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Everything posted by Grayz_lost

  1. Grayz_lost

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    Thanks for help guys .. got it working ... started again and didnt Edit the file "ExileServer_object_flag_network_hackFlagRequest.sqf" at line 60 and it worked.
  2. Grayz_lost

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    i started doing it the way you did kupion but anyway i do it i getting same error... [15:50:07:792078 +01:00] [Thread 5640] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Version 12 Detected, Latest Version 12 Available [15:52:33:358391 +01:00] [Thread 5640] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Incorrect Number of Inputs: Input String confirmVehicleOwnership:test2:49 [15:52:33:358443 +01:00] [Thread 5640] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Incorrect Number of Inputs: Expected: 1 Got: 2
  3. Grayz_lost

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    ive also done that NoFocksGiven
  4. Grayz_lost

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    ok .. so ive put files in server pbo and changed fn_prenit.sqf as captainchaos said .. etc added whats needed to discription.ext and config.cpp and i still get this error (_result select 1) select 0> 15:52:33 Error position: <select 0> 15:52:33 Error Generic error in expression 15:52:33 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingle.sqf, line 27 15:52:33 Error in expression <ase_handleBig; }; any ideas ?? the virtual garage works as normal , and if hack fails or you abort etc that works ok.
  5. Grayz_lost

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    ive done what @kuplion said to do . put overides in config.cpp for the server files , placed all files in mission folder and i get this error now . Do i need to update my database ? or add anything to my sql exile .ini? 10:11:35 "ExileServer - Database Error: Error Incorrect Number of Inputs" 10:11:35 Error in expression <ase_handleBig; }; }; (_result select 1) select 0> 10:11:35 Error position: <select 0> 10:11:35 Error Generic error in expression 10:11:35 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingle.sqf, line 27 10:11:35 Error in expression <ase_handleBig; }; }; (_result select 1) select 0> 10:11:35 Error position: <select 0> 10:11:35 Error Generic error in expression 10:11:35 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingle.sqf, line 27
  6. Grayz_lost

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    anyone got an install guide ? when i hack flag i get this error ... not sure what ive done wrong 15:01:22 Error in expression <dVehicles", []]; _storedVehicleRandom = selectRandom (_storedVehicles); _index => 15:01:22 Error position: <selectRandom (_storedVehicles); _index => 15:01:22 Error selectrandom: Type String, expected Array 15:01:22 File FlagHack\ExileServer_object_flag_network_hackFlagRequest.sqf, line 47
  7. Grayz_lost

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    Im getting this error when hack flag .. 12:26:00 Error in expression <dVehicles", []]; _storedVehicleRandom = selectRandom (_storedVehicles); _index => 12:26:00 Error position: <selectRandom (_storedVehicles); _index => 12:26:00 Error selectrandom: Type String, expected Array 12:26:00 ExileServer_object_flag_network_hackFlagRequest.sqf, line 47
  8. exile now had vg and hacking etc , is there a way to hack garage ? or do i have to install exad virtual garage and hacking to do this ? i didnt really want to install a new vg system. thanks in advance
  9. Grayz_lost

    Virtual garage hacking

    Has anyone used this ? i keep getting this error , "ExileServer - Network message dispatch failed: Invalid function call! Called: ExileServer_object_flag_network_startFlagHackRequest" "ExileServer - Network message dispatch failed: Invalid function call! Called: ExileServer_object_flag_network_updateFlagHackAttemptRequest"
  10. Grayz_lost

    No option to raise or lower draw bridge

    working now .. thankyou
  11. Hi ,.. so ive got no option to raise or lower draw bridge i have in my .. class CfgInteractionMenus .. what am i missing ? class Drawbridge { targetType = 2; target = "Exile_Construction_WoodDrawBridge_Abstract"; class Actions { class Lower: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Lower"; condition = "ExileClientInteractionObject call ExileClient_object_construction_openBridgeShow"; action = "ExileClientInteractionObject animateSource ['DrawBridge_Source', 0];"; }; class Raise: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Raise"; condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject animationSourcePhase 'DrawBridge_Source') < 0.5)"; action = "ExileClientInteractionObject animateSource ['DrawBridge_Source', 2]"; }; }; };
  12. Grayz_lost

    how to update respect in database

    Hi , thanks for the reply, i still cant get the respect to update from server side .. what am i missing ? // for respect loss _respectLoss = 3000; _playerRespect = _player getVariable ["ExileScore", 0]; _playerRespect = _playerRespect - _respectLoss; _player setVariable ["ExileScore", _playerRespect]; format["setAccountScore:%1:%2", _playerRespect, getPlayerUID _player] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; call ExileServer_system_network_send_to; // Send updated respect value to client ExileClientPlayerScore = _playerRespect; (owner _player) publicVariableClient "ExileClientPlayerScore"; ExileClientPlayerScore = nil;
  13. Grayz_lost

    how to update respect in database

    hi , is there a way of loosing respect when a player does an action , for eg , if i want players to loose respect when they deploy bike can i update there respect in databse form client side scripts ?? ive tried things like this but cant get it working ... any ideas please ?? _respectLoss = 3000; // Set client's respect _playerRespect = _playerObject getVariable ["ExileScore", (_accountData select 0)]; _playerRespect = _playerRespect - _respectLoss; _playerRespect = _playerObject; _playerObject setVariable ["ExileScore", _playerRespect]; // Update respect in database format["setAccountScore:%1:%2", _respectLoss, (getPlayerUID _playerObject)] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; [_sessionID, "wasteDumpResponse", [0, str _playerRespect]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to;
  14. Grayz_lost

    no side chat

    Hi guys , ive got no side chat at all , the chat window pops up for a split second then goes , i cant change from group channel to direct chat etc , if i push to talk then it auto goes into direct channel but i can type any txt in chat window . i have this int my description disableChannels[]={{0, true, true},{1, false, true},{2, true, true},{3, false, false},{4, false, false},{5, false, false},{6, true, true}}; any ideas ?
  15. Grayz_lost

    CBA 3.1 update ?

    Yeah I deleted everything again and the old bikey this time and it's working now ... Thanks
  16. Grayz_lost

    CBA 3.1 update ?

    Hi , anyone else having trouble with the cba update ? Ive updated server files etc and im getting signature mismatch ..
  17. Grayz_lost

    CBA 3.1 update ?

    Don't know what I did wrong then. Downloaded Cba thro armaholic , and now can't join into my server as I'm getting kicked for signature mismatch
  18. Grayz_lost

    Virtual Garge Help Please (

    Have you updated youre extDb ? edited the exile.ini ?
  19. Grayz_lost

    Mobile XM8 App

    When this being released to server owners ??
  20. Grayz_lost

    [Release] Xtended base raiding mechaniX

    Thanks .. all working
  21. Grayz_lost

    [Release] Xtended base raiding mechaniX

    Hi , i did reinstall still same .. i can rig safe and scan them etc just lock picking doesnt seem to work , the screen flickers when try to lockpick .. do i need to add allowed id in infistar ?
  22. Grayz_lost

    [Release] Xtended base raiding mechaniX

    hi , the lock picking doesnt work for me ,, everything else good , with the lock pick even if i dont have a knife the toast informs me im starting lockpicking but no code lock appears on screen etc , same for doors and safes .
  23. Grayz_lost

    Cant equip CUP uniforms

    Ah yeah Thanks ... the uniform you want to equip need to be at the top of the list and you can just click on it as normal to equip ..
  24. Grayz_lost

    Cant equip CUP uniforms

    Hi , as the title say , i can buy and sell them but cant equip the cup uniforms , only a cpl of them work . Anyone else having same problem ?
  25. Grayz_lost

    CUP Vehicles error 13

    Are you using this file to overide where youre heli/vehicles spawn .. ExileServer_system_trading_network_purchaseVehicleRequest.