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  1. pmcc86

    ERROR: Character Request timeout.

    I'm not sure, to be honest. I think it's at the end of your player on the player table I do know it shouldn't be hard to spot. Deleting your player from the player table will quickly fix it but the problem can happen again the day after.
  2. pmcc86

    ERROR: Character Request timeout.

    You need an admin to add a missing comma ,,,,,,, to your data. Adding loads stops it from happening again.
  3. pmcc86

    ERROR: Character Request timeout.

    I'm having this problem since a server crashed the day after the last big update but I know people have had it for a long time (ERROR: Character Request timeout) on the loading screen after I commit suicide but if I don't I'm invisible on an island slowly dying. The problem has carried over from the server I've played on for around 6 months to 2 others I've played for a few hours before getting the error again. I've had the admins wipe my character and it works but not for long so it's clearly something on my side if it's carried over. Wiping Arma and the mods completely clean from my computer and Steam Workshop doesn't work like it does with other errors I've had in the past. I'm completely lost and had enough of all the BS.
  4. Problem solved till you sign in the night after. Screw Bohemia and all their BS bug fest games they don't seem to fix, bunch of amateurs.
  5. Error: Character request timed out. You need to ask an admin to have your character wiped from the database, problem solved.
  6. This happened to me last night after a server crash I'm guessing it has something the do with that 4.9 GB "bugdate" that's wrecking the game for everyone. Wiping Arma completely clean off your computer and Steam workshop doesn't work. Such a great game made so badly with so called updates that break things that didn't need to be fixed in the first place.
  7. pmcc86

    BUG! Frozen loading screen...

    I'm in the restart worked lol 2 hours of crying for nothing.
  8. pmcc86

    BUG! Frozen loading screen...

    4 players I'll try it.
  9. pmcc86

    BUG! Frozen loading screen...

    It is not DayZ as I said in the comment you quoted.
  10. pmcc86

    BUG! Frozen loading screen...

    if that doesn't give enough info [RED] NEW Exile Chernarus 1.0.1
  11. pmcc86

    BUG! Frozen loading screen...

    I don't play DayZ servers anymore type RED in the server search and you will see it. 1st time I've seen the server dead for this long.
  12. pmcc86

    BUG! Frozen loading screen...

    Must have been a restart and the servers been dead for over 5 minutes it usually fills quickly after a restart.
  13. pmcc86

    BUG! Frozen loading screen...

    It's around the time the server starts to fill up so I'll find out later.
  14. pmcc86

    BUG! Frozen loading screen...

    I'm having this problem the server has loads of people on it I don't understand why I'm having the problem and the other regulars are not.