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  1. broid23

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    I went ahead and tracked down all the class names for VSM All-In-One Collection. I never found any shared online. I hope this helps anyone using this mod and saves someone some time. Here's the TraderCategories And here's the ItemList..
  2. broid23

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    Does anyone happen to have trader files for VSM All-in-on Collection they would be willing to share? Seems like the class names are different than the current shared ones. I have 2035: Russian Armed Forces and a few other files almost ready to share if anyone needs them.
  3. broid23

    [scarCODE] Server Info Menu

    Aww that's adorable. Thanks for your insight.
  4. broid23

    [scarCODE] Server Info Menu

    I had a couple players cry about it being on the scroll wheel. Personally, I played thousands of hours with no issues but still removed it and added it to a custom key bind just to have one less thing for ppl to complain about. I never once accidentally clicked it.
  5. broid23

    [Release] Death at Dawn Caves-Tanoa Edition

    Added optional markers if you wanted to show caves on the map.
  6. I have been working on several projects for my servers and wanted to share my current one. I remember back in Arma 2 Epoch I played on a server (Chernarus) that had a full cave to the NE on the coast. I still remember sitting near my fire in my cave crafting away feeling safe. Nothing has fully satisfied my need to have caves in Arma 3 so i decided to make some. There will be 11 caves in total. The first locations are: Pirates Retreat (North island chain), Georgetown Historical Cave, Surface Mine Historical Cave Next locations: Yasa Island, Cerebu, Small Southern Island, Katkoula, Tobakoro, Ile Saint-George, Northern rim of Mt. Tanoa, Yani Islets Here are a few images:
  7. Make sure you change this to false or it will default to the Apex class vehicles at the bottom of the file even if you change the vehicles. SC_useApexClasses = false;
  8. broid23

    [RELEASE] Anomaly & Creatures Pack by Alias

    No it's an exact match within the scripts folder in occupation. Everything seems to be working correctly, I'm just getting that error on Altis only.
  9. broid23

    [RELEASE] Anomaly & Creatures Pack by Alias

    After watching my servers for a few days I noticed something strange. After you updated the github files to reflect the changes to DeleteMapMarkers.sqf, I still get this error on Altis I do not see the error at all on my Cherno Redux server. I wanted to watch them both for a while just to make sure it wasn't just a fluke. I wanted to let you know. I thought it was a strange finding.
  10. broid23

    [RELEASE] Anomaly & Creatures Pack by Alias

    Awesome thanks! This looks like it will be just fine. I will try it and my next restart for sure. It's not a major deal, but I noticed in the readme for sounds it might be confuse some with the file extension. I picked it up right away, but figured you had it that way for a reason... class CfgSounds { #include "sound\sound_farty\sound.ext" #include "sound\sound_screamer\sound.ext" #include "sound\sound_sparky\sound.ext" #include "sound\sound_strigoi\sound.ext" }; I understood you wanted to call on the .hpp files but at first the server couldn't find the files but it was a easy thing to spot. Thank you so much for taking a look for me. Great work thus far!
  11. broid23

    [RELEASE] Anomaly & Creatures Pack by Alias

    Here's the deleteMapMarker.sqf I have. I used the one provided in the script.
  12. broid23

    [RELEASE] Anomaly & Creatures Pack by Alias

    Noticed I have this in the rpt. Is this just something to ignore?
  13. broid23

    [RELEASE] Anomaly & Creatures Pack by Alias

    ok I figured out what I did. Stupid mistake as usual. I adjusted the config and it did the trick. Once again thanks for the work you put in. I like having unique stuff to do. Here's my config that seems to work for me. After testing I can tell you did a lot of good work on the update. Once I remove smoke on the crates I will be all set.
  14. broid23

    [RELEASE] Anomaly & Creatures Pack by Alias

    I installed this with no issues when you first released it, but after reinstalling it with the recent update I can't seem to get the missions to spawn. I know before I had them set at static locations and that worked fine. That step was removed from the new install instructions. Has it changed? I have tried to set static to false and true with nothing spawning. As usual I'm sure I'm overlooking something. Also, I would like to remove the smoke from the crates because when players sell them at the waste dump the smoke persists until server restart. It seems R3f loading and adding crate selling does something that makes the smoke stay at the trader. With blastcore enabled it really put on a show lol. I will provide my config. Maybe I goofed something up. occupation config Thanks for a great addition to the game. Things like this keep things fresh. I added these to a militarized server and so far players liked them, and that was before the changes you made to improve it. I just can't get them spawning again. Any suggestions would help!