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About @nae

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  • Birthday 10/26/1982

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  1. @nae

    need some help with this pls

    no scripts added just new server setup
  2. @nae

    need some help with this pls

    rpt on restart
  3. @nae

    need some help with this pls

    so this is my last server rpt when I try to join the server just getting stuck with this wiev
  4. @nae

    need some help with this pls

    still broken
  5. @nae

    need some help with this pls

    tx an now this and mission.sqm version=12; class Mission { addOns[]= { "exile_client", "CUP_Core", "chernarusredux", "cup_a2_editorobjects", "cup_misc3_config", "cup_misc_e_config", "cup_castructures_e_misc_misc_market", "cup_a1_editorobjects", "cup_castructures_e_misc_misc_interier", "a3_characters_f", "cup_camisc_acr_targets"
  6. @nae

    [Release] 29 Dynamic DMS Missions

    fixed sry I just hat to type the missions in sgf .
  7. @nae

    [Release] 29 Dynamic DMS Missions

    I removed the syntax ["paul_shootingRange",3], from missions ,cfg.sqf and objects now this :
  8. @nae

    [Release] 29 Dynamic DMS Missions

    how do I hide the content
  9. @nae

    [Release] 29 Dynamic DMS Missions

    Hi nice missions just one problem for me if you can help me with,I followed the steps with your missions only and the others server starts jus DMS won't run no missions iven with missions on server start,I have CUP Mods ,do I ned to change something in DMS to run the Cup Vehicles in the missions.