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Everything posted by SWEENNDAWG

  1. so after the jets DLC release i was curious as to how to implement the USS Freedom. and after reading it was done in editor i thought i would try and learn how to edit the map. it took a while to get it working and after some help from @Rafterman and @110 and also thanks to @Ambu5h for the ExileServer_system_trading_network_purchaseVehicleRequest override he published. i've decided to include my files to help others implement the USS Freedom. download and unpack your mission pbo, eg. Exile.Altis.pbo Copy this code to the bottom of your initserver.sqf. Next add this to the bottom of your initplayerlocal.sqf next add this to the bottom of your init.sqf next Create a file named "ExileServer_system_trading_network_purchaseVehicleRequest.sqf" HAS to be exacly that name and place it in a folder called overrides in your mission file. And put the following code in it: Goto your config.cpp in your missionfile and at the "class CfgExileCustomCode" add the following line: open your mission.sqm file and add the trader icon map marker using the same co-ordinates for "Land_Carrier_01_base_F" in initserver.sqf Now repack your mission pbo and upload to your server, good luck. Don't forget to hit like if this helps you

    Best AI and Mission System?

    So Ladies and Gentlemen, i am trying to do some research to find the best script out the for AI and Missions, and also allow server owners voice their opinions about what they like and dislike about certain scripts, potentially helping developers develop their scripts further. i would much appreciate for as many people to participate in the poll or add any answers you choose not in the poll to the comments below and i will add them to the poll. Also if you decide to add another script/system in the comments, please add a link to the page and credit the author. Thanks SWEENNDAWG

    USS Freedom with Traders Altis

    im having the same issue myself, since the exile update. worked fine before then and now its doing the same to me. when i get chance ill try and find a fix

    USS Freedom with Traders Altis

    from what i can see @Killerpoodezz all seems good, im not the most savvy when it comes to code so all i can suggest is go through what i said to do with a fine tooth cone, seems to be working for some and not others. @shadow_99166 i had issues when trying to place the "Land_helipadSquare_F", something to do with the object being above water, the editor when placing the "Land_helipadSquare_F" doesnt set the height correctly. so i manually adjusted their Z coordinates myself, off the top of my head think mine where set to 180, but it took a couple of attempts trial and error to find a nice height for them.

    USS Freedom with Traders Altis

    your class markers should start like this..... class Markers { items=32; class Item0 { position[]={3874.3633,18.125629,13280.79}; name="SpawnKavala"; text="Kavala"; type="ExileSpawnZone"; markerType="ELLIPSE"; colorName="ColorBlack"; fillName="Border"; a=500; b=500; drawBorder=1; }; class Item1 { position[]={3874.3633,18.125629,13280.79}; name="SpawnKavalaIcon"; text=""; type="ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; }; note under where it says class markers it says items=32; that is the total amount of markers you have, including item0. make sure all your item numbers are correct and run in numerical order and the total is correct.

    USS Freedom with Traders Altis

    I never tried it this way, but if it works then great I may try it in the future like this, cheers for letting me know.

    USS Freedom with Traders Altis

    @Enoli4z Try using these instructions to see how you get on, and @Dalty the error 13 is because it can't find a save place to spawn a vehicle, I have added 2 invisible helipads in the middle of the carrier up near the aircraft trader, if you already have a vehicle blocking them then that could cause the same issue, or you have missed a step that allows the trader to recognise the helipads to spawn

    USS Freedom Help

    im trying to add the USS Freedom to my server with a few trader on the top deck of it. first time i did it it all worked other than the ship moved once i was in game, so i went back into editor and completely moved everything to another postilion. now i can get everything showing other than the ship? here is my initserver.sqf and here is my initplayerlocal.sqf any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance SWEENNDAWG

    USS Freedom with Traders Altis

    @wildernessI used the exile pluggin for placing the objects and exporting them which exports them to the initserver.sqf, I'm a noob at map editing so this was the easiest for me, I believe you can add them in the mission.sqm too and as to why it's called in the init.sqf, without that it wouldn't show, @Rafterman and @110 suggested that and it works, like I said I'm a noob so don't understand the complete Ins and outs

    [Release] Purchased vehicles spawn at specific location

    im trying this now for a trader ive added ontop of the USS Freedom, will my existing traders still work the same or do i need to place "Land_HelipadSquare_F", at each existing trader?

    USS Freedom Help

    next question is i have placed an aircraft trader on the deck of the USS and i get error 13, meaning it cant find a safe place to spawn the vehicle. even using infistar the vehicle ends up in the ocean. any ideas??

    USS Freedom Help

    wicked it worked, your a star!!!

    USS Freedom Help

    wicked, what about the entries for it within the initserver.sqf, leave them be?

    USS Freedom Help

    do i have to change them co-ord to suit my co-ordinates for the USS Freedom?
  15. can you help me please @kuplion
  16. is there anyway to stop vehicles being stolen from a player base. can the hotwire feature be disabled if the vehicle is parked within the flag pole radius? Many thanks SWEENNDAWG

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    hi can anyone point me in the direction of the supply drop settings? as in the random ones that spawn around the map with no mission?

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    excellent cheers pal

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    im assuming the client side files go in exile.altis\overides folder but where does the server-side file go?

    Spawn in your base

    it will parachute you above your base if you have halo enable on the server just like any other spawn point, as for rank/flag level, i myself don't know how to do it but i highly imaging it would be possible.

    Spawn in your base

    After a couple of DM's from people saying that the code or link doesnt work on this thread here is the one i used and works fine. Copy This code into a blank notepad ++ file and save it as an territoryspawn.sqf, open you mission file e.g Exile.Altis and add a subfolder called Spawn In mission file config.cpp in class cfgexilecustomcode add this: ExileClient_gui_selectSpawnLocation_show = "Spawn\territoryspawn.sqf";

    [UK] WWCY |Altis|Exile

    WWCY - We Will Cut You - a gaming community started in 2015 by a group of like minded gaming friends, We have 2 Arma3 servers, this and Tanoa. We have 2 Ark Survial Evolved servers, The Island and The Centre. Why not join with us and enjoy the fun and frolics of this gaming family. This server is PVE only.