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About NaHaJr

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  1. @Janski love this addon! Is their any way to made the grinders require a player that has access to build be online to grind or make it so you have to have the flag be stolen before you can grind the safes. i'm trying to make it so people can just offline raid or if their is a script that prevents that please let me know!
  2. NaHaJr

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    this is what i have at the for spawning on my server. ALSO MAKE SURE EXILE ISN'T SPAWNING ANY VEHICLES NOT EVEN SPAWNZONE.
  3. NaHaJr

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    has anyone figured out how to create special creates example DMS_CrateCase_medpack and random pick with in inside the create like _lootValues and be called to fill the create example i have created is this
  4. NaHaJr

    loots not spawning help needed

    i loaded up altis with basic config then i added the ss_hanger one and that didnts spawn anything then i switch to 64 bit and now it works
  5. NaHaJr

    loots not spawning help needed

    i cant get loot to spawn on Chernarus by default or these settings. help needed
  6. NaHaJr

    [Release] xsSpawn | Ground Spawn or Halo Selection

    i have done what the instructions ask me to do but now if i join it forces disconnect with out a cause and i am using infiSTAR. i looked in my files for any errors and its comes up clean. soon i remove it the spawn goes back to the normal spawn. i haven't changed anything to the files i wanted to check it out
  7. NaHaJr

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    how i did it was i created a dms_loots= the loot and i went to dms_items and did +dms_loots when i want to call the items toy can do what medical mission did or building supply
  8. NaHaJr

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    what i use is this line of code
  9. NaHaJr

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    i found out what is wrong but i dont know how to fix it. i think cause of the new update non of the exile vehicles like the code below Exile_Car_Offroad_Abstract avs cant find the exile vehicles mags so goes and does this for every vehicle. casueing them not to re-arm @RodSerling you think you can find a possible fix??
  10. NaHaJr

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    how do you guys properly set up heli reinforcement for mission. i have the example but i couldn't find one already made to see how it flows if you have one please share it.
  11. NaHaJr

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    do you know why im getting that error i have the int in the right place and pbo in the addon and avs on the root of mission file with the sql added to the database.
  12. NaHaJr

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    does it have rearm ability cause that is what i want. if i can figure out what the problem with
  13. NaHaJr

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    do use an alternative one? i like the concept and need it on my server
  14. NaHaJr

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    i only copied some heres the full list
  15. NaHaJr

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    @eraser1 i did this in the fill create cause i need only some mission have only special loot then other mission but when i do that i get this error and i dont know why this is the dms_boxSpecial i want to have spawn when i call the fill create or do i have to create a FillCrate2.sqf that will do that if i do create a fillcreate2 how can i call the 1 item and random item if i link special to items. like DMS_BoxItems = DMS_BoxSurvivalSupplies+DMS_BoxOptics;