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Face last won the day on September 27 2015

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  1. Busy IRL but 0.2.1 update to be released this weekend.

  2. Face

    Stop updating so often.

    Devs don't fix stuff = "OMG lazy devs don't care about their mod! Fix this now!" Devs fix stuff = "OMG devs update too much. /Foams at mouth"
  3. Face

    Thank you to the Devs

    I totally understand the mad panic the devs must have been going through when they rapid-fire released so many updates within a short period of time. It shows that they really care about getting problems fixed sooner rather than later. Thanks dev team for staying strong despite the criticism floating around.
  4. Face

    PROBLEM: CPU to the fullest

    That is only partially true. Arma runs better with higher clock speeds, but not at the cost of number of usable threads. You're only gimping server performance by limiting the number of threads since you're not compensating with higher CPU speed.
  5. Face

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    There is still no justifiable reason to interfere with AI that you should have no control over. This should not even be a setting. If you want to offload your AI to other clients, that's fine. But keep to your own AI. There are many other eventhandlers and commands that don't have an MP equivalent. Other AI addons may rely on local commands to be executed on the AI. If those AI are offloaded to the client, you've just made it necessary for BattlEye filters to be mandatory because those local commands must be executed on the client. So if you add a check to detect A3XAI and enable DMS AI-only offloading, are you also going to add a check to every other addon that spawns AI? Again, it would make entirely more sense to make it mandatory rather than a setting.
  6. Face

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I want to know why DMS still interferes with groups that it hasn't spawned itself. They don't belong to DMS, so why do anything to them? There is no reason to require users to set DMS to offload only DMS AI, this should be either mandatory or enabled by default. The reason I don't use the MPKilled EH with A3XAI is that ownership of each group should only be in one of two places, the dedicated server or the headless client. Therefore, a local Killed EH is perfectly usable. An MPKilled EH would be nonsensical because it's executed globally (every client on the network). Other addon creators should not have to work around DMS in order to function properly.
  7. Face

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    The problem is that DMS uses an allGroups command to find all AI groups, which would include AI other than DMS-spawned AI. My recommendation for DMS is to add each DMS group to a global array and reference that instead of allGroups. So every time createGroup is involved, pushBack it into a global array, then in your AI locality monitor reference it instead of allGroups.
  8. Face

    [Exile on Lingor] First Impressions

    This is great, Lingor has always been one of my favorite maps of all time. Though I wonder, does the map still have those car tire-destroying plants?
  9. From what I understand from Exile's code, damage immunity is only applied to player vehicles if the player enters the safezone while inside the vehicle. However, in other situations, such as on a server start, if player vehicles are spawned within the safezone, no immunity is applied. The player must enter the vehicle, exit the safezone, and re-enter in order to properly apply damage immunity on the vehicle. I do not know if this is functioning as intended to deter parking vehicles in safezones, but just a heads up to the devs.
  10. Release date for A3XAI is set for Sept. 18 (Eastern) if no serious issues come up in development.

  11. Personally I think showing Health % is more important than showing Thirst/Hunger percentages. For food/drink, all I need to know is: do I need to eat or not?