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About Prophayne

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  1. Prophayne

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Is anyone happening to have issues with items saving into containers? This started recently with no real changes made to the server, trying to pinpoint what is causing it.
  2. Prophayne

    Help understanding a config

    (Sorry if this is the wrong place, the original thread was missing when I searched) Hi! I have a script I've been using on altis works great, but we are opening a taunus server now and I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what I'm doing wrong converting the associated trader config to the new map. The script is called Marxet and it adds a black market to the server for players to trade things with one another. This is the original marxet_traders.sqf: And this is my edited version: Any and all help is appreciated!
  3. Prophayne

    Enigma Exile Deploybike + Respect Vehicles

    Any way to change the radio to say, the compass or watch? My server runs Tfar and its radios replace vanilla
  4. Prophayne

    Admin menu only mode?

    @wilderness I have next to no knowledge of this, but is that the script for its vanilla compatibility or its ace compatibility? We aren't running ace as it does not play nice with exile. I'll dig too, see if I can find something.
  5. Prophayne

    Admin menu only mode?

    This is a bit of a two in one with infistar. I usually use infistar for admin menu only but recent update appears to have removed that feature? If it has not could someone direct me to where it is now? Next is that if there is no way to change it, I cannot get the immersive cigs mod we have been using for a while to work with infistar and was wondering if someone could help me get it going again, thanks! *edit* really tired, just realized how bare boned this is. We know its infistar causing the problem, removing infistar solves it. The mod uses a scroll wheel action and I believe I have disabled all the whitelisting/blacklisting that I can find in the config. I really don't want to hear about how its "unsafe" or whatever to do this because I use my own method of antihack/cheat etc but really like infistars admin menu. Thanks again.
  6. Prophayne

    Help With task force radio

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to add Task force radio to my server, and I get the all too common kick from the taskforceradio channel on my teamspeak. I've looked around and have seen plenty of people with this problem but have yet to find a fix, which there must be one since there are plenty of servers using it. Could anyone kindly give me a short tut on getting it to play nice or nudge me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!
  7. Prophayne

    [ExAd XM8 APP] BRAma Cookbook

    Is this still working? I've added it to everything and doesnt seem to be showing up.
  8. Have you managed to get that working with a headless? For whatever reason mine was denying it, but the FuMS and Vemfr headless work fine.
  9. Well, thanks for the help anyway man I guess I'll just sit on my hands and wait now.
  10. So this is probably the direction you are taking me in, but I removed occupation and it works now. Something must have updated recently that broke occupation.
  11. I guess I should also note I was using both since the server started, bug did not occur until I changed the configs to add 2 more missions on startup, and added some vehicle class names to occupations patrols
  12. @kuplion We are using dms and occupation, I also think it has to do with one of them because the problem started after I dropped a3xai in favor of occupation, so I amped its patrols a bit. Reverting did not solve it though. I am using a script I found in one of the threads and people are now able to get in vehicle while the server is running, but everything (vehicles and vehicle crates/inventories) reverts back to when the bug first started occurring on restart.
  13. Sorry for a repeat thread, but questions were not being answered in the threads already existing. I've had my server running for about 5 weeks now and everything's been fine. Two days ago the server stopped letting people in vehicles or place things or remove them from player made crates. To make this absolutely clear, this isn't server lag, it's running around 25-30 server fps, and our ping is 20-30. It is also not a database issue, we changed nothing in the database and we can change our inventories and build bases, as well change to our respect and tabs with it all saving. Research has brought me to conclude the things registered as vehicles are having an enableSimulation bug, and there is a config or file within exile/exileserver that I can enable this from. For the life of me I cannot find the location to change this setting. Would someone one please please be kind enough to point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
  14. Prophayne

    Stuck in Spawned Vehicles (BUG HELP)

    Well, I was unable to find the location to disable it in exile confide so I ran the script. It works while the server is running but it appears vehicles are still rolling back a bit, as well as some crate inventories. Would lowering the amount of time the script fires help this in any way, or am I heading in the wrong direction with this?