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  1. Mods if this isn't allowed to be posted here feel free to move the topic. I figured this is the best place to look for someone to help me build this mod (designed to work alongside Exile). Hi everyone. I'm looking for any developers who are familiar with ARMA 3 scripting (no art is required for this role). It's for a casual role, short term project to help make a mod, pay is award casual rates (Melbourne, Australia). There'll be a clear goal of what I want made and agreed time frames to do it (which we'll discuss). Familiarity with Exile Mod is a must, knowledge of Liberation or Antistasi will be beneficial. If you're interested please email me at [email protected] or feel free to ask questions here or on Discord Havoc#1534
  2. Havoc302

    New Weapons & Pop Tab Pouch

    I don't think that's possible mate, the weapons you can carry and the slot they're in is built into the ARMA engine itself. There was some weapons for ARMA 2 that were made as "large" weapons that could go into the launcher slot but they were horrible and buggy.
  3. Havoc302

    Trouble spawning loot on upper levels of A2 buildings

    Thanks a bunch InsertCoins for jumping into help and providing your loot tables, I'll compare the positions to mine and see if I'm missing any classnames.
  4. Havoc302

    Trouble spawning loot on upper levels of A2 buildings

    Turned it up to 30 and some of the upstairs ones worked, not all that I defined but some. There might be some that aren't working properly which is giving the appearance that almost none are spawning upstairs. I'll probably have to just go through and redo them again, making sure they're not too close to walls and the floor. Sorry to have wasted your time guys. I thought we had a genuine problem with the A2 buildings. There was several missing from the default Namalsk loot spawn list of buildings though, had to go through and create positions for some buildings. Some of the classnames are below. There was some more but I imported the positions and classnames from other maps or used ones for the same model with a slightly different classname, such as the jbad buildings. Land_WIP_F Land_A_Office01 Land_Tovarna2 Land_ns_jbad_A_GeneralStore_01 Is it possible to get every CUP and A3 building object loot positions done and just include them all?
  5. Havoc302

    Trouble spawning loot on upper levels of A2 buildings

    Yeah see we've had no problems with the A3 assets, only A2 ones.
  6. Havoc302

    Trouble spawning loot on upper levels of A2 buildings

    Pretty sure we did but I'll do it again to double check and report back.
  7. Havoc302

    Trouble spawning loot on upper levels of A2 buildings

    We're seeing different behaviour from it though, it was an issue with A2 buildings ported to A3 when they were first done, detection of the floors didn't work right. That code looks like if it thinks there's no floor within 0.05m then set the height of the We're seeing different behaviour from it though, it was an issue with A2 buildings ported to A3 when they were first done, detection of the floors didn't work right. That code looks like if it thinks there's no floor within 0.05m then set the height of the loot spawn to 0.05m, is that 0.05m relative to the model or the world? Because I personally went through, twice now and set loot spawns in buildings only to never see those positions spawn anything and they're always on the upper floors.
  8. Havoc302

    Trouble spawning loot on upper levels of A2 buildings

    @Eichi Thought you should be aware of this bug.
  9. Havoc302

    Write base damage to RPT

    Anyone know what function Exile uses to check all the objects within range of a flag?
  10. Havoc302

    Trouble spawning loot on upper levels of A2 buildings

  11. Havoc302

    Write base damage to RPT

    Yeah that's what I was afraid of. I wonder if there's a way to check if the health of any building part within a territory area loses health then check who the flag belongs too, then I could set it to run on a fixed timeframe rather than just as fast as the system can handle it.
  12. So we've been doing some extensive testing and found that the way Exile spawns loot, converting from ARMA's different methods of finding the surface of an object is actually breaking loot spawns on upper floors in a lot of A2 buildings. We run a Namalsk server and have found that the centre point and sometimes the bottom of the model of buildings is way underground, one of them we found looked fine at ground level but it's centre point was actually 9m underground. We've tried 3 different Exile Loot Spawn Position Creator tools and none of them have been able to give us coordinates that'd spawn loot on the upper levels. So we went looking and found that there's some code in the spawning of loot where if it can't work out where the floor is it tries to put it 0.05m above what it thinks is the ground floor, this is putting the loot under the ground for a lot of our A2 buildings. Can this option be toggled please so we can have just absolute positions and let us fix it manually should they end up floating.
  13. Havoc302

    Write base damage to RPT

    Would anyone know of any easy way to get damage done to base components to write to log file with the PlayerUID of the owner of the damaged building component? I'd like to be able to look back into the log to see when someone hit a base.
  14. Havoc302

    exile host havoc

    That's it, unless you're running a non-standard map or other mods.
  15. Havoc302

    Concrete Constructions - Part 2