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Paying protection money

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I really enjoy playing the Exile mod. It's a lot of fun.

However, I must say that the paying protection money system is a bit flawed. The money is due too frequently and for whatever reason it will not let me go ahead and pay ahead of time. I just lost a base, some safes, code locks and several valuables inside over this.

Protection money should be like rent. You should have to pay it once a month.  I think I went two weeks or something like that and my base was completely gone. It's not worth bothering to spend all this time building a base if it can just completely disappear so easily. I think the time frame for paying protection money due is too short. And I also think that I should be able to go ahead and pay my protection money back to back to cover me for longer term. For example, if I pay the first fee, I should be able to go ahead and pay the second and third fee back to back. That way I am covered for a longer period of time.

I would rather not play Exile at all, than have to worry about having to pay so frequently. The pop tab prices are not even expensive. That's the easy part. The difficult and annoying part is having to go back and forth and constantly check when it is due.

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I have a 90 day grace period on my server.  Nothing gets deleted until a territory owner is 90 days in arrears.  

Don't forget the main reason stuff is cleaned up is for server performance reason.  I can be so lenient is because I have a low population server.  If I had a 100 player server and a 90 day grace period, I'm sure the whole thing would grind to a halt.

Also, check out my thoughts on how territory deletions should be handled.  We can make it so much more fun:

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I agree this is a huge problem. I know it's up to the server owner. But when I play on other servers, I find that my progression is cut extremely short, because I do not get to actually play often. With alot of servers set to 7 days for performance reasons, This precludes people like me ever actually getting anywhere, and forced to live like a nomad, or just PVP and forget the base building aspect. 

I propose instead that there be an "auto-pay" functionality. Whatever the server is set to, when it comes time to pay protection money, it automatically deducts the amount from your bank. If you don't come back for awhile, you'll find your bank drained, but your base would still be there. If you don't come back in time, and you run out of money, THEN your base goes poof. Simple. 

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