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About Grayz_lost

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  1. Grayz_lost

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    Thanks for help guys .. got it working ... started again and didnt Edit the file "ExileServer_object_flag_network_hackFlagRequest.sqf" at line 60 and it worked.
  2. Grayz_lost

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    i started doing it the way you did kupion but anyway i do it i getting same error... [15:50:07:792078 +01:00] [Thread 5640] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Version 12 Detected, Latest Version 12 Available [15:52:33:358391 +01:00] [Thread 5640] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Incorrect Number of Inputs: Input String confirmVehicleOwnership:test2:49 [15:52:33:358443 +01:00] [Thread 5640] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Incorrect Number of Inputs: Expected: 1 Got: 2
  3. Grayz_lost

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    ive also done that NoFocksGiven
  4. Grayz_lost

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    ok .. so ive put files in server pbo and changed fn_prenit.sqf as captainchaos said .. etc added whats needed to discription.ext and config.cpp and i still get this error (_result select 1) select 0> 15:52:33 Error position: <select 0> 15:52:33 Error Generic error in expression 15:52:33 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingle.sqf, line 27 15:52:33 Error in expression <ase_handleBig; }; any ideas ?? the virtual garage works as normal , and if hack fails or you abort etc that works ok.
  5. Grayz_lost

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    ive done what @kuplion said to do . put overides in config.cpp for the server files , placed all files in mission folder and i get this error now . Do i need to update my database ? or add anything to my sql exile .ini? 10:11:35 "ExileServer - Database Error: Error Incorrect Number of Inputs" 10:11:35 Error in expression <ase_handleBig; }; }; (_result select 1) select 0> 10:11:35 Error position: <select 0> 10:11:35 Error Generic error in expression 10:11:35 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingle.sqf, line 27 10:11:35 Error in expression <ase_handleBig; }; }; (_result select 1) select 0> 10:11:35 Error position: <select 0> 10:11:35 Error Generic error in expression 10:11:35 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingle.sqf, line 27
  6. Grayz_lost

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    anyone got an install guide ? when i hack flag i get this error ... not sure what ive done wrong 15:01:22 Error in expression <dVehicles", []]; _storedVehicleRandom = selectRandom (_storedVehicles); _index => 15:01:22 Error position: <selectRandom (_storedVehicles); _index => 15:01:22 Error selectrandom: Type String, expected Array 15:01:22 File FlagHack\ExileServer_object_flag_network_hackFlagRequest.sqf, line 47
  7. Grayz_lost

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    Im getting this error when hack flag .. 12:26:00 Error in expression <dVehicles", []]; _storedVehicleRandom = selectRandom (_storedVehicles); _index => 12:26:00 Error position: <selectRandom (_storedVehicles); _index => 12:26:00 Error selectrandom: Type String, expected Array 12:26:00 ExileServer_object_flag_network_hackFlagRequest.sqf, line 47
  8. Grayz_lost

    Virtual garage hacking

    Has anyone used this ? i keep getting this error , "ExileServer - Network message dispatch failed: Invalid function call! Called: ExileServer_object_flag_network_startFlagHackRequest" "ExileServer - Network message dispatch failed: Invalid function call! Called: ExileServer_object_flag_network_updateFlagHackAttemptRequest"
  9. exile now had vg and hacking etc , is there a way to hack garage ? or do i have to install exad virtual garage and hacking to do this ? i didnt really want to install a new vg system. thanks in advance
  10. Grayz_lost

    No option to raise or lower draw bridge

    working now .. thankyou
  11. Hi ,.. so ive got no option to raise or lower draw bridge i have in my .. class CfgInteractionMenus .. what am i missing ? class Drawbridge { targetType = 2; target = "Exile_Construction_WoodDrawBridge_Abstract"; class Actions { class Lower: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Lower"; condition = "ExileClientInteractionObject call ExileClient_object_construction_openBridgeShow"; action = "ExileClientInteractionObject animateSource ['DrawBridge_Source', 0];"; }; class Raise: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Raise"; condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject animationSourcePhase 'DrawBridge_Source') < 0.5)"; action = "ExileClientInteractionObject animateSource ['DrawBridge_Source', 2]"; }; }; };
  12. Grayz_lost

    how to update respect in database

    Hi , thanks for the reply, i still cant get the respect to update from server side .. what am i missing ? // for respect loss _respectLoss = 3000; _playerRespect = _player getVariable ["ExileScore", 0]; _playerRespect = _playerRespect - _respectLoss; _player setVariable ["ExileScore", _playerRespect]; format["setAccountScore:%1:%2", _playerRespect, getPlayerUID _player] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; call ExileServer_system_network_send_to; // Send updated respect value to client ExileClientPlayerScore = _playerRespect; (owner _player) publicVariableClient "ExileClientPlayerScore"; ExileClientPlayerScore = nil;
  13. Grayz_lost

    how to update respect in database

    hi , is there a way of loosing respect when a player does an action , for eg , if i want players to loose respect when they deploy bike can i update there respect in databse form client side scripts ?? ive tried things like this but cant get it working ... any ideas please ?? _respectLoss = 3000; // Set client's respect _playerRespect = _playerObject getVariable ["ExileScore", (_accountData select 0)]; _playerRespect = _playerRespect - _respectLoss; _playerRespect = _playerObject; _playerObject setVariable ["ExileScore", _playerRespect]; // Update respect in database format["setAccountScore:%1:%2", _respectLoss, (getPlayerUID _playerObject)] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; [_sessionID, "wasteDumpResponse", [0, str _playerRespect]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to;
  14. Grayz_lost

    no side chat

    Hi guys , ive got no side chat at all , the chat window pops up for a split second then goes , i cant change from group channel to direct chat etc , if i push to talk then it auto goes into direct channel but i can type any txt in chat window . i have this int my description disableChannels[]={{0, true, true},{1, false, true},{2, true, true},{3, false, false},{4, false, false},{5, false, false},{6, true, true}}; any ideas ?
  15. Grayz_lost

    CBA 3.1 update ?

    Yeah I deleted everything again and the old bikey this time and it's working now ... Thanks