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  1. Stuwey95

    [NWG] NEW Altis Exile Server

    NightsWatchGaming's Arma 3 Exile Server With the server less than 2 weeks old and recently wiped, we guarantee a fresh and fair start to all members. We're currently working with a 30 slot server at the moment, we can/will improve it if we see interest in the server! Features of [NWG]'s Arma 3 Exile: - New/Fresh server. - 30,000 Starting Poptabs in your locker to help you get on your feet. - Locker storage increased from 10,000 to 50,000 (Helps new players get on their feet easier) - Active and fair admins. - No modifications other than Exile. - DMS Static and Dynamic Mission scripts. - Deploy Bike Script. - Public TeamSpeak - Need a room for you and your guys? Not a problem! - Website for you to suggest scripts to be implemented / changed. *We do listen, and we do out best to accommodate changes the server will enjoy* More content coming constantly, be it map changes, additional script or something else we have in the works! With members from Ireland, United Kingdom, Canada, America and Sweden, you don't need to worry about time zones being a massive problem here! Background behind the community NWG is a new community consisting of 10-12 players starting from the ground up after leaving a server due to admins abusing their powers. We decided to make our own community and give players an enjoyable and fair experience as best we possibly can. The server, website and TeamSpeak are all set up, and we're just looking for players to fill out slots! If anything above interests you, or you're looking for more information you can contact us on any of the following: Steam - | That's my steam account (A Steam group will be made soon!) TeamSpeak - | Website - | I hope to see you on the server soon! Happy Hunting, Stuart Walton ~ Head Admin / Public Relations (Apparently )
  3. Stuwey95

    Respawns Disappeared when updating a mission file

    Right, so I've got another issue now, but its still the same problem. Respawns work but the new items aren't showing up ingame. I've pasted the generated code from 3den editor and manually pasted it into the initserver.sqf, below is a copy and paste of my entire initserver.sqf, the first 850-900 lines of objects are all the one's I've added. I've probably put them into the wrong 'section' of the init file but I'm not sure where exactly its supposed to go. EDIT: I'm not seeing the 'Save to initserver.sqf' option, In tools I've only got 'generate code for objects' etc. etc. Thanks Stuart
  4. Stuwey95

    Respawns Disappeared when updating a mission file

    Ok, I'll give it a go! Thanks for your help.
  5. Stuwey95

    Respawns Disappeared when updating a mission file

    Thank you mate, I appreciate your help! One more question though. If I'm using a 'new mission' and not the Exile template, do I just paste the new 'code' I get into the bottom of the init.sqf or do I need to paste it somewhere in particular within it? Sorry, like I said, new to all of this. Stuart
  6. Stuwey95

    Respawns Disappeared when updating a mission file

    Okay so I've reverted back, I always keep backups when I change stuff. So what I need to do, is delete what I have done so far, open the 3d editor ingame, remake the bases and copy the code from the new mission.sqm into a my SQF? Which .sqf would I be putting it into? I have four of them within my PBO; init.sqf, initPlayerLocal.sqf, initserver.sqf and intro.sqf. Thanks Stuart
  7. Stuwey95

    Respawns Disappeared when updating a mission file ^ Viewable document, 401 pages long, so might take a bit to load depending on your PC. Copied straight from my mission.sqm. Stuart
  8. Stuwey95

    Respawns Disappeared when updating a mission file

    Every time I try to paste my mission.sqm code here, its freezing up my page and nothings happening when it unfreezes. I'll provide a download link if you're OK with trying that option, I'm guessing the paste option isn't working because I have 18,422 lines of code.. They're all positions of the objects etc I placed when making the mission I guess..
  9. Stuwey95

    Respawns Disappeared when updating a mission file

    That's right mate, binary was enabled, I'll disable it now and get back to you. Stuart
  10. Stuwey95

    Respawns Disappeared when updating a mission file

    Hey man, thanks for getting back to me! I can't open the mission.sqm no idea why but it opens encrypted, even if I use Notepad++. I'll get a friend to copy the mission file and post it here when he's free. Stuart
  11. Right, so I'm having a bit of a problem here. Currently running Exile on Potato, latest version of Arma 3 and on Altis. I've recently made three military compounds on the map, 1 on the opposite side of the road to Pyrgos military base, one on the AAF airfield in the center of the map, and one to the west on Kavala's Pier. I have downloaded the working mission file from my server and have opened it in the editor. After adding the bases, I tried to join my server once I repacked it all and uploaded it, this is where I ran into my first problem, 0/0 players, or just 0 players shown, regardless of the fact that the server has 30 slots in its config files. So, after some playing around, I decided to put down playable slots, but I made them "Exile Player Slot" and it works fine now, people can join and their gear etc is saved as usual. So I thought I was done, bases were in, everything was going great, right up until I died.. When we respawn, it skips the respawn screen where we pick a spawn point and randomly parachutes us from the sky, sometimes north east near the salt lakes, sometimes on the south of the island, its random. They're not spawning anywhere near the playable slots I mentioned above, and I haven't changed anything other than adding the bases and player slots. I made the mission in Arma's 3D editor, Eden. Can someone please tell me what's going on? I can't find ANYTHING to do with respawns or player start in my mission.sqm, nor can I find anything to do with those in the .sqf files. The bases were made using Tanoa objects and Exile WAS enabled, I even used some of the exile floorings as a roof to my shoot house. Anyone got any idea's? PS - Sorry if this is in the wrong person or I've missed something obvious, I'm new to coding and whatnot (kinda winging it to be honest) and I've had another 2 people help me look who have knowledge of this but they're not finding anything either. Thanks, Stuart