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Everything posted by Shiiina

  1. Shiiina

    Arma 3 Console Stuck at Gameport / Queryport

    Hey, i know its a older Thread but crashed into this Problem aswell so i dont really know how to get out of there.. RPT File:
  2. Hey Guys, i had the idea to start a server for my friends and myselfe so i already have so knowledge over Hosting and already had a Exile server running extDB3. So i made a new Server and i dont know what to do. My Console is showing me every time the Same... RPT: extDB3 logs:
  3. Shiiina

    Database wont Connect with Server (extDB3)

    @Brenner Yeah everything should be in place, im not shure if the config.ini should go in the main Directory or in the @ExileMod folder
  4. Hey guys, i recently added a File to my server in the CfgCustomCode for the TaruPods to be buyable (i know i should have done it a other way) but now the Mony shows only 999999 but the Players still have their Money. Its also telling me that everywhere on the ground are 999999 Poptabs. private["_responseCode","_vehicleNetID","_newPlayerMoneyString","_vehicleObject","_newPlayerMoney","_salesPrice"]; _responseCode = _this select 0; _vehicleNetID = _this select 1; _newPlayerMoneyString = _this select 2; if (_responseCode isEqualTo 0) then { _vehicleObject = objectFromNetId _vehicleNetID; _newPlayerMoney = parseNumber _newPlayerMoneyString; _salesPrice = ExileClientPlayerMoney - _newPlayerMoney; ExileClientPlayerMoney = _newPlayerMoney; if (!((_vehicleObject isKindof "Pod_Heli_Transport_04_base_F") or (_vehicleObject isKindof "Slingload_base_F"))) then { player moveInDriver _vehicleObject; }; ["VehiclePurchasedInformation", [_salesPrice * -1]] call ExileClient_gui_notification_event_addNotification; } else { systemChat format["Failed to purchase vehicle: %1", _responseCode]; }; Thats the File that changed it. I removed it aswell from the config.cpp in the CfgCustomCode but the money is still not working anymore. Thanks for the Help
  5. Already done that. Still not working. But thanks anyways.