have been looking through all the config files and searched under cfgterritories, but I haven't been able to find it.

Sorry if this has already been asked, but I searched all over the forums and Google and haven't been able to find an answer.


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exile_server_config.pbo > exile_server_config\config.cpp

// Remove all territories (and contructions + containers in it) that were not paid after X days
territoryLifeTime = 8;

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I take it back apparently my hosting company has screwed with pbos. Oddly enough i'm finding stuff that i know to be in the exile_server_config to be in the mission file and vice versa.


Hmm i think this was removed in a newer update. Can't seem to find it in my config.cpp there is more related to territories in the mission file but still can't seem to find a territory lifetime.

Edited by ZiggyHD

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