Fidycent 6 Report post Posted January 25, 2016 My server was working somewhat fine, i had logs stopped because of some random spam, now im trying to put HC on for FuMs, and im getting around 1k lines per minute, which im not happy about.. Spoiler case(_thirst >= 100) : {_colourThirst = _colo> 17:27:54 Error position: <_thirst >= 100) : {_colourThirst = _colo> 17:27:54 Error Undefined variable in expression: _thirst 17:27:54 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Esseker\addons\statusBar\statusbar.sqf, line 135 17:27:54 Error in expression <mage player)) * 100); _hunger = round (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 2); _> 17:27:54 Error position: <ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 2); _> 17:27:54 Error Undefined variable in expression: exileclientplayerattributes 17:27:54 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Esseker\addons\statusBar\statusbar.sqf, line 65 17:27:55 Error in expression <_colourDefault; switch true do{ Im not quite sure whats the problem so im looking here for help, it obviously states the lines, but they seem fine to me.. Heres the file: Spoiler /* @file Version: 0.1 @file Name: statusBar.sqf @file EpochMod StatusBar Port for Wasteland / EXILE by CRE4MPIE @file Created: 21/4/2015 @notes: Added custom Icons and ported Wasteland info. Still needs to be cleaned up a bit. */ waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))}; disableSerialization; _rscLayer = "osefStatusBarAdmin" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _rscLayer cutRsc["osefStatusBarAdmin","PLAIN"]; // systemChat format["StatusBar Initialized", _rscLayer]; [] spawn { uiSleep 5; //set the color values. //Additional color codes can be found here: _colourDefault = parseText "#adadad"; //set your default colour here _colour108 = parseText "#FF7000"; _colour107 = parseText "#FF9000"; _colour106 = parseText "#FFBB00"; _colour105 = parseText "#FFCC00"; _colour104 = parseText "#81CCDD"; _colour103 = parseText "#33AACC"; _colour102 = parseText "#3388CC"; _colour101 = parseText "#3366CC"; _colour100 = parseText "#336600"; _colour90 = parseText "#339900"; _colour80 = parseText "#33CC00"; _colour70 = parseText "#33FF00"; _colour60 = parseText "#66FF00"; _colour50 = parseText "#CCFF00"; _colour40 = parseText "#CCCC00"; _colour30 = parseText "#CC9900"; _colour20 = parseText "#CC6600"; _colour10 = parseText "#CC3300"; _colour0 = parseText "#CC0000"; _colourDead = parseText "#000000"; _uid = getPlayerUID player; while {true} do { uiSleep 1; //moved the creation of the status bar inside the loop and create it if it is null, //this is to handle instance where the status bar is disappearing if(isNull ((uiNamespace getVariable "osefStatusBarAdmin")displayCtrl 55554)) then { diag_log "statusbar is null create"; disableSerialization; _rscLayer = "osefStatusBarAdmin" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _rscLayer cutRsc["osefStatusBarAdmin","PLAIN"]; }; //initialize variables and set values _unit = _this select 0; _damage = round ((1 - (damage player)) * 100); //_damage = (round(_damage * 100)); _hunger = round (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 2); _thirst = round (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 3); _wallet = ExileClientPlayerMoney; _stamina = ExileClientPlayerScore; _energy = 100; _energyPercent = 100; _serverFPS = round diag_fps; _pos = getPosATL player; _dir = round (getDir (vehicle player)); _grid = mapGridPosition player; _xx = (format[_grid]) select [0,3]; _yy = (format[_grid]) select [3,3]; _time = (round(180-(serverTime)/60)); //edit the '240' value (60*4=240) to change the countdown timer if your server restarts are shorter or longer than 4 hour intervals _hours = (floor(_time/60)); _minutes = (_time - (_hours * 60)); switch(_minutes) do { case 9: {_minutes = "09"}; case 8: {_minutes = "08"}; case 7: {_minutes = "07"}; case 6: {_minutes = "06"}; case 5: {_minutes = "05"}; case 4: {_minutes = "04"}; case 3: {_minutes = "03"}; case 2: {_minutes = "02"}; case 1: {_minutes = "01"}; case 0: {_minutes = "00"}; }; //Colour coding //Damage _colourDamage = _colourDefault; if(_damage >= 100) then{_colourDamage = _colour100;}; if((_damage >= 90) && (_damage < 100)) then {_colourDamage = _colour100;}; if((_damage >= 80) && (_damage < 90)) then {_colourDamage = _colour80;}; if((_damage >= 70) && (_damage < 80)) then {_colourDamage = _colour70;}; if((_damage >= 60) && (_damage < 70)) then {_colourDamage = _colour60;}; if((_damage >= 50) && (_damage < 60)) then {_colourDamage = _colour50;}; if((_damage >= 40) && (_damage < 50)) then {_colourDamage = _colour40;}; if((_damage >= 30) && (_damage < 40)) then {_colourDamage = _colour30;}; if((_damage >= 20) && (_damage < 30)) then {_colourDamage = _colour20;}; if((_damage >= 10) && (_damage < 20)) then {_colourDamage = _colour10;}; if((_damage >= 1) && (_damage < 10)) then {_colourDamage = _colour0;}; if(_damage < 1) then{_colourDamage = _colourDead;}; //Hunger _colourHunger = _colourDefault; if(_hunger >= 100) then{_colourHunger = _colour100;}; if((_hunger >= 90) && (_hunger < 100)) then {_colourHunger = _colour90;}; if((_hunger >= 80) && (_hunger < 90)) then {_colourHunger = _colour80;}; if((_hunger >= 70) && (_hunger < 80)) then {_colourHunger = _colour70;}; if((_hunger >= 60) && (_hunger < 70)) then {_colourHunger = _colour60;}; if((_hunger >= 50) && (_hunger < 60)) then {_colourHunger = _colour50;}; if((_hunger >= 40) && (_hunger < 50)) then {_colourHunger = _colour40;}; if((_hunger >= 30) && (_hunger < 40)) then {_colourHunger = _colour30;}; if((_hunger >= 20) && (_hunger < 30)) then {_colourHunger = _colour20;}; if((_hunger >= 10) && (_hunger < 20)) then {_colourHunger = _colour10;}; if((_hunger >= 1) && (_hunger < 10)) then {_colourHunger = _colour0;}; if(_hunger < 1) then{_colourHunger = _colourDead;}; //Thirst _colourThirst = _colourDefault; switch true do{ case(_thirst >= 100) : {_colourThirst = _colour101;}; case((_thirst >= 90) && (_thirst < 100)) : {_colourThirst = _colour102;}; case((_thirst >= 80) && (_thirst < 90)) : {_colourThirst = _colour103;}; case((_thirst >= 70) && (_thirst < 80)) : {_colourThirst = _colour104;}; case((_thirst >= 60) && (_thirst < 70)) : {_colourThirst = _colour105;}; case((_thirst >= 50) && (_thirst < 60)) : {_colourThirst = _colour106;}; case((_thirst >= 40) && (_thirst < 50)) : {_colourThirst = _colour107;}; case((_thirst >= 30) && (_thirst < 40)) : {_colourThirst = _colour108;}; case((_thirst >= 20) && (_thirst < 30)) : {_colourThirst = _colour20;}; case((_thirst >= 10) && (_thirst < 20)) : {_colourThirst = _colour10;}; case((_thirst >= 1) && (_thirst < 10)) : {_colourThirst = _colour0;}; case(_thirst < 1) : {_colourThirst = _colourDead;}; }; //Energy _colourEnergy = _colourDefault; if(_energyPercent >= 100) then{_colourEnergy = _colour100;}; if((_energyPercent >= 90) && (_energyPercent < 100)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour90;}; if((_energyPercent >= 80) && (_energyPercent < 90)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour80;}; if((_energyPercent >= 70) && (_energyPercent < 80)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour70;}; if((_energyPercent >= 60) && (_energyPercent < 70)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour60;}; if((_energyPercent >= 50) && (_energyPercent < 60)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour50;}; if((_energyPercent >= 40) && (_energyPercent < 50)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour40;}; if((_energyPercent >= 30) && (_energyPercent < 40)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour30;}; if((_energyPercent >= 20) && (_energyPercent < 30)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour20;}; if((_energyPercent >= 10) && (_energyPercent < 20)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour10;}; if((_energyPercent >= 1) && (_energyPercent < 10)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour0;}; if(_energyPercent < 1) then{_colourEnergy = _colour0;}; //Stamina _colourStamina = _colourDefault; //display the information ((uiNamespace getVariable "osefStatusBarAdmin")displayCtrl 55554)ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format[" <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%10'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\players.paa' color='%10'/> %2</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%11'><img size='1.0' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\health.paa' color='%11'/> %3%1</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%10'><img size='1.0' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\poptab_ca.paa' color='%10'/> %4</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\hunger.paa' color='%12'/> %5%1</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%13'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\thirst.paa' color='%13'/> %6%1</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%15'><img size='1.0' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\exile.paa' color='%10'/> %9</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%10'>FPS: %7</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%15'><img size='1.0' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\compass.paa' color='%10'/> %17</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%10'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\restart.paa' color='%10'/>%18:%19</t>", "%", count playableUnits, _damage, _wallet, _hunger, _thirst, _serverFPS, _energyPercent, _stamina, _colourDefault, _colourDamage, _colourHunger, _colourThirst, _colourEnergy, _colourStamina, format["%1/%2",_xx,_yy], _dir, _hours, _minutes ]; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fr1nk 43 Report post Posted January 25, 2016 Try opening statusbar.sqf, place this at the top of the file: if (!isDedicated and hasInterface) then { Place this at the end of the file: }; 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fidycent 6 Report post Posted January 25, 2016 15 minutes ago, fr1nk said: Try opening statusbar.sqf, place this at the top of the file: if (!isDedicated and hasInterface) then { Place this at the end of the file: }; That fixed it! Thanks! Sadly FuMs still doesnt work, but 1 problem fixed is the right direction to solve the problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sloveni4n 7 Report post Posted October 16, 2016 (edited) @fr1nk had the same issue, found your solution, made the edits, and it worked. Thank you! Edited October 16, 2016 by Sloveni4n typo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites