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About colossu775

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  1. colossu775

    CUP weapons & CUP Units & CUP Vehicles CBA_A3

    I can not enable my mods on the server this is my command my directory
  2. colossu775

    Server exile by TADST has how to do?

    Anyone know if it has open exile server for TADST? I already tried, I could not if someone knew and could help, I thank
  3. Alguem sabe se tem como abrir um servidor exile pelo TADST? ja tentei nao consegui se alguem souber e puder ajudar eu agradeço.
  4. colossu775


    vcs sabem como coloco squad da policia para spawnar e vim atraz de player?
  5. colossu775

    Procuro por ajuda em restart automatico

    Ajudem ai galera se possivel faz um tutorial ai pois também preciso de ajuda.
  6. colossu775

    ExileZ 2

    Can someone explain me how to install it? I did not understand this part: Add "ryanzombies" and "ryanzombiesfunctions" to the "addons" section of your mission.sqm.