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What are the objective?

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Okay, so this might be the dumbest question in  this forum, but what should I do after I found some gear? What are the objectives? Should I kill players?

Thank you!

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Ever since Frankie made dayz and survival games popular and in turn single handedly ruined what survival games used to be, now its just death match in Pyrgos!! not point trying to play it any other way as everyone shoots on sight!

Edited by Sgt Smash
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It used to be about surviving and getting the better gear and building a decent base.

But that's lost on most servers now, almost all server's are high loot and full of military vehicles and gear that take about a hour or so to acquire. There is no surviving anymore.


When I started my server I focused on bringing the aspect of surviving and base building and making it fun at the same time, unfortunately the increase in the player base no longer look for that and just want to focus on camping locations to get kills, die and parachute back to a trader to regear and rinse and repeat. I enjoy what I bring to my server and won't change my goals.

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So what I gathered from this, is that there is no point in playing Exile anymore? Are there really no more small servers which focus on base building and quests?

PS: Sorry for that typo in the title

PPS: Weird that there is no hate in his comments...

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4 hours ago, kim366 said:

So what I gathered from this, is that there is no point in playing Exile anymore? Are there really no more small servers which focus on base building and quests?

PS: Sorry for that typo in the title

PPS: Weird that there is no hate in his comments...

You could try co-op/pve servers, they seem to get the most out of the mods now days!

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4 hours ago, kim366 said:

So what I gathered from this, is that there is no point in playing Exile anymore? Are there really no more small servers which focus on base building and quests?

PS: Sorry for that typo in the title

PPS: Weird that there is no hate in his comments...

Basically yes. Creating events is a lot of work and most admins can barely do the basics of keeping the server running. If you compare multiple servers it's nothing but the same copy and paste mission with different server logos. Even having roaming AI doesn't replace players...there is just no thrill in 100% predictable opponents. Base building is still very basic. You have a bigger selection of firearm accessories than the amount of base parts altogether...imo there is something wrong when that is supposed to be a survival game.

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10 minutes ago, kim366 said:

That is sad... Any other nice mod to play?

Not really. Every player playing an ArmA mod expects it to be KoS ( kill on sight ). It started with DayZ mod and was carried over by the crowd who didn't understand the concept of a survival game...well the devs sure didn't make them think otherwise. DayZ SA is basically the same where they call being a duck and shooting up other players for fun a social experiment.

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