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Remove, or reduce the amount of DLC

14 posts in this topic

I am wholeheartedly sick of the BIS begging messages for their over priced DLC content. Some sessions it feels like every vehicle and heli is a DLC. Are you paid by BIS to promote their DLC, or is this default for all Arma 3 mods ? It seems the weapons trader is packed with DLC too ? Is there no way you can remove them completely or reduce their number by 90% ?

I have every DLC for Arma 2, but I refuse to cowtow to BIS's intrusive spam marketing.

The the sheer number of DLC spam vehicles is surely one of the reasons that so many servers are using MAS Weapons and MAS Vehicles packs now.

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Mountains out of molehills. Theres only 2 vehicles besides karts that are DLC vehicles, the Taru and the armed Huron and they have to be purchased so I dont know where you get this "DLC spam vehicles" from.. As far as the weapons/items there are only 7 DLC guns, the ghillie suits and 2 scopes (AMS and Khalia). You're making this out to be bigger than it is. DLC bundle is cheap. Just buy it and be happy.

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I couldn't disagree more.

I have just purchased the DLC because i wanted the content, if you don't want the content then simply not purchasing it from the traders or picking it up has exactly the same result in respect to you as them removing it.

Not to mention the fact that each individual server admin can remove it as they desire.

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I have to agree with scroll and Sosad, you're making this a sound way worse than it is. First you cant find any DLC vehicles map spawned unless done by the community of your server. Second you're not forced to buy or pick up a DLC gun. 3rd I personally don't think its overpriced, gaming isn't cheap, especially on PC. 

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I agree with Phantomz.

I've been playin arma 3 since closed alpha and while I originally hated their paid DLC approach (first DLC was karts) I now think it works really well.

Arma at its core is a military simulator. You can choose not to use the DLC content in your mission files.

Mod and mission developers make arma popular (wasteland, koth, days, epoch, sa-matra).

i can understand if you just bought arma 3 to find out there is also 3 DLC packs but to then ask the mod and mission developers to remove DLC content which most of the players who have been playin arma for longer and already have the DLC is a bit unfair.

Arma 3 only has two major DLC packs (helis and marksman) and its not like they are releasing a DLC pack every week.

These DLC allow continued development and new free content like shooting from vehicles, bipods, advanced flight controls and so on.

Sorry about the long post but the OPs comment annoyed me a little.

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Should have bought the DLC when it was recently on sale. Well worth it at that price. 

no one should be forced to buy content that should have been free as part of the main game and the price is outrageous too, $15 for one heli.

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no one should be forced to buy content that should have been free as part of the main game and the price is outrageous too, $15 for one heli.

How is it outrageous, Arma 2 had the same model with the expansions. Granted you got a bit more content in SP missions but you got a lot free with the DLC updates as well. 

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