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About DeadandGone

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  1. DeadandGone

    Looking for a Scripter for paying work...

    one for the road?
  2. DeadandGone

    Looking for a Scripter for paying work...

    I've spent a while trying to make it myself... I can make it in my editor but I have no idea how to move it and get it to do what I want on the server. This is for Altis btw what does yours do?
  3. Hi there, I'm looking for a Scripter who is willing to create some missions for our exile server, this will be of course paying work so let me know the sort of price it would be to create this sort of Mission :- Convoy Type mission, that will move across the map taking different paths but always sticking to the roads, this convoy can be configured to be what ever vehicle type we want but the main point is that the first vehicle will be armed behind that will be two transport type trucks then another armed truck bringing up the rear. Should the convoy be attacked the troops that are in the transport truck can get out and project the convoy along with the two armed vehicles. It would also be cool to have an option that should one of the armed trucks not be taken out IE the AI in the back. They would radio for Helicopter support and you would see a message saying the convoy has requested backup or something of that type and within 5 mins an armed helicopter will be giving them support. Of course should all AI be killed all the trucks can be captured and they will have a good amount of loot in them. If this is something that you can do and are willing to do let me know Thanks
  4. DeadandGone

    Server Update

    many thanks for the info!
  5. DeadandGone

    Server Update

    Hi there, I'm currently running Exile 0.9.6 I believe and keep seeing Updates available IE the latest one I see when logging into the server are new guns and new melee weapons. Are these items released and I need to update my server or are the dev's just showing us what's coming next? I find it hard to find out information if I should be updating to the latest and greatest version, as some of the features I see look really cool.. Thanks for any info!
  6. DeadandGone

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Is the Headless Client needed in order for the missions to work? I'm running Exile on a dedicated server that's all and could really do without having to have a HC running just to play the missions?
  7. DeadandGone

    Simple Convoy Mission

    I can't seem to find a mission to make live, but I'll keep on looking... any arma mission coders out there want to make some money let me know
  8. DeadandGone

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Cool, can't wait if you need anything that can help just ask
  9. DeadandGone

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    really love the missions... do you plan to do a full convoy mission with moving marker on the map?
  10. DeadandGone

    Simple Convoy Mission

    I already have the DMS but that doesn't come with convoy mission as far as I can tell the other missions work fine. The others require a headless client as well....
  11. DeadandGone

    Simple Convoy Mission

    Hi there, Wondered if any kind person would help me out I've looked all over for a simple stand alone Convoy mission that will go from one side of Altis to the other. There used to be a very good one for Epoch but I can't find one for Exile... Anyone willing to share? Thanks DeadandGone
  12. DeadandGone

    x2 World Items at trader

    Perfect.. that works perfectly, what is that actually doing by removing or commenting the line out?
  13. DeadandGone

    x2 World Items at trader

    Hi there, First time setting up Exile server but have setup epoch before, I have managed to setup the server and fixed the safe zone issue IE God mode wasn't working, however every safe zone seems to have duplicate items on top of each other, for instance at the main airport there are duplicated coolers next to each other, duplicate wheel barrows on top of each other, when I go to another safe zone and open a door into a building I have to open 2 x doors to get in IE open one door and there is another door behind that? It's as though the safe zones have been overlaid on top of the existing buildings? If that is the case what have I done wrong On a separate note how can I tell what build I'm running of Exile server? Thanks for any input!