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Everything posted by colossu775

  1. colossu775

    Server exile by TADST has how to do?

    Anyone know if it has open exile server for TADST? I already tried, I could not if someone knew and could help, I thank
  2. Alguem sabe se tem como abrir um servidor exile pelo TADST? ja tentei nao consegui se alguem souber e puder ajudar eu agradeço.
  3. colossu775

    CUP weapons & CUP Units & CUP Vehicles CBA_A3

    I can not enable my mods on the server this is my command my directory
  4. colossu775


    vcs sabem como coloco squad da policia para spawnar e vim atraz de player?
  5. colossu775

    Procuro por ajuda em restart automatico

    Ajudem ai galera se possivel faz um tutorial ai pois também preciso de ajuda.
  6. colossu775

    ExileZ 2

    Can someone explain me how to install it? I did not understand this part: Add "ryanzombies" and "ryanzombiesfunctions" to the "addons" section of your mission.sqm.