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About TriHard

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  1. Hi, i currently have a server that is on the map namalsk and would like to change it to Chernarus Redux without redoing everything, any help would be appreciated thanks
  2. TriHard

    Looking For Players.

    Recently, i was kicked out of a clan because one day i chose to play by myself on a server but oh well, gotta be 17+ i dont really care about tactics or that BS just want to have fun and be able to have a laugh with someone. i speak English and the best way to talk is TS3 or discord (preferred) Hit me up on steam: c0smic
  3. TriHard

    Looking For Players.

    Recently, i was kicked out of a clan because one day i chose to play by myself on a server but oh well, gotta be 17+ i dont really care about tactics or that BS just want to have fun and be able to have a laugh with someone. i speak English and the best way to talk is TS3 or discord (preferred) Hit me up on steam: c0smic