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Everything posted by iCraftKSA

  1. iCraftKSA

    Play sound on server before server restart.

    i really want a sound
  2. iCraftKSA

    Play sound on server before server restart.

    can you explain? lets say if i want to play like warning that the server will be shutdown in 3mins.. where i put the sound file i'm not using custom mods or something like that
  3. iCraftKSA

    Play sound on server before server restart.

    can the sound be from mission file?
  4. iCraftKSA

    Locate a family base location?

    Hello guys i'm wondering if there a script to add waypoint for base's " lets say i'm a member of family named Escobar. " so i just joined the family i don't know where is the base is there a way to find out without the need to ask people about it? since i'm running into this issue and some servers have a app on XM8 that locate the base for you.. if someone can give us the script for it will be awesome
  5. iCraftKSA

    Locate a family base location?

    That is interesting, i'm kinda new to Exile. how i can put this permanent markers?
  6. iCraftKSA

    Player respawn at base not working

    same issue here
  7. iCraftKSA

    [Updated] Claim Non-Persistent Vehicles

    Solved sorry i had a problem on the install i reinstall and worked out of the box <3 thanks @Taylor Swift
  8. hey can you check my issue on Vehicle Claim thingy


  9. iCraftKSA

    [Updated] Claim Non-Persistent Vehicles

    i'm having issue.. when i claim a car or vehicle it says enter code and nothing happens after that.. i don't see the panel to enter code or find any method to enter the code to claim the car..
  10. Hello guys i'm having issue with this script: /* player radar script made by Shix http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/profile/4566-shix/ This script allows to scan their are for any near by players Made for XM8 Apps http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/9040-updated-xm8-apps/ */ /////////////////////////// //CONFIG ///////////////////////// _cooldownTime = 900; //cool down time on script in seconds (15 * 60 = 900) AKA 15 MINS _onlyScanforXM8Online = false; //only scan for people who have the 8G network online true = yes false = no _scanDistance = 1500; //area sround player to scan in meters /////////////////////////// //CONFIG END ///////////////////////// if(isNil "LastUsedCheck")then{ LastUsedCheck = 0; }; if((LastUsedCheck == 0) || (diag_tickTime - LastUsedCheck > _cooldownTime))then{ _display = (findDisplay 24015) closeDisplay 0; _playersNearby = 0; _playerPos = getPos player; { _playerSelected = _x; _playerSelectedPos = getPos _playerSelected; if(_onlyScanforXM8Online)then{ if ((_playerSelected getVariable ["ExileXM8IsOnline", false]) isEqualTo true) then{ if(_playerPos distance _playerSelectedPos <= _scanDistance)then{ _playersNearby = _playersNearby + 1; }; }; } else { if(_playerPos distance _playerSelectedPos <= _scanDistance)then{ _playersNearby = _playersNearby + 1; }; }; } forEach allPlayers - [player]; LastUsedCheck = diag_tickTime; ['Success',[format['There are %1 player(s) nearby ',_playersNearby]]] call ExileClient_gui_notification_event_addNotification; }; i have a option in player inventory to click to execute this script which is: /** * ExileClient_object_player_event_onInventoryOpened * * Exile Mod * exile.majormittens.co.uk * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. */ private["_cancelEvent","_container"]; _cancelEvent = false; _container = _this select 1; //Inventory Buttons by Andrew_S90 Start _inventory = [] spawn { disableSerialization; waitUntil { !(isNull (findDisplay 602)) }; _button1 = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscButtonMenu",44927]; _button1 ctrlSetPosition [2*(((safezoneW/safezoneH)min 1.2)/40)+(safezoneX+(safezoneW-((safezoneW/safezoneH)min 1.2))/2), 26.1*((((safezoneW/safezoneH)min 1.2)/1.2)/25)+(safezoneY+(safezoneH-(((safezoneW/safezoneH)min 1.2)/1.2))/2), 8.5*(((safezoneW/safezoneH)min 1.2)/40), 1*((((safezoneW/safezoneH)min 1.2)/1.2)/25)]; _button1 ctrlCommit 0; _button1 ctrlSetText "SCAN AREA"; _button1 buttonSetAction "execVM 'fixes\playerScan.sqf'"; _button2 = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["RscButtonMenu",44928]; _button2 ctrlSetPosition [10*(((safezoneW/safezoneH)min 1.2)/40)+(safezoneX+(safezoneW-((safezoneW/safezoneH)min 1.2))/2), 26.1*((((safezoneW/safezoneH)min 1.2)/1.2)/25)+(safezoneY+(safezoneH-(((safezoneW/safezoneH)min 1.2)/1.2))/2), 8.5*(((safezoneW/safezoneH)min 1.2)/40), 1*((((safezoneW/safezoneH)min 1.2)/1.2)/25)]; _button2 ctrlCommit 0; _button2 ctrlSetText "SPAWN BIKE"; _button2 buttonSetAction "execVM 'fixes\spawn_bike.sqf'"; }; //Inventory Buttons by Andrew_S90 End if (ExileClientIsHandcuffed) then { _cancelEvent = true; } else { if (ExileClientActionDelayShown) then { _cancelEvent = true; } else { if (ExileClientIsInConstructionMode) then { _cancelEvent = true; } else { if ((locked _container) isEqualTo 2) then { _cancelEvent = true; } else { if (_container getVariable ["ExileIsLocked", 1] isEqualTo -1) then { _cancelEvent = true; } else { ExileClientInventoryOpened = true; ExileClientCurrentInventoryContainer = _container; }; }; }; }; }; _cancelEvent // OKAY! when i click on the button it not respond.. the bike thingy is working fine
  11. iCraftKSA

    [XM8 APP] BRAma Cookbook [UPDATED]

    can i have ur skype or Ts that i can speak with you on it?
  12. iCraftKSA

    [XM8 APP] BRAma Cookbook [UPDATED]

    @Kobayashi i have fresh install of Exile with ExAD also fresh install, i'm working on a server for 3 days now and i come across this issue: http://prntscr.com/bwsjkp i followed the install guide every step ..