
Day time/Night time?

29 posts in this topic

In your @exile_server_config.pbo, open config.cpp and find this:

	class Time
		// Uses Dedicated Server time as ingame Time
		useRealTime = 0;

		// Will overide RealTime
		useStaticTime = 1;

		// time in ARMA FORMAT << CONFIG

		staticTime[] = {2039,10,24,10,0};

That sets the start time each time your server restarts. In this case, it restarts at 10:00am. In the same file, find the restartTimer line and set it to 4 hours:

restartTimer[] = {4, 0};

Then in your mission pbo, open initServer.sqf and add this line to the top:

setTimeMultiplier 6;

That sets a time multiplier of 6. For a 4 hour restart, you should go through a full 24 hour cycle with that setting. 


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If I add 

		staticTime[] = {2039,10,24,10,0};


setTimeMultiplier 6;

My server in 4 hours will have traveled 24 hour in game is that right?

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what if I just want it to do a 12 hour cycle? from like noon to midnight in one 4 hour cycle?

You could try changing 

setTimeMultiplier 6;


setTimeMultiplier 3;

I believe that will cause the time to move 1/2 as fast. Then, change the staticTime so instead of 10,0 at the end, you make it 12,0.

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I wish there was 3 hours of the day and 1 hour at night how?

Figure out when the sun goes down, then set staticTime to 3 hours before sunset. For example, if the sun sets at 7pm, then set the last two numbers in staticTime to 4,0. This will start the server at 4pm and run it to 8pm, giving 3 hours of sun and 1 hour of night. You would also not put setTimeMultiplier in your iniServer.sqf. Just skip that part.

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Figure out when the sun goes down, then set staticTime to 3 hours before sunset. For example, if the sun sets at 7pm, then set the last two numbers in staticTime to 4,0. This will start the server at 4pm and run it to 8pm, giving 3 hours of sun and 1 hour of night. You would also not put setTimeMultiplier in your iniServer.sqf. Just skip that part.

can you show a screenshot of what your files looks like?


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