Hey guys,
i recently added a File to my server in the CfgCustomCode for the TaruPods to be buyable (i know i should have done it a other way) but now the Mony shows only 999999 but the Players still have their Money. Its also telling me that everywhere on the ground are 999999 Poptabs.
_responseCode = _this select 0;
_vehicleNetID = _this select 1;
_newPlayerMoneyString = _this select 2;
if (_responseCode isEqualTo 0) then
_vehicleObject = objectFromNetId _vehicleNetID;
_newPlayerMoney = parseNumber _newPlayerMoneyString;
_salesPrice = ExileClientPlayerMoney - _newPlayerMoney;
ExileClientPlayerMoney = _newPlayerMoney;
if (!((_vehicleObject isKindof "Pod_Heli_Transport_04_base_F") or (_vehicleObject isKindof "Slingload_base_F"))) then {
player moveInDriver _vehicleObject;
["VehiclePurchasedInformation", [_salesPrice * -1]] call ExileClient_gui_notification_event_addNotification;
systemChat format["Failed to purchase vehicle: %1", _responseCode];
Thats the File that changed it.
I removed it aswell from the config.cpp in the CfgCustomCode but the money is still not working anymore.
Thanks for the Help