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Bambi status abused - remove or lessen

25 posts in this topic

Far to many times I see bambis run to their body to full regear.  I liked it in theory but now in practice I don't believe in punishment for Bambi slaying.  Only due to such high loot spawn no loss of tabs or respect on death ect.  It just gets abused.

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just kill em in the moment where they pick up the weapon^^ 

I Don't even give the chance anymore I'd much rather just take the -500 and then they know I'm not playing around.  Bambi is a helpless player.  Imo there are almost no "helpless" players in the arma series playing these mods anymore.

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If you are not willing to wait until they pick up a gun or work out how far they have run from the spawn town then the -500 respect is warranted.

Personally I think the bambi system works extremely well.

Edited by Stoob
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Hmmmm your reasoning doesn't resound with me... but I have seen other forms of bambi abuse... for example when I've killed people who are partied up but relatively close to a green zone I've experienced the bambi dropping back in and acting as a physical scout... running up to you so that they can relay tactical information to party members... only way to stop them is to take the respect hit.

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Well the bambi killers are children.  It is not easy to get back to your body.  You have to parachute in and then run to your body within the 15 minutes.  By that time the Killer should have moved on.  I have been shout out of my parachute will spawning in. Like that was challenging.  Shoot and move on.  Then there should be no problem with the worry of bambi retaliation.

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I just got auto-banned for killing two bambi's who used a strider to get back to their bodies. The Bambi State is good idea on paper, terrible in practice. There are too many situations in ArmA that allow this "Bambi State" punishes people for surviving in a survival mod. Bambi State should end within 3 minutes or if you get into a vehicle/pick up or take out a weapon (our server spawns people with axes).

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I just got auto-banned for killing two bambi's who used a strider to get back to their bodies. The Bambi State is good idea on paper, terrible in practice. There are too many situations in ArmA that allow this "Bambi State" punishes people for surviving in a survival mod. Bambi State should end within 3 minutes or if you get into a vehicle/pick up or take out a weapon (our server spawns people with axes).

bambi state allways ends after 2 mins for some reason on my server and another server i play on. wish i knew how to change that value


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I just got auto-banned for killing two bambi's who used a strider to get back to their bodies. The Bambi State is good idea on paper, terrible in practice. There are too many situations in ArmA that allow this "Bambi State" punishes people for surviving in a survival mod. Bambi State should end within 3 minutes or if you get into a vehicle/pick up or take out a weapon (our server spawns people with axes).

This sounds like an issue with the way the server you are on is set up not with bambi state. Even picking up an axe on the servers I've been on drops the state, plus what Evilhomer said. Haven't tested the getting in a vehicle thing but I'll check on it when I'm able to.

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